DNO Poll Result: No to same sex marriage

The majority of DNO readers who participated in our latest poll have come out firmly against legalizing same sex marriage.

Recently the gay issue has been the topic of much debate and discussion on Dominica News Online.

So we posed the question whether same sex marriage should be legalized in Dominica.

The poll received 1,276 votes.

Eighty-five per cent of those – well over a thousand (1,080 to be exact), voted “No”, making a definite statement against same sex marriage.

The votes for totaled 166 – 13 per cent.

Two per cent (30 voters) could not make up their minds about the matter.

The results appear to reflect the overall thinking of Dominica’s heavily Christian-oriented population.

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  1. Charlotte Webb
    June 21, 2012

    What about a ban on premarital sex? A ban on fornication? A ban on adultery? A ban on having children out of wedlock? A ban on gossipping? A ban on stealing? A ban on staying home when you should be at work? A ban on not caring about each other? A ban on envy and jealousy? What about enforcing child support?

    What about a ban on old men who take advantage of young girls? Or old women taking advantage of young boys? Domestic violence? Sexually transmitted diseases?
    It’s time to take a look at all the things that are destroying our society..things that live right inside of us…things over which we have control.
    We need a ban on people staying home on Sundays instead of going to church and praying. We need a ban on people who profess to be christians when they are filled with hatred and prejudice. While we’re at it, let’s just ban every person and every thing from coming from a foreign country into our precious Dominica. The song “No Man is an Island” means absolutely nothing to us. We wish to remain isolated and free from all external influences.

    • Anonymous
      August 8, 2013

      Charlotte: Perhaps I think most of these things should be banned.

      However it would not be possible to enforce laws against these things. (1) In many cases the authorities have no way of knowing who is doing these things, or when, or where. (2) The police could never keep up with the work. (3) The courts would never be able to hear all the cases. (3) The jails which in some places are already full would be unable to contain the convicts.

      So common sense tells us that some sins and faults cannot become legal matters. We can only hope that parents, the educational system, and the churches will share the responsibility of motivating people to shun the wrong and do the right.

      Because marriage is the cornerstone of a civilized society nations have historically had laws that honor the model or pattern that God gave us for marriage which is one man and one woman united to the exclusion of all others for life. These laws have not allowed for same sex marriages.

      Many nations have laws that forbid homosexual behavior because (1) God in the Bible forbids homosexuality in Romans 1:24-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9,10,

    • August 8, 2013

      Charlotte: You have mentioned a number of sins. 8-O

      Unfortunately, it would not be possible to have laws banning all these things for the following reasons. :cry:

      The police would have no way of knowing who is doing these things, or when, or where. :?:

      There would not be enough police to enforce all the laws. :(

      The courts could not handle all the cases.

      The jails couldn’t hold the prisoners.

      So obviously we must be satisfied to let some things simply be sins and not crimes! :!:

      Parents, teachers, and pastors (including priests) must share the responsibility of teaching people the difference between right and wrong.

      But because the pattern or model God gave us for marriage of one man and one woman united for life is the cornerstone of civilized society governments should have laws that define marriage and protect its sanctity. 8)

      Marriage was instituted by God in the beginning and cannot be re-defined by a human government. If a government makes even one exception to the God given model they are creating many potential problems for the future. Other people :evil: are going to be lobbying to have their particular ideas of what marriage can be made legal. It would be a world most of us don’t want to live in; a world we don’t want for your children.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist. :lol:

  2. Overseas_Observer
    June 21, 2012

    As for those of you who want to comment about natural law and all that. Homozsexuality is practices in ALL other mamals and throughout the animal kingdom as part of the natural spectrum of sexuality. Therefore, whomerver says that this is not the case, is ill terrible advised and should go do their research. Christianity has been the downfall of black culture the world over. It weas used to espouse the practice of slavery and salughter the cultural identity of an entire people. Yet you idiots continue to cling to it for dear life because you do not have the independent mind capability to think and perceive the world for yourselves. Go on Dominica, keep letting others, who are only out to maintain their cryptic power over you and line their own pockets, tell you how you should think and treeat other members of the human family who are no different than you, be they homosexual or otherwise.

