Astaphan denies claim PM Skerrit refrained from traveling to US

Astaphan said the Prime Minister is currently in New York on ‘official business’

Senior Counsel Tony Astaphan has denied claims the Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit has refrained from traveling to the United States since the arrest of Iranian national and ex-Dominican diplomat, Ali Reza Ziba Halat Monfared.

In his latest blog Kenneth Rijock, a US-based compliance officer specializing in Enhanced Due Diligence and a Financial Crime Consultant also questioned whether Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit United States (US) Visa has been revoked in “Pursuant to Presidential Proclamation 7750, of January 12, 2004, foreign officials involved in corruption, will have their US visa revoked, and barred from entry.

But according to Astaphan said none of these are true and the Prime Minister is in fact currently in the US and has traveled there in February.

“In the month of February, I spoke to the Prime Minister while he was in New York, he was actually in New York with the Minister of Trade Dr. (Colin) McIntyre,” he said on state-owned DBS Radio. “He left on the 20th of February, he returned on the 23rd. Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and Dr. McIntyre traveled to New York via Miami, landed in Miami on flight AA2415 and from Miami to New York on flight AA, [that is American Airlines] 1047.”

Astaphan noted that both ministers returned from New York via St Maarten on Delta Airlines 461.

He remarked that he received a call on Monday morning from Skerrit saying he was in New York on ‘official business.’

“This morning I received a phone call from the Prime Minister indicating that he was in New York for some official meetings and he had discussed one or two items, one or two matters, which I had to look at for him and get back to him which I did via e-mail,” he explained.

Astaphan described Rijock’s blog as a ‘shocking’ smear campaign against the Prime Minister.

“And I just find this level of smear campaign shocking and it’s not to say that the Prime Minister can sneak into the United States…,” he noted. “The Prime Minister arrives with clear advance notice to the protocol people in the United States and not only are the protocol officers informed, but the Prime Minister is consistently protected by Secret Service officers as every other Prime Minister of the Caribbean that travels to the United States.”

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  1. Clergy Man
    March 15, 2017

    Isn’t Rijock the same blog that put out ‘breaking news’ that Trump favors Dominica as a trading partner and will remove visa requirements for Dominicans traveling to the US (by just removing the word Australia from the plagiarized piece) that was recently discovered to be False News?

  2. Clergy Man
    March 15, 2017

    It really doesn’t matter. Isn’t it the same U.S that just recently gave back Iran $100 mil that Trump is still mad about, and supports Saudi Arabia’s and other dictators around the world?? I wouldn’t go there if I were PM. Canada boycotted the Cuban embargo for years and only in 2016 the U.S opened a bit to tourism while Canadian tourism to Cuba flourished. It’s not a big deal to the U.S, only the opposition trying to garner support for their stance. Pick a different, more convincing fight fellas. And no, we not going to join all-u and burn Roseau for that. Only for such a thing as selling a part of Dominica to kkk people to be annexed by foreigners intending to overthrow the gov’t. that we would join you for. IT’s Not The Same Thing. Rijock stinks of False Internet News.

  3. ye yep
    March 14, 2017

    Given the reputation of Tony Astaphan, we want PROOF that Skerrit is in the US. Do the dip passports get stamped? I don’t know, but we want proof nonetheless.

  4. Expat
    March 14, 2017

    The UWP has been exposed for their colluding with foreigners to advance their agenda. Now that this Rijock fella has been called out let us wait for his excuse or lack of excuse as to why Skeritt was able to go to America. It is of no surprise that the UWP supporters are very upset right now. They must be asking themselves why were they lied to. My advice to you UWP supporters is to demand answers from the UWP leaders for putting you in this ridiculous position; furthermore, Linton is morally obligated to explain to his supporters why Rijock erred in his information pertaining to Skeritt’s travel plans. The UWP leadership must be embarrassed by these turn of events since Rijock was their mouth piece and on whom they based their reason for acting the way they did.

    • DA Born
      March 14, 2017

      Kenneth Rijock did not say that the PM US visa was revoked.. The report was quite clear in stating that he questioned whether the visa was revoked. When something is questionable it is not fact or truth…So Tony needs to know that despite his skills , he has missed this one big time. You also.

    • Look It
      March 15, 2017

      VIA AA STAFF….

      Tony story. “He left on the 20th of February, he returned on the 23rd. Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and Dr. McIntyre traveled to New York via Miami, landed in Miami on flight AA2415 and from Miami to New York on flight AA, [that is American Airlines] 1047.”

