2013 Christmas message by the President of Dominica

President of Dominica, His Excellency, Charles Savarin

EDITOR’S NOTE: Regarding the late posting of this article, we were only able to obtain a copy  of the president’s message on Friday. Out of respect for the office of the president and because we are still in the Christmas season, we decided to publish the article. 


My fellow Citizens and Residents of Dominica,

We are once again in that time of the year when we are called to prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ whose coming was foretold by the prophet Isaiah in these words: “Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isa 7: 14). In the Gospel of Matthew, we are told that the name Emmanuel means God – with – us. Matthew goes on to further explain that the baby boy should be called Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.

The birth of Jesus was a far reaching and transformative event which continues to reverberate throughout the world to this day, over two thousand years since it occurred.

The Constitution of Dominica draws its fundamental principles from the Judaeo- Christian traditions on justice and peace, and its framers boldly declare in the preamble that we are a nation under the supremacy of God. For generations, and long before Dominica became independent, we joined Christians all over the world in the celebration of Christmas, a celebration that recalls the birth of Christ and of His life among us as man.

Over the years, the true meaning of Christmas has been overshadowed by an invasive commercialization and consumerism that is attractive in appearance, but costly in practice, since we too often accentuate the worldly aspect rather than the Christ aspect of
Christmas. However, what does stand out in our celebration of the season, is the extent to which family and friends reach out to each other and seek out the less fortunate with gifts and words of cheer that tell them they are loved and are not forgotten. But to really embrace the message and the promise of Christmas, we must be committed in our thoughts, words and deeds, to Christ our Saviour and to one another.

In this regard there is one institution, the Music Lovers Government Band, which has not failed over the years to exemplify this spirit of caring. I therefore want to say a personal thank you to the Music Lovers Government Band. This band has continued to carry on the tradition of visiting most of our communities and institutions in the weeks leading up to Christmas Day, bringing cheer and goodwill to citizens in the rural areas with renderings of traditional Christmas carols, and others of local and more recent composition. Many of the band members make a sacrifice of the time they could share with their families, so that they can bring glad tidings to others in song – a true act of giving and serving which helps in fostering a spirit of brotherhood in the society.

Christians and non Christians alike are taken up with the excitement that fills the air in the days leading up to Christmas. The expressions “Merry Christmas”, and “Compliments of the Season” flow effortlessly from our lips with a sincerity that is disarming and all embracing. How lovely would it be if such sentiments prevailed in our relationships with each other throughout the year!
One of the many titles given to Jesus is “Prince of Peace”. When we reflect on the status of our world in current times, we are troubled by the extent to which so many of our brothers and sisters with whom we share a common humanity, are traumatized by the ravages of war and conflict, dislocated and homeless because of tribal, religious and ideological intolerance. This intolerance which is often the cause of wars and endless conflicts, subverts the possibility of a peaceful coexistence in the face of differences that pits us on opposite sides of the political, ethnic and religious divide.

We should be grateful to the Prince of Peace that in Dominica even when we are unable to resolve our differences, we conduct ourselves in a manner that does not result in communal strife and leave our brothers in pain, misery, loss of loved ones and hopelessness.

Nevertheless, we have seen over the years a tendency to engage in negative and unwarranted attacks on the structures and institutions and individuals in our society, thus causing undue animosity and negativity towards one another and thereby engendering concern both here and abroad regarding our tranquility and stability.

The time has come to reverse this trend by developing a spirit of constructive criticism since “Donminik se sa nou” (Dominica belongs to us). Therefore, just as the infant Jesus brought peace to the world let us allow him, the Prince of Peace, to transform our lives, that we may experience the joy of reconciliation even in our diversity.

As an act of solidarity and identity with the mission of the Messiah who was born on Christmas day, let us look outward with thanksgiving, and offer prayers for the victims of war, injustice, abuse, and other forms of violence. At home, let us work harder to be at peace with ourselves and with each other in all our dealings and relationships.

Along with my wife Clara and other members of my family, I extend to all of you our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a New Year that will see your cup filled and overflowing with God`s abundant love and His everlasting blessings.

