Girl fight disrupts traffic

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Two female students from a prominent all girls’ high school in Dominica interrupted traffic and caused a scene on Independence Street moments ago.

Staff members of a nearby company were forced to literally remove one student from the other.

The students didn’t say what they were in disagreement for but one was seen slapping the other in the face.

The short stumpy student who received the first slap grabbed the other student and shoved her head into the sidewalk drain.

A massive crowd developed until onlookers eventually separated the students.

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  1. jane
    July 21, 2010

    it gud for dem.wat d man giving dem deymust love it to b fighting over it. but still i hear de man neva wanted dem so wat de f*** dey fighting for him for is long time i kno … doe have shame eh.

  2. jay baby
    July 21, 2010

    dat not ur bisness

  3. mwe la deja
    July 14, 2010

    Jus hope dey didnt hurt each orda!! Bet you it was over some idiot wutless bwoy. Dem parents who kant even afod de fees sen dem to skol to lorn so dat dey can get a good job later in life, but dey fighting over man.
    The head teacher shud make them stan up in front of the skol gate with no clothes on dem and see if dat don stop dem messing about after school. Cha!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. hmmmmm
    July 11, 2010

    dey not easy

  5. Brammmmmmmmmmmm
    July 11, 2010

    When austrie hold dem wit dat finger is den they finish…………as for dublin……..i well glad for dem………is a good fing is on dem and not the school.

    July 10, 2010

    expelling them will not help especially considering the state of the economy and everything in Dominica right now. I believe that they should have to do some kind of community service for the school maybe going to a preschool and read to the students or something. Expoltion is not the answer kids will always be kids.

  7. July 3, 2010

    to tell u honestly dem woman dre gan get a gud vohlay frm dre moda eh bcuh both of them does play part in skwl and their moda doesnt joke with them..and worst again johnelle and kazia borjai dey dead.. dat is if we c dem in skwl septmeber.. hm it wudnt really matter to me cuh i am a happy bird..

  8. Insider
    July 1, 2010

    Are you a complete idiot?
    Did you read what you just wrote?
    I guess not, cause if you did you would not want to end 2 young women education just because of a fight.
    U know if these girls get kicked out of school it is like ending their life?
    Charice, U must be an ..

  9. lil miss D
    July 1, 2010

    what happened to the old saying”girls should be seen and not heard”??????

  10. shiloh
    June 30, 2010

    @Veximissitlol: haha lolz i vex i miss it tooooooooooo

  11. shiloh
    June 30, 2010

    hmmm canna wait 4 ****** n ******2 bring their mothers to skool put dem on de gallery n beat dem LOL…brace allu self 4 dem 3 strokesssssss LMAO…..

  12. nucki3
    June 30, 2010

    but still// expulsion is not embarrassin enough.. it doesnt teach them a lesson.. it will more make them happy than anything.. make them stand up infront of the entire school to apologise like is a death penalty that coming to them, and extend the days of suspension.

  13. nucki3
    June 30, 2010

    Lol as a former student of the high school i was told they came from.. I understand y is the school that will have a bad rep.. This school teaches these young girls to become respectable young woman, and that jus shows that all what the school does is for nothing.. you ppl know how D/cans like to say “oh dem children den..dey kopawayzon” that jus shows how low allu puttin allu selves… come on man.. that is thing to make ppl watch allu a kind of way.. have yourselves better than that

  14. hard to believe
    June 30, 2010

    i doe hea ris 4 man nuh lol n a 2 former wii i hear the is bad for the country

  15. l'tus
    June 30, 2010

    hahahahahahaha boi dem girls doh ez……….dey slam on head into the sidewalk drain lmao hahahahahaha but seriously da is bringin down allu rep

  16. deadly
    June 30, 2010

    lol hahaha i know dem woman der n i know why dey was fightin….ppl is not over man everything is not about man ok..there are other things that ppl fight over. but still i shud be der lmfao hahaha! boi u madd..Sigh…

  17. June 30, 2010

    look story dey playin so gud an dey fight over man dat nt der

  18. monti
    June 30, 2010

    u cant just say expel the women – perhaps one might just have been provoked and had to defend herself – i dont know am just saying…… am disappointed at the crowd of onlookers – they should have intervended or at least notify the police. there has always been fights and will always be fights – in or out of school uniforms; its nothing new – i dont get the point of trying to make examples of them. why expel them – for them to be teenage mothers or to sit @ the side of the streets. we already have so many unproductive youths. ppl can turn around and become good citizens – dont be too quick to judge!!!!!!

  19. Veximissitlol
    June 30, 2010

    LLC KML LOL wher was i wen dis was happenin lmao awa wi. Allu gd 2 throw out. lol weh i vex i miss dat but stil dis kinda behavior is un acceptable (lol) weh!!! allu dznt learn eh. allu doe like allu self. @ least doe fight in allu uniform cuz afta d whole skool carryin d bad name wit allu lmao no boi but in a drain lmao grl ur face need som gd disinfectin

  20. Nonya
    June 30, 2010

    I’m sure that this stupid is fight is over some pimple faced boy that probably isn’t worth the trouble….

  21. H.m.
    June 29, 2010

    Who knows? it could be for a male teacher they fighting for.

  22. senorita frenchie
    June 29, 2010

    oooh…when austrie start to talk to dem that is the end, expelled right away….but these young girls need to learn a lesson…u mean to tell me exeryday ma dublin talking about how allu should behave on the road and allu acting like that ….aah magweh sah…

  23. shbz
    June 29, 2010

    i dont know y the school is so important…it has nothing to do with the school….the girls should take the blame alone for themselves and their family…..jus a shame….so don’t have nothing to say about the school….

