Dominica condemns use of chemical weapons in Syria

UN chemical weapons inspectors in Syria
UN chemical weapons inspectors in Syria

Dominica’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative at the United Nations, Vince Henderson, has said that Dominica is joining with the rest of CARICOM to condemn the use of the chemical weapons in the ongoing war in Syria.

Henderson, who was addressing the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly, said the war is presenting a major challenge to the international community.

“The Commonwealth of Dominica joins CARICOM in condemning unreservedly the use of chemical weapons which is a gross violation of International law,” he said. “We call on all parties involved in the conflict to bring an end to hostilities which have claimed the lives of far too many innocent civilians especially children.”

He added that the role of the UN is central in resolving the Syrian conflict.

“My delegation supports the call of the Secretary General for resolution through dialogue and not through use of military force or any other such action. Lasting peace can be achieved in Syria only through a negotiated political settlement that will facilitate reconciliation,” Henderson noted.

Henderson stated further that what is required is the will of the international community to further the process.

“We commend the efforts of the United States of America and Russia in attempting to eliminate chemical weapons in Syria and move toward a peaceful resolution of the conflict,” he noted.

He pointed out further that Dominica condemns the act of terrorism at the West Gate Shopping Mall in Nairobi Kenya.

“We extend our condolences to the government and the people of Kenya and to the families of the Kenyans and foreign nationals who met their death at the hands of those who have no respect for human life. We must continue to fight terrorism in all its forms and manifestations,” Henderson said.

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  1. Anonymous
    October 2, 2013

    Great job Vince.I’m really proud. Hold your head up high. People will always talk.

  2. Anonymous
    October 2, 2013

    Vince gimme a dam break!!!!!!So fliping long that happen now you opening your dam mouth!!!

    Man Buzz off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Francisco Telemaque
    October 1, 2013

    “Henderson, who was addressing the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly, said the war is presenting a major challenge to the international community.”(Henderson).

    I wonder how many members of the United Nations, sat and listened to Henderson?

    It would be interested to see a picture of inside of the room while he spoke!

    Usually when so called representatives of no name nations which occupy seats as tokens, unable to vote on any matter speaks in the assemble, the building is normally empty, with the exception of some small African nations which like to listen to each other blow off meaningless hot air.

    There is a civil war being fought in Syria, the Assad, is on a brutality quest against his people, the international community is not involved into that as the international community is involved in Afghanistan, and as was the case in Iraq, and Kuwait.

    I think Henderson is oblivious to the to what is happening in Syria, and it effect on the international community as he claimed, his concept of what is happening in Syria, is highly overstated, and a total exaggeration of what are the facts of the matter.

    “Challenge to the international community?”

    I would like Henderson to define that the term international community, if only to me since I am dumbfound here and seems incapable to define the term; I wonder if he is suggesting that the attack on the people of Syria, by the government of Syria is having a definite effect on some policy of cooperation among the world nations!

    Other than that this guy is not saying anything, or perhaps the uprising in Syria is having some effect on Dominica, in that it is (preventing us from trading, and selling all of our manufactured goods) to the Syria.


    Other than that, I personally have not heard in the news, nor read in any newspapers, where the unrest in Syria is a major challenge to the international community.

    That major challenge perhaps exists only in the mind of Dominica’s Henderson.

    Anyway, election is around the corner, therefore some must make their presents know so that the unsuspecting voter at home will believe our ambassadors are doing great things, Dominica is involved: Carricom.and all that means nothing to the outside world, the words of Caribbean leaders, wether they support something, or nothing at all means nothing to the people and government of the United States, Canada, and Europe.

    We saw what happened in Belize last week; I will not comment on that except to say Dominica’s prime minister was treated disrespectfully even after identifying himself. That is just one example to show, how much we are listened to; outside of Dominica, we carry no weight,what we say matters not!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  4. Me And Me
    October 1, 2013

    why dont you condem the use of mashine guns in dominica?

  5. hmmmmmm
    October 1, 2013

    do you kno the damage chemical weapons can cause if it gets into the wrong hands, the more countrys that step up against it, the better chances there are to control it, stop being soo narrow minded, think outside the box, and maybe if you/we Dominicans support our leaders see exactly what they are trying to do, maybe our country will be further today

  6. Neg
    October 1, 2013

    Vinc! you should read, Matthew 7:3-5 before you speak on Syria’s problem, we have problems at home you should deal with first, you hypocrite

  7. UWP taking St. Joe
    October 1, 2013

    Listen to H.E. Mr. Vince Henderson, Permanent Representative to the UN

  8. lyn
    October 1, 2013

    A! A! You there nah? I sure u happy u not here in the Skerrit Cabal.

