Chavez would win 57 percent of votes if elections were held now


CARACAS, Venezuela (South Journal) — If the 2012 presidential elections in Venezuela were held on Tuesday, September 6, Hugo Chavez would win 57 percent of the votes, said Jessee Chacon director of the Social Research Group Siglo 21 (GIS XXI), which undertook a survey.

In a press conference, Chacon explained that only 22 percent of Venezuelans would vote for an opposition candidate; another 10 percent would do it depending on other candidates that contested the election, while 5 percent would not turn out, and 6 percent would remain hesitant.

The official also noted that the positive balance in favor of Chavez by the population increased to 59 percent.

Since February 2010 up to August 2011, Chavez has been favored by a constantly increasing process between 1 and 1.5 percent every month, which has given him 59 percent popularity, one of the best records after the 2005 elections.

Chacon said that the addressing of social issues by Chavez has favored his popularity increase.

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  1. Chavez Jr.
    September 7, 2011

    Justice and Truth, u just said that, “So what if it is stated that the majority still support him”, could b a propaganda, so why cant every other saying about Chavez are propagandas too. You people keep on listening and believing what the western media says. Stop being brain washed by the media. Stop being manipulated. No leader in this world is perefect, or will satisfy its entire population. Find out who controls the world media, find out who is behind the curtain. So while u the report might b propaganda, stop injesting western propaganda.

    • Justice and Truth
      September 9, 2011

      Chavez Jr. ????????? Is this your real name or are you deceiving us into believing that this is your real name? :twisted:
      I listen to the news and I read the news. However, I form my own conclusion. I am by no means influenced by what the Media states.
      Read between the lines as well. Chavez is not a nice man. He is a dictator; an oppressor. He hates the U.S. and certain other western countries. I have heard Chavez speak. The last time was when he was in the U.S. and was interviewed by Larry King on his program. Chavez very words gave him away.
      I sent an email to Larry then and stated this must have been the most difficult interview you ever conducted.
      Chavez was beating about the bush and criticizing the U.S. on U.S. TV. I felt sorry for poor Larry who had to be patient and amicable. I bet that Larry was elated that the hour-long interview came to an end.
      I observed that it was not easy for him interviewing Chavez and also the President of Iran.
      The following day/week Larry interviewed someone else. He was jovial and laughing. I sent another email to him and stated, “what a switch from the interview with Chavez.” Larry was solemn then and looked unhappy.
      If you possessed godly spiritual enlightenment you would be able to deduce this and the type of person Chavez is.

  2. Justice and Truth
    September 7, 2011

    I believe that I recently heard that Chavez recently shut down a TV Station because he was criticized. If this is not a dictator what else is he? This man is a dangerous politician and leader and a non-democratic one. He wants to remain in power that he alone is to rule Venezuelans. I doubt that he is as popular as it is stated. Venezuelans will not speak up for fear of repurcussion from Chavez and his regime.

    • killer
      September 7, 2011

      He shout down more than one sir,but do want to know the reasons

    • Justice and Truth
      September 7, 2011

      :oops: I meant, repercussion.

  3. littleboy
    September 7, 2011

    In 2009, Skerrit won (took)18 seats. Now is it because he is a good PM? History will tell us that he is the worse Prime Minister we have ever had as a month cannot go bye without his name is inked to some controversy, whether it’s curruption (very common) erratic statement and behavior, immorality, and yes, changing our constitution to suit him. I have never heard the US Embassy putting out negative statements about any of our former PM’s. Yet, as of today, what is out there against our PM and indeed our country is just hear breaking. But with all what is out there and all that we know, as far as our constitution is concerned, if an election were to be called today, Skerrit would still maybe get a few votes simply because he keeps the people hungry so they could always turn to him. According to Sean Douglas who said that when he was PS over 300 people would walk to the man’s office to beg. When you multiply this number by 4weeks, you would end up with 1200 beggers every month and multiply that by 12 months and that would give you an indication of how many beggers Skerrit created in Dominica. So if an election were to be called today,these people will have no choice but to vote for the person who has curruptly fed them. If looking for personal development along with national development then off course Skerrit would be out. But since hungry people are just concerned about personal gain instead of personal development, they will continue to vote for a leader who has destroyed their future as long as they can run to him today. Similarly, that’s the case with Chavez who keeps the people poor so they could always turn to him like Saddam Hussain, Castro, Gadafi and all those other currupt dictators the world has known. The bad thing about it is, when these leaders die or are removed from office, their damage is always so bad that their country never bounce back and that’s just what we are facing at this present time.

