Cameron threatens to withhold UK aid to anti-gay nations


David Cameron has threatened to withhold UK aid from governments that do not reform legislation banning homosexuality.

The UK prime minister said he raised the issue with some of the states involved at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Perth, Australia.

Human rights reform in the Commonwealth was one issue that leaders failed to reach agreement on at the summit.

Mr Cameron says those receiving UK aid should “adhere to proper human rights”.


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  1. July 1, 2013

    For PM Cameron to threaten to withhold aid to anti-gay countries is downight rude. In fact it’s bloody nasty! Not what one would expect from an English gentleman.

    If you think he is only doing British business as usual consider this. A nation has the right to decide who it will give aid to. But should the decision not be based up the countries’s need?

    If my neighbor was in need and I was able to help him without leaving my own wife and children short I believe I should help him. What I did should be based upon his need. For me to take advantage of his need and use it to bully him into changing something in his home I did not like would be wrong beyond words.

    Cameron should remember the USA broke away from England, severed ties, and became an independent nation to throw off the yoke of British oppression. Other countries have grown up and claimed their independance.

    Even more shocking is the fact that President Obama is threatening other countries that have anti-buggerry laws in place. By siding with Cameron he is showing a disregard for the history of America`s own beginning. Not only that but by using America`s size and place on the world stage to bully smaller independent self governing nations he is showing his desire to dominate and control them.

    It is not too late to do the right thing!

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill, D.D., Pentecostal Evangelist.

  2. April 15, 2013

    If PM Cameron witholds UK financial aid to nations because they won’t drop their laws against homosexual behaviour who will suffer? It won’t be the rulers or leaders of those nations who make the laws. It will be the already poor. It will be who are sick and getting sicker from lack of good drinking water. It will be the unemployed single mothers and their children dying alone in their wooden shacks and cardboard huts without food and medical care. It will be the orphaned homeless children wondering the streets and sleeping under bridges. It will be the farmer trying to work their land with their oxen and plows waiting to receive modern equipment to work with so they can feed their families and help their communities. It will be the children with no proper cloths to wear to school and those who have no schools to go. It will be bright energetic young people with dreams who can’t afford a higher education and will never realize their career goals – the future and hope of their nations. It will be people too busy worrying about where the next meal will come from or where they are going to sleep at night to really care about who is having sex with who or what. But Mr. Cameron is dong what his kind do. He is doing what he thinks he has to do to secure his place on the world stage and England’s place in the UN. He is doing the politically correct thing to hold his grip on those who depend on his co-operation in order to receive the same from him as the world turns. Those who push the homosexual agenda depend on lies and bullying to move it forward because they know history is against them and science is not on their side. Why do men like Mr. Cameron go beserk when we ask them to read HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE POLITICS OF TRUTH by Dr. Jeffery Satinover, M.D.? Dr. Satinover has practiced psychiatry and psychotherapy for over 20 years. He has lectured at Yale University and Harvard University. He debunks the idea that homosexuals are “born that way” and shows the harm done mentally, physically, and socially by homosexual behaviour. Dr. Satinover’s work is fully documented as you would expect from a board certified specialist who must face peer review. This book can be ordered from AMAZON, the world’s largest online bookseller. Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  3. Justice and Truth
    October 31, 2011

    What I have to state about Cameron and to him is that if he is a Christian, woe to him for all eternity as other governments who legalize this abomination which highly offend God. God has taken note of what he has stated, promoting homosexuality.
    Those governments he may be referring to should not worry. In the past they have survived without Great Britain’s money and they will. God never forsakes his people and those who are on his side. They will survive and receive assistance in other ways under the banner of God. Tell Cameron to go and take a hike. He is doomed.
    What has Great Britain done for countries (also) as Dominica? I have always stated if Dominica was under the French rule it would have been better off a long time ago, in those days to today.

