Brian Meade dismisses allegations against Dr. Donald Peters

Meade said the allegations are totally false
Meade said the allegations are totally false

Chairman of the board of directors of the Dominica State College (DSC), Brian Meade, has brushed aside allegations that president of the college, Donald Peters, is intimately involved with a student of the institution.

“It is utter rubbish, as far as I am concerned,” Meade said. “I am going to treat it with the contempt that it deserves.”

The allegation has been making its rounds on social media for days now and is being sent in the form of an email by someone who goes by the name, “Righteous Dominican.”

Meade said although the board has not discussed the matter, he is aware of it and from his personal perspective it is disturbing.

“I am very disturbed and disgusted at the disease that is spreading in Dominica … what I call ‘mal parlayriasis’ to the defamation of people’s character for not good reason at at all. I think this got to stop,” he stated.

Meade stated that the allegations are totally false. “How can you believe in something that somebody sends out as a leaflet with no name, with an anonymous name on it?” he asked.

Dr. Peters has denied the allegations
Dr. Peters has denied the allegations

He stated that the matter is all about spoiling the name of Dr. Peters, who he said, has been doing a good job at the DSC.

“The college has done a tremendous turn around since he’s been there and of course, some people might not like what he does and in this society it seems we are out just to destroy people’s name and character because of jealousy or whatever,” Meade stated.

He said it is something he simply won’t stand for.

“I am not going to stand for it and I am not going to adhere to something like that,” Meade stated.

Dr. Peters, for his part, denied the allegations and said he was not going to respond any further to such accusations and allow them to distract him from focusing on the development of education at the Dominica State College.

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  1. met yo
    February 7, 2014

    I made my comment about costatt…from an informed standpoint…..the powers that be decided to “moderate” it away instead of taking the initiative and making a call smdh to determine the veracity of my comment but if it was some mepuis about the pm or labour to forward the agenda of the uwp allu would post it long time eh? Alas my country

  2. way lay lay
    February 7, 2014

    But DNO… what was wrong with my comments.. it shoulda been investigated

  3. Views Expressed
    February 7, 2014

    DNO what happen to my comments from 6th February still in moderation…..?????????????

    wake up….wake up…please

  4. Nel
    February 6, 2014

    and my question is and so what if he was involved with a student? The man has a right to his private life and most if not all the students at dsc are adults. Time wasters and propagandists are who fabricates and spreads these pointless rumors. This is not a highs chool or primary school

    • Simply the Truth
      February 6, 2014

      If per chance it is true, so-called righteous D/can must be jealous.

  5. True dat.
    February 6, 2014

    One cannot in good conscience allow this baseless allegation to tannish the good names of individuals. An allegation where one is accused of doing wrong as this, where no names are given and the person making the allegation is unknown doesn’t warrant the time of the day for such an investigation. I am no fan of Dr. Peters because I do not agree with some of his comments. However, this allegation can be made against anyone in position of trust and we should look beyond the person against whom it was made and focus on the allegation itself. Where does such an investigation begins and at what cost? Who should we approach to get the information needed? How can we authenticate the information? What is the motive for such allegation? Unless individuals come forward especially the person making the allegation, then the investigation is going nowhere or doesn’t have a beginning.

    I however do not totally agree with Mr. Mead comments, it sounded childish. He should have asked anyone with such information or who felt that they were taken advantage of, to come forward and only then should an investigation be initiated. That is my opinion on this. Please don’t compare this with Dr. Fountain’s situation, as Dr. Shillingford did say that he committed an error in judgment, whatever that means. I wasn’t there, his conscience should guide him and each and every one will be able to from their own opinion.

    February 6, 2014

    Mr. Meade needs to investigate into de matter whether true or false.

  7. rescue 911
    February 5, 2014

    mr brian,let the man talk for himself.

  8. February 5, 2014

    dno what is wrong with my coments

  9. %
    February 5, 2014

    THESE TWO QUOTES FROM MR MEADE ARE INTERESTING: “”””In this society we are out just to destroy people’s name and character because of jealousy or whatever”””””” “”””I am not going to stand for it, I am not going to adhere to something like that””””.
    But Mr Meade, you stood for it when when those on the Animal Show and elsewhere, were trying to destroy DOCTOR FONTAINE’S NAME WE.Is it that you are jealous of him sir? To me i didn’t hear your voice at all nah. OR, maybe it is because you only say something on behalf of those you love, but it’s OK to destroy the character of those you hate?
    Something is definitely wrong here.

