Businessman concerned after malicious destruction of his property

The backhoe was discovered destroyed on Tuesday morning

The owner of Caribbean Concrete Limited, Chris Walters is expressing concern over what he described as a malicious act against him after his backhoe was destroyed by fire in Corona.

The exact time the machine was burnt is unknown but he told Dominica News Online (DNO) that at about 6:30 am on Tuesday, he received some disturbing news from a friend that the backhoe was discovered destroyed by fire. 

He said it was being used for the past four months on the Belles-Sylvania Water Project for Dominica Water and Sewerage Company (DOWASCO).

Walters, who has already reported the matter to the police, said he strongly believes that it is a malicious act.

“I believe the machine could not be burnt by itself, we used it yesterday to do our work on the water project in Corona,” he said. “It is a diesel-powered machine, there was no electrical problem and nothing was wrong with the machine yesterday. The machine was working fine … in that area it is so cold it would be difficult for a spark to happen and burn the machine.”

Walters said the backhoe costs $108,000 and its destruction is a loss for the company.

“That’s a bad thing, people cannot be so malicious in their minds,” he stated.

He is presently picking up the loss.

“Life continues,” the businessman stated.

Investigations are ongoing into the matter.

Walters also mentioned that on February 3rd, 2017 someone tried to enter his company’s concrete plant in Canefield.

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  1. Let The Truth Be Told - Original
    March 10, 2017

    The following is irrelevant to this article. It came to my mind and made me laugh. On Wednesday evening, in Toronto a man stole some instant lottery tickets from a convenience store and ran away. The clerk chased him. He climbed over a wall and ended some feet below. He got two broken legs and other injuries. The paramedics were called and took him to the hospital.
    Consider that he is arrested and charged. There is, no doubt, police surveillance in the room/outside of it to ensure he does not escape although, at this point he cannot walk. It is police protocol for criminals who are hospitalized.
    I wonder how the nurses feel about him. Those who hear/read about it would laugh and say, “Good that he got injured.” They will not feel sorry for him. I consider his embarrassment, a thief/criminal caught, badly injured and hospitalized.
    Thank God the clerk did not follow him over the wall. He probably knows about its height.
    Some strange stories here and more.

    • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
      March 10, 2017

      Who said crimes pay? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      This one is a serious matter. I hope if someone or some people who destroyed the man’s property will be caught. This is a lot of money he lost for it and some dollars of business.
      It is difficult to as much as think that a fellow Dominican or Dominicans would do this to another. It is the height of hatred and wickedness.
      Lord, may the perpetrator(s) be caught.

  2. Let The Truth Be Told - Original
    March 10, 2017

    Considering how some people could be wicked for whatever reason and cannot be trusted, he should not leave it out in the open.
    When he purchases a new one, try building some sort of enclosure around it that they could not get into. He will also have to install some security alarm system.

  3. “Walters, who has already reported the matter to the police, said he strongly believes that it is a malicious act.”

    How can he determine it is a malicious act?

    That is an old piece of junk, the electrical system on that thing is old, for all someone like me with the knowledge of both Ac, and DC power distribution believe the insulation wires carrying voltage, and current to the ignition, and lights may have broken down causing contact between both negative, and positive which led to an arc which caused a fire.

    With no one present to disconnect the battery; what could be expected. If he believe it is malicious perhaps he knows who the culprit is!

    Sometimes murderers do report the murder they commit to the police you know!

  4. bigger
    March 9, 2017

    I’ve heard countless cries about Gon Emanuel didn’t he have representation? and isn’t he a lawyer? So why didn’t his lawyers state his case as Senior Counsil does? I am sure he and his lawyers knows the truth. The truth would reveal the disappearance of the main” EXHIBIT THE CAR ” people would like to know what happened to it

  5. winston warrington
    March 9, 2017

    People seem more concerned about Mr Walter’s choice of words than his state of mind at the discovery of his loss. Had he indicated suspicion of arson I doubt there would be such uproar; but arson implies malicious intent or malice a forethought – so there. Gasoline engines are subject to spontaneous combustion; in fact even static electricity from the driver’s seat has been known to set a petrol vehicle up in flames. But not a Diesel engine. Diesel is not easily combustible. Deliberate effort must be applied to burn a traxavator or backhoe as shown on this post.

    • “fact even static electricity from the driver’s seat has been known to set a petrol vehicle up in flames.”

      Warrington, I do not know where you learn that crap, but that is not true!

      If that was true, I grove a Tank Wagon for Shell Oil carrying thousands of gallons of gasoline and even jet fuel, and the very potent 115 grade gasoline used in propeller propulsion air crafts; when I was a young kid.