    • cliff
      February 7, 2012

      You people of Dominica sound really nasty.
      I’m not going to buy your bananas any more :twisted:

    • cliff
      February 7, 2012

      No wonder all the gay Dominicans come to the UK.
      It must be vile living on your hateful little island :twisted:

      • cliff
        February 7, 2012

        Jesus loves.
        Dominica hates.

  4. hey ho
    October 31, 2011

    I think ‘GOD IS DEAD’ is ‘HUMANIST’ – ha – caught you

  5. Anonymous
    October 31, 2011

    go to hell macomme i rebuke u devil

  6. Mr. Mann
    October 31, 2011

    “Let those without sin, cast the first stone!”

  7. D
    October 31, 2011

    Cameron, you have nothing better to do than promote homosexuality? Go find jobs for all the unemployed youths in England.

    The British people will soon throw you out for mismanaging the economy. You think that there are enough homosexuals to keep you in power? Think again

    • Anonymous
      June 29, 2013

      Is PM Cameron actually threatening to withhold financial aid to smaller countries who do not support gay rights? Forgive me for being so dense but I still think I must be reading this wrong.

      If I am doing O.K., my children are taken care of, and I see my neighbor in need, should I refuse to help him because he holds a different philosophy than I do, or does not agree with my world view? Would it be right for me to require him to make a policy for his household contrary to their long held traditions before I would help him?

      I always understood – whether it is person to person – or nation to nation – we do what we can to help each other. We do it because it is the right thing to do. Someday we may be in need and they may be able to help us. People who live this way in the neighborhood or in the global village are making the world a better place for themselves and future generations.

      Rumors are now swirling that the UN may also cut off aid to nations that don’t support gay “rights”, and Obama has said the USA will finance homosexual lobby groups in countries that refuse to legalize gay marriage marriages.

      For a large nation to threaten or attempt to bribe a smaller self governing country in this way is a bullying tactic. It flies in the face of protocol. It is just plain rude! It has never been done in history. Now it is being done to advance the gay agenda! It shows what spirit they are of!

      Interesting how they have their sights set on the Caribbean. Is this a sort of experiment? Do they think the small island nations will buckle one by one and let them raise the rainbow flag over their capitals? Be strong my brothers and sisters. Pray! Do spiritual warfare! Find out where your political candidates stand of these issues. Vote for those who are true to the Word of God which is for ever settled in heaven.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist. Visit my website and click onto my ARTICLE “Things that Cannot be Shaken”.

  8. Francis Chicago
    October 31, 2011

    Mr.cameron keep your aid this man talking about human right is this empire laws do what i said.No we are island under GOD.dominica stand with uganda principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world.Human rights please how many innocent people nato kill in libya .we the people of dominica against homosexual and same sex relationship.Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good.He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God. mr cameron your ducktren does not respesent God.

  9. giving
    October 31, 2011

    what do you all want your leader to say ( i bet the answer will be ban the gays and don’t bring their ideas here)for those of you who work for firms own by gay men quit and let your family stay hungry and don’t pay rent or mortgage. for those of u all that want to fire burn gay do what i say and see how u and your family will survive without the gay money. don’t hate i am just looking at the other side on this one. it is better to love than to hate.

  10. gaynproud
    October 31, 2011

    Great ! Dominica first ! Let those bastards start! Hurt their pockets !

    • KoKo Naughts
      October 31, 2011

      My pocket will hurt but NOT my bottom doh!!! Sacway…….garcon if I wasn’t a christian eh…

      • Anonymous
        November 1, 2011

        HaHaHaHaHaHa….!…Well said……Very funny and right on point…..
        KoKo naughts, that was good…..

        Peace…….and……All the best to you…

    • Justice and Truth
      October 31, 2011

      In your ignorance you do not realize that you are a bastard, the pot calling the kettle black. You have absolutely nothing to be proud about. You should hide your face and your lifestyle. You also contaminate the youth of all. An earthly and eternal punishment awaits you and your likes for this.
      People as you have stolen the word of the entire world “gay” from us. I feel sorry for you.
      You are fortunate that you are residing in a world where the government protects you. However, God knows you. He sees your acts and in His own good time He will take care of you.
      Holy Scriptures: Let God arise. Let his enemies scatter. Let them that hate him (by practicing abomination) flee from his face. As wax is melted so the wicked/evil will perish. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.
      Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “Who is not with Me scatters.”

