Schools in Dominica close tomorrow but it’s a working day says PM as TS Tammy draws nearer

Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, has announced that all schools in Dominica will remain closed tomorrow, (October 20th) as Tropical Storm Tammy approaches the Lesser Antilles.

He made the announcement while addressing a press briefing moments ago.

He said however, no decision has been made to call off work tomorrow.

“We are monitoring and based on the advice I will take the appropriate action, but in order to minimize the number of people who would be traversing around the country let us keep the most vulnerable home, children,” the Prime Minister said. “This is why we always take a decision to keep children home, so that we do not have a situation of the vulnerable kids out.”

He continued, “And of course we are informing them early enough so that their parents can make the necessary arrangements for them.”

Mr. Skerrit added, “We will keep on monitoring tonight and if there is a view that we should call off work tomorrow then we will make that decision. But as of now we are not in a position to say there is no work tomorrow.”

Furthermore, he pointed out that businesses including the public service will require staff to come in to also organize and to help with the preparations of those businesses for the storm.

“If situation warrants us to call off work tomorrow then we shall do so,” he reiterated.

The Prime Minister hopes that the Tropical Storm will move further away from Dominica.

“That is what we are hoping for, that is what we are praying for, but we are also preparing in the event it was to affect us,” he stated.

The government of Dominica has issued a Tropical Storm Warning for Dominica.

A Tropical Storm Warning means that tropical storm conditions are expected somewhere within the warning area within 36 hours.

As of 5pm the center of Tropical Storm Tammy was located near latitude 13.7 North, longitude 56.6 West or about 200 Miles East of Barbados about 300 Miles East South East OF MARTINIQUE.

Tammy is moving toward the west-northwest near 13 mph (20 km/h). On the forecast track, the center of Tammy will move near or over the Leeward Islands Friday and Saturday, and then move north of the Leeward Islands Saturday night and Sunday.

Data from an Air Force Reserve reconnaissance aircraft indicate that the maximum sustained winds are near 60 mph with higher

Little change in strength is expected tonight, but gradual strengthening is expected to begin on Friday and continue into this

Tammy is forecast to be at or near hurricane intensity when it moves near the Leeward Islands Friday night and Saturday.

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  1. Lin clown
    October 23, 2023

    Mr.Richard why do you want Skerrit to answer questions when you have the answers to all the questions you are asking?

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  2. Richard
    October 22, 2023

    Skerrit, we want you to account for our CBI money and the issued passport. No if, no but, no when. We are not interested in you be our weatherman. You are too expensive for that. Do us all a favour and shut up about TS and other nonsense. Talk to us about CBI, talk to us about why you took over and stalled the electoral reform process again. Where is your son hiding? Where is he? What’s happening to our electricity? The storm damaged the pipelines again? Here are a few topics we are interested in. Forget about the weather, forget about the upcoming festivities.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 3
  3. Ibo France
    October 21, 2023

    Your two introductory sentences are incontrovertible evidence that you are nothing more than a brainless crab.

    Do we still live in a democracy? A DEMOCRACY means Rule By The People. A democratic government is Of the people, By the people, For the people. What ever the government owns it belongs to the citizens.

    Lin Clown your tongue is detached from your brain when you speak. You are just a loquacious busybody.

  4. I Still Red
    October 20, 2023

    It’s illegal for me to sell my ID to a person so he could go where he could not go.
    It’s a crime to sell my ID to known wanted criminals so they could commit their crimes and run with my ID.
    In the real world both the criminal and the one that sold the id would be arrested and charged. That’s what the Canadian media wanted to question Roosevelt’ Skerrit about but the sucker used tropical storm Tammy to run out from Canada.
    If Dominican was a real country Skerrit would not be announcing what schools need to close but he would be telling us what he and Anthony Hayden did with our money . I am still red but not the stealing type of red because God told us very early that Thou Shall NOT steal!

    Similarly, when Roosevelt Skerrit sold our passports to known wanted criminals both individuals should be arrested and charged .

