Dominica ranked third with worse gay rights after Russia

gay men holding hands

It appears that Dominica’s first participation in a winter Olympic event is the not the only thing that is grabbing the attention of the international press and by extension, the world.

The island’s record on gay rights has been brought into focus with website ‘’ ranking it third among six countries taking part in the games with worse gay rights record than Russia.

According to the site, which features a photo of prime minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, the punishment for gays in Dominica is ten years in prison.

“This tiny Caribbean island made headlines a few years ago when two American men were arrested for having sex on a gay cruise in view of the port, but the focus has since turned to schools,” the website said. “The education minister created a task force in 2012 with the purpose of “investigating and identifying the root causes of deviance and the increasing incidents of homosexuality among [the] student population.” The country’s prime minister, meanwhile, has said that decriminalizing same-sex relations is out of the question for the “foreseeable future.””

The site stated that there is a ‘silver lining,’ in which a “gay rights group has managed to convince Dominica’s highest Catholic official to renounce anti-sodomy laws as a promoter of violence. The statement successfully caught the attention of the fervently religious society.”

In March 2012 two gay men from Southern California, who pleaded guilty to the charge of “Indecent Exposure,” were fined EC$2,400.00 each.

A local court heard that the men were seen on the balcony of the cruise ship, Celebrity X Cruises, naked and fondling each other.

The matter was widely publicized in the international press.

In May 2013, PM Skerrit told state-owned DBS Radio that buggery laws on the island’s books will remain.

The 2014 Winter Olympic Games are being held in Sochi, Russia.

Dominica is represented by Gary di Silvestri and his wife, Angelica Morrone di Silvestri. They are competing in cross country skiing. describes itself as a “platform to make our voices heard.”

“We reach millions of people with our high-quality, personal analysis on the news, policy, and pop culture that’s changing our world,” the site said.


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  1. August 15, 2015

    To advocate for homosexuality you must close your eyes and ears to the truth and say by your actions the facts mean nothing to you.

    God gave us only one model – or one blue print – for marriage. That is the union of one man and one woman until they are parted by death. Matthew 19:4-6. Later people devised other types of relationships such as polygamy but God never approved of these.

    However, religion is not the only reason we oppose homosexuality.

    Homosexuality is an unhealthy lifestyle. Gay people have more mental health issues than straight people.
    They tend to suffer more from depression. They have a higher rate of alcoholism. With no flesh and blood family of their own they experience greater loneliness in their senior years. They have a higher suicide rate.
    Statistics show they have a shorter life span.

    Homosexuals are more prone to violence. A number of studies have shown that 66% – 67% of serial killers have been homosexuals.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill…

  2. July 6, 2014

    Its a shame and disgrace to the human race. I am not a racist but when some people have Social and Economical power they can push their will down in other poor people mouth. Homosexual is wroung.

  3. Anonymous
    February 14, 2014

    As a married, Christian heterosexual, I still continue to struggle with intermittent lustful thoughts and behavior. I have always acknowledged my sins and continue to ask God to continue to help me with my self control and fleshly transgressions. Others, including homosexuals face similar and other kinds of sin struggles for sure. However, some folks just blatantly discount and disregard the irrefutable word of God. Remember some thoughts and actions may “feel” good but are still out of line with God’s word. If you don’t believe me, read it for yourself. Believing is totally up to you. Living it requires God’s grace.

  4. February 14, 2014

    ANONYMOUS ….Bestiality was voted in 1969 by a majority vote in Germany ,,,,the gov’t decides to stop it due to people prostituting their animals and not paying taxes,prostitution is legal because it is a normal job in Germany where people pay taxes,it is a shame that they never thought that such an act is sub-human,,,there will be an election on the 4th of December to make bestiality illegal ,,,,I think it is a bit late because a police officer cannot be under every body’s roof at the same time.

  5. Bod
    February 14, 2014

    Dominica AD 1402

  6. zman
    February 13, 2014

    during the biblical days de stone them to death :twisted:

    • posse
      February 13, 2014

      All sin is sin. Let’s stone the adulterers, fornicators, thieves, murderers, liars, the preachers who sleep with the congregation,the children who don’t take care of their parents, the parents who do not take care of children. You Zman will be the only righteous one left in beautiful DA.

  7. Seriously?
    February 13, 2014

    Stop focusing so much on homosexuality, when theft, murder, sexual abuse, incest, domestic violence and so many other CRIMES are being committed daily and with our tacit acceptance. As long as the adults are consenting, leave them be, love them as God commanded you to and leave judgement to him. Place your energies in defending all the helpless children being used as sexual objects to all the heterosexual men out there.

    • Sylvanna
      June 15, 2017

      We cannot leave homosexuality alone. Sin is sin including the CRIMES you mentioned. The bible speaks of homosexuality as an ‘abomination’ to God. It is totally against creation and the purpose of God for us His creation. God’s plan for mankind from the beginning of time was to procreate. Two males cannot procreate neither can two women. Egg and sperm is needed hence God created MALE (with sperm) and FEMALE (with eggs) I think that simple illustration speaks for it self. As for marriage. It is an institution from God between a man and a woman and not to be tampered with to please lustful deceived people
      We are not judging. We are simply stating a biblical fact.
      We should not go round hating homosexuals but we can hate the sin that homosexuality creates.
      As for child abuse that is another abomination that needs dealing with. Yes I agree we need to face these crimes against children head on but it is not an excuse to accept homosexuality as being right. It is not right.

