Dame Eugenia Charles Distinguished Lecture carded for Thursday

Dame Eugenia Charles

The University of the West Indies Open Campus Dominica, in collaboration with the National Bank of Dominica Ltd., is pleased to announce the Fifth Dame Eugenia Charles Distinguished Public Lecture in the Dame Eugenia Charles Distinguished Lecture Series to be delivered by Sir Brian Alleyne, former Acting Chief Justice of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court.

The Lecture will take place on Thursday, November 25, 2010 commencing at 7:30 pm at the Conference Room of the Fort Young Hotel in Roseau, Dominica. Sir Brian will speak on the topic, The Instrumentalities of Democratic Governance under the Constitution of Dominica.

Sir Brian became the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Mahaut constituency after winning the seat in 1980 when the Dominica Freedom Party won a landslide victory at the polls. He was Mahaut MP from June 1980 to June 1996, when he retired from politics. He held various ministerial portfolios – including Labour, Community Development, Women’s Affairs, Attorney-General – continuously until May 1995, when the Freedom Party succumbed to the people’s will. In June 1995, he became Leader of the Opposition and served in that position until 1996, when he resigned from parliament and active politics.

Sir Brian was appointed High Court Judge in Grenada, July 1996 to February 2002, and in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to August 2003. He was Justice of Appeal in September 2003. Dominicans will always recall with pride when Sir Brian assumed the job of Acting Chief Justice of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court in March 2005, a position he filled with dignity until April 2008 when he retired.

A fine jurist and legal mind, Sir Brian is eminently qualified to address the topic The Instrumentalities of Democratic Governance under the Constitution of Dominica in its various permutations. Arguably, the subject lends itself to a conversation of fundamental areas that reside at the core of the conduct of not only government, but also citizenry at the micro and macro levels.

The public lecture series, among other aims, seeks to keep alive the memory of a National Hero of First Rate and reminds the Dominica population at home and abroad of Dominica’s remarkable potential in having produced a citizen who was able to hold her own on the world stage and gain the respect of all, which translated into the indisputable meteoric rise to prominence of a 291 square miles island in the Caribbean, previously little-known.

His Excellency the President Dr. Nicholas J. O. Liverpool and Mrs. Liverpool will be in attendance.

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  1. Hola Dominican in San Diego.
    November 24, 2010

    we’ll never get another prime minister like miss Charles,which prime minister or president we ever see give speech by not looking on scrap papers? she was the only one to give long speeches without scrap papers to wards her,this woman was mentally smart she used her money to help students &some of them was still against her ,she is in Heaven for her goodness

  2. Grand Bayrian
    November 23, 2010

    Dominicans, are a bunch of wicked people. She was alive, and you guys called her all sorts of names, you can immagine, including “Maman bouwik la”. like she once said “you can’t get blood out of stone”. Today you guys calling her name, she probably rolling in her tomb.

  3. Sponge
    November 23, 2010

    @joe doe: And youpoint is?

  4. Damn Mary Eugenia Charles
    November 23, 2010


    Students who go to AID bank and take a student loan are not bound to return, as long as they pay their loans i am speaking of the Mr. SO and so children who got funded with government money and never past back. Less we forget that a very popular pastry shop in Roseau close down when the freedom party was no longer in office for abvious reasons, you can defend her if you choose but there is alot about Eugenia that we hide and if she regreted her statement so much why then did she repeat it to two young people sitting in her affice attemping to get her financial support to go to CUba, the same trip she enjoyed so much? Eugenia Charles has set us BACK a very long way, longer than the way she could have brought us. Well lets not compare her to those in office now oh lord, the major difference here is she grew up knowing money those now they frighten about money, lets just leave that there.

  5. For love of Country
    November 23, 2010

    The IPO Commission has the mandate to investigate criminal activities, corruption by those in Public Office. Has PM Skerritt declared all his assets, or given to the IPO the correct value of one of his assets? Does he own the famous VILLAS? What about the Trafalgar controversial, secret land deal? What about the Susan Olde matter and the US$400,000.00 involved? What about the Rubbish Bin and Fertilizer Bobols, and numerous other activities done under the watch of PM Skerritt and the Govt.?

