Fourteen schools to contend at DAT’s annual spelling bee competition

DAT President Mervin Alexander 

In an upcoming event scheduled for May 30, 2024, at the Public Service Union Building, eight primary schools and six secondary schools will compete in the Dominica Association of Teachers Spelling Bee Competition. These institutions have been rigorously selected based on their performance in the District Competitions held earlier.

Among the primary schools contending for the top position are The Roosevelt Douglas Primary, the Savanne Paille Primary, the St. Mary’s Primary, the Lighthouse Christian Academy, the Goodwill Primary, the Wesley Primary, the Castle Bruce Primary, and the Newtown Primary. Each of these schools will nominate two students to represent them, with each student facing a challenging list of fifteen words.

Similarly, the secondary schools in the competition include the Convent High School, the Dominica Grammar School, the Wesley High School, the Orion Academy, the Portsmouth Secondary School, and the St. Martin Secondary School. Like their primary school counterparts, each secondary school will also send two students to compete, each tackling a list of thirty words.

The overall winner will be determined by the combined scores of both primary and secondary schools. Additionally, the student with the highest score among secondary schools will be recognized as the top student in that category.

The competitors from the primary schools include D’Andre Roberts of the Roosevelt Douglas Primary, Caleb George of the Coulibistrie Primary, Gelana Auguiste of the Lighthouse Christian Academy, Jeffon Romain of the Savanne Paille Primary, and Jahmanel Cornelius of the Roosevelt Douglas Primary.

The event’s formal opening is expected to feature brief remarks from dignitaries such as the Minister of Education, Human Resource, Planning, Vocational Training & National Excellence or their representative, a representative from the McMillian Publishing Company, and the President of the Dominica Association of Teachers.

“The DAT would like to express its sincerest gratitude to McMillian Publishing Company of the United Kingdom and Jays Bookstore, the main sponsors for the competition and Josephine Gabriel and company for their valuable contribution. We look forward to many more business entities in Dominica contributing more to the educational
development of our students”, DAT President Mervin Alexander relayed via statement.

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