  8. Seriously?
    February 13, 2014

    Relax people. Homosexuality has been going on for ages, it just wasn’t done out in the open. People are who they are, whether we understand WHY they are that way or not. And they can either attempt to live full sinful semi-happy lives like the rest of us or live hidden, in shame and unhappiness. Laws cannot and will not stop homosexuality, so whats the point in having them? Why not encourage all consenting adults to live their lives healthily and respectfully and let God judge them like God will judge all of us.

    • sodom
      February 13, 2014

      There is no judgement for homosexual .God destroyed a entire city because of that same nastiness

      • bonjaiii
        February 13, 2014

        i cannot understand that

    • Sylvanna
      June 15, 2017

      We cannot do this as some adults think it is okay to have sex with children. It makes them “happy”. We need laws and guidances otherwise this world would be lawless and people will do what ever they wanted. God set up laws/ rules etc for a very good reason.

  9. confused
    February 13, 2014

    What the heck does this have to do with Sochi olympics??!!

    • from foreign
      February 14, 2014

      The gay lobby has hi-jacked the games to push their agenda. We all would abide by a live and let live attitude if the powerful gay lobby did not ram their agenda down our throats at every turn. It is particularly bad in the UK and US where the powerful and noisy minority homosexual section of the population continues to force their lives and ideology on the majority. Just look at the moral decline of both these countries.
      Cameron is going to rue the day he pushed through gay marriage, at the polling booth next election.

      • :^)
        July 3, 2017

        Yeah, and chemicals in the water turned the frogs gay.

  10. Kwamie
    February 13, 2014

    Wow, these gay rights fighters have used the winter olympics as an opportunity to push their agenda. Too many children and people are starving around the world for the rest of us to be so bogged down with propaganda from men who want to sleep with each other.

    • delciespassieinus
      February 13, 2014

      Amen to that!! That tells you what is going on. You either accept it or you are looked at as someone who is homophobe. Sadly, I’m not one of those but will never accept that men can sleep with men and woman with woman. Regardless of where I live that will not change.

      • Elle C
        February 13, 2014

        You objecting to men sleeping with men and women sleeping with women is the definition of being a homophobe lol

  11. Michael
    February 13, 2014

    It is 2014; we do not wear the same clothing that we wore 10 or more years ago. The World is changing, we are much more educated. The reality is these practices (homosexuality, lesbianism) now exist. And they have existed since time immemorial. While we might say we don’t support same-sex marriages, we must acknowledge there are a large number of people whose way of life is changing at a rapid pace. Whatever changes are made, we must be considerate with the change that is taking place. With all the advances that we have made, what does that do for us and our respect for others? Why should a gay person [man or women] be treated any differently? Why is our society, a society of double standards? What is there a difference between someone choosing, to smoke, to do drugs, to over eat, to older man impregnating a 12 years old or to commit adultery? Some according to the law of God [which we often refer to] is sinful. Some according to the Political Affiliate to, we will find persons, who does these things wearing our colours. Are some people becoming a people, “Ignorant of the fact”? Is being ignorant of the fact leading to some persons showing a lack of respect for others? One of the reasons why our crime rate is also very high is that some do not know how to respect ourselves and others. Sadly, some do not know how to love themselves; hence do not know how to love others.
    Whatever a person’s choice, we cannot punish that person for their choice. That choice should only be punishable when it goes against the wishes of someone else. Have Our Laws deterred persons/consenting adults?
    Punishing have encouraged the spread of HIV and ADIS and Prostitution, resulting in Sex Without a Condom – SWC. Punishing have only help with closeted gay men and women and underground prostitution.
    For those quick a quoting scriptures, What would Jesus do? To the woman caught in the act of adultery “John 8 1 -11: Jesus returned to the Mount of Olives, 2 but early the next morning he was back again at the Temple. A crowd soon gathered, and he sat down and taught them. 3 As he was speaking, the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. They put her in front of the crowd. 4 “Teacher,” they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?”6 They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. 7 They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” 8 Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust.9 When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. 10 Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”11 “No, Lord,” she said. And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.” How many of us have gone a sinned no more?
    Therefore lets us consider our actions:
    “1 Corinthians 13: 1 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.”
    “1 John 4:11: Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”
    “John 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”
    “1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us.”
    Faith without deeds cannot work: faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead
    Whatever your judgment, I am only a gay man who love the Lord and he have no forsaken me. Deal with him on that. My e mail address is: [email protected]

    • delciespassieinus
      February 13, 2014

      No he has not forsaken you and never will however, if you die without accepting him and repenting from your sins he will not regard you as his own. You love the Lord show it by your fruits. One of the fruits is self control. Being gay is the opposite of that fruit as much as fornication and adultery.You know the scripture why don’t you leave by it? The bible also says that his sheep knows his voice.

    • Sylvanna
      June 15, 2017

      God loves all sinners. He made a plan to save all sinners by sending His only son to die on the cross for all sins we can imaging. God does not love homosexuality, murder, lies, adultery and all the other names for sins. He love you Michael and I am 100% sure he wants you delivered from homosexuality. This is not His plan for your life. You have made a choice.
      GOD is LOVE. He is also a God of judgement.
      I do not judge you but God’s word is as clear as crystal. We need to stop interpreting scripture to suit our lifestyle, it is a dangerous place to be in.
      I know He loves you. He says he does yet he will not tolerate sin. He cannot look at sin without punishment.
      That’s just who He is. Thank God for His attoiment through the Blood of His Son our Messiah

  12. Merl
    February 13, 2014

    Great Job! Thumbs up! Now, let’s aim for that number one spot! Enough problems plaguing this country already we don’t need more. Save that for the bigger countries that are religiously flawed

  13. NRT
    February 13, 2014

    Lies, .. they just want to soften you Dominica.

