Terrorism and climate change greatest threat to world – Dr. Kenneth Darroux

Darroux addressing the COP21 in Paris, France
Darroux addressing the COP21 in Paris, France

Health Minister, Dr. Kenneth Darroux, has singled out terrorism and climate change as the two greatest threats currently facing the world.

He made the remarks during an address at the ongoing United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris.

“Make no mistake terrorism and climate change are two of the greatest threats confronting humanity and the Commonwealth of Dominica share the agony and pain of that fateful day and stand in solidarity of the French Republic in combating the horror of terrorism,” Dr. Darroux noted, referring to a recent terrorist attack in Paris which left over 100 people dead.

He said the message to the government and people of France are “we the government and the people of the world are here. We are here with you and for you and we say in one global voice: Vive la France.”

In terms of climate change, the Minister for Health noted that Dominica will be counted among the states that experienced the devastating effects of climate change in 2015 and thanked all for partnering with the country during its difficult time following the passage of Tropical Storm Erika late August.

“This single event represents the grave and deadly impacts of climate change and its overwhelming power to derail development and what can be done and what has been done to recover and make our countries more resilient,” he said. “Mr. President, it is not just rising temperatures that will destroy lives, but rising sea levels too. And the projection for a one to two meters rise in sea levels by the end of the 21st century, would mean approximately 13,00 kilometres of land area being lost in the Caribbean.”

He stated that this projected land loss is equal to the land area of Barbados, Antigua, and Barbuda, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Anguilla combined and the rise in sea levels is projected to displace 110,000 people, damage 149 tourists’ resorts, five power plants, 21 CARICOM airports and inundate lands surrounding 35 Caribbean ports, among other consequences.

“Dominica firmly believes that the time for pointing fingers and playing the blame game on the causes of climate change have passed. Small islands have forced new and genuine partnerships that are leading the way for example, moving away from business as usual,” he stated.

The Minister argued that through climate change the world faces a challenge that is potentially damaging to all of humanity, and collectively it is the duty of all to bring the resources at their disposal to address the problems.

At the same time he thanked Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, Japan and Italy who have partnered to develop the Sustainable Energy Island Initiative (SIDS DOCK), which is an initiative among member countries of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) to help them transform their energy sectors and address adaptation to climate change.

Meantime Dr. Darroux is of the view that Dominica is cognizant that the technology exists to solve the climate change dilemma.

“Small island leaders have demonstrated bold and decisive leadership that has convinced key parties and stakeholders that it is in our best interests to create low carbon economies, benefit from less pollution, and thereby create a new economic sector that reduces poverty and increases employment,” he said.

He also called for the utilization of the ocean’s resources through best efforts to better manage food security and minimize greenhouse gas emission.

“This is why we call on our partners and the rest of the international countries to strongly support the exhilarated deployment and potentially game-changing technologies to tap this vast renewable resources such as the ocean,” he said.

Additionally, Darroux urged the international community to increase the provision of finance transfer and deployment of technology and capacity building efforts in a more predictable manner that reflects strong public-private company.

“The establishment of a loss and damage fund can and should be part of a final resolution of COP21,” he said.


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  1. tru d bino q la
    December 10, 2015

    Both of the ills Mr. Darroux identified (i.e terrorism and climate change) as threats to humanity are somehow supported by the Government of Dominica_ at least indirectly. The government of Dominica has embarked on a very dangerous endeavor of selling passports, without the human and /or the technological resources to at least scrutinize applicants, as a pro active measure to reduce the potential for devious misuse of such an important document. As i write these lines, one scenario emerged from tissues of my mind; think along with me!_a terrorist with a Dominican passport comes to Dominica, and as a Dominican, he goes to Guadeloupe. Isn’t Guadeloupe a department of France?
    We are in bed with China, with all those MOU,s while China has the world record for pollution of all sorts. So Mr. Darroux, could you tell us how are you helping?

