UPDATE: Geothermal protest to begin Sunday

Martin spoke on behalf of the Geothermal Awareness Group
Martin spoke on behalf of the Geothermal Awareness Group

Beginning Sunday, a civic group will be maintaining a continuous presence at geothermal drilling sites in the Roseau Valley as a form of protest action.

The Geothermal Awareness Group (GAG) is calling for a halt to drilling and wants a complete reassessment of the entire project.

The group held a press conference on Friday to outline their renewed concerns about the safety of the project.

“ It could be one person, there must be a continuous presence,” said Environmentalist Atherton Martin, speaking on behalf of the group.

The GAG is also calling for a complete reassessment of the entire project.

“You are actually playing with a huge source of energy that is ongoing…its constantly generating power. So you have to be exact, you have to be precise,” Martin pointed out. ” One of the things that is absolutely critical and crucial to the development of geothermal, probably much more so than the development of the other renewable (forms of energy) is that at every step of the way, before you take an action, you have to do some serious scientific investigation that will tell you, what are the likely effects/ impacts of any action that you take,” he added.

According to the GAG, of particular concern are the required protocols on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies that should have been done prior to any activity in the exploration stage, which includes drilling wells.

Martin said it took going public for them to get the EIA document, “When in fact, we have a planning law in the country that requires that any developer make available to the public their EIA. So we began to feel that something is not right, and we started asking questions of the people in the public sector and publicly. When we did finally get a chance to read the EIA’s we found them very poor documents,” he said.

He said he found the documents to be “weak in critical areas; they were weak in the areas of geology, particularly underground geology of Dominica and of the area.”

The EIA documents, he stated, were also lacking in the area of hydrology and on the social and economic impact of the project, and felt that they were not sufficient basis for moving forward. He maintains that they should have been presented to the public for discussion, review and comment, before they were used to trigger the commencement of exploration.

Martin insisted that the project as being done largely in violation of the established protocols for geothermal development, “including and particularly the environmental, economic and social impacts.”

The group also said it has written to UNESCO, informing the organization that there has been an ‘incursion’ on the Morne Trois Pitons National Park by the project.

The park was designated by the UN as a World Heritage Site.

Martin said UNESCO has responded, asking for images and sketches of the drilling holes.

According to him, UNESCO could delist the park as a World Heritage Site.

He also said the group has spoken to a team of lawyers about getting an injunction to stop the project all together.

Martin first spoke publicly about his renewed concerns regarding the safety of  the project earlier this week. He argued that at least 30 percent of the island’s population and the whole of Roseau could be in danger if the alleged Boiling Lake and Valley of Desolation drilling continues.

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  1. Anonymous
    May 5, 2014

    It’s amazing how those with all good advice as to what is best for dominica and what should be used to generate money,cannot use that same advice and make there own business prosper…….if we want to move forward decisions have to be made.not just talk, talk and more talk….. .Action and positive steps will make it happen…So to those who always cry wolf when positive action is taken. .don’t want dominica to move forward.

    • Anonymous
      May 7, 2014

      The irony is breathtaking.
      Never run a business or an organization successfully and these are the people you want to run a country.

  2. Anonymous
    May 5, 2014

    Precaution is better than cure

  3. Anonymous
    May 5, 2014

    Seems to me no one trusts anybody I think engineers who have studied and drilled and have the expertise are the people I would listen to , is martin a geothermal or an environmental engineer has he had the experience in this field , and one thing what is his expertise .

  4. vote these jokers ou
    May 5, 2014

    YOU see !
    when the volcano erupt know de first sign skerrit on a helicopter going !!!!!!! leaving us behind!!!!!!!!!
    well his son is my neighbour so when he send a helicopter for his older son is so i jumping on it! :!:

  5. Jungle
    May 5, 2014

    Although I am in favour of development of geothermal, i wholly concur with Mr Martin that it must be done right. I have reviewed the EIA and found it to be deficient in the areas that Mr Martin indicates.
    If one is going to do a technically complex project such as this – Do it according to international standards!

  6. Anonymous
    May 5, 2014

    Take a look at the video on you tube Dominican,geothermal energy – the new fracking .( da crying) :cry:

  7. Francisco Telemaque
    May 4, 2014

    You know when people do not know they believe any crap they hear. It is one thing to indulge into cheap politics and talk crap such as the one who call themselves Uncle Sam, perhaps you should call yourself Uncle Tom! Perhaps I should educate just a bit.

    Geothermal Energy is a secondary Energy Source.

    The interior of the of the earth is extremely hot; so hot, in fact that a part of the core consists of molten iron. From a temperature of about 20 degree C, at the surface of the earth, there is an increase to approximately 1000 degrees C, at a depth of only 40 km. Even for the relatively shallow penetrations of mine shafts, the temperature increases are substantial and limit the depths at which minors can work. Molten rock, liquefied at the extreme temperatures beneath the Earth’s crust, is forced to the surface through cracks, and fissures, and is ejected in the form of lava from volcanoes. Hot water, and steam are similarly released at the Earth’s surface from hot springs, and geysers. It has been estimated that there are 700,000,000 cubic kilometers of superheated water, at temperatures of approximately 200 degrees beneath the Earth’s surface. All of this heated material; rocks, steam, and water represents an enormous reservoir of energy: Learn this.

    In 1904, which is one (110) hundred ten years ago, engineers in Larderello, Italy tapped the supply of geothermal energy by drilling special wells into the underground steam supply. This natural steam drives electricity producing turbines, as a result the Larderello plant commenced generating 390 MW of electric power. Other geothermal systems are in operation in New Zealand, Russia, formally known as the Soviet Union, Japan, Ice Land, Mexico, Kenya, and I must also informed you that; at the Geysers, 90 miles north of San Francisco steam wells drive generators that at the time they were first built supply 500 MW of electric power. It is agreed at first glance they may seem to represent an ideal form of natural power. However, as everything else, geothermal source of energy are far from being trouble-free, and without pollution. Even the purest underground steam contains enough hydrogen sulfide with an characteristic odor of rotten eggs, we know to be extremely unpleasant, and contains enough minerals to poison fish, and other forms of marine life in streams and rivers into which the condensed steam is discharged.

    If my hypothesis concerning the re-injection I referred to as pumped back in my last submission is correct, we do not have to worry about destroying our marine life. It is true that the removal of underground steam, and water may cause the surface of the land to subside. We found that at the Wairakei plant in New Zealand. The subsidence amounts to 16 inches per year, and the plant discharges 6.5 times as much heat and 5.5 times as much water vapor into the environment as would a modern coal-fired plant with the same electric output. Remember the conversation regarding “re-injection” and some of the difficulties attending the utilization of geothermal power could be overcome if the condensed steam were pumped back underground, but such measures are not yet in general use? Well I suggest the “reinjection” imply’s pump back underground, hence all of the old negatives found at the Wairakei plant in New Zealand will not be found in Dominica because of the newly found technology which will eliminate the negatives.

    In Dominica everything is a problem: Of even greater potential than potential than underground steam, and heated water is the heat energy stored in subsurface rocks. Some of this energy could be recovered, and used by pumping water into the region by means of deep wells. Upon being pumped back to the surface, the heated water could be utilized to drive electric generators in the same way that natural underground hot water is used. Although there is probable 10 times as much energy that could be recovered from heated rocks than is available from natural steam, and hot water, a potential of about 600,000 MW, no plans have yet been constructed to tap this energy source, though scientist have studied an 2 x 5 miles region near Marysville, Montana, where rock at 500 degrees C, lies only a mile below the surface; this relatively small source has the potential of supplying a mere 10% of the U.S. electric needs for about thirty years.

    Let it be know I am professionally an Electronic/Electrical Engineer, so maybe, just maybe I know what I am talking about; And unless one knows plenty about physics, do not even try to challenge or condemned what you read! (Not Edited).

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Francisco Telemaque
      May 6, 2014

      ” no plans have yet been”

      Let that read “no plants have yet been built” that is no geothermal plant has yet been built to tap such source!


  8. Anonymous
    May 4, 2014

    Athie should offer his services to the Malaysian government. An expert knowitall like mister, he would find that missing plane in two twos.

