National address by Prime Minister Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit on of the start of the 2011 Hurricane Season

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit

Fellow citizens, residents and friends… I wish to speak with you; not about politics or economics.

While both topics remain integral to our existence and way of life here in Dominica, there is a matter of equal concern and importance that I would like to highlight, in the hope of it becoming more central in the everyday consciousness and experience of residents; homeowners in particular.

Today, June 1st marks the official start of the 2011 hurricane season. During the past 12 months, in Europe, North America and around the world, we have witnessed disasters of an unprecedented nature and, unfortunately, the loss of thousands of lives; with damages running into the trillions of dollars.

Only last week, our hearts went out to the family and friends of loved ones killed, injured and left homeless as a result of the deadly tornado that struck Missouri in the United States of America. This was but the latest in a series of disasters impacting one of our very close allies.

How can anyone forget scenes of total carnage brought about by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, similar disasters in China and other parts of Asia and even closer to home, the life altering experience of the earthquake in Haiti that killed thousands, left many more homeless and which plunged those economies into a new state of paralysis?

More recently, the passage of hurricane Tomas, arriving at the point we thought that the season had ended, caused major damage in the Windward islands and heavy rains in the last few weeks have resulted in several landslides in Dominica.

We are living in perilous times! These cataclysmic disasters, in all corners of the globe, have tested the capacity and have exhausted the reserves of many charitable and relief organizations, the world over. Agencies such as the Red Cross are stretched to their limit.

The reality is that while there are worthy and deserving causes the world over, demand far outstrips supply, and thus help in cases of disaster, is not as easy and forthcoming as it was a decade or two ago when the global landscape was different.

Against this backdrop, I feel compelled to highlight to you, the citizens and residents of Dominica, the need for us to take every precautionary measure to minimize the impact of damage and destruction wrought by incidents and occurrences not necessarily of our making.

There is no “big brother” to which countries like Dominica can look, with any degree of certainty.

The reality is that the current global economic crisis has adversely impacted economies, small and large; consequently countries and agencies have far less to offer, in terms of humanitarian aid and assistance.

Fellow Dominicans and friends, as of today, we are in the throes of what is forecasted to be a very active hurricane season. We are hearing predictions of up to eight major systems coming off the African coast.

You and I know it only takes one such system to alter our physical landscape and shake the pillars of our economy.
I am appealing to residents to take the issue of preparedness and disaster mitigation seriously!

As Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, I have already commenced a series of consultations with relevant officials and agencies to assess our mitigation efforts and to prepare for eventualities; though it is to be hoped that the need for action does not arise.

When we speak of preparedness, Ladies and Gentlemen, we refer not only to the stockpiling of food, medication, drinking water and other essentials, but also, and perhaps even more particularly, to doing all in our power to minimize the impact of adverse weather conditions.

Most of us have experienced storms and hurricanes. We are familiar with the causative factors of severe flooding, and while we often cannot predict earth tremors and land slippages, we know of the more vulnerable areas in Dominica that ought to be safeguarded.

This is my plea to you …that we foster that community “spirit of ole”, where we each assess our community needs and set about as residents, club members, work colleagues, church congregations and sporting bodies to collectively prepare Dominica for this.

The resources of the government are limited. However, through the various community and village councils, we shall place at the disposal of community leaders, the necessary resources to commence a National Programme of Disaster Readiness.
I speak here of the clearing of drains, the cleaning of ravines, the reinforcement of back walls and the facilitation of the free flow of our rivers and water courses. We also must do all in our power to safeguard our homes and buildings. We should also pay attention to overhanging trees.

Now is the time to check that leaking roof, to install those shutters, to attend to those galvanize sheets that are not sitting properly and to repair those windows and doors that have not been locking properly.

Now is the time also, to attend to our animals; to make sure that they can be safe or to identify a suitable place for them to shelter.