  3. scisaw
    June 21, 2012

    This poll shows the ignorance and bigotry of the users of DNO and perhaps Dominicans on a whole. The comments show the depth of that ignorance and bigotry.

    The concept of God really has this nation blind, deaf and dumb in every way imaginable.

    • June 21, 2012

      The “concept of God” has this nation “blind, deaf and dumb?” Say what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Anonymous
        August 8, 2013

        Liz: I’m with you! The concept of God certainly has not left Dominica “blind, deaf, and dumb”.
        The Lord Jesus is “the light of the world” including Dominica. Those who reject the Word of God are in darkness because His Word is “a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path” showing us the way to go in life.

        Those who want to live in sin regardless of what God says obviously are the ones who are not doing well. They have an unhealthy lifestyle. It causes mental health issues and physical diseases. It results in an excessive use of alcohol and the abuse of drugs. They have a higher than average suicide rate and a shorter lifespan. When I saw these statistics I thought “Thank God for His Word! Before I even knew of the science I knew what the Holy Scriptures said.”

        The vote of over 80% against same sex marriage shows Dominicans are a well informed people. If the vote came from a heavily Christian oriented population it is because that population has been enlightened by the Word of God not because they are “blind, death, and dumb”! Look closely. Make your own comparison and decide who has the best life!

        Thank God people are taking my advice and reading the book HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE POLITICS OF TRUTH by Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, M.D. Dr. Satinover has practiced psychiatry for over 20 years. He has taught in Yale University and Harvard University. This book explains some of the causes that can work together to produce homosexuality. It also documents the social, mental, and physical damage done by homosexual practices for those who would like to see documentation. Best of all it holds out hope for change by showing that change is possible. It can be ordered from AMAZON, the world’s largest online bookseller.

        The Bible says “Men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil.” So unfortunately there are many people who don’t want this information (light) to reach the public and will do everything in their power to block it. But they are failing!

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

      • August 8, 2013

        Liz: I’m with you! The votes shows Dominicans certainly are not “blind, deaf and dumb”.

        The vast majority seem to be well informed. If it is because of the Christian influence it shows somebody is responsible for their enlightenment! Thank God for Holy Scriptures!

        Over 80% of the nation voted against an unhealthy lifestyle. If people would only look closely and make the comparison they would see who has the best life all the way around.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

    • Sad
      June 21, 2012

      Well I suppose likewise your response shows the depth of your ignorance and bigotry. One day you are going to pray that you had allowed the concept of God to have you blind, deaf and dumb in every imagineable way. Time will tell or according to Masterlyn Labad..there’s no more time to tell.

  4. virgo
    June 21, 2012

    I believe, if we all follow GOD’s word and obey his commandment, this world would definitely be a better place, in the yester years people could not even say publicly they are gay,but this is what it becomes, when some of us so called christians, tolerate that kind of behaviour, GOD says we indeed have to Love oneanother but not to accept that kind of life style, that has nothing to do with Love GOD, Loves us all but we will certainly be judge on judgement day.

    • pryce
      June 21, 2012

      Hey Virgo, we tolerated your bible’s endorsement of slavery until we realized it was grossly inhumane. How dare you use that book to define anything remotely ethical or moral. This is 2021, we are not dumb anymore. Let your reasoning and conscience be your guide

      • pryce
        June 21, 2012

        Woops. 2012 lol

      • August 12, 2013

        Pryce: The Bible does not condone slavery.

        You are no doubt referring to a few verses in the Old Testament. This “slavery law” was part of the much larger law that was given to Israel for a limited time in their history. Christians understand that it was in effect from the time God gave it to Moses at Mt. Sinai until Christ died on Mt. Calvary. (See John 19:30, Romans 10:4, Colossians 2:14-17, etc.)

        Slavery existed in ancient Israel. It was a form of forced servanthood but it cannot be compared to what we know today as slavery. God gave laws that forbid the cruel treatment of slaves in Israel. Slavery existed in other nations without the God given laws to regulate the practice.