      If that was true I would be dead! You know why, I am one of those people who have so much static electricity in my body, some watches I cannot ware because that causes the watch to run fast. There is so much static electricity in the air, cars would be blown to bits every minute of the day.

      One day I filled a tank wagon with garde 84 gasoline at a Texaco Bulk plant at Coolidge near Antigua International Airport, and forgot to close one of the four hatch on the top of the tank; I drove to my destination in St. Johns, when I got there I found out I forgot to close the hatch,…

      • Continue Warrington:

        I drove to my destination in St. Johns, when I got there I found out I forgot to close the hatch, by then plenty of gasoline spilt, if your theory was correct, with the amount of static electricity in the air, in the atmosphere, that truck would have blown to bits, taking me along with it.

        There was a time when you would see a tanker carrying gasoline with a long bit of rubber dragging on the street, that was supposed to be a ground to protect from lighten, and not static electricity; even that is no longer used because the engine of any modern vehicle is ground to the chaise, the rubber tires (tyres) become the ground to protect from lighting. If you are sitting on a couch in your house and stand and walk to your front door by the time you touch the door nub, you can feel a slight shock, and I will tell you it can be in a magnitude of up to 20, 000 volts, the only reason people do not get killed from that is because the current ( wattage in Amps) is not…

    March 8, 2017

    How you deal with ignorant fools is to Come back with a Backhoe 5 times bigger than that one with the insurance money… plus get cameras to secure your property…. dark cloud silver lining! The world is full of fools these days!

  7. bigger
    March 8, 2017

    I don’t think I would be far wrong in assuming that the same person that tried to enter his plant in Canefield might be responsible for this. Finally is he a Labour supporter?

  8. March 8, 2017

    Camera, Camera, See something? say something, our Country, our Call.

  9. rasta
    March 8, 2017

    It is very sad what happened to the contractor and I too voiced to condemn it. However Mr. Walters mention spark and too cold. Do you know houses burn down in the winter because of sparks. Mr Walter I believe that you should wait for the investigation although I know we are not equip for such before making such remarks.
    While I am saddened by such because I am also surprised by a few emotional comments. One guy said what they didn’t finish in roseau….. etc. This same guy chose not to remember the fire bombing of GON Emmanuel home, burning down their car and almost losing their life. This guy fail to remember the burning of the towers at Marigot until some top brass person said he knew. If we were to compare the two GON vs Chris noting is more precious than life itself. Two elderly almost got killed? Mr. walters you will replace your lose but the two old couples would not be replaced had the bombing gone as planned.
    God bless the wise among us but the wicked hipocrites will…

    March 8, 2017

    When is the next arrest? How about the leader of the Gang? What are they waiting for?

    March 8, 2017

    Do you know the nubber of businessmen/women who have destroyed their property for insurance money. Just saying.

  12. Moii
    March 8, 2017

    But wait … I think that story should read “alleged malicious”.

  13. d-a born
    March 8, 2017

    Who is that Chris Walters person?

    • boy oh boy
      March 8, 2017

      green and yellow……..suzan oldi……….citizens fo a better dominica,,,,,,,,,,,ask angelo

  14. OH SNAP!!!!
    March 8, 2017

    The thing is how can one just assume it’s a malicious act? My friend parked his car and it caught on fire without anyone’s help, so basing this as having been done by someone else is somewhat unfair and makes it look like we have a lot of lawlessness in our beautiful land.

    (See what I did there?)

  15. LifeandDeath
    March 8, 2017

    Sad state of Affairs..Serious delay and repercussions for the project again..but it’s early still to say what really happened..mount the investigation and wait and see..

  16. Dominican
    March 8, 2017

    How does he know it was maliciously destroyed? It could have been but on the other hand it may not. Does he know like the P.M. knows?
    Don’t speculate and let the experts do their investigations before making instant judgements.
    I hope the equipment was insured……and secured!

  17. Lol
    March 8, 2017

    I’m not condoning I’m not condemning. Before you say alas ;ask why; sometimes in life when things happen in life we first have to find out the facts why it happened nothing just happens every thing has a genesis so with Christian loving ppl as we proclaim ourselves to be we are much to silent when all evil ,injustice and lawlessness takes place here on a daily basis. So we are only reaping the fruits of our deafening silence. That’s all.And unless and until we correct what’s wrong then it will only get worse. Just being honest about Dominica’s predicament.

  18. Jason
    March 8, 2017

    Dear police
    Please ask DNO for the email addresses and IP address of some of the comments and pic them up. BECAUSE i believe we can see the true motive behi d this form of passive resistance.

