Dominica being blamed for LIAT CEO resignation

Evans' resignation was preceded by a letter from PM Skerrit
Evans’ resignation was preceded by a letter from PM Skerrit

There might be a possible Dominica link to the resignation of LIAT’s Chief Executive Officer David Evans, according to one media entity in Antigua and Barbuda.

However a spokesman for Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, attorney Anthony Astaphan, says that is mere speculation at this point.

In its lunchtime edition Monday, Observer Radio in Antigua indicated that the Evans resignation was preceded by a major complaint from Dominica about poor service to the nature isle by the regional airline.

“It has emerged that the former Chief Executive Officer of LIAT David Evans, came under severe pressure from a shareholder government days before his resignation. On April 8th 2016 Dominica’s Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit wrote a strongly worded letter to Evans over how passengers to and from the nature Isle were being treated by the airline,” Observer reported.


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  1. DeahDominica
    April 21, 2016

    I think we need an airline call Deah(head) in the Caribbean, that way we know for sure our flights will always be deah(there) on time compared to Liat(tail) that always behind time.. we cya expect to be early when we on the tail heh.. that will always be the last thing to reach unless it moving backward, and I yet to see a plane fly reverse in the sky so the only logical thing to do about this is to travel on Deah ‪#‎Iza‬ ‪#‎UseHeadNotTail‬ ‪#‎FlyDeahNotLiat‬

  2. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    April 21, 2016

    “Telemaue, the way you are talking, about International Airport, is as if you think that a Jet Plane from Los Angelis, where you now leave, will fly directly to Dominica. But how can an airline be filled with people heading to Dominica alone –if those airlines are going to make money?”(Elizabeth Xavier).

    Elizabeth, I have to forgive you; because I see you do not understand what you are talking about, if you had the correct concept of what the term International Airport means, you would wish to hide because of that comment.

    The purpose of an International Airport is to accommodate flights from the furthermost distance of the earth. Meaning a passenger jet aircraft laden with up to seven hundred passengers or more can fly from China to Dominica, nonstop. It will take a commercial Jet Aircraft eight hours loaded with people from Heathrow International Airport in London to fly directly to Dominica!

    It takes eight hours to fly from London to Antigua, and whereas Dominica is…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      April 21, 2016

      It takes eight hours to fly from London to Antigua, and whereas Dominica is more central in the Caribbean it will also take eight ours from London, nine hours from Germany, and seven hours from France to fly to Dominica.

      You have aircrafts flying directly from Germany to the Caribbean, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, and Guyana. Aircrafts fly directly from China to Toronto nonstop; Jet Aircrafts fly’s from Los Angeles to Jamaica direct in less than six hours, it would talk a 747, less than seven hours to fly from LAX to an International Airport in Dominica if we had one.

      In any event, if Dominica was a more developed place attracting more tourist internationally, are you suggesting they would be doing country hoping to get to Dominica. Listen Elizabeth, it takes sixteen (16) hours to fly from Los Angeles, to Australia, and approximately the same amount of time to fly to China!

      You see you Dominicans are so backward, and stupid, you sit and believe the crap some idiot in…

      • jerry samuel
        July 18, 2019

        First let me clarify why an airport is called international, as there seems to be a misunderstanding. Any airport where foreign flights land and there is customs qualifies as an international airport. Melville hall can be called international because it does meet the criteria for international but it was not named so. The airport does not have to have any passengers travel through its terminal to be an international airport, if cargo comes in from an international or foreign country into that airfield it can be called international. Now that this is clear let us not fool ourselves into believing that building a 10,000 feet runway and a nice looking terminal building will make airlines want to come to Dominica. We must start from the beginning, training for our firefighters, training for our customs officers and immigration, training for our medical personnel, customer service training for hotel staff and others serving the public, marketing of our country. show me those then we ready.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      April 21, 2016

      You see you Dominicans are so backward, and stupid, you sit and believe the crap some idiot in Dominica talk without any knowledge of what they are talking about you believe them. If an Island hoping airline such as LIAT makes more money than an aircraft which fly’s internationally how come LIAT is operating broke?