  14. February 13, 2014

    The discussions on homosexuality continue and it’s like beating a dead horse. Change will occur only by the renewing of one’s mind which will eventually change the heart’s desire.

    An individual who continues to justify his / her lifestyle or actions will never see the need for transformation toward The Most High God. However, prayer is a powerful tool to induce transformation. Most may believe that God created them that way but that’s an obvious deception.

    Therefore, to the gay, my prayer is that God will give you a heart to know Him and to understand the plan that He has for you. It is not a plan to destroy you, but to give you an expected end. In order to experience that, you must DECIDE to humble before the Most High God – Possessor of heaven and earth. He is well able to transform you into the person He intended for you to be.

    You are beautifully and wonderfully made for His purpose and in the process, you get blessed. May you get to know the Lord Jesus Christ before it is too late.

    This also goes to all those who are not gay and do not know Jesus Christ as Lord. May you make Him your Lord, before it is too late.

  15. NicE n NaughtY
    February 13, 2014

    Man & Man, Woman & Woman DO NOT HAVE SEX they have abomination lets get that straight, it’s not of God and should NEVER be condoned,good for Dominica we should be first on that list.

  16. February 13, 2014 minister,i disagree with u on many issues before,but HATS OF TO U ON THIS ONE,I’M WITH U ALL THE WAY ON THIS ONE,NOOOOOOOOOOOOO BUGARAH IN DOMINICA.

    February 13, 2014

    with all the comment about gays/homosexuals, what about the Bisexuals,crossdress,transgenger, and transexuals lol :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  18. sheena
    February 13, 2014


  19. MN
    February 13, 2014

    Consenting adults can do whatever they want in privacy whether gay or straight. I wish Dominicans felt this strongly about all the rape and abuse that occurs against women in Dominica, that is a real problem that needs more attention!

  20. Simply the Truth
    February 13, 2014

    The problem with some people of the world as those so-called non-profit organizations, they want to push their intrinsic lifestyle on other islands. It is something to be proud of that D/ca is not involved with this evil behavior.
    It is nothing to be proud of to be a homosexual or a lesbian and want to be recognized as such and to get married. God did not create this type of relationship and lifestyle for marriage.
    Hats off to the PM for standing his ground on this matter and refusing to succumb to them. Hats off to all the Dominicans who do likewise and who stand up and denounce this abomination.
    Such an intrinsic lifestyle will bring down the wrath of God upon the world, on Dominica. Consider if all countries give in to this abomination. It will be straight down the path of perdition. Do you think those other countries are blest by God? By no means! When more of them succumb to this evil lifestyle, watch out! Fire and brimstones will soon follow. Do you think the world can continue in that state and everyone will live happily ever after? Think again!
    I cannot believe that some politicians have introduced this abomination in the legislature and parliaments of the world as those so-called progressive countries. Now they want the smaller countries to follow suit. No such thing I state!
    Keep in mind all those who introduce it, legislate it, applaud, condone and are complacent about it know where their souls will end up. As it is stated in James, “Some people’s sins precede them to eternity. Others are followed by their sins.
    Think God! When they legislate this evil, do you not think that God will hold them accountable for the many souls that will also be condemned to Hell?
    They should know the difference of right from wrong, what is right to do and what is wrong that they should not do. It is upsetting when I think that two men and two women are allowed to get married.
    Do not sell your souls to the devil for the price to be paid before God will be great for all eternity.
    Think also of the children and how much it will contaminate their minds. A worst punishment awaits those who lead the little ones astray. It is in the Holy Bible!
    God bless Dominica and nationals.
    May God inspire those who live this abnormal lifestyle to know that it is wrong and to change before it is too late for them.

    • :^)
      July 3, 2017

      Wow. For someone who calls themselves “Simply The Truth”, this is far from it, buddy.

  21. J.J.John-Charles
    February 13, 2014

    The man or woman who confessed to be a Christian must accept the BIBLE as the final authority.If not, he cannot be a Christian. The BIBLE is the manual given to us by GOD ALMIGHTY.It is the Christian’s manifesto and his or her ROAD MAP.

    Even though the whole world say, we should change the laws to accommodate homosexuals.I will still believe God.For He have said through the Apostle Paul in the book of Romans 1:26-27. That lesbianism and homosexuality is vile passion,women who turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other.Men instead of having a normal sex relationship with women,burned with lust for each other.Men doing shameful things with other men.

    Go will have the final say…Who laugh last laugh the best.

  22. Anonymous
    February 12, 2014

    Is there a size on sin XS-XXXL…please let me know…cause to me all sin is sin…and remember in BIG America….Obama break like a wild horse….and all those calling people Gay, they too are even more Gay than the Gays….this world is growing….and we should grow with it…What is worse cutting a poor mans electricity allowing them to sleep in the dark, or being Gay..

  23. J.J.John-Charles
    February 12, 2014

    Is it because we are an under developed, or developing country that we have to accept anything.?
    In the U.S.if a couple (man and women) is caught “making it” in their car on the roadside or in public parks,even at night time.You can be charged,and will be told, if you want to.? find a hotel room.
    America is a country of laws and the laws must be obeyed.So are the laws of Dominica.