  19. mine
    March 8, 2017

    maybe they are burning people’s property what they did not finish do in Roseau. Gods knows and sees every evil deeds people do. Sorry for you loss.

  20. %
    March 8, 2017

    There are CARICOM investigators on island investigating an overthrow that happened only in Skerrits mind.That coup was executed by some speakers on a stalled truck..Let them investigate the matter for you!

      March 8, 2017

      %, Your level of ignorance is no surprise. That’s what you have been taught by your MASTER!

  21. Let The Truth Be Told - Original
    March 7, 2017

    God knows who did this wicked act.
    The person has tried to deprive the man of his livelihood and deter Dominica’s progress. If only the person who did this knows what is in store. The evil that people do follow them and soon enough.
    There should be at least footprints in the vicinity.

  22. still waiting
    March 7, 2017

    Could be a lighting struck it! No suspect (s) but all you rolling de long tong.

  23. Due diligence
    March 7, 2017

    James 4:1 gives a very good description of what may be happening and the who and why
    What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? James 4:1 NIV. I like the ‘among you’re factor in this verse.

  24. Writing is on the wall
    March 7, 2017

    call on supremo !!! many more will be bought from the stash!!

  25. Radio aba mango
    March 7, 2017

    “The exact time the machine was burnt is unknown but he told Dominica News Online (DNO)
    that at about 6:30 am on Tuesday, he received some disturbing news from a friend that the backhoe was discovered destroyed by fire.”

    By the way Chris who is that friend that gave you that news so early?

  26. March 7, 2017

    Hope you not in no hanky panky thing some people a evil like that i cant get u i will hurt u else where thats a real dirty to do someone like that and i hope they catch that person

  27. The Darkness
    March 7, 2017

    Hire Platinum!

  28. bro
    March 7, 2017

    but DNO, you guys also didnt see a burnt car in the same area as the backhoe? It wasn’t lit on the same time but this is an epidemic. I’m only surprised that only now this has been making news. I would estimate over 20+ vehicle have been burnt on the roadside particular along the east coast roads in the past yr alone. And I know its intentional becuz I drive these roads alot and the afternoon I see the vehicle broke down on the side of the road, and the next morning its burnt. Could be insurance scamming- i dunno but since no one never cried about them what else should one think.

    As i said I’m only surprised only now this is making news. Its like a bi-weekly occurrence.

    • televangelists are false prophets
      March 8, 2017

      i agree. and they are just left there. even though they have owners, the Traffic Department, Environmental Health Unit and Solid Waste Management cannot and should not allow derelict vehicles to be left on the roadside. Effective plans must be made!. you drive through fond cole and the road is lined with old broken down vehicles. I agree. But not to deflect from the article, chris, it is unfortunate that your equipment was destroyed. May justice work in your favor and you continue to be blessed.

  29. I want to know
    March 7, 2017

    Mr Chris Walters, please tell us who is the beneficial owner of Caribbean Concrete Ltd. Please stop your nonsense about my property.Don’t pull a Bubbles on us there man! LOL

    • Sweett
      March 8, 2017

      Small minded ppl smh lord help us

    • Dominican
      March 8, 2017

      So that’s why it was burnt?

    • televangelists are false prophets
      March 8, 2017

      go to the registry and ask who the owners/ directors of the business are. it is that simple.

      • Dominican
        March 9, 2017

        No, it is not that simple. in Dominica one must list the directors of a company , who are not necessarily the owners. look at Blaircourt for example. i wish they would change that law because a lot of things happening behind that , which can not stand the light of day.

    • Joe
      March 8, 2017

      So depends on who the beneficial owner is the culprit is right to burn the backhoe? Are you condoning the act?
      I am so ashamed of how low you people have become!!!!!!!

    • Scrappy coco
      March 8, 2017

      Who the hell is the us chris have to give that info and please be more concern of wat you have and work hard for not wat others have ok so go to hell

    • Lang Mama
      March 8, 2017

      it does not matter. No one has the right to do this if it was sabotage. Totally wrong and note that I dont condone corruption nor any form of violation

    • unmasked
      March 8, 2017

      What the hell does ownership of the company has to do with the fact that the backhoe was set on fire. And why does Mr. Walter owe you an answer as to the ownership/ beneficiary of his company? Stay in your lane and be concerned about your own business, put your ideal time into better use. Being an ignorant ass is not cute.