  11. Expensive
    October 31, 2011

    Fire Fire Fire..and More fire..I saw this coming…..I always knew there would come a time when they would use money to impose their devil acts on people..Remember God destroyed Sodom many years ago for these acts and we are not too far from this happening again..keep thinking that God is asleep but remember that no one will be exempted from the punishment when it comes because as much as people may say ” I have nothing to do with that, as long as them Gays doe involve me” they are the same ones who could make a difference and didn’t so that make you just as Guilty…I stand against this and tell this Cameron Guy to keep his filthy money and his sodomy in Sodom.

  12. Muslim_Always
    October 31, 2011

    Hmmm Neo Colonism reveals its ugly head!

    Let’s see how the people of Dominica respond to this. Will their leaders amongst them rebuke what Mr Cameroon has said, or will many Dominicans do the ’emotional reactions’ and grumble in a corner?

  13. Sout Man
    October 31, 2011

    Both the article and the comments section have hypocricy written all over. If David Cameron truely values human rights, why is he silent on the violation of women’s rights in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait? Why is he using aid as a weapon to dictate to poor developing countries, especially in matters relating to sodomy?

    The hypocricy of those who criticize Mr Cameron must not be lost here. Over the last few months many have expressed the wish that the United States withhold aid from Dominica, simply for associating with Cuba, Venezuela and China. You have expressed your wish that Ross University and the cruise lines pull out of Dominica because of your hatred for the PM.

    Today, you want the right to abuse those you consider immoral. You want to legislate morality in the name of God. Personally, I love a vagina. I eat it too!! (Excuse me – I know that offends some people who also consider that nasty). Why do we want to publicly lynch, abuse, harass and execute those who have a different sexual orientation? Men who participate in gang rape, child molestation, incest and the abuse of women and children want to use the Bible as their excuse against homosexuality.

    I do not support Mr Cameron’s position but the situation in Ghana, Malawi and Uganda, in particular, is alarming. Uganda was forced to suspend its death penalty for homosexuals. Do you really want to kill someone because of his /her sexual orientation? Is his/her sin greater than your sin? Look in the miror and cast the first stone!!

    • North Man
      October 31, 2011

      Sout Man have you lived in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or the UAE, because I have and I havent seen women’s right being violated or are you just being one of those who take whatever he sees on the well oiled media machine and runs with it?

      • Sout Man
        November 1, 2011

        What does being there have to do with it? Don’t we all depend on the media? Is sharia law manufactured by the media? Why was that woman sentenced to public lashing for driving a car? Why are women considered as ‘stay at home” property of men? Why can’t they associate with non-family members without covering up with veils and burkas? Why do these monarchs own all the oil fields? What makes them different from Gadaffi? Please enlighten us since you are the one who has been there.

  14. justice to be served
    October 31, 2011

    Hey Dominicans, Cameron is talking about laws England imposed on its empire during colonization. God (The Creator)never told black people anything, God(The Creator) did not write a book and give to black people.
    King James of England, and Constantine of Rome, got their people together wrote their book which was to keep the slaves and serf in their place. So what are you all defending.
    The brain washing over the last 200yrs worked well, and now we are more enslaved mentally than our for-fathers were when they had physical shackles and bonds on them.
    Use your brains, how does another person love life affect you? unless it is your man or woman.
    So what is the big deal.