      First which airport in NY Tony? Secondly Flight 1047 only flies San Sal
      vador to MIA. No flight 1047 from NY to MIA. So that’s false. We have a flight 2415 that operates SJU/MIA but I can’t find pm on any flight from 2/20-17 to 2/23/17

    March 14, 2017

    If this is the way you all behave next election we go for a clean sweep. New York is referred to as, the BIG APPLE,SO THERE IS ONE SIDE FOR YOU and another side for Dominica PM.Not apartment. The White HOUSE ofcourse

  6. dissident
    March 14, 2017

    I want proof!
    I want to see a picture of skerrit and his family in central park…..or walking down broadway or better yet……Park Avennue!!!!!

    A picture is proof of a thousand words.

    • Smh
      March 14, 2017

      You are ridiculous! Come to New York to walk down Central Ave with him

    • Dominican
      March 15, 2017

      When you get the pic as usual you will say is photoshop, HATERS :mrgreen: Go NY and take your pic yourself then you will know

  7. freedom fighter
    March 14, 2017

    Tony, Trump know you Pm Skerrit Lawyer and allu like to sue…….only in Dominica ha ha ha

  8. Real!!!!!
    March 14, 2017

    SO the PM pass through Miami where you are located and only called SC when he get to New York.

    Normally the flight from Miami to NY has a 3 hours lay over….Garcon SC, SMH.

  9. DA Born
    March 14, 2017

    Don’t see a big fuss of anything here. If my understanding of the English language is good enough ,I would think that the blogger did not say, that the PM US visa was revoked . The report said ( he questioned whether the PM US visa was revoked ) . This does not suggest his visa was revoked.

  10. ye yep
    March 14, 2017

    “This morning I received a phone call from the Prime Minister indicating that he was in New York for some official meetings and he had discussed one or two items, one or two matters, which I had to look at for him and get back to him which I did via e-mail,” he explained.

    haahhaahaaa choke choke choke hahahahaha

  11. papa
    March 14, 2017

    U lying just like them idiot what us he in there yours fool

  12. staying right there
    March 14, 2017

    Our PM is in the USA, and he can go and come how he please… :-D

    • Look It
      March 15, 2017

      American Airline Staff says ….this is a lie lol

      Tony story. “He left on the 20th of February, he returned on the 23rd. Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and Dr. McIntyre traveled to New York via Miami, landed in Miami on flight AA2415 and from Miami to New York on flight AA, [that is American Airlines] 1047.”

      First which airport in NY Tony? Secondly Flight 1047 only flies San Sal
      vador to MIA. No flight 1047 from NY to MIA. So that’s false. We have a flight 2415 that operates SJU/MIA but I can’t find pm on any flight from 2/20-17 to 2/23/17

  13. Hurting
    March 14, 2017

    Wow well how you all will blacklist dominica and you all delve will be caught in that image truth must reveal but you all must be cautious how you all doing you all business..

    • Jon Jones
      March 14, 2017

      What exactly are you trying to say? I’m struggling to get anything meaningful from your words.

  14. Anon
    March 14, 2017

    Donald Trump said the Obama administration wiretapped him during the elections in the US and offered no evidence. The US media is all over Trump asking for evidence of the allegations.

    Astaphan said Skerrit is in the US and offered no evidence of his claim. The Media in Dominica simply believes Astaphan and goes its merry way.

    On my part, I don’t believe one word Astaphan says. He is known for giving less than believable information.

    Dominicans are so easily misled like sheep to the slaughter. It’s very sad actually.

    • KaliBud
      March 14, 2017

      And u believe Skerrit visa has been revoked. Show ur evidence. U believe he sell diplomatic passports. Show ur evidence. U also believe he lost the last election…say no more!!!

      • Anon
        March 14, 2017

        I did not say I believe Skerrit visa was revoked, I simply asked for evidence that he is in the US.

        There might be no evidence as yet that Diplomatic Passports were sold but there is enough evidence to show that such passports ended in the hands of people who are in hot water with the law: Monfared, Lap Seng and the Nigerian ex-minister, to name a few we are aware of.

      • Anonymous
        March 14, 2017

        And you believe Tony Astaphan is a man? Show us evidence.

      • KaliBud
        March 14, 2017

        He at his mansion in New York. The same one u say he have but can’t show de evidence. Besides, if a PM can’t buy a house in America, after 20years, then that job is pro bono. Allez sousay seal.