      September 7, 2011

      Your post is very similar to Anonymous…”In 2009 elections, Skerrit won (maybe took)18 seats which would suggest that Dominica has gotton better under him. But when we take a good look at reality, honest and sincere Dominican that are concerned about personal development as well as national development would definitely say that Skerrit is the worse PM we have ever had in our short history as a nation. People did not vote Skerrit because of personal development or love for country but rather, for personal gain since he like Chavez, understands that the secret of staying in power is to keep people poor so they could always turn to him to beg”….etc

      • 1979
        September 7, 2011

        ohhh my goshhhhhhh is that you wiki..??? praise the lord!!!!!! if i was close to you i would hug you right now, genuinely not no sarcasm nor disrespect. but as a brother!!!!

      • 1979
        September 7, 2011


      • Wait A Minute
        September 7, 2011


    • Justice and Truth
      September 7, 2011

      @ littleboy

      You are indeed a littleboy. :twisted: How old are you and what do you really know? Grow up! Your ancestors and those who are older than you are and much older, if they are honest and were alert and open to politics and politicians in Dominica will state that Prime Minister Skerrit is by far not the worst PM.
      There are some of you whose heads are in the sand, continue to be and it appears they will remain there.
      Do some research into former Dominican Prime Ministers dating back to even the 50’s. Let me inform you. Some of them did what they did, instituted plans, traveled and without consulting Dominicans. Those Dominicans did not say a thing then. Politicians were elected and some stepped down with hardly ever anyone noticing it, so to speak.
      In these times of aggressiveness and demanding, some people of today want more and expect more, some without lifting a finger and doing anything for their country and not even for those around them. Yet they will criticize and continue to criticize. As the saying goes, later for people like you. In time you will reap what you sow.
      Note how much better the PM is than some former PM’s and how progressive Dominicans have become. I reiterate and emphasize that today Dominicans are by far better than their Dominican counterparts in previous years. Consider too that you now have colleges and universities and other buildings which past Dominicans departed and alive in those days did not taste this sweet life. If you do not appreciate that then you are blinded by darkness and are sleeping.
      As my mother and also father too would say, “some of you are too ungrateful.” The saying, “Gratitude to people is gratitude to God.” Where is yours and where do you stand on this?”
      Some of you lack appreciation and gratitude. God is displeased with such people and frowns on them including those who lack peace. God has given us everything, intelligence, godliness and spiritual gifts and due to your warped minds and constantly criticizing and belittling your PM, some of you reject those godly virtues. Instead of praying to God for enlightenment, you follow your own understanding which is not always correct and godly. You deny yourselves the blessing and peace of God without which you will grow worst. God knows this better than I do.

      • littleboy
        September 7, 2011

        Justice and truth, How old are you? You seem to be a child and do not seem to know anything about our politics. You asked me to do some research into our former Prime Ministers dating back to the 50’s. Well I cannot take your advise because although you tried to educate me you don’t even know that we did not have a PM in the 50’s and we only got our first Prime Minister in 1978 after we became oan Independent nation. So please take time to educate yourself and learn our history.

    • Wait A Minute
      September 7, 2011

      Littleboy, I forgive you for sputing out this GARBAGE. Guess you are really just a boy with a kid’s brains

      • Justice and Truth
        September 9, 2011

        @ Wait a minute

        Thank you! I was trying to inform this “little boy” that from the day Dominica had prime ministers, whatever year it was, few were as good as the present PM. Few had visions of making Dominica a better and enjoyable place.
        Dominica had a Chief Minister in those days who was the Government Leader of Dominica. It is similar as being Prime Minister. As times have changed, so has the name. It shows how little “little boy” knows. He needs to learn common sense, appreciation and gratitude.

    • blast me
      September 7, 2011

      i would like to correct you but it would hurt you even more,and i think you are hurting too much already.