  15. giving
    October 31, 2011

    people we need to open our minds a bit i read all the comments and all it is telling me is that our people are behaving like ostriches,what i mean is that there are gay people in almost every family, some of them are going crazy because the are taking care of the very people that are oppose to the gay life, believe it or not gay people are in charge of some many things for e.g we trust the pilots when we are traveling but u don’t know that that very pilot might just be gay- you go to the bank for a loan in your time of urgent and great need the loan office and bank manager that helped you with that loan may just be gay, your very boss who is responsible for you working in a firm so you can take care of your beloved one may also be gay,and most of all your father,your son your favorite brother, uncle,nephew, cousin,and best friend may just be gay and you don’t know that they are hurting inside. people don’t just become gay like it is a switch that u put on and off it has to do with feelings. i am appose to gay marriages because from the beginning of time it was meant for man and woman and that is what the good book told us however everyone need to have their human rights to do as they please let it be between they and their god.

  16. Nato
    October 31, 2011

    What I find funny is the people who are saying that Cameron or the British should not be telling them what to do and in the same breath talking about God. It’s the same British that brought religion to West Indies, religions that were not practiced in Africa until colonialism. It’s ok to preach and talk about how wrong it is to be gay, but how dare the British tell you what to do? Hypocrites, one of the reason I would never follow any religion and believe in make belief stories that’s been forced unto people by the same colonialists.

    • Justice and Truth
      October 31, 2011

      @ Nato

      I am shaking my head as I cannot believe that you made such a statement. You are so ignorant of the truth. What do you know? You are not well-informed. Read good books which will educate you on this matter. :twisted:
      The British was not the first to bring religion to the West Indies. The first people who brought it were the French Missionaries. They brought Christianity, namely the Catholic Faith. I knew this since childhood as a student. What school you attended? Certainly not high school. You need to do some research and homework.
      In the year 1600 and thereafter when Henry VIII renounced his Catholic Faith because he wanted to marry another woman while his first wife was still alive because she did not produce a male heir to the throne, he imprisoned her. After that the British brought the Anglican faith to the West Indies.
      Do you know the story of Henry VIII? He beheaded a few of his wives including Sir Thomas Moore and John Fisher who are Catholics because they refused to approve his second marriage while his wife was still alive. They said: “I rather serve my God…”
      Today, many Anglicans are leaving this faith to join the Catholic Faith.
      God has his way of bringing people to the knowledge of the truth and true Christianity.
      You need to put your head between your legs and let it hide there. You lack education and religiously at that. :twisted:

  17. whatever
    October 31, 2011

    most homosexuals choose to be so, they don’t harm innocent people and could be your doctor, lawyer, son, cousin… there are worse crimes people can commit than being gay.

    • October 31, 2011


      The only crime that homosexuals commit is against themselves–just as any other disobedience against God’s command is a crime against one’s self.

      In other words, homosexuals, along with the rest of us who sin against the Living God, who is a Holy God, brings judgment against ourselves. Each one of us is accountable to God, on our own.

      Rape is a crime of the civil law, which can be disputed in a court of justice.

      But immoral sexual conduct is a sin against God, which only God, Himself, can discipline and heal, because immoral sexual conduct is a temptation of the flesh.

      The fight against temptation demands self-control, if we are going to overcome. Self-control is a strength that comes from God.

      But since people do not want to hear about God and His control, in us, which only cause us to live, what else is there to do? Just leave them to face their judgment of death–each person does his own gnashing of teeth.

    • seriously
      November 1, 2011

      if homosexuals choose to be so then so did hetrosexuals. why is one a choice and the other not?

      and that is not to be confussed with people who are just into crazy sex an would sleep with anyone

      Also there are people because of psycological trama become attractec to the same sex womrn who may be abused could become prostitutes or shoose to be with other women and men the same way.

      Shareing time and space as an adult with the other Adult that u love cannot be a crime.

      many hetrosexuals sing if loving you is wrong then i dont want to be right is that statement not deviant?

  18. mouth of the south
    October 31, 2011

    could someone please tell me what help or aid we recieve from U.K…??? them guys need to realise this is not the old days… where white men with wigs would tell us how to run our affairs….

