‘Gay apparel’ back in Christmas song for Michigan students

A Michigan elementary school principal says students are back to singing “gay apparel” in a well-known Christmas carol after a music teacher had them sing “bright apparel” instead.

Cherry Knoll Elementary School Principal Chris Parker told television station WPBN on Monday that he was disappointed with the decision to make the change to “Deck the Halls” after children kept giggling.


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  1. Belle neff
    December 8, 2011

    I doe have problem with man being” homo” that’s the word,but when they hijacking the word “gay” and the colours of the rainbow to suit their agenda because they have power and money ,this shit stinks,they even place themselves in most kids activites just to spread their influences on the kids to confuse them, man I just don’t understand it, but I suspect all the news about them is just us to get comfy with it, so for those who doe buy it, stay straight and stay strong.

  2. Lol!
    December 8, 2011

    *sigh* America and their political correctness. Gay meant (and still means) happy/bright before it became a slang for homosexuality. Why change it? Because a few kids “giggled”? Stupes!

  3. birdseye
    December 8, 2011
  4. Mohamad
    December 8, 2011

    oh my everything on news is gay gay gay gay gay gay. what the nenen men.

  5. bone
    December 8, 2011

    If “gay apparel” in the sense it was being sung in the song did not refer to the other gay for (2 of the same sex) then what was the point in changing it in the first place! All the teacher had to do was educate the kids on the real meaning of the word in the context it was used!!! smh!!

    • MewMew
      December 8, 2011

      That’s it! Simple.

    • mouth of the south
      December 8, 2011

      bone… it was because the children were laughing… hehehehe… um i can recall back in d.g.s… we were having class outside… back when the old windsor park was there… n d.g.s had all those tall trees by the windsor park wall (saying that now make me miss the old d.g.s) anyways… we were outside having class and our teacher… a man… was reading a geography book… and some part of the reading he said… ‘canon balls’ lol… a girl break laughing saying canon balls… aye aye… he sent her back in and if i’m not mistaken she got a detention for that… ooppss hope she don’t read that lol… any how just past memories lol

      • Response
        December 9, 2011

        I miss the old DGS too. What happen to my school? :twisted:

      • lol
        December 9, 2011

        lol see this is how society teaches people to either be rebellious or soulless prudes

  6. yes i
    December 8, 2011

    Is thier a gay person in DNO its always some gay story of interest to them—right michigan u all research on Gay interest urrrggggg—-Well its still news but i mean come on lol

    • Me
      December 9, 2011

      It’s called desentisizing,…get it?

    December 8, 2011

    Some people foolish ehh……

  8. December 8, 2011

    What is the point of this article????????????????????????????????

    December 8, 2011

    People can be so damn foolish at times. They are too uptight. The word gay has different connonations, including to be happy, merry, carefree. This was its original meaning and still is. Why people act so irrationally? Why are they so obsessed about other people’s sexual inclination?

    • mouth of the south
      December 8, 2011

      obviously conscious… the teacher didn’t change it because the of being foolish… but it seems the children were on a different page.. hence they were laughing and giggling when that part came… comprende… so the teacher being mature and responsible had to change it so to not further bring the class to disrepute… cmon how u gonna stop kids from laughing even if u explain…

      • lol
        December 9, 2011

        so better lesson to teach them to just take away what they don’t understand instead of trying to explain to them. not all children are idiots you know.

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