  9. Francisco Telemaque
    May 4, 2014

    “accommodate the re-injection of toxic material taken off during the earlier drilling exercise. This should be at the helm of the discussion right now. There is a paper entitled “Role and management of geothermal reinjection” by Gudni Axelsson Iceland GeoSurvey (ÍSOR) and University of Iceland “(Anonymous).

    According to my knowledge pertaining to the operation, of geothermal energy production; some of the difficulties attaining the utilization of geothermal could be overcome if the condensed steam were pumped back underground! That was not yet accomplished; so if the words here “re-injection of toxic material” implies pump back underground, this is an indication that the geothermal plant in Dominica, will be a very modern plant, utilizing new technologies which will cause the plant to operate more safely!

    The nearest operating geothermal plant to Dominica can be found on the island of Guadeloupe. This plant might well be emitting toxic waste (gasses) in the air. How far is Dominica from Guadeloupe? How do we know that people in the North West of our country has not been breathing toxic air for many years and have no clue that this is happening. (And I mean produced by the plant in Guadeloupe).

    If this is the case (or was the case) perhaps all of Dominica could be dead by now all due to the inhalation of toxic gas emitted from the plant in Guadeloupe. Example there could be an outbreak of a flue somewhere in the world, and without person to person contact, we find people in Dominica suffering from the same flue. How did this happen, how did the virus get to Dominica? I would assume it traveled internationally via the air we breath. So all of this manufactured fear and confusion over nothing in About this geothermal plant does not even make sense!

    Someone claimed “Athie has a good history of trying to preserve the Dominica environment; true, but to what extent should someone go without causing lots of damage in the process whiles on a political quest, and on their own agenda. If what someone is doing; and each time they accomplish what appears to be good, and in the interim it turns out what they have accomplished has set the country backwards, I imagine the person should at some point and time rethink their ideologies.

    Mind you; I have nothing personal against Athie, the last time I met him was the night when he decided he was going to bring all the different parties in Dominica together to try to defeat the UWP, he accomplished that; however, as a result of his efforts Dominica lost out on an International Airport, read what I said about that in a previous submission. We can be a political activist as much as we wish, but if everything we do causes harm to our country; should we continue? Atrhie need to remember his association with Green Peace, which turned out to be an Criminal organization, I cannot go into it now because my submission will be too long, but perhaps he does not know about the amount of people; loggers, Green Peace physically harmed in the Red Woods of Southern California. I believe there comes a time when every man must review their motives, actions, and accomplishments, and if we find that over a period of time we have done more harm than good we should simply bow out graciously, and in this case give Dominica a chance to make some progress; even so small.

    Note: my views here has nothing to do with partisan politics, I care nothing about Dominica’s politics, I did not write anything here supporting the Labor Party or any other; I am only concern about Dominica, and progress in the country, and believe there should be no protest this one; there are Geothermal Plants many places generating energy many places in the world, including here in the United States, one of the oldest in world can be right here in Northern California, not to far from San Francisco.

    The oldest, and first is in Italy, and even under primitive operating standards, I found no records of toxic material emitted killed anyone in Larderello Italy; if one go to the Geysers near San Francisco, all the steam you might be toxic, if memory serves me correctly Athie Martin were close to there a few years ago, how come toxic waste breath in the air did not cause his death?


    Let it rest Athie.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  10. Odinn
    May 4, 2014

    It is admirable to learn that manu Dominicans think that this project in the Roseau valley is the first geothermal project in the world and that exploitation of a geothermal resource has never been done before. The catastrophy prophesy is really out of proportion and probably those so-called environmentalists in the front line think that the best way is to abandon the geothermal all together and continue to burn fossil fuel.

  11. answer that
    May 4, 2014

    What is the emergency plan if something happens? Did the government has a detailed plan?

    We are playing with nature therefore we should be well prepared

    • Simply the Truth
      May 4, 2014

      And you know that a natural disaster due to mother nature’s act could occur at anytime when you least expect it.

  12. Leonce
    May 4, 2014

    Atherton Martin has a good history of trying to preserve the environment of Dominica. As a scholar and researcher, it is highly unlikely that he would bring out concerns without some valid research to substantiate his claims. It is also unlikely that the Government would knowingly put the environment at risk. However, mistakes are made when the risks are not fully evaluated; mistakes would be devastating for Dominica, which no one would like to see happen. Therefore, the more scrutinising of the documents, the more secure we will all feel. So why not invite Mr Martin’s input and lets work together to achieve the same aims.

    The planning protocol should be maintained and the Environmental Impact Assessment Studies documents, should be available within the procedure and process laid down. The planning protocol is a well thought out document with the aim of protecting our environment; guiding building in a sustainable way, in partnership with the local community. So why shouldn’t we embrace it and consult before and during production. It is so vital to address stakeholders concerning and to get them on-board. The Method Statement should be made available to convey how the construction will be carried out and how it would be supervised to ensure safety and maintain quality.

    This should not be a partisan project but a project for all Dominicans. A project that will affect us now and our future generations. We need to get it right together, as Dominicans. The risks are so high not to!

    • %
      May 4, 2014

      Sensible comment.
      I would also like to commend Athie a million fold, for his stance in seeing to it that things are done properly, with little or NO loss of lives.
      Continue the Good Fight!
      You are a real patriot!

      • burtdave
        May 5, 2014

        These are the types of sober comments that are required in such a discuss, this really should not be treated as a partisan project and as such it is only wise to get everyone on board and proceed with caution since such a project is so sensitive

  13. Anonymous
    May 4, 2014

    But what is this for me. Why these people have to go mess with god’s land. Let them chook poopoo i hope when it start smelling they can deal with it. Right where boiling lake is they looking it trouble. Bubble, bubble , bubble, bubble, boiling lake tomato will burst poof..,

    • A Doubting Thomas
      May 5, 2014

      Anonymous I agree with you and I would go even further agree, if I understand what you are saying correctly and I did understand you, right? Why do we build houses to live in when God gave us the open lands. Adam and Eve lived in the forest with the animals right? Is that how God created the earth? Anything else he gave us to knowledge to do right?

      Why would we want electricity in our homes – that could be a disaster. Did God give us electricity, but wait, did the environmentalist agree when we got electricity in Dominica or they wanted us to stay in the dark?

      There was a time when we did not have that either. Anyone remembers? Many of us were born knowing electricity as if it were the norm. What if those before us had said NO and listened to those against to having electricity as they are saying no to cheaper cost? Do you think you and I would be on our computer now? Can you imagine that?

      Why do we fly in airplanes, much less wanting an international airport? God did not build one when he gave us the earth. Did he? Then why all that fuss of not having an international airport?

      But wait! Was that one of the reason Dominican own teamed up to say he will ensure no international airport is ever build in Dominica? That nice devoted Dominican should never have electricity in his home or fly in any airplane leaving Dominica. Don’t you agree?

      Why drill for oil, and gold did God ask us to do that? Destroying the earth. I hope this guy does not drive a car or uses oil, some where else drills for the oil and gasoline he uses anything that is not of nature he should be banned from using; people like those need a dose of their own medicine.

      Where all that money we circulate come from anyway. How does the mint print money where all that machinery come from did God put that on the earth too?

      And all the vehicles on the road, where do they assemble all those parts anyway. So do Dominicans need cars an trucks and what have you they will pollute our environment. Won’t they?

      I think all like individuals should leave us in our mess and misery and go somewhere in the woods far away from civilization and let those of us who want the microwave ovens and computers and internet and television that could be destroying us daily to live our lives the way we want too.

      God gave man the means to develop themselves and their environment. Why would the environmentalists believe only they know what is best for us? They enjoy the best life have to offer but only they should have them not others.

      There is a word for people like these but it escapes me at the moment. Can you imagine these people are paid to do these things and handsomely too.

  14. Uncle Sam
    May 4, 2014

    It’s truly fascinating that very little is being mentioned about the risks and dangers of geothermal exploration …by those who seem to have a personality problem with Athie …
    You have already shot the messenger…now concentrate on the severe hazardous conditions now existing in the Roseau Valley ….created by Roosevelt Skerrit , supported by the sons of Ambrose George and Julius Timothy …Think about it !

