Earthquake shakes Dominica

Red circle shows center of quake
Red circle shows center of quake

A magnitude 4.0 earthquake shook parts of Dominica on Tuesday afternoon.

The Trinidad-based Seismic Research Center said the quake took place at 2:57 pm.

The epicenter was located 97 kilometers north-east of Roseau at a depth of 10 kilometers.

DNO has received reports that it was felt in several sections of the eastern coast of the island.

The region has been experiencing several earthquakes recently. Between July 9 and July 11, the Research Center reported three quakes, with one being felt in Dominica.


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  1. Tell the Facts
    July 20, 2016

    These frequent little earthquakes could be disconcerting.
    Pray that there will be none higher than 4.0, if not less.

    • Tom Cooper, Geologist
      July 22, 2016

      Yes, there will be. Trust me there will be. Problem, reaction, solutions. Destroy, then rebuild (with conditions – IMF, etc.). Lovely! There certainly know how to work us my friends and have been doing this for a long, long time!!

  2. Jolly Kells, PhD (earth science)
    July 20, 2016

    Don’t worry Dominicans, this is just an attempt by the powers that be to keep us scared. As everyone knows these days, earthquakes can be engineered.

    HAARP is the new weapon of choice for this which was used effectively in Haiti and Japan. What we have to do now is to petition Skerritt to get them to STOP!!! We know who is doing this and if he lets this continue, it won’t be good for him in the end.

    I know, I know, get your fingers ready to hit the dislike button. But BEFORE you do that, read this:

    • Tom Cooper, Geologist
      July 22, 2016

      Well done with this post my friend. Yes, the dislike button has been busy. But don’t worry, ignorance is very hard to defeat especially when people are determined to be blind to the truth.

      I once tried to explain to a Dominican science graduate that the earth was not round, but was as flat as a pancake. He laughed and laughed and laughed until I asked him: a) why no scientific small-scale model of the globe earth has ever been produced; b) if Dominica is at the top of the Sudan in our globe earth why are people in Sudan (at the ‘bottom’ of Dominica) not standing on their heads :). He stopped laughing immediately!!! :)

  3. Trouble
    July 19, 2016

    the frequency of that EarthQuake thing is very very worrying 8-O 8-O 8-O

    • Tom Cooper, Geologist
      July 22, 2016

      Exactly!!! :) Keeps us all worried and scared – wonderful!! Connect the dots my friend :)

  4. Reasoning
    July 19, 2016

    Yahweh God forbid,but the island of Waitukubuli is being threatened with tremors/quakes often,and it seems to be getting closer to land and the surface. Based on the evils that are bestowed on the island by an evil regime and the people,there seems to lie sorrows ahead!

  5. July 19, 2016

    Be concious we are being reminded that there`s a higher Power who is merciful and compasionate to all. But heed the warnings seriously, for we know not the time and the Hour, show love, for love conquors all. As my Grand Mother used to say “GOD IS NOT A Politician”.

    • Tom Cooper, Geologist
      July 22, 2016

      But those causing the earthquakes and blights like Zika are!! They serve the demons who our Lord Jesus Christ will defeat in the end. Pray to God for their early demise, these evil servants of the devil who do these things for their master.

  6. Finally
    July 19, 2016

    I told you guys the next one will be an earth quake!
    All these mini quakes are just the tension building up for the big one.
    Caribbean plate moving against the Atlantic plate.

    • Tell the Facts
      July 21, 2016

      Pray that Dominica will be spared.
      It is said, “God governs the world but prayers govern God.” Take note and pass it on.

    • Tom Cooper, Geologist
      July 22, 2016

      Who told you about the ‘plates’? The same people who know for certain that the earth is million of years old when the deepest ANYONE has been down in to the earth is 8 miles?

      EIGHT MILES? That being the case, how come they know so much? I guess they have a lot on their plates with idiots abounding?

  7. think
    July 19, 2016

    didnt feel it

  8. Shaka Zulu
    July 19, 2016

    If the plates move a little faster and the Caribbean is lifted a bit higher then we could form one long narrow landmass like a mirror reflection of central American and maybe then caricom will have no excuse since it is separated by water. Dominica will form the highest peaks central regions and jamaica in the north. Maybe then we will have enough snow on the peaks in the newly elevated piton and diablotin and Dominica cam have a ski resort runned by silvestri the Dominican winter olympian. He will finally bring economic citizenship home. Think positive people. Its all good!!!! :-D

    • Tell the Facts
      July 21, 2016

      :lol: :lol: :lol: When winter arrives we will send you some snow from Canada.
      The Eastern Provinces: Nova Scotia; Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Quebec.
      Ontario is Central Canada,
      Western Provinces: Alberta, Saskatchewan, we can all send you some.
      We have more than our share especially in the Eastern, Western and Central Provinces. You could make skating rinks, snow balls and snow men; maybe ladies :lol: :lol: :lol:
      British Columbia is in the Pacific. It has a milder weather; not much snow. I think, very little, except in certain areas.
      In summer snow is a bad word. Some people do not like to hear the word, approximately nine months of winter, a reminder of what is to come in a few months. :lol: :lol: :lol:
      Enjoy Dominica’s tropical weather all year round!

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