The government’s Physical Planning Division has confirmed moving to prevent alleged deforestation of the Pond Casse area being carried out reportedly by a local businessman.
Local environmentalists including Bernard Wiltshire – the leader of the Waitikubuli Ecological Foundation (WEF), complained on Wednesday that businessman Frankie “Crazy T” Bellot has been cutting down trees in the area, a development Dr Wiltshire said could affect that water catchment area adversely.
Chief Planning Officer Annie Edwards told DNO on Friday that a Stop Order had been issued and served on the businessman.
Edwards explained that the order was issued under the planning act to protect the integrity of the environment, and her Division reserved the right to take further action if it was not obeyed, including the possibility of court action.
Concern has been raised in some quarters about people owning land in the Pond Case Watershed area not being able to proceed with their building plans.
Edwards says recommendations made to government following the development of an area protection plan cites three options: government acquiring the property(ies) concerned, engaging in a property swap, or allowing the land owners to undertake “low impact development” projects.
WEF official Wiltshire in raising the Bellot issue earlier this week, had told DNO that the Planning Division had confirmed that Bellot wrote to them for permission to clear the land, and that permission was refused.
DNO tried to get a response from Frankie Bellot at the time – “No Comment” was all he was prepared to say officially.
Sources close to Bellot said the radio station owner was in the process of building his house on the Pond Case plot of land that Wiltshire and other local conservationists insist should not be developed, in the interest of safeguarding an important water catchment area.
Finialy some saw. During my stay in Dominica. I told a fiend so why are they distorting this area. Thank young lady. God bless u tribal
lets see if planning has any real balls? Maybe not if crazy has a friend on the board! Sad….
I am waiting and watching too, bc i hv called ans spoken to Forestry and Planning about deforestation in the Castle Comfort area, by Larvia Carnaqui (River in Castle Comfort) and nothing has been done! the Officer gave me some long story, he has to do this and that and to date nothing has been done! My research has revealed that the person who has cut down the trees all the way to the river on a piece of land that should not hve been allowed to be sold by the developer is also being taken to court by Planning for another issue in Canefield concerning an apartment building that wasnt approved!
Come on people we can do much m,uch better than that…if we dont protect what we hve, we will end up buying water, out biodiversity will be lost forvever!
Also need the Ministries of Agriculture, Forestry an Environmental Coordinating Unit to look into people coming here to Dominica and using our plants, herbs and taking it away with out permission and/or compensation to the state! Where are the policies, where are the laws to govern those things!
i glad for all r u…allu will eat n live in d trees
That better anytime than living on tuti-ni rocks and be anonymous.
wow this is a glimmer of hope in a murky place, I applaud you madam…. I do indeed. this woman has more cahonas than some…..
Fully agreed with. You have done your job my darling. Politics aside. In the interest of water conservation, the government ought to acquire those properties, so as to prevent development in that area. And NO, i am not WORKERS.
Water is Life.
Lands should have never been in the hands of the planning Division but of Agriculture. Everything upside down in this country. Every nation takes pride in their Natural resource. Ours, is the forest. invest in it like Guyana did. That think Green economy. Start thinking low carbon footprints, Start thinking of the effects of Climate Variability on people actions, like deforestation, start thinking sustainability, start thinking of soil and water conservation. Dominicans start thinking.
interesting, interesting,interesting observation. A trend toward destruction?
Long time he wanted to be able to do his own thing in Dominica, that’s why he jump from party to party till he got ultimate power.
I agree fully to the re-construction of a police station in the Pond Casse area. This is a strategic point on the island in terms of crime prevention and overall emergency response for areas like Belles,Penrice and Gleau Gommier. Sadly, in the old days our leaders saw the strategic value of such a police station but in modern times none of our leadears have seen the need to reconstruct such a valued institution.
The sad thing is that we have some “PROFESSORS” on here who believe that they are Julian Assange and sped all their time putting unnecessary spin of the ills of anything associated to RED. This my friends display the a need for political recognition by the party in power (PIP) and a need to get one’s fair share of scraps from the table.