    While on that, what about the boast about DLP and Skerritt had won the case against David Hsui in the BVI case? What about the project starting almost immediately after that case? Why have Dominicans not yet heard about Felix Chen and all those dollars and Govt. working with him to revamp the Layou River Hotel Project?

    What about all those massive assets acquired that are not in sync with PM Skerritt’s salary some time ago? Was he afraid of the outcome if the case with Matt had taken its natural case in the courts?

    I say all that because, who are the persons on that IPO commission? No investigation as stipulated in the laws? The people of Dominica are being taken for too many rides to the precipice. Some people are obviously protecting those in high places in public office. All Dominicans are aware of the technicalities they come up with as excuses. Did the Commissioner of that IPO receive some award from ECTEL recently? Who was involved in dishing out those awards? So you see the actions of the FRATERNITY? Many of those persons in high places have failed the people and country. But they continue to bribe Dominicans into thinking that they were so patriotic in the past.

    Their silence in the IPO, their connivance with wrongdoings, Bad Governance, nepotism are reminders of their ‘Bad will’. Their lectures and posturings seem to have no bearing on moving our country on a path of morality, freedom, integrity or to economic Independence. The Haves and the few who control the wealth continues to wield their power on the masses, the Have-nots. They will do everything to maintain the status Quo. I will not be fooled.

  6. Brenton Henry
    November 23, 2010

    Can’t wait to attend.

  7. texas boy
    November 23, 2010

    After reading this narration. I admire the contribution that he has made both in the local enconomy and in the wider cariibean, however what was left out in this contribution was a academic background of Sir Allen, which was very fitting in this dialogue.

    November 23, 2010

    @Damn Mary Eugenia Charles: @Damn Mary Eugenia Charles: There are no perfect leaders and on that we will agree. To claim that a selected few went of to university is totally false. If you claim that since Eugenia more Dominicans have gone off to university then I support you 100%. Note though that that access to university will continue to grow as information technology broadens. That said I’m sure you can appreciate the fact that Eugenia set the stage and helped open up the doors for advance education; She instituted the AID bank that allowed student loans for ALL people not just a selected few. As I indicate there are no perfect leaders and I resented Eugenia’s position on the Scholarships for students going to Cuba in the early 80’s. But being the true leader she recognized that she was wrong back then.

    With regard to your point on students not returning home from studies maybe you need to do a little more research. Current data will show that there are an increasing number of students not returning home after completion of studies –if you must , go to the AID bank for verification and statistics.

    “MY LIGHT DOES NOT SHINE ON THOSE WHOSE LIGHT DOES NOT SHINE UPON ME”- That was a regrettable statement however I also believe that critics made unnecessary mileage of this statement. Eugenia insinuated that she would focus on the constituencies that supported her but then which government cabinet does not think that way. The question is whether or not in practice Eugenia focused only on the 17 or the 15 or the 11 constituencies that voted the Freedom party during the 1980, 1985 and 1990 election respectively. Take Portsmouth for example; Within the first 10 years of the Freedom Party Portsmouth got a new port with custom warehouse and residence for port and custom officials, a new hospital, cruise ship berth, improved and new roads, PARA Bridge, New water lines to bring water to the Glanvillia community. Note though that although critics had negative things to say about the way she dealt with Doctor Ross. It was only because of her smarts and astute business like approach that she was able to demand accountability and honest commitment from the Ross university. If Euginia wanted Ross out of Dominica Ross would have been gone in 1982. Instead she twisted some arms got Ross to commit to expansion and longevity. It was during Eugenia that Portsmouth saw the rapid expansion of Hotels around the Portsmouth area, the ground work and early development of the CHANCE area and opportunities for local residents to invest in the Picard area. Could much more have been done –absolutely yes.

    Eugenia was by no means perfect and we can look back and criticize some of her policies and even a few regrettable statements but then we can reminisce within the last 3 years and what we will discover enough to fill a history book with dark and ominous politics, government and cabinet malfeasance and filthiness

  9. joe doe
    November 23, 2010

    least we forget.it was this same Eugenia Charles who single handedly planned and executed the demise of the FREEDOM PARTY again selling its headquaters and leaving a vacum in tearms of its leadership.There were brillant mindes like Charles Maynard & Sir Brian but no it had to be her way or no way.Sir Brian you’ve got to be a saint.