      • Face the Facts
        April 22, 2016

        You must be one smart, intelligent man from Mars. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

  3. amanda
    April 21, 2016

    Its about time, the last time I went to DA, on my was out of Melville Hall, (yes Melville Hall, tha is what the outside world is accustomed to, and confusing people who want to visit withthe change of the name). I was tol to keep my suitcases unlocked, and after going through them, they would be locked. Well, as always, LIAT staff did not lock them as they promised. Some of them were opened, a complaint, going all the way to North America.
    Also why did it take someone so long? Did he not know that was happening?He had his head in the sand? What happended this time that he is reacting. What is good for the goose is good for the gander and he must listen and take actions when Dominicans have a concern, and not only when it affects you MR. PM.

  4. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    April 21, 2016

    Anybody who wish to believe that the man resignation has anything to do with Skerrit script which he sent to LIAT are fooling themselves. Very few people would want to remain chief executive of a none profit generating organization, except if that person has no real ambition in life.

    LIAT is a never ending failure, nobody: it matter not how skilful they are, no amount of training in economics, and management can help them to devise any sort of plan to cause the generation of money into LIAT!

    LIAT problem is simply; it is a small entity, limited in operation.

    The volume of passengers simply is not enough for the airline to operate in a profitable way, they spend more in maintenance per day than they make in sales, so what’s point of keeping LIAT in the air?

    Only to please Skerrit and Dominica? The fact they over-flew Dominica was because it would have cost them more to touch down and take off in fuel alone than what they would have made from tickets on that flight!…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      April 21, 2016

      Only to please Skerrit and Dominica? The fact they over-flew Dominica was because it would have cost them more to touch down and take off in fuel alone than what they would have made from tickets on that flight!

      That is simple economics.

    • April 21, 2016

      If that’s true, then how do private airlines that are even smaller than LIAT stay in business? Because many do.

  5. slim chick
    April 21, 2016

    So what’s the next move?.. 8-O

  6. April 21, 2016

    Pure garbage! Evans resignation had nothing to do with Skerritt.
    No body in the world has respect for Skerritt or for Dominicans because of the high tolerance we have
    Evans as everyone else enjoyed LIAT and all its perks and decided it is time to walk.
    His resignation was demanded on numerous times before now.

  7. skepticalone
    April 21, 2016

    Don’t give Skerro credit where none is due. To think one little letter from him sounding like a spoiled child would get the CEO to resign is mad. LIAT has huge problems, expenses too high for ever making a profit, terrible and justified reputation, the worst customer service for any airline and they are despised by their own customers who have no other choice. Name one person who travels frequently who uses them by choice. This CEO never had a chance despite his credentials. According to LIAT’s profile of him this man worked in British Airways, a Kuwait airline, Zambian Airways, Nile Air in many different countries and he speaks Spanish, French, German and Chinese, he is no idiot. Now I bet good money if you sat him down and could get him to speak honestly he would say that LIAT was the hardest airline to operate and had no path to success. Don’t expect changes or improvement and you wont be disappointed!

    • AAGabriel
      April 21, 2016

      You hit the nail right on the head!

  8. tj
    April 21, 2016

    I have been calling for removing the home base from Antigua (lIAT). Or revoke landing rights.

  9. PM Skerrit has spoken against the service of LIAT, on behalf of Dominicans in the past, the last time I remember was 2013 –3 years ago–when I myself was a victim, on my way to Dominica for my mom’s funeral. So by sending a profound letter to the CEO, pertaining to LIAT’s service–it was to show that he had tolerated enough!

    And if David Evans was broke; he would not resign from his post; as far as I am concerned, he did us a favor–there will always be someone else who can do the job maybe much better or fairer than he did.



    • I was scheduled on a LIAT flight, in July 2013, to attend my mom’s funeral. According to bookings I would arrive in Dominica at 8:00pm or so, the night before the day of my mom’s funeral–which means that I was scheduled to be on the airplane– flight 509 by 6:30pm –that was in St. Martin.

      However boarding time showed up and there was no sign of flight 509 to Dominica, but the sign kept saying that the schedule was on time. I began to get worried and so I went to Customer Service to inquire about my flight–why was the sign saying the schedule is on time, instead of calling us to board?

      She told me that the airline outside was flight 509, but it was going to Tortola. I became furious, and a I warned her that I would report–both the Airport service and that of LIAT

      Two hours later they called us to board an airline for Dominica –not flight 509–I got home at almost 2am in the morning; if I had kept quiet, I might have missed my mom’s funeral.

