Irate motorist delivers own brand of justice

Leather Kid on the ground being beaten by the motorist

An irate motorist took matters into his own hands on Monday when he caught a young man searching his vehicle.

Dominica News Online understands the culprit, who has the first name of William and goes by the nickname Leather Kid, has a habit of searching unattended vehicles in Roseau.

Reports indicate that Leather Kid was found searching the motorist’s jeep.

The angry driver delivered his own brand of justice, kicking and slapping the youth repeatedly as he held him to the ground.

Leather Kid appeared to meekly take the barrage of punches, slaps and kicks that rained down on him.

Witnesses in the area just outside the DNO office appeared unsympathetic.

At least two of them told Dominica News Online that they frequently saw “Leather Kid” searching people’s vehicles in the area, and they were not surprised to see the owner in today’s incident reacting violently.

Leather Kid being led by the motorist
Leather Kid is left dazed

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  1. citizen
    November 12, 2012

    isnt dat george

  2. good girl
    July 6, 2012

    I feel sorry for the blows he get… however them mad people does no what they doing.
    People does say ‘ah leave them alone they mentally ill’ but the question is Would you leave a mad person try to harm you or rape you? They does know what they doing trust me on that.Some of them are very wicked.Furthermore I think something should be done to get these people of the streets. They really do need medical assistance.

  3. Bratt Thomas
    July 5, 2012

    I thought justice was reserved for the cops. beating an obviously mentally deficient person is intolerable. Classic 3rd world country move. ANd the ones that hail that as being somewhat right, shame on you. Stop with the socially deficient backward thinking and grow up already.

  4. Justice and Truth
    July 5, 2012

    Some of you who object to what the driver did, if it were you what would you do? You accuse others of what they are not. It is easy to say the driver should not have done that. It upset him to see the man in his vehicle. This was his immediate reaction. I bet this would have been your reaction if you caught someone in your vehicle or your home and searching it.
    I hope that he learned a lesson never to open and enter people’s vehicles which could be yours. If he does then he really needs to be arrested.
    This man should be put away in prison for a while. Whoever he is, he needs to be rehabilitated. Something should be done with him since he is a public nuisance, putting it mildly. One day he may become violent and attack someone or a few people and even rape young girls or women. Are you not concerned about that?

  5. TallIslandgirlNYC
    July 4, 2012

    You dont approve of the man kicking his because it is not you it happen to. If and when it happens to you, pray that you have control not to kill because it is not a good feeling somebody taking your items or going through your car.

  6. sally water
    July 3, 2012

    Thanks George for giving him the beat down I wished to give mista some years ago when i was passing on the bridge and he showed me a condom and said “look I have a condom lewe go and buss a sex” At that time all i could see is myself being raped by that guy and to this day I live in mortal fear of him.

    sorry for all who feel sorry for him, but as someone who has been affected by him, I breath a sigh of relief. Next step, get him out of the streets.

    • Bratt Thomas
      July 5, 2012

      youre dumb . you sound like an idiot

  7. Papa Dom
    July 3, 2012

    I am happy to have received 30 thumbs down for my earlier post. Let’s hope all those persons pontificating on theft will also condemn their political masters who steal from the country.

  8. Jayson
    July 3, 2012

    Anyway, the victim was making a citizen’s arrest and the criminal was resisting!!

  9. Jayson
    July 3, 2012

    It’s sickening to see how selfish some Dominican’s can be. Unless it’s their home or their vehicle or their child that’s being violated they just don’t give a damn.

    No one cares about the victims rights! Always taking the side of the criminal when he get’s what’s comming to him!

    Well done George!! You just done what everybody else has secretely wanterd to do!

    • TallIslandgirlNYC
      July 4, 2012

      Its begining to sound like Dominicans condone crime. If this is the case then I am staying in NYC and change my mind about doing business home.
      shame on your people who support a man breaking into another car.

