Former politician laments loss of values

Richard Charles

Former politician, Marigot resident Richard Charles has suggested that the loss of spiritual values and the worship of money and material possessions are contributing factors to the surge of violent crime in Dominican communities.

He made that observation at a cabinet-organized forum in Marigot on crime and violence, contending that values that existed before have been lost.

“Some of us have set ourselves for the dollar and material things and these are the areas that we are gravitating towards,” Charles, a former banana industry official, said, adding that current behavioral patterns were causing many people to lose their moral integrity.

“We lose all principle and we just go out to “bling” or to get certain things no matter what the cost. Whether we prostitute ourselves or we kill our neighbour’s child with drugs or whatever we do once we make the dollar that is what is important to some of us, ” he said.

He wants adults to set a better example for today’s youth.

“Some adults in society always beat up on the young people but the youth can only relate to what they see. When a child misbehaves in school and it’s brought to the parents’ attention, sometimes the way the parents respond is questionable, there are some parents who go to the school to fight with teachers and students”.

Charles is suggesting that parents carefully examine the manner in which they respond to conflicts.

He is also concerned that “Our behavior in society now is to bring down people, beat up on people there is no love”.

Over the past few months the Government of Dominica has embarked on a number of forums geared at getting to the root causes of crime in Dominica, in a bid to stem growing violent crime on the island.

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  1. June 21, 2012

    Muslim_Always, whoever you are, i residing in Canada and i have to tell you that you are very wrong

    You saying that the women buy the bath suits for their husband, this is untrue

    I have a muslim friend she is at home with her parents, brothers and sister. she is going out with a guy, i went with her to buy a bra after work,she came to my home changed her bra and under garment because she was going at a guys home
    He is a muslim from Somalia and is divorce, he is eighteen years older than her

    whoever you are, whenever she have a date with him she keep telling her parents that she is working late or visiting a sick co=worker.

    She came back to me and told me that the guy/muslim guy told her, when her future husband find out that she is not a virgin, how she is react
    Another muslim girl involve with another guy told her that there is a Doctor in Canada performing a surgery to muslim girls where he stitch some part of their private part together since her parents went back to Pakistan and she will be going over to meet some men families she called the Doctor and will go ahead with the surgery

    Also you said that muslim men do not drink, whoever you are, you are so wrong, man they drink beer and alcohol like water whenever i go to the liquor store i see them, their wives and kids in the vehicles and the men coming out with how many bottles, i know for a fact that the womem also drink

    Whoever you are i have two of your Quran, the Holy Quran and the Noble Quran

    You need to go back to your Islam book and read what your islam says about terrorism, it says that terrorism is a crime against humanity and you muslims and terrorizing people all over the world

    In the Quran says

    The act of inciting terror in the hearts of defenceless civilians

    The wholesale destruction of buildings and properties

    The bombing and maiming of innocent men, women, and children, harming other creatures and the disregard for the environment are all forbidden and detestable acts, and this is what taking place all over the world by you muslim people

    It also stated that any muslim who believe in God with a sincere heart and fear suffering in the Hereafter will avoid harming an ant, so please you need to go back to your Quran you sociopath muslims

  2. Faceup
    June 21, 2012

    This world is a war zone right now,the end is near, morals and values are all gone unless you want to keep some.In this time its about what you can get and keep to survive.The world is about give respect and take respect.Morals and Values dont pay my BILLS,thats history, what do you think????

  3. Blackmort/Blackdeath
    June 21, 2012

    :twisted: :mrgreen: :?: Mr.Charles u should point the fingers directly at the government,they are the leading examples of crime and criminal activities in the country! :oops: :twisted: :mrgreen: :?:

  4. Justice and Truth
    June 20, 2012

    The former politician is correct. Whether he was a politician for a short time, he was a politician.
    Those parents who are quick to get upset and run to the schools in defense of their children’s bad behaviour when they are either expelled, suspended or reprimanded need to be educated. I would think that those parents are ignorant. Concerned, intelligent and educated parents would never act in that manner. On the contrary they would admonish their children and counsel them to respect their teachers and school peers.
    The Minister of Education should set up a meeting with both parents and their children and broach the topic of their misbehaviour. He should also prepare disciplinary directives and implement measures to be taken in the event that those students conduct themselves inappropriately in school as being disobedient and rude to teachers and injuring them. Copies should be distributed to parents and children. I am certain if this is done, there may be a noticeable change in the students. Discipline is required. If this Minister is unable to put this into effect, something is wrong with his authority. His position is questionable. After all, he is the boss.