        All these allegations UWP dream up and de public begging for evidence…Nothing. And now u asking for evidence a man is in NY. Uall just a disgusting bunch of filth

      • Jon Jones
        March 14, 2017


        Calm down and consider the following facts:

        1. There is currently no evidence that his visa has been revoked or that he is in the USA. Astaphan talking without credibility wont do.
        2. There is currently no evidence of diplomatic passports being sold, but there is evidence of them being in the hands of the wrong type of people.
        3. The last election was procured by partizan handouts and importing people to vote. Without it Skerritt has nothing, hence the avoidance of electoral reform.

        Have you pondered that Skerritt’s cronies were smart enough to hide evidence of their wrong doings at the time? Maybe you hadnt noticed that they all got investigated and found out later despite their best efforts of deception? There are several former leaders (from much bigger countries) around the world who have or are being charged with corruption as we speak. It is rare for a Head of State to be proscecuted while in office. However, they do come after them once they are out.

    • Rasta
      March 14, 2017

      All you have to do is get Rijok to confirm or deny what Astaphans just said. As far as Skerrit is concerned you will believe what you want. Factual or false.

    • Dominican
      March 14, 2017

      skerrit has to show evidence like he had to show his passport in court? you that have to show evidence not skerrit

    • NUWPl
      March 14, 2017

      Like someone care if u believe Tony or not? 15-6 ok. So dat should tell u that the majority of Dominicans love him and believe him.

  15. Young Millionaire
    March 14, 2017

    Politics in Dca is the dirtiest. Reason why I won’t come down to vote. I want no part of this corruption on my hands. I wish the country well. May everyone find food for their kids and money to pay bill. I wish blessings on my country. Dcan don’t know the secret is simple. Speak life into something and it comes alive. Speak good about DOMINICA

    • NUWPl
      March 14, 2017

      Oh please. Who I think u fooling nah? U have no interest but u already doing a Lennox type of talking signing the UWP corruption song. Try again. All u coming in all forms. But we have the ability to read through all u. That is y we always put a spoke in all u wheels. U always coming to vote girl. So stop ur bogus talking. Sac way workers ou yay. Lol

    • Robert LaBassiere
      March 15, 2017

      It is sad that such negative views are express by someone who called themself’ a young millionaire’,.One has to ask with all that money why can,t some intelligence be bought.. I find that remark so offensive, you see i live a very prosperous life, but never forget my home country and less fortunate ones on the island. So i try the best i can to push Dominica in a positive light whenever i can. My late Brother was a politician on the island before his untimely death. I have spent almost my entire life away from D/ca >I am an Actor living and working in California and striving to bring business opportunities to the island, .Maybe that Millionaire should strive for the same and through education and commerce Dominica may be clean enough for him/her to vote.and stop being a Jerk.

  16. The Eel
    March 14, 2017

    Having breakfast’. launch and dinner in the white .PM you are not only handsome, you are beautiful as well, go on Enjoy

    • Jon Jones
      March 14, 2017

      When I was in school it was spelled ‘Lunch’.

      Why do so many Skerritt supporters have literacy issues? Maybe it is a typical trait? I have noticed a trait in him anyway as he can barely string two words together.

      ‘In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king’

      • Me
        March 15, 2017

        Well spotted Jon Jones. Mr. Skerrit caters to the lowest common denominator and as long as he keeps his supporters uneducated this strategy will bring him dividends, unfortunately so.

  17. snowell
    March 14, 2017

    You people are idle , wicked ignorant bastards that have nothing else to do or say. you believe that this incident could take place and the world media would not take it up.
    Keep on sleeping still mind is not the opposition leader that get stuck in the US for slander.

  18. Tj
    March 14, 2017

    Why is the minister without portfolio speaking to the people about the P.M. Whereabouts ?

    • Rasta
      March 14, 2017

      Why is Rijok the Godfather of the “truth” about Dominica’s CBI. You believe everything negative thing a white man (rijok) has been saying out our country.. You do not even know him or can locate him. Tony is here with us everyday. he will suffer the consequences if he lies to you and me.

