Dominica leads region in gender equality – consultant

 Dr. Rawwida Baksh
Dr. Rawwida Baksh

A Regional Gender Specialist Consultant has given Dominica high marks for being in the forefront in gender equity and equality.

Speaking at a one-day consultation at the Fort Young Hotel on Tuesday Dr. Rawwida Baksh, however said there are gaps in the island’s national policy for gender equality.

“I need to say in advance that the version you have before you is still full of gaps because we do need updated statistical information from a wide set of sources across the public sector, across the private sector, and from civil society organizations,” she said.

But she pointed out that Dominica needs to be commended for foresight in developing and its continued commitment towards advancing a gender policy which was launched in 2006.

“This puts Dominica at the forefront of national gender policy initiative in the Caribbean … being way ahead of many other Caribbean countries, some larger than Dominica for example my own country Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Suriname, and others,” she stated.

Baksh also mentioned that the gender sensitization was necessary to increase national awareness “with a view to understanding what kind of changes have taken place… as well as to hearing from the public what they saw as the burning issues that needs to be incorporated in the updated policy.”

Speaking at the same function Minister for Gender Affairs, Gloria Shillingford said the policy is being updated against the backdrop of international and regional mandate including the United Nation’s Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women.

“The ministry recognizes the need for the updating of the policy with a view to accelerating its implementation,” she stated. “The main aim in this updating exercise, is to ensure that the updated policy take on board recent developments at the national level, current data, information and analysis; for example, the 2011 population census and new and emerging gender equality issues in the society.”

Director of the Bureau of Gender Affairs Rosie Browne, said a project proposal was submitted and funds were received from the United Women to assist in the implementating the national policy.

“In this regard, I am pleased to inform that with funding assistance from United Nation Women (Formerly before that UNIFEM) we were able to secure an amount of US$100,000 which provided for technical assistance under the project technical assistance, consultation, training, capacity building as well as public awareness and sensitization,” she revealed.

She said over the past several weeks and months the bureau has hosted a number of activities as it reviews the policy with the view of updating it.

The one-day consultation will seek to give an account of the process, which resulted in the upgrading of the national gender policy, an opportunity to contribute further, to discuss, to recommend, and to provide much needed information on data statistics.

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  1. Frabo
    July 2, 2013

    “Equal Rights.” The ladies will have to start with the Vatican. All Cardinals are men. All the Popes have been men. All the Priests are men. So just stay in all you place nuh!! choops man…

  2. JoJo
    June 26, 2013

    Don’t we have laws in Dominica against discrimination based on sex? You can talk till the cows come home but all that is needed is, to enforce our laws. Concentrate on that instead.

  3. June 26, 2013

    @Channel 1 June 25, 2013 “What really is this thing called Gender Equality? As far as I can tell, it is just a coded name for Female Supremacy”.

    Channel “Gender Equality” means that the largest percentage of men and women, in a community, are demonstrating equal strength as far as
    “wisdom” “understanding” and “knowledge” is concerned

    Without those tools in people the community remains in chaos–for there is no form of learning without wisdom and understanding of the mind–not the brain.

    But those gifts are not for men alone God blessed both men and women, boys and girls with the gift of ability for their survival and His glory–long before we enter this world.

    In other words, both man and woman can have the same level of production for the primary necessities of Life. And that concept does not give women the Supremacy that you talked about, to women alone. “Gender” is a term used for both “male and female”

    I believe that the news article is saying that Dominica is in the forefront as far as discriminations against women is concerned–perhaps you know that this attitude was a norm of the day in times gone by.

    But today’s woman wants nothing to do with showing weakness towards the man; our Dominican women may be revealing their strength much more so than the other communities of the region–that is what the message in the article is saying.

    And so I am saying go Dominican ladies go! Stop leaning on the man; you can do whatever he can do, or you and him together; and some cases, even better than him.

    One of our past Prime Minster of Canada once said: “My wife makes all of the family decision and some of mine”. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  4. Frabo
    June 25, 2013

    Is the women wearing pants these days. Take a look at all these tall towers and bridges and roads and tunnels built by Men. Where were the Women? All of a sudden they want to be this and that. Some are even slapping their husband “black is white.” The reason for all these noise is that women are in the majority, so they are using their mouths – as usual.

  5. Justice and Truth
    June 25, 2013

    This gender equality pertains to both men and women. I hate to think that some men will take advantage of it. You should know what I mean.
    It appears that women are dominant in this equality or is it their idea to include only women and exclude men? In this case I cannot figure this established gender equality out and its real purpose.
    I would think primarily it refers to employment, income and promotion equity in the work force. I do not see this as a problem in Dominica; not as in bigger and progressive countries. In those countries it was necessary to establish Gender Equality. Men were paid more than women for performing the same job. Men were promoted faster than women. Women who had the experience and years of service were by-passed for promotions. However times have changed and many women hold excutive jobs.
    As thoughts cross my mind, I would like to elaborate briefly on this. The family has suffered. Today the divorce rate is higher and it has affected children of those families. There are more undisciplined children and some, early pregnancies among them. Gone are the days when women/wives and mothers were homemakers. When the children returned home from school, the mothers were present to greet them and to monitor their activities. Consider today that these children return home with no parental supervision. They are on their own and to also view whatever they wish on TV, utilize the computer and access the Internet. Need I say more? You can visualize the rest.
    Does Dominica really need to be involved with this gender equality, unless the situation changes in the future?
    Another thought is crossing my mind. Foreigners migrate to Dominica and they become naturalized citizens. Their off springs are born in Dominica. These migrants become business owners. Some years from now, Gender Equality will be necesary, in that, it will deter discrimination against women in the work force that they are not taken advantage of and underpaid and treated inhumanely in the work force. This is what I foresee for this Gender Equality. In this case, it will serve a useful purpose. Good luck!

  6. hmmm
    June 25, 2013

    Dominica will always have gender equality because mainly Women alone that hard working and further their education .All the young guys are just smoking whole day and are so lazy.

    • Tea
      June 25, 2013

      Based on what you saying this seems rather unequal.

  7. Free Thinker
    June 25, 2013

    That’s a joke!!

  8. Channel 1
    June 25, 2013

    What really is this thing called Gender Equality? As far as I can tell, it is just a coded name for Female Supremacy.

    Anyone? What is gender equality because I’m pretty sure it ain’t what the face value definition says. Based on human nature, why oh why would someone just want to settle for equality when supremacy is just a level above equality?

    Now how comes I doesn’t here these gender equality propagandists pushing for gender equality in workplaces where there are more women working than men eh?

    How comes every time we hear the phrase gender equality is something to do with women? Wha happen? Men don’t need to be ‘equalized’ also?

    • real
      June 26, 2013

      why aren’t men pushing for their own equality, don’t hate women when they fight for their rights

      • Frabo
        July 2, 2013

        “Real,” you push for something when you don’t have it. From the beginning God made us the “HEAD.” No negotiation.

  9. budman
    June 25, 2013

    who would have thought?

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