Dominica explores exporting fish to Miami

Drigo said the future of fishers in Dominica is bright
Drigo said the future of fishers in Dominica is bright

The government of Dominica is presently in discussion with a group from Miami exploring the possibilities of exporting fish to that part of the United States.

This is according to Agriculture Minister, Johnson Drigo, who was speaking during Market Day with a difference in Portsmouth over the weekend.

“We are now into the business of exporting fish in Dominica and it’s a serious business,” he said. “We’ve been discussing with a group from Miami, who are looking at exporting fish direct from Dominica to Miami.”

Drigo noted that things are looking good and a trial shipment has already been done.

“It’s looking good, we’ve had a trial shipment and it worked very well,” Drigo revealed. “So our fishers, your future is bright and we will continue to support you in this respect.”

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  1. Caribbean National
    October 27, 2016

    We need to create more Fish Farms on Dominica and extend those which are here. Only then we’ll be able to make mass production.

    • October 29, 2016

      Fish Farms? Fish are not raised on FARMS. Coming from Dominica or elsewhere, personally, I DO NOT eat fish raised on FARMS. Fish are caught in the OCEAN.

  2. Caribbean National
    October 27, 2016

    For things to happen in Dominica, our people have to be positive and in one mind, must be ready to work. Noah and his Ark received soo much opposition from the people around, yet he and his family still built it.

    Nehemiah still built the wall of Jerusalem even though sanballot opposed it. Yes we laugh and we scorn every project on Dominica, why don’t we come together to ensure that it works. I already say that the meaning of the Parrott on our Flag and Coat of Arms is really to encourage alot of chatter and no work towards a common goal.

  3. Anthony robinson
    October 26, 2016

    actually i was there when them miami boys did the trail shipment with humming bird air they shipped 300 pounds or so of mahi and are waiting for Ameri jet to come back to Dominica so that they can send out larger quantities of fish they also said there company name is “off the hook”

  4. October 26, 2016

    T o Toll achieve ,thanks 4 your comments it quotes all of my questions great minds thinks a like.

  5. Dominica
    October 26, 2016

    Actually I was there when them miami boys did the export to the United States the first trial was with humming bird air for about 350 pounds of mahi they are apparently waiting on amerijet to come back to Dominica to start exporting more quantity of fish they said there company name is “off the hook”

  6. Real
    October 26, 2016

    Let focus on supply the local market first once we can feed ourselves we can then expand to international market.

  7. Mah-co
    October 26, 2016

    boy drigo have a kixx

  8. D Fenestrator
    October 26, 2016

    What on earth is this guy smoking ? If you have ever been fishing in Florida, you’ll know that the fish practically jump out of the water at you. Fishing is inexpensive and easy, and it’s a massive industry. This guy must have lost the plot.

  9. Annon
    October 26, 2016

    Ha ha! A Joke Dat man.

  10. Polls Archive
    October 26, 2016

    “It’s looking good, we’ve had a trial shipment and it worked very well,” Drigo revealed.

    Specifics, I need specifics on that statement….What date did that happen?, How many pounds/kilos of fish was exported? Who was the buyer of that fish? What type of fish was caught and exported? What are the expectations of the buyer of our fish in terms of our output?

    That kind of vague statement you put out there may please AND fool your supporters, but it’s not fooling me.

    • Tell Drigo, there are no Sprats: (kaie), nor Fry’s or Titewee in America, neither do people eat back & neck here, I am residence in America for almost forty years I’ve never seen any of the above mentioned.

      I know there is Sprats and Fry season in Dominica; so maybe what is not sold in Dominica that is what he exported to Miami, than that guy is nothing than a damn liar!

      If Drigo is telling the truth, let us get into innuendos, and ask him to name one single person we can ask what day the shipment left, and by what means of transportation;

      Secondly, we want Drigo to tell us where in Miami Florida Dominica fish are sold, name the buying, and selling agent so that we can go to check for the truth, unless he can do that I crown him Dominica’s most notorious liar of the century.

