Call made to investigate welfare assistance

Authorities are being urged to take a closer look into the way welfare assistance given to less fortunate families is being spent.

Director of Love One Teach One Foundation, Gloria Walsh, in a recent speech said that some parents are not using monies given by the welfare department to fulfill their children’s needs.

Walsh pointed out that some children on the island are going to school on empty stomachs despite the fact that many receive assistance from the welfare department.

“I am calling on the minister to do something about the welfare money,” she said. “It needs to be investigated.”

She is of the opinion that some of the money from the department should go towards school feeding programs. “Probably give $75.00 to the school feeding program from the $375 that they are receiving,” she suggested.

When DNO contacted the welfare deparment on the matter Chief Welfare Officer, Martin Anthony, said he is unaware of the situation.

“I am not aware of that information. If you are referring to public assistance there is a continuous education on that matter. We have been educating people on how to best use the money,” he said.

However he noted that if there is evidence of such a situation, it will be assessed by his department.

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  1. Susan
    February 21, 2013

    I agree, the way the money should be given.

    1. Get to know how much is that child or children bus travel for the month, then give the amount.
    2. Do Costing how much for shopping for the month for that child or children, then give shopping not money.

    3. Do shopping on clothing, and others and give item not money.

    If child or children need anything aloud mom or dad come over to the office to let you know what they need then buy and give them but not money.
    I think that way money will be used in the right way.

  2. Texan
    February 6, 2013

    I agree with @annoying.put it on a card that can only be used to buy food.have a program to where kids r served breakfast at school

  3. February 5, 2013

    do like the state i`m living in,put it on a special card that it can only be used in supermarkets.don`t give them the dry cash what do u expeat?

  4. February 5, 2013

    Why is Martin Anthony always unaware of most situation to do with welfare. Mr. Anthony you need to retire.

    • Justice and Truth
      February 6, 2013

      He is the boss and he must keep a-breast of such goings-on. Surely, he has an assistant who should inform him of this.

  5. sugar
    February 5, 2013

    Miss Walsh i support u 100%

  6. Anonymous
    February 5, 2013

    This is a serious topic, even in America where they do not give cash to thos receiving food stamps. They find a way to beat the system, you see them at BJ’s and Costco fulling up more than one industrial trolley on food stamps. What do you think they do, sell the items and then use the money. It is a big issue, one that needs serious addressing not only in Dominica but also in America as well. It is called bleeding the sytem.

    • Justice and Truth
      February 6, 2013

      They have a lot of tricks. They ask for money and then use it for drugs. Even young children approach people for money for bus fare. They lie so much. I have given to them but no more. Another trick is, some adults state that they recently arrived from an eastern or western province and have no money.
      Being brought up to help those who are less fortunate, I am compassionate to the poor/those who are in need of. I once gave one $5.00. When I heard and read of their tricks/lies, I no longer gave them. They take advantage of the generosity of others.
      Those who take medicinal marijuana sell those pills to others. Thhey owe the government for the pills. You cannot trust such people. The government should never have approved of it. As I have previously stated, the stories are many.

  7. Anonymous
    February 5, 2013

    I agree with Gloria 100000000%.

  8. True Say
    February 5, 2013

    I meant some of the parents, not all, which is obvious

  9. Malgraysa
    February 5, 2013

    If the chief is “not avvare” it means that he effects of the programme are not being monitored. It means that the ultimate spending of the Govts. handouts is of no concern to them. Of course, minors do not have a vote but their parents- and guardians do. This is not helping the intended beneficiaries, the children at all but buys support for those in charge.

  10. Tri-State Beauty
    February 5, 2013

    You know it’s this non-chalant, always unaware, passive, sa moi sav attitude that keeps people from speaking up on issues like this, and keeps Dominica in dire straights. The Welfare officer doesn’t need Gloria or a long investigation to know this is happening. What do you think most of these women do with the money? There are exceptions of course, but that is not rocket science. These people need to understand that tax payers are the ones footing their bills and the money is NOT for themselves, but for the childrens’ well being. If they’re abusing food stamps on debit like cards in the US, is in Dominica where they recieve cold hard cash they won’t do it? I support giving at least $100 of the amount to the school feeding programes.

    • Admirer
      February 5, 2013

      My black beauty how are you? I support what you say a billion times.

    • Justice and Truth
      February 6, 2013

      The government should evaluate how much it costs for monthly groceries and give them a debit card for that amount, a little more maybe. This is budgeting. Some of them use the money to purchase junk food and not necessarily healthy food and for their children.

      • Malgraysa
        February 6, 2013

        A debit card? You think they are that sophisticated? This assumes these people have a bank account. You clearly have not been in Dominica for a very long time. Most of them have never seen the inside of a bank. This is still, by and large a largen chess society.

  11. In The Know
    February 5, 2013

    There are also too many young people on Welfare and the people who are in desperate need of the assistance can not get onto the system. This is very serious. These people are elders and they should benefit from the state at this very vulnerable of their lives..