    • Iceland
      October 31, 2011

      Well said, the last time I checked the only thing I know about these Brits is that we were once a colony oh and not even our green Bananas get to go out the supermarket first. This guys is just letting 1 cent words fly out his 1/2 cent mouth!!!

    • seriously
      November 1, 2011

      well they can do it two ways if they stop taking our bananas then we doomed but they have been committed even though they can get it cheaper other places Go do your homework!!!!

  19. joe
    October 31, 2011

    Keep your money

    And your GAYS tooo

    • Papa Way
      October 31, 2011


  20. Chavez Jr.
    October 31, 2011

    This is a clear and obvious indication of the coming into being of the MARK OF THE BEAST.The beast is revealing its self. If u dont adhere to their rules, you will not live my people. Seek the help of the Almighty.

  21. Hope
    October 31, 2011

    I pray always for wisdom for those who lead my land, that they would make decisions in favour of God.

    Let Cameron bray, the road his country is heading…. it will be they who will need aid.

    Nasty, evil man…

  22. God is Good
    October 31, 2011

    Is Mr. Cameron serious?? In a world of so many beliefs; Mr Cameron sees it fit to “force” homosexuality on people? I suggest to the Leaders of this Nature Isle to stand up for what is right Morally! If we are the God fearing nation that we claim to be, we will not accept or promote this…….We will be a Rose among the Thorns…God will bless this nation….

    Mr. Cameron we will not sell our souls for a couple silver…….Not in this day and age!! We are not our ancestors……..You may give us peanuts now and then….But GOD is our Jehovah Jireh…Our Provider. We will Survive!!

    October 31, 2011


  24. Anonymous
    October 31, 2011

    Keep your aid….!
    We will obey GOD …and will not bow down to Baal or eat from Nebuchadnezzar’s table or kitchen.

    You cannot force your corrupted and immoral,hypocritical and sadistic will upon people of Sovereign nations….

    Go to hell!.


  25. T. Winston
    October 31, 2011

    Hold yout money
    If I have to accept Men and women not procreating and instead staying with the same gender I say HOLD YOUR MONEY because it’s a BRIBE not AID or CHARITY it’s a bloody BRIBE to sacrifice moral values and be submissive for a bloody dollar


  26. tiny
    October 31, 2011

    God is sad

    • Khem
      November 1, 2011

      When the laws of nature are transgressed then what will ensue is disorder and a breakdown between what is made complementary like Woman for Man and Man for Woman from time immemorial. Cameron and his cohorts in their promotion of homosexuality is a sign of the madness that prevails in the west that is contaminating the world. “its seems death on its way to its grave”, like the sun sets and dies in the West. Need I say more!

  27. C/bean Genius
    October 31, 2011

    We were forced fed white religion, forced fed slavery, forced fed debts, forced fed wars, forced fed poisonous foods and medicines that make and keep us sick, forced fed euro-centric education/history and now we are being forced fed homosexuality. When will ppl of colour bring forth there own ideology for the betterment of human kind. This Caucasian led world ideologies is going to bring forth the extinction of humankind

    October 31, 2011

    Christians are wicker and more hypocrite than any other religion hitherto. in fact Islam is much better than this heinous crime.

    October 31, 2011

    Some 41 nations within the 54-member Commonwealth have laws banning homosexuality. Many of these laws are a legacy of British Empire laws.

    The discussion in the Ugandan parliament of an anti-homosexuality bill in 2009 sparked particular controversy, and earlier this year Ugandan gay rights campaigner David Kato was beaten to death in a suspected hate crime.

    Nigeria’s Senate is currently discussing a bill banning same-sex marriage, that includes penalties for anyone witnessing or aiding a same-sex marriage.

    October 31, 2011

    the British are now seeing, but it seems we’re not seeing, and we always discover things last, that these superannuated Christian teachings are barbaric and without any biological foundation.

    come on people start to think critically to things that are being put in front of you. you are no longer five-years-old and gullible.