        In the first century A.D. slavery still existed in the Roman ruled world of that day. After Christ died and rose again the gospel (good news) was preached and a significant number of people became Christians. Some of these had slaves. The teaching of St. Paul that all men are equal and must be treated with respect led to the phasing out of slavery among Christians.

        The New Testament does not approve of slavery. The principles of Christianity are opposed to this unreasonable and vile practice. Any who professed to be Christians and kept slaves did so contrary to – and in violation of – the principles of the gospel.

        History shows that Christians – devoted followers of Jesus Christ – were among the most zealous men and women who fought slavery and abolished this horrible practice.

        We can trust the New Testament. In it God has given us His commandments for this age. They are equally binding for all people of every race. Most Black people know the Bible does not condone slavery. They understand the explanation I have shared here. In the USA I have preached in large Black churches. In Africa Christianity is growing faster than in any other part of the world. African nations have some of the largest Bible believing churches on earth and they are under the oversight of Black pastors not foreign missionaries!

        In the New Testament we are reminded that God has given us one model for marriage which is one man and one woman united for life to the exclusion of all others. (Matthew 19:4-6)

        Marriage was instituted by God. It is not something created by man to meet a need in society. It is not something that developed thrugh trial and error. Because it was instituted by God it belongs to Him! No human government has the authority to redefine marriage. The only true and valid marriage is the union of one man and one woman based on the model God gave mankind.

        God forbids homosexuality. (Romans 1:24-28, 1 Corinthians 6:9,10, 1 Timothy 1:9,10, Jude vs. 7.)
        These scriptures identify homosexual practices as sinful. They also show the consequences of disobeying God. Those who ignore His moral code will enjoy the pleasures of sin for season. But sin does not satisfy. They are always looking for something new and different seeking the next high. Soon it catches up with them. They are a disaster and their lives are a wreck.

        I can assue you that Christians who live by God`s book have better lives.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  5. Rastafari
    June 21, 2012

    God Fearing, I agree with you however, keep in mind that not only D/cans have access to this web site and not all D/cans are straight. Everyone will NOT vote yes. Not everyone fears the Most High!

  6. Dominican by birth
    June 21, 2012

    No No No

  7. dont
    June 20, 2012

    God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve get real people this is just not right,

    • Freethinker
      June 21, 2012

      …And were Adam and Eve married? No? Thought so.

      Kinda destroys your argument, doesn’t it? Even if the rest of the bible wasn’t nonsense.

      • June 14, 2013

        Freethinker: Actually, Adam and Eve were married. Their marriage was performed by God. He presented Eve to Adam. The ceremony is not described in detail but it’s obvious they accepted each other. I expect they both said, “I DO!” Jesus Himself referred to this and based His teaching on what marriage is upon the joining of Adam and Eve in wedlock. “And he answered and said uno them, Have ye not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, for this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.” (Matthew 19:4-6) Freethinker, I am sorry you think the Bible is nonsense. Did you ever notice it is the people who have even less than a casual knowledge of the Bible who think it is nonsense? The people who have studied the Bible for years and even earned degrees in Biblical studies and theology usually have a high opinion of the Holy Scriptures. Here are a few books I recommend that you read. (1) CREATION by Grant Jeffrey, Ph.D., THE HANDWRITING OF GOD by Grant Jeffrey, Ph.D., and THE SCIENCE OF GOD by Gerald Schroeder, Ph.D., and GENESIS AND THE BIG BANG by Gerald Schroeder, Ph.D. These books can be ordered from AMAZON, the world’s largest online bookseller. I could recomend others. But this will show how sincere you are . If you – like so many other people – just like to ridicule the Bible so you will appear intellectual of course I’ll never hear from you. But if you are a man of learning you will want to hear what this researcher (Jeffrey) and scientist (Schroeder) say about the Bible and the begnnings of life on earth. More important I am praying that you will meet the Christ of the scriptures and receive Him as your Saviour! Please read Romans 5:6,8, 1 Corinthians 15:3,4, John 3:16, Revelation 3:20. Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist. Please visit my website http://www.livinghopeministries.ca and click onto the EAGLE COURSE. The first lesson will tell you how to receive the Saviour and begin a new life.

