Administrative Professionals Day to be celebrated on Wednesday

PRESS RELEASE: Wednesday April 21st 2010 is designated as Administrative Professional’s Day (Secretary’s Day) around the globe.

In light of this the Dominica Association of Administrative Professionals will host a Luncheon at Fort Young Hotel in honour and appreciation of Administrative Professionals all over the island. The theme for this year is “Administrative Professionals Surviving the Challenges”.

This luncheon is also being organized as fundraising activities to assist DAAP’S membership attend the Caribbean Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals (CASAP) XI CONVENTION in Trinidad and Tobago this July.  We hope Dominica can have a strong representation at that meeting.  This gathering assist individuals develop their administrative skills and be better founded person both professionally and personally.

From April 18th to 24th 2010, Administrative Professionals week (Secretary’s Week) will be celebrated. Activities organized include a church service at the St. Joseph Catholic Church to mark the opening of the week, a radio publicity drive, a Radio Address by the President of the Commonwealth of Dominica, an Administrative Luncheon at the Fort Young Hotel from 12:30 pm and a Health walk.

The aim of the Association is to educate and upgrade Office Professionals.  Additionally, to provide an organization for Administrative Assistants and to promote the interest of all persons engaged in the practice of administrative duties.  Our goals are achieved through workshops, seminars and other educational activities.  The Association is a registered non-profit organization.

– Dominica Association of Administrative Professionals

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  1. Daap Supporter
    April 20, 2010

    Loving the vibes girls – if it wasn’t for your group my boss would never think of appreciating me. I look forward to Dr. Henry’s motivational address tomorrow. Congrats to the DAAP on another successful week of activities (the 5th appreciative luncheon and walk). Cassie, Ken, Natho, Mel, Louie, Anns, Bel, Souvie – keep up the hard work it will pay off – your reward is in heaven. Never mind the pessimists out there.

  2. Miel
    April 20, 2010

    Happy Administrative Professional’s Day to all Admin Professionals on Island. Continue doing the wonderful work that you do in your offices. As Dr. Valda Henry mentioned this morning on the Radio Drive an Admin professional is the “BACKBONE” to the business place.


  3. BAOP
    April 20, 2010


    HAPPY ADMIN. PROFESSIONALS’ DAY TO ALL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS (secretaries, receptionists, clerks, office managers, typists etc.)

  4. Dell
    April 20, 2010

    Happy Administrative Professionals’ Day 2010 to all admin. assistants in Dominica especially members of the DAAP. Keep up the good work ladies : )

  5. Follow work guidelines
    April 19, 2010

    Somehow there is no mention of that association maybe organising some kind of training / workshop to Admnistrative Professionals. I think that would be better than lunch at FyH. Admin professional rather training than the food for 1.5 hrs.

    Sounds like a money making thing to me. Cuz instead of organising to raise funds for your admin to attend perhaps you could send that same information to our employers so perhaps other persons can attend and benefit from that session in Trinidad.

    I indicated to my employer that I do not want to attend your lunch, cuz I think your association is selfish!

    • Anonymous
      April 19, 2010

      Dear Follow work guidelines

      I think u should join the association so that u can benefit from the session not only in Trinidad but yearly in whichever country is hosting CAAP because if your employer would want to send u to training session/convention, CAAP would ask whether there is an association in your country and if yes, you would be encouraged to become a member. U sould like smeone with some ideas, so join the association and help us grow.

    • DAAP'S Immediate Past President
      April 19, 2010

      Dear Followworkguidelines

      Your point has been noted. However this selfishness you speak about is uncalled for. The DAAP is helping itself by having fund raisers such as these. This year is the 5th luncheon and from all reports the past four other luncheons have been the BOMB! If it wasn’t for the efforts of the DAAP some employers would never know of ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONALS DAY; yet more appreciate the work that an administrative assistant portray at their workplaces. So thank them for getting some recognition this WEDNESDAY.

      Just for your information, over the past seven years, the association has conducted numerous training sessions for its members and the general public. They have gone to great lengths of sourcing resourceful individuals to be the Guest Speakers: the Honourable Prime Minister – Roosevelt Skerrit, Lucia Blaize Jones, Cindy Demming, Dr. Francis Severin, Justice Davidson Baptiste, Lady Brenda Alleyne (just to name a few).

      This negativitism towards the DAAP’s achievements won’t deter these hard working females. Whenever something positive is happening, its individuals like you that tend to keep the country down. Why not give praises! The DAAP and its members can be very proud of its achievements from its inception in 2003. Whether they make a profit or not, they will still survive and continue to, with or without your company’s participation. Why is it so much easier to have a negative attitude than a positive one? What’s inside of us that just naturally pulls us toward the negative side of things? This negative cycle will always continue because ALAS girlfriend the real world isn’t so simple. The good news is that there are some things we can help transition from the land of negativity to a much more positive place. Just know that God’s version of a right attitude contains nothing negative. And if we want God’s best for our life, it starts with right thoughts!


  6. Anonymous
    April 18, 2010

    How does one attend the luncheon?

    • DAAP Member
      April 19, 2010

      Call 276-2788/2753556/2459432 or email your info to [email protected]

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