  5. firstlady
    June 20, 2012

    very well said, mr. charles the community need more men and women like u with these positve words of encouragement to the youth of today,we have to take back our children from these thugs way of life,

  6. June 20, 2012

    Mr Richard Charles says:

    “Some of us have set ourselves to the dollar and material things; these are the areas that we are gravitating towards”. “Our behaviour in society now, is to bring people down; to beat up on people; there is no “Love”—-DNO

    And yet Love has to be the primary motivator for the attitude and conduct of every human being, if we are going to share peace, harmony, and tranquility, among ourselves.

    On behalf of us, who are Dominicans, our National Anthem declares us to be “a people full of Godly reverend fear”.

    Well? Are we demonstrating that declaration as a truth in our attitude and conducts towards our fellow men today? We can each answer that question for ourselves, and then look around us to find out if our conviction is in tact.

    But for me, when it is said that there is no “Love’ in our habits, I cannot claim us to be “God fearing people”. Because there is no fear of God where there is no “Love” for God Himself, is Love in Spirit, Truth, and Holiness–His Love in us causes us to do nothing but to love people through our every thought, word and deed, as we love ourselves.

    June 20, 2012

    Remember what Jimmy Cliff once sang back in the seventies, “this is a material world, messing up the boys and girls”.

  8. I and I
    June 20, 2012

    All I know charity begins at home. Those that quick to blame someone else for their problems or mistakes should take a look in the mirror(WHICH IS HE/HER SELF)before attacking and throwing blames on others.Especially those who always want to blame Government for their children mistakes.

  9. rabbit room 102
    June 20, 2012

    Ritchie this one good.thank you Jah there are people with valuable contributions to the have not lost your vision from SMA.come at least 3 times a year with these vibes.we need Godfearing people in our leadership blessed my brother!!!

  10. Oh Really?
    June 20, 2012

    DNO pray tell. What was the problem with my response to Muslim_Always?

  11. hmmmm
    June 20, 2012

    not even our politicians showing much love for each other, they are on the media constantly demoralizing each other for votes.they need to do like days of old call a period of prayer and fasting through out the entire nation and let us cleans our nation, demons are destroying it and our kids, too much witch craft and other sinful deeds. the word of God if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and prayer, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from Heaven and heal the land.

    • Met yo
      June 21, 2012

      wah happen you an muslim are buddy buddy? what you tink is ramamdam nuh?

    June 20, 2012

    Mr. Charles could not have put the root of violence in any better words than those. Well said Richie. The Lack of Societal Moral and the bad ethics of the people in influential positions is what causes the devious acts of crime and violence. Reflect on our behavior and lifestyle

  13. Chrissy
    June 20, 2012

    Please provide a better picture of the guy. It is difficult to read such an interesting article without being distracted by the guy’s torn t shirt

    • 1979
      June 20, 2012

      thumbs down for you too

    • Woodford Hill Girl
      June 20, 2012

      Uall r so negative,smh

      • Woodford Hill Girl
        June 20, 2012


    • Andrea
      June 20, 2012

      The man is a hard working farmer. The picture is probably from his garden, what is the big deal. Nice representation. It shows he is not blinging, he is a hardworker.

        June 21, 2012

        His torn shirt tells the the story of JIMMY CLIFF, struggling man got to move on, like a flower we bloom and then later fade away, the sun lights the day, and the moon lights the night, struggling man reaches for higher heights.

    • rabbit room 102
      June 20, 2012

      he is a working did not observe the banana trees but you see a torn t shirt.what is important is the message.render your heart and not your nice clothes :)

    • YAP
      June 20, 2012

      I had the same thoughts; you could also look at it as this is a hardworking gentleman. Wouldn’t he have to approve the picture though?