  24. ridiculouus
    February 12, 2014

    stand strong Dominica the new world order is taking over illuminati wants to control the world. never give up. no gay no lesbians. they are try to convince those island that are standing firm. they are funding all sorts of association to convince the leader and legal durisdiction. they coming in sorts of ways church, torurism, sport, culture, all aspect of life. we should be number 1 and no threat to our nation.

  25. delicespassieinus
    February 12, 2014

    I respect all mankind gay or not.I do understand that all sin is sin. However, there is an alarming rate of people coming out stating that they are gay and expect everyone to accept it. People are entitled to do as they please however, you cannot force anyone to accept homosexuality including Dominica and Africa. Christians can no longer hear a prayer said at school, Christmas has been changed to happy holidays so why can’t Christians hold on to their faith by saying what the know is moral or not. People have a right to their beliefs and the homosexual movement is trying to change that. I have never seen two male dogs or any animal for that nature. Man was created to be with a woman ( as a help) not for man to be with man and woman with woman. If this should continue humanity would be cut short. We were meant to procreate and replenish the earth homosexuality does the opposite. To all those who prophesy homosexuality I have a couple things to say. What would it benefit you to satisfy your flesh, die in your sins and get to judgement day and face hell on that again? This question is not about the Christian that may not be leaving their life right it’s about you and everyone else that want to satisfy flesh. Homosexuality is a sin and acceptance is not going to change that.

    • February 13, 2014

      First of all their is nothing such as a gay movement. What it is is that homosexuality has been such a taboo for generations now and where u have gays being burnt, hung, imprisoned, discriminated against, hated, misjudged, outcasted, denied the right to live like any other human and at worst many of them commit suicide. Now this is the why u now have gays standing and saying u know what? Am gay and am proud. Hate me or love me I’m gay and I want to shout it out loud…am tired of being looked at differently because of my sexual preference! That’s what the movement is about. And if god had really made man for one woman then how the hell could we possible defy nature? We could not! So then homosexuality is completely natural. NEXT. What makes you believe that hell really exists? Oops I forgot! An iron age book told u so. Besides u had the pope came out saying that the idea of a place called hell is simply incompatible with gods infinite love. NEXT….replenish the earth my foot! If u really believe we the bible we all came from two people and today there is 7 billion people on the earth do really see mankind being extinct with only a few people on this earth who happens to be gay? GET REAL. And what about couples who cannot have kids. Should we pass a law banning a man from being with a woman who is barren? Or u want to tell me now if I choose not to have kids there’s something wrong with me? What are u going to do force me to have kids because your ancient book says be fruitful and multiply? U don’t see milk and honey falling from the sky in places like rural Africa where millions of babies die of hunger everyday do u.WHO EVER U ARE I MUST SAY FIRST U KEEP YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEF TO YOUR SELF AND 2 LIVE THE GAYS ALONE…U DON’T LIKE GAY THEN DON’T BE GAY

      • Toure
        February 14, 2014

        BRAVO!! thunderous applause for you.Your answers are true to you Mr WORM and not nobody else,make peace with your lifestyle and come out big and bold,air it for everyone to hear and see.

        Theyb won’t hang you,they already know so why are you hiding? Come out bro.There s a season for everything under the heavens,You,the Pope andn the whole lot have your right and reason to believe in whomever and whatever you please but be grounded,firm and unmoveable in your stance because JAH gave free will.

        On the flip side ,I hope all will be bold and come out also.Taik to your spirit man and since all is well there,do your do but always know there’s another take on things.

    • Simply the Truth
      February 13, 2014

      …And the UN committee wants the Catholic Church to change its teachings to accommodate homosexuals, abortions, etc. These people are morally (mortally) and spiritually sick. They want everyone to go down with them to Hell. They are well on their way for wanting every country to be secular rather than godly. Woe to them!

    • Seriously?
      February 13, 2014

      Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and the whole world was homo and you weren’t. Would you just do like the rest of them, even though you have no attraction to the same sex? If you were not religious would you follow someone else’s religious doctrine?

      We all have one life to live. So long as you aren’t attacking other people, you should be able to do your own thing without being harassed or thrown into jail. God will do all the judging.

      In the meantime, lets focus on all the ultra heteros out there impregnating young girls, leaving kids all over the place, forcing women to stay with them, beating them, and all the other abuse we all know and speak about daily, but don’t hold up the bible and cry it down as sin and disgrace to God and humanity!

    • Elle C
      February 13, 2014

      Animals also don’t get married nor do they believe in god.

  26. Look iT
    February 12, 2014

    Great we should be number one and hello they were not having sex it is bo;;;

  27. February 12, 2014

    God bless my Dominica,God love everyone but he hate the sins.

  28. ?????????
    February 12, 2014

    Well i see that article as good news… that way gay ppl will not be attracted to come and vacation here!!!

    • Simply the Truth
      February 13, 2014

      We hope! Dominica does not need them and their money. Keep it up Dominica! God loves you! :lol: :lol: :lol:

      • :^)
        July 3, 2017

        Just don’t come crying to us for economic aid if your tourism industry sinks. :-D

    • Positive vibes
      February 13, 2014

      Yah keep their money cause we not about to bow to this down here

  29. A Voice
    February 12, 2014

    Finally we make it on a list that we can be truly proud of.