    • AAGabriel
      April 21, 2016

      Nonsense from you… as per usual! Are you related to the Doctor?

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      April 21, 2016

      Elizabeth since you man Skerrit, your lover boy Skerrit has power over LIAT maybe he will install you as chief executive officer of LIAT, hence you can do a better job than de man who fired himself.

      Elizabeth only Dominicans when the get on a job they treat it as if their entire life depends on it, that is why most Dominicans would rather kill their mother than to get out of Dominica politics.

      I know a certain man: him head half balled he would rather hang himself, and cook him mother believing he cooking a crapo (you know dem mountain chicken), rather than get out of Dominica politics, and stop screwing up the country.

      And remember I din not say Skerrit in nothing written above oui!

      Elizabeth if you like the Prince, the guy who sang Purple Rain, just died, he died at age 57. His music are all very unique!

      • Man stop mentioning my name in your fictitious writngs; if only you knew how much it disgusts me!

        I do not understand, neither do I want to be part of that primitive Wesley language. I grew with people who spoke fine English; I cannot speak patios even if I understand it. My nieces and nephews along with their peers do not understand patois–far more for them to speak it

        Once again DO NOT WRITE MY NAME with that kind of foolish and primitive language .

        You are the reason I will stop writing on DNO–I have had enough with your stupidity. I do not know to whom I writing there; I will do my writing of DNO on facebook.

        Now good bye to you and those idiots like you.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 22, 2016

        Elizabeth, I caught you in a lie today.

        it is impossible for you to be born in Girdle, in the bus on top of that cold mountain where you and that Mountain Chicken boy crapo used to hunt crapo, where you talk patios all of you life, and now are lying talking about you understand patios but you cant speak it!

        Elizabeth there are only two places in Dominica where the people who are born there do not speak nor understand patios (Creole) are the people of Marigot and Wesley?

        And mind you My grandmother who to the age of 103 years old and her brothers and sisters spoke patios, due to their mother was born in Sinekou on the Carib Reservation, that is why your lover boy me your King Francisco has Carib blood in me!

        We were forbidden when growing up in Wesley not to indulge in patios, since it was considered a stigma, and would stigmatize us. That was a foolish notion; but to me you cannot understand patios, only Skerrit would believe that, because he believes anything!

  10. Big- Bannan
    April 20, 2016

    I sometimes wonder why they treat us like goats. Ever been on a flight to Dominica and as soon as the plane land Domimican’s start running all about when they are asked to remain seated? Lol

    • Dominica
      April 21, 2016

      Are you the same Big Banane that charges an exorbitant $13 for a bottle of lousy local Antiguan beer at the airport? What is it called again, Wadidili (anyway, it sounds something like that) ,is more like diddly pee.

  11. Time4change
    April 20, 2016

    Mr. PM, thank you. Addressing LIAT’s poor service to Dominica was long overdue. I recall my parents traveling to & from the Virgin Islands in the 70s, and there were problems, issues, dissatisfaction with service then. Trying to get to Dominica is a real hastle. Having been the primary connection to Dominica, LIAT should have treated us with respect. We, Dominicans are as deserving as the next island.
    Let’s use this as our lesson learned; let’s encourage other carriers to work with us.

    April 20, 2016

    Well done! The L in LIAT is certainly not for logistics! I have had terrible experiences with them. 2 years ago I sat in the airport in SXM with a 1 year old from 6am to 5pm!!! They claimed the flight from Tortola had mechanical issues. We were supposed to go to St.Kitts, then Antigua, and then Dominica. At least 3 flights left SXM that day on their way to St. Kitts and Antigua, and they REFUSED to let us on any one of them. I pleaded with the gate attendant…NADA. Luckily I had enough things in my carry-on to keep my baby comfortable.. When we finally made it to Antigua, we were told that the final Dominica flight left no more than 15 minutes before. There were at least 10 of us who had the displeasure of staying at the Grand Royal Antiguan excuse of a hotel. It was an absolute disgrace. Among the stranded were missionaries, people going home for weddings, a funeral, and a couple from Arizona that decided to Honeymoon in Dominica after finding it on the internet. So embarrassing!

