Foreign visitors to US may be required to be vaccinated for COVID-19; 2.6% of world’s population infected

The Biden administration is taking the first steps toward requiring nearly all foreign visitors to the United States (U.S.) to be vaccinated for COVID-19.

This was recently stated by a White House official.

As of Wednesday, COVID-19 cases worldwide has surpassed 200 million according to a Reuters tally, as the more-infectious delta variant threatens areas with low vaccination rates and strain healthcare systems.

Reported by a news article on, this requirement would come as part of the Biden administration’s phased approach to easing travel restrictions for foreign citizens to the country. No timeline has yet been determined, as interagency working groups study how and when to safely move toward resuming normal travel.

Eventually all foreign citizens entering the country, with some limited exceptions, are expected to need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to enter the U.S.

The Biden administration has kept in place travel restrictions that have severely curtailed international trips to the U.S., citing the spread of the delta variant of the virus. Under the rules, non-U.S. residents who have been to China, the European Schengen area, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Brazil, South Africa and India in the prior 14 days are prohibited from entering the U.S.

All travelers to the U.S., regardless of vaccination status, are required to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within three days of air travel to the country.

The administration has also faced pressure to lift some restrictions from affected allies, the air travel industry and families who have been kept separated from loved ones by the rules as many have complained that the travel restrictions don’t reflect the current virus situation as cases in the U.S. are worse than in many of the prohibited nations.

Cases are rising in about one third of the world’s countries, many of which have not given half their population a first dose.

Meantime, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on recently expressed it was deeply concerned by the unknown numbers who may still be suffering with ‘Long COVID’ or post-COVID syndrome  and has urged people struggling with the after effects of the virus; despite having recovered from the acute phase – to seek medical attention.

Long COVID remains one of the most mysterious aspects of the pandemic.

“We don’t know for how long these effects last and we’re even working on a case definition to better understand and describe what this post COVID syndrome is,” Maria Van Kerkhove, the UN health agency’s COVID-19 technical lead said at a press conference.

She stated the WHO was working to have better rehabilitation programmes for Long COVID sufferers plus broader research to gain a better understanding of what the syndrome is and how it can be managed.

Little is known about why some people, after coming through the acute phase, struggle to recover and suffer ongoing symptoms including shortness of breath, extreme fatigue and brain fog as well as cardiac and neurological disorders. Some people seemed to have post-COVID conditions for three months, and others up to six months.

It is not yet fully understood what caused the post-viral symptoms, with various hypotheses including the immune response to the infection and the virus persisting in some organs.

The WHO also called for a moratorium on Covid-19 vaccine boosters until at least 10% of the population in every country was vaccinated.

The delta variant is upending all assumptions about the virus and roiling economies, with disease experts scrambling to find whether the latest version of coronavirus is making people, especially unvaccinated individuals, sicker than before.

At least 2.6% of the world’s population has been infected since the pandemic started, with the true figure likely higher due to limited testing in many places.

It was reported that it took over a year for Covid-19 cases to hit 100 million mark, while the next 100 million were reported in just over six months.

The countries reporting the most cases on a seven-day average – the United States, Brazil, Indonesia, India and Iran which represents about 38% of all global cases reported each day.

Worldwide, the pandemic has left close to 4.4 million people dead.

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  1. Bring back the kidnapped parrots
    August 8, 2021

    Why are they concerned about vaccinations of foreigners when almost half of Americans refuse to get vaccinated especially in states like Florida and Texas where most hospital beds are full of COVID patients Also, US military members are also refusing the vaccine. If they want all foreigners to get vaccinated it should be mandatory for everyone living in the US to be vaccinated and fines imposed if they refuse. If they get the virus they should also be refused medical care if they refused the vaccine and catch the virus. It is too late to get the shot anyway once one catches the virus there chance of survival is slim doctors even tell them that on their hospital bed. Tell the it is too late to get the shot while watching them die.

  2. J.John-Charles
    August 7, 2021

    If the Biden administration is really serious in curbing the spread of the virus in the U.S. Biden must stop encouraging and welcoming illegal migrants from South America. Many with the virus, are put on buses and planes and spread them all over, like Texas, Florida And other states, and of course spreading the virus. How can you call Americans who have doubt about the vaccines, unpatriotic, selfish and other ugly names. At the same time, bringing in others with the same COVID-19. Putting them in hotels, in NGO organizations, like Catholic Charities.These organizations have no power to detain the inmates with COVID. So they are free to go and mingle with others.And that is one of the reasons there is a surge.
    Democrats know what they are doing. They believe when these migrants become legal, they will vote for them. Another thing,do you know who will become poorer? BLACKS, the Hispanics will take their jobs and democrats will keep them on welfare.

    • Bring back the kidnapped parrots
      August 8, 2021

      If Trump was still president there would be no COVID. He can fix everything.

  3. J.John-Charles
    August 7, 2021

    Before the advent of Biden to the presidency, Trump negotiated with the president of Mexico. He agreed to deploy 2000 soldiers on his border (at Mexico’s expense) to prevent illegal migrants from entering the U.S. Others who enter Mexico seeking asylum in the U.S will remain there and apply. If successful, then will be allowed to enter the U.S. The migrants who used children as a shield were told the children will be taking care of , but they will not be allowed to stay.
    The very first day Biden took office, he rejected the agreement between the two countries and told I.C.E to stop arresting those who are entering illegally. No child will be separated from their mother.The border is wide open for those living in south America. No vaccination. Biden is providing transport to spread them all over the U.S. It is said 8.2% of the migrants are tested positive with COVID.
    Do you know Y Biden don’t care about the spread of virus? In time they are votes for Democrats.tha’s all.

    • Bring back the kidnapped parrots
      August 8, 2021

      Where are the pesos for the wall. Trump said over and over that Mexico was paying for the wall so where are the pesos.

  4. Lin clown
    August 6, 2021

    SKERRO,stop making yourself a JACKA like IBO,%,and Views.Read the first paragraph.The Biden administration is TAKING(IS TAKING) the first step.Read further,this was RECENTLY STATED by a WHITE HOUSE official.It is not DNO saying it,it is the WHITE HOUSE

  5. Channel 1
    August 6, 2021

    Aye folks, something just ain’t right. Despite increasing real-world evidence that the vaccines are not working as expected, all sorts of desperate totalitarian machinations are being employed by world leaders to FORCE people to take an experimental vaccine.

    I repeat – SOMETHING AIN’T RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stay tuned…

    P.S. – By the way, how can anyone see what’s currently going on and still believe the Bible and the Book of Revelation is a mere fable? 8-O 8-O 8-O

  6. Gary
    August 6, 2021

    Admin: Your above headline is misleading and alarming. Why don’t you guys fact-check your information before making such misleading headlines. I checked the US State Dept. there is no such requirement as of now. There are other reports suggesting that the Biden Administration is CONSIDERING such measures, that is different from what you are reporting.

    ADMIN: Thank you for pointing that out. It was an unintentional error. The headline has been updated.

  7. Skerro
    August 6, 2021

    Dno all you like fox news they are thinking about show me the facts

  8. Lin clown
    August 6, 2021

    Some of those UWP overeducated JACKA should go to the USA without being VACCINATED if they are required to be vaccinated.Parliament should meet,pass a law making it MANDATORY to take the vaccine.Everybody found un vaccinated six months after the LAW was passed should be JAILED for five years.Anybody found guilty of AIDING and ABETTING in this offence should be JAILED for five years.Anybody entering the country without a vaccination passport should be JAILED for five years

    • Tuhh
      August 6, 2021

      You sound stupid

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