  4. 1979
    September 7, 2011


  5. Anonymous
    September 7, 2011

    In 2009 elections, Skerrit won (maybe took)18 seats which would suggest that Dominica has gotton better under him. But when we take a good look at reality, honest and sincere Dominican that are concerned about personal development as well as national development would definitely say that Skerrit is the worse PM we have ever had in our short history as a nation. People did not vote Skerrit because of personal development or love for country but rather, for personal gain since he like Chavez, understands that the secret of staying in power is to keep people poor so they could always turn to him to beg. According to former PS Sean Douglas, ‘over 300 people would come to his red clinic every Wednesday’ to beg money and most of them would leave with a $20.00. When you multiply this number by 4weeks, that would leave us with 1200 beggers a month and multiply by 12 months and you would see how many beggers Skerrit has created. So if an election were to be called today, would you not expect these people to vote for him? The same is true with Chavez 57% voters if elections were held now. These leaders are just like Castro, Gadafi, Saddam, and other dictators who give handouts to a chosen group while their country continues to go Down like Dominica keeps going under every day.

      September 7, 2011

      Your post is very similar to Littleboy

      In 2009, Skerrit won (took)18 seats. Now is it because he is a good PM? History will tell us that he is the worse Prime Minister we have ever had as a month cannot go bye without his name is inked to some controversy, whether it’s curruption (very common) erratic statement and behavior, immorality, and yes, changing our constitution to suit him. I have never heard the US Embassy putting out negative statements about any of our former PM’s. Yet, as of today, what is out there against our PM and indeed our country is just hear breaking. But with all what is out there and all that we know, as far as our constitution is concerned, if an election were to be called today, Skerrit would still maybe get a few votes simply because he keeps the people hungry so they could always turn to him. According to Sean Douglas who said that when he was PS over 300 people would walk to the man’s office to beg. When you multiply this number by 4weeks, you would end up with 1200 beggers every month and multiply that by 12 months and that would give you an indication of how many beggers Skerrit created in Dominica. So if an election were to be called today,these people will have no choice but to vote for the person who has curruptly fed them.


  6. Accountant
    September 7, 2011

    DNO how can this man be termed a dictator when the majority still support him very strongly?

    ADMIN: We cannot say. Our job is to bring the news as is and not be judgmental.

    • Justice and Truth
      September 7, 2011

      It is well known, as heard and read that a man as Chavez is a dictator, an oppressor. There is no doubt about that. Chavez is a non-democratic leader and supports non-democracy.
      So what if it is stated that the majority still support him? The latter may not be true but only propaganda. It is not impossible though that the majority may still support him, fools that some people are who do not think and beyond their faces. This is what caused Hitler to be in power and note what he did to millions of Jews and Christians.
      Chavez is a cunning man and politician. Fidel Castro and those who are presently in the Cuban administration are his friends. No doubt Ghaddafi and the likes of him. This is how you will know which government is a dictator and leaning towards dictatorship by robbing shoulders, eating and drinking with such people. Birds of a feather flock together.
      Chavez knows how to get around them by providing them with housing and other amenities which is a ploy to appearing popular, being elected and remain in office until he dies.
      In any case his days may be numbered and soon enough. He better repent, start praying to God, make penance and sacrifice as a means of restitution to appease God and ask Him for forgiveness that he may eventually obtain eternal salvation. If he will receive such only God knows.

      • killer
        September 7, 2011

        Justice n truth y dont u do some research before u make your comments,ask poeple who have been there or somthing,im a dominican leavin in venezuela

      • Wait A Minute
        September 7, 2011

        The comments of an ignorant man. i really feel sorry for you fool. Switch your tv channel away from FOX News for once, and MAYBE, just maybe, you may get an ounce of knowledge.

    • Nohogwash
      September 7, 2011

      What a question “DNO how can this man be termed a dictator when the majority still support him very strongly?” This how dictators do it, you have to support them whether you want to or not, because everything about you life depends on them They engineer it that way! They make you believe that you cannot exist without them. That they are the state and the state is them.. See every dictator that I have studied had loyal subjects until the day they went to the Hauge, they took their own lives, or somebody took it! Go do some reading!

      • Justice and Truth
        September 7, 2011

        @ Nohogwash

        Let us all face the truth and keep speaking the truth. Today, some of their followers who committed war crimes migrated to Canada and the US of all and hid there, some under false names and falsified passports. Some of them even applied for refugee status.
        They love the good, peaceful and secure life but did not allow their victims the privilege of same.
        Some of them were found out and arrested and deported to their land of birth to face the Courts for their crimes.
        The evil that men (people) do follow them and not only that, consider when they meet with the Heavenly Tribunal, God, and what their eternal punishment will be.

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