  10. Good
    November 23, 2010

    MAMO has made me a proud Dominican. When ever I mention my country I sometimes get Dominica Republic reaction or the Mary Eugenia Charles. Reaction. I am not sure if we will ever have a leader of such caliber; one with integrity, Hard Working and caring. One who cared less about getting richer while in office. The mass corruption that we have experienced since the exit of PM Mary Euginia Charles cannot go unnoticed. I recall critics saying that MAMO treated the ministers like little boys. If we neglect the exaggeration here we will all agree that the type of leadership that she practice was such that all her Ministers and members of cabinet were in line.
    In their effort to contain MAMO’s popularity crtics like Mike, Rossie and Para Rivier accused MAMO of being only for the rich. That was so far away from the truth. In fact during all this accusation the iron lady as she was called never came out and flaunt her behind the scene charity work to include scholarships for so many kids in high school and aid to struggling families.

    Considering the political climate here in Dominica I cannot help but wonder if we will ever have another leader like Mary Eugenia Charles. With the high tolerance for corruption in government, malfeasance and deceit one can only assume that future leaders cannot be any better than the current leader. When I listen to smart Dominicans claiming that it is OK for the elected officials to use their office to get rich and that the current darkness that exist in our government is acceptable because the previous administration was also corrupt ; The future of my country is bound for disaster , chaos and mass destruction.

    From the ravages of hurricane David, the scandals of the DLP and Patrick John to the success and pride of the 80’s we million thanks to MAMO. To those of us who were close enough to the disease Mike Douglas we know that Mike would very often shed his political cloak and speak the truth . I will never forget Mike’s words- ‘ Eugenia is the best thing to ever happen to Dominica”

  11. Jo-Ann Jo-Ann
    November 23, 2010

    I am forever grateful to those persons who continue to educate and inform their brothers and sisters. Indeed, it is fitting and proper to have such lecture rather dialogue within our society. I want to personally urge my brothers and sisters to attend to this public lecture on Thursday evening and be part of a society that is well informed on our Governance under our constitution.
    I will further admit that there’s a wide gap of freedom of information within our society whether it’s a lack of interest by our young people to ne informed or by our Government to inform. I firmly believe that we are all responsible to educate and inform ourselves and should appreciate these opportunities that are now being presented to us.
    We are our brother’s keeper and should show appreciation and love to those who care so dearly to our freedom to know.
    “Knowledge is power so be enlighten”.

  12. Mavis Belle
    November 23, 2010

    @ Patriot…I made a mistake by clicking on the dislike button when in fact I wanted to like your comment. Sorry for the mistake.

  13. love my country
    November 23, 2010

    iron lady gone but not forgotten,caribbean woman,proud to have known her,.

  14. simple mind
    November 23, 2010

    Sir Brian;affectionally called(by me)Bry’s, in my humble opinion ,is or should be the chief curator of jurisprudence in our country….i’m sorry Bry’s but your silience has not enhanced democracy .as part of I P O commision you still has an oppotunity to show your true capacity.

  15. Damn Mary Eugenia Charles
    November 23, 2010

    Sir Brian is a brave and honourable solidier to accept this task. I wish him all the best in his delivery, I do hope that one day one of these lectures will speak to how under Eugenia only a few selected ones went to university and how none of them came back to serve Dominica, i hope they will sight the fact that she is the reason why we have to now in 2010 be building a new road to the airport because of her lack of forsight, or plain wickedness “DON’T WASTE TIME ON MONEY ON THIS IT IS A FEDER ROAD” we could have been so much further and also Sir Brian would have made a great Prime Minister had he not been frustrated by the same Eugenia, rest in peace Eugenia you need it. “MY LIGHT DOES NOT SHINE ON THOSE WHOSE LIGHT DOES NOT SHINE UPON ME” are those the words of a great leader, tell the new generation the truth about this woman, stop lying to us like you did and are still doing about Columbus.

  16. patriot
    November 23, 2010

    i am rather proud of my deceased leader and the values she stood for.her hard work and dedication. there has never been and will never be one like her.

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