During this hurricane season fishermen should remain vigilant, listen to weather alerts and take appropriate action to secure their boats and equipment. Additionally, I believe that as a country, with each resident being his or her brother’s keeper, we must identify and assist the most vulnerable; particularly the elderly living alone and the destitute who are incapable of helping themselves.
As I have said in another forum, there is no point in us safeguarding only our individual properties, as carnage around will impact each of us; even if only to cut off transportation and utility access to our intact properties.

I propose very shortly to convene and chair a meeting of all relevant disaster mitigation and management agencies.

I am in the process of identifying resources to be placed at the disposal of village councils and other agencies of government, but, the real effort must come through a national awakening to the seriousness of the threat posed by natural and indeed manmade disasters and the adoption of a resolve, on our individual and collective part, to make a difference.

In this regard, I would like to declare the last weekend of this month – Friday the 24th June to Monday the 27th June National Disaster Preparedness Weekend.

I would like for all churches, schools, community clubs, sporting associations, places of employment and other groupings, including political parties, to begin planning for these National Service Days, during which we set to work as a team to prepare the nature isle for any and all eventualities.

Moreover, once this initial work is done, I expect that the results will be maintained.  There will be drains that may be blocked after the first clean up. We cannot wait for the next storm before we unblock them.

I would like to appeal to the business community to plan for major specials and price discounts on preparedness implements such as weed whackers, cutlasses, shovels; gloves, garbage bags; just about all the items that would be required for use during this period.

I will arrange for the refuse collection service to work around the clock during this period to cart away garbage. That which can be destroyed and burnt on site should be disposed of in a safe manner, as the resources of the Sanitation department are limited.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I urge all Dominicans, residents and even visitors to make the weekend of June 24th to 27th a period in which we do our utmost to prepare Dominica, in the best way possible, for what might lie ahead.

I appeal to young men in particular to come off the block for a while. Pay some attention to your homes, communities and loved ones and volunteer your services and your energy to make this nature isle a safe and secure place for us all to live.

Fellow Dominicans, friends and well wishers, I look forward to your unwavering support of this cause.

I thank you for listening.

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  1. Annonymous Reader
    June 3, 2011

    well as for me aself…my salary as a public officer cannot even stretch more to prepare for hurricane. After i finish pay bills, de pittance dat remaining is to buy food…so I doh have no extra money to spend on flashlight and batteries….i just leaving it in the hands of the Almighty…I cyah go red clinic and beg for money because is not me they seeing. All their cronies that already well off that getting money. So PM, just leave me alone.

    June 3, 2011


  3. gawills
    June 2, 2011

    This very oppressive regime is much worst than any hurricane. Only in dominica skerrtt could be prime minister and in no other caribbean island. The damage the labour party has done is worst than any damage by any naturalo disaster. So it is only hypocrtical for this so called prime minister to be making statements when he dosent care about people

  4. Fed up
    June 2, 2011

    He can say all what he wants and try to take away people responsibilty from them looking for things to talk about because the country on a low, but he must remember that he is sitting in the Prime Minister’s chair illegally

  5. malpardee
    June 2, 2011


  6. BULLY
    June 2, 2011


  7. Proud
    June 1, 2011

    Well said Mr. PM. Thank you for that. Dominicans will take heed, trust me.

  8. Amen
    June 1, 2011

    A very timely and great initiative… take heed my people, this hurricane season is expected to be dangerous..that’s all the gentleman is saying. Way to go PM

  9. wisdom
    June 1, 2011

    Great awareness speech, Our partners like the chinese will supply us with batteries in case we need them. :-P

  10. Peace and Love
    June 1, 2011

    Even if the Prime Minister had not said a word about this year’s hurricane season, each adult should take personal responsibility for him/herself by starting to prepare for it and by doing all that is possible to protect life and property. Hurricanes can be devastating and leave their victims penniless, especially those with no insurance cover and those who are ill-prepared.

    What a wonder no one has suggested that Elections day is soon afterJune 27th!

  11. Tourism
    June 1, 2011

    “There is no “big brother” to which countries like Dominica can look, with any degree of certainty” … This statement really bothers me , I am sure that in disastrous time those under British rule will get help with the same speed they got invited to the British wedding . I only hear the echo of Minister Blackmore telling the US to mind their business(or words to the effect ) years ago… when we were “brothers” with Venezuela and Cuba … We need to develop better allies and know the purpose and position of which these allies serve.