    • vote these jokers ou
      May 5, 2014

      talk about it uncle :!:

  15. May 4, 2014

    Athie just displaying what it means to put country before money, a true example of a true Dominican. Keep it up Athie, Don’t give up!

  16. MeCamem
    May 4, 2014

    Which is hotter: Geothermal or the the attack on democratic principals emanating from DNO because of its political slant and attack on free speech? Yeah go ahead and delete this post again.

    • ?????????
      May 4, 2014

      The attack of propogandists ON the Animal Show is the HOTTEST!

      • Anonymous
        May 4, 2014

        Hmm, I wonder which of the animal shows? Because there are two!

  17. Anonymous
    May 4, 2014

    Is that the same athie that use to be the minister? Calling election tonight

    • ()
      May 4, 2014

      @Anonymous. Your DOTISH is Skerrit that is walking with the election date in his back pocket, NOT ATHIE!

  18. anonymous2
    May 4, 2014

    Athy is at it again. Anywhere there is money from outside DA, he is tied to it. I wonder if that man has a conscience. This whole geothermal thing here was a mistake and now people are waking up. Solar is a better way to go and a lot less detrimental to the environment.

    • Anonymous
      May 5, 2014

      so it does not matter the consequences that might occur because of drilling how many km in the heart of the earth? Everyone I am sure want the country to develop economically but things have to be done in the proper way…..SMH

  19. original
    May 3, 2014

    I am seeing several attacks on Athie, but he is not the one putting the lives of the people of the country in danger, he is simply calling for experts to come and carry out proper assessment of the project before it proceeds to a danger point, what if the government spend so much money and the project fail and cause some gross fatality better safe than sorry.

  20. Annica Alethea
    May 3, 2014

    Come on people, let us address this situation soberly, forget about the political divide, which tribe you support, because if things go bad in the Roseau Valley, the disaster will not discriminate against colors, all of us will be in the same s. Like Bob Marley says “When the rain falls it does not fall on one man’s house top”. So stop this Athie bashing.
    The government has approached the geothermal project incorrectly, from the word go it has been part of a party political agenda, the project must be completed in 2015 whether we like it or not.
    For Blackmore it is take it or leave it and shut your mouth. Anyone who dare speak must be silenced.
    Blackmore promised the completion of the Melville Hall road since December 2012, eighteen months later he still does not know when it will be completed. This is improvements to a road that was already built with all information available for everyone to see, yet it cannot be completed.
    Now Blackmore wants to deliver a geothermal project within the next eight months and the brightest of specialists in the field are saying they do not know what the consequences will be. The least that the government could do is to be cautious, tread carefully, inform the people on all aspects of the project, be transparent, be honest and truthful with the citizens and for at least one time forget the party politics to do something for the good of the homeland.
    But no, the politics must be up front, left, right, back and center. This is the salvation of Dominica and I Blackmore will beat my chest to say “I delivered”.
    For the people of the Roseau Valley they better be safe than sorry. A year delay with this geothermal project is nothing, in fact even if it is delayed for five years to make sure that it is done right is worth it.
    The Dominica Association of Professional Engineers, the Dominica Society of Architects and the Land Surveyors Association should step up and give some guidance to that process. The government team and Athie’s group have lost credibility and trust of the people. The situation is so polarized that anything one side says or does will be discredited by the other, so we need an independent arbitrator, we need an intervention from the University of the West Indies engineering department, from the UN and other reputable institutions to come and bring some sanity to this situation.
    I cannot trust a group of politicians who are desperately seeking power to make a determination on that one. My life and that of my family and community is priceless to allow politicians to mess with it.

    • UWP?
      May 5, 2014

      You went against your opening statement to put politics aside and went right into politics. You comments couldn’t be more political. You moved to bashing Blackmore and the Govt. for a development project.

  21. Anonymous
    May 3, 2014

    Here is some further information about Geothermal, from people who have suffered from living in the vicinity of Geo Plants. I am sure Dominicans will find this of interest.

    Norris Prevost

    • Anonymous
      May 4, 2014

      Just not convincing enough. Sounds like they just want piece of the pie.

  22. by the school
    May 3, 2014

    Regardless of the orchestrated attack on Martin, he is a man of principle. One cannot say the same for those who attack him behind the facelessness of DNO. You are doing a great job Athie.

  23. Affa
    May 3, 2014

    I am not a lobor party supporter, but this political shot shows how low some, or Arthie, will go in his politics just to be political and self-serving. Nothing to do with well being of Dominica. I do hope krisspin, the champ of geothermal doesn’t go back to Arthie’s camp whether pro or anti-labor with elections coming.

  24. Country Man
    May 3, 2014

    What we need here is the geology and hydrology report for the drilling that is going on in Dominica. We really need to know the area of the geothermal reservoir that is being drilled into. It is quite possible that the wells being drilled may be linked to the valley of desolation and the boiling lake. You don’t have to drill directly under the valley of desolation or the boiling lake to impact these resources. We have experience this very same issue with the geysers in California. Today they have to transport water from outside to recharge the wells in the geysers to keep the power plant operational. We need to be transparent on this thing. The Government needs to get off this high horse and get an proper engineering firm to looks out for Dominica’s best interest with regards to this project. Right now they are just leaning on their own misunderstanding and making a mess of this thing.

  25. unique 1
    May 3, 2014

    In my opinion all i can say is Dominica will never get anywhere if the attitude of those guye remain as is.We are hearing so much about Dominica need an international airport when years ago an opportunity was there but because of jealousy a letter was written to have it stop,we heard of letters being sent to all the doner countries to stop giving funds to Dominica because it was not well spend,we also heard of the stoppage of the road expansion next to UWI and the many other protest that we have heard about, even the protest to stop the State House which was called a state malice, all that was done by the same group that so love dominica and concern about the people.Now they are writing letter to stop the drilling of the wells and if possible to stop the entire project. But for all those who think that the move the Skerrit Administration took in exploring this resource was a wrong move,I say to you all that was a move in the right direction.If it was UWP that was doing it Athie and his group would have no complain but is because is Labour doing it, it appear to be bad. So my advice to my PM is do continue to do what is best for the country and who vex,VEX.

  26. Labour for ever!
    May 3, 2014

    Geothermal is great!
    Geothermal is the key feature in our campain!
    See u all in St. Joe on monday to see what our PM and Blackmoor have to say! Cheap electricity we want- Trafalgarfalls cant charge my phone and run my fridge much less to bring money into the country so we can get cheques in the mail like the people in Alaska.
    We gave Athie a river to export water, he would have dryed that river by now and now they making noise about us going to dry Titou and Papa falls of Trafalgar? Trafalgar have two waterfalls so we can dry one to get the geothermal running plus DA! People in Da have to much children and we need to reduce the population since we dont have so many jobs on island.
    Darwin said: survival of the fittest, and we from the labour party need to get rid of the uwp peple in the valley!

    • >>>>>>>>>
      May 4, 2014

      @Labour for ever.
      You are a MENTAL case.

    • Anonymous
      May 5, 2014

      A REAL MENTAL CASE AT THAT! Be educated and stop being ignorant!

  27. dafriend
    May 3, 2014

    Martin, you are a waste of space. What have you ever done to benefit Dominica? Big speeches, many words, loads of criticism but never ever any constructive. Shut up and don’t get other people involved in your nonsense!!!

  28. pissed off
    May 3, 2014

    These protesters are pissing me off. why they cannot get something better to do with their time. F unesco and and the world heritage site? What that doing for the economy?The good of geothermal energy far outwaying any bad. Allu not seeing how much good that going and do for dominica. Allu is a set of people with nothing to do with there time. A bunch of retards that what to stay retards. Dominica can leapfrog infront of so many other countries that doing better that us now with geothermal energy. A bunch of STUPID PEOPLE! F unesco and f the world heritage site. GEOTHERMAL ENERGY! this is where u dislike my comment

    • Anonymous
      May 5, 2014

      Dominica is the Nature Isle of the Caribbean and will it remain so. Your are one of the stupid people that don’t care how and what the Government do to get money? I wonder if they reach on your bed…..i will stop there . Like Angelo would say go read a book…….