  2. keepingitreal
    December 10, 2015

    political corruption is the greatest threat to the world (especially the poor)

  3. ghost
    December 10, 2015

    Nice speech. But we all know that the greatest threat to life in dominica is the Princess margaret hospital. More lives are taken there than by terrorists anywhere

  4. December 10, 2015

    Mr. Darroux…thus saith JEHOVAH, ” While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night SHALL NOT CEASE. Genesis 8:22…So said the ONE that created the world and keeps it in motion…We ( humans ) all together, are the greatest threat to the world, even the animals behave better than us….You think GOD did not know what HE was talking about when HE said, “There’s non that doeth good, no not one. Romans 3;12…
    JEHOVAH run things Sir, not you nor the bunch of cronies that gathered in Paris…

  5. Dr. Kerrs Tinsley
    December 10, 2015

    The Climate Change Conference is the front-runner of the UN’s Agenda 21 for a global world government. This government will do a lot of bad things to us including removing our right to private property and to feed ourselves and our families. As you know, from our own experience as Dominicans, big government has never been good for anyone. We must not be tricked into supporting this horrible plan. BUT, did you know that Dominica back in 1992 actually SIGNED this Agreement???? Here is a summary of the UN’s Agenda 21: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2701048/posts?page=1

    Here is a video about the UN’s plans for us which will shock you when you find out what they have in store for us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l79Qa92DeU .

    Help Dominica and help the world – write to your parliamentarians and ask for explanations. Remember the EU? It all started out to help the countries of Europe – now it is the most dictatorial regime in the world.

  6. J.John-Charles
    December 10, 2015

    Stop your nonsense about climate change.When hurricane David strike Dominica it was climate change.In the interim till Erika it was C.C after Erika is the same old tune C.C, Stop selling passports to Dick Tom and Harry and you will have no fear for terrrorism

  7. Ma Moses
    December 9, 2015

    Dear Dr. Darroux, I know your heart is in the right place and that is why I do not understand what you are doing in Paris at that conference. You are a medical doctor and our Minister of health. The P.M. said we need all hands on deck and that applies certainly to our medical services, which are not in the best of health. We need you right here in Dominica to apply yourself to the sick and dying and not to stand on a political platform in Paris. I am sorry if I offend you but that is how I see it. Thank you for your understanding.

  8. Sami Conteh
    December 9, 2015

    1) How much are you being paid to push this propaganda? Just curious.
    2) Mr. Minister are you aware that global warming/ climate change is a huge scam designed to create a one world government? Have a look at this article in the Wall Street Journal confirming this: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303480304579578462813553136
    5) Mr. Minister, are you aware of the chemtrail spraying programs sanctioned by the UN which is designed to alter the weather worldwide and to make all of us seriously ill in the process? Have a look at this link: http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/what-the-hell-are-they-spraying-on-us/
    6) Here is the UN Treaty on climate change!!! http://antinewworldorder.blogspot.com/2007/04/chemtrails.html
    7) As for ‘terror’, Mr. Minister, don’t be an idiot – have look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ydhL_-a0hA .

    Don’t sell you soul to the devil – not worth it!!

  9. December 9, 2015

    Dr. Kenneth Darroux, well said! As a faithful and loyal Labourite I will not diminish the potency and significance of your speech with further commentary. Have a safe flight home Comrade…the champagne is already ice cold! :-D

  10. ...
    December 9, 2015

    why kenneth go Paris?? he doe fraid to die??

    • Dominican
      December 10, 2015

      If he did not go you would be saying he fraid to die. Just a waste of oxygen on this planet hence climate change

  11. Tjebe Fort
    December 9, 2015

    You are shameless Dr. Darroux. Why combine terrorism with climate change only for you to get the sympathy from the French people so they will vote to give us money. I can not see our government interested in climate change but only the money they can extract from rich countries to make them feel guilty when we ourselves continue to burn old tyres and plastic, import used tyres and polluting old vehicles and fertilizer that is going into the sea to destroy our marine environment and import agricultural chemicals that are prohibited elsewhere. I am sure that speech was prepared for you because no way you would say that on your own initiative. Stop Skerrit using you as his patsy.

  12. Jesus_Was_A_Captalist
    December 9, 2015

    Darroux makes a better pm than skerrit

  13. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    December 9, 2015

    You had better stayed home; supplying your drunks of your now destruct village with the cheap white rum you bought and put down at the root of the tree where you usually leave the rum; the good thing is the drunks are no longer there.