    But one thing I know that we are a paying nation and God has a plan for us all.

  12. commentator
    June 1, 2011

    Maybe he will put those 18 Mini stars to work at last? Jerry Brisbane can provide discounted shovels for them to clear the drains.

  13. him
    June 1, 2011

    Skerrit will talk anf fool his fools but power is just for a time…One day all corruption and evil deeds will come to an end…..

    • liberal
      June 2, 2011

      THAT”s RIGHT

    • hi
      June 2, 2011

      i didnt see anything negative about this speech.. y everything has to b negative..

    • Choking from lies and deception
      June 2, 2011

      The country is at its lowest ebb right now, so this illegal man is looking for things to talk about, he is trying to create a hyp; the people are depressed, no jobs, only the imported unemployed from China who are working while we are scrunting. Banks talking our buses, trucks and houses and the dam man taking a flight every week, so that is the something that is happening. All of them have big mansions and we that vote them scrunting and begging for crumbs. The longest road must come to a bend. The days are coming!!!!

  14. HAHA
    June 1, 2011

    hahahahaha….ebeh look it…that citizens/patriots movement have my padna going!….lol….woooooyyye

  15. Pedro
    June 1, 2011

    I happy the Prime minister knows that the young people are on the block. Please provide the job opportunities that will move the young people from the block. You should not only want them off the block to prepare for disasters, Give them a life.

    • Just Giving My Two Cents
      June 2, 2011

      So they cannot give themselves a life? What about all the young men who had the opportuniteis to go to school and get an education to help themselves? I bet you…it’s mainly the less educated and lazy who “sit” onthe block. Afterall… if you go to Roseau, you’ll see many a young man working and trying to make a difference in their own lives! Can you attribute that to the PM – no! It’s to the man and his family, his positive influences.

      Stop expectign the government to do everything for everyone. Sometimes we need to do for ourselves otherwise we’d all be idle and waiting on the govt to provide. The govt can only provide within limit!

  16. Councillor
    June 1, 2011

    Last Year, didn’t the Village Councils plan their community projects-cleaning, beautifying the communities, building of drains, repairing of roads, etc. etc. etc. for Community Day of National Service? Didn’t the Councils submit their plans to Local Govt. Dept. for approval and financial support? What did Skerritt do? Dominicans you all must never forget those things. Skerritt did not consult with the Councilors, nor had the courtesy to inform them beforehand of his plans. He arrogantly and unilaterally announced, to the communities’ surprise, that he would not be handing out any money for or giving tarish, or cement for repairing roads, re-enforcement of walls, building drains or sidewalks and so on. The Village Councils were forced to abort their plans.

    Every year communities beautify and clean up their villages and in addition use cement and tarish for construction purposes. In times of hurricanes, proper drainage is extremely important. Village roads if repaired could help save lives in times of disaster. But NO, Skerritt had to display his dictatorship style and prove to the villagers and their Councils that he is the boss. Planting flowers is alright but what is more necessary in times of heavy rains, hurricanes, disasters? Proper Drains.

    The villagers usually know better than any politician what they want for their communities. Their participation, input, ideas must be sought and taken into consideration. But here he is Skerritt again, taking the role of Disaster Preparedness Office and Ministry of National Security to spew simplicities that Dominicans are aware of and looking for sympathy as though he is so concerned about the people. Every Dominican clearly remembers Skerritt’s whereabouts during one of those serious storms in Dominica. CRUISING? Skerritt and his Govt. need to facilitate the creation of jobs, so that people’s standard of living could be better. Really, a Form 1 student would have written a much more convincing, informative speech on Disaster Preparedness.