  29. Anonymous
    May 3, 2014

    We seriously missing the point. First of all Athie got it wrong wrong wrong !!!!!! Where did you do your research Athie…..There is no drilling in the Valley of Desolation or towards Morne Watt and if that is your primary argument its total rubbish!!!! It would have been a total MAD and INSANE move by the GOVT. to even consider such a move. BUT having followed the developments and one who continues to follow the events, we would have realized that THREE test drill sites were successfully completed PREVIOUSLY. In fact Will Osborn et al (2014) presented a paper entitled “Successful Discovery Drilling in Roseau Valley,Commonwealth of Dominica” PROCEEDINGS, Thirty-Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
    Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 24-26, 2014 SGP-TR-202. Clear and concise report no issues there. Now the issue is with regards to new remarks expressed by Mr. Alexis George. “We are not in the direction, we are not proceeding in the direction….” Comments which suggest that NEW drillings may be taking place. There was never plans for a 4th test drill site however there has always been talk about reinjection wells as has been quoted by the MP for the Roseau Valley. In this light the FUNDAMENTAL question that we have failed to ask to date is the ALLEGATION that there has been a failure in one of the new wells drilled and due to that failure another has to be done to accommodate the reinjection of toxic material taken off during the earlier drilling exercise. This should be at the helm of the discussion right now. There is a paper entitled “Role and management of geothermal reinjection” by Gudni Axelsson Iceland GeoSurvey (ÍSOR) and University of Iceland presented at a “Short Course on Geothermal Development and Geothermal Wells”,organized by UNU-GTP and LaGeo, in Santa Tecla, El Salvador, March 11-17, 2012, which goes in detail to explain some of the problems/obstacles and operational dangers associated with reinjection wells such as cooling of production wells often because of short-circuiting and cold-front breakthrough, and scaling in surface equipment and injection wells because of the precipitation of chemicals in the water. So based on my little bit I suggest that these Environmentalist go get the facts straight, do the research thoroughly and educated the masses properly!!!!

  30. Pussinka
    May 3, 2014

    Please enlighten me on what UNESCO has contributed to Dominica’s development since MTNP has been designated as a WHS. I haven’t been hearing anything on the news so I want to know.
    With this protest action, the brave ones will be the first to DIE, have you thought of that? All the negatives you all claim about the project, yet some smartie thinks, that they should go and monitor the project. You see the contradiction? It is so dangerous but let us go and watch. Whatever you all go for, you all will surely get. I’ve never heard of such in my life before.

  31. vi massive
    May 3, 2014

    Athie, go get a life and let Dominica move on…

    • Anonymous
      May 5, 2014

      Dominica is the Nature Isle of the Caribbean and will it remain so. Your are one of the stupid people that don’t care how and what the Government do to get money? I wonder if they reach on your bed…..i will stop there . Like Angelo would say go read a book…….

  32. Francisco Telemaque
    May 3, 2014

    Arthie, I believe you should leave this one alone; here you are once again disrupting progress, only this time you are doing it in the name of UNESCO. Usually I give hell to this this present government; however, I cannot say you are correct in protesting another phase of Development in our country.

    What are you talking about?

    “UNESCO has responded asking for images, and sketch for drilling holes.” Who gave UNESCO this authority over the peoples business in Dominica?

    What authority does UNESCO have in the internal affairs of our country? None; absolutely none! And you see this word; “delist.” let me inform you that it simple means: to remove from a list, or to remove a security from the list of securities that may be dealt in on a particular exchange. According to you this is something frightening, and Dominicans should become frightened of UNESCO, so let us protest against themselves demanding the shooting down of the geothermal site.

    You had Dominicans protest against themselves in the case of the International Airport, to day the rest of the Caribbean is laughing at us because of our stupidity. Only in Dominica we fight and destroy progress. Athie; there is nothing perfect in this life; or world, this is simply another of your political quest, you have a reputation of protesting anything good that you believe will serve a useful purpose in the country. I hate to remind you; that you are more responsible for the shutting down of the International Airport which the UWP had under construction, than any member of the Labor Party Government. I ask you , Athie, what shall your legacy be?

    Will it read you are the man who have blocked more progress in Dominica, protesting every and any proposal which could help to improve conditions for the citizens of Dominica, even one who protest against programs that could have helped to eradicate poverty in the country?

    You were the chief student of Ralph Gonzalez, remember you told me that Gonzales recommend that Dominica does not need an International Airport, all that is needed is the refurbishing of the terminal, and install landing lights on the runway. Well that has been done; are you having might flights in and out of Dominica, after midnight? You accomplished your quest in that regard. Not only did you follow Gonzales of St. Vincent advise, you also took the advise of Ian Bertrand, of Trinidad in the same respect; you acted on their advise causing Dominica not to have an International Airport operating this day.

    You need to leave well alone, there are many Geothermal Energy Plants operating internationally, we do not hear they kill people by the millions. There are risks involved in everything, one can get electrocuted in their house at any time; do you believe because of such probability, we should terminate the use of electricity in Dominica? Just remain quiet for a moment and let us try to make a little progress for whatever it is worth!

    Dominica is a sovereign country, with every right to dictate what we want in our country, for you to sit there, and make it appear as if UNESCO have some sort of right, say, control, or any form of power over anything in Dominica is simply ludicrous; that makes no sense whatsoever!

    We have no king; we are not colonized by any foreign nation or outside organization including UNESCO!

    The letters UNESCO simply abbreviates “United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural organization, what dose that organization have to do with a geothermal plant in Dominica? Slavery was abolished more than four hundred years ago, do not try to enslave a free people to an organization which has no significance in our people’s life! My final question to you is; from what do you anticipate Dominica will be delist from?

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Anonymous
      May 4, 2014

      I follow all your post but this piece is brilliantly put together. As a historian my interest in the local history has demonstrated that there has never been a more destructive and divisive person than athie. This man’s mission to his own business detriment has been to shut down every project meant to bring Dominica into the 21st century. He has a record of attempting fervently to stagnate our countries growth. In fact if the stars were aligned differently he most likely would have lived in the US and the development of Dominica would definitely have paralleled that of Trinidad. If athie , lennox linton and the rest of the workers gang had their way Dominica would probably go back 500 years and look like it did when the europeans began arriving.

  33. Glanvillia Man
    May 2, 2014

    Athie Martin and the workers party are that annoying thorn on a beautiful red rose, having no purpose but to destroy the people of Dominica and send us back 100 years. They are very well aware of how much the geothermal project is going to make a huge help to Dominica’s economy, putting more money in people’s pocket with lower electricity bill, and even their wicked greedy self will benefit. So you think threatening us with our boiling lake delisted from the World’s Heritage Site is of any much effect to us as not having the Geothermal plant?? You idiots and annoying thorns on our beautiful red rose, we will soon shut you up during election results. Allow Dominica and Dominicans to progress and prosper. Only Labour knows how to help build a peaceful and prosperous nation.

    • JIM
      May 4, 2014

      @Glanvillia Man You sound more stupid than a blogger called “real possie”
      @real possie
      @Glanvillia Man…..
      Can you all remember that Skerrit said Petro Caribe would do the trick for us? It has made you all poorer. So poor that all you can only eat after visiting the Red Clinic. Thank God i do not believe anything that Skerrit says.

      • listener
        May 6, 2014

        @ Jim ,did you believe when uwp supporters said that venezuella was building a militerry base in jimmit? when Eddo said Mamo was bugging him ,or when the high school drop out said he didn’t travel to Taiwan with the big boys of uwp , you talking about lies talk about uwpwe

  34. silver sliver
    May 2, 2014

    Is the development of Dominica going to continue to suffer due to individuals and groups with ulterior motives preying on the fears and ignorance of the people? Do we remember that Heineken beer wanted to open a factory in Dominica, and we started hearing “hot air” about drunkenness……. they eventually went to St Lucia, now we import the same beer. Also, Ross had initially brought his Vet school to Picard, which was the largest section, and again, more “hot air”, animal disease…….. they moved to St Kitts, we have not heard of any catastrophe there! This is not the first geothermal operation in the world, where is the evidence to support the fears that are being drummed up? Please put DA”s progress first for once, and stop playing on peoples fears to further your selfish goals!