  19. Jonathan St Jean
    March 14, 2017

    Tony you are always quick to come forward and accuse people of telling lies and spoiling the good name of Dominica, however when Skerritt gave his mea culpa with regards to issuing diplomatic passports to some crooks and criminals who he admitted affected the security architecture of the world,you have remained silent on that matter.I am interested in hearing what you have to say on this matter since you are legal council to the prime minister and his voice most of the time

    • John Simeon
      March 14, 2017

      JJ you make no sense. Can you comment on the disclosure that even whilst in opposition, your party their “rich friends and family’ in exchange for campaign funds? That disclosure complete with cheque nos. dates, amount. swift code, name of recipient and or, recipient company in Dominica etc has been in the public square for three weeks now. You have not commented one way or the other. You have not denied. Your party leadership has remained death and dumbed to the information. That information was carried by the Sun newspaper and reinforced by the same Tony you are now challenging. Jonathan St. Jean you are smart, much more than Bozo. When we went to High School together I was the only one that really challenged you even then you always came up on top. This is what you have to concern yourself with. Stop the nonsense you are doing.

  20. Marcus Hill
    March 14, 2017

    Since 1995, I do not believe anything that comes forth from the mouth of Anthony Astaphan!!

  21. Ex-Dominican
    March 14, 2017

    It’s amazing how the wool can be pulled over the masses eyes. Skeeter’s moral fiber is equivalent to that of drunken college boy in both his personal and public life. He will dangle fools gold before the weak sheep and he will be back in power again. More power to brothers who are trying to make it right. Power corrupts, term limits need to be put into place in Dominica.

  22. “But according to Astaphan said none of these are true and the Prime Minister is in fact currently in the US and has traveled there in February.”

    Well, maybe he came here in disguised, wearing a woman dress, and a wig, using one of his false diplomatic passports, and using the Douglas rather than Skerrit! Maybe he came as Ian Douglas, or perhaps Denzil Douglas eh!


    Ah fraid I get sued oui!

    • John Simeon
      March 14, 2017

      You guys are really disappointed that you did not get the satisfaction a white man (a hater of Dominica) promised. Eat yourselves. If you had said, Skerrit “bought the INS and Border Control people” you would appear to make a lot more sense. Chew on the reality of Skerrit being in the US and the stupidity of your comments.

      • %
        March 14, 2017

        Who hates Dominica more than Skerrit?

      • Guy if you are talking shut up because you are a damn fool, if you can take a comment like that seriously, you are a damn fool, and as long as there are Dominicans as ignorant as you alive, Dominica would have legitimately earn the title of a fools paradises!

        As simple as that I have made a fool out of you, any body who would respond to such a silly comment is a fool!


        I Skerrit read you comment, I am sure he is laughing at you for the fool you are! If Skerrit dress like a woman to enter America, his wig would first blow off his head, by fright!

      • Jon Jones
        March 14, 2017

        Will Skerritt be visiting at the Consulate that Jonathan Brown, the Englishman diplomat is building for us while he is in USA? I cant wait to visit.

        It is a pity that we never heard of him before but it is still a bonus that he hasnt been charged with any crimes as yet. Fingers crossed, eh.

        Will he still be coming to Dominica in April to see Skerritt as he said?

      • Okay I seem to get your drift now; sarcastic and comical! You could have fooled me; you almost fooled me

    • John Simeon
      March 14, 2017

      You could also have said that the file is not complete. Or that the person dealing with the matter was recently replaced by Trump and since his successor, who is expected to be more aggressive that, then this will be the last time he will visit. say something along those lines. Your Fool!!!

    • Expat
      March 14, 2017

      You are being ridiculous; that is expected since there is no rational input.

    • Expat
      March 14, 2017

      Francisco, you are being ridiculous since there is no rational input.

      • Well, the rational input is that when Skerrit ready him double like a woman you know!


        De man dose change over when he so desires! He knows how to get disoriented, and change his orientation eh!

  23. John Jay
    March 13, 2017

    Tony you are a dam liar for me to believe you send DNO a pic of him on the mainland liar

  24. March 13, 2017

    show us the travelling documents

    • MWEN
      March 14, 2017

      He will not. Because he might incriminate himself!

  25. The truth
    March 13, 2017

    I for one I don’t care about Mister, I want him to be investigated,and who ever name it put incharge of the country wealth must answer to the courts

  26. KaliBud
    March 13, 2017

    Now that it’s reported that Skerrit has been to, and continues to visit the usa, the tune is changing. Well it’s simple English, either Tony or UWP is lying. Don’t “predict” what may happen next. What we see now is that someone is a liar. Whomever that is he should stop spewing out pig vomit. Disgusting!!

  27. AA Staff
    March 13, 2017

    As a member of staff dealing directly with customer service I must admit that Tony has me confused. Let me clear the air first. I am a laborite and I question most of what Kenneth Rijock puts out. I think he is paid just as John Batchelor. In fact since Jan. 16, 2017 batchelor had an article on Dominica every week but since the Linton last spoke on Feb. 27, two weeks now he has not posted anything. I wonder if subscription finish.