    • Choking from lies and deception
      June 2, 2011

      well said Councillor, no consultation because that’s how the dictators creep in, but some Councillors are still geniflecting infront of him, What about the famous Elford Henry, he does not advocate for the Councils anymore. Skerrit has no respect for the Council and more so community development, you see how he created his constituency empowerment ministry that is another way of side-lining Ministry of Community Development, that is duplication of efforts and wasting resources. Who is paying for that? Which funding agency is going to fund a Government when you are wasting money like that. But Pretty Queen cannot see beyond her nose. And the man talks about cutting on projects in this year’s budget, when its projects to create employment and reduce poverty.

  17. Ted
    June 1, 2011

    I most congratulate you mr. Prime Minister for this timely address to the nation and i do hope that we all take all necessary precaution that will mitigate against the effect of any major storm that may come our way.

    Mr. Prime Minister you stated in your speech and i quote ” Additionally, I believe that as a country, with each resident being his or her brother’s keeper, we must identify and assist the most vulnerable; particularly the elderly living alone and the destitute who are incapable of helping themselves.”

    Are you telling me Mr. prime minister that while your governmnet giving 18 year old house ( in glanvillia ) , giving houses and materials to young had working supportes, wasting money in the red clinic that there exist elderly living a lone and destitute individuals in dominica.
    Isn’t this a clear case that your so call social programs are ineffective , not properly targeted and more so a waste of money. why couldn’t you use some of the money and build a home for those elderly living alone and employ social workers to take care of them . why didn’t you identify the destitute and give them housing that you have provided for hard working people that are not poor.

    Aslo Mr. Prime Minister , you mention and i quote “i appeal to young men in particular to come off the block for a while ” . the key words there is ” for a while” are you saying that the young men should go back on the block after the hurricane season and don’t you find it strange that we have youg men seating on the block all day.. What programs have your government initiated to tackle this problem.

    Finally Mr. Prime Minister , why do we have to wait for hurricane season to ensure that the drains are kept clean on a regular basis or the elderly and destitute are taken care off.

    I do hope that your speach is sincere and not part of your nwewly develop machiavellianistic Nature.
    Remember i will be watching to see that your promisses are kept.

    • Lagoon Porssie
      June 1, 2011

      Ted the people are held in ignorance and that work fairly well for the DLP. The people of Portsmouth and Glanvillia are gullible and myopic. A few pink houses in Chance or Glanvillia is what they consider development. A fisheries complex destined to become another white elephant so that those near by paros could go take a dump.
      This is a lost administration lead and directed by a bunch of reckless self serving personalities. In my opinion this address to the nation is useless and insignificant and non productive. I don’t need the PM to instruct me on Hurricane preparedness when the PM himself doesn’t know how to handle a shovel , a hammer or to relocate cattle.
      The entire speech is just strictly subterfuge for the dire state of the country. Their inability to pay public servants , the obvious waste of money and the arrogance to go with that.

  18. The truth
    June 1, 2011

    i like how you all think (a non political issue) advice and warning about how mother nature is currently operating is a waste of time. i have never heard any prime minister talk like this and i appreciate it. but that is me. if you do not then that is you choice and that is up to you. you actually do not have to listen to anything he just said, dominica is a free country.

    • Tanto Tanto
      June 2, 2011

      The truth aren’t you aware that there is a thing called prying on vulnerability that is just waht this man is doing. Dominica has a serious brain drain. Our people are weak and so these politicians are like vultures. So you need to look beyond the speec. Go drink a glass of loubiere spring water.

    June 1, 2011

    Yes we all know and accept that as of today we are officially in the hurricane season, so I for one will not say ‘Thank you PM for taking the time to address the nation’ (a thoughtfull gesture, yes). I
    I expect him to address the nation on ALL things that will have an impact on all of us.

    Lets be honest here, how many of us are making the preparations the PM mentioned. Some will just go about their daily lives and when something happens, they’ll expect the government to come to their rescue. Well just read the paragraph where he reminds us that due to the current global economic crisis countries/agencies have far less to offer in terms of humanitrian aid and assistance, so he wont be asking/expecting hand outs.

    We know what can happen, so WE must do our bit. Do we really need someone to tell us to cut down that tree/bush thats about to take over our homes? Do the village councils/city council need someone to remind them to clear the gutters, and to keep them cleared? Is it only in hurricane season that the rain comes through the roof?

