Fourth annual Earth Hour observation in Dominica

For over four decades, the National Development Foundation of Dominica (NDFD) has steadfastly pursued its mission of bolstering the growth of Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs) in Dominica. Throughout this time, it has also served as a driving force for positive change and innovation within the community.

In line with its commitment to this mandate, the NDFD has recently introduced its Green Program, aimed at guiding and supporting small businesses and individuals in embracing environmentally sustainable practices both in their day-to-day operations and personal lives.

Central to this initiative is the urgent call to address pressing environmental concerns, particularly the looming threat of climate change. One prominent global movement championing environmental action is “Earth Hour.” Originating as a simple lights-out event in Sydney, Australia in 2007, Earth Hour has since evolved into a massive grassroots movement spanning over 185 countries and territories. It seeks to mobilize millions of individuals and organizations worldwide to take concrete steps towards protecting the planet.

Scheduled for Saturday, March 23rd, 2023, from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm, Earth Hour presents a significant opportunity for collective action. In light of this, the NDFD cordially invites participation in this global event, encouraging engagement through various activities outlined in accompanying materials or through innovative initiatives aligned with the program’s objectives.

Participants are urged to document their contributions, which will not only aid in assessing collective impact but also facilitate knowledge sharing with fellow participants worldwide. To amplify the reach of these efforts, individuals are encouraged to utilize official hashtags such as #EarthHour, #EarthHourDominica, and #BiggestHourforEarth on social media platforms.

In conclusion, the NDFD’s Green Program and participation in Earth Hour exemplify its ongoing dedication to fostering sustainable development and environmental stewardship within Dominica and beyond.

Those interested in further details or seeking assistance to facilitate participation, can find more information here.

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