Fire chief says sudden transfer decision was legal

Dupuis says his decisions as fire chief are based on principle
Dupuis says his decisions as fire chief are based on principle

Chief Fire Officer Josiah Dupuis said his decision to transfer fire officers stationed at Portsmouth within 24 hours recently was a legal one.

That matter which could stir up a legal battle between the Public Service Union (PSU), which represent the fire fighters, and the Government.

It has been heavily criticized by fire officers.

“I am very comfortable with the actions that I took because I knew that the actions that I took was predicated on the safety of the wider public,” he said at a press conference. “Although even when I took that action, I recognized the rights of fire officers to protest.”

Dupuis noted that he is quite happy with decisions he takes with any fire officer.

“I am quite happy to take the sternest of decision against any officer and if I have to talk very serious to my deputy I will do that on any given day, and in the next moment if we have to go and have lunch together, we will do that,” he explained.

He noted that decisions he makes is not based on personalities but on ‘basic principles.’

He said that if any of the officers who were transferred had to be fair about the situation, “they should say to you, the chief had not looked at them with any sense of animosity, because to me it’s not a personal issue, my decisions are driven not by personalities, but by basic principles that help me in the administration as my function as Chief Fire Officer.”

The Portsmouth Fire Officers were transferred following days of protest action after they claimed the fireshouse was inhabitable. As part of the protest action they refused to enter the building to sleep , work or answer the telephone.

Dupuis said he was concerned no one was answering the phones, a matter which he described as “a travesty.”

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  1. Marigot
    September 15, 2014

    Safety should have been considered as it related to the living condition of the fire officers. I think it is pure victimization on Mr Dupuis part, forgetting that you were one of those fire officer at a different time .
    , so the standards that apply to you back then would not apply today , the rights of worker are protested more militant today and that’s a good thing some He should applaud his officer for standing up bringing public attention to an unsafe condition. I wonder if Mr Dupuis would have felt the same way if all of his worker were sick due to unsanitary conditions and could no Answer the call to duty? Would he transfere sick fire Offiers?

  2. sense
    September 9, 2014

    are you now speaking because the ps gave you a sitting down on your attitude, crrying for your super.

  3. God Fearing
    September 9, 2014

    Dominicans For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

  4. Anonymous
    September 9, 2014

    I respect Mr. Dupius but I believe he did not act on principle. This is a clear abuse of power and victimization. For years the fire officers have been reporting about the deplorable working condition and because of the only action they took they were transferred. Why didn’t Dupuis allow them to leave in the (new) place they are now renting instead of sending them to different locations? Shame on Dupuis!

  5. Anonymous
    September 9, 2014

    So Dupius u were concern that the telephone was not being answered but u were not concerned about the health status of your officers the bible says that Jesus was moved with compassion where is your HEART of compassion and u call yourself a Christian Hypocrite

  6. dissident
    September 9, 2014

    Go take a hike. Too little too late. Conscience is a very strange bedfellow eh…… were thinking of saying that all along?

    Did a dog bite you!!!!?????

  7. SVF/SMH
    September 9, 2014

    I have noticed the Mr. Dupuis is using a lot of “I’s” and “My’s” eh – two common words used with a number people in management positions – hmmm I wonder why?? I will continue to shake my head.

  8. Rabbit
    September 9, 2014

    Whatever Skerrit the devine say is law

  9. Anonymous
    September 9, 2014

    Mr. Dupuis,
    Point taken. However, it seems like you acted with deliberate haste to correct the safety issue which I think is commendable, but the conditions under which the fire fighters had to operate seem not to occupy much of your time and concern.

    If you and the government had acted more speedily and had shown that you were genuinely concerned about their working condition, this would never have happened.

    To the general public you appear to flex your muscles for the easy stuff but seem powerless to do the right thing in the first instance.