    C’mon people let us not settle for third place but strive to be number one.

    Down with this nasty people man and their un-natural act that they want the rest of us to accept. No way man!

    Good going Dominica, GOD bless you guys!

    • February 13, 2014

      Everything in observable reality among us is natural. If god really created man then you could not posilble defy it. Hence homosexuality is completely natural because we could not possible defy nature….Impossible. So grow some sense my friend

  30. AD
    February 12, 2014

    Again with this cruise ship thing? Where in any part of the world is it ok to have sex in full view of the public????? (And oh my, what a view it was!)

    That task force thing was just an excuse to give the person in charge of it something to do. Nothing ever came of it and nothing ever will.

    On a lighter note, one point the website failed to cover was the number of calypsos this year that targeted this issue.

    Please remember people! “The PM says your boom-boom is yours and you can do what you want with it”.


    • Simply the Truth
      February 13, 2014

      And with children around. These people have no class, dignity and respect. Note what they did in our country. They did not care who saw them.
      They talk about child abuse but they do not see what they are doing to the children, teaching them immorality. They will pay for it before God.
      I am certain that the PM did not mean what was misinterpreted.

  31. Ces Sa Mem...
    February 12, 2014

    Imagine that, There are so many closeted homosexuals on this island who hide behind multiple women, who get married, who have numerous children with numerous women…

    The majority of men in Dominica who have sex with men is growing at an alarming rate. its not just the gay men who are out and about and open with there sexuality.

    It is also those very men who call us names and threaten us are the very ones who tracks us at night in the their cars and by the road side and yes those very ones who sell the weed and other illegal drugs.

    The very ones who harass us for sex on the job,the very teachers, pastors, priests, ministers, business men and the list goes on. no one is asking for special rights, we are simply asking for EQUALITY. learn the difference – and for those ignorant women who have alot to say to and about us, keep your men close and give them the attention, care and love that they so desperately crave from you so they wont come looking for it from us…

    We are also very hard working men and women on this island who has contributed and are still contributing, and yes I AM DOMINICAN, Adultery should have remained on the law books, just like the others; instead the colonists chose to remove all the others but the buggery law so they could fornicate and commit adultery and the carnage of other bible totting laws that some of you are soo good at reciting.

    Then again who am I, A gay Dominican and a darn proud one too…

    Oh and don’t be shy to bury me with your words of hate, i am immune to it, it only makes me stronger and have a good laugh lol :)

    • Ebe!...
      February 12, 2014

      Well it has to be said, I love that fact that the buggery law is staying it tact, but what Ces Sa Mem is saying is the truth… Too much child abuse and sexual deviance from adults to children why this is prevailent within our own society… I am not gay and I am not for buggery in anyway, anybody come near my children with that they dead!.. But unfortunatley many will turn a blind eye, not believe somebody abused their child, infact will believe the bauser because theypaying the bills!… Some of those abused children end up being homsexuals or Paros as my sister is because her mother denied that her boyfriend sexually abused her own daughter…. Come on people, change has to come from within, no denial!… Are we not checking Caribbean history, this type of sexual deviance is the white slave masters ways, handed down to the African slaves or workers and they have continued the whitemans legacy… Started with the missionaries in the church and the abused have now becoem the abusers… i’m glad we don’t let these buggeres into our country but are we going to allow the ones with money and power in our country to carry on… I know you speak the truth Ces Sa Mem… because my cousin went through exactly the same, a victim of child abuse of the highest levels in Dominica in the 80s… So it is continuing… Are we still going to turn a blind eye???… Even when it is your own??…. Don’t get bitter Ces Sa Mem… They know not what they do and that is not how you were born, it was imposed on you to break your spirit… Just likeit is on so many innocent boys and girls areound the worl, carrying the European cave culture on their back and spreading more Dis-ease on the world!.. Wake Up! Get Up! Stand Up!… Dominica!… This is not our culture, it was imposed on us as a people!…

      • haha
        February 13, 2014

        So u are not for Gay but you would choice murder? What is really your point?

    • DA
      February 12, 2014

      Just curious, what special rights are you seeking?

    • titiwi
      February 12, 2014

      A gay friend once said some Dominican men are hypocrites; they are straight during the day and gay in the night. You need to know what it is you want. If you want to be accepting by the world and be one of the best tourist destinations, you need to tone down your anti-gay rhetoric. Russia has the economic power not care about the world’s opinion about their homophobic ideology, are you saying that Russia and Dominica enjoy the same status? How many Russian tourist do you get, where does the majority of your tourists come from? People, do not think that it is a blessing to have a negative reputation when you are trying to build up your tourism? Gays are very much politically involved and Dominica would get the worse of a fight should “Gays” decide to show their ire; the backlash would not serve us well.
      I am not saying to forgo your beliefs, but the world has changed and it does not pay for a POOR country such as DA to blatantly discriminate against any group and not feel the backlash. In addition, have you all forgotten that the bible says judge not less thou be judged and that we have no right to say anything bad about our brothers. To all the Rasta’s, do you remember when you were as prosecuted in Dominica and forced to live on the fringe of society? Live and let live, to be tolerant is not being accepting of the life style. Finally, since we still live in the dark ages regarding women rights, sex abuse etc., we are simply not in a position to pass moral judgment on others.
      I hope that we are not so ignorant to think that e.g. US, would put us before the economic and political might of their “Gay” citizens.