    • Anonymous
      June 20, 2012

      Did it ever occur to you that the man just came from a hard days work and just went straight to the meeting to have his say. And you’re emphasizing one of his points that some are just interested in bringing each other down. Try to digest what the man is saying instead of studying his looks.

    • HR
      June 20, 2012

      Chrissy, what’s wrong with the guy’s T-shirt? Can’t you see he is on a farm (banana trees in the background). Very good article Mr. Charles.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 20, 2012

      @ Chrissy

      You surely scrutinized him and what he is wearing. I had to take a second look to view it. I did not observe it at first. I do not think that it is torn. It may be the style of the T-Shirt. Do not be so negative. :twisted: Read what he stated which makes sense.

    • real possie
      June 21, 2012

      Thats what the guy is talking about when u look at him u can’t see a hard working man u see his torn shirt.Take a closer look see the banana trees in the background shame on u Chrissy.

    • Woodford Hill Girl
      June 21, 2012

      He was not posing for glamour shots, he was trying to speak to the likes of you,peaple who trash and tear down each other!

      • Woodford Hill Girl
        June 21, 2012

        Still @ chrissy

  14. Choice X
    June 20, 2012

    DNO why did u titled de man as a former politician – nuh? de man barely made a blimp in the political landscape. :-D

    • 1979
      June 20, 2012

      typical….thumbs down for you

    • June 20, 2012

      And that’s what Charles is speaking about always ready to tear down the other person and for the likes of you you will never see beyond your stupid self, what has your comments to do with the issue at hand regardless if he wasnt a politian for long we have a problem on the Island and he is appealing to all to work together and stay clear from CRIME.
      Charles said it correctly what are we doing to ourselves we are distroying each other and for what, look at things as they are our PM said not law not even the COPNSTITUTION can stop and from then on all who is in crime keep those words in there head and they also know they will get away with it.So I would say check yourself before you speak.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 20, 2012

      @ Choice X

      Just as you have freedom of speech and a voice and to be commenting on this Website, he also has that right. Respect this. :twisted:

      • Choice X
        June 21, 2012

        U guys are too emotional. The quip was not intended to take down Mr. Charles. He has had several titles in which he excelled especially in agricultural administration, yet DNO chose to introduce him as a ‘former politician’, an area in which much people do not know him for.

        It is you people who are so filled with hate and confusion that u ignore the obvious. note the smiley at the end of the comment, it was not a symbol of hate .

        It is sad when a bunch of hypocritical pretenders on this medium want to chose the moral high ground when they are the very one who are generating hate out of nothingness.

  15. Anoushah Alie
    June 20, 2012

    This guy is so right!! It is happening everywhere in the world, where people are fascinated with materials and money, yet they called themselves Christians! While, I understand that there is a need for money, since society has been glamorizing it for generations; the greater need should be love, patience, and peace! As far as the elevated levels of crime in Dominica, I say, start penalizing both the accuser and the parent(s)!! Parents need to stop blaming society for turning their children to badness, because the truth is that the culprit is displaying what they were/were not taught at home. I’m a firm believer in the saying; ” everything starts at home.”

    • Justice and Truth
      June 20, 2012

      @ Anoushah

      This time I wholeheartedly endorse what you stated. They are primarily responsible for their children. Discipline and good example commence from the home and those parents must take some blame for their ill-behaved and lawless children.

  16. LIAT Quik Pack
    June 20, 2012

    Thank You Richie,
    You were on the Electoral Commission and because of your principled stance, you were replaced by Alick Lawrance.

    You are an example of what is needed in this present DLP.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 20, 2012

      @ LIAT Quick Pack

      To be fair, whenever people stand up for what is good and correct to do, they are not appreciated. Those who feel this way must never succumb to those who oppose. It is a driving force and they must tell it like it is no matter what.

    • Aye Dominique
      June 21, 2012

      This is just the way it is throughout this administration. You will be removed from any key position once they realize u got integrity

  17. Justice over Peace
    June 20, 2012

    Amen to you Richie, well said. Dominicans have sold their souls and the souls of their children all for the love of “Blood MOney, what a shame. I do hope it does not take Good old “Jonah and or Lot to come and restore the values. We would much rather have it restored back to normalcy without an ecclesiastical “sifting” May God Help Dominica, from these “vile vultures in the high and low places of Dominica

    • Justice and Truth
      June 20, 2012

      If only they would think, what they sow they will reap in time and two-fold. Someone will come, one day and restore their values and this someone is God. Some may still be alive to experience it and with much regret. Even in life people suffer for their crimes/sins and neglect, whatever the nature, prior to death.