    I hear that is the only tree left standing in Petite Savanne: I always suspected that you are a very shallow person, and your representation here proves how shallow you are; the topic you presented has very little or absolutely nothing to do with Dominica. The people of Dominica are not contributing anything to global warming except for the imported fusel fuel utilized in motor vehicles.

    We have no Industrial industries in the country which contributes to the problem. The crap you spoke about terrorism, has nothing to do with Dominica, you should however, be concerned with high volume of crimes, such as the unsolved murders in our country. You should be concerned with the poverty of our people, who\’s life\’s are ravaged by poverty…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      December 9, 2015

      You should be concerned with the poverty of our people, who\’s life\’s are ravaged by poverty.

      The nations who caused the problem: China the chief offender are the ones to talk about Global Warming; you should have just sat there as an observer, and shut up! The nations which are affected by terrorists are very effective in dealing with the terrorists, we had an example here last week where in a matter of hours the terrorists were caught and killed by the police.

      In France the same day they captured and killed the terrorist. Dominica is less than 1/3 (one third) the size of France and the United States, yet in a small village as Wesley, there are many unsolved crime; I know of not less than four murders your government and police has yet to solve, in addition to the attempted murder of Gong Emanuel! You are pushing your round head into a small square hole!

  14. out of south city
    December 9, 2015

    I think that the real threat to the world is man himself. Men have been messing with nature so what do you expect? Even the so-called “natural disasters” are the doings of man. Just do some research to find out. Google the word HAARP to get some information.


  15. %
    December 9, 2015

    Man I am surprised that you have become such a shameless individual.You know that terrorism is one of the greatest threats to the world, and you are part member of an evil regime selling our citizenship all over? Why can’t you Darroux in particular get out of this mess brother!!!
    In Dominica our greatest threat is poverty and extremely poor health care. You are part of a team that has been governing this island for 16 years, and not even the poor unsuspecting ones you all care about after fooling them.Many have died and are dying because of poor health care,poor diet and nutrition, but you are brazen enough to come on here and puff out hot air!..Your legacy will not make good reading,YOU ARE TOO DARN SHAMELESS!

    • views expreesed
      December 9, 2015

      Well said my friend, % well said. These DLP guys have nothing new to say or do for we Dominicans

  16. Shaka Zulu
    December 9, 2015

    The greatest threat to the world and humanity has always been man and will always be man himself. All these fly by night climatologists that just talking. Human beings need to learn to adjust to the changes that is all. Have the minister ever heard of paleoclimatology. If he has then he should have heard about what created fiods and rias, coral platforms, beach terraces atols, barrier reef complex and all. The earth has experienced ice ages and warming periods/cycles during which time there has been rise and fall or transgressions and regression of the sea level. It is by no means an overnight process so the displacement of people will be in small scale over long periods of time and barely noticeable. As I said before, volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, global warming and cooling, landslides, and all these natural processes will happen whether we here or not. We are naive to think we can stop. 90% of living animals and plants have already been extinct. Man just need to adjust.

    • Shaka Zulu
      December 9, 2015

      Meant 90% of plants an animals that lived on this earth have already been extinct.

    • Hmmmmmmm
      December 9, 2015

      well since you know so much you would also know that greenhouse gases cause warming of the Earth and since man it the main contributor of Co2 in the atmosphere presently then we can of course reduce that and slow down these changes and that is what they are trying to sensitize people about. We can’t just sit here and do nothing.

      • Shaka Zulu
        December 9, 2015

        Like everything this is debatable because there is no black and white. Ask yourself what caused the previous cooling and warming trends when humans were not around. The earth will correct itself and in so doing temperature, rainfall and other conditions will fluctuate in different locations at different times. Yes and human existence will be affected. Once the cycle of warming begins it will continue until a balance is reached and who knows how long it will take. Maybe it will mark our extinction. The earth has always changed and will continue to change. If they serious about CO2 how about returning all those cities to forest. That would cut down green house gasses. Smdh. Did you realize you said reduce or slow down? That means they cannot stop shit. Just prolonging the inevitable. So long this crap is being talked about all of a sudden it is biggest threat. Natural law. Man cannot control nature we can only adjust.