    October 31, 2011

    you are anti-gay or an opponent to human-rights only if you are a demagogue or some kind of fanatical spiritualist.

    answer these two questions: 1)whose happiness is deprived when two gay people are together? 2) Whose happiness is deprived when you discriminated and condemn people for there orientation or who they choose to be in love with?

    ruminate on that: some people are, you should know, born with both genitals (a penis and a vagina). i know of a case, and there are many like this, where a mother had a child where the child had both genitals, or was, in other words, born with both penis and vagina. the mother so wanted a son that she told the doctors to remove the vagina and keep the penis. when the child grew up he had little feet, a female voice, womanish tendencies and a whole set other traits deemed female-like. should you condemn that human person for being homoerotic by nature?; and do you really think that millions of people are faking these orientations and feelings where they know it will be vehemently denounced mainly of religious grounds in society?

    think of this commentator, what kind of contradictory evil is this being inflicted blindly on humans.

    • Ajahbless
      October 31, 2011

      God is Dead, i have no problem with people who are gay, or who choose to experiment with the gay lifestyle.Incedentally, the way you identify yourself speaks volumes on where you stand in the big scheme of things, but i digress! It’s their life. My problem stems from their AGENDA. They are trying to normalise the behavior. Being gay is NOT normal! The parts don’t fit, so to speak! For the record, I abhor the attacks on gays. What i have a problem with, is the attempt by the gays and their sympathisers to normalise the behavior. When you start changing laws that i have to live by in order to accommodate the abnormal, therein lies MY problem! Leave the gays and their lifestyle where it belongs, in the bedroom, and we’ll get along just fine!

  32. LMAO
    October 31, 2011

    funny how we get help from so called dictators with no mention of “do this or else” but so called freedom promoting countries want to tell us wat to do or they refuse aid lol.

    • Nato
      October 31, 2011

      Yeah because the dictators don’t want anything back. Stay there and think they all don’t have a plan. Millions and millions of dollars poured into Dominica and other Caribbean islands from these dictators and you think it is out of the goodness of their hearts? LOL

  33. Pomsiten
    October 31, 2011

    This is one time that I agree with David Cameron. The European and American countries are given AID money to countries like Dominica who deny their citizens their ‘Human Rights’, this is equal to supporting the oppression of the Taliban. Homosexuals are humans to, and homosexuality is not a crime. If Dominica wants to be looked upon as being a civilized and democratic country it must take actions that allows for a change to that status.

    • Anonymous
      October 31, 2011

      “the time has come”remember that

    • Francis Chicago
      October 31, 2011


  34. tinny
    October 31, 2011

    This is not coming from south America. its coming from our friends in europe & USA.

  35. eagles125
    October 31, 2011

    Keep your money we don’t want it. At least we try to keep the God given laws.

    God commission marriage between a man and a woman. GOD MADE ADAM AND EVE. Not Adam and Steve, nor Eve and Eva.

    Being a homosexual is telling God He made a mistake and God never makes mistakes. It is telling God that humans are wiser and better than Him. Who are you to tell God that what He created and commissioned is wrong?

  36. October 31, 2011

    What is this now? Mr Cameron sounds like a “do as I say or else”! Is that what the world of governing and leadership is really coming to?

    I still do not see what is the human rights that is being withheld from homomsexuals up to this point.

    Just as a man and woman go behind close doors to conduct their need for intimacy, who is denying homosexuals that same privilege. What else do they want?

  37. History
    October 31, 2011

    Some people seem to know their history well. But if you’re that good you would know that: there was alot of ‘Human-rights’ in Sodom and much ‘happiness’ in Gomorrah, before GOD Burned these whole cities down! (And by the way, that’s what God thinks of this lifestyle: when He’s fed-up He judges and destroy’s all parttakers).

    There’s great burning coming for this world because every city is accepting sodomy and sodomites. We are even being forced and threatened to do so or we’ll suffer…

    To support their low, disgraceful, degrading, detrimental lifestyle some must assume (decieve theirselves into believing) that God is dead. But He’s not! Repent, while this grace period is still on or you will be condemned.