  18. Vigilant Dominican
    June 20, 2012

    Well what do we expect people? When all we do as young people is drink and sewo on weekends and indulge in promiscuity. These are all crimes with no real punishment! It was just a matter of time before the money that we squandered on libations is needed and we go get it by any means. The problem isn’t only just on a religious nor is it on a courteous platform but instead on the very core of our moral upbringing. What we have been taught to accept as right is exactly what is eroding the moral fabric of our society. Moving forward, we really need to re-evaluate or goals as a people and make strategic moves towards those goals in the regards of curbing crime and promoting love.

    • 1979
      June 20, 2012

      yes indeedy…….. the youthful folly….. but you know in my younger days, a village still raised a child. because when nabes see me skylarking after school she was well within right to scold me and march me home. and after i get that scolding, still tell granny to straighten me out…. i’ve seen that transition within 33 years. at this rate, what kind of society will exist in my children time??? it’s very scary. the question now is whether it is too late…. has the train already left….beacause an entire generation has already been lost, and they are the ones making the most children….so what now?

  19. Rastafari
    June 20, 2012

    American TV subscription and viewing has done the greatest damage to affect our culture, safety, integrity, morals and way of life, than any other dilemma that we’re faced with. We NEED to address the TRUTH, not the popular version of what truth is. My people have lost their souls in exchange for worldly gain that perishes in the fire and depreciates in any kind of value or worth. Our religious leaders have let down the youth and officials are focused on lining their pockets with laundered money. In the meantime, the drugs and guns coming in via those ports are put on our streets and the poor and desperate are blamed for the atrocities. No one wants to challenge or talk about that! We are in a very dilapidated condition right now and Mr. Charles is right in stating, “Some of us have set ourselves for the dollar and material things and these are the areas that we are gravitating towards,” Jah bless us all.

    • Woodford Hill Girl
      June 20, 2012

      Oh yes you said a mouthful there my friend,especially the American tv programs,my kids were born in the u s and they were not allowed to watch certain tv shows,and also the people we allow to sneak into D/a with their qtalking about the drugsuick and easy money schemes need to be addressed!talking about the drugs

    • Justice and Truth
      June 20, 2012

      @ Rastafari

      What do you think is the popular version of the truth? I suppose you probably mean, according to human standards and precepts. The truth is the truth no matter what era we reside in. It cannot be severed or changed. Woe to those who try to change it. It is here to stay until the end of time – at the end of the world when all will be called for their eternal judgment. We are obligated to abide by it for our good, the good of others in our society/nation and the entire world for that matter.

  20. CIA on the watch
    June 20, 2012

    Mr Charles may wish to have a session or sessions with his labor comrades because our leaders who hold public office have lost their values to govern with integrity and transparency and the worship of money and material possessions are contributing to a decline and neglect of the country its people and resources

  21. Trueman
    June 20, 2012

    Thank You r.Charles,

    and to think we want “SUNDAY” to be a work week?
    That must not be!

    • sphynx
      June 20, 2012

      sunday is not the true your bible studies.please don’t label me an’s just what i read from the bible.and we can well make sunday a working day!!!

  22. Muslim_Always
    June 20, 2012

    The new solution to restore these values and more back is Islam. More and more people are leaving secularism/disbelief and embracing Islam.

    • 1979
      June 20, 2012

      u need to give it a rest. it’s okay to have your belief but most respectfully “it is annoying that u keep shoving it in our face at every opportunity”. u can make the suggestion, but be more creative than “embrace islam and all problems will be solved”. it’s a much better marketing strategy to give examples of situations in which islam has brought redemption to a society, and im talking about present day. nothing from the “old testament” please.

    • Oh Really?
      June 20, 2012

      Spirituality and righteousness is what we need. It does not matter if you are Buddhist, Hindu, Christian or Muslim, once you observe the Golden Rule we will have peace. Islam works for you and that is lovely. Please stop pushing Islam on folks.