    • JIM
      May 4, 2014

      @silver silver Yes i should suffer and i am in favour of it sufferineg, if it is not being done properly. That is why i fully support Athie (100%).

      • UWP?
        May 5, 2014

        Just another excuse. We are in support of it but it isn’t being done properly. What pollitcal propaganda! Think Dominica people> I am Dominica are you?

  35. Simply the Truth
    May 2, 2014

    God first. Then, if it is pleasing to him and He approves, all things will take place and be in place. Prior to this protest on Sunday, the Lords Day, ensure you first go to Church, pray to God and ask for his divine inspiration to ensure that you are doing the right thing, otherwise woe to you.
    Some people want changes and actions when they never consider God and “What Will Jesus Say.” Keep in mind what the Lord said, “Apart from Me you can do nothing.” Peace perfect peace. This is mortal and spiritual food for thought.

  36. Jose
    May 2, 2014

    When Miss Charles decided to electrify the whole island by using the water from the lake, the same people said that the lake would dryup and Dominica would become a thing of the PASS. 35 + year ago. Guess who were the people ?.

  37. Peeping Tom
    May 2, 2014

    There are at least two major issues here: Paranoia and political opportunism. I think that no matter what the project managers and the government say or do some people will remain skeptical because they are naturally fearful of the idea of drilling into the earth’s; especiallly in an area of volcanic activity. This fear may be irrational in some cases, but it must be accepted as a real challenge to the project. Unfortunately, i do not see a sustainable response to paranoia apart from hypnosis.

    Athie and the UWPwee are aware of this. So, whether they know the facts regarding the project or not is irrelevant. All that matters is the opportunity for mischiefmaking in the hope of winning an upcoming election. Caught in the middle are the residents who do not know bettter and who have been taught to rely on someone to think for them.

  38. so sad
    May 2, 2014

    All u playing with nature , when nature get vex. It do not want to know whether u blue, red or green what it get it taking with it. People let’s put politics aside and let’s think about what’s best f us. Cause volcano is not a hurricane , we’re talkin about fire.

  39. Anonymous
    May 2, 2014

    Some people are determined to bring our country down so that they can complain and be happy to spread misinformation about we being the worst country in the world. Misery loves company. You will not succeed!

  40. john bess
    May 2, 2014

    Stop the drilling now,athie we the people of the valley applaud you,job well done.

  41. May 2, 2014

    Alas Athie, u have no clue wat u want, wat the hell do you want man?

  42. Positive vibration
    May 2, 2014

    It’s interesting, that the day of the ” enemies of progress” protest, is the same day that is the Dominica Labour Party planned rally! We need to stop that nonsense. It is our Island – Dominica. Forget about the colors od red, blue , green and what else and be fair to our people. You want Dominica to lag behind because of personal politics. Athie, you and the others will be judged and dealt with seriously. There are people who are very angry because they reallize that the DLP is embarking on a Good thing for the people of Dominic and Athie and his negative people are upset. Nothing is going to stop the good work of this Government , in Jesus name!!

  43. My View
    May 2, 2014

    Thank God for someone like Athie who has the courage to stand up and fight for a cause which he believes in… I say it is better to be safe than sorry. Mr. George stop fooling around and let QUALIFIED SEISMOLOGIST and a GEOLOGIST give us answers. . We are intelligent people so we need CREDIBLE scientific data. It is high time that the government respect us and not force this geothermal energy down our throats…we want answers now…we are tired of being taken for granted by politicians who want to score political points. You labourites cannot stop this movement…..THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE IS GREATER THAN THE PEOPLE IN POWER…

  44. ##Dominica.#
    May 2, 2014

    That’s above my pay grade. some body, any body Educate me. I pass on this one.

  45. Count the cost first
    May 2, 2014

    Because I love Dominica I will support Athie Martin and the Geothermal Awareness Group, to make sure I played my part in protecting my one and only country. I cannot put partisan politics before national security. I am not against drilling but the fact of the matter is we all know Dominica is seating on a volcano that could erupt anytime, especially in the south. If we are going to do any drilling we need to get real neutral experts to advise us before anything is done. Since Dominica doesn’t have experts in that field at the moment, we need to import some that are not likely to benefit at our expense. It makes no sense to rush through something just to win an election. Let’s ask ourselves some questions Dominicans so we could make an informed decision. 1. Does anyone remember the island of Monserrat before the volcano? Should things not work as planned by those politicians do we have a plan B in place? What if we encourage an eruption? Do we have another country to run to? In the case of Monserrat, they could run to England since they were not an independent island like Dominica. I know Guadeloupeans ran to Dominica when it was their turn and they want us to drill to help cut their cost of energy. But will they allow our people to invade Guda? They sure did not allow the Hatians to when it was their turn. How many of us will get a vise to run to the USA? Folks, let us not be fooled by politicians. The last time I cheked, Mr. Skerrit has papers to move to France, Canada or the USA,. His wife is Us citizen as well as his son. They can run without a problem. Can you do the same? While it may sound good to our ears are the gains greater than the risks? Let’s count the cost

    • UWP?
      May 5, 2014

      Ignorance can have a drastic effect on our way of thinking and reasoning.

  46. Anonymous
    May 2, 2014

    DNO, is Charlie Jong running things? I was typing my piece and as soon as I clicked on ‘post comment’, the thing disappeared. There have jumbie man.

  47. Anonymous
    May 2, 2014

    A whole set of ppl just running their fingers and typing crap. No knowledge of what is going on. All I can read is Athie this, Athie that. If you guys do not know sheet about what is going on papa bondieu, just shut up. I don’t know about this geofirma condi Ralph Magloire; I come here to read and I have learnt nothing. Chilren mele on this topic.

  48. May 2, 2014

    If the volcano shake, skerrit first to run to the airport, remember the hurricane, mista so coward already, trust him to go ahead and not take any risk, go for it athie.

  49. Poison
    May 2, 2014

    Athie looking for another quater mill…hope you give some back to the less fortunate…look like every government should report to this man whenever they need to do something.

  50. john bess
    May 2, 2014

    Stop the drilling now,good move athie because everything skerrit and this government those has some downside to it.The cost of electricity will not be reduce because of geothermal energy.

  51. American Dominican
    May 2, 2014

    Which is the best way to go diesel geothermal? Which is best for the environment? Which is the between way to go? I want Martin to answer this quotation? He is not for the people he is the only beneficiary to all what he is after, do some research and u well find out, they are a bunch of greedy politician

  52. A Doubting Thomas
    May 2, 2014

    Brings right back to the fore front the 1998 environmental Prize of $100,000.00 with a promised of trying to prevent the building of an international airport.

    Now In 2014 the environmental prize maybe have increased so go again and leave Dominicans with higher electricity bills and look forward to another prize $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and laugh at Dominicans on the way to the bank.

    Way to go and timing couldn’t be better, A day before the Red, Red, Red Ready date.

    I can see the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ signs. Open your eyes Dominicans.

  53. Overseer
    May 2, 2014

    I rebuke all those who want to hurt my beloved country in Jesus’ name. Amen!

  54. Pierre
    May 2, 2014

    Is there any more pesticide in the country?

  55. listening
    May 2, 2014

    Geothermal exploration is a good if it is done right .
    The Govt/ stakeholders needs to be transparent of the project pros/cons and must follow the proper scientific means of exploration including proper disaster preparedness in case something goes wrong in order to manage the social structure in the aftermath of the event.

    Therefore I don’t think it is too much to ask to put these things in place before exploration to protect lives and safety of Dominicans. These things are not in place then halt the project get them in place and move on.

    But the big bad wolf said….Noooooooo. we will put them in place when something happens don’t stop my project because I need to get the credit.

    But if he is sure he will win the election then he should have no problems slowing down the project and avoid putting lives at risk……..Food for thought!!!

  56. Anonymous
    May 2, 2014

    Dominica is dead in the waters of modernization, going nowhere fast. :mrgreen: STOP the drilling!