      • Tutunee
        July 5, 2012

        U was never coming to do no business, if is old williams foo u letting stop u :lol:

    • Rudebwoy
      July 4, 2012

      How can you call “George” the victim in this instance when according to the article I just read this would-be thief had kicks and punches “rain down on him”? I would never condone stealing and I would be really angry and feel violated if someone stole my property. But how does “leather-kid” stealing or attempting to steal from this man justify his barbaric reaction to it? And more importantly: WHERE ARE THE POLICE AND WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO ABOUT THE ABUSE DISHED OUT TO THAT OBVIOUSLY UNWELL YOUNG MAN?

      Or should only the well dressed and well fed expect justice in Dominica nowadays? SMH.

  10. tsk tsk!
    July 3, 2012

    william jus hav bad ways. many times he use 2 break into Convent High School classrooms and sh all over the desks. mister jus wicked….more blose he need

  11. Anonymous
    July 3, 2012

    No to violence, violence breeds violence.

  12. Anonymous
    July 3, 2012

    This man should be arrested for beating the sick man. William just need food. That’s all

    • Hanz
      July 3, 2012

      Was there food in the vehicle??

  13. father
    July 3, 2012

    it times we use these paroes as spear parts for all those people that seeking meds away.

  14. University Grad
    July 3, 2012

    There is a very fine line between mentally ill, lazy and plain wicked when it comes to these parros that walk the streets. I personally witnessed him searching Guiyave little bus one time and he touching a young lady one her privates as she passed on the street. Im not a fan of voilence but just how my mummy used to whoop my tail when i did something wrong just so he needs to get his tail whooped for doing something wrong. If these ppl were to be housed and monitored im sure you will see a trend of a long state of sanity vs their periods of insanity.

  15. Miss bronx
    July 3, 2012

    All the folks who are saying they wouldn’t have kicked the guys ya’ll are lying.. If you’re coming towards your car and u see some dude whether he is 100 percent all there or not tell me you would not try to do him something? you people are full of it. Secondly where does the gov’t come in there? I live in the US and there are plenty bums and drug addicts all over the streets, are u gonna blame the US GOV’T for not getting them off the streets? These people alot of times don’t want help, they escape from the institutions. This dude been doing that since i was a kid in ROSEAU.. He would go in your house take and then curse u out, does that sound like someone who doesn’t know what he is doing? Pleaseee…

    • Disgusted
      July 4, 2012

      So basically it’s ok with you right cause as far as you are concerned there was No Human Involved. You people are so pathetic and fake. If the driver had done that to someone you all considered important kid who was in the same situation and that parent could demand justice, it would be a different story wouldn’t it? You all would be changing your tune wouldn’t you? Bloody hypocrites!!! That is someones kid.

  16. Think About It
    July 3, 2012

    Just my 2 cents. I think he’s just a sick kid, as a mother of two sons eighteen and ten it hurt my heart when you read such stories. I know people are fed up and angry of people invading their privacy but we have to look the other way sometimes. May be he’s hungry, or just a drug dependency making him take such drastic steps.Sorry I’m not defending him it’s just the way I see it and we MUST try to understand each other circumstances before we strike.

  17. Francis
    July 3, 2012

    But how the sidewalks wider than the actual road???? It been years since I’ve been in Da I’m laughing out loud here

    • sticky
      July 4, 2012

      teh beh it seems you leave your glasses here years ago too.

      • Tutunee
        July 5, 2012

        Lol :wink:

  18. JD
    July 3, 2012

    Dominicans hypocrite eh! just because is not their vehicle they feeling sorry for William. Just let it be their vehicle, their property, their child and you will see!!!!!!

  19. BossBaby
    July 3, 2012

    But BUT BUT I just dont understand people at all. Whether his “head” is there or not his HAND shouldnt be in people property point blank! And for someone to think that these people do not know exactly what they are doing is just plain ridiculous. you would be surprised.
    What would you do if it were you? Invite him for a spin?

    And believe you me There will be more “irate motorists/ Pedestriants/ Citizens” to unleash beatings on these vagrants; They need to be put on the iron board and strqightened out like it or not. BON!