    Now back to that Tony story. “He left on the 20th of February, he returned on the 23rd. Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and Dr. McIntyre traveled to New York via Miami, landed in Miami on flight AA2415 and from Miami to New York on flight AA, [that is American Airlines] 1047.”

    First which airport in NY Tony? Secondly Flight 1047 only flies San Sal
    vador to MIA. No flight 1047 from NY to MIA. So that’s false. We have a flight 2415 that operates SJU/MIA but I can’t find pm on any flight from 2/20-17 to 2/23/17

    • Malatete
      March 14, 2017

      Thank you for clarifying this. I observed the same but thought perhaps i was mistaken. the other puzzling thing is that he supposedly returned from New York JFK to St. Maarten (DL 0461)with a different carrier, Delta. This would entail buying two different singles as no origin open-jaw would be possible in this case since American Airlines and Delta terminated their ticketing & baggage interlining agreement since Sept. 2015. Why would one do this, unless money is no object of course.

    • Music Producer
      March 14, 2017

      Yep, here goes your proof. I checked the flights statuses…do your research people, Astafans is a no good liar.

    • PS
      March 14, 2017

      If Tony Astaphan does not respond to this and challenges you , we will know that he was lying.

  28. LifeandDeath
    March 13, 2017

    Tony, just scan skerrit passport and put there nuh like you did for Monfared..Why all this back and forth? If you not going to conclusively prove Skerrit was in the US, why even bother..?
    Your credibility or lack thereof undermines your words as proof for anything..Just put a picture of Skerrit passport with the US stamp and date done..U too like roro..

  29. TANTO
    March 13, 2017

    NG Lap Seng had his private jet travelling to and from the US on several occasions. He used to be on official and unofficial business as well? Where is the billionaire Ng Lap Seng, who possess our Diplomatic passport and bought our diplomatic immunity for how much? Dominicans will never be told by Skerritt and his Cabal. Where was he caught and arrested? For what was he caught?

    What about Monfared, Madueke and the other foreigners found involved in all kinds of criminal acts? They all possess our DIPLOMATIC passports. Dominicans knew nothing, until those were arrested, or jailed.

    No amount of twists, excuses or lies will undo the scandals that Skerritt and his Cabal has put Dominica and its citizens into. The World knows of those illegal acts, fraud, money-laundering corruption of all sorts that our dear country is embroiled in, thanks to Skerritt and his dictatorial rule. A few making millions, while the majority facing HELL

    TANTO !!!!! TANTO !!!!!!!

    • Jon Jones
      March 14, 2017

      We live in a land where the following saying applies:

      ‘In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king’

      • Me
        March 15, 2017

        And a man speaking with two tongues is known as a bifurcated personality.

  30. Voice of Reason
    March 13, 2017

    It is simply amazing the speed with which this Distinguished Counsel defends anything with a scintilla of truth concerning the Prime Minister.
    What is indeed telling, is the fact that he is quick to challenge and even threaten to prosecute anything said by the Opposition – be it UWP, Freedom, or a Dominican, concerning the Prime Minister while he is full of explanation for the \” shocking smear campaign against the Prime Minister.\” He sometimes borders on the intentional suffocation of free speech.
    He reminds me of a dog who will bark loudly (pretending to be fierce) as long as it is in its master\’s yard; but on the street, he\’s nothing but a coward!

    • John Simeon
      March 14, 2017

      What is preventing the opposition from suing is the truth. they cannot challenge the truth. like the promise, to issue diplomatic passports to campaign financers. Tony called the names of those involved. So far no comment. You no what if it was not true or there was any measure of defense, they would have sued. But the truth is what is always starring them in the face. Standing between their rage and an acute inability to sue. Understand?

      • Expat
        March 14, 2017

        John Simeon, you are very correct. Guys like AA Staff and Malatete are dumb founded. It is quite shocking to them that Skeritt was able to pull this one on them. Incidentally, most of the people who claim that Tony is a liar should be wondering why isn’t Tony being sued? The only reason Tony is not being sued is because he has evidence to support what he says and that is frustrating to them

  31. Malatete
    March 13, 2017

    I’m not sure mr. Astaphan has got that right. According to my information American Airlines flight AA 1047 operates between Miami and El Salvador. In any case, why would he have changed planes in Miami, coming from San Juan instead of taking a direct flight from there to New York? Delta operate their flight 0461 daily between New York and St. Maarten but why use a different carrier for the outleg and the return when it is more advantageous to use the same carrier for both?