    Lets all hope that the 8 major systems predicted pass with no loss of life and minimum damage.

  20. Francis Francis chicago
    June 1, 2011


  21. Just a servant
    June 1, 2011

    You all missed the point, 2Timothy 3:1-12 this know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. As a nation forgets God that nation is doomed for destruction. America don’t want God anymore. Maybe this plea from the PM is his way of confessing his faith has turned to fear.

    Ask yourself this question, have we as Dominicans turned our back on God? does God have a reason to demonstrate his might to get our attention? Or are we living in such a way that his Mercy and Grace would be experienced once again because we have demonstrated our love to Him.

    My prayer is that the PM is making decisions based on Biblical convictions and principles. If not then his actions as our PM could result in Gods wrath unpon this country. Is that his concern?

    June 1, 2011

    Boy i see so many dominicans have drank the kool aid. Skerrit don’t have anything better to do? Charles Savarin too busy on the radio with astaphans that skerrit has to do his job. Alas. PM so you come? Sorry my boy

  23. bunny
    June 1, 2011

    boy skerrit good oui

    • Macaqui
      June 1, 2011

      Good – I’d say desparate instead. When you think about it the speech was empty and worthless. The PM is looking for positive attention.

      • Sheesh
        June 1, 2011

        Hee doesnt need to look for positive attention…he already getting it since u desperate workers start using the DLP campaign theme song as ur own…thanks for ur comments all u all only make the Labour Party Stronger by proving how brainless u are by turnin everythin into politics

      • why
        June 2, 2011

        you all are so pathetic, what is wrong with you people. The Pm mean well. Stop those foolish comments and do what necessary to prepare for the huricane season

  24. thinker
    June 1, 2011

    I think this address is a distraction of the critical situaton in Dominica.
    That’s what you call psychological manipulation of the nation by the PM – don’t you think?
    We’ve had hurricane for ‘umpteen years’ and never had an address to the nation by a
    PM because they knows what we should expect – wind and rain- you don’t have to address
    the nation about that. For example,The Chinese Memorandum of Understanding document would be a good address to the nation – that would be enlightening speech because we would know what we don’t know. Try that.

    • ddd
      June 1, 2011

      u r an a**. he did say non political issue…yes i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • FED UP!!!!!!!!
      June 1, 2011

      A memorandum of understanding (MOU) – like the that currently exists between China and Dominica ( and most other countries by the way) is a document describing a bilateral or in some cases, multilateral agreement between parties. It expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action. It is often used in cases where parties either do not imply a legal commitment or in situations where the parties cannot create a legally enforceable agreement. It is a more formal alternative to a gentlemen’s agreement.


      Now you know – let’s commend the Prime Minister for his initiative and being proactive, as opposed to reactive, during this upcoming hurricane season.

  25. Passport Freak
    June 1, 2011

    “I am appealing to the young men to comne off the blocks” – you are right Mr PM no jobs what else is there to do but to hang out on the blocks.
    What a waste of time – the contents of the entire speech is based on matters , advise or information that could be delivered through local government, community groups, churches etc. Even the boy scout could have done that.
    The PM and his advisors should have concentrated on means and methods for more affordable property insurance. Considering our geographic location and continuous exposure to cyclones, home owner insurance and property insurance should be of primary concern.

    The PM did not focus on health care/ emergency responses – The availability of ambulances, medicine for hospitals and clinics. It would have been prudent to give the people the assurance that efforts ( if any) are being placed on medical/ emergency care etc.

    It would have been prudent to provide reassurance to the farmers for crop insurance and the support of central government for agriculture.

    • FED UP!!!!!!!!
      June 1, 2011

      No jobs allows for the opportunity to create jobs. What happened to the entrepreneurial spirit? What is happening to Dominica?

      I remember a Dominica where people would create their own employment – make things to sell, mats, brooms, food. Offer their services, washing cars, babysitting, hair cutting, grass cutting, hair braiding, etc.

      Come on – Skerritt is right. Young people get off the block and do something.


