Environment Minister Kenneth Darroux has been highlighting plans by Government to amend important pieces of environment-related legislation.
According to Darroux, the government is in the process of modernizing, harmonizing and strengthening Dominica’s environmental legislation.
The minister said that was “in an effort to ensure that the natural resources we now enjoy will still be here for coming generations to enjoy”.
He also disclosed that a new Quarrying Act is now in the final stages of preparation.
“And this is again to ensure that land-based activities such as quarrying are regularized and therefore reduce the impact both on our terrestrial and marine environment”.
Minister Darroux said too that new fisheries regulations are also in the pipeline to ensure national food security and the livelihood of the future generations of fisher folk.
In an address marking the United Nation’s observance of World Environment day on Tuesday (June 05, 2012), the minister said climate change has had a severe impact on Dominica’s agriculture, tourism, water, physical and coastal infrastructure.
“climate change has had a severe impact on Dominica’s agriculture, tourism, water, physical and coastal infrastructure”……I swear these guys hear people on TV or in meetings say things and just come repeat them to try to make them sound like intellectuals…..
the amount of things that are happening to our environment by our own people that are causing far more damage than “climate change”…for all the destructive things that are around us everyday that you govt ministers cast a blind eye towards….deal with the basic issues of enforcing our litter act…old cars on the road sides hiding under grass, an efficient way of collecting garbage particularly in the city and stopping and speaking out against political yea yeahs (boom boom flies) when they disobey the same environmental laws u talking bout….and people we will start to believe that u are serious about the environment….until then “hush your mouth”
What about the Asphalt plant causing pain in my land. Whoose fault it is – Everybody know is them Greedy fault
road sides cannot be cleaned. feederroads are in serious state of dis repair ,potholes all over including the city. heritage sites being destroyed and eyes closed because of political allegiance.think of your own constituency where your god do not give you the funds to do anything mr minister. think ,think and think
A layperson’s draft of the legislation is available at the government’s website http://www.dominica.gov.dm in the area headed Bills. There is also an area for your comments on the draft.
you see, we elect people who are not passionate about the things they speak of, so all we will get is our usual daily serving of the usual hot load.
HATS OFF to Mr. Wiltshire. please take a bow.
Mr Minister i care about the environment more than you do. No wonder all you God Skerrit has so many of you all to dismiss.This country is in a serious mess!
These guys are one set of jokers. Mr Minister you and your other cabinet colleagues are nothing more than a cabinet of pots and pans, not a cabinet of ministers. Everytime the public shows their disgust and utter bitterness at what is happening re the environment, here comes an uninformed minister,puffing off rubbish.
You all are the real haters of Dominica.
Mr Minister is the Morne Trois Pitons National Park in danger now more than it has ever been before?
Mr Minister I am waiting for those, while u are at it, look at the issue of deforestation and construction by our rivers and in some cases in our river beds…Castle Comfort, Dos Dane, Bourne, etc! Planning and Forestry should ensure that Developers are not allowed to sell land up to the river beds nor for persons to building in those there should be buffer zones! I am calling on Planning and Forestry again, the same way a stop order was placed on the man in Pond Case, one should be placed on the guy in Castle Comfort and other areas!
Mr. Minister,You sound like a broken record. Since you took up the ministry of Environment, you been saying in every address,”the government is in the process of modernizing, harmonizing and strengthening Dominica’s environmental legislation” and nothing is been done.I am tired of these empty words. JUST DO IT!
Educate and inform yourself
Minister even don’t show up at the exhibition for the World Environmental Day…….
You want to do an effort to ensure that the natural resources we now enjoy will still be here for coming generations to enjoy.
Biodegradable products are NOW available on the island
Gov’t to strengthen laws? But there are existing environment laws that are being disobeyed in broad daylight. Petro Caribe fuel storage tanks built on the banks of Belfast River. Fuel prices rising. Electricity bills rising, but Petro Caribe would make those things cheaper. Dominicans were fooled.
Just a few days ago, Our Watershed at Pond Casse was being ravaged irresponsibly by the businessman. The World Heritage Site is at risk due to the illegal act, because the businessman refused to obey the Planning Division’s non-issue of permission to him. He went anyway and destroyed trees, bulldozed and caused irreparable damage to our watershed. No Law, No constitution could stop him before the damage was done.
He did the damage and was simply sent a stop order. But the act is highly illegal and an environmental disaster. A young man does an illegal act, steals a tin of buiscuit at a store, he is fined or jailed. The law is for one set.
That same Minster was on the side of the businessman who built the asphalt plant close to an entire village who protested to no avail. The busionessman has more power than the village. The actions of that Minister of Environment speaks volumes about who cares for our prestine, but fragile environment. His actions speaks louder than those words.
U forgot to mention that “somebody’s” reckless deforestation activities in the Pond Casse area is threatening our watershed.
What about acknowledging folks like Wiltshire and Arthie for their tireless work in protecting our environment? Is that so hard to do?
The hard line politics blinds many. Too much pride in the hearts of the leaders.
These guys talk with no actions