  32. %
    March 13, 2017

    I reject your filth Tony,and rather believe Mr Rijock…Can you remember when last you uttered one truth???No wonder i always dump your garbage into the bin…No one voted you,,so SHUT THE HELL UP!!!

  33. Tony tired
    March 13, 2017

    Tony, was it only this morning that he told you that he was in NY? Funny, eh. I am sure you are well aware of his appointment this week as some were well aware weeks ago. No surprise there. Wonder why he chooses the occasions to tell the public when he is going off island or is off island.

  34. Let The Truth Be Told - Original
    March 13, 2017

    For certain reasons and security ones at that, the PM of a country does not have to divulge where he is traveling to beforehand. While there it could be divulged.
    If you UWP supporters are not aware of that, make it your business to find out about it. Cease passing on propaganda and do not believe all you hear and read about.
    As for (also) Rijock, one day he will pay for his gossip and wickedness of tarnishing the PM’s name.

  35. Engineer
    March 13, 2017

    What the UWP supporters don’t seem to understand is that not liking the Prime minister of their country makes no difference at all. Looks like the majority of the Dominica electoral ballot (the people) are in favor of their Prime minister. So caring or do not care about Skerrit by the UWP is a losing battle. My guess is that the leaders of the UWP has no plan and ideas on how to win the next general election. So they are throwing all kind of mud at the wall to see which one will stick.

    • %
      March 14, 2017

      You have it all wrong..Go check thr result of the 2014 general election.

  36. Doc. Love
    March 13, 2017

    Is PM Skeritt a moomoo. Why cant Skeritt call DBS or Kairi and tell them where he is. Tony lies very much, therefore I don’t believe him. Remember the Lennox Linton LPO leak.

  37. peculiar
    March 13, 2017

    ‘official business’ obviously. Mr. love to talk. So did he skipped the issue about the allege owning of million dollar apartments?

  38. 007
    March 13, 2017

    Read between the line Mr astaphane never say the pm travel to ny on personal business always official business while you on official business you have deplomatic imunity

  39. dissident
    March 13, 2017

    So Skerrit can’t speak for himself?

    Why is de PM always sending this to speak for him for such simple matters?
    In wonder he can’t speak to the international media either.

    • Dominican
      March 14, 2017

      He does not have time for distraction his lawyer is the best one to handle all you, that you fraid? :mrgreen:

  40. The spirit of FEAR
    March 13, 2017

    But strangely enough I work at the JFK airport in New York and worked during February 20-23, and I never saw the Pm and none of my co workers told me they saw my pm as they normally do. Did he land at La Guadia or Newark? Boy Tony I need a lot of proof to swallow ur pill boy. And u said he is in NY today? Again I did not see him Tony.

  41. The spirit of FEAR
    March 13, 2017

    Tony I don’t believe you. Telling us Skerrit was in the US with McIntyre in February is a well calculated story as u no very well no minister or laborite will deny that and make it worse McIntyre? I no better. Another lie is giving AA flight # as u no very well that AA or no UD company will release the names of their passengers to just about anyone because of security, let alone that of a PM. In fact Mr. Rijock made it clear that even if his Visa is revoked US privacy regulations do not allow that info to be publicly disclosed. So u have a lot on ur side. It would
    Make more sense to first put out a copy of his passport so all could see there are no cancelation stamp on it. It would also be good to put out a copy of his boarding pass so we could cautiously examine, knowing who we dealing with. You also told us he flew from Miami to SCAM but forgot to tell us how he flew from DA to NY

  42. Reasoning
    March 13, 2017

    Ina JA we a seh,fus swine a scream wen unuh pelt a rock ina pig sty,a de swine get hit! Every time asstafan feel de heat of the fire,him bol out loud! You can say where your rogue prime mistake gone to,tell us what is it that he gone to do!? Cause we seem to never know as he never tells the nation, cause it’s none of our damn business! One of these days, when he’ll get himself kidnapped by the gang of monfared,don’t come tell us,it will be too late for us to know!!!

  43. Zandoli Claywat
    March 13, 2017

    So you don’t even know the PM away is when he away he calling to say he is away, and TONY you say this man is your friend. If is so friends are i don’t want nuh, JAR MEH!

