Ferdison Valmond: A trailblazing advocate for Indigenous and climate change issues

Ferdinand Valmond

Ferdison Valmond, a pioneering advocate for Indigenous rights and climate change, has made history by becoming the youngest, first Dominican, and Indigenous youth appointed to the UN High-Level Climate Champions team.

Established in 2015, UN High-Level Climate Champions Team selects individuals to represent diverse constituencies and geographical regions, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive approach to addressing climate change.

“I am honored and humbled to join the UN High-Level Climate Champions team as a Race to Resilience Youth Fellow. This appointment represents a significant opportunity to amplify the voices of those often marginalized in climate discussions and to drive inclusive climate action worldwide,” said Valmond.

Valmond is a 20-year-old climate activist from Dominica, whose passion for environmental advocacy has made him a prominent voice for sustainability within his community and beyond. He serves as the National Coordinator of the Commonwealth Youth Climate Network (CYCN) and is the Indigenous Youth Representative to the UN Global Indigenous Youth Forum. Valmond has also previously served as an Advisor to the UN Resident Coordinator for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean. He is committed to driving positive change and raising awareness about the importance of protecting our planet for future generations.

In his new role as a Race to Resilience Youth Fellow, Valmond will focus on promoting inclusivity in gender, women, youth, and Indigenous peoples within the Race to Resilience campaign. Valmond’s appointment will involve integrating the perspectives and needs of these marginalized groups into global resilience-building efforts.



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