Government encourages ‘clean environment’ initiatives says Education Minister

Minister of Education Octavia Alfred

In its quest to achieve a more resilient Dominica, the government has welcomed initiatives to highlight the importance of a clean environment.

This was according to Education Minister Octavia Alfred who was the keynote speaker at the Dominica Solid Waste Management Corporation (DSWMC) prize giving ceremony held at the University of the West Indies (UWI) open Campus on Thursday.

“Since 2007 the government has been clear in its mandate to increase its capacity to contend with disasters,” Alfred said. “In our quest to achieve a new more resilient Dominica therefore, we welcome initiatives such as these that highlight the importance of a clean environment.”

She also mentioned that environmental degradation is contrary to the country’s goals, “and I believe we have an obligation to protect and promote the sustainable use of our country’s and the planet’s resources.”

Furthermore Alfred noted that now more than ever it is important to understand the impact people’s actions can have on the environment, “and how we can behave in a more environmentally conscious manner by adapting simple habits.”

She encourages everyone to avoid littering and to dispose of their garbage responsibly.

“Certain actions that pollute the land, air and water are within our control as individuals,” she stated.

Therefore, Alfred indicated that it is everyone’s responsibility to improve environmental awareness and change their behavior.

“It is especially important to orient our children in the home and at our schools about the importance of environmental awareness to ensure the lives of future generations are secured,” Alfred said.

She continued, “I think it’s becoming increasingly clear that our children stand to be more affected by the rapid adverse changes brought about by our own actions.”

Alfred went on to say that all steps must be taken to empower young people with skills, knowledge and confidence to tackle these challenges head-on.

She hopes that more young people will begin to appreciate how the environment and the protection of the environment, the cleanliness of their surroundings and the concept of reused, reduced and recycled directly impact their future.

“For our efforts to be successful they must see the relevance of these issues and welcome the opportunity to acquire their skills they will need to be problem solvers and advocates for safe environmental practices,” Alfred stated.

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  1. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    June 30, 2021

    Woman, you are disgusting, you need to just shut up; shut your mouth, stop talking fart!
    If you believe that there is anybody,
    or anything Dominica include that is resilient wait and see what happens when the next hurricane comes along.
    Take a look at Maimi if there could be resilient buildings they would be built in America the richest nation on earth.
    Get a dictionary and learn the definition of the word, and stop making a fool out of you.

  2. Pipo
    June 29, 2021

    Surely they have it wrong. The Minister responsible for the environment is Frederick Cosier, so what is this good lady doing here. She is hardly capable of taking charge of her own ministry, education. I’m telling you, we have so many ministers with so many titles I’m not surprised they don’t know themselves what they are supposed to be doing Except clamouring for their leader’s attention, like Stalin’s chickens.

    • RandyX
      June 30, 2021

      Apparently she is in charge of aerial security above Skerrits palace as well. Remember she had lots to say about the drones. With her it’s not about what you know but rather about scoring browny points at any occasion possible to stay in the good books of the dictator, even if it means to make a total fool of herself.

    • Ibo France
      June 30, 2021

      They (all the ministers) perform to please an audience of one.

      Dominica has the largest Cabinet of Ministers in the world per capita. What a strain on the treasury. If each minister were to be paid on merit for their productivity, all of them would be going home with $0.00 at the end of each month.

  3. June 29, 2021

    Is that the same PAMPALAM woman?

  4. Tell It Like It Is
    June 28, 2021

    Your freaking liar!!! What speech impediment you have? Wicked soul! You will be forever haunted by those persons that came to vote for you in 2019; and those you had a BIG problem with in 2014, when you were the then Returning Officer.

    Stay tuned folks, more dayparlay and parlay sot to come!!!!

  5. Ibo France
    June 28, 2021

    This particular minister is guilty of ministerial ineptitude. She is eminently unqualified to expound on this topic. She cannot talk sensibly off the cuff. She has to read from a prepared script handed to her by one of her surrogates.

    This loose tongue lady has no moral authority to speak on the conservation and preservation of the environment. Look what the government she sits in has done to the Layou River. The physical landscape of Dominica is littered with derelict vehicles, garbage and all sorts of waste materials.

    There MUST be a sustained education drive and a vigorous campaign to impress on our people that the ENVIRONMENT matters. This presentation, along with many others made by ministers of government, is mere lip service. Actions speak louder than words.

  6. Mon- fa- RED
    June 28, 2021

    How could a very dirty, corrupt and unclean government clean the environment? Madam purge yourselves first

  7. %
    June 28, 2021

    You all must start cleaning the environment by getting rud of the asphalt plant.
    A lot of talk and nothing more. Dominica’s enviroment has been polluted by this DLP government with lies, deceipt, deception, tricks, bad pronunciation etc, but it’s catching up with them.
    Madam did you encounter the words
    PREPARATORY anywhere in your address?
    I wonder how you pronounced them….

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