We as a people must learn to put Dominica first (Not like the “Professors” on here) and tell it like it is regardless of which party is in power.Until this happens, we will all remain like sheep being lead to the slaughter..
We have to re build the police Station above the Round about with the advent and almost completion of the Marigot to Roseau Road and in anticipation of the volume of traffic and other activities like drug traffic, it is very necessary we re build the police Station. deforestation is out of the question cause the old lot is already there. The chines are willing and waiting to take up this project so lets strike the Iron while it`s Hot”.It has a lot to do with the issue at hand because we can serve to enforce the deforestation and other unlawful acts taking place in that area.
According to my father bring back public flogging for those who willingly and with any remorse continue to break the laws of the land.
I agree!
i am sure neither you or your father is perfect…..so the tow of you should be pyublicly flogged…and how about floging his wife and and every other family members…you and your father are idiots
Well I have nothing to say.
Professor Wikileaks WAH GO NUH?? You Fine?
my old nemesis, it seems like the hot loads you’ve been pilling up are finally tipping over on you…
DNO has an obligation to post everyone’s opinions and perspectives, but the truth needs no one to speak it. eventally the reality of a situation always becomes painfully obvious to all who try to deny it…..
sigh it seems the waiting has not been in vain, we are enlightened
p.s this was meant for wiki….
I am so happy this has come to the light! So many people own or buy land and are clueless as to what they can and can not do until someone blows a whistle. Just look at the old houses in Roseau and the cow paths that are meant to be roads? It’s like a tent city in many areas. In order to get to the so called next level someone needs to enforce the law for the greater good. And while at it could someone stop the village of Grand Fond from dumping everything and the kitchen sink in the ravine? Thanks
That is just plain nasty if you ask me. The government or anyone for that matter should not have to tell Grandfondnians that the ravine is not a garbage dump. However, the bigger question is; Do they have a viable alternative?
Ministry of Community Development please take note and assist if needed to rectify the situation. All for each and each for all…remember?
it have some untidy people like that in morne daniel too… who find the ravine is an attractive dumpsite.
The Physical Planning Division must be commended. Mr. Bellot should be ashamed of himself. By extension the Labour Party administration cannot be proud of its association with this individual.
Kudos to the Waitikubuli Ecological Foundation (WEF) specifically Mr. Bernard Wiltshire and Mr. Atherton Martin. The significant contribution of “Matt in the Morning” on Q95 and of course DNO and its many readers and commentators must be recognized for provoking this intervention, albeit late.
The collective power of the people is Potential energy that no government would wish to convert into the kind of Kenetic socio-political energy that we witnessed on 29 May 1979. Let this be a lesson that no one should underestimate the power of the people and be fooled into thinking that they are above the law.
We may be unable to muster the passion that culminated in the events of 29 May 1979 but the impact of our collective loud voice on the call-in programmes like Matt-in the Morning, Between you and Me, the Next Level, Talking point, the Heng, Politics and Rise and Shine with Angelo supported by Websites like DNO and The Dominican.net continue to influence the playing conditions and causing the ball to spin as we try to regain all 18 wickets of the batting side or at least try to adjust their shot selection.
Any other news today? DNO taken the day off?
do you know what it is to make an INFORMED decision. or do you just accept directives like a good foot soldier????
Visitors love our land and would like to own a little of it . We Dominican that is living away hearing people talk about our home land makes me wonder why they seeing what we don’t see. There question your land is wonderful why leave it but it is so shameful to say we cannot stay if we need to reach our goals.
Why you people don’t grow up. You all sound like little children learning to talk and how to make sense from things
stupes….the cowboy will override you
So I just spoke to someone at Planning who confirmed that PROF WIKILEAKS was jus being an idiot.
lol lol lol
HAHA nice one, I do concur
Ha ha ha! Let’s see how this is going to turn out.I hope the authority will have it’s say. But, don’t be surprised if it goes the other way.