      • Passport Freak
        June 1, 2011

        FED UP while I understand the importance of entrepreneurship , the motivating factor for entrepreneurship is what is lacking in Dominica. It is always easy to blame the youth or the people a concept quite noticeable with the current administration. If the government had embarked upon developing a stronger Tourism sector I am confident that you would have seen the innovative abilities of our people young and old. What if the government had focused on our agricultural sect I am sure you would have seen our people producing and contributing. The question is what has this government done in 11 years to instigate entrepreneurial development? Please don’t tell us about a stadium, west coast road and a few pink houses.

        I am confident that our young people are ambitious and are capable of producing. I am often amazed at the work ethics and motivation drive in our Dominican people abroad – young and old. It is time to be honest with ourselves and with this administration. Stop the pettiness and get to the root of the problem.

        Our biggest problem lie in the inefficiencies of those who are charged with making public decisions. The leadership of our country is inept at best. The managerial skills are lacking; The absence of genuine leaders willing to put the country first rather than the personal gains associated with the office that they are in charge off.

        • FED UP!!!!!!!!
          June 1, 2011

          I agree with you on several points, however, it is still up to us to fix what is wrong within our household. I agree that focus needs to be on tourism, however, we must first create the ability to serve those tourists – at a standard that they are used too, before we start promoting Dominica as a tourist destination.

          We need to create culinary schools, teach hotel and hospitality in college, create a tourism sector BEFORE we begin to promote Dominica as a tourist destination. We also need to organize the transportation sector – make buses standardized across the board with rates, etc. We must also control the amount of traffic that enters our city – create parking lots – charge tolls – encourage locals to walk or use public transportation so that tourists can roam free in Roseau without fear of being hit by a car or bus.

          There’s a lot that needs to be done before Dominica is ready for an influx of tourists – and the young people of the island can begin the movement.

          Wish I was there – I would start it for sure

          Love you DA :)

  26. Hugo Grotius
    June 1, 2011

    :wink: Didn’t mister run on a cruise when we had a hurricane, what happen u think we forget?

    • ddd
      June 1, 2011

      what is your point?

  27. Anonymous
    June 1, 2011

    “There is no “big brother” to which countries like Dominica can look, with any degree of certainty.” These words are not coming from my PM’s mouth, no no no. “As Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, I have already commenced a series of consultations with relevant officials and agencies to assess our mitigation efforts and to prepare for eventualities; though it is to be hoped that the need for action does not arise.”

    Boy that speech have too many I’s. Where is the Minister for National Security who is responsible for disaster preparedness nuh….and the one responsible for The Environment. PM another thing, Disaster week, and only today it announcing, that week is for next year man.

    Dominicans let us come together to secure our neighbourhood, and by extension communities. Be prepared for this season.

    • ddd
      June 1, 2011

      should even have to wait on the PM or any minister to tell you get ready. so big deal.

  28. The truth
    June 1, 2011

    In all my years of growing up, this is the first time a prime minister has seriousl taken time to highlight something like this. I feel very proud because of that. And I am also thinking Dominicans should take this very serious because the world and mother nature is currently in tussle mode. It seems that the PM has had some kind of awakening. He seems to be very worried for some reason and his words ring hard truths. Please let us listen and work together as communities to get things right on this

    • Oh Plz
      June 1, 2011

      Oh plz – the dude really have noting to say or obviously nothing to do. His back is against the wall, he does not have the support of the cabinet and his cellebrity status is dwindling. What did the PM say in his speech that you or your parents dont know?
      A Prime minister delivering a speech to the nation and asking people to clean the drain , stop the leaky roof, cut the grass, secure the goats . Are you kidding me?
      Again Skerrit is playing the role of the ultimate loving and concern politician and the gullible people are claiming – ” Oh he is so sweeeeet”.
      I sincerely hope the minister of National security provide a more comprehensiv plan from central government – that is if they do.