  9. October 1, 2013

    Mr Henderson.

    Hello Mr Henderson I would like to know why you didn’t condemn the illegal sanctions that Obama is putting on Iran because of their nuclear program. Iran nuclear program is under the IAEA camera monitoring but Israel has at least three(300)hundred nuclear bombs but Obama don’t say anything about that. What a double standard when it comes to the Zionist they think they can fool everyone. Israel nuclear technician Mordecai Vanunu defected and he brought photographs of their nuclear program showing where they were building nuclear bombs. America then used their veto at the UN Security Counsel to prevent the UN from sending the IAEA to investigate their program. So before you leave the UN today please address this double standard.

    • October 1, 2013

      Also why dont you make a statement as to what Skerrit is doing to the people of D’ica guess you dont care or else you would have spoken out long ago .

      • October 1, 2013


        Hello and good evening. Well I have two rules that I adhere to when it comes to my homeland, (1) I don’t get into Politics because I don’t vote,(2) I don’t get into Religion. I never voted and I will not vote in Dominica because I don’t have to live with the consequences but I will respect any Government you all elect. I just want to know that when I come home I want to enjoy my vacation and be safe while doing so.

    • forkit
      October 1, 2013

      you could make a statement on the mano and your boy sico seco…

      you could condemn issy for paying to firebomb de old man

    October 1, 2013

    Mista jus wake up man?!

  11. "O" STRESS"
    October 1, 2013

    Great job Vince we are proud of you. Now America show us the money. We in that too?? taking things to the next level and I mean that for those who don’t understand international politics.

    • October 1, 2013

      Vince job is to try to turn D’icans mind away from what is going on in DA while Skerrit is carring out his plans, so dont tell me you a proud of Vince but I call on all D’icans keep up the fight for your constitution and rule of Law.

  12. sparky
    October 1, 2013

    Ghaddafi skerro mussolini sadam hitler castro chavez and the list of dictators goes on .dictatorship that’s what u should condemn

  13. Channel 1
    October 1, 2013

    When will Vince condemn the display of machine guns(with potential for use) against an unarmed population when the unarmed population VOICES their concerns about the way in which a man is usurped upon their nation as President?

  14. sparky
    October 1, 2013

    Hendo instead u condemn the lAck of respectfor the constitution by skerro and crew u condemning syria. Garcon clean your back yard if u know what good for you.

  15. Pedro
    October 1, 2013

    Dominica has woken up to do the right thing! Yeahhhh! where were you guys when the world was condemning Libya and calling for Gaddafi to step down? Instead you supported him. Be consistent and strive to be always on the right side of history (early)!

  16. Butterfly
    October 1, 2013

    Today was the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly, this is when he had the chance like many other UN representatives to address the issue in such a public forum as a wholesome DOMINICAN POSITION. Why are some People so vicious?

  17. Doc .Love
    October 1, 2013

    Well, well, well, while Vince is concerned about the people of Syria, his people in Dominica are faced with M16

  18. Aye
    October 1, 2013

    So long syria is not in the news. Now they condemning the use of chemical weapons on the syrian people?

  19. Looking In
    October 1, 2013

    Eh, Vince domir?

  20. sacaboy
    October 1, 2013

    you have not come out and conderm the cutlass welding in wotton waven and the market but u are in Syria conderming. please clean your back yard.

    • Butterfly
      October 1, 2013

      The man is at the UN, he articulated issues on Dominica. You may the one to concern yourself with cutlass wielding people. There is such a thing as International Policy & Diplomacy. Syria is a hot button issue at the UN islands, countries are subtly expected to speak on it. Domestic issues are dealt with also. Why I’m I wasting time with idiots anyways? Politics will destroy Dominicans.

      • Nac Vibes
        October 1, 2013

        The only thing that will distroy Dominica is people like you who close your eyes to the criminals in charge and think you and they are so worldly wise.

        I listened to your grime minister on DBS today and he clearly showed that he has no class and hide behind bully tactics when he has no answers to reasoned arguments. his attitude is, if I have no retort, shout my head off till I get my way. He is a disgrace.

    • Ben Dover
      October 1, 2013

      You expect the man to talk about cutlass yielding men in Dominica at the UN? LMFAO.

      Dominicans small minded eh!!

  21. interesting
    October 1, 2013

    now alone ? smh
    now the news reach vince man ?

    • what ?
      October 1, 2013

      Vince was asleep past few months

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