  10. Rebecca
    September 9, 2014

    It’s sad how Dominican treat their people when they have a dispute. These men are public servants and they should be treated with the highest respect, why can’t the government fix their place of work so they can do their jobs.
    The government is giving away gas, books and all those toilets and that’s good, but they also need to take care of their firefighters, the ones that risk their lives to save your homes

  11. Mane
    September 9, 2014

    This is the same scrap that need to stop in this place. Why do one man have the power to make decisions like this in a fire department of nation. Where is the governing body of this department to sit and discuss the concerns of those fire fighters. Dupuis should be fired on the spot. Concerns about answering phone. If they were not available to answer the phone, because they were protesting you should be available to answer the phone yourself.
    This matter is a legal issue, because it is retaliation because they protested against poor working condition.

  12. IluvmyPm
    September 9, 2014

    Dem firemen suffer enough they need compensation

    September 9, 2014

    The Fire Chief needs to be FIRED!

  14. Outside Looking In
    September 9, 2014

    In the first place why did it have to reach to the point where the fire officers had to protest? Why wasn’t their living condition addressed long ago? The fire chief should have seen to it long ago that the officers have proper living conditions, that the place was fit to live in. Now they protested the deplorable conditions, you come playing Mr. Big Bad Fire Chief. That attitude doesn’t hold good for anyone in authority. Transferring of fire officers is fine, but in this particular instance I view it as victimization of the protesting officers.

  15. Koro
    September 8, 2014

    :?: Why are we D/cans so passive and wickedly inconsiderate of each other?…When is that “all for each and each for all” message ever again going to be manifested in our Nature Isle of beauty? Yesterday was Public Workers will not get jobs….nothing:-0% for Public Servants….heartless transfers of Firemen….and we all know the rest….! Come on, my people….wake up, say a voice by joining and strengthening your Union!

  16. Koro
    September 8, 2014

    :twisted: :evil: SHAME ON YOU, DUPUIS!! While you were just an ordinary Fireman you KNEW and EXPERIENCED how shameful and despicable the Portsmouth Fire Station has ALWAYS been…..Now you are the “boss” you acting like a Head of State we all are ashamed to have…You are just “despicably cold-hearted”…. SHAME ON YOU!!

  17. Anonymous
    September 8, 2014

    No one answering the phone they should all be transferred , to the uemployment line.

  18. possie girl
    September 8, 2014

    When man have power and authority they doe give a darm about nobody, Mr,Dupuis God don’t like UGLY. :twisted:

  19. September 8, 2014

    Mr. Dupuis I think that there are shortcomings in your leadership.

  20. The Facts
    September 8, 2014

    DNO, do I have to comment in order to access thumbs up and down? I noted only after I comment and post they activate. It appears so to me. Is there a problem with this thumbs up and down?

  21. The Facts
    September 8, 2014

    This is a vital service which all D/cans should have been concerned about. The Fire Chief does not need your critiques. He did what he had to do under the circumstances, in the interest of Dominicans, especially in the area where the fire station is located.
    Since they were not entering the building and also not answering the phone who would be performing the job and answering the phone? They are fortunate they were not fired. They were given the free will to protest.
    Was there not a better way of handling this situation than protesting? Their protest was at the expense of those whom they serve in the villages. What if there was a fire and a serious one? Consider the result of this with firemen protesting. This is a serious matter
    I hope the problem at the firehouse is resolved.

    September 8, 2014

    The transfer of those officers appear retaliatory, and it seems the Chief did not pressure the authorities enough for improving the conditions under which those guys worked. Based on the pictures seen I think those officers should request extra medical exams just to ensure they did not contract any sickness from those unhealthy facilities. Would the Chief himself tolerate work in similar conditions?

  23. Anonymous
    September 8, 2014

    I will begin by asking the question, whose interest does then fire chief represent? I honestly believe that my chief fire officer was frustrated with the conduct of his men and acted on impulse as if too send a clear message; “Do not take my kindness for weakness.” But chief, always remember you have to act professionally at the helm of the organization and although your actions maybe taken in good faith you must always look at the bigger picture safety, welfare, empathy and finally the public well being.