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  1. emelia
    January 1, 2014

    you were put there so you could parden the boy when he is sent to jail.he just built a house in nj.johnson take note

    • 4CARS
      January 1, 2014

      Who is the owner of the house in New Jersey? :lol:

  2. site seeing diaspora
    January 1, 2014

    You are one of the many reasons that skerrit will be badly beaten at the polls. Resign to save his and your face.

  3. john brown
    January 1, 2014

    My fellow Dominicans do not act foolishly though you we all have freedom of speech and expression we should try to engage in good dialogue. Technology have given us the opportunity to be involve in what is happening around us use it wisely; do not comment just for comment sake or you have the tools to do it,no that should not be.
    first to begin with one should read whatever article for their self and analize it paragraph by paragraph before writing and then placing or rather posting a comment. What I see us doing is taking things personal and tearing down our brothers and sisters over a comment that they have written this is not nice. Leave the Politicking to the politicians. Remember whatever goes out there cannot come back and PEOPLE worldwide will be reading those silly comments some of us write and then judge the whole NATION by what a few silly people have written,so please do not tear down your fellowman for the Politicians, whilst you are at home they meet at functions and speak they are not enimies,they JUMP from party to party but you fight for them, that is not good because they leave office some time do not let politics DEVIDE YOU WE ARE ONE PEOPLE.
    I blame the POLITICIANS also they should educate their supporters to the right thing in regard to leading a Nation of people can listen to each other and embrace each other for the good of all. CONFRONTATION DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN HOSTILITY. Sometimes we have to disagree to agree.
    As the calypsonian “THE MAN HIMSELF” FREDDY once said in a song; “DOMINICA TOO SMALL FOR THAT”.
    With that said I wish all my fellow Dominicans a Bright and Prosperous New Year.

    • 4CARS
      January 1, 2014

      That’s your opinion! you know that?

  4. john brown
    January 1, 2014

    My fellow Dominicans do not act foolishly though you we all have freedom of speech and expression we should try to engage in good dialogue. Technology have given us the opportunity to be involve in what is happening around us use it wisely; do not comment just for comment sake or you have the tools to do it,no that should not be.
    first to begin with one should read whatever article for their self and analize it paragraph by paragraph before writing and placing or rather posting a comment. What I see us doing istaking

  5. Anonymous
    December 31, 2013

    Go Charlo go! You are the man. Seasons greetings to you and yours. THE PEOPLE are behind you.

  6. For Richer Or Poorer
    December 31, 2013

    Thank you Mr. President. A very good Christmas message. You are truly one of Dominica’s best. A true Statesman. Not many Dominicans can travel your path and can look back and say yes, I’ve done this and much more for the love of my country, Dominica and her people; regardless whether some people see it or not, or pretend that they don’t. The majority of us see and know it and are grateful to you or all you have done and continues to do.

    May the Good Lord continue to bless you this coming New Year and also I ask the Lord for a special request that God bless all those who are against you; by reading some of the posts, there are a few; I say, Love your enemies. Let the burden of hatred be theirs alone to carry.

    Happy 2014 Everyone.

    • Anonymous
      December 31, 2013

      Confrontational man, confrontational comments. Stands to reason.

  7. NicE n NaughtY
    December 31, 2013

    If only those words were coming from the heart but your actions speak much louder.

  8. patriot
    December 31, 2013

    A true states man.

  9. 4CARS
    December 30, 2013

    If these two men (Skerritt and Savrin) were white, they would be called “Red Necks.”

    • 4CARS
      December 30, 2013

      Correction: “Rednecks.”

      • faceup
        December 30, 2013

        Do you know what a Redneck is? talk to me, lived and worked in West Virginia..

  10. La BASSE
    December 30, 2013

    President who, how, what, why, when & where? It’s time for archiving. Send that to me in one of the bobbol gabbage bins. I will put the creature safely in one of the tender chambers of my HEART; away from the saltfish.

  11. Roseau
    December 30, 2013

    It is so wired to even look at Saverin picture or to think of him as a President .
    I still can’t believe it.