  8. The King of Itassi
    June 20, 2012

    Bien fet! A good result – no, non! not ever! Keep this nonsense out of Dominica.

    • pryce
      June 21, 2012

      @The King of Itassi. You want know what nonsense is?–> Following a book that says the universe is 6000 years old, a book that has talking bushes, talking donkeys, talking snakes, and unicorns. These are people we are talking about, humans like us.

  9. Jayson
    June 20, 2012

    I agree!

    I would really like to see the results of a poll on the decriminalization of marijuana.

  10. wong ping
    June 20, 2012

    the people who wis to support same sex marriage why they don’t put two ram goats together to breed

  11. Woodford Hill Girl
    June 20, 2012

    Now DNO,I must say that before you posed the question you already knew what the answer was going to be,the majority of Dominicans are God-fearing people.Let that gay garbage remain in the US where it belongs,all those who wish to bash me go right ahead I offer NO apologies it is what it is…!!

    • Holiday Island Boy
      June 20, 2012

      Not only in the US,WHG,don’t forget the the British Prime Minister at the last Commonwealth Heads of Government Talk shop threatened to withdraw financial aid to poorer member countries, if they do not turn the other cheek towards Gays. I’ve the feeling that a lot of those people who are shouting about Gay Rights in public , especially politicians, probably has different views in private.The world should always remember the Women’s Right Activist Germaine Greer, who sang a different tune years afterwards.

    • hmmph
      June 20, 2012

      The majority of Dominicans believe in God.. I do not know whether the are really God fearing or practicing Christians.. They hold strong in their belief of what they think is right and true.. based upon what they were told is right and true.. I am sure if a poll were to be done on how many people cheat on their spouses or any of the 10 commandments many of these “god fearing” individuals would not seem so God fearing after all. Who are we to dictate who should be allowed to be married any way? We talk everyday about dictatorship and the involvement of Venezuela and China in our country.. but when it come to basic human rights.. because it does not fit the norm or what we think is the norm.. we are sop easy to cast them aside. as a people of 98% African heritage it is a shame to see what has been done to us as black people we are now doing it to homosexuals

      • Woodford Hill Girl
        June 21, 2012

        @hmmph I say blah blah blah

      • Holiday island Boy
        June 21, 2012

        Are you equating a complete race of people with a set of people who prefer to go against the norm?

    • Justice and Truth
      June 20, 2012

      @ Woodfordhill Girl

      As with everything else Polls are conducted to obtain the views of people. This garbage does not even belong in the U.S. There are many Christian denominations in the U.S. and their members vehemently oppose it for obvious reasons, that marriage is solely between a man and a woman. People who have basic common sense and are spiritually enlightened will know that homosexuality is a sin and there should be no so-called same sex marriage. The more I think of it and the more I write against it the more I am disgusted about it. Consider how much more God thinks and is highly offended about this abomination.
      It is so ridiculous that supposedly educated and sensible governments as in the U.S., Canada and Europe, some are practicing Christians, will legalize such an abomination. They also do this for votes, selling their souls to the devil.
      In this case, the Law of the land is not the Law of God and goes against the Law of God. All those who introduced it in their Parliaments and Legislatures, who passed this immoral legislation, approved of it and encourage it will receive their just recompense from God on that day.
      Make no mistake about that. They are the walking blind and dead. As Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “If a blind man, leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” What Our Lord meant is that their minds are blinded and veiled and they refuse to accept the truth.
      As a religious song, “Christ has no feet, no hands (on earth) but our own. We must condemn it at all costs. It is our obligation to do so and remind these people what will happen to them, especially at the end of their lives if they are supporters of this abomination and those who practice it. At the same time, pray for them that they may see the light and repent and change so that they might obtain eternal salvation.

    • hmm
      June 21, 2012

      Real talk..

    • The Man
      June 22, 2012

      Down on ur side have plenty so u must say tht…..Possie n them spot der….