  20. fair lady
    July 3, 2012

    George Nanthan look like he had fun. Buss down a dutty paro!! lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllolololololoollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

  21. PUSS
    July 3, 2012

    Thou shalt not steal…………….. :lol:

  22. Secretary
    July 3, 2012

    Read most of the comments and to sum it up the comments stated, “Leather kid was wrong BUT the motorist had no right to take the law into his hands”………. Hmmmmmmmm,I wonder what YOU would do if you were in the same situation………. #justsaying

  23. ......
    July 3, 2012

    Haha yesterday was beat up paro day man i see father have one kicking up on the pointe michel bus stop

  24. watt la
    July 3, 2012

    Why are we so rational with George for what he did to the poor man? Based on the above testimonies we understand that Leather Kid is a renowned thief but there is no physical evidence in the pictures above linking him to any robbery except a skinny malnourished and helpless man who sits on the street after receiving a barrage of punches, kicks and slaps .Regardless of Kid’s past he has his side of the story. George knows he was wrong and why some believe he was right?

  25. Papa Dom
    July 3, 2012

    First off William Jno Lewis AKA leather kid is not a youth, he is at least 42 years old. He has been mentally ill for over 25 years and everyone in roseau knows that. I must say that as a person who knows William from birth had I been in Dominica and at the scene, this man would never have been allowed to do what he did. He is from Portsmouth but is in Roseau often enough to know who William is, so there is no excuse for what he did.

    • dominican
      July 3, 2012

      while there is no excuse i think this should open the politicians eyes as to what we need in this country. in stead of political friction and five years of campaigning . you seee work they have to do.

    • July 3, 2012

      @ papa dom a mentally ill person do not go into persons things they act differently what he stealing for is the good question to ask. Stop making excuses for mentally ill persons. Someone has to stop him, i personally encountered with him. The person held him brought him in the police station at the same time they released him when the officer left the police station as he left a bus parked next to the Police station entered the person bus and in the driver seat like is his own. He lucky cause that man would beat his xxx up.

      He deserved it!!!!!

    • Anonymous
      July 3, 2012

      So because he is mentally ill, he should be left going around doing what he did? I think he knows very well what he did because as the news said ” he has the habbit of searching unattended vehicles” if his mental problem was the reason why he did what he was caught doing, he would not only target unattended vehicles but all vehicles. I agree the man may be in need of help but that is absolutely no reason for him to do what he is doing. He deserved what he got from the owner of the vehicle

    • Herp
      July 3, 2012

      I did not know that.. and if I see him in my car I would beat the living daylights out of him

    • May
      July 3, 2012

      He didn’t get enough blows. He is always in the Social Center area playing security on peoples vehicles.Checking vehicle after vehicle to see which ones are left open.Mentally ill, he should be at PMH.
      If you had found him searching your vehicle I would have love to see your reaction Papa Dom.

    • Solomon
      July 4, 2012

      well if you care about him sooo much then you should send him some food stuff every month to keep him out of trouble.

  26. ZUMA
    July 3, 2012



    • Delicious
      July 3, 2012

      !@ Zuma. I concur with your comments; however, this situation is not unique to Dominica. It is quite prevalent in other Caribbean Islands and in the good old USA, who labels itself as the “richest country in the world.” One would never think so, but there are many vagrants, mentally ill, and homeless persons there. Just to be fair to governments, some individuals do not want to be institutionalized. This is just a really sad situation for the mentally ill, but I often wonder how are they sane enough to steal and sometimes kill, but insane when caught?

    • sticky
      July 4, 2012

      zuma these people love the streets.they dont want to stay in no proper house.

  27. Anthony P. Ismael
    July 3, 2012

    This is sad all the way around. Leather Kid may be a dilinquent but he is still a human being. I know what it feels like when your vehicle is damaged by a thief or your personal items are stolen.
    However, that’s what law enforcement is for.