    • 4CARS
      December 30, 2013

      With skerritt all things are possible.

    • Justice and Truth
      December 31, 2013

      Eat your heart out! :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: Or shall I say, what is eating you out? :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

      • whipwhap
        December 31, 2013

        Speak for yourself. Your coments generally go hidden, because of unpopularity.

  12. john paul
    December 29, 2013

    this is not just a President He also caused two other Presidents namely Degason and Coolslartigue a lot of pain and distress.He also led a revolt against a Prime minister.He demanded 100% increase in salary but when he was the Miniser in charge only 1% increase was given after much negotiation

    • 4CARS
      December 30, 2013

      And where were you people of Bumbinica? sleeping. Take what all you get man! all you just have big mout but dow worth a penny. If the river flows towards the east, it’s alright with all you. :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted:

    • Justice and Truth
      December 31, 2013

      Your lack of love and peace especially at this time is causing me much pain and distress that a fellow Dominican cannot live in peace, harmony and unity and generate it and encourage it in the land. You have a severe problem.

  13. Anonymous
    December 29, 2013

    Great message Mr President. God bless you and your family.

    • Anonymous
      December 30, 2013

      You shall reap what you sow. Remember!

  14. Truth be Told
    December 29, 2013

    President without legitimacy!

  15. john brown
    December 28, 2013

    You peoplee are really crazy.it is time you start thinking of the future on the Nation, who are the children. Our people are so selfish that we are not thinking of OUR own children,but rather the happiness of some GREEDY POLITICANS who feed off the ignorance of some us. We will all DIE SOMETIME and what we should and must do is try OUR BEST TO LEAVE THIS BELOVED COUNTRY OF OURS IN A BETTER CONDITION FOR OUR CHILDREN. It can be done if we listen to the voices of the people,and sort out GOOD FROM THE BAD. Let those who are wise among you serve,if not remove them. For they too shall bring SORROW on their own CHILDREN and we turn to the children and say,Dominica did not do that to you; YOUR SELFISH PARENTS DID. Those who have eyes let them READ.

    • Anonymous
      December 31, 2013

      The people have spoken and so it shall be.

    December 28, 2013

    DNO,is it ok for someone else to use a persons user name to respond to ones comment?Do you do any screening to make sure that doesn’t happen?

    Admin: Currently, anyone can use any username. If there is sufficient demand for unique usernames then we can look at a means of implementing this feature.

    • Jay
      December 29, 2013

      So why not use your proper name? It is highly ironic that you are plagiarizing the title of the American 2009 action film “Fast & Furious” and then accuse others of doing the same.

    • Too Late
      December 29, 2013

      You must get two passports like the p.m and have two different spellings. So you can have FFast N FFurious on one passport and Fast N Furious on the next. When some one steal one name you just switch names.

    • Truth be Told
      December 29, 2013

      That’s a very good question. I see someone else has started to use my DNO username “Truth be Told” which I have been using here on DNO for over three years now! What’s up with that, DNO?

      • waylay
        December 30, 2013

        I realise, and gave you a thumbs down by mistake, thinking ir was the imposter.

    • ()
      December 29, 2013

      @ FAST N FURIOUS ARE YOU ASHAMED OF USING YOUR OWN NAME? What an accomplished hypocrite you are.Is it that what you are disseminating is filth or thrash, and you are ashamed of it? Or is it that you are an accomplice to the evil deals of corrupt politicians?

        December 30, 2013

        Please try to clean your face before telling someone else about theirs.As far as Im concern you don’t even have a name.

  17. fil
    December 28, 2013

    Well jump high jump low he is the President. God is above us all and we have to respect that. Mr. President thanks for the message. I wish yourself and family a healthy and prosperous New Year.

  18. 4CARS
    December 28, 2013

    “The constitution of Dominica draws its fundamental principles from the judaeo-christian tradition on justice and peace.” Tell that to skerritt! so he wont again trash our constitution.

    • paint
      December 30, 2013

      What truth and justice? you were ranting supporting the crime against a senior Citizen like you in GON Emmanuel. ah ma gresay Savarin.