      • Shaka Zulu
        December 9, 2015

        What I hate is politicians using ignorance and fear to push their agenda. Dominica and the rest of the Caribbean not big contributor to global warming and therefore has very little impact in changing its course. They are only at COP21 to see if they can get money from the large developed countries. What we can do however is change our building codes, clear our river beds to accommodate flooding periods, use the materials from the rivers as a resource for construction and to rebuild our eroded coastlines (beaches). Canfield, massacre and point Mitchell coastlines need sand , change our farming practices, and use our scientists and engineers to develop and improve land stabilization technology. These are what we can start talking about. These are some adjustments. Just like we are told what to do to live healthier and go to heaven. We do all kinds of crap and get sick. Then take all kinds of medicine. Guess what? We die anyway. That’s how I see global warming. A cycle.

      • anonymous2
        December 10, 2015

        And what do you think the plants on this earth do? They convert the CO2 to oxygen. If you want to pick on somebody, pick on the billionaire globalists and leading politicians that jet around the world continuously in their private planes and contribute pollution by way of their many corporations producing products such as cars, that could run on clean fuel and yet choose to use fossil fuels so that they make more money. Put the blame where it belongs. There is no global warming due only to mankind.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      December 9, 2015

      You either studied the subject very well, or you have done some serious research; in any event that is a very interesting, and very broad subject: Nevertheless, what caused the immediate problem is much simpler than where you seem to be going with your comments. When we are dealing with Paleoclimatetology all of the following are included, though the problems of years ago to me has nothing to do with Global warming of today!

      \”The first atmosphere would have consisted of gases in the solar nebula, primarily hydrogen. In addition, there would probably have been simple hydrides such as those now found in gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn, notablywater vapor, methane and ammonia. As the solar nebula dissipated, these gases would have escaped, partly driven off by the solar wind.

      The next atmosphere, consisting largely of nitrogen plus carbon dioxide and inert gases, was produced by outgassing from volcanism, supplemented by gases produced during the late heavy bombardment…

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        December 9, 2015

        \” The late heavy bombardment of Earth by hugeasteroids. A major part of carbon dioxide emissions were soon dissolved in water and built up carbonate sediments.
        Water-related sediments have been found dating from as early as 3.8 billion years ago. About 3.4 billion years ago, nitrogen was the major part of the then stable \”second atmosphere\”. An influence of life has to be taken into account rather soon in the history of the atmosphere, because hints of early life forms are to be found as early as 3.5 billion years ago.\”

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      December 9, 2015

      I give you, thumbs up anyway on this one. It is deserving, since your submission caused my brain to pulsate somewhat, and got me to really review what you are talking about. That is the way it should be; educational, and intellectual.

      I mean we can bounce up and down on Skerrit most of the time; but that\’s not what life is all about, it is bigger than Skerrit.

      Tell labor of Skerrit Love to write something halfway intelligent lest see if he can write anything scientific that can get an intelligent person interesting to a point of giving him/her a single thumbs up!

    • Dr. Kerrs Tinsley
      December 10, 2015

      They want us to believe that! But the greatest threat to humanity is the devil and all those that serve him which include the UN. Have a look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l79Qa92DeU

  17. lexis
    December 9, 2015

    Terrorism and Climate change are the biggest threats to the western governments and their political future. It is all about power politics. The real threat to the world is Health and marginalization of the poor (POVERTY). And a doctor should know that. The climate change conference in France right now is power politicking and governments trying to look good in the political realm. Terrorism and Climate change are just what we are being sensitized to today. Not saying they are not real issues facing the world but there are other more pressing issues Dr. We are not resolved. The G7 Nations are the ones that are pushing Climate change and Terrorism threats as most important. Lets be vigilante of the power politics and economic annexations.

    • anonymous2
      December 10, 2015

      Actually the UN is behind it all. It is the institution created to institute world government and do away will all countries and 90% of the people on the planet.

  18. Truth Hurts
    December 9, 2015

    Well stop selling our passports to any and everybody.

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