  12. Anonymous
    February 5, 2013

    Well said Ms. Walsh. I have always believed that food stamps should be the way to go.

  13. True Say
    February 5, 2013

    I concur with the previous comments that foodstamp should be given instead of cash because the parents of the poor children do not utilise the money for the intended purpose, they use the money to bling,you find them harassing the people at the Ministry for the money especially when there is an upcoming activity for them to buy outfit for the occassion and the children are left hungry. AUTHORITY PLEASE GIVE IT A THOUGHT AND DO THE NECESSARY!!!!! Thank you

  14. Justice and Truth
    February 5, 2013

    I recently read that the Ontario government now issues a card to each social welfare recipient rather than money. They must have a bank account such as a chequing account.
    When a cheque was issued it was an incentive to abuse the funds. Some of them used it for the purchase of liquor, beer, cigarettes and for entertainment in night clubs and whatever else rather than purchase food and other necessities. They will go to food banks.
    …And yes, some beg on the streets. There was a time I would give to those who begged but not anymore. We have heard and read of too many instances that some of them abuse the generosity of other members of the public by telling lies why they want the money. I was also lied to on more than occasion while on the street and gave to those people. No more! I simply state, “I do not have money” or ignore them or pretend I did not hear.
    The government stated that issuing cards is cost-saving. Knowing the government in other respects, they have an ulterior motive for issuing cards rather than cheques or cash under certain circumstances. All the same it is a good start to hopefully decrease abuse.

  15. Jay
    February 5, 2013

    It’s about high time, I personally know of a young lady who makes it a point of duty to give her child’s father who is working and not supporting her or the child $100.00 every month.

  16. (.) (.)
    February 4, 2013

    Give them food stamps …problem solved. You put cash in someone’s hand and the first thing they think of is going disco on Saturday night and their children go hungry for the rest of the week.

  17. February 4, 2013

    A-A?,after they feed their boyfriends,if there is any left,they will feed the children.Like carnival coming up there,nuff children will be hungry.Please look into that matter now and fast.In this time and age children still coming to school hungry.The welfare money is to buy poom-poom shorts and bijoux.

  18. Giorgio/Armani
    February 4, 2013

    Lioness! Raise your head up high my sister! You are majestic!

  19. Plain Truth
    February 4, 2013

    I firmly support Gloria Walsh. I believe that $100 should be deducted for the School Feeding Program and the balance should be given to the parents in coupons to a supermarket of the parent’s choice, tax free and a swipe card that the client can be identify. when the said child or children are grown up the said card should be returned to the Welfare Division it should be a topic on all radio station; if the said client have change resident the welfare Department should be aware of that. Round the world Governments don’t give money to people, it is always food stamps. Also a proper medical check ups should be taken every six months of the child/children to know if they are mal-nourish. Also the children’s weight is very impotant. :lol: I hope when they go and way those children they don’t give them plenty water to drink for welfare to believe they eating alot.

    • Justice and Truth
      February 5, 2013

      The U.S. gives food stamps. Probably in Europe but not in Canada. However, I am aware that Ontario, Canada has changed its format of providing cash.

    • yes
      February 5, 2013

      lmbo @ “…. give them plenty water to drink for welfare to believe they eating alot” lolol…
      but very good point indeed…

    • God's Child
      February 5, 2013

      Well said. 100% in agreement

    • Joe
      February 5, 2013

      Yea Plain Truth, but don’t forget they also have to pay light and water, so food stamps alone won’t cut it..

      I think they should love their children enough to feed them they too damn wicked… next move is for welfare to take those children from them, then stop the benefit.

  20. ok
    February 4, 2013

    Responses as thus is what upset me , the welfare deparment on the matter Chief Welfare Officer, Martin Anthony, said he is unaware of the situation.

    “I am not aware of that information. If you are referring to public assistance there is a continuous education on that matter. We have been educating people on how to best use the money,” he said.

    However he noted that if there is evidence of such a situation, it will be assessed by his department.

    Unless there is evidence padner aint going out of his way ,,,,so darn sad….

    • Justice and Truth
      February 5, 2013

      The Chief Welfare Officer must not depend on the recipients to use the money wisely. There will always be abuse. A new strategy is to be implemented which will benefit the children. He should make it his duty to immediately assess this situation.

    • hmmm
      February 5, 2013

      not fair to say because ultimately he is not the one who makes the yes or no as to who gets monies. all he can do is assess upon receiving information.

      whilst i agree with gloria walsh, we the people need to understand the procedure of the division before we just and criticize on statements made.

    • Tax Payer
      February 5, 2013

      So what about the managerial tools called monitoring and evaluation?

      One would hope that the welfare department has officers that would monitor its programs monthly or quarterly and rectify such problems as outlined in the story above in the shortest possible timeframe.

      Evaluations should be conducted say every three years to determine the trend of the welfare program and see if planned outcomes are realized, and the lessons learned from unintended outcomes.

