How much do you know about climate change and its implications for the OECS sub-region, the Caribbean and the wider world?
Do you even care about climate change, and what personal changes are you making to reduce the predicted impacts of climate change?
Those are among key questions the St Lucia-based OECS Secretariat wants the citizens of Dominica and the rest of the sub-region to respond to as part of a survey on the subject.
According to the Secretariat, an estimated 500 persons will be targeted in each of the six independent Member States.
Data collection has already begun in St Lucia “and will continue through for a period of three weeks,” an OECS release states.
The release confirms that “Data collection will also take place in Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines from the end of June through to July 2012”.
Trained local interviewers are expected to administer face-to-face questionnaires across each of these OECS Member States.
The OECS Secretariat says the results of the survey will be used to guide future public awareness programs on climate change issues in the OECS and for developing and strengthening climate change adaptation policies and activities.
The final report of the survey is due to be completed in September 2012.
It will present an analysis of respondents’ knowledge, attitudes and practices related to climate change.
There is no climate change or global warming or anything else that is out of the ordinary in terms of the weather changes that are occurring now as well as in the past. The earth, in conjunction with the other planets undergoes certain natural changes over time. Weather modification has been implemented via the U.N. and certain governments since the late ‘9o’s. They are employing many planes worldwide to spray the skies with fallout of heavy metals which alter the weather through the formation of weird clouds resulting in an abrupt change in the formerly sunny skies to cloudy the next day and maybe rain thereafter.
The recent gathering of the power people in Rio de Janero last week was finally down playing the whole climate change propaganda which originated as a means of instituting a carbon tax on the whole world.
Climate change denial followed by chemtrails conspiracy. wtf am I reading?
If you claim that we cannot affect the climate gradually how can you claim that there exists technology that can do so ‘abruptly’.
Non sequitor
He did not deny climate change. He is merely describing the politicizing of it. FYI, It is now an excuse that politicians use for digging their grubby hands into peoples pockets! They know damn well that the earth goes through cycles of heating up and cooling down. As long as there are morons like you around they will get away with it too!