Well further down the road in Layou Park there is going to be some bling from Venezuela a 10 Million US dollar slaughter house. Dominica really needs this facility in the middle of the island. You have to drive your livestock up hills to get to this new state of the art slaughter house. Of course Dominica is overloaded with animals queuing up to be slaughtered and we have amazing transport to carry the animals to this amazing new slaughter house. The Neeba river is close by and no doubt any thing that leaks goes into this river which then goes into the Layou river. Oh yes I forgot there is no water supply from Dawasco nearby to wash away all the debris caused by the animals being slaughtered. The port and Roseau is a long way from the slaughter house! Really a wonderful draw for the tourists that first visit Pond Casse and see the deforestation and then onto see the latest Bling! A new slaughter house wonderful site for tourist and great for tourism. Just amazing. I am not complaining I just don’t understand!
I had a quiet, cynical laught when I heard about that slaughterhouse Nature Girl. I’m not against an abatoir but the justification for having one now, in the fprm proposed comes from dreamland. One of the stated goals is to export poultry (and other meats) to Guadeloupe amnd Martinique. How can we hope to do that if we don’t even produce enough chicken meat for our own market? According to offical FAO figures Dominica imported U.S.$.4.25 million worth (close to E.C.$.221,000 per week)of chicken meat in 2008.So how are you going to export processed poultry from here to E.U. territories, which are suppled from Europe at zero duty, while at the same time we have to import ourselves? I guess it is another case where we don’t know how to tell uncle Chavez that we really don’t need this right now without looking ungrateful Hell, we could import chicken from the E.U. ourselves at lower cost as eventually we’ll do when we have to drop our import duty rate under the E.P.A.agreement we signed.
Mrs. Edwards please sit back and await your matching orders from that position
REALLY????? wellllllllllllllllllllllll we will have to take up Mrs. Edwards cause, and make it
because after all, if you can do it to her what will stop you from doing it to any one of us..
CAREFUL what you vomit out on DNO, you just might make MRS.EDWARD a martyr…. now you would not want that.
WOULD YOU?????????????????????????????
would that fit in your VICTIMIZATION AGENDA????
Terre say Bwa
Bwa say Glo
Glo say Lavi
(Mayan indian proverb)
All Dominicans must praise Wiltshire/WEF, Athie and other patriots, for continued vigilance, advocay and actions to protect, preserve, conserve our prestine, unique environment. Dominicans the time is now, not later, to take greater heed.
Wiltshire’s truthful messages and those of other patriots of the Nature Isle, should not continue to fall on deaf ears. We must monitor the proposed works, environmental kraziness at Pond Casse, and anywhere else, to ensure Planning’s Order is respected.
Dominica needs us. Our Watersheds must not be allowed to be damaged, by irresponsible or illegal behaviour.
Now, everybody talk highly of the Waitikubuli National Trail and its benefits to all aspects of our development. Yet, so many just stand there, say nothing, do nothing, when our environment, ourselves, our life and that of future generations, our Nature Isle is prostituted. Unpatriotic ones chastise those who educate, make us aware of the importance of preserving our natural beauty.
Wiltshire was demonised for standing up with Layou villagers against the building of the asphalt plant close to the village. Cancerous, toxic fumes are beeleched from the plant, community’s health will worsen.
To some, Environmentalists seem to be the problem and not those bent on destroying our serene natural environment. Is so we come? But really, the question is, “when was the land at Pond Casee purchased?” Were there laws already in place? Was the seller aware of the site being a world Heritage Site? Isn’t it time for putting in effect a land use policy , and proper zoning of the country to prevent further problems?
Planning took courage to execute the stop order. Legislation was developed years ago to address national problems of watershed. Illegal acts must be stopped now. Tomorrow is too late.
I will only believe that the authorities are innocent in this if and when they take court action to charge and prosecute Krazy T. Had Mr Wiltshire not spoken out the project would have been well on it’s way. Those in government would very likely be up there seeping coconut water and gin while they flushing their sewage into our ground water supply. One day hopefully the people will wake up and realize the importance of holding politicians accountable. Yes my people whether you want to hear it or not – the only reason that one man can so defiantly do something of that nature is because of crooked politicians be it Blue, Red or Green.
There are many homes already built in that area as far back as the Freedom Party and Workers Party governments,so it has nothing to do with politicians……you buy your land and you build on it. Wiltshire wants to pressure the government, that’s all.The government can and should override the planning division which may be seeing Blue also.