    • joe
      May 2, 2014

      Would you have said the same if we had found OIL in the area???

      Nations makes serious sacrifices to ensure their countries are number 1, but you people are just……………………………..


    • Truth be Told
      May 3, 2014

      Modernization? You remind me of Chernobyl and Union Carbide disasters – they were both modernisation and up till now no one can live in those villages affected in Russia/Ukraine and India! Development is necessary but risk must be properly managed and that is what Martin and the environmentalists are calling for – and in fact every person who lives on the island of Dominica should be interested in the downside to this project being properly managed!

    May 2, 2014

    Oh boy! A living Dead.

  58. Watcher
    May 2, 2014

    Is that the same Athie Matin who was given two, not one opportunity to serve in the Cabinet of Dominica? Is it the same Athie Matin who led campaigns after for whales over the citizens of Dominica who told us that the environmental movementwas going to blacklist Dominica? Is that the same Athie Matin who presently holds a license to sell bulk water by the millions of gallons per month from one of Dominica’s biggest river and who after more than four years is yet to say when he will sell a pint of water? Is that the same Athie Matin who led campaigns against realignment of the Botanic Gardens wall?

    What is his legacy? A man who knows every which way to develop Dominica, yet when he got the opportunities – twice he fail to defend his ideas in the Cabinet but chose each time to walk out. The man is a great orator. So he sounds genuine but he is actually a spent bullet. The timing of his protest is also interesting, coming one day before the DLP’s St. Joseph rally. Did Athie Matin smell a rat why he rushes now to catch the media spotlight? After all it is Athie Matin who has been sayingthat Skerrit is losing popularity and that the Labour Party is on its way out. He taking in front before in front take him. What a waste Athie! You spent your entire life chastising governments for not listening to you and going green with the development of Dominica. Yet when this government take concrete steps to go green you have never ever offered a word of encouragement. Again you want the entire world now thru the UNESCO to blacklist Dominica. Athie Matin should be ashamed of himself. Meanwhile I am listening to the experts. Athie is only an expert at speaking and rousing his emotions.

    • Anonymous
      May 2, 2014

      Couldn’t have said it better!!!!!!!!!!

    • Anonymous
      May 2, 2014

      You know, I have asked myselg that question over and over 6 times – ‘What does Athie Really Want?’

      • Anonymous
        May 2, 2014

        Or more pertinently, what can Athie do?

    • Norm
      May 2, 2014

      This is not about Mr. Martin Sir——open your eyes.

    • Dominican
      May 2, 2014

      @Watcher. The adverse impact of the Geothermal project on our lives at this point is far more greater than your comments and the ever vindicating of the messenger rather than looking beyond that and taking a more holistic view of the message being put out there rather who is Arthie Martin and his legacy..blah blah….. It is more about that. Don’t get your mind clouded comrade.

      Somehow I just don’t get you’ll people. YOU have totallly forgotten about your safety and the environmental impact that this may have on YOU and YOUR FAMILY..
      Peace be with you..!

    • ()
      May 2, 2014

      @Watcher What is his legacy?
      Did you ask this preposterous question. in you long piece of FILTH? Well i have know Athie, and will continue to know him as an upright man who stood up against corruption, and malfeasance in government. A lover of mankind and one who could stand up to Skerrit like a man while SYCOPHANTS AND SLAVES LIKE YOU would fold like a piece of plastic.
      I LOVE ATHIE! GOOD MOVE ATHIE and Company.
      On the other hand Skerrits legacy?
      The man who impoverished Dominica, and turned thousands of Dominicans into beggars.!
      Compare the two lefgacies!!!!!

    • Nonesense
      May 2, 2014

      Stop attacking the messenger and listen to the message…if a disaster occurs it is not labourites alone that will be affected. That is your affair if you want to see to believe…

    • A Doubting Thomas
      May 3, 2014

      What is the equivalent of 175,000.00 US$ in EC$ that in my opinion a very good incentive for judasing Dominicans for some pieces of silver and claiming is for the good of the country. But God is good and Dominica is blessed.

      This is the going rate in 2014 for the Environmental Prize up $75,0000 from 1998. This would be a big payday for someone.

    • Mega
      May 3, 2014

      A Blocker!!, A Blocker!!…… BLOCKER!!

    • BEB
      May 3, 2014

      Could some one tell me “how long since this geothermal business is going on in DA” was Athie been sleeping all the time? I know that many millions have been spent on the project. Why all those talks didn’t take place before the commencement before the drillings? Athie was asleep all the time and has woken up from his sleep.
      I can remember a few years ago they were discussing about erecting an oil refinery in the Pte. Round area and Athie was the main architect for disrupting that project ,now that project has been scraped, there’s no more talking about that . I look at a small island like St. Croix, which can go into Dominica so many times ,where there was an oil refinery for so many years, many people had benefitted from that, now St. Croix is dead, people are balling.
      Now Mr. Athie, should the UWP win the coming election, would they scrap the geothermal project? All Athie is concern is to see the destruction of DA , What has happened to his water project, it’s not yet off the ground after so many years.

    • Not a herd follower
      May 3, 2014

      The GAG must be careful that Athie does not hijack the group.

      Athie does not compromise. It must be his way. He is the expert on everything. The achiever of nothing lasting.

    • May 4, 2014

      isn’t the same cabinet that told us about cheaper electricity from the Petro Caribe initiative? show me the reduction in your light bill as a result and I will pay the next six months for you! isn’t the same cabinet that told us under the first 300 million dollar, 4 pillar project from China we would see a new state of the art Dominica Grammer School with two wings,and once the children were transferred the old Grammer school would be demolished and the second wing would start eh! and then we would see a modern and New Hospital – watcher go watch the Grammer school then come back to tell us about its new state, in fct watch the surroundings and tell if it is complete haha- well I will save you the grief will not send you to watch the Gentle Rest PMH because you might not believe what you watching; . but WATCHER ISN’T THE SAME CABINET that cut the ribbon for a state of the art modern 100 million dollar high way from Roseau to Portsmouth – almost 30 miles of road – maths will show almost 1 million dollars per mile- WATCHER you ever watch that road? WATCHER really you should go watch it again and then come to tell us if that road is a modern highway and if really really cost a 100 million. – – so WATCHER you not watching that this was a total fruad, EH WATCHER;. and I can go on and onobviously to include the geothermal project but you know ; the moral of the story Watcher is that we can’t trust this cabinet – and therefore can’t trust them with Geothermal either because they are the same cabinet that continues to pull wool over the eyes of Dominicans – so for instance, you and other wathers may be watching but what you watching is totally different from what we the non- watchers are seeing; hahahaha!

    • Roy Williams
      May 4, 2014

      Here we go again, what a magnificent job at bashing the messenger. As regards to the message, dump it in the garbage bin. :mrgreen:

    • ?
      May 4, 2014

      @ Watcher You are a semi illiterate. One like Skerrit who cannot understand. What you are doing is to just attack the man. The man wants things done correctly.

  59. SMDH
    May 2, 2014

    Athie! Athie! Athie…you rather see Dominica get delisted by UNESCO with your nonsense…you are an expert on everything….Jack of all Trade Master of None!

  60. May 2, 2014

    athie could not export one drop of water from an entire river, but he want to stop progress. but tell him no way he wont he have to wheel an come again

  61. Anonymous
    May 2, 2014

    with this geothermal project slated to reduce the cost of electricity for dominicans, when mr. martin has it shut down can i come to him to help with my electricity bill?

    • Anonymous
      May 2, 2014

      The same thing was said about Petro Caribe, is YOU alone they can fool. Lol

    • Open your eyes
      May 2, 2014

      Why you want to call him when you a custom of going Red CLinic well free everything In St Joe so when you go get your cash to pay ur bill for the balance of the year

    • ?
      May 2, 2014

      Reduce electricity my foot. We were told Petro Caribe would have done more than that. Now beggars like you cannot even pay your light bill.

    • Fuente
      May 2, 2014

      Petro-carib was supposed to reduce electricity bill as well.

      Guess the red clinic helping you pay ur bills now

    • ????????????
      May 3, 2014

      Reduce the cost of electricity? You mean in the same way Petro Caribe had to? I would force a halt to this nadness now!