  44. Man bites Dogs
    March 13, 2017

    MESSAGE to all of you rat bags workers party and supporters no matter what you guys think or say none of you two head snakes will not destroy prime minister Skerrit or Dominica, You guys is as Deem as a 5watts Bulb, just emargine workers party lots are all so stupid they have an American conman doing all their dirty work for them.

    • Jon Jones
      March 15, 2017

      Btw, the word is spelt ‘dim’ not deem, ‘imagine’ not emargine….maybe you dont understand brightness as you clearly the dimmest bulb in the room.

  45. Dan is de man in de Van
    March 13, 2017

    Honestly who really cares about Skerit… and his peewee type of PM. WHeather he travels for pleasure or business who is really profiting from all that. Dominica is still moving on. People are still goingto work. Shops are opened. Life goes on and everyone is about their business. The Island has not stopped. Why worry about a pm who does not worry about us cha man pm move you there you hear.

    • @Dan is de man in de Van March 13, 2017

      Those people like Rijock, and his counterpart in Dominica, who are adamant on destroying the Prime Minister’s reputation, they are the ones who care.

      Because they know that they are working through the devil, himself, and they know that they will continue to be defeated, in that he is the father of lies and a murderer. They care because they know that their leader is heading to the guillotine, with them, most definitely, they are afraid of their outcome–but it will be!

    • JOE
      March 13, 2017

      tell that to Lennox and his crew!!!!

    • Expat
      March 14, 2017

      It is quite obvious that you are upset that what was being said about Skeritt cannot travel to America is not true. If it was the other way around you would be jumping up for joy. Hypocrite.

  46. AA
    March 13, 2017

    If the PMhas been to Iran he will be questioned when entering the US. See what happened to the Norwegian former PM. Your time is approaching Skerrit

  47. rasta
    March 13, 2017

    The P.M being in the U.S and what? Does it say that he was in the U.S and not being questioned?
    Yes he could have been in the U.S but for what? If he really is under investigation which normally takes time,when the U.S is in need of him then they will act. I don’t see your point T.A.
    Tell us about Manafred being in Dominica for months, tell us about the oil tankers , tell us about the ordinary Dominica passport of Manfared . If the P.M was in N.Y why was it a big secret? Dominicans don’t be fooled!!!

  48. fedup
    March 13, 2017

    That PM moves in secret. There is no level of transparency not even for the smallest of things. The PM is on official business to the US but no one knows. Sometimes even Dominicans abroad can benefit have talks or so forth with the PM when he is at their location but he comes like a ghost in the night where no one knows.. That government works behind a secret veil. This government has changed the name from government of the PEOPLE to government for THEMSELVES, only they suppose to know what is going on. Carry on Mr. PM

    • concern citizen
      March 13, 2017

      Man U can’t trust nothing these liars are saying, that business of SKERRIT was in the US may never be true

    • Toto
      March 14, 2017

      He was supposed to be in Greece on official business too remember. We still don’t know what that business was. Hell, we pay him to run the country for us, not for himself. At least he could tell us what he is up to, if it is supposed to be on our behalf. Man, that is a crock of shit.

  49. March 13, 2017

    Seems this Rijock fella really has it in for the PM. Or did UWP just offer him some handsome position ‘when’ they come in power? AS IF THEY EVER COULD!

    • @Frances Shillingford March 13, 2017

      He is an enemy of the Prime Minister, by the influence of the leaders of the UWP and all those who are accepting his stench.

      Nonetheless he will have no victory, just like the UWP, for Dominica and Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit is under Divine supervision. Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit is not a saint, in that he is still human, yes he is prone to make mistakes, but can only correct by God alone

      There is no man on Earth who is over God’s Work and His command; He has said that “no flesh shall glory in His presence” Rijock and his counterparts are fooling themselves to think that they stand above God, for the have no authority to do so.

      They are searching for a “strike out” from God; so hard it will be, that they will not survive to speak one clean word; far more for the “stinking” rhetoric that they keep spewing against PM Skerrit and his men and women of Government.

    • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
      March 13, 2017

      Rijock and Lennox Linton are two of a kind. Birds of a feather flock together. Show me your friends and I will show you who you are.

    • March 13, 2017

      Had it ever dawn to you that he is there if it’s not fake news it’s because they wanted to question him about the mess he’s in and have put Dominica into , he was summoned to the USA and it worked no one can mess with those guys in the USA.
      It’s amazing that you will think the worst of UWP but will never stop to research your own thoughts what does that say of you , I guess until you see Skerrit in chains you will never believe he has done wrong to Dominica and people . . but wait and you will see .. Soon !