Fairplay, the houses were built there before the study was done and before we became aware of the dangers of building in that area. So those persons who built there in the past, acted within the law. This area is NOW a buffer zone. I have a lot in that area and I was advised by Planning 2 years ago that the lot fell within the forested area and accordingly, I could not erect a house there. Although very disappointed, I had no choice but to comply with the new requirements. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW and we need to stop making excuses for LAWLESSNESS in this country.
Fairplay should never be used as a name by someone like you with such skewed level of thinking. Are you implying that crazy t is the government? From the way the story goes Mr. Wiltshire complained about crazy t’s deforesting of a water catchment area and you are claiming that Wiltshire is pressuring the government. No wonder our country is the way it is because there are a lot of folks like you who will never see past your party political nose.
SMH i look forward to the day when we the people have become so non political and so DOMINICAN that parasites like you “fairplay”, “wikileaks” et al won’t have the audacity to show ur politically tainted faces.
excellent decision – deforestation has to be carefully managed. Good clean water is a precious resource. .
so true. if the land cannot be developed why sell it?and if sold hten the buyer should know is fig an dashine alone he can plant and not build house. afauture buyers take note.and if the rules were laid out for you when you buy land.Follow them,don’t break them an try to be wrong an strong… a a.
DNO: «Edwards says recommendations made to government following the development of an area protection plan cites three options: government acquiring the property(ies) concerned, engaging in a property swap, or allowing the land owners to undertake “low impact development” projects.»
Seems the government has not yet decided on the way forward. This delay impacts heavily on those who already own lands in the area. I empathize with them.
I wonder though, on what basis does the Planning Division now seek to block persons from using the land for development purposes, in the absence of a policy decision by government? Is there a previous decision taken that freezes any development, a moratorium, for example?
Additionally, i am heartened by the suggestion of a ‘low impact development’ for the area. It means that persons may be able to construct eco-friendly structures there. We have to co-exist with nature, not be enslaved by it.
Seriously? “not be enslaved by it.” The “it”, I assume, is nature, right? You started off fine, and then, went south. What do you mean enslaved by nature?
you also went south by asking a question you dont have the answer too and at the same time you are critizing what you dont understand.
The government agreed to keep this area as a buffer zone / as a world heritage site. Peeping Tom I do understand your desire to pacify the situation but obviously you are ignorant of the term LID (Low Impact Development) . An LID plan is an approach to managing stormwater runoff. It is a means to emphasizes conservation and use of on-site geo-characteristic features to protect water quality. The engineering controls could be hydraulic controls systems such as storage/detention ponds, watershed protection(buffer zone) ,insuring the water cycle processes like Evapotranspiration, infiltration, etc.
In addition you are conveniently avoiding the main issue which is the fact that the gentleman Krazy T was denied permission to proceed yet he audaciously proceeded with his destructive work. In a working society Krazy T would have been cuffed and charged and his politician friends would have no choice but to let the INDEPENDENT prosecutors carry on with justice.
Great point!
fair judgement. and your last paragraph is exactly what I was thinking. Irresponsible destruction of forest estate should not be allowed in such areas but low-impact development sounds reasonable
but what about if there are dozens of land owners in that area, all wanting to do low impact development, wouldnt the net impact be big? and isnt it much harder to define what exactly is low impact and do we have the resources to ensure that these development adheres to the stipulations. knowing the area, low impact may be defined as things as no flushing toilets, no roads only tracks and trails, a built up area less than 1500sqft, no concrete or aggregate yards, rain water harvesting etc to reduce on the concentrated runoff from roofs. how many of the land owners are willing to adhere to these guidelines or something that may even be stiffer. i suspect its best to say no development, cause even though they allow low impact, imagine the area in concern with 80 to 100 houses, would you bathe in the emerald pool or drink the water in the castlebruce river?? just curious
Great point!! Still, I will say this “It means that people (not persons) may be able to etc., etc.
i wonder on what BASIS, a ninny like you seeks to justify the pollution of our ground water with fecal affluent…you and the sixteen who drank your spin tactic….subtle as it is… I guess your next suggestion is to replace our natural crystal clean water with recycled sewerage water like all the DEVELOPED countries. now tell me, is that DEVELOPED thinking???????/
Frankie well ??? I don’t get.