    • give praise to rastafari
      March 9, 2017

      u want to know eh..apparently u know so tell us…bahahahahaha….zor jalousie…meh! we will always have the last laugh..just you wait…

  30. DLP needs to be retired
    March 7, 2017

    Smdh, I hope is not that that really happen there… Either terribly sorry for your loss sir

  31. Wil
    March 7, 2017

    Pure evil. Smh.

  32. jazz53
    March 7, 2017

    My Brother,let,s not jump to conclusion as to say its a malicious act,fires are unpredictable, people are asleep while their house burns using it yesterday does not warrant it could not burn down day after.If there are forensic investigators let them come to that conclusion,please clear your conscience,you will feel a lot better than to think of someone trying to harm you.There are fires in cold countries.Sorry for your loss.

    March 7, 2017

    What You groughing ME for?

    • chacha
      March 8, 2017

      ‘Grudging’ –sigh – sings**education education**

        March 8, 2017

        chacha. I am on no Spelling B competition, the fact remains YOU understood what was said. All the same … T6hanks!

  34. March 7, 2017

    I wonder what would be the motive ?

  35. BEB
    March 7, 2017

    It appears that the culprit was against the refurbishing of the water supply in the area, why do some people have so much vendater towards another?

  36. unmasked
    March 7, 2017

    What is our country coming too? Why is there so much violence against innocent, hardworking businesses that are creating gainful employment for citizens. It is a sad day in Dominica when a person/s can be walking around with so much envy, jealousy, hate and wickedness in their hearts, that they would take such violent actions against the property of a hardworking and industrious business man. Mr. Walter stay strong in your endeavors, God has a way of resolving all situations, continue to work hard for the development of your country. As long as there is life, there is so much more to come.

    • NUWP
      March 7, 2017

      They all coming from people who NOT WORKING AND PAYING THEIR TAXES BUT WANT TO LEAD US. They hate people to succeed. They hate progress. Non of them have a job but they want to prevent ppl from making a daily bread. It’s a new thing now tgeyvhace is vote for me if not I will distort watcu hace if u supporting Skirrit. A politics of hate. But soon god will pass his judgment. They all will loose 100 times more. Watch an u will see. Kama

      • concern citizen
        March 9, 2017

        Dear NUWP,
        I support U 100% cause it’s the same thing they like to FIRE BUMB elderly citizen on Christmas morning 2010 who work already, although they have all the JOBS and the CBI money yet they are destroying these elderly people and say it’s they themselves who burn their property when they have no insurance on their property
        Answer that and talk about jealousy and who want to lead us
        Probably Walters was owing some paro, cause they like to make people work and don’t pay them, for all U know that backhoe BELONGS TO all of us Dominicans because it’s CBI money that pay for it

    • anonymous2
      March 8, 2017

      Too many lazy jealous people on this island.

  37. Lang Mama
    March 7, 2017

    In spite of what suspicions people may have or that one guy seem to be conviniently getting all the contracts I dont support this this kind of sabotage cause tomorrow it could be somebody else’s property getting sabotage just because of allegations true or false.

  38. papa
    March 7, 2017

    Pray dont let that hold u.down what goes around comes around god in control

  39. hope
    March 7, 2017

    wowww this is not nice!!!

  40. Barbara Saunders
    March 7, 2017

    Sorry sir! Even more sorry if this was a malicious act! Such acts must be condemned.

    All the best.

  41. Weh Boy
    March 7, 2017

    Skerrit drop a passport on that for me please. Irie Scin, Doe Dig!! Problem Fixed.

    • Joe
      March 8, 2017

      very narrow minded statement!!!!!

  42. give praise to rastafari
    March 7, 2017

    dey will try and try and try…..but we shall always prevail! like beetles to a lamp…we will overcome as always….Dominicans have adopted a sickening reality of greed and jealousy and envy and instead of not coveting the neighbours wife..they basically killing the neighbour…..its sad… it politics…whatever it is a fact that this man works 24/7…….why do this…..

    BUT did he die?noooooo…..5 more will be purchased and life will go on……sack way pendi…..

  43. March 7, 2017

    For a person to work twice, and sometimes three times as hard to get their businesses started up, and for a wassy vagabond to find he just destroying something he didn’t buy… Jah help allu wicked fellas boy.

  44. March 7, 2017

    Such vindictive acts should never be condoned. I’m appealing to anyone with any information to report it to the police.

  45. Bush lawyer
    March 7, 2017

    Don’t worry Chris. There’s always CBI?

    • Scrappy coco
      March 8, 2017

      That same CBI is feeding you and your family

  46. MI
    March 7, 2017

    Who cares.

    • Sweett
      March 8, 2017

      Mi ur turn coming don’t worry

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