In Libya the carnage continues after the cameras have gone

Word out of Libya is that the carnage in that country is far from over. With the fall of the Quaddafi regime, the NATO backed forces have now turned their attention to exterminating Qaddafi loyalists.

According to Libyan sources, thousands of innocent persons have been rounded up, imprisoned, tortured and murdered. “NATO has installed a death squad regime and many, including whole families – children and elderly, are in hiding, knowing that if they are only identified they will be murdered,” the sources say.


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  1. November 7, 2011

    Thanks Obama…black people are now being butchered on the streets in Libya,thanks to you our BLACK BROTHER,Bill Clinton would have never done such.The difference you made was to follow Bush’s Rambo diplomacy but sadly it was against your very own BLACK brothers.When will this double standard end?We fight rebels in one country and call them terrorist whereas in others where it suits us we call them liberators.well well.

  2. Wait A Minute
    November 7, 2011

    Don’t expect to see these pics on CNN or FOX News. They have done their propaganda job already and got rid of Gahdafi. on to the next target of wra. Maybe Iran.

    Who have eyes to see, let them see and ears to hear let them hear. Something is comming around the horizon and it aint gonna be sweet for mankind and the world as we know it!!!!

  3. vip
    November 6, 2011

    all these people are part of a murderous religion called i am not surprised

    • Abu Sulayman
      November 7, 2011

      Murderous religion called Islam? Really? Please show me from the Noble Quran and prophetic sayings within proper context where we are allowed to “murder” people. Thanks.

      Secondly, what about the Spanish Inquisition and the crusades? What about World War I and II? Is Islam responsible for these atrocities?

      • 1979
        November 7, 2011


      • My2Sense
        November 7, 2011

        @1979, your response of “yes” is irresponsible and false and you know it.

      • Abu Sulayman
        November 7, 2011

        @ 1979: Bring your proof if you are truthful.

  4. ????
    November 6, 2011

    Unfortunatly, genocide in africa is blacks against blacks. What is our approach to understanding such situations as BLACK COUNTRIES outside the UN?

    • Malatete
      November 7, 2011

      This is a very painful question but we must address it without emotion. Black-on black homicide in Africa is bad enough but the same applies in other parts of the world where they are in the minority, such as the U.S.A. and the U.K. where black-on-black crime rates, including homicide easily outreach those for other ethnic groups. To keep blaming others for is not the answer. We must be honest and start with ourselves first. After all, most victims of these crimes are our own.

  5. only
    November 6, 2011

    The loyalists are primarily black. Gaddafi had primarily black militia members. Gadaffi raised the standard of living for Libyans and was going to help raise the standard of living in other aftrican countries, including having an african based currency. Of course the globalists couldn’t allow this so they sought to destroy Gaddafi and all he had created over the last 40 yrs. And no, he didn’t go around arbitrarily killing people in his country. What is happening now in Libya is genocide. More good work brought to you by the U.N. forces.
    The downfall of Libya is the entrance way into carnage for all of Africa. All of this is about control…..control of everything and everybody. Communism.

  6. Cassandra,
    November 6, 2011

    This news item may – or may not reflect the true situation in Libya. It is disseminated by Caricom New Network (CSME), owned by Jamaican “journalist” Calvin C. Brown. Mr. Brown is first and foremost a P.R. practitioner, paid to influence, shape & colour news, according to the instructions of his clients. The readers must, of course, make up their own minds as to the veracity or “shading” of this story but, given these circumstances I think a word of caution is in order and it is fair to question mr. Brown’s motives. Carefully analyse what you read and also consult other, alternative sources before jumping to a conclusion.

  7. namich2008
    November 6, 2011

    What did you all expect to happen? You expect that the Qaddafi loyalists to be welcome and allowed to live as good neighbors alongside the very people that they have abused and oppress for so many years.

    Come on people

    November 6, 2011

    We’ve got to be objective in our reasoning and stop taking sides to lash out at each other.I am not surprised that these things are happening,i always expected the other side to seek revenge whenever they succeeded in removing Gaddaffi.It seems in that part of the world this is how the people operate for one reason or another,be it religious or ethnic and territorial,whoever happens to be holding power suppresses and oppresses their opponent. I doubt it’s NATO carrying out these attacks,the victims are probably blaming them for it,but it’s more likely the rebels.

  9. c.bruce
    November 6, 2011


  10. zandoli
    November 6, 2011

    Who qualifies to name someone dictator? One mans terrorist another mans freedom fighter ….

  11. Anti-hate
    November 6, 2011

    Persons making excuses for the rebel atrocities by saying that its in response to Gadhafi’s brutality are missing the total picture.

    First of all, its not average Libyans who were doctors and lawyers or even fishermen or construction workers who are primarily committing these atrocities. The majority of the ARMED rebels (the fighters, not the peaceful protestors) were militant Islamists.

    I don’t blame y’all for not knowing this because it was under-reported by the biased Western media. Look up the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. They are the Libyan version of the Taliban, and are linked with Al Qaeda. They are based in Eastern Libya, near Benghazi where the rebellion started. The LIFG is documented for having sent insurgents to fight NATO forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    They were formed with the objective of installing Sharia Law in Libya, NOT DEMOCRACY. They hated Gadhafi for his secular rule which gave Libyan women the most rights in the Arab World.

    NATO downplayed the religious motivations of these fighters and made it seem like they were chiefly motivated by a craving for democracy.

    The rebel military commander in charge of Tripoli RIGHT NOW, is a leader of the LIFG and fought alongside Al Qaeda insurgents vs NATO in Afghanistan.

    So its not like Gadhafi’s brutality converted a bunch of formerly peaceful civilians into murderers. These guys who NATO have given free reign to slaughter Gadhafi supporters were already militants.