  24. shaka zulu
    September 8, 2014

    OK Dupis, I think you should quiet up now. Yes you have the power to transfer any officer at anytime. However, everything legal or illegal is based on time, place, and circumstances. If they were not Answering the phones under normal circumstances transfering would not be the correct approach. What would make you believe they would not continue the practice in their new station? Would you transfer them again?
    It is clear the reason for transfer was retaliation for protesting, which is their right. You publicly promised they will pay for thier actions. Transferring them then is abuse of power which is illegal. Having the power to do something does not mean it is legal to use anytime you feel. If their was a recurring problem of not answering phones before protest you should have dealt with appropriately. You come across there as an arogant , I will let you know who is boss kinda guy.
    I would have no respect for a leader who does not have my best interest at heart.

    • Really?
      September 8, 2014

      It is interesting that you would make such comments without looking at the wider implications. Yes the fire officers have the right to protest however when doing so they must take into consideration the effect that would have on the wider community.

      My support for the Fire Chief comes from the point that he had to take action at that point to assure the public that should there be an incident we would get the service that we expect. Transferring them at that point in my opinion was the fastest way and means in protecting the public and ensuring that we get the service that we deserve and paid for.

      • shaka zulu
        September 9, 2014

        What then is the point of a protest if it does not have any effect. That is the whole point of a protest. What it says is without the firemen the community is at risk. Do you think if nurses and policeman were to strike there would be no effect. My friend that’s why people strike. When the effects are felt we will all understand why they need to be at station in proper working conditions.

    • September 8, 2014

      when ur home boy gives u an order U have to carry them out.

    • joe
      September 9, 2014

      Shaka Zulu,

      Call it what you want, the bottom line is they were protesting because of poor living conditions, fine they have that right, so the best thing the Chief could have done is to transfer them to a location where the living condition is better… That is his right!!!

      So y are they still angry??

      If they refuse to answer the phones where they are then the next step is for them to live the service voluntarily or be FIRED!!!!!! That’s it, your Navel string not tied to the job, there are thousands (according to uwp) of persons unemployed and seeking work replacement is not a problem!!!!!

      • shaka zulu
        September 9, 2014

        So Joe you telling me that because there are others waiting for the job they should take the bad conditions. Are you really convinced in what you saying? Where is the principles that the Chief mentioned. That is the exact mentality that leads to abuse of workers worldwide and the very reason the Chief is justifying his decision. It is the mentality used to enslave and to be enslave. Beggars are not choosers. It is our culture that is why the PM is using the same mindset to keep you poor and helpless. If the conditions are bad then no new personnel should be brought in there.
        In life as a worker you work hard and with honesty among other things. As a manager you look out for your employees and make sure they have best conditions for work. Dupuis is badly handling the situation. That does not mean he is a bad fireman but he is out of touch in his position.

  25. JoJo
    September 8, 2014

    Quite mr. Dupuis. It may have been legal but not necessarily smart.

    • Really?
      September 8, 2014

      I think that it was a smart and decisive move to remedy the situation.

  26. Anonymous
    September 8, 2014

    You were concerned that no one was answering the phone.. Fine.. let be logical.

    if your fire officers are protesting because of the conditions of the fire house. in a previous new article from DNO is was stated that a temporary location was found but a fire officer was needed to remain at the previous fire house. the excuse that was given was because most of the fire emergencies are called in..

    I only Have one question?


    you know the technology where u call one number but it re-routes the call to another number…jezzz we know how to complicate things in this country….

  27. Anonymous
    September 8, 2014

    Dear Mr. Dupuis

    I guess you never found yourself in the situation of your officers. Maybe YOU should have been the one sleeping and working under these conditions. It is ironic that soon after the protests action was taken to the point the government now has to rent premises so that the necessary repairs can be done.

    While you MAY have acted legally, I say shame on you as a head of department that you apparently did not have the best interest of your staff at heart.

    • Really?
      September 8, 2014

      Grow up. He has a responsibility to the general public jus as he does to the firemen.

  28. Jejep
    September 8, 2014

    In the interest of the public anf general safety of the northern district i did it in good faith.

    September 8, 2014

    We have a financial wizard as Minister of Health and also the doctor as head of diaspora affairs. To top it all we now have a legal luminary heading the Fire services. But some people still say Dominica is a poor country !!

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