  50. March 13, 2017

    These people really intend on causing more harm than good. God bless you PM, have a productive trip!

  51. March 13, 2017

    So the U.S revoked the PM’s visa and y’all come across that info how again? These UWPites and their couriers are so desperate man!

    • @Carlton Dumas March 13, 2017

      You are smart and you are right that is the reason the UWPited here do note like your comment

      See above that it says: “Rijock questioned whether Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit United States (US) Visa has been revoked in “ this means that he doesn’t know that for a fact–as is their usual habit of speculation; but they knows that their followers are not going to read between the line–just like you and me have done–that is why Mr. Astaphan must once more, stand in defense of the Prime Ministers reputation–that is his job.

    • Antivirus
      March 13, 2017

      Another labour monkey in the house

  52. March 13, 2017

    Anything they feed blue mealy bugs they taking wi. Affus they sot.

    • Antivirus
      March 13, 2017

      Another labour monkey in the house…

  53. selfhelp
    March 13, 2017

    wayy papa

  54. Dalit
    March 13, 2017

    The UWP are hurting themselves with each of these wild rumours they peddle.

    • concern citizen
      March 13, 2017

      But U all know that all the RUMURS that are circulating are very true, so U all should keep denying until the very END, cause one of these good old days this whole episode will come to an END

    • @Dalit March 13, 2017

      You are right on! The bomb is ticking and I cannot wait for it to explode.

    • Antivirus
      March 13, 2017

      Another labour monkey in the house

  55. Ideal
    March 13, 2017

    Tony we would like to have someone who saw him or spoke to him in New York to confirm what you say. Did the PM go on official duty or just pleasure?. We are not buying your lies.

    • Real recognize Real
      March 13, 2017

      Ask lennox to do his research, isn’t he a journalist.

    • March 13, 2017

      You idiot, you just continue to believe the crap the UWP feeds you. The pm has no restrictions on entering the US and he can’t be arrested as he has committed no crime. What you must do is ask the UWP and Rijock for proof that the PM can’t enter the US. Stop believing political propaganda without asking questions.

    • March 13, 2017

      To the Dominican team in the USA track down Skerrit because Tony is saying he got a call from him and he is in the USA we want to know because we are fed up with these two men.

    • Citizen
      March 14, 2017

      Did you see the Senator that Gabbo meet with in the picture taken outside someone’s office?

    • Dominican
      March 14, 2017

      IDeal the burden of proof is on you cuz you are the accuser. Tony has nothing to prove. you say he cannot go, prove he cannot go. You say his visa cancel show it to us. Remember how Lennox was asking skerrrit to show passport in court, sakway sot

      • Anonymous
        March 14, 2017

        So why is he feeding us false information then?

  56. Puppet
    March 13, 2017

    Please change the photograph of Tony Astaphan he looks like a member of the mafia not the senior counselor to the PM. Do Tony justice he is much better looking in the flesh. :-D :-D :-D

  57. ??
    March 13, 2017

    Fake news is alive and well in Dominica. Lets see how far Lennox and Fontaine will get in perpetrating such filth. My sense is that their supporters are losing faith in their methods of toppling the government. It’s just sad to see how these guys are using far right wing republicans in the US to interfere with our political process. Dominica is the first to go that low in Caricom. We need to remember that we have a vibrant democracy which rely on the electorate for regime change, period!!

    • concern citizen
      March 13, 2017

      If up to now U are still denying the TRUTH which is dazzling UR. eyes who can convince some one like U

    • %
      March 13, 2017

      Happy that you know that Dominica is the first to go that low in Caricom…No other Caricom country has had a leader who have given/sold so many diplomatic passports to criminals…Monfared waS the last we knew of,but i believe we still have many more to hear about.

    • Antivirus
      March 13, 2017

      Another labour monkey in the house

    • Dominican
      March 14, 2017

      Fake news is alive, between mas in the cemetery and rijok btw what do they have in common :mrgreen: the latest on the police station with fake pictures they took at their own home. People know inside the station but keep lying

  58. Mike Christie
    March 13, 2017

    Tony you and all your baloney! You and many know the truth.. it’ll definitely be a 1 way trip

  59. Dominican
    March 13, 2017

    big bomb

  60. March 13, 2017

    He not ashame to say all that stop a prime minister have to make to reach his destination? If is true he was in the U.s? What he did not come jersey man#?

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