  38. mindme
    October 31, 2011

    Wow, we are really living in the end of times. You forcing people to do stuff against their morals, their conscience? Wow! I give the heck up!

  39. Keep your 'aid'
    October 31, 2011

    Mr. Prime Minister if you like men who are screwnig little boys then that’s you; but don’t force the rest of the world to be like you, because we’re NOT!

    And if you want to take away your ‘aid’ (what little and none you’ve given to Dominica) then fine! We are not your prostitutes.

    By the way, we watch the news and are aware that the UK is BANKRUPT!! needing China to bail you out.

  40. forreal
    October 31, 2011

    there we have it,a capitalist country that was built of the backs of slaves of countries like dominica,countries which these blood suckers are suppose to pay reparations to,like the phrase goes,in your face,he will hold back aid,because we do not like rectum ,well cameron,nou ce pou malewe,nou ca mouh pou malewe,nou paka toun’e boudan noun pou lagene,and if my patou not legit,this what i mean,we born poor,we will die poor,we are not turning our behind for money,we are not giving the devil our soul so.

  41. Wait A Minute
    October 31, 2011

    I want to hear all those of you who come here on DNO supporting everthing the British, Americans and western powers do and say to come again and support David Cameron. Better yet, maybe the man should just go to the UN and pass a resolution to bomb all the countries who in his words (and like the pretext used for wars in Iraq and Lybia)’fragrantly violates the human rights of their citizens’by not passing abominable laws to legalize gay marriage and other perverted acts. This is surely where we are heading soon, folks. Be careful what you support and ask for. The sh** may soon hit your doorsteps!!!!!!

  42. Fire bon dem
    October 31, 2011

    Tell Mr. Cameron take his money and run with it. There are so many other human rights that are being trampled upon by so many nations, is homosexuality alone he find he want to associate his aid with. Well hold your aid cause you should not be telling nobody how to run their country. Isn’t that interfering with internal policies nuh?
    Remember Sodom and Gomorrah Mr. Cameron

  43. cat out of the bag
    October 31, 2011

    What pyschotic thing you going to ask us to do next and threaten to withhold aid – ha ha ha ha. What for it!

  44. my view
    October 31, 2011


  45. Uncle Dildo
    October 31, 2011

    . Tell him keep the rest of the money England owe us for enslaving our people. Thats why the London Bridge is falling.

  46. zandoli
    October 31, 2011

    Fxx$$ the British.

    • watching carefully
      October 31, 2011

      IF that’s the view of the entire brit population

      October 31, 2011

      Bottom line!

      • Theatrics!
        October 31, 2011

        Lol….pun intended?? lol

  47. Prophet2
    October 31, 2011

    It’s not natural, so don’t force it on people. Keep your dirty money, Sir.

  48. Nkrumah Kwame
    October 31, 2011

    I am not in the least surprised at such statements!! We want their money we follow their instructions (Lord have mercy).You see, it is the same Mr. Cameron who who threatened to kick people out of housing provided by govt. to those found guilty of rioting, ALONG WITH THEIR PARENTS.
    I wonder if he would have found similar blame – this time in the culture of well-housed and well off – for Britain’s recent tabloid phone hacking scandals or the egregious abuse of expense accounts by members of Parliament? Enevitably, who pays the piper calls the tunes.

  49. Trouble
    October 31, 2011

    hahahaha dem bul*** bold.. shate even giving ultimatum? well i would wat u will tell god for u to go to heaven

  50. Anonymous
    October 31, 2011


  51. Satelite
    October 31, 2011

    Who cares Mr.Cameron. The good book speaks against it. It is us human beings that implemented these kind of laws and put them on paper, and now YOU want to force the world to abide by the same things God has spoken against. UK has the most gays in the world anyways! I urge you ti find a bible and read it, then you will change your mind.