    Y’all don’t have to believe me, just do your research.

  12. Anonymous
    November 6, 2011

    Agree totally with ……. Ghaddafi was the legacy of a brutal,deadly, wicked dangerous and evil dictator..Agree 100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000%. WELL SAID !

  13. Law and order
    November 6, 2011

    The totally brain washed. When black people fight against one another there is only one winner. It is not black people.
    So UWP, remember this please go to parliament, and let us resolve our differnces with civilty. There will be another election, but you are not doing the right thing now.
    Please, please, be the bigger men of wisdom based on your age, stop behaving in the divisive manner, and reach out to the PM in a reasonable way. Don’t be making unreasonable demands, you know are divisive. As the opposition, your role is to be in parliament, not dictating to the PM.
    The things you are asking for, should be on your manifesto, for next election, if the people want those things they will vote you in and you will have the opportunity to implement those changes. Now you cannot be making demands on government policy. You are not the government.
    I say this to prevent Dominica from gradually becoming totally divided our strength is our unity as one people.

    • Really
      November 6, 2011

      allu doh tired talk rubbish? hahahaha

    • B. E .B
      November 6, 2011

      While I’m in total agreement with the writer “LAW AND ORDER” I cant see where your comment is fitting in this article, I may be wrong , but please inform or direct me

  14. Anonymous
    November 6, 2011

    This is the aftermath of wicked Ghaddafi. Iraq was worse because of wicked and evil Sadam who was their evil dictator. Libya will get worse before it gets better.

  15. Sout Man
    November 6, 2011

    Is that Barack Obama’s legacy in Africa? Even George W Bush has better reviews for his role in helping aids victims in Africa despite his inaction in Darfur. Bill Clinton presided over the massacre in Rwanda but he attempted to correct course in the former Yugoslavia.

    Many US presidents presided over the genocide in the former apartheid state of South Africa including the massacre in Soweto. NATO is still angry about the anti-colonial movements that swept Africa in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Justice must prevail!!

  16. blast me
    November 6, 2011

    OMG! BOB MARLEY, how you knew?

  17. ....................
    November 6, 2011

    The legacy of a brutal,deadly,wicked,dangerous,and heartless dictator.No wonder i hate dictators so much. After they fall, it take years to restore sanity to a country! He was evil!

    • Anti-hate
      November 6, 2011

      Stupid sheep,how can NATO justify replacing one dictator who ruled with an iron fist yet provided stability, with a pack of murderous rebels?

      How can NATO justify supporting rebels who are aligned with Al Qaeda and who immediately declared that Libya will be ruled by repressive, anti-democracy Sharia Law?

      You are such a brainwashed NATO kiss-azz that instead of stopping to really ponder why NATO was ok with replacing a violent person with others who are equally or even more violent, you just place the blame on Gadhafi like they hoped idiots like you would.

      The rebels who NATO called liberators have forced entire towns and villages of people who supported Gadhafi into homelessness under the threat of death if they try to return to what’s left of their ravaged and looted homes.

      Does this sound like the behaviour of people you or NATO should be supporting??!!

      Sheep you like parading around like human beings sicken me.

      • .
        November 6, 2011

        @ Aunty Hate Your fantastic hypocrite,where were you and your ilk wheh this evil and wicked dictator called Ghaddafi was killing his people, including the innocent ones with impunity. Were you on earth or on Mars?.I have come to the conclusion that fools like you are of no use not even to Dominica, cause you all are the very same who remain silent which bad governance and leadership is riding roughshod over poor Dominicans. You must go and hide in the bush,and pray to God that he reform your evil and destructive mind.
        Aunty hypocrite Hate,Have i heard your voice over the brutality that is being perpetrated against the Sudanese by those evil Arab militia?.You enjoy terror,and like to spew out rubbish like “Oil” my foot.Your philosophy is useless unless your mind is reformed enough to call a book a book..GO AND HIBERNATE.

      • eee
        November 6, 2011

        The Libyan people should be blamed also. For too long they allowed a wicked, mad, evil and devilish man to run their affairs.

      • Reasonable
        November 6, 2011

        But the writer has a point. Anywhere you have dictators you have a set of people who habour hatred at what is happening that it makes them into demons themselves. After years of being oppressed they do not know forgiveness but rather repay evil for evil. Dictators have a way of creating monsters. Peace is very far away. NATO can not give Peace- only Jesus can. These people all need the Lord. Pray for them. Miracles still happen.

      • Sout Man
        November 6, 2011

        @ Reasonable:

        That’s poor excuses to justify that level of carnage and genocide. How did Nelson Mandela and his colleagues overcome hatred and anger despite decades of the racist apartheid regime’s brutality, torture, imprisonment and humiliation? Never underestimate the power of reconciliation when hearts and minds are willing.

      • November 6, 2011

        The rebels are friends of UWP.Remember how much talk they give Skerrit when he did not recognise the rebels as the authority in charge

  18. One Love
    November 6, 2011

    8-O “O – M – G” anything for OIL hope SOMEONE condemns that NATO policy – – -O M G

  19. A Voice
    November 6, 2011

    The Western governments must be proud, huh? Oh what an accomplishment.

    Well, atleast the dollar is safe. There will be no oil for gold. There will be no African Monetary Fund and no more of that African unification nonesense.

    The assasination is done all the assasins pull back and washing their hands of what is happening.

    If the goal of the whole operation was to save the Libyan people, why isn’t NATO saving the Libyan people from Al Qaida?

    Boy, I never thought I would see the day when the Western gov’ts would help install an Al Qaida regime in any country. How the seasons have changed….

    • Just Observing
      November 6, 2011

      There maybe a lesson for the loyalist here at home.Si ey pani sutiweh ey pani voleur.

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