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 5
    • Froggy
      October 22, 2023

      That’s typical Skerrit. He is a coward! He doesn’t deserve to be PM of our country any longer. He needs to go.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 4
      • Ebeh Look it
        October 23, 2023

        Froggy are you lusting after the PM’s job. You are too Dunce they would not vote for you.

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        • Froggy
          October 24, 2023

          You , your PM and his missus of course know all about being dunce. Birds of a feather flock together! Good luck for the future, the going is going to get very difficult for you defenders of the indefensible.

          Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 1
  5. Go to hell
    October 20, 2023

    Go to hell Rooselt. In a real country we would not even have to wait on you to say No school because our teachers would not work, our doctors and nurses would not work, DOWASCO would not work, Domlec would not work and the entire country would be shot down until you run from Dominica! You are our biggest problem, you Roosevelt Skerrit with your selfish, greedy and corrupt ways. So according to Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit himself “Go to hell.”

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 5
  6. Dey N Nite
    October 20, 2023

    After you finish talking about the weather and warning people who’s houses are still without roofs since Maria, we want you to tell us about the fraudulent passport dealings which your administration was alleged to have been operating. This is more important to Dominica ns than hurricane warnings. We’ve lived in hurricane all our lives even long before we had radio and radio stations to warn us. But we never had our passport and dignity sold to criminals and aliens 👽 before. So please, enlighten us. When Choski was said to had been kidnapped and brought to Dominica you said that, “Dominica hands are clean.” Does Dominica have “clean hands” in the fraudulent passport dealings? I hope so. Because we love Dominica and want her hands to remain clean as a whistle. So tell us.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 9
      October 20, 2023

      Lennox is the one who has been tell you about what you so anxious to know. Go to him and pose yours questions to him he is the one who can help solve your problem. Imagine how idiot you are. You rather hear about a passport story rather to hid to an advice for your safety in the time of a hurricane. Are you ok? Dey N Nite.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 31
      • me
        October 20, 2023

        @LITTLE KID
        Why are you afraid of the passport story? Is it because it has so much corruption in it?
        This is the story most Dominicans living on island want to hear, because they are extremely poor, while the peddlers are extremely rich.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 4
      • Ibo France
        October 20, 2023

        KID always goes out batting for Roosevelt. Every time he bats for Roosevelt he makes a first ball duck (zero runs, naught). The guy is no more than a useless fool.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 5
        • October 23, 2023

          He was not out for nought first ball. The ball hit the ground first before it was caught. Where were you sitting? It could not have been in Irvine Shillingford’s Stand. You must have been sitting in the Lounge Stand with the World Boss, Roosevelt Skerrit, like some White House Correspondent OBLIVIOUS OF WHAT WAS GOING ON IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PITCH.

          Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 1 Thumb down 14
      • Ibo France
        October 21, 2023

        So many reputable and universally well respected foreign journalists whose impartiality is unquestionable have investigated the Dominica CBI scheme and found even more damaging scandals than Mr. Linton.

        The Dominican people have endured and survived many storms before. They don’t need to hear anything from this incoherent, stuttering, unintelligible, uncaring imposter (Roosevelt). They usually listen to, and follow the advice the relevant personnel and organisations.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 6
  7. Rajim Raheem
    October 20, 2023

    As of 5pm the center of Tropical Storm Tammy was located near latitude 13.7 North, longitude 56.6 West or about 200 Miles East of Barbados about 300 Miles East South East OF MARTINIQUE.
    So, it’s not coming our way, right? It’s located near Latitude. Why the weather man not making that more simple? Is it because they are no longer weather man but meteorologists? Where is “East South East of Martinique? I want to know if Tammy is going to hit Portsmouth harder than Roseau so I could go to Roseau. Or if it’s going to hit Delise harder than the west coast. All I’m saying is, make it easy for people like me to understand. The majority of Dominicans are people like me. Cheups man.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 5

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