  52. Channel 1
    October 31, 2011

    I trust that our Caribbean leaders have the backbone to stand up against this filth known as homosexuality. The warped minded persons who practice homosexuality are trying their utmost best to force their nastiness on civilized people through the use of all kind of subtle tactics.

  53. sparky
    October 31, 2011

    they can keep their aid sodomity not what we stand for

  54. yout
    October 31, 2011

    keep your money ,I will die with my dignity….F@#!!

      October 31, 2011

      You’ll accept the religion they forced you to believe in slavery times that has stayed with us to the present day but not this one? Your asininity if i may called it that superabounds. You are no different than the fundamentalist Moslem’s that machine gun and bomb people up on religious grounds. you and your organization, who are the opponent of human-rights and happiness just do it in a disparate and subtle way.

      • BattleRoyale
        October 31, 2011

        I think you’re pushing a bit too far to compare yout to a suicide bomber or terrorist simply because of the comment that was made. All they said was that they prefer to die with their dignity, implying that they disagree with the legislation to support gay rights. Also, to assume they do this because of any religious bias (where no evidence is present) is a bit ridiculous sir. There are non-religious people who oppose gay rights also. Take a chill pill.

      • Human what?
        October 31, 2011

        You seem to know your history well. But if you’re that good you would know that: there was alot of ‘Human-rights’ in Sodom and much ‘happiness’ in Gomorrah, before GOD Burned these whole cities down! (And by the way, that’s what God thinks of this lifestyle: when He’s fed-up He judges and destroy’s all parttakers).

        There’s great burning coming for this world because every city is accepting sodomy and sodomites. We are even being forced and threatened to do so or we’ll suffer…

        To support their low, disgraceful, degrading, detrimental lifestyle some must assume (decieve theirselves into believing) that God is dead. But He’s not! Repent, while this grace period is still on or you will be condemned.

      • GOD IS DEAD
        October 31, 2011

        you are anti-gay or an opponent to human-rights only if you are a demagogue or some kind of fanatical spiritualist.

        answer these two questions: 1)whose happiness is deprived when two gay people are together? 2) Whose happiness is deprived when you discriminated and condemn people for there orientation or who they choose to be in love with?

        ruminate on that: some people are, you should know, born with both genitals (a penis and a vagina). i know of a case, and there are many like this, where a mother had a child where the child had both genitals, or was, in other words, born with both penis and vagina. the mother so wanted a son that she told the doctors to remove the vagina and keep the penis. when the child grow up he had little feet, a female voice, womanish tendencies and a whole set other traits deemed female-like. should you condemn that human person for being homoerotic by nature?; and do you really think that millions of people are faking this orientations and feelings where they know it will be vehemently denounced mainly of religious grounds in society.

        think of this commentator, what kind of contradictory evil is this being inflicted blindly on humans.

      • GOD IS DEAD
        October 31, 2011

        the British are now seeing, but it seems we’ll see, and we always discover things last, that these superannuated teachings are barbaric and without any biological foundation.

        come on people start to think critically to things that are being put in front of you. you are no longer five-years-old and gullible.

      • Hope
        October 31, 2011

        Your writing is so full of anger …

        whether you accept this or not is up to you but it is what it is: You saying God is dead does not kill him, He is alive and Supreme.
        cameron can scream from the top of his lungs, Dominica will not give you or any other gay person the right that you think you deserve.

        Vent all you will, Jesus loves you

      • Ajahbless
        October 31, 2011

        Stop calling this “Gay Rights”! For crying out loud, every right that is bestowed upon me, is also bestowed upon them! What am i missing here!!!

      October 31, 2011

      To Hell with the British! We were never citizens but subjects. We are no prostitutes.

      • CIA on the watch
        October 31, 2011

        De caribbean change, pl note your name and be enlightened that the whole world is changing, this thing was in the air since the formation of the European union, dont be suprised if the US takes that stand also. Europe is just now strengthening its position because of the strength of the movement in Europe and their strong Lobbying efforts in the halls of the european parliament. pl take note it will be coming from the US soon

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