  13. jahgirl
    April 20, 2016

    Good job PM Skerritt. It’s about time . First of all they should not put blame on anyone or country but themselves. Not because there is no international airport in Dominica , Dominicans should be treated like ‘trash’ and accept such behavior. One bird down and there is more to follow. LIAT is never on time, either there are flight cancellations, people’s luggages get delayed or lost and complaints go unheeded whilst those in position just sit in their high chairs drinking coffee and rum. Do the job right and you will be treated right

  14. Face the Facts
    April 20, 2016

    A new CEO is employed, to fix the business, to operate it efficiently and make it profitable while at the same time to obtain additional customers and provide satisfactory service. LIAT’s service got worst in the past year.
    Evans could not stand the heat so he got out of it. Who knows? He probably wanted to resign a long time ago. If as it is said the PM’s letter caused his resignation, this gave him more of a reason to resign sooner.
    Dominicans have been getting a raw deal from LIAT. Actually they have been suffering with having to wait for hours, no-show flights and having to pay the cost of hotels and meals. This really is too much.
    Someone booked a flight in Toronto to Dominica connecting with LIAT and was immediately informed, “you have to overnight.” This is the trend. Is this not disappointing?
    What happened to the days when passengers were able to get a connecting flight to D/ca? Not that LIAT was perfect in those days. LIAT has not progressed.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      April 21, 2016

      Facts, there was never any time in LIAT’s history anybody who’s flight originate in Canada, America or Europe was certain to get a connecting flight to Dominica via arrival in Antigua, or Barbados!

      So, once again I caught you in another lie!


      You said only God knows how many lies I told in my life, well that’s a secret between me and God, but I catch you lying everyday. Madam Facts, it took my daughter, and I more than eighteen hours getting to Dominica from Los Angeles.

      Guess what? More than thirteen house was spent at Puerto Rico International before we got a flight on American Eagle to St. Lucia. Even American Eagle over-flew Dominica since my daughter and I were the only two people heading to Dominica. It took me more than two weeks to get my luggage, to this day my daughter have yet to get all of her belongings, they thief her things in St. Lucia.

      If there were direct flights to Dominica that would not have happened!

      • Face the Facts
        April 22, 2016

        You who reside in the US are wrong. I have booked flights in Toronto with a connecting flight from A/gua to D/ca. Not once did I miss a LIAT flight from A/gua.
        Once I went via Barbados. We were told there were no flights to D/ca. I was angry and asked to speak to the Manager. I informed him that my family and I want a flight to D/ca. This set the ball rolling. We were later advised that a plane will be arriving from T & T.
        While on this plane, passengers were advised that another plane, a smaller one is waiting for us on the tarmac at Guadeloupe. Then we were advised when the plane landed to go directly to it. We were flown to Canefield airport.
        Our luggage did not arrive. I got mine the following afternoon. The rest of the family got theirs the day after.
        Therefore, do not inform me about what I know. In the past we booked to A/gua with the understanding to get a connecting flight to D/ca.
        Recently LIAT cut flights. This is a recent problem.

  15. Looking in
    April 20, 2016

    Whether the CEO resigned because of Skerro letter or not, as a pilot I wouldn’t want to land at Melville Hall at all. The conditions should be addressed a long time ago. So Skerro, fix your back yard before you give others maypwee.

    • Face the Facts
      April 22, 2016

      Do you think Canefield is better? It is not. The air pockets (turbulence) is bad. The plane s flying over sea/water.
      I always pray for safety before and during a flight. :lol: When I land and arrive at my destination in D/ca, I thank God.

  16. bigger
    April 20, 2016

    Well done PM you take your time to analyze issues but when you do things get moving the travelling public has had enough of this inefficient airline

    April 20, 2016

    Well well as persons have been suggesting some one close to the PM had to be on that flight. My intelligence proved those persons right. It was Mr Hartley Henry

    • viewsexpressed
      April 21, 2016

      Drastic, the use of the word persons is wrong. Who are these “persons” you are referring to? If they are passengers then you say, “ passengers have been suggesting…..etc….” and
      “My intelligence proved that those “passengers” right.

      I hope this is helpful. Simply, before you use word person, collectively work out who specifically you are referring to, in this case I assume it is passengers. or could be politicians etc.