  19. 4CARS
    December 28, 2013

    The message is laughing at the messenger.

  20. spanish harlem
    December 28, 2013

    This is Clara Cake,tony and skerrit’s president. man who does not even love himself, muchless for country.

    • WAYYYY
      December 30, 2013

      strupes. U ppl are just ignorant. President Savarin is a good man. Most intelligent man in Dominica. I just love this man and his wife.

      • 4CARS
        December 31, 2013

        How much Old Oak Rum did you drink? sound like you drunk or outta you mind.

  21. Francisco Telemaque
    December 28, 2013

    “The Constitution of Dominica draws its fundamental principles from the Judaeo- Christian traditions on justice and peace, and its framers boldly declare in the preamble that we are a nation under the supremacy of God.”

    Savarin; maybe you erred, as such I will give you the benefit of the doubt, nevertheless the word is “Judeo-Christian dating back to 1899, without the “a” which simply means having historical roots in both Judaism, and Christianity.

    Review also “Ju-deo-Span-ish” 1851: meaning the Romance Ianguage of Sephardic Jews especially in the Balkans, and Asia Minor. Now written as you wrote it is literally similar to the suggested pronunciation thus ” Ju-,da-o’kris-chan.”

    That however is what we get when we allow people in Dominica to teach school as you did at one time without any college education, and without some teaching credentials. In any event you should or any politician in Dominica should be the very last people to comment about on justice and peace.

    When you turned the country upside down caused a riot, and overthrew Patrick John, we had the constitution, the people who were killed in the riot you caused, how much your kind of justice have served them?

    What about justice for Gong Emanuel, and my murdered nephew, what about justice for all the people who were found dead in the country, and the investigation simply become dormant. Where is the justice for the poor and suffering.

    Savarin we know that God exists, however, no matter what is written in the preamble it is not observed by you nor any other politician in our country. You people ignore the supremacy of God Almighty Jehovah!

    You set yourselves up as theism (small gods) you rule as gods, you use the courts of the judicial system to punish those who do not support you politically, reward your supports even when they have committed crimes in broad daylight.

    You talk about God, God does not only exists in the month of December, nor on election, we must honor God everyday, and not only when it is convenient to us!

    You are a hypocrite like all the rest. Confess your sins to the nation let us hear you say when you brought the nation to it knees in subjection to you in the quest for political power you harmed the nation, and that was wrong, when you face that demon perhaps some of the crap in your message will be respected, and believed.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Anonymous
      December 28, 2013

      You are sick and not as bright as you think. Re-read your post please.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        December 29, 2013

        Yes, I agree I am sick, but who are you, a dog with no name?

        I am Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque, you are under my feet, that is why I boldly write my comments and attached my full parental given name to anything I say without any fear of any politician in Dominica, or fear of victimization, reprisal, or reproach from any of them, or any man on the face of this earth.


        With confidence I can say my help comes from God; my needs are taken care of by God himself, I am not dependent on any political god for anything; I support whoever I wish politically, however requires nothing from them. Idiots like you scout the comments on DNO and whenever you read something written that is true and significant, and which hit close to home, you spew your venom by attacking with your stupid one line bit of trash.

        I could care less; fact is if I am capable of upsetting you or anyone else with my comments; it is because what I deduced is true and correct, and has slapped you or the guilty smack in your faces!

        The bottom line is simply this, what’s the point of spewing your venom when you can’t do anything to me that can cause me pain, hurt , nor my demise. You simply have to put-up, or simply shut-up, that’s it!

        Wether you are a politician, or you believe you are a Dominica god, in my world you are nothing to me, you mean nothing to me; you are irrelevant and insignificant, you have less value to me than the gas humans pass: So here you have it. You see how much a sick man can insult you. I’ll ask you this:

        Have you ever seen a dry bit of human mucus on the sidewalk of the street on a hot summer day, well take a good look at that “self” that is what you actually look like eh.


        Take a hike you little no name weasel.

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • LABOR
        December 29, 2013

        what is in the post that should be re read? it makes sense.