      Drigo, if by any chance you sent fish from Dominica to be sold in America. When the fish goes to the market on display it is mandatory it will be tagged “with the name of the fish, in addition to…

    • Continue:

      Drigo, if by any chance you sent fish from Dominica to be sold in America. When the fish goes to the market on display it is mandatory it will be tagged “with the name of the fish, in addition to ‘catch’ in Dominica.” You might succeed telling lies in Dominica, but there are many of us Dominicans who knows how the system works, that is why we know you are a liar!

  11. Bull Crap
    October 26, 2016

    This guy is just a flat out lier . cant believe howbthese people have no dam morals or ethics.
    Suppling fist to miami?
    what company in miami and how exactly is that fish transported?
    when u guys gonna stop taking people for fools.

  12. Zandoli
    October 26, 2016

    Drigo, shipping a small trial sample is really not a major accomplishment. The follow-up orders is really what matters. By that I mean, consistency in delivery and meeting the order quantity on a timely manner.

    I know people who tried to import produce from Dominica and they had a major problem the second time around. The first order went well, but the supplier could not supply the quantity required on the second order. And that was not the only time I heard that.

    Dominicans are not up to speed on supplying goods to developed countries.

  13. Anansi
    October 26, 2016

    Drigo, again you never cease to amaze. Perhaps you can also explore the possibility of exporting water to the Amazon.

  14. October 26, 2016

    Are you aware that there are times when there are NO fish around in the waters surrounding DA? I think that you need to find something else to export.

  15. October 26, 2016

    All over the island you are told we cannot get local fish to buy, now you are bold face enough to tell me a trial run of fish to be sold in Miami was made, if you give deatails, company in receipt, etc I too will say good show Mr. Minister and plenty Mia culpa mia culpas.

  16. October 26, 2016

    All over the island you are told we cannot get local fish to buy, now you are bold face enough to tell me a trial run of fish to be sold in Miami was made, if you give deatails, company in receipt, etc I too will say good show Mr. Minister.

  17. Weldone
    October 26, 2016

    You no you lie like hel nd what and when shipment go where the fish be huh afus all u think all u fooling ppl

  18. Sweet
    October 25, 2016

    Lolol hahahaha hehehehehe heehawheehaw

  19. bella
    October 25, 2016

    Is this a joke. They need to bring back all the natural products and all the crops like bananas we use to export and stop the nonsense. All the fish america have there..

  20. indira Ghandi
    October 25, 2016

    Jono,what nonsense is this?
    Dominica does not have fish for its own population you think is Miami it can supply fish to?
    Tell us the name of the company and tell us when that first shipment was.
    who do you think you fooling?
    Is the fish going to come from borto river?
    What nonsense.

    • Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

      I thought of only laughing; but because I want to say that guy is making a fool of himself, I had to do more than simply laughing. That guy would have a better chance if he said he was going to export plantain Tanya, and dasheen to somewhere in the United States.

      That would sell in any State where there is a majority of South American, and West Indians: There are lots of Markets which might be interesting in that sort of thing. That man has forgotten for something like that to happen, he would need a cold storage aircraft to fly directly from Dominica to Miami, and based on the time the fish are in Dominica and shipped it might not be accepted for human consumption, go past a certain date.

      Someone need to get him acquainted to the fact when fish and any kind of meat is placed on the shelves here, there must be an expiration date based on the time the fish was caught and packaged okay, so let that Dominica boy keep running his mouth…

    • Weldone
      October 26, 2016

      Borto river had boir tan and san see

    • dee
      October 26, 2016

      dat one baffling me ein ,
      so de gyrol fren tell you sen some titirrii up for she to make some accra and strait away you fix that to mean you have access to fish market in de USA ?
      You need to spin better than that .

    • Shameless
      October 26, 2016

      “Bortoe River” :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .

      Yeah the last time I was in C/Bruce I check it out and the river almost dry now. John-dont -know think because his family house close to it he can fish in it and ship to Miami :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

      Always Assertive! :mrgreen:

  21. October 25, 2016

    You talk of exporting fish where is it going to be stored when those who occupy Roseau Fisheries Complex the main complex refuse to leave and fisherman not getting ice to go at sea. What you doing for that?

  22. Drigo, you are either a liar, or perhaps you are Crazy!

    Everybody knows that people in Dominica eats imported Salt Fish from Newfoundland in Canada, or pig snout from I don’t know where, because they cannot get fish caught in Dominica to buy!