    • flyboy
      June 20, 2012

      Islam is not the solution to the problems polluting our brothers and sisters in Dominica. What we need right now is the education of both adults and our youths today. We should educate them on the dangers and end results of the illicit behaviors and illigal activitis they are entertaining. They should be made aware of the alternatives to such dangerous activities. Mothers and fathers please be parents to your kids and steer them in the right direction. Let us all help and work with other to eradicate all the negative activities that are slowly engulfing our beautiful Island of Dominica. United we stand, divided we fall.

      • Muslim_Always
        June 20, 2012

        Where is the pollution of Muslim men and women in Dominica? Finally, young men are marrying women who already have 3 children from non-muslim background under the age of 30 and take full responsibilities for this building a family. Where is the pollution? Do you see Muslims in drunk behavior, drugs or are very bad citizens? Do you see muslims worshipping the bling bling life?

        It is indeed sad that your heart is upside down. You see wrong for right and right for wrong.

    • hmmmm
      June 20, 2012

      islam is something? stuuuuupes

    • June 20, 2012

      The new solution to restore these values and more back is Islam, are you kidding me

      Muslim you need to listen to international news to hear what is going on with your muslim sisters

      Man them girls leaving their parent’s home with their head cover only to see them places where one would think is only for none muslim girls

      When shopping at WalMart seeing them buying the bath suits that some none muslim women/girls would wear is unbelievable
      everyday on the international news , one keep hearing of muslim fathers killing their daughters and wives, in the USA, UK muslim women have the head cover, but when you look at the jeans that they are wearing all people do is shake their heads, so you and your islam law need to go and hide your face in a cave
      Some muslim kids,boys and girls worst than none muslim, strapping young boys, girls and women with bombs to kill innocent people my friend how do you call that

      What about massacres and killing of innocent people by you muslims, whereas in one of your books
      Quoting from your Islam balancing life and beyond

      Massacres and killing is strictly forbidden

      If a female christian is married to a muslim, she is not to be prevented from visiting her Church to pray,and their churches should be respected so to you why you muslim killing Christians

      It is also written in your Islam book, that no one of the nation (muslims) is to disobey the covenant till the last day (end of the world) as far as i can see the world is not ended and you people are killing and disobeying your own doctrine

      Also time and again the Qur’an reproaches those who used to believe women to be inferior to man (16:57-59, 62;42:47-59;43:15-19;53:21-23) stop treating women like objects and door mat etc and stop killing girls because they do not want to follow your Islam doctrine

      • Muslim_Always
        June 20, 2012

        Your reasoning is very flawed let’s explore the flaws.

        1. Muslim women buying bathing garments non-muslim wear. – In Islam there is nothing wrong in buying victoria secret thongs etc. Our women model and dress wild and sexy for their husbands. The erotic clothing is for inside the home, not for every Tom, Dick and Harry.

        2. International News – Firstly, the media lies a lot from distorting news from Africa due to white supremacy ideals to other wicked agenda. We acknowledge that Muslims are not angels and these wrongs occur because of some muslims failure to apply Islam in their lives. Thus those who do wrong under the guise of Islam will receive their punishment as well if they do not repent. Whereas in Christianity once saved always saved isn’t it?

        3. When Dominicans do crimes does it mean that the consititution is responsible? Does it mean since they come from christian background that christians are responsible for it? Of course not, thus the same justice should be applied to Islam, you would not do so because your heart is dark and you lack logic and reason.

        4. Our women are door mats? Why don’t you take a look at Whitney Houston and Rihanna, the rich and famous in the west and tell me who are really the door mats? Take a look into child prostitution in Minnesota which is one of the highest in the United States then you’ll understand the position of women in the American society. You need to take a good look into your backyard before judging Islam by the behavior of others.

        Lastly, when I mentioned Islam as a solution it is measured by the proper interpretation of the texts and applicability into the lives of people, not by the negative things some muslims do.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        June 20, 2012

        Tell that idiot that bin Laden was a Muslim, and make understand that Somalia has become a country with no illegal government.