  22. Too late
    December 28, 2013

    Lovely message Mr Savarin. You have always been a great communicator.
    Sir, will you please use this communication skills to speak of justice for Mr GON Emmanuel?

      December 28, 2013

      But too late,where is you long tongue,nu?Why Savarin?

      • Too late
        December 28, 2013

        Fast N Furious , that’s exactly what I am doing. I am speaking up for Mr Emmanuel and in so doing, I’m asking the president and people like you to speak up too.
        Don’t forget this is a Mr Savarin who joined forces with tony and accused Mr Emmanuel of fire bombing his own house.He is now in a unique position to influence justice and reverse his actions.
        JUSTICE FOR MR MANO PLEASE. Do you concur fast and furious?

      • ....................
        December 28, 2013

        @ FAST N FURIOUS The long tongue is to expose lazy lapdogs like you, who are greedily taking all, and leaving the poor hungry.I always warned you while you were young that laziness does not pay. Now you are ashamedly covering your face when people see you at the Red Clinic begging. So don’t test this long tongue of mine. I WILL EXPOSE YOU WITH IT. OK.

  23. Fair and Square
    December 28, 2013

    I don’t know what all this issue is about the timing of the President’s Christmas message. It would seem that all of us read the President’s message in the 2 newspapers before Christmas. How did the newspapers get the President’s message? Usually the media writes to religious and political and other community leaders requesting that their Christmas message be sent by a specific time so as to have those messages included in their special Christmas edition. Did DNO request a Christmas message from the President’s office? And did the President’s office decline to submit the President’s message as requested by DNO. If not, what is all this issue about when the message was sent and when the message was posted? The real issue is when or whether a request was made. Putting this aside, I credit DNO for posting the message how ever late, and I find the President’s message to be well thought out, balanced, conciliatory, and reflective of the true meaning of Christmas. That is to say, entirely Presidential. :wink:

    • Jay
      December 28, 2013

      Must admit I did buy both the Sun and the Chronicle but did not read the President’s christmas message (nor the P.M.’s, the Bishop’s etc.) I figured it is all the same and the newspapers going around collecting messages like that, and self-glorious advertising every time we have an important event, funeral etc.
      What it does show however, is the attention the electronic media, such as DNO get. Extraordinary really but I suspect that is because we can all give our opinion almost instantly, whereas in the past it would have to be a tedious letter to the editor, which with any luck may be published a week later, at the earliest. Also, the printed media in Dominica are historically catering for the educated class and less so for the lowest common denominator and I expect with the notable change in the Chronicle’s editorial style, they will lose out, unless they become a free sheet, distributed free of charge. I have decided it no longer represents a balanced view and before too long will be like the Pravda, an extension of GIS. Good luck with your purchase Michael. I suspect, as usual, mr. Baron got the best end of the bargain.

  24. Tim
    December 28, 2013

    Good message but wrong messanger.

  25. haha
    December 28, 2013

    i have no president. sorry…..

    • Ooooo
      December 28, 2013

      Haha you have no president when you see him pull down or lift up cala button for him

      • whipwhap
        December 30, 2013

        Awa. I’d rather go jail.

  26. pedro
    December 28, 2013

    This man does not represent unity and progress for Dominica.

  27. December 28, 2013

    Shutuppppppsruliewe howlong tolong notlong

  28. Malgraysa
    December 28, 2013

    In that picture mr. Savarin looks like an ill man. Is he o.k.?
    Out of humanity I wish him well.

    • weather forecast
      December 28, 2013

      The tide is high. I saw the same thing. He tries to put on a daring front.

  29. HANS
    December 28, 2013

    I agree with the gun point president we need to work hard to be at peace with ourselves but the only way we can find peace is to denounce the things, people that destabilize our inner peace. So Ayatola are you at peace? Have you apologize for your attack on You Follow, your attack on Brisbane; your attack on the constitution; your 47 day strike; your snubbing of former president mr Shaw; your copen lapen ranting; the rest I will not talk about particularly the roast chicken industry.