  18. semaj
    April 20, 2016

    Liat has been treating Dominicans like we are second class citizens of the Caribbean. on April 8th my uncle was sheduled to leave Dominica for Barbados after spending two hours I Antigua, not surprised? The Liat officials told the passengers that the flight crew for Dominica has reported si m and that a crew is being put together to serve Dominica. I am so happy that the truth came out because the LIAT officials were lying to the passengers. I am very please that the government of Dominica filed that complaint.

  19. Ideal
    April 20, 2016

    Mr. Prime Minister, thank you for speaking out for your people, too long we Dominicans have suffered under Liat. Their service was always bad and most times they are they are unreliable. We might not have an international airport but we all travel and send lots of money on Liat. Mr PM make sure we get our money”s worth. Customer service goes a long way.

  20. NYPD
    April 20, 2016

    All I can say if this is the case great job PM. Just one question what took you so long? Hopefully now they will respect us and take us serious. The employees of Liat should respect all the islands they don’t fly us for free.

    • Concern D/can
      April 20, 2016

      The pm don’t have time for Dcans why it took so long. It’s probably he or someone close was affected why he reacted so, but good job.

  21. forreal
    April 20, 2016

    well boy skerrit you need to take a bathe in the river mouth between salt water and the fresh water,because everything that goes right or wrong is you getting the blame,your back must be full of marks,u invest in an airline,u do not like how they treating your people u complain,somebody gets a gripe,if so is to a cross they will nail u next,i trying to understand what’s wrong in what u said.

  22. koule wyyayi
    April 20, 2016

    A A. We are tired of liat so called services too long. Let them blame if they wish. Chicken! The truth.

  23. Triple L
    April 20, 2016

    look its about time someone started standing up for Dominica i had to go to the airport twice this week and for the both fights liat was two to three hours late that is nonsense it needs to stop thank you mr. P.M for standing up for we Dominicans. if mr. Evens cant do the job well get someone better to do it

  24. Funny haha
    April 20, 2016

    Well someone should have shouted sooner let’s see if anything improves. When LIAT gets a new CEO can he/she set up a complaints department that responds to complaints.

  25. jonathan st jean
    April 20, 2016

    Why blame Dominica for his resignation, he should have had the notoriety of being fired.Right now he can boast that he was not fired ,though he did not do a good job as far as Dominica is concerned

  26. Leah Portland
    April 20, 2016

    About time. Disgusting service… I was delayed for 30 hours while on a mercy mission to go and look after my very sick father earlier in the year. There was another passengers who were attending the funeral of her own mother and missed it and 2 other passengers who were attending a wedding which they also missed all because LIAT could not sort themselves out. Somebody needs to be held to account. I really don’t care who jumps as long as this mess is sorted out. It’s shocking and totally unacceptable. These are people’s lives that these people are playing with – LITERALLY! :(

    • Concern citizen
      April 20, 2016

      thank u my sister,
      I support u 110% you are very right, that is good talk
      but at the end of the day I am not blaming the PM and his kabal I am blaming the people of the nature isles of D/ca because they said that they don’t want any thing better than what Skerrit can give to them and they are demonstrating it every 5yrs wearing their ignorance as a badge of honour
      They were offered a Jet airport in a golden platter they refused it, and go ahead to spend 300 million on a river bed at Melville hall only to give the people of Marigot and Wsley and Woodford hill problem with their vehicles

    • Face the Facts
      April 20, 2016

      LIAT is also playing on your (their) emotions. Imagine visiting your sick father and being delayed for 30 hours and a passenger missing her mother’s funeral, another missing a wedding. Many others are inconvenienced. This should not be and is downright unacceptable.
      LIAT no longer pays for overnight stay and probably does not provide a meal for passengers.
      My view of LIAT is, inconsiderate and non-caring. It is high time to organize their schedule to fly Dominicans on time.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      April 21, 2016

      I have to ask this question, which has nothing to do with your comments, which many of us have suffered while trying to get into Dominica via LIAT.

      My question is this: Is the picture representing you a manikin, or are you for real, to me the picture is that of a manikin, and not actual human!

      So, if you are human say I am actually human.

      • At least you will not be able to impersonate her, like you have done with me, so many times.

        And finally I said that I cannot speak patios I did not say that I cannot understand it. When I was growing up, we were not allowed to speak patios; our adults did not speak it to us –that is why most people my age from Giraudel speaks fine English–we never thought of patois, or we laughed at one who tried to speak it.