    June 20, 2012

    Ok DNO, hopefully you gays can put this idea to rest for good.
    WE the people are NOT interested in your same sex marriage nor your Homo lifestyle. Now please respect us normal folks and dont try to force this Nasty way of life into our Culture.

    NOT HAPPY IS HAPPY with the result.

  13. Green
    June 20, 2012

    Now DNO… How about that poll for the decriminalization of marijuana? Its the poll the majority of readers have been waiting for.

    I hope you guys are not scared of the results.

  14. Muslim_Always
    June 20, 2012

    I am glad that Dominicans still have sense in their heads. I am glad that they are not going along with the trends of satan and his henchmen.

    It is time to send faggotry back to Sodom and Gomorrah where it belongs. Backward thinking endorses faggots to get married.

    It is time Dominicans call the thing by rotten names like faggots. We need to stop using the term gay. These scum of the earth have hijacked a noble word that meant happy and turned it into their despicable acts. The more we show intolerance to this abomination the less it will surface its ugly head in society.

    Another point is, homosexuals can be treated. They must admit they have a psycho-sexual disorder, this is the first step. Secondly, psychotherapy and behavioral modification can aid is addressing their feelings as well as their effeminate gesticulations.

    We must provide proper education to our youth. There is no such thing called “alternative” lifestyles.” We must examine words and look at the agenda. It is time to stop believing that faggots have a cause! They have none, they are an erosion to the family structure in the 21st century.

    • August 8, 2013

      Muslim Always: You and I are on a different faith journey. It is not often I agree with you.

      I couldn’t agree more with these comments. Every statement is correct. Not politically correct but correct.

      People will only be helped by the truth. The problem is those who need the truth don’t want it. Worst still some literally become fighting angry when we speak or write it.

      There can be no diplomacy in this war. Satan is the enemy. Men and women consumed by lust to the point where facts don’t matter are his captives.

      Thank you for your plain but solemn words of truth on a subject that has too many people who know better running for cover.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  15. flyboy
    June 20, 2012

    That is why Dominica is God’s chosen Island. The world should follow Dominica’s lead and say “no” to same sex marriage.

    • Samantha Harris
      June 20, 2012

      Dominica is God’s chosen land? Really? What mental institution did you escape from? Some of you really make me sad. You obviously have had no religious, philosophical, scientific, or historical education if you can make such a moronic statement without blinking a eye.

      • smh!
        June 21, 2012

        Dominica is God’s island as much as Haiti is God’s island. Dominica has always had and will always have gays. Get over it. I find my people to be a bunch of hypocritical bigots. You are against homosexuality and that is ok. However, please be as passionate against fornication, adultery, backbiting, drunkenness and gossiping as you are against homosexuality. passionately as you are against homosexuality.

    • Freethinker
      June 21, 2012

      Dominica’s chosen land? LOL. Yeah, when Hurricane David hit, it was still the chosen land, not true

  16. God Fearing
    June 20, 2012

    all should have voted no.. we should be a God fearing nation. Goad is Against same sex marriage/relationships and so should we

    • I Love my Jesus
      June 20, 2012

      Amen to that… Jesus loves this island and the islanders know that

    • fed up
      June 20, 2012

      When did God tell you that? you spoke to him recently? or is it what the Bible written by man told you that God said? Animals are homosexual, it is natural.. God created each and everyone of us, if you believe that in his image.

      • Woodford Hill Girl
        June 21, 2012

        @ fed up,for your information man is the only creature that mates with the same sex, the animals are obedient to God they mate with the OPOSITE sex the way God intended,if He wanted same sex marriage He would have created 2 males 2 females and say “take your pick”nuff said!!

      • Freethinker
        June 21, 2012


        For YOUR information, gal, over 1500 other species of animals have displayed clear homosexual behavior so far–and many others have displayed ambiguous behavior. So take that in your pipe and smoke it

    • HR
      June 20, 2012

      All could not have voted NO when we have homosexuals/lesbians right here in Dominica. Also Dominica is not a God-fearing nation as we often say. There are God-fearing people but there are also those who have no fear, no respect for God and that’s a fact.

      • smh!
        June 21, 2012

        I concur.

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