  30. yu tu sort
    December 28, 2013

    and offer prayers for the victims of war, injustice( PARTICULARLY GON EMMANUEL), abuse PARTICULARLY GON EMMANUEL), and other forms of violence. At home, let us work harder to be at peace with ourselves and with each other in all our dealings and relationships.”

  31. bee
    December 28, 2013

    Dominicans must stop that hatred and try to live in peace with each other, see the warning you all got for christmas and you all did not get the message. Wakeup people please wakeup.

    • ???????????
      December 28, 2013

      @ bee I hope wicked ones like you who give support to all which is evil in this poor country of ours is taking heed.

      • bee
        December 28, 2013

        Who ever you are the truth hurts search within your heart and give peace a chance.

  32. Toomatoe Tomato
    December 28, 2013

    I read the President’s Message in the Chronicle of 20th December and again in the Sun Newspaper of the 19 December 2013.

    But did we even read and understand the message before some of our comments postings. I found the President’s Message to be a welcoming one in the true spirit of the meaning of Christmas that we need to take heed of.

    • ???????????
      December 28, 2013

      Did he mention GON EMMANUEL in the message?
      I wish the gentleman who has yet to get justice for the attempt on his life a prosperous NEW YEAR.

        December 28, 2013

        Looks like GONE EMMANUEL is JESUS Christ.

        December 28, 2013

        No he is not Jesus Christ. It’s Skerrit beggars like you see as Jesus Christ.

  33. PoKeSa
    December 28, 2013

    Utter hypocrisy, such sentiment expressed at Christmas by a Man (President) who lives his life practicing the doctrines of paras 8 and 9 of his address. When one lacks life’s basic principles – experiencing life through their heart, the very destructive tendency referred to in this address leads to an inability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with.
    Key to it all is “the tolerance of corruption” being endured by D/cans, so well exposed over the years by political commentators on this ruling administration’s behaviours. What’s the consequence then on a helpless people – it suppresses forbearance, sufferance, liberality, open-mindedness, lack of prejudice, lack of bias, broad-mindedness, liberalism, patience, long-suffering, magnanimity, sympathy, understanding, charity, leniency, lenity, indulgence, clemency, permissiveness, complaisance, laxness and above all “an advocate of religious tolerance”.

    Consequently, Mr President – preaching what you practice speaks volumes before you even say a word. Who you are, what you do – speaks very loudly about your character.

    By: The humble one!

    • Francisco Telemaque
      December 29, 2013

      This is a very powerful piece, I hope the anonymous rat who advised me to read my comments read you.

      Savarin is indeed a hypocrite, they all are hypocrites simply playing with God, using the name God, and God bless you gain political sympathy, and mileage; the notion is if we mention God in our lies they will believe we are all believers in God, and that will cause us to gain the peoples trust. I have news for them politicians: “God is not mocked.”

      For in Galatians 6:7 we read “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

      They use occasions such as Christmas, and other holidays, especially the so called religious holidays, and in time of disasters such as the flooding to use their sweet sounding words to pretend they care about people only in the hope of charming the weak and gullible.

      They prey on the very soul of those who fall prey to their hypocrisy and lies; some of the people are aware of what these politicians are doing to them, however it is as if they are under a spell of hypnotism, seeing hearing, knowing they are in subjection of a wicked force, nonetheless powerless to do anything to relieve themselves from under the evil spell which has overwhelmed them.

      These politicians are demonic they dominate the mind of the majority of Dominicans and that is why the people are so tolerant of their behavior. What I am about to say has nothing to do with Dominica politics, but this morning in Church I experience one young lady caught in a struggle between wanting to live an normal, life however caught between the evils of lesbianism and living a natural of a woman, she believes she is a man in the natural. To cut a long story short, we heard demons speak a language out of the mouth of this lady that no one in the church understood.

      And mind you she was clapping her hands as if she knew what she was doing; and that is the way it is for some politicians in Dominica pertaining to their lies and hypocrisy. I know somebody is going to have the answer to what I said I experienced this morning, but do not waste your time, because if you were in the presence of that lady your heart might have jump out of you, so don’t bother to challenge me.