    • Jah
      July 3, 2012

      That licking he got was for all dem ride he damaged and stole from and was never caught by the owners, he went into my boss’sjeep around 6 times already, de day i meet him in my car i driving on all his ten fingers so that he will never touch again

    • Malatete
      July 3, 2012

      Maybe this well-connected vigilant does not trust the police to respond to incidents like this?

    • kixx iz nuffin
      July 3, 2012

      u ever hear of a paro going jail??? even a police wud have beat his too

  28. rhesus
    July 3, 2012

    well done. them man need to learn. the hand u should break

  29. angel
    July 2, 2012

    George nah kill him

  30. July 2, 2012

    the man is rate they like to do that

  31. poe-ki-toe
    July 2, 2012

    Georgee-Porgee pudding and pie……….beat up Leather Kid and made him cry……when DNO came out to play….Georgee-Porgee ran away! hahahahahahahaha I couldnt resist lmao….I LOVE DNO! :-P

  32. poe-ki-toe
    July 2, 2012

    lmao dis story is pur kix….I agree with the “irate motorist” a million and one percent….smh at these parros whbo think they will always get away under the guise of insanity…….in my opinion, he didnt get enough lmao…I woulda paid good money to see that LIVE! lol Admin….are there any recorded videos of the incident? Somebody in DNO’s office bound to have a bb ehh….????

  33. ..
    July 2, 2012

    He had NO right to be in the man vehicle. It’s a habit he have. One night, he just open a man mitsubishi pajero and there searching for what he didn’t put there. He lucky it was we that just run him off from the vehicle, and not the owner that met him.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 5, 2012

      He should be arrested for trespassing and searching his vehicle to steal his belongings. He is a habitual thief. In this case he is a menace to society, always seeking out vehicles to enter and steal. I wonder if he has broken into homes?

  34. strong fan
    July 2, 2012

    but wait , all u think when ppl keep doing someone transport those things and get away u all think thats nice , when i would meet someone in my transport what u all think i will do , call police , haha think again , i would do more than that

  35. Reason
    July 2, 2012

    Dem Paros know what is wrong. Why do they hide what they steal? Some of us do not know what it is like to lose something valuable. See whether he will go back into that vehicle. When a paro make us cry we must remember that incident and how we cry down the man. Plenty of those talkers are the ones who purchase what the Paros steal. Check their homes and what they wear.

  36. keefy
    July 2, 2012

    i jus love dno trust me……. the blogging is sweet…….. bt on a real….. where is the motorist’s evidence to say the guy was in his vehicle haaaaa very stupiddddddddddddd

  37. young 13 year old
    July 2, 2012

    Yes ah….is this the Geoge that i look up too as a little boy in Portsmouth, big brother of my other role model….wonder what they are actually teaching us young children….. :(

  38. Robin
    July 2, 2012

    the dude is obviously not there in the head and the man assualts someone who won’t defend himself. How nice another Dominican thinking they run tings. Is for the fela family to come and take justice into their hands and the vigilante would definitely get whats coming to him. All the pathetic person had to do was hold the fela and call the police but then again given the type of people in dominica, dem police would beat him up in headquarters because they know they can simply get away with it to. Let’s see if the police with all these witnesses and evidence will charge the vigilante for assualt and disorderly conduct. Let’s see how low down these police officers are just like my DA folks!

    • Homeboy
      July 3, 2012

      Have no idea why toy got thumbs down!!! I totally agree with you. Call the authorities. Don’t beat up on a helpless individual!

      • Anonymous
        July 3, 2012

        Helpless my foot. THe other one in Possie that beating up people when they don’t give him money is helpless too right?

        Every sunday he coming into church threatening people, he helpless too?

        Let one of them attack you or your child and you will tell me how helpless they are.