  24. TKY
    June 29, 2010

    whoosh!!! i wonder who…..but ill find out………..i always do ……………..

  25. Cleankaribik
    June 29, 2010

    Fighting on the street is normal in terms of sociology. it create an avenue for reconciliation and open doors for the short fall that the law and school constitution to be revisited. The problem i have doh is that some of us don’t seems to recognize the ills that we hold in our hearts. How could two student fighting and a crowd is being gathereed to see what is happening. The unlookers and equally and or more quilty than the person fighting. we should be our nation keepers. They to should be punished by the law. Supposing one of the student had used something for battery on the ohter student and it happened to end up seriously hurting an unlooker. what would be the consequencies? Would she be quilty of battery when they fighter did not invite anyone to look on? Would the unlooker start fighting also? In this case the unlooker should be charge for upholding the fight. we must learn to take care of our brothers and sisters. We should learn to change and stop the things we can and those we can’t change we need to live with it. so again i say the unlooker are equally quilty as the student. punish them too. Remember the late Dubby,” animals unite , mankind still fight”. when will it stop. the court is tired of seeing the youth presence . we need to help the youth to stay away from trouble. We also need to help direct our leaders, they also need to stop virtual fighting and take care of the yut. we are the future and without their support we are a nation in decay

  26. LOL
    June 29, 2010

    I really wonder what is happening to my generation eh. LOL. The young men and women of today…I cannah see myself in them ting eh………

  27. June 29, 2010

    jah boi my cux hold itttttttt

  28. Dominica's Future
    June 29, 2010

    Lol… just the pic DNO put up making me laugh – DNO all you not easy eh – I like that!

    • Anony
      June 29, 2010


  29. astounded
    June 29, 2010

    As a past educator at a secondary school on the island, I am ashamed at the conduct and the poor choice made by these two young ladies during the said incident. I am most certain that once we enter secondary school, we are taught the rules, moreso we ra egiven a student’s manual which contains all teh acceptable forms of behaviour both in and out of school. You young ladies have no excuse whatesover, Shame on you! You have disgraced yourselves, your school and other young women like you. To the Principal, take all necessary action that you can in your power to discipline them and make an example of them thus dissuading anyone who dares to think of behaving like this in any future.

  30. DosEquis
    June 29, 2010

    Is it on YouTube?

  31. Bill M.
    June 29, 2010

    yah wee u bust a fight i roseau next day Bro. Germaine pulling u out of class and licks on you.

    June 29, 2010


  33. child
    June 29, 2010

    it could be over man, it could be over food. and it could also be some mad case of bullying .somebody could get killed while our public watch and cheer .not good at all.

  34. King runs tings
    June 29, 2010

    Lol girls fight i wonder for what. over man. Lol them girls crazy. them girls need to behave themselves.

  35. Former teacher
    June 29, 2010

    This is what this school has come to, shame.

  36. Typical Dominican
    June 29, 2010


  37. look sin
    June 29, 2010

    chs massive

  38. Celiusc69
    June 29, 2010

    aa ppl dats how d/ca get now?school children r fighting in d streets n blocking traffic.ehh beh wee papa

  39. domincan gyal
    June 29, 2010

    HOOOOOOO! WOOOOOOSH! as i leave dat skul cum hott! buh den again dey always tell us DOE FITE IN SKUL EH so we tek road 4 ourselves! luk now we cyan fite on road! WEHH WEHH WEHH! where we gon? ahh? in d sea?………..d road iz ourz! i shud b there 2 see dat fite! boss mamzel arse!!

    June 29, 2010

    loool how i miss dat?

  41. soakway
    June 29, 2010

    i believe the Eduaction Act need to clean up instead of all this nonsense going on during this by election. My days at SMA fighting inthe streets of Roseau next day they would not be at school under Bro.Germaine. ST. JEAN STOP playing POLITICS ang wake up .

  42. is one set
    June 29, 2010

    man fighters

  43. shilou
    June 29, 2010

    cuttie u sound like u know which school that was,anyone knows which school it was

  44. Charice
    June 29, 2010

    Irresponsible of the massive crowd to gather around while young women tore each other apart! I guess this is what the society is about now, so instead of separating them and stopping the fight, we gather to cheer and create more panic and chaos in streets. Students fighting is nothing new to us, but these days is kill they kiling each other in cold blood. What if one had killed the other in from of the so-called ” massive ” crowd? I guess then every body would scatter and nobody saw a thing. Yes, those of you who think it funny, what if it were your sister, cousin, nieces, neigbor? The shoe does not fit until it reaches home. Dominicans, every thing cannot be funny. Two students fighting in the middle of the streets IS NOT FUNNY! It is a shame on those of us who stood by and allowed it to escalate enough to draw a massive crowd. The young women involved should be expelled from the school. The should learn the conduct that is expected of them as students. I am jumping ahead to say I know they were not fighting over some silly boy. Some body prove me wrong. They should be expelled , let them lern the hard way!

    • MOT
      June 29, 2010

      most times when two women fight is over a man…unless if it was lesbos, then it was over another woman….LMAO11

  45. shilou
    June 29, 2010

    what school was that?anyone knows

  46. d/a missive
    June 29, 2010

    why dno not calling the school name.

    • Otherside
      June 29, 2010

      because you already know the school name duhhhhhh

  47. bloop boo
    June 29, 2010

    mamzel tink i was playin wit her bt weneva she ready again she can cum…..

  48. senorita frenchie
    June 29, 2010

    they too like man….hmm they doesnt learn , i know ma dublin will not go easy on them

    • haha!
      June 29, 2010

      u sell out d bizness!

  49. cuttie
    June 29, 2010

    lol luk kixxxxxx. ma austrie go hold dem looooooooolllll

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