  62. Well
    May 2, 2014

    Well let UNESCO delist us then….let’s see progress and a potentially new industry vs. world heritage site that no one really recognizes….hmmmm

  63. IluvmyPm
    May 2, 2014

    Athie we love you for taking a Stand for Dominica

    • *
      May 3, 2014

      I do not know for anyone else, but yes i love Athie.

  64. IFF I WUZ
    May 2, 2014

    PARRY, I would advise the Prime Minister to immediately request from the United Nation an independent Engineer or Geologist in order to cast aside any fear Dominicans in particular the people of the Valley would have. Mr. Martin cannot expect the Prime Minister to spend approximately $50 million and just close down the project because he is not satisfied with the operations.

    • *
      May 3, 2014

      @ IF I WUZ Is it the Prime Minister that has spent the $50million? Where did he get all that money? He needs to explain to the people.

  65. Tri-State Beauty
    May 2, 2014

    yes Dominicans make this about Arthie et al. Get personal!Make it about your party colours and blind allegiance! Keep it up! 1/2 of you don’t have your a… wrapped tight in cotton much less plastic, the politicians can run with their families, Arthie can bounce… Stay there still and never educate yourselves, just run your fingers night and day and rise and fall with hatred and politics.

    • >>>>>>>>>>>>
      May 2, 2014

      I really like this comment. This is the Athie i know, and have grown to LOVE.

    • we need geothermal
      May 2, 2014

      @ tri-state beauty I don’t know if you are old enough but Athie has been trying to throw dominica back to the stoneage sinc the 1970’s almost 45 years. Its high time this man quit trying to prevent progress. Garcon go and encourage development instead of trying to destroy dominica at every opportunity you get. Find the reources an start exporting water instead of trying to block every possible avenue for lasting growth and development.

    • May 3, 2014

      if what you profess is education i do not want to be educated

    • Anonymous
      May 4, 2014

      I wonder if you are not referring to yourself and are hiding behind a computer pretending.

  66. Dispeller.
    May 2, 2014

    Before anyone else blindly follows Athie, I sincerely hope they do their own research. I am not a Labourite. But I am a Dominican whose vision is not clouded by red or blue veils.
    90% of what he said is downright false! I have far better “inside information” than him and it was done simply by asking the relevant individuals and hearing what they really said and not what I wanted to hear.

    1) There is no “drilling under the boiling lake”. The well was directionally drilled to a maximum displacement no more than 500 m from the well site in the direction of Wotten Waven. The Boiling Lake is about 2.5 miles east of the well while the well was drilled 0.3 miles south south-west. No interference there. Not even close.

    2) There is no Tsunami pump ready to dry the rivers in order to ‘kill’ the well. Killing a well is an expression used when a well has to be cooled off in order to safely open it. Heat builds pressure and the well is shut in with a valve. Cold (room temperature) water is used to cool the well down so that it may be safely opened for testing purposes or logging. It is NOT the equivalent of throwing water on hot coal. It is more like adding cold water to boiling water. It just stops boiling and can be handled safely.
    In order to kill the well, the volume of water required is a few thousand gallons and not millions like Mr. Martin said.

    3) The evacuation plan was requested by the residents of the Roseau Valley and NOT the government. During the testing of the exploratory wells, only the immediate area of the well was sectioned off from the public. The relevant authorities and even government officials were present for the test. There is no risk of a cataclysmic event for the Roseau Valley, far less for the areas such as Cochrane.

    4) Mr. Martin is right in one area. There is not enough information from the Government. Placing an EIA online is part of the job. However I feel sorry for guys like Ronald Charles who are blindly following Mr. Martin based on blatantly false information. I hope that Mr. Charles takes his own initiative and informs himself on the situation and the facts. If Mr. Charles becomes the Parl Rep for the Valleym it will be his responsibility to ensure that such information is readily available. I also hope Matt Peltier can get someone who knows more on the issues to come on his program.

    • Norm
      May 2, 2014

      Who are you and where did you get your expertise from? I suspect it might be from a radio station or politcal rally.
      Mr.Expert id you are so confident tell us your name like Athie did? Ortherwise you are dismissed.

      • Dispeller.
        May 5, 2014

        I need no followers. I speak the truth with no emotional or political affiliation. I am an engineer who deals with the facts. My name isn’t important. It’s clear you dismiss me because I say what you don’t want to hear.

    • Peeping Tom
      May 2, 2014

      Not bad, Dispeller. Genuine and valiant efforts to separate hype and histrionics from fact and science.

      To be sure, though, Ronald is not following Martin. Both are on the same team with the same mission: Use misinformation and hype to frustrate the government’s development plans in the hope that the electorate will be duped into voting in the UWPwee. Facts and science and your honest post, in spite of their significance, are, unfortunately, irrlevant here.

      Fortunately, the DLP has a response to propaganda and misinformation. Stay tuned.

    • Papa Dom
      May 3, 2014

      How are you sure that the “information” you received from the inside source is truthful? People like you make me sick. You agree that there is not enough information from the government but you fail to ask yourself why.

      • Dispeller.
        May 5, 2014

        I am sure because I was on the site at Laudat expressing my interest not as a supporter or opponent but as an engineer interested in knowing how it works. Everyone involved were experts in their field. Drillers, geologists, and supervisors all worked together. The EU and AFD also would NEVER spend their money on a project that didn’t follow protocol and would endanger a population. The information was right there. Hole size, hole location, etc.

    • ____________________
      May 3, 2014

      @Dispeller Athie is a very principled man that is highly trusted and respected in Dominica. He is trusted many times more than you, your master Skerrit and the others spewing untruth here. I think that he is doing the correct thing and he should be lauded highly for that.
      99.999999999999999% of what Skerrit says are UNTRUTHS. If Skerrit says to me geothermal energy will reduce the cost of electricity, I WILL NOT BELIEVE HIM. He lies too dam much.

    • Odinn
      May 3, 2014

      Exactly. Clear and sensible explanations.

    • Not a herd follower
      May 3, 2014

      You appear to have some key information. I concur with your last point. The govt needs to be transparent and provide more info. Following Athie is to be led in a dark labyrinth

    • May 4, 2014

      having pointed out all of the gaps in Athies comments lets see you now list and comment on all the gaps on the geothermal project. And please do not tell me there are isn’t any -because I know that you know that there are several gaps! and lets start with the most critical one you have already mentioned let me help you ; Athie is right on one thing – ” there is not enough information coming from the Government” what else is wrong with the project – forget about Athie and just be honest with us Dominicans. can we be, Please!

      • Dispeller.
        May 5, 2014

        The information I speak of is the government not doing what I am doing and scientifically proving Athie wrong. They may plan to later clarify but meanwhile the average Dominican knows very little about geothermal energy and people are now paranoid. People living in Wotten Waven are exposed daily to more gases and liquids from the same belly of the earth than anything that will ever come out of the well.
        Hearing Mr. Martin lie to Dominicans about geothermal is as annoying as hearing a parent tell their child jumbie will take them if they disobey. Too much misinformation and sensationalizing of the issues.

    • Lonesome
      May 4, 2014

      So Dispeller, why dont you get on Mart in The Morning or the HOT SEATand answer some question for us. You claim to have more information that Athie.

  67. Doc. Love
    May 2, 2014

    I wish to predict, six to twelve months from today, many Dominicans will call Mr. Arthie Martin a hero.

    • Anonymous
      May 2, 2014

      Rubbish!!!!!! Is it the first time that this individual has gone about his malicious publicity-seeking, politically-motivated escapades??? Hero?????? I suspect you are in need of a brain transplant!!!!!!

      • *
        May 3, 2014

        Anonymous Of course Athie is a hero, compared to you that seem to be a Skerrit doormat and lapdog. Athie must continue doing the good work for and on behalf of the Dominican people and those in the Roseau Valley in particular.

      • Lonesome
        May 4, 2014

        Well, I may need brain surgery as well, and while Athie’s politics and mine are far apart, Athie is a man of principle and a very fearless individual. Dominicans must thank God for people like Arthie who puts everything on the line to obtain and share information with us. Arthie had the opportunity to be among the curren t elements of the current administration. And he was highly regarded by them all. But he sacrificed all that based on his principle. THANK YOU ARTHIE!