        The generation after us do not speak patios at all, for they did not hear it from us, they cannot understand the language–I don’t care what you think

        You don’t speak patois, but you speak is your mother tongue which you alone can write and understand –it is pure stupidity–my parents and their peers spoke fine English to us, when we were growing up

        Nevertheless our patois in Dominica is just a broken French dialect because we once belong to France–there is nothing wrong with most people both, speaking and understanding it.

  27. sassie sue
    April 20, 2016

    we, as Dominicans, stand for what is right. so whether he resign or not, that is not our business. Treat Dominica better than this. Enough with Liat.

  28. True Dominican
    April 20, 2016

    Hahahahaha! Betty White said it best when she said, ““Why do people say “grow some balls”? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a “”va-jayjay””. Those things can take a pounding.”

  29. My Way
    April 20, 2016

    Skerrit himself should resign because he put Dominica in that mess with LIAT. I am 60 years old and knew LIAT in Dominica throughout my years and never, did we have such products with LIAT. SKERRIT came and messed it up, so he should take the example of the CEO of LIAT, and resign.

  30. April 20, 2016

    Well Mr. PM you are awake. Did you have one of yr passportholders on board Liat, Baronness for example. This is the only reason you would react in this fashion. For years Liat has been disrespecting Dominicans. The reaction we got was not replacement for the Caribbean Star, the American Eagle, A waste of funds to rehabilitate Melville Hall, an ill conceived idea to close Canefield, great it has not happened, and a deposit of $8,000,000 in equity to Liat, the cosy agreement with head of Daic and Dhta for no international airport. You should take charge of providing efficient access to Dominica, and stop your nonsense with those foolish reactions. You just like the callers on the radio stations.

    • da massive
      April 22, 2016

      There was someone affiliated to the government travelling that morning..he was probly upset if they didn’t get out on time delivery of the passports wouldn’t have been possible..

  31. Doc. Love
    April 20, 2016

    I cannot blame Mr. Evans for tendering his resignation. Which CEO, who is worth his salt would stand to be insulted by a member of a board and not act differently. Skeritt treated the man, in the same manner he treats members of the opposition in Parliament or when he is on the Union steps in Lagoon. We are used to that type of behavior, but a respected gentleman like Mr. Evans would not allow himself to be disgraced by any a leader of any country who does not know how to be more diplomatic when dealing with national issues.

    • Eh?
      April 20, 2016

      Just BE QUIET! stupes

    • April 20, 2016

      Skerrit is not the first shareholder PM to give Evans blows. Antigua’s PM actually called for Evans to resign last year, but he didn’t do so:

      • Malatete
        April 20, 2016

        Mr. Foerster, that was for daring to suggest that LIAT be merged into a new airline, with its operations base moved to Barbados. I happen to support such a move if LIAT is to survive in any shape or form. Of course, national pride was at stake in Antigua and hence mr. Browne’s public reaction. He had no choice to do otherwise.

      • Doc. Love
        April 20, 2016

        Ok, if Skeritt believes Mr. Evans was not going a good job, wasn’t their a more appropriate forum to discuss his performance. Like you said, the Prime Minister of Antigua requested his resignation, but he didn’t savage him.

      • April 21, 2016

        Malatete, that might be more efficient, but to be honest I don’t particularly care whether LIAT is based on Antigua, Barbados, or the Moon, so long as no more of my tax money goes to support it. If we’re going to use taxes to support an airline, better to offer Hummingbird Air loans at concessionary rates.

    • Butter Scotch
      April 20, 2016

      I am anti-skerrit and i fine you sound stupid

    • Face the Facts
      April 20, 2016

      There was a meeting and then Evans resigned. Are you aware what transpired at the meeting which caused his resignation?
      If he resigned because of the PM’s writing, he has proven to be a weakling and was not fit for the position. He should know what the position of CEO entails and what else goes along with this position.
      The pen is mightier than the sword. I could have written a scathing letter to the CEO. What if, as a customer I had written it in no uncertain way? I wonder if it would have caused him to resign.

      • Tjebe Fort
        April 21, 2016

        Facts, I’m getting tired of you. You sound like a Jack of all trades but master of none.