Frankie man there,s still some land for sale in Geneva, do not destroy our forest
I hope the plan for the house was not approved!!!???
Plan for house approved but now no Deforestation? These people are a joke…
while laughing out loud, ever heard the saying, IF IT AIN’T BROKE, DON’T FIX IT???????? or what about prevention is better than cure???? well go on and help mr bellot to break something that isn’t broken…..then we will find a way to FIX IT after its broken, AND YOU KNOW HOW GOOD WE ARE AT “FIXING STUFF” I WONDER WHAT NATION WE WILL HAVE TO BEG TO HELP US AFTER WE CONTAMINATE OUR GROUND WATER SUPPLY….ohhhhh yeah the chinese will be more than willing right???
I think Pond Casse is a beautiful place, But the law is the law, and if clearing land at specific areas poses a threat to the water catchment area, then nature has to be held in first regard. This is the nature island after all. There are many other beautiful places to build. Move on Mr. Bellot.
misuse starts
Why doesn’t the planning division zone the entire island so people know what the land is zoned for before they buy. If they insist on buying the land, at least they know what htey are buying. These are not new concepts. Why should government burden the taxpayer with buying property they do not need?
Why don’t we follw best practices in Dominica. We do not have to reinvent the wheel.
Ding Ding Ding!!!! This whole thing could have been prevented. If the Island was Zoned out.
Excellent comment. It would be a shame if they sold this guy land and there was no stipulation as the the classification of the ‘lot’ . I am not a fan of this guy but it would be a disservice to him, if now, all of a sudden they are telling him what can and cannot be done!
Government think about all issues. Think ahead and look at all possible problems even though in the short run the problem may appear irrelevant!
No! The only disservice here is Krazy t blatantly disregarding the law and disrespecting future generations of Dominicans! Further what is he? Anyone with half a brain would suspect that that particular area must have some restrictions as it’s pure forest area bordering a national park! Never-see-come-see! the fundamental destroyer of our little island paradises.
Ironically this particular area was zoned! (I’m sure physical Planning will be happy to share this info. with you)
Secondly, when buying land you are charged a hefty fee. Make your lawyer work for his/her money and ensure they carry out the necessary searches & due diligence. Last but not least the dictum “caveat emptor” = “buyer beware” applies.
Your observation is nothing but common sense. However, we do not always like things to be straightforward as it deprives us of the opportunity to make some “commess”, a trait that is debilitating our progress more than anyhting else. Zoning plans for the entire island and accompanying legislation would give us enormous credibility in the eyes of bona fide investors.
Was PROF WIKILEAKS contact at planning lying to him or was it just Wikileaks at his best-being a JACK.
I think it is the former. Once again PROF WIKILEAKS has played the role of the high climbing monkey. The higher the money TRY to climb is the more it will expose – you know what.
I am happy to be a celebrity on DNO…Thanks for the worship Hola (Another new name—-I will not call names)
Thanks for acknowledging your JACK status. After all PROF WIKILEAKS Flavor Flav is a celebrity why not you is so much better at making a fool of yourself
Continue praising me…lol..beat up yourself coshonie…
Who is flav, I don’t understand ghetto talk little boy.
Anyway go grab that fried chicken and coolaid and be quiet.
WIKILEAKS i feel sorry for you. You went from lying and deceiving to racial derision. Can’t admit fault or error,blame others just like your idol skerrit. Clearly dude you nerd help cause you exhibit signs of one who was abused or maybe still being abused. It’s the 21 century fond a shrink stop being a lunatic.
now now wikileaks this behaviour is unbecoming of u, leave the “ranting” to me……. is the grape sour now old fox?????????????
OK guys leave PROF WIKILEAKS alone. The guy is a lost case. Just see how much Thumbs down he receive whenever he post a blog. Clearly the guy is nothing but damaged goods. let us try to hyelp going forward.Somebody say a pray for PROF WIKILEAKS.