        Where is their family to provide them with clothes and a meal and shelter over all the years? Now all of a sudden you guys talking about if they were your family what you would have done? smh

    • is dutt!
      July 3, 2012

      Arent u Dominican as well…seems as if you’re in the same boat (Low Down) as well… u rude and outta place to call all Dominican folks low down…

  39. blay
    July 2, 2012

    This makes me so angry. There is another way to handle this ppl.. He didn’t have to him up like he was a dog. “kicking”! Fashay! :-x

    • Unknown
      July 2, 2012

      NON-SENSE..So what are you saying? It’s okay for the guy to steal? Read what you saying plzzzzzzzzzzzzz

      • Peeping Tom
        July 3, 2012

        How many kicks and punches upon the subdued victim will be enough to make him pay for allegedly entering the driver’s vehicle without permission? And, would it be ok if Leather Kid’s relatives make the driver pay for the surplus kicks and punches that he rained on a defenceless Leather Kid?

  40. Dominican
    July 2, 2012

    Such an embarassment. How can anyone think that kicking some one and punching him is ok. Whats worse, its obvious that this man is mentally ill.The govermnet really does need to do something and creat programs to get these people off the streets. That would am sure help ease the frustration of its citizens.

    • dirty harry
      July 2, 2012

      if it was my vehicle he was in a hand wud have gone.all u gust believe people have to work hard and others have no respect for ur property.they brake in your house take ur stuff even shit all in ur house after sell ur stuff for lil money to buy drugs and make drug man live big and u have to strugle to replace urstuff

    • Truth
      July 3, 2012

      What you mean, he sooo mentally ill, is only vehicle he know how to open and go in and search? A mentally ill will more seek to destroy, not break open, search and steal. He not that mentally ill in my opinion, he knows exactly what he is doing. The owner of the vehicle on the other hand, could have acted more maturely, but probably in the heat of the moment, he flipped. I guess that is his way of protecting his property. he has a right to protect and defend what is his.

    • MUDD
      July 3, 2012

      I don’t see Dominicans point complaining on how George punch and kick the man for entering his vehicle. When the same people complaining doing the same thing to there children. ABUSE

    • hmmmm
      July 3, 2012

      everytime somebody does somethin he is mentally ill? smmfh….. i am not sayin it was ok to kick him but still

  41. firstlady
    July 2, 2012

    am sorry he has no right to take the law into his hands, what if that man circum fatally to one these punches what would the motorist say to the police! his sorry he didnot mean it, as a matter of fact a person with a good mind would not beahave like leather man whatever is his name. excuse me u donnot solve a problem with violence the police is there for that purpose, so again it is wrong for the motorist to react in that manner.

  42. Met Yo
    July 2, 2012

    I would give mr. more than a kick and couple slaps

    • Unknown
      July 2, 2012

      I agree…

  43. Mamizoo
    July 2, 2012

    All Leather kid had to do was play dead like a manikou so he wouldn’t get so much blows. That is what them Paros in Porssie do when farmers catch them in their garden stealing .

    A farmer a finally caught a paro who had been stealing from his garden for a long time. He put a licking on the paro in the garden until the paro appear dead. The farmer panic and went home thinking the paro dead. The farmer told me when he got to his home he saw the same paro walking around with coconuts for sale. Since then that paro is known as Manikou. I am not sure how Leather kid get his name – lord I hope is not from getting plenty blows.

    • LOL
      July 2, 2012

      LOL!!!!!! leave it to my people to call somebody manikou for the rest of their lives…that one make my day :lol:

    • me
      July 3, 2012

      lol…funniest thing i’ve heard for the day!!!….lol

  44. Locato
    July 2, 2012

    DNO you posted a picture of the people involved and when the readers identify the civilian judge and executioner you are deleting the content that identifies the vigilante . Everybody know that the vigilante in the picture is a brother of a certain government official. Everybody know who leather kid is just the same.

    • Unknown
      July 2, 2012

      What His brother or not has to do with the ISSUE… Your point irrelevant…

      • Locato
        July 3, 2012

        My point is that people take the law in their hands particularly when they feel they have some kind of authority thru ” who you know syndrome”

    • Truth
      July 3, 2012

      You are not correct, I, just like many others don’t know who in God’s name is Leather Kid.