      • Face the Facts
        April 21, 2016

        Tjebe Fort, I am extremely tired of you. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:
        You hate those who support the PM. You are not a just person and are a dictator who love to harass people on this Website. Yours is not a comment which makes sense and does not contribute to the subject matter. It escaped DNO I suppose. DNO should not have allowed it.
        Who the hell you think you are? Take a back step and know your place. You do not have any more sense than I do. In fact, you lack it. You showed your true colors. You are not a nice person.
        If you had any class, dignity and respect you would not make such a comment. You have your views and I have mine. This Website is not yours. Cease also annoying and insulting those who comment and sensibly so on this Website. . :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:
        I am informing you, may the Lord who knows your wicked ways rebuke you. Watch out!

    • @Doc. Love April 20, 2016

      You have made it sound like PM Skerrit has great authority which is for the good and its works every time he executes this authority–the rest the comments here is my conviction this time.

      I am also a victim of LIATS disgusting service to Dominica in 2013 see my story above.

  32. Massacre
    April 20, 2016

    Well if this is true that Skerro axpress the his sentiments about LIAT, this was a good effort to let LIAT know how frustrating it is for travelling Dominicans to get a round the islands.
    LIAT\’s performance is less than satisfactory, so it was time some one in position put them in their place.

    • viewsexpressed
      April 20, 2016

      This was a massacred approach by Skerrit….The CEO is gone and LIAT still fly pass Dominica…..$8million dollars and will continue to fly pass for sometime to come. For what its worth. We are not ready and prepared for business and appears not economical coming to Dominica if an airline only serves Dominica and Dominicans.
      Under this DLP government Dominica has not flown anywhere and will not be flying anywhere. But the big PM boys are flying on the big planes frequently to far away countries and we ask to account for our passport money. that too seems to have flown away. Alas…poor Dominique.

  33. April 20, 2016

    Well I am indeed flabbergasted! Nice representation o f the people by the Prime Minister, but instead of improving services CEO decides to resign. LOL this goes to show that LIAT\’s will never change.

    • Face the Facts
      April 20, 2016

      A position is not irreplaceable. There are many others with likewise credentials or better who would be happy to apply for the position and to be employed. The new CEO could do a better job and could stand his/her ground amidst criticisms.

  34. 100% Nature Isle girl
    April 20, 2016

    lol lol tht article is laughable, a letter of concern was sent to your company from one of it shareholder and u resign , oh please, tht just prove he was not the man from the job can’t take pressure, . i find the PM took to long to address LIAT rubbish service to our island

    • Me
      April 20, 2016

      Oh, why then did Ian Brunton, one of “our own”, and predecessor of David Evans resign from the same position with LIAT after less than one year’s service? Was that mr. Skerrit’s doing too or because he, like David Evans found it impossible to manage with the board’s constant interference. I think that Mr. Skerrit’s letter was merely the last straw. Victory for Skerrit but meanwhile I can not get a LIAT flight to take me out of Dominica. How is mr. Skerrit going to, address that?

  35. We need a new airline
    April 20, 2016

    Liat is so inefficient, I was once flown out of Grenada into Barbados alone, well not really alone…. I was accompanied by 2 pilots and 2 air hostesses.

    Yet, they don’t think it worthwhile to bring in 47 passengers into Dominica… smh

    • LIAT supporter
      April 22, 2016

      U make it sound like the plane came to Grenada only for u.. Was a chattered flight into Grenada and u might have got to the airport early so they put u on…LIAT had already picked up it 20 plus thousand US dollars for that chartered service..stop,try sounding important..

  36. Dominican passports
    April 20, 2016

    Well well, allu make the white man lose his job. :lol: :lol:

    • Leah Portland
      April 20, 2016


  37. shay
    April 20, 2016

    I think that’s a total lie! LIAT has always been giving bad service and as a result many of your leaders have resigned in the past. Not because someone finally decide to stand to you that you decide to pass the blame. and JUST IN CASE that’s really the reason he resigned then I applaud Mr. Skerritt! Clearly Mr. Evans knew he was not providing good service so he resigned before he got fired.

    • Da massive
      April 22, 2016

      Bunch of hypocrite skerrit never got so upset in the past with liats abuse …he only beating his chest now cuz it affected the govnment and its passport delivering operations..had it not been for those passports that we’re going to be delivered he Wundt have been so concerned.

  38. d-a born
    April 20, 2016

    Why would it be ‘blame’…seems like a valid complaint.

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