Forestry Policy being reviewed

Work has started on developing a new Forest Policy for Dominica, to replace the current 60-year-old one which dates back to 1949.

The new policy will significantly improve on what presently exists, and will address new and emergent trends relative to sustainably managing the forestry sector as a whole.

According to a press release from the Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division, a vibrant and well-managed forest resource base is fundamental to the sustainability of Dominica’s “Nature Island” image, the local tourism industry, the important handicraft sector, and our water resources. It will also speak to the issue of conserving Dominica’s rich biodiversity.

The Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has secured funding from the European Union and Government of Dominica-funded SFA 2000 Framework for Agri-Business Development and Enterprise Project (FADE), for the development of new Forest Policy.

The Trinidad-based regional consultancy firm of CANARI – the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute, represented locally by Betty Perry Fingal, has been retained to drive the process forward.

– DNO Correspondent

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  1. sportsman
    April 27, 2010


  2. April 27, 2010

    is this all politics or will there be real results

    • DNO We Need a Downgrade Feature!!
      April 27, 2010

      You know it’s o.k. to read an article and not comment on it if you have nothing to say.

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