      Public Officers must be way more effective in the jobs they are being paid to do on behalf of the country Dominica.

      It matters not if you are on the permanent establishment or is a politician that gives you a job in the public service – once you are receiving a salary form the Public Service your duty is to the Commonwealth of Dominica and ensure that every dollar of tax payers’ money is well spent and has created meaningful value so that tomorrow taxpayers do not repeat the same set of expenditures uselessly.

  21. Mid Wicket
    February 4, 2013

    Hats off to you Gloria my fellow DGS Grad!

    Hitting the Nail on the Head with the Facts on That National Issue..

    Many a DGS Grad has that sorta blunt outwardness.

    Keep the Flame Glowing…Much Respect!!!

  22. sweetness
    February 4, 2013

    We should take a page from America and give the people food stamps instead of cash.

    • Tri-State Beauty
      February 5, 2013

      But they are abusing Food Stamps. It comes on a debit-like card and these people will trade that for pennies on the dollar from unsavoury business people. Food stamp is a hand up, not a hand out. There is gross abuse and slackness of the system. In so many instances you see these people with huge carts paying for food on the card, but have the latest IPHONES, $200 sneakers, pushing fancy ride. The US is no example it’s overly abused while some families who truly need it are denied.

  23. midnight dare
    February 4, 2013

    that is very true, Ms Walsh. They need to investigate those young girls that just having babies and waiting on welfare to give them money and the poor children are not getting anyhting.

    • Justice and Truth
      February 5, 2013

      They need to be educated accordingly and not by Planned Parenthood that will give them condoms as they continue in their sexual encounters.
      They are in dire need of Our Lord Jesus Christ in their life to assist them.
      The youths are too free with their body which is a cause of having babies and unwed parents. As it is said, children are having children. At their young age, they are not prepared to take on this great responsibility of babies. They should be in school studying for a career. Some of them are allowed to go out in the evenings. They also need supervision during the day when parents are not at home or are at work.
      Parents must also show by example and discipline them accordingly. If parents “fail in their nurturing duties”, they will be answerable to God for the children they brought into the world and who have gone astray. It is a serious matter.

  24. Anonymous
    February 4, 2013

    Real Talk. I believe they should give them something like food stamps so all they could do is only purchase food.

    • Piper
      February 5, 2013

      So you want the government to set up a new department to administer the program?

      • Justice and Truth
        February 6, 2013

        Be broadminded. Not necessarily. That department could administer it. It takes organization to implement and achieve this.

  25. Anonymous
    February 4, 2013

    What about children who have a parent in prison and other parent is absentee? What counseling is available?

    • Justice and Truth
      February 5, 2013

      Excellent question. A close family should step in and assume those duties with the help of the Welfare authorities, if Dominica does not have a home for such children.
      In addition, parents who do not live by the law also shirk from their responsibilities towards their children. They should be matured and sensible enough to know that they have children and should conduct themselves appropriately – living by the law and taking care of their children. They are not exonerated from this.

    • DCW
      February 5, 2013

      Refer the child to Welfare department, Dominica National Council of Women or Bureau of Gender Affairs.

  26. CIA on the Watch
    February 4, 2013

    And there is also a red clinic that is considered to be some form of assistance to the poor. Is Miss Walsh calling for an investigation to this one too? Most of us think that those in need are not the ones benifiting, and despite St. Joseph in social crisisthe lines are getting longer and this system of dolling out cash to persons does not teach them how to fish

    • Justice and Truth
      February 5, 2013

      I wholeheartedly endorse what you stated. If they receive freebies it is no incentive for them to seek employment.
      The same applies in progressive countries. Too many freebies that they depend on them and do not make the effort to sustain themselves without the help of others.
      In Canada there are also food banks. There are some churches which give weekly meals which could last a few days.
      Churches as the Catholic Church are also involved, asking the congregation to bring in non-perishable items to send to food banks. For various reasons, I have my qualms about that. I used to give but in the past few years I evaluated this situation. Some of them are no poorer than others who give. So much more could be stated about that. I promised to write a book about “poverty” and who is really in need of it. Everyone who has a valid address receive government assistance including subsidized housing. Therefore, who is poorer than others? Some of them are doing very well, better than those who are employed. This is why many people as pensioners and the employed are angry. They are the ones who pay taxes and who foot the bill through their tax dollars as taxes increase and not income.
      I consider myself a generous person. Nevertheless I informed a parish priest that the poor Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke of were those who received no help from the government and were dependent on their family and neighbors in those days. They are not like the poor of today who receive benefits and housing.
      Those on welfare get free dental treatment whereas those who are employed, be it that they receive a menial salary are not eligible to receive free dental treatment. It is an unfair world.
      I heard someone state on the News that the government will pay for sex change and for the removal of tattoos but will not pay for eye glasses and dental treatment. I reiterate that it is an unfair world. For this reason, there are those who will not give to certain non-charitable organizations. I do not blame them. The shocking and negative stories are many.

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