      • Ebe!...
        February 14, 2014

        And titiwi…. Whilst your quoting the scriptures… Have you read the verse in Leviticus 20:13 ” “And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”

      • Ebe!...
        February 14, 2014

        And titiwi… Those Dominican men that are straight in the day and gay at night are mre than likely descendant from their slave fathers/grandfathers/masters gene… These practices have been handed down from generation to generation from the plantation days… Are we still going to turn a blind ey or turn them in… This seed needs to be eradicated from the socitey for the sake of future children… The abused truely does become the abuser if it is not ealt with accordingly… Homosexuality is European culture that has been imposed on African-Carribbean people across the globe with the onset of colonialism as part of their imperialistic tactics…

    • Simply the Truth
      February 13, 2014

      I recall a song of a religious group in D/ca in the days I resided there: “What you going to do on the Day of Pentecost when the fire fall on you…” This made a big hit at carnival time, with the words, “Darling what you going to do….”
      Ask yourself, when you stand before God what are you going to do and to say when you will condemn yourself to Hell for saying and before God as you do at this moment, I am a proud gay? It will not be Pentecost for you. You are not proud of God but proud to have a relationship or more with someone of the same sex which highly offends him.
      This is an abomination to the Lord which he highly detests for you know He created “Adam and Eve”; not Adam and Steve. God has heard you and taken note of your words. Think about it.

    • hmm
      February 13, 2014

      Well it seems you are one of those hiding…you are not proud otherwise just put your damn name. So because you pay your tax and they harass you we must accept this homo nonsense. Stupes. I have never and will never be in support of homosexuality. That’s damn nastiness, an abomination.

    • February 13, 2014

      @Ces Sa Mem, I agree with your statement about all the fornication, adultery, child abuse, you name it you said it; however, I disagree with you on the gay/lesbian matter. Real SEX is and should be between men and women. Yes, this is your life and this is how you choose to live it, but society DO NOT have to ACCEPT it. Where is the pleasure? What is your real reason for having sex with another man as oppose to having sex with a woman? There are men and women that were married and they suddenly became gay and lesbians.

      It is so NOT TRUE when a man leaves his wife to have sex with another man, the reason is he is not getting what he wants at home. It is equally NOT TRUE when a woman say “if your husband was getting from you what he is getting from me, he would not come to me.” THIS IS SO REDUNDANT. I know for a fact that this statement is NOT TRUE. CHEATERS, on BOTH SIDES, will always be CHEATERS.

      Because it is YOUR LIFE and YOU are living it largely, you all should NOT be too public about it NOR introduce others to it. I think everyone is entitled to their opinion about the pleasure and displeasure in society.

  32. Garvey Teachings
    February 12, 2014

    Lovely Dominica……Isle of beauty, isle of splendour,
    Isle to all so sweet and fair,
    All must surely gaze in wonder
    At thy gifts so rich and rare.
    Rivers, valleys, hills and mountains,
    All these gifts we do extol.
    Healthy land, so like all fountains,
    Giving cheer that warms the soul.
    Dominica, God hath blest thee
    With a clime benign and bright,
    Pastures green and flowers of beauty
    Filling all with pure delight,
    And a people strong and healthy,
    Full of godly reverent fear.
    May we ever seek to praise Thee
    For these gifts so rich and rare.
    Come ye forward, sons and daughters
    Of this gem beyond compare.
    Strive for honour, sons and daughters,
    Do the right, be firm, be fair.
    Toil with hearts and hands and voices.
    We must prosper! Sound the call,
    In which everyone rejoices,
    “All for Each and Each for All.”

    • Garvey Teachings
      February 12, 2014

      Do what all you want but know that in Dominica we have it or not just respect it.

      • Simply the Truth
        February 13, 2014

        May it remain in this manner. Homosexuals and lesbians have rights as any other human being in Dominica but the type of rights they want is abnormal and intrinsically evil which leads straight to Satan’s cauldron of everlasting fire. One would think that they would fear that.

    • ReeAreLeeTea
      February 12, 2014

      Come ye forward, sons and daughters
      Of this gem beyond compare.
      Strive for honor, sons and daughters,
      Do the right, be firm, be fair.

      I especially like this part. What it says to me is we the people of this land have to be willing to step forward and put our feet down for what is right and honorable. Sometimes it might see harsh but we have to be willing to be firm and fair.

      Morally, spiritually and in nature, same sex intercourse is wrong and fruitless. Even if you don’t believe in God, but there is a grand design that we can see, and it’s the easiest to see, that two same sex of any species will not produce offspring. We are human beings and we have not been designed to function in that manner.

      The gay community wants equal human rights. Then act like human beings. Act like intelligent creatures that have to ability not to only function on instinct but on morality.

      • Simply the Truth
        February 13, 2014

        We can no longer use the word “Gay”. They took it away from us. There are some people whose surname is Gay. Bet they feel uncomfortable with that name and may change it.
        The rights they want are no rights at all. God did not give them the right and never will.

    • February 13, 2014

      @Garvey Teachings, you have the WRONG IDEA of what all this means. You consider TWO PENISES and TWO VAGINAE “gifts so rich and rare”, “Giving cheer that warms the soul”?

      I think “Come ye forward, “sons” and “daughters” meaning “MEN” and “WOMEN” is that “GEM” beyond COMPARISON.

  33. Ces Sa Mem...
    February 12, 2014

    I believe my next vacation will be in the City of Sodom; I wonder if I will have the privilege of meeting Gomorrah?!