        Advised him/her that what is going on in Syria, all the murder, rape, and burning, the shelling of neighborhoods are carried out by Muslim’s, advise him/her that Momma Gadafi was also a Muslim, so too was Iraq Sadam, who used chemicals to kill man woman and children he in an entire village he believed was opposing him politically.

        Tell him/her about one who should be preserving, the military doctor who shot and killed so many people in military barracks in Texas less than two years ago.

        No need to remind him of the Twin Towers murders in New York, when the Muslims’ under the direction of the Muslim bin Laden flew two loaded passenger Jets into the Tower’s, killing hundreds of people among them at least two Dominica nationals.

        As usual there are going to be a Dominican flapping their gums’ without any knowledge of what they are talking about, he/she might be affiliated with a murderer group of people and not even realizing what he is dealing with.

        The people in Somalia who hijacking ships, and abducting the passengers, and sailors, holding them and demanding money for their releases are all Muslims’ those in Afghanistan who are beating their women, and depriving young girls of an education, for no other reason than they women are all Muslims.

        Those who behead many American reporters in recent years are all Muslims’; tell that person if that is his wish for Dominica, thanks but no thanks!

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • Justice and Truth
        June 20, 2012

        @ Prince

        Last week I heard on TV that Muslims in Nigeria said that they will kill Christians (Catholics) until Sharia Law is instituted. They have been doing this for a while. I could not believe what I heard. How disgusting and sad it is that those members of society have such hard hearts and have the nerve to say that they kill in the Name of God. When they die they will find which god they were killing in his name to their eternal regret. They have been so badly indoctrinated and deceived.
        I ask myself why are there Muslims in Nigeria. No doubt Mohammad brainwashed them to join his so-called religion. That man has left so much unrest, wars, terrorisms and lack of peace in the world. In view of this, I personally think that this man’s soul is not in Heaven. This is because of his teachings against Our Lord Jesus Christ and what he left behind which is causing us in the world much sadness and grief. I also feel that those people should have remained in their country for wherever they migrate to and attend school they are spreading their evil and discriminating propaganda. They are not in favour of peace. This is the truth which all of us are aware of. One day God will strike them down and their wicked deeds forever.

    • forkit
      June 20, 2012

      i doh want no virgin in heaven when i do a suicide, please go away with you false violent teachings

      • Muslim_Always
        June 20, 2012

        You want the deflowered women right here on earth right?

    • Morihei Ueshiba
      June 20, 2012


    • Justice and Truth
      June 20, 2012

      @ Muslim_Always

      You are at it again. You were badly taught. The Only Person who can restore it is God and God alone, through His Blessed Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Nationals can help but only with His help as they give Him due worship, pray and perform acts of love and mercy in Jesus Name. They must at least try for what occurs in their environment affects them – everyone in general.

  23. 1979
    June 20, 2012

    I remember when mamo was alive, and harry gill was still around…..there was a courtesy song competition organized in the government, ummm chinese, ummmm state house yard and the stage was the front step of the state house i remember that as a lil kid growing up..I remember freddy nicholas and his son :-D LOLOL..i remember there was courtesy month and all schools and other organizations were ask to observe this…..but these things have departed with mamo, not speaking from any political standpoint….we have eroded our love for each other, now the talk on everybody’s lips is ME, MY OWN…..DAPEWEH YOU once i getting what “i think” i NEED to have. alas….. i have lived to see this…..this has happened in MY LIFETIME…..and it didn’t take more than 33 years for us to get here. how long will it take us to bring these things back is it a total loss to wish my own children can experience some of those good social experiences???? .. I wonder…

    LOL i remember harry gill!!

    • Lang Kabwit
      June 21, 2012

      simple we have to become nationalistic.Screw caricom and all that crap. then those monsters who were left to their mothers to raise alone the bastards who have become lawyers /politicans economist political economists one time black power turn historian etc etc they know selves.Who own more house than they can live inand have to rent to the people who are giving the gov’t comprised of bandits born in the late 60’s and 70’s now in power taking mony from anywhere from anyone Russian, chinese ,Aberaygan ,Lybia venezuela,Morrocoeven from HellWe just have to take care of them like mamo took care of Newton PJ reid etc but with NO POSSIBILITY of Parole anytime.Confiscation of ALL their assets.Like Castro did even to his family memebers who wereVERY GREEDY.

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