Dominica to observe International Day of Forests

Dominica's lush forest
Dominica’s lush forest

The planting of trees and shrubs at four primary schools in Dominica is among activities planned to observe International Day of Forests on Thursday, March 21st.

Trees will be planted at the Warner, Concord, Belles and Grand Fond primary schools.

A panel discussion on the importance of the forests of Dominica will also be aired on Marpin’s Channel Seven as part of the day’s activities.

This global celebration of the forest builds on the successes of the International Year of Forests 2011, and provides a platform to raise awareness of the importance of all types of forests.

A release from the Forestry Wildlife and Parks Division states that Dominica is proud of its achievements as it relates to the conservation of forest.

According to the release “with two Forest reserves and three National Parks, twenty percent of the island is under legal protection providing vital ecosystem or environmental services such as air and water purification”.

International Day of Forests, the first such celebration, is being done in accordance with the resolution of the general Assembly of the United Nations.

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  1. Farmer's cry
    March 20, 2013

    Say what you guys want.Randy Arond always echo this advice.Plant a tree,that’s all.And don’t try to distory the Nature Isle for the LOVE OF MONEY,
    This Administration what will be your LEGACY.

  2. March 20, 2013

    how are the ppl at the forestry division saving Dominica forest.

    stop take credits for the hard works of my grand father 50 yrs ago.

    so far we have seen that they are hardly working.
    we see forestry officers not in the forest but along roadsides and touring tourist.

    tell the public what you all are doing? send us a copy of your annual reports and how you spending govern,ment monies?

    it is time we take these press relase and question them.

    cc maximea

  3. March 20, 2013

    Why is it that a country that claims to fear GOD,runs along with the rest of the world.
    Thank GOD for the trees,water,birds,fishes,sun moon,stars etc..
    The nation need not set aside any day for the forest…
    Worship the CREATOR and not the creation…

    • Naturalism
      March 21, 2013

      While you all are looking up to the sky, some of us realize that we need to keep our eyes on our planet, our home, and preserve and appreciate the tangible aspects that we can perceive and which are essential to our continued survival. Many centuries will pass and there may still not be any definitive evidence of the existence of any god but our natural vegetation is definitely there and NEEDS to be protected and appreciated.

      On the other hand not much can be said for some unseen force whose existence is dubious at best and serves no other purpose than to divide people and give undeserved authority to power hungry individuals who seek to control and exploit the masses for their own personal gain.

  4. Humility
    March 20, 2013

    The whole country should also observe a National Day of prayer and also observe with the rest of the world an International Day of Prayer.
    The hearts of the people need to turn to God. Forests are good but the lives of human beings are better.

  5. Anonymous
    March 20, 2013

    Trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.

    • Nurse
      March 20, 2013

      So? What’s the point?

      • lolwut
        March 21, 2013

        You have got to be kidding me. You cannot seriously be trivializing the function of air purification and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions that vegetation provides.

    • Hopeful
      March 20, 2013

      Actually, scientific studies and observations from the orbiting International Space Station have shown that the oceans algae are responsible for converting more carbon dioxide to oxygen than the world rain forests.

      This makes the rise in sea temperatures through global warming more dangerous as algae exist close to the surface of the oceans and cannot thrive in warmer temperatures. Less algae means less CO2 is converted to oxygen which leads to higher global temperatures and so on, one nasty cycle bringing mother earth closer to oblivion, of course man made.

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