    My my, it would be comforting to meet such an Icon and famous person. my my my, the fun and frolic i would have there; let me see,-

    My bags are packed, got all my credit cards, cash, travelers checks, hotel is already booked, my bible and hymn book so i can attend Sunday service and ask the lord to forgive my daily Sins and what else.

    Mmmm, let me see oh yes have all the gay sex I so crave before heading home to my little Nature Isle where the morality issues of gay life continues and its buggery laws with all those BIBLE TOTTING HYPOCRITES who seem to recite what they want from the Bible and not regarding their own sins… bless me Father for I am a sinner and I have sinned, Amen

    • boss
      February 12, 2014

      u is a damn idiot

      • Simply the Truth
        February 13, 2014

        A big-time idiot. If only he knew what was waiting for him, as St. Paul said, “Let your laughter turn to tears.”

    • Travel Agent
      February 12, 2014

      Sodom is in hell. Sorry to let you know it’s only a one way trip. When you go there Dominica will be lost to you, and sorry to have to say it, but Dominica seems like it will be better off without you.

      • Simply the Truth
        February 13, 2014

        They should be placed on an island. Let them remain there, segregated, never to be among normal people for they are abnormal ones.

    • Simply the Truth
      February 13, 2014

      Sodom and Gomorrah no longer exists for we know that God destroyed it. Those who practiced this abomination are burning in the fires of Hell where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth being taunted by Satan for being so foolish and unfaithful to God.
      A saintly person said: “And they burn and burn. Every day is a new beginning,” burning in Hell for all eternity.

      • May 16, 2014

        This is the truth whether people believe it or not.

        The Bible say God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrha and the cities about them with fire to give an example to those who would live ungodly. See Jude vs. 7.

        Hell will be the eternal destiny of all those who do not repent of their sins and receive Christ as their Savior. This includes all sinners :oops: including homosexuals. :cry

        The gospel :idea: is good news for all mankind that God has provided salvation by giving His only begotten Son to die for our sins. His shed blood paid the price in full for every man and woman, every boy and girl who will believe in Him. :lol:

        The vilest offender who truly believes,
        That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.

        None need perish. There is grace abounding to every offender :!: You only need to plead guilty, and close in with God s free offer of mercy.

        (John 3:16)

        The WHOSOEVER includes you :!:

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

    • February 13, 2014

      i hope and pray that u re not from the NATURE ISLE,fool.

    • hmm
      February 13, 2014

      now this is one comment DNO should not approve. sacway sot!!

    • May 16, 2014

      There is a line by us unseen
      That crosses every path.
      Tis the boundary line between
      God s mercy and His wrath.

      Your comments leave me speechless. It is hard to imagine such trash coming out of the mouth of a human being. It is the way some people talk after God has withdrawn from them.

      God is merciful and longsuffering. But there comes a point in time when it is over between God and the sinner. It may be even now that you have sinned away your day of grace. It may be that the Spirit of God has left you to strive with you no more and God has given you over to a reprobate mind.

      One of the cruelest lies the devil uses is an old saying that where there is life there is hope. This is simply not true. There are people even now who have crossed the line. They are the walking dead. For years the Holy Spirit strove with them to bring them to Christ. But their hearts grew hard. The Holy Spirit wearied and left them.

      The Bible says, “…Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” (Hebrews 4:7)

      “….behold now is the accepted time; behold now is he day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2)

      At this moment if you sense that God is still striving with you fall to your knees and repent of your sins. Believe Christ shed His blood and died to put your sins away, and ask Him to come into your heart and life. (1 Corinthians 15:3,4) (Revelation 3:20)

      Tomorrow may be too late.

      Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  34. February 12, 2014

    I would like to make a very crude response to GARY and the Activist.

    If you filthy buggers want to continue paying regular visits to another man’s rear end; then do so.
    It is obvious comments made by DNO readers has touched a raw nerve and you two are not even man enough to accept it.

    It seem to me Gary your references relating to the bible suggest you are trying to find justification in your already perceived acts of bestiality.
    And this is the problem isn’t it? Where do you draw the line.

    A cesspit should be built for all of you disgusting gay people to live in. WHY?

    Because you HOMOSEXUALS obviously feel comfortable cavorting with and prancing amongst raw sewage.

    • Simply the Truth
      February 13, 2014

      They do not belong among us normal people.

  35. mike
    February 12, 2014

    We strive to be # one
    Isle of beauty Isle of splender no BOGA

  36. February 12, 2014

    I agree with the P.M. no gay people on our land

  37. February 12, 2014

    I do not condone homosexuality nor am I against it.
    Adults should have the right to do what ever they want behind close doors.None the less every man or woman having sex in a public place should be arrested,fined and jailed because public places belongs to both adults and children.Respect ourselves in order for our youth to respect us…Personally I do not believe the the law in Dominica is against homosexuality ;but rather sex and fondling in a public place.
    In Germany having sex with an animal is normal ;if we in Dominica cannot respect the law we might want to openly become like Germany;there have been a case in the south where a young man had sex with a goat,instead of delivering him to the police ,the owner asked him to pay for the goat and gave him the goat,this was a big mistake that she made without thinking of the consequences of such nasty acts…
    We must a bid by the laws because at the later end we might suffer the wrath due to our own mistakes…

    • Anonymous
      February 13, 2014

      Who says having animal sex in germany is normal? Papa all u making up story. Abusing an animal or person is completely wrong, whereas whatever CONSENTING adults do in their bedroom is their business so leave gay people to mind ther business.

