“China in My Eyes” award ceremony

The Great Wall of China has been dubbed one of the greatest wonders of the world and was listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987

What sort of impression do Dominicans who have visited China since that country established diplomatic relations with Dominica in 2004 have of Beijing  – that question is being explored through an essay competition organized by the Embassy of China here and the Ministry of Education.

The two are holding a joint awards ceremony on Thursday (10th May), for the winners of that competition in which those who participated wrote on the theme “China in My Eyes”.

An embassy official told DNO that the aim of that activity was to “strengthen cultural and personal ties between our two peoples”.

Those participating in the competition were expected to write about what they saw and learnt about China during their visit.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit is expected to deliver a congratulatory address at Thursday’s function.

Embassy officials say President Nicholas Liverpool and Education Minister Peter St Jean will also attend the function.

According to the embassy, similar competitions will be held in the near future in which the participation of the broader public will be sought

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  1. May 8, 2012


    so long as they keep invading our country THEY WILL NOT BE TRUSTED
    so long as they keep trying to buy our loyalty and friendship THEY WILL NOT BE TRUSTED

  2. Eggleston
    May 8, 2012

    Just so you know, China is a communist nation and I am sure that if someone who has been to China has seen a lot of bad in this country, which there is, the Chinese will not publish that essay. Just look at how they treated this Chinese activist who had to seek safety in the US Embassy in China. This essay competition is simply a mind came to let people see only the bright side of China. What about the dark side? Just to let you all know, the kind of liberty and freedom we have in Dominica, China citizens comes nowhere close to this. Just look at how this diplomat from England was found dead in a hotel in China, no one knows the cause of death to this day. People think that it was a planned murder because his wife, being Chinese was involved in some kind of activity that the Chinese government was not pleased about. She was not doing anything illegal. That is how the Chinese operate; they will shut you up if you stand in their way. This country is ruled by a dictator! So they having there essay completion, trust me, you will never see an essay revealing the bad side of China because it will be destroyed by the Chinese Embassy before it goes out to the public. Enjoy your freedom my fellow Dominicans.

  3. Nessa
    May 8, 2012

    It would be nice to see samples of the essays

  4. Mujahardin
    May 8, 2012

    I am seeing china continue to crack down on democracy and jailing freedom fighters even blind men. In my eyes I see Tibetian Monks burning themselves by the numbers each day fighting for the return of their Spiritual Leader the Dia Lama who was forced into exile by the Communist Government of China. In this era of internet and 24hr cable news, Dominicans have no excuse for allowing China to take over Dominica, We should be protesting every day for the chinese to get out of our country. We should be in solidarity with the hundreds of christians and freedom fighters who are murdered and jailed in china every day. In my eyes I see the Chinese dictatorship spreading their wings throughout the world and taking over the economies of small and vulnerable countries like Dominica which have gullible and corrupt leaders who will sell their countries to personally enrich themselves with absolutely no regard for the long term consequences. That Essay competition is just a part of the China-Skerrit propaganda operation in an effort to continue fooling ignorant Dominicans. We expect these essays to lie and say how wonderful China is and it is like a paradise on earth, Thank God for the global community in which we now live that the World knows of the injustices occuring in China. Just recently DNO reported on the fact that in Antigua an Antiguan protester carrying the Taiwanies flag was accused by the Chinese Ambassador in Antigua for interfering in the domestic affairs of China. How Absurd. It is so sad that Dominicans will begin to protest against the chinese when they will be controlling us to the same extent that they are controlling and murdering the tibetians by the hundreds each day. VERY SOON EVEN DNO WILL COME UNDER THE BRUNT OF CHINESE CENSORSHIP, MARK MY WORDS. MY EYES ARE CLEARLY SEEING CHINA AS THE PRINCIPAL AGENT FOR THE WORK OF SATAN ON EARTH. THE FACT THAT THEY ARE AN AETHIST COUNTRY WHERE CHRISTIANS CONTINUE TO BE PERSECUTED BY THE HUNDREDS EACH DAY, IS SOUND TESTIMONY TO THAT FACT. ALL GOD FEARING PEOPLE IN DOMINICA WHO ADVOCATE THE ONE-CHINA POLICY AND ALL WHAT IT STANDS FOR ARE DICIPLES OF SATAN. AND THAT IS AN UNDISPUTED FACT. WHO VEX LOST.

  5. 1979
    May 8, 2012


  6. tommy
    May 8, 2012

    So you think it possible for any one to win who had a bad experience?

    China has NO tolerance for dissent so go figure.

  7. awa wi
    May 8, 2012

    china in my eyes: taking over small businesses in dominica and not very friendly, don’t mingle!!so i really cant say much

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