  45. CHS girl
    July 2, 2012

    :lol: :lol: I remember mister outside CHS one day …Mr had his private part stroking, dere watching us girls enter de gates… that was a sight ! lol de monitor run him out..but not before we had our little entertainment!! William always doing somethin funny and crazy… a character all by himself…:)

    • Anonymous
      July 3, 2012

      entertainment – why didn’t you just shut up! stuppssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

    • Justice and Truth
      July 5, 2012

      @ CHS girl

      This is a serious matter. He is a pervert. You should have turned away and pretended that you did not see him. He was also looking for an audience and he got it from you. This is also how they get their kicks and satisfaction. Do not give such people your attention. Remember that next time, if you see that type of activity.

  46. Dangerous mind
    July 2, 2012

    Two wrongs will never make a right. They are both at fault. Question is, whose side is the law going to be on( if the authorities do get involved)? To side with the motorist would mean that it’s ok to beat the crap out of a “mentally challenged” individual. To side with Leather Kid means it’s ok for these individuals to invade people’s personal space because “they don’t know any better”…
    I feel for both…

  47. Anonymous
    July 2, 2012

    It’s obvious this Leather Kid character entered the WRONG vehicle. You don’t mess with George boy, you don’t know is blows you go get, papamet!!!!

  48. Evolved
    July 2, 2012

    At the end of the day just remember that Leather kid is a human being just like all of us.

    While many stood by unsympathetic – had the boy sutained injuries that caused his death who would be responsible?

    The law is not ours to take into our own hands

    • July 3, 2012

      So why the hell his family do not keep him in places they know he would be safe and stop being a nuisance to society!!!

  49. Morihei Ueshiba
    July 2, 2012

    MEN when will this Govt do something for our unemployment problem. 8-O

  50. Oh My!
    July 2, 2012

    George ou c’est police? Ou pas faible papa.

  51. Doctori
    July 2, 2012

    Mr. does so many things it’s not funny. smh…wat else to do with mr.hmmm.

    • Malgraysa
      July 2, 2012

      Should be put in a secure place, not least for his own protection.

  52. Doctori
    July 2, 2012

    Comic piece right here. lol

    • Justice and Truth
      July 2, 2012

      @ Doctori

      I love that too. :lol:

  53. ...
    July 2, 2012

    There are too many delinquents in society roaming the streets and pilfering people’s property with nothing being done to deal with this situation.
    When vigilante justice will prevail I hope that during the dispensation of justice the Attorney General will be made to take the stand and explain why provisions were not put in place to prevent such occurences.

  54. Dorival John
    July 2, 2012

    This clearly demonstrates the level of vagrancy in Roseau and the apparent inability of the authorities to deal with the issue.

    Some time ago DNO published a story of one who wanted to beat a woman from Giraudel, I think.

    The authorities are doing nothing about this matter and will act only when of them get killed by an angry motorist.

    Bottom line: Always keep your vehicles closed no matter where you are. Gone are the days when people could leave their vehicles or even their houses open.


    • Justice and Truth
      July 2, 2012

      @ Dorival

      Some of them will force the door open.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 5, 2012

      @ Dorival

      ‘Locked.’ Drivers are always told to do that. Yet, some of them fail to do so. In so doing their vehicle could also be stolen.

  55. locato
    July 2, 2012

    The brother taking justice into his own care. Whether it’s leather man, Jay Leno, Leather kid or Paro man no one is authorize to issue his or her own form of justice.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 2, 2012

      @ locato

      Oh yea? It should be acceptable on condition they are not killed. You are another one. What would your reaction be if you found someone breaking and entering your home or vehicle and also stealing your possessions?

      • Locato
        July 2, 2012

        Justice and truth you are such a phony preaching catholicism and in the same breath preachinv violence. Wow

      • Dorival John
        July 2, 2012

        It is acceptable to beat a mentally ill person on condition they are not killed?