    So, unless you have a particular source where you and Roosevelt Skerrit fish, and catch so much fish which cannot be consumed in Dominica, that you have to export to somewhere in America something seems wrong to me; you are either in realm sleep dreaming, or you are simply hallucinating!

    America has more fish being thrown away daily, than you can catch in Dominica in ten years. It is just not there: you are a liar; in the event your lie come to fruition I will apologize for calling you liar, but I maintain my belief you are lying for whatever purpose it is serving you.

    If that is reality, the day you export your first amount of fish let us know, and by the way how many refrigerated ships, and aircraft you have to take your fish to…

  23. Dominican Bwoi
    October 25, 2016

    “We are now into the business of exporting fish in Dominica and it’s a serious business,”. Only now they’ve discovered that it’s a serious business? Where have they been all of this time?

  24. Doc. Love
    October 25, 2016

    Mr. Minister, stop trying to fool the people of Dominica. I believe you meant Haiti not Miami. You cannot feed Dominicans, you want to supply Miami. Dominica does not have storage facilities to store a few hundred pounds of fish to feed Dominicans, where is the facility to store hundreds of pounds of fish to be shipped to Miami. Fish in Dominica is a luxury, we cannot afford to pay for fish. I wonder at what price you sold the trail shipment and how many tons you shipped. I wonder now many tons of fish Dominica can ship on a weekly or monthly basis.

  25. Tjebe fort
    October 25, 2016

    I don’t understand that. We can sell our fish right next doors to Guadeloupe and Martinique and a lot of that is already happening anyway. There is never enough fresh fish in those places to meet demand or even in our own island. I even see French fishermen coming to Scotts Head to do that. Sell it direct without middleman or the fisheries complex, for lagan chess, that is my advice. Keep life simple.

    • Shameless
      October 26, 2016

      You crazy? Keep the middle man out? How them fellas go make their money if you remove the middleman that collect the “side” funds? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .

      But don’t loose sleep on what John-dont-know saying because he himself don’t even know what he saying :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: . Since Morrel left (later died) and Orboo stop carrying fish C/Bruce hardly have Book and Karkardoor much less for doewaard :twisted: . Go ask C/Bruce people if you think I lying. No fish will leave Dca for Miami as an industry trend. Maybe, fish will be bought and used as a mask when shipping other things but that is for them and the US Government to handle papa.

      Always Assertive! :twisted:

  26. Malgraysa
    October 25, 2016

    That “group from Miami” wouldn’t be associated with H.E. Jonathan S.R. Brown, Ambassador for Dominica, would it Mr. Drigo?
    You’d better be careful because frozen fish from our parts of the world is being carefully monitored by the U.S. authorities, it being known as an excellent commodity to hide drugs, particularly cocaine.

  27. Portsmouth with an open Eyes
    October 25, 2016

    Boy these guys can lie. A trial shipment on LIAT or the farmers boat that Skerrit promised the farmers? The people of Dominica are real suckers to have guys some of them without a high school education leading and fooling people. Export fish to Miami? Who is buying mawiyan and balaw and the cost to keep the balaw preserved by the time it gets to Miami would be like buying caviar.
    I can have more respect for politicians who dare tell people as it is. Nothing wrong in motivating the people but to create false hope is a criminal act and this is exactly what Skerrit and his goons continue to do while the people are sinking into poverty.
    Ian told us that the Portsmouth enhancement project would start right after election. The road at the back of commercial bank leading up to the Grandby Street would be complete. Up to this day they cannot tell us anything about the Morocco hotel.
    Mr Drigo take your foolishness back to Castle Bruce even though we are like Motton Batalli in Porssie

  28. Righteous
    October 25, 2016

    Partnership with companies such as Publics and Costco will be great moves for the industry.

    • Dominican
      October 26, 2016

      Be real man, we could not even supply just one of Costco’s stores for one day. Sorry.

  29. dee
    October 25, 2016

    where they going to get de fish from ?
    lets see how many restaurants will still have fish on their daily menus come November 1st .

  30. Anthony P. Isamel
    October 25, 2016

    All the D Special and Red Cap rum in the world would not convince Drigo of his own statement. If he doesn’t believe it, I don’t either.

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