      • ddd
        June 1, 2011

        hater. poor you,

      • Avocat
        June 1, 2011

        I agree with you. IF they were not giving people dutyfree like old clothes then solid waste would have money from the environmental levy they collect at the port and it could therefore do its job

  29. American Dominican
    June 1, 2011

    Hahahahaha! Colony of fools!

    • FED UP!!!!!!!!
      June 1, 2011

      @American Dominican – those fools are your brother and sisters. I am also overseas and I intend to go back to the colony of fools, cause there’s no place like home. When America no longer welcomes you with open arms – let’s see who will be considered the fool.


  30. Prophet
    June 1, 2011

    One thing I am very concerned about is that hurricane season occurs every year. No one has to guess if there is going to be a hurricane season. The possibility of a major storm is always there. I am just disappointed that amidst all our plans for hotels and palaces we never consider proper hurricane shelters. Every year we have to approach private citizens to use their homes and check if the school is ok. I mean this is very important. A hurricane shelter needs to be a safe place to hunker down during the storm. It is not a permanent residence. How much does it take to build a concrete structure with a concrete roof? It can double up as a community center and resource facility during the year. We need to put people’s lives in the forefront of our plans and discussions.

  31. Positive
    June 1, 2011

    We must commend our Prime Minister and raising our awareness in such a timely manner. He is asking us to be pro-active.

    • kay
      June 1, 2011

      True. I find he did well to address the issue. Showed true leadership

      • Seriously
        June 1, 2011

        leadership to tell people to clean their drains? Really

  32. ddd
    June 1, 2011

    how thoughtful of you. You are really looking out for us….who can ask for a better leader??????????

    • Seriously
      June 1, 2011


  33. hj
    June 1, 2011

    What a great leader he is. So concerned about Dominica and Dominicans

    June 1, 2011

    As for me am sick tired and fed up with my parl rep and my government
    They have newtown people like pappyshow
    everywhere getting something and alas
    they have us like dogs in newtown

    while they were doing d sewerage in newtown
    a temporary buye pass was built
    yah 3 million dollars

    people tell ventose to leave it
    well as usual he took no heed
    what are they waiting for….for d sea to kill people
    or for some disaster to block d MAIN ROAD

    parl rep do something for us

    allu already bobol us already on gwenvillle housing
    lies more lies and more lies

    fisheries cooperative in shambles
    drugs conquer the area
    our young girls just giving it up for $$$$$

    shame shame shame

    • FED UP!!!!!!!!
      June 1, 2011

      Be the change you want to see in the world – in Newtown. Run for office – start a neighbourhood clean up program – counsel young girls. DO SOMETHING AND STOP COMPLAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • LAW
        June 1, 2011

        vOTE THEM OUT…Most people cannot repair their homes while $27 000 000 is being given to Chinese..

      • Miss Marigot
        June 1, 2011

        Thank you so much . I agree some dominica complain too much and dont offer anything to the solution.

      • ddd
        June 1, 2011

        thumbs up!

      • per chew
        June 1, 2011

        come newtown nuh

    • Anonymous
      June 1, 2011

      This is the next level

  35. Lord help
    June 1, 2011

    Thank you pm

  36. FED UP!!!!!!!!
    June 1, 2011

    I love this Prime Minister. Dominicans you will never realize what a gem this man is – until he is no longer there. Thank you Skerrit, you make us proud!!!!

    • Anonymous
      June 1, 2011

      If you had only known what a leader is you would not say this, cause this whole speech should be that of Minister Savarin.

      • ddd
        June 1, 2011

        i pitty you… :(

        • A A
          June 1, 2011

          FED UP!!!!!!!!

          :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

        • Fowl Cage
          June 1, 2011

          ddd- you are nothing but a mutton Batalie. Just by your responses I deduce that you are just one of those red clinic dependent.
          When was the last time you collect your red clinic aid?

        • ivex
          June 2, 2011

          Yes tell us when last you collect your check from the red clinic but soon all this shall be over with all you lieing P M he see what take place on monday night he is gettinga bad head ache so he trying to side track pple tell him wheel and come again his time is ve ry short and soon to goooooo with his bunch of cabal like him let me see what pple like you will do

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