Global campaign to decriminalise homosexuality to kick off in Belize court

A new British legal rights group will this week kick off a global campaign to decriminalise homosexuality in scores of countries across the world when it embarks on a first test case in the courts of Belize.

The Human Dignity Trust (HDT), which launched its campaign in London on Thursday, is targeting the 80-odd states where consensual sexual activity between adults of the same gender is outlawed.

More than half are Commonwealth countries which inherited their regulations from British colonial rule. In some like Uganda, Kenya, Cameroon and Ghana the laws are seen by some as justification for violent attacks on gay and lesbian people.


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  1. awa
    November 17, 2011

    first is decriminalization, then they want to marry, next ting dey running for election.NOOOO!!

  2. o boy
    November 17, 2011

    i say decriminalize homosexuality. you do not have to like it nor tolerate it but why do u want to send somebody to jail because he or she chooses to sleep with someone of the same sex.if they doing it in the privacy of thier homes that is not our business. they are not less human than we are for being straight. let them ppeople do what they want to do with themselves. we like to act as if is one set of sin is sin. gays are people too,let them be.

    • Abu Sulayman
      November 18, 2011

      I’m giving you a thumbs down because I completely disagree with your statement. Firstly, it’s not just about their privacy. Homosexuality is a very imposing ideology. They seek reforms in school curriculum. Every year they will want gay parade. Do you want to see drag queens in Dominica? Do you want to see two men making love in Peebles Park? Is this what you want Dominica to come to?

      Secondly, I agree sin is sin however, sinners acknowledge they are sinning. At least they can repent because they know it is wrong. Homosexuals on the other hand strongly believe it is morally sound to be “gay.”

      Lastly, I think people need to know about homosexuality for what it is and not what we are being fed with by white people again!

      • Man in Dominica
        November 18, 2011

        Gay teens are at high risk of suicide because of bullying in school and broader issues with prejudice, which is a big part of why changes are sought in schools to reach out to them or educate their peers. You seem to think it’s an “imposition” for people to live their lives openly in a way you don’t like. You can call it “sin”‘ and it’s your right to practice a religion and go to a church that calls it that. But sin has nothing to do with the law, it is about your faith. The Dominican Constitution protects freedom of conscience, which means that no one can impose a different religion on you, and you should not be able to impose your religion on anyone else. And in public, everyone gets their say, “sinner” or “saint”. (one last thing–there are gay black people too! This isn’t a “white” thing!)

  3. Arab
    November 17, 2011

    If any international organization wants to help thing change in the commonwealth that is not the area to begin. We have so many problems to be addressed. There is no need to tackle something that WE the people see as not problem in our life or economy since IT IS ILLEGAL.

  4. birdseye
    November 17, 2011

    Another agenda for population control in third world and small countries.

    Small islands population are too vulnerable to encourage such behaviour. Our children are already exposed to drugs, now they want to put this on us aswell.

    People we need to resist

    • Man in Dominica
      November 17, 2011

      It has nothing to do with population control. And people don’t become homosexual because they are “exposed” to it. There are, and have always been homosexuals in Dominica because there are always a certain percentage of people who are homosexual everywhere and at all times. When it’s illegal, they just go into hiding, maintain a wife for show but get something else on the side on the down low. And this helps spread AIDS and other diseases, including to the unsuspecting wife… When it’s illegal it’s just kept secret, which doesn’t help anyone, it just causes other problems. AIDS isn’t very good for population size either.

  5. Seriously
    November 17, 2011

    Many of those officials read DNO. They read our comments. They know that these people homos do not go to jail nor imprisoned even to a quarter of the epedemic level that marijuana users are persecuted and imprisoned, in fact none at all.

    Now that’s the fight they should persue instead, to legalize Marijuana. They ignore the plea of those in the struggle to free marijuana users, who by the way do not contribute to any of the DEATH stats that homos reflect and responsible for world wide.

    Very few of them will support the plight of marijuana users, yet those who do are not given any attention by the same officials. What does that tell us? The homosexual lobby is hard at work and only they get attention from officials, (for now)!

    • Man in Dominica
      November 17, 2011

      Marijuana use should ALSO be legalized and for similar reasons–if what you do isn’t harming anyone else, there isn’t a good reason to use the law against you for doing it. Marijuana is no more dangerous than smoking tobacco, and arguably less so than drinking alcohol.

  6. ?
    November 17, 2011

    They should go to Iran or some of the muslim countries and try it in there courts and see if they will leave that country alive. These are the same people that enslaved our ancestors, take away our names,our belief,our culture and believe it or not we are still in the land of our captivity. Now they are coming for the only thing that make us a people, our dignity. These people will never be satisfied ontill they have destroy us as a people.

    • Man in Dominica
      November 17, 2011

      Not being able to throw homosexuals in jail will take away your “dignity”? What a load of nonsense. If hating homosexuals is what your dignity is based on, that’s a pretty sad and morally bankrupt life that you’re leading.

      • ?
        November 18, 2011

        Are you a jack A%# where in my statement did you see the word hate, I was talking about the people that is pushing their agenda on people just like you pushing it to, I can read between the lines so don’t think I hate you, what you do with your behind I could care less.

      • Man in Dominica
        November 18, 2011

        I think it’s fair to call it hate when you think a group of people are a threat to your very way of life just by existing. It’s rooted in fear and ignorance, but that manifests as hate. Which is a worse agenda, people wanting to live their lives as they choose, or people wanting OTHER people to live as they choose for them? And you seem to be under the misconception that only gays are for gay rights, or maybe that’s just your way of dismissing contrary opinions by saying “oh, he’s just one of THEM.”

  7. Roney
    November 16, 2011

    Say NO to Drugs! and NOOOOOOO to efing burgery!

  8. Wongping
    November 16, 2011

    Take it or leave it,something is brewing somewhere.where is human value gone to?if this is what we term as rights,then the world is upside madness by ministers of government.the
    Word morality has lost it’s meaning.

  9. forreal
    November 16, 2011

    our heads of governments need to take a full stance,we are being targeted by these roman customs and ancient life style,of homo sexuality and lesbians,this people are on a mission to make a abominable people out of us,take a look at the countries mentioned,all african and african decendants,these are prophetical times,their is a new dawn rising wake up my people.

  10. bronx
    November 16, 2011

    have you all noticed the editor of this website is obsessed with the topic of homosexuality?

    • November 16, 2011

      hhhmm :?:
      very astute my friend, very astute
      i didn’t notice myself

      ADMIN: So when we carry stories of politics all the time we are obsessed with politics. Yeah, very astute. SMH

  11. Man in Dominica
    November 16, 2011

    This would be a good thing to change. Just because it’s against what some churches teaches doesn’t mean it should be against the law. Ain’t nobody’s business but their own… And the police have more serious crimes to focus on than who’s sleeping with who.

    • yea sure!
      November 16, 2011

      yea sure, like who’s smoking a joint around the corner or who has a ganja tree in their backyard, whilst they turn the other cheek to their cocaine cowboy cousins.

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