  10. Doc. Love
    February 5, 2014

    Whenever they throw one ounce of accusation at a member of the UWP A team, one pound of accusation is thrown right back at them. All the blows that were throw at Dr. Fontaine, they never expected them to boomerang. :lol:

    • Doctor
      February 5, 2014

      Mr. Fontaine admitted to putting money belonging to DAAS in his personal acct, he claimed it was bad judgement, he was not wrongly accused. If you and the other UWPites have any information that would confirm the rumours about Mr. Peters please publish it. On the other hand I do find the statements by Mr. Mead rather strange considering the fact that there has not been an investigation into the matter.

    • ReeAreLeeTea
      February 5, 2014

      Reality Check

      Even this gonna become political?

      Give me a break.

      • Anonymous
        February 5, 2014

        @ ReeAreLeeTea You need no break. Even your life in political in this poor country. Are you asleep? Well wake up.

  11. Francisco Telemaque
    February 5, 2014

    “I am very disturbed and disgusted at the disease that is spreading in Dominica …(Brian Mead).

    Brian, you of all person who have made a living in the media world, anchoring the news on the “Big A” Radio Antilles, on the island of Montserrat, and again at ZAL Television on the island of Antigua, you should realize by now “where there is smoke there must be a fire.”

    Instead of classifying the alleged affair as utter rubbish, perhaps it would be much better to investigate and ensure that the allegation is unfounded .


    However in my book; unless it is a situation where grade points are awarded to the student, which are not earned, I see nothing unethical abut an student professor, or chancellor relationship. Consenting adults have a right to do what they deem fit as long as it does not cause a dereliction of his responsibilities, and duty.

    Nevertheless, I suggest you do not defend nor dismiss such an allegation as false or utter rubbish unless you have investigated, and found the allegation to be untrue.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Tom
      February 5, 2014

      Very good post Francisco

      • Simply the Truth
        February 6, 2014

        People, watch what you state. Even Francisco is no angel; no innocent one. Does God not know that?

    • Joe
      February 5, 2014

      For once FEDT you have made some sense. I didn’t know you had it in you. Retirement isn’t too bad after all eh…lol lol

    • Paspolitics
      February 5, 2014

      Makes sense Telemaque.

    • True dat.
      February 6, 2014

      Very good point Francisco. I was also looking forward to your comment in relation to Dr. Fontain’s case. What do you think about his error in judgement as stated by Dr. Shillingford?

  12. %
    February 5, 2014

    Well Mr Meade look is now the roro has started.All now so i am sure that some people food are burning on fire, because they giving DONALD AND THIS “PHANTOM” CHICK BLOWS LIKE OLD CLOTHES.Buckets under pipes, water overflowing,people giving Donald et al KOOL LANG.
    You know this tongue in peoples mouth.
    It’s a tongue we washing all around……… Halibut.Trust me donald himself has to speak, and the public will be his judge.

  13. come on now
    February 5, 2014

    It should be investigated, in my opinion. If then proven to be untrue then you can say that it is “utter rubbish”

    • Simply the Truth
      February 6, 2014

      Frankly, if there is any investigation to be conducted, it should be internal – for now.
      The so-called righteous Dominican should not write under the disguise of ‘anonymous’. The story cannot be proven or even investigated under this condition.
      If anyone writes and lodges a complaint, their name should never be disguised. Otherwise it should be taken as being untrue and malicious. This person should not be taken seriously. There are many such people in the world who are obviously too prone to stirring up trouble.
      Consider if you were to write be it a radio station, etc., you are obligated to state your correct name; not write anonymously. Why is this so-called righteous person hiding his/her name? If the story is true then anonymous should come out of the closet, behind closed doors and the computer and state his/her name. Otherwise, this story should just be ignored and thrown under the rug. I am concluding that this is where it is at for the moment.
      Anonymous should take a back step and cease his/ her scandal which, in the long run will do him/her no good. Mark my words.

    • True dat.
      February 6, 2014

      How can you investigate an allegation with no victim. It is like saying someone stole an unidentified object from an unidentified person.

  14. %
    February 5, 2014

    Mr Meade Donald has spoken several times in the past for himself, even on matters he do not know a darn fat about.The latest was when he was trying to convince people like you Mr Meade that you must have several degrees to a Prime Minister. So he should be man enough to defend himself. This is not a time to be MOO MOO. If it appears that you are his chief spokesperson, is now you are pouring kerosene, diesel, gasolene,etc, on the fire. SO STOP IT MR MEADE.