  38. Freethinker
    February 12, 2014

    *Morpheus voice* What if I were to tell you…that the Bible is likely inaccurate in almost everything it says, and there is no good reason to discriminate against gay people if you are a person who knows how to think critically?

    • Francis Chicago
      February 12, 2014

      [Freethinker]Well Think critically Clarifty Confusing Ideas Make Thoughtful Decisions Solve Practical problems.If anyone tell you that they hate gay they not of God.But what bad about that gay lifestyle is the promoting the right don’t be confused that act of that life style with love.The Apostle Paul points out that ”those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires”[Galatians5-24][Romans8-13]God is concerns about the works of the flesh.[Galatians5-19]Satan has not changed his strategy.Still to this day he uses the same two demon spirits to open mankind to partake of the deadly fruit that enslaves.

      • February 12, 2014

        @Francis Chicago February 12, 2014

        I say Amen to that my brother!

        Sin is of the flesh–sexual conducts–no matter who does it, is the demand from the flesh, it is the call to gratify its hunger; sexual conducts does nothing for the Spirit–let us not fool ourselves about that.

        Those who claim to have Life in Jesus Christ, must die to the sinful demands of the flesh, yes indeed, it does happen–I am a witness to that truth. And if not they are no difference from homosexuals, regardless of who they are.

        As someone said God loves all people but He hates sin. He does not want us to hate those who are homosexuals, but He is displeased with us if we are encouraging them through that sinful practice of theirs.

    • Simply the Truth
      February 13, 2014

      Freethinker, this is the problem with those who call themselves freethinkers. They do not believe in God. They are atheists and obviously do not live a godly life or nowhere near that.
      The Bible is the Word of God. It is there for our mortal and spiritual benefit that if we live a holy life according to these teachings, we will obtain eternal salvation.
      People as you would like to believe that the Bible is wrong and you are right to satisfy yourself that you can live in any manner and be justified. Consider the millions of people who believe that it is the Word of God.
      Freeethinker, you have it all wrong. Your freethinking and your words cannot change a thing. For what God has joined together and ordained no man can put asunder.
      The Holy Bible is here until the end of time when we all will be called for our final judgment. The first, when we die. Take it or leave it. You choose the path, right or wrong. This will be your funeral and end.

    February 12, 2014

    We should have been in first place. The mere fact that we ranked third means that we are still allowing and encouraging some of the abomination practiced by those who are gay. I am disappointed with third place.

    • Simply the Truth
      February 13, 2014

      Do not worry, we are getting there. :lol: :lol: :lol:
      Pray to God for that. This time He would not mind. :) By then He may come to re-claim his world since there is so much abomination in the world.

  40. dominican
    February 12, 2014

    I do not hate any one for their sexuality, we are a
    ll Gods children, what I will remind the world media , computer and other technology is that the laws that are in place in DA was brought there by the English and the others that ruled at the time. As the Caribbean are so lsaid back we have not reviewed for centuries. Last but not least who the hell is the world to dictate to any kne we will move forward when we are ready

    bj5one for their sexuality eevarecall Godsvchildren whatbiw :-| ill remind the world media, paper computer and other technologyk

    • February 12, 2014

      @dominican February 12, 2014

      God loves all people; “Lucifer”, whom we know to be called “Satan” was one of His favorite angels–God called Lucifer the “Son of the morning” at Isaiah 14:12

      But not all people are God’s children, otherwise Jesus would not say to the unbelieving Jews of His day on earth; when they claimed that God was their father, Jesus said to them at John 8:44
      “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

      Therefore God’s children, in this world, are those were born of Water and the Spirit, through the “new birth” encounter. The apostle John tell us at his 1st. chapter of the Gospels:

      “12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: 13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God”.

      Jesus has warned us saying: “That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of Spirit is spirit” He continued to say to Nicodemus, at John 3; “Do not marvel as I say to you, you must be “born again” of Water and the Spirit”–or else you are not God’s child and you cannot enter into His Kingdom.

    February 12, 2014

    Gays need to respect other countries rules, laws and regulation. Is not because it is good in America it is good in Dominica. What people do behind closed doors is their business but when it comes to the public they should know their places.
    Do you think because marijuana is ok in California it is good walking in Dominica with a joint. Beware in Dominica you can be jailed for that all you tourist. TAKE HEED

    • Ebe!...
      February 12, 2014

      Until it becomes legal around the world and they canmake money form it, weed is on the stock exchange now… You will soon see chiny and syri growing it in Dominica to sell in other countries…

  42. real possie
    February 12, 2014

    Am only doing this because I know if and when some person google this issue the post will be there too, the dread act is still in place to this day u all can research and see how much Dominicans or any other national is in jail for being gay there are gay Dominicans to me all the law does is to let u know that u cant be kissing in public as u want,for what happened to the people that was arrested and fined they were wrong cause even here in the USA u cant have sex or acts sexual intercourse in public. If Dominica was so forceful on their law that same said cruse ship would have not been allowed to enter Dominica waters to me all are welcomed to Dominica just keep your sexual preference behind closed doors as should be, cause that protects our young ones from getting involve in any sexual acts at to much of a young age.

    • zagaya
      February 12, 2014

      Please note that the Dread Act was repealed from since the time of the Freedom Party.