    • we need geothermal
      May 2, 2014

      I highly doubt that but in a year time they wll definitely see him as a LIAR

    • Anonymous
      May 4, 2014

      Hero? What a laugh! Let him start being a hero by trying to save his business.

  68. Ahful
    May 2, 2014

    Athie you really trying to make the UN delist Morne Trois Piton as a WHS. Ah magway sa Athie, aah, what Dominica do you Athie? Skerrit you hate like that. You preaching for something when you get it is something else. Go and try to sell some water Athie. You just a blocker.

    • Papa Dom
      May 2, 2014

      Shut ur …. fool go and tell skerritt to do things properly and ask those useless ministers to start doing the work they are being paid to do, which includes discussing things at a cabinet level and not rubber stamp every bit of stupidness skerritt comes up with.

      • Peeping Tom
        May 3, 2014

        Wow! you seem to have taken Ahful’s postt verrrrry personally, Papa DOm. OMG! Why?

  69. fed up
    May 2, 2014

    The Geothermal Awareness Group,who are the ones spearheading that group?it wouild be interesting to know what is the real motive for that protest! The truth will eventually reveal itself!
    MrMartin you make me laugh<i used to respect you alot before<.No one listens to you seriously ………….. You have failed us all.You had your chance as a Minister ,but you were …. to make adifference when it really mattered,and now any port for a storm!Personally i see you as a waste !Personally you are clogging up our airwaves with no sound!

    • HIM
      May 3, 2014

      @fed up Martin may have failed you, he cetrtainly has not failed ME and many many many many more Dominicans.

  70. Discombobulated
    May 2, 2014

    See how some people can destroy our Island? We would have had an international airport years ago if uwp had not written that letter and put a stop to it. Now Dominicans asking for an airport. Set us more than ten years behind. We have an opportunity to have something different and profit making again, here we go. And the funny thing is that these people prey on the ignorance of Dominicans. The project is being done by experts, tried, tested and proven to be successful. So many health and safety checks etc. like with all projects who knows what can go wrong? Nothing is full proof. But i find it impossible to believe that rather than drilling straight down into the ground, the drilling would be horizontal. Brilliant assessment by someone who is not even and expert in the field. That’s how these people create panic and then it leads to huge problems. Everything in Dominica is politics. None of them really care of what the people want. I’m so frustrated and tired of this nonesensical behaviour by the same people who are meant to put the people first. I cannot wait for that ridiculous generation to get out of politics. They’re dangerous. They give up the airport and st lucia pass us, we even transiting there, make them give up the geothermal energy, we will buy electricity from st lucia in 10/15 years (not that I know if st lucia is suitable, just making a point).

    • %
      May 2, 2014

      @Discombubulated It is sad that you are seeing this as the thing that will destroy our island. My friend Skerrit and his gang of greedy men and women are the real ones destroying Dominica. ARE YOU A HYPOCRITE? Skerrit has destroyed all institutions on island.
      He has destroyed your worth by telling you go to Hell 3 times. Have you read how the bible describes hell? Well that’s where he sent Dominicans like me and you. Were you living in space at the time?. Shouldn’t we hear an outrage from party political HYPOCRITES likeyou?
      He Skerrit has destroyed agriculture?
      He has destroyed the worth of thousand s of Dominicans includintg a beggarmen like you who must visit the Red Cl;inic and grocvel.
      Athie is known for his patriotisnm. I love the move he and the others have taken. The 17 other pieces of plastic Skerrit has as ministers cannot say a word to him, ATHIE CAN. Let’s make sure that there is a comprehensive evacuation plan and all the other nedessary precautions before this drilling continues.

      • Discombobulated
        May 5, 2014

        Obviously you’re one of the ignorant ones being preyed upon. You read one sentence and came to a full conclusion. Obviously motivated by politics. Maybe you should read a full story before you comment. Try and read again. And like I said, everything is politics. It is people like you who create the most problems for the country. I have never voted and never will, I am a complete neutral here. But when I see a viable project, I know sense from nonesense.

    • Not a herd follower
      May 3, 2014

      St Lucia announced last month that it intends to pursue geothermal energy. Grenada and St Vincent also have geothermal energy in mind. Montserrat is actively pursuing it. Nevis is putting things in place to resume work on exploration

      • Anonymous
        May 4, 2014

        Well they are giving themselves another reason to call Dominica last kakawat in the next few years.

  71. Anonymous
    May 2, 2014

    Wa going on in Marigot nuh

  72. UWP?
    May 2, 2014

    Well I cannot say much because I don’t have all the facts. However, one thing that i know is that i cannot trust Martin. Wasn’t he the same man that Rossie fired from his Gont.?

    • My take
      May 2, 2014

      UWP? Get your facts straight, Rosie did not fire Athie, he resigned on his own free will , July 4th, 2000 after yet another act of deception on the part of the government…….

      • we need geothermal
        May 2, 2014

        deception ATHIE expected us to sacrificwere be the ivelihoods of thousands for generations to come look at the fisheries that were built and how even marigot got one

      • UWP?
        May 2, 2014

        When you are asked to resign, that isn’t really different from being fired.

  73. hmmm
    May 2, 2014

    this is a great stand that he took i support him on that one they have no right to change the natural site without permission

  74. Nature
    May 2, 2014

    Way to go!

  75. real possie
    May 2, 2014

    I guess from there Sunday you all heading straight to marigot rite.

    • >>>>>>>>>>>>
      May 2, 2014

      No we are going straight to St Joseph.

    • HIM
      May 3, 2014

      @real possie One route they wont head is The Red Clinic Route, which you know very well? By the way i fully support the stance of Athie and others. These are the type of Men/Women that Dominica needs at this time.

  76. Hmmm
    May 2, 2014

    Papa Mettre Athie!

  77. humble_me
    May 2, 2014

    When will Martin stop protesting? isn’t there any other thing the man knows how to do?

    • real possie
      May 2, 2014

      You guess right he only knows to tare down they gave him permit to export water not one drop left Dominica, and he knows all about tsunami pump but he did not know that he could have used the same pump to sell water what some wicked people.

      • FORKIT
        May 2, 2014

        no one is more wicked than you, the filth you spew on every topic that reflects negative on the most corrupt government that was ever elected in Dominica, will make history, and I do hope you let your kids know you were part of it . Athie have more respect than you will ever have, because when he was a labar minister he resigned on principle contrary to his beliefs and he did not stay and live like a little god which best describes those ministers we are plagued with.

      • %
        May 2, 2014

        @real possie Your comment is akin to that of an imbecile. It is clear from this move that Athie loves Dominica and Dominicans more than you. Stop getting personal you buffoon and appreciate that the man is dam right to join ranks with those who want things to be propterly done before exploration result in casualties.

      • tell it like it is
        May 3, 2014

        Wicked soul yes.

      • tell it like it is
        May 3, 2014

        FORKIT your statement says it all about who u r, an idiot. U make this thing political, but then again typical Dominicans. Going to the length of referring to REAL POSSIE as filth.
        I for sure supports the geothermal project and its for the betterment of all Dominicans

    • FORKIT
      May 2, 2014

      when you start to appreciate the natural environment we live in along with a little reading, with regards to the advantages and disadvantages of geothermal. if you love your children or grand children you should be aware of the dangers of that technology.

      • real possie
        May 2, 2014

        @ FORKIT boss I only comment really on stuff that take Dominica forward, he resigned cause it was to much for him that’s why, boss am only one person with my independent views and if say I post a lot then you would know I always tell Dominicans to vote who they want and who they think can take them forward I never and I will say again I never once tell anyone on here to vote any party, I vote for betterment of the land all am saying is look at all the things Athie cry down look they still doing great service to the land the only thing Athie was against that am glad he was-was the whaling but the sorry thing when they passed the law to stop whaling he got angry why cause he stopped getting a check so you see his heart is never with the country its only for self preservation.

    • ()
      May 3, 2014

      @humble-me He is protesting on your behalf. Your damn dotish.

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