      The place where the incident took place is at Praises of Zion Baptist Church where I attend, and worship

      Your rating in thumbs up is 28 at the moment, count the twenty-ninth to me mine given to you I read sincerity, and truth in your comment.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  34. Doc. Love
    December 28, 2013

    I hope this message will be the first and last of Savarin. :mrgreen:

      December 28, 2013

      Is that a threat?We know nothing detrimental is not impossible for you all UWPites to do.You all are so filled eith anger,malice and hate.

      • """"""""""""
        December 28, 2013

        Well if its a threat, then take it further. Your accomplished beggar and idiot.

      • Malgraysa
        December 28, 2013

        Dear Fast & Furious. I assure you that not all people who disapprove of Mr. Savarin and Mr. Skerrit are supporters of the UWP. In fact, there are many traditional labour supporters, who feel cheated, let down and betrayed. You ever thought about that?

      December 28, 2013

      DNO,poor excuse for your late publication.You are part of the political game that leans on the UWP SIDE so we are not surprised at your tactics to create an issue with the President.

      • Biased observer
        December 28, 2013

        I think you should change your name to too FAST and too FURIOUS, all that anger man and u lack sincerety that or dont take time to think or u would see DNO is obviously a tolerant organization that publishes views from all sides because
        1) I certainly cannot tolerate you dont kno why they did
        2) DNO went ahead and published ur ignorant post even tho u were criticizing them.

        Your mentality may be too small to comprehend this so I’m saying this for those who can. Not all people are divided into blue or red some people like somethings about the govt and they dont like somethings, some people may like somethings about the opposition and not like other things about them. Even if you like someone it doesn’t mean u need to support EVERYTHING they do and even if u dislike someone doesnt mean u need to criticize EVERYTHING they do… get a life man.

  35. ()
    December 28, 2013

    So he is Dominica’s President? WAY PAPA!

  36. Nostalgia
    December 28, 2013

    DNO…… you need to do better. We thinking is the man dat give the message late wii

  37. ?
    December 28, 2013

    De message was on a 40 day strike. Lolololol. Smh.

  38. JoJo
    December 28, 2013

    What President? Didn’t know we have one.

  39. Too late
    December 28, 2013

    DNO all you post the man message late man? Today Friday wee.

    Admin: Please note that we only received the message on Friday.

  40. sssssssss
    December 27, 2013

    from the wat? dominica has no president :lol:

    December 27, 2013

    So long de christmas ran away Charlo.
    Did Santa delayed with de message in bringing it to DNO?

  42. mac
    December 27, 2013

    blame dno for the lateness

  43. %
    December 27, 2013


  44. %
    December 27, 2013


  45. Behind Back of Xmas
    December 27, 2013

    The man just woke up from a coma? Christmas message now. Too late, the christmas is good as over.

    • Way ahead
      December 27, 2013

      Is DNO dat late, I read it in the Chronicle along with the Prime Minister’s Christmas message

      • Curious
        December 28, 2013

        And why can’t DNO Man up and state in the article why they have published this so late! Smells like somebody playing politics or are they just trying to insult the President?

        Admin: We received the article on Friday, it was published the same day it was received.

      • (.
        December 29, 2013

        @Curious Curious Skerrit must buy you a book and a piece of pencil, then maybe the school system can cause you to be a little more literate, and level headed. To me you are sounding like a Skerrit house slave. Are you lazy Curious? Are you a Red Clinic Slave? Guess you are both.

    • ....................
      December 28, 2013

      @ curious You are what I call a classic illiterate. Go over and read from top to bottom. There is something highlighted in bold black at the top RIGHT,read it again ILLITERATE.
      You must be a Labourite.

      • Curious
        December 29, 2013

        @………… And you are a bigger ASS than you sound! The text highlighted at the top was added long after people commented on the fact there was no explanation/statement why the article was posted so late. It is you that is ILLITERATE if you can’t read the many posts asking the same question that eventually resulted in DNO adding the highlighted statement.

        It is clear you are also a perfect BIGOT and obviously obsessed to assume I am a Labourite for pointing out a journalistic faux pas, which, if I were subject of the article in question would find it insulting if the full circumstances were not initially stated.

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