    • Simply the Truth
      February 6, 2014

      Listen up! Use your discretion, judgment and common sense if you have any. Be fair and smarten up. He does not have to pacify you, you curious-seeker. He should keep silent for at least now. He does not have to deny it or even confirm it, if per chance the latter is true. He owes you and people as you no response, explanation or excuse. Allow the authorities to discuss it between themselves.
      In the meantime, if this so-called righteous person’s story is truthful, then the person should divulge his/her name. It is as simple as that. If this person wishes to remain incognito, then the story is not true. Case closed!

  15. Bushmaninda
    February 5, 2014

    Well said, I agree with Educator. The certainty with which Mr.Meade asserts Mr Peters’ innocents forces the question ” how does he know”

  16. Good-to-go
    February 5, 2014

    A responsible Chairman of a College Board anywhere in the world would have conducted an independent enquire into such serious allegation before jumping to conclusions.

    I am disappointed in the Chairman’s utterances!

  17. mind ur dam business
    February 5, 2014

    story after next

  18. Ann Derass
    February 5, 2014

    Mr. Meade, the lies and character assassination occurs every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings.
    Are you aware of what is taking place on that radio station with Lawyers, government advisers and ministers?
    I’m glad that you consider it a disease. Have you heard of the assault on the character and reputation of Dr. Thomson Fontaine? In any other country, if a son of the soil with such an impeccable qualification, would present himself for public office, he would be applauded, but no the protagonists on the animal show are determined to bring him down.
    I will not condemn or accuse Dr. Peter, but Mr. Meade you are not the supreme saviour to determine whether Dr. Peter is guilty or not.
    Intimate affairs whether sexual or not, are usually between two individuals, in total privacy, except if it becomes a threesome or foursome or more some. You are in no place to deny an accusation, Dr Peters is a big grown man.

    Meade your first duty is to investigate.

    • %
      February 5, 2014

      @ Ann Derass TELL IT TO HIM. The Animal Show is a classic example. This is where they triecd to bring down Doctor Fontaine. BUT THIS CANNOT HAPPEN!
      I have a similar blogg.

    • Dread
      February 5, 2014

      character assassination occurs every day including Sundays on Q95….

      • T
        February 5, 2014

        @Dread You only get educated on Q95. Even an idiot like you can learn there.Compare it to The Aminal Show. The handful of people who listen to it,will soon stop listening to the level of garbage that is being spwewed there.

  19. Doctor
    February 5, 2014

    Is it true?

  20. nigel
    February 5, 2014

    No Comments!!

  21. Anonymous
    February 5, 2014

    This is a non issue. Even if the allegations are correct, there is nothing immoral or illegal with a relationship between two consenting adults.

    • from foreign
      February 8, 2014

      The remarks here are definitely a cause for concern. There is a big problem where any teacher gets involved with his student much less the Principal of a college having any relationship with any student of that college. This is a situation which needs to be investigated and if any teachers/principal has been abusing their trust as a teacher, they need to be given their walking papers. I am disappointed in you Brian

  22. Nancy
    February 5, 2014

    I agree that the embarrassment and emotions attached to allegations can undermine even the strongest individual. But Mr. Meade should clarify what is and is not a false allegation. Would a short investigation clear the name of Dr. Peters? Otherwise, it is simplistic, unhelpful and arrogant on his part to frame this allegation as “not true” or “false” at this time. Doing so without an investigation leads to confusion and further misunderstandings of the gentleman. If the allegation has or does not have merit, it will be substantiated by the evidence gathered during the investigation. Mr. Meade could be more helpful to Dr. Peters at this time and this is rather unfortunate.

  23. LuvNY
    February 5, 2014

    Is the student a minor??? If not I really don’t care.

    • Frenz
      February 5, 2014

      If it was your daughter I guess you would huh.

  24. Caribbean King
    February 5, 2014

    Rubbish or not, hear say or rumor it warrants an investigation into the matter and until such investigation is conducted it should be considered as it is a serious matter.

  25. Joker Card
    February 5, 2014

    But wait the opposition is grabbing at straws these days!!!!

    I guess there is too much heat on their Doctor so they trying and get another Doctor to pin some useless allegation on.

  26. Educator
    February 5, 2014

    So let me get this straight: Donald Peters turned the fortunes of the DSC around, he does a good job, there is no investigation of the matter, he claims people are jealous and then Mr. Meade concludes the allegation has no merit.

    He might very well be correct in his conclusion, but he is currently in no position to make that assertion. He simply does not know.

    • ??
      February 5, 2014

      It has to be treated as such as long as there is no name(s) mentioned or no one comes forward. This is no more than tarnishing a man’s good name. If the accusation was about all you novice leader you would be singing a different song.

  27. Anonymous
    February 5, 2014

    utter rubbish in one word, are they brothers? just asking

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