        Lord, aren’t this the same person who is on DNO preaching about Jesus, the bible, Catholicism and the pope?

        Would the Jesus you talk about all the time beat a mentally ill man? Hahahaha.

        Its OK to beat a mentally ill man but it is not OK for all the sex scandals to occur in the church and at the Vatican. Do your research and see that your Holy Father is not that holy.

        He hiding everything under his long robe.


        I understand the anger of the motorist but if nothing was stolen or broken, why beat up the mentally ill man? What could would it do?

        Just think of the old saying, “What would Jesus do?”

      • Dorival John
        July 2, 2012

        What I mean was:

        Its OK to beat a mentally ill man and in the same token it is fine for all the sex scandals to occur in the church and at the Vatican. Do your research and see that your Holy Father is not that holy.

      • Logic
        July 3, 2012

        I’d like to see what your church leaders have to say about that. After all they are the ultimate authority on everything you do in your life. I’m not too familiar with their principles and doctrines but I do have a faint memory of something called ‘forgiveness’ or maybe ‘understanding’.

      • July 3, 2012

        Justice and Truth, you and I know that what the motorist did to the guy right here in Toronto, he would be charged big time

        You know that people with disabilities/including people with mental disorder are protected in Canada, so you applauding what the guy did to the defenceless guy is wrong, two wrongs cannot make a right

        You being a devoted church person, what about forgiveness and mercy, right here where you are residing if you or anyone caught someone vandalizing or breaking and entering their homes or vehicle they have no right to take the law in their hands, if this happened to your family member or someone from your village you would be preaching all forgiveness etc

    • Malgraysa
      July 2, 2012

      This true but come on man, we’re living in the Wild West. Didn’t the appeal court say so in Bubble’s case earlier this year?

    • J.B
      July 2, 2012

      when we see our rights pass for our wrongs dat is wen we say we should av…… d way i c it with our system is all man for themselves n for their families cause pple doin wat dey want n gettin away wit it……. under grief n vexation IS A DO FOR DO….

  56. people voice
    July 2, 2012

    George nex time is creswell to give a touch-up, those roseau parro just believe everybody is the same, posse people dosnt take nonesense, i myself so marking the creswell

    • aqnn
      July 3, 2012

      oh gosh, reading this is so sad. Chrestwell was such a bright student in school…..I keep wondering what went wrong and where it went wrong with him. Only God knows. It looks like a demon took control of him.

  57. the eye
    July 2, 2012

    “Leather Kid left dazed on the ground”lmao…

  58. Comedy!
    July 2, 2012


  59. Grotesque
    July 2, 2012

    Nothing to rejoice about here, it’s just an indication that the journey to justice and human equality continues! It never hurts until it hits home! some may say he chose to be that way but how much different his is delinquent behavior than ‘white collar crimes’? which is one of the reasons why some have plenty and their are those without any!
    All in all, Crime never pays but get’s us further in trouble. Leather despite your devious behavior I feel it for you bro! tough times, smH!

    • Justice and Truth
      July 2, 2012

      @ Grotesque

      This thief should ransack your house. We would like to know what your reaction would be.

      • Logic
        July 3, 2012

        Nice try at using red herring diversion tactic. But that is not the point. The point is there is bias in terms of the perception of crimes, based on who commits the crime, who is affected and who benefits. But is so we like it. While we beating up our own people for petty stuff, the big man is covertly beating us all down as a collective and we continue to bow down to him.

  60. itassi4us
    July 2, 2012

    Good Job anyways. He must have learnt a lesson

  61. itassi4us
    July 2, 2012

    well, well George, as long as u trying to clean up Roseau…………. ur help is needed in Portsmouth.

    • Real
      July 2, 2012

      He cya try dat posse..posse got snippers,,always remember d way u could play wry sumbdy town a cya do dat posse..u will die or

      • living in sxm
        July 3, 2012

        I know I left Dominica almost thirty years ago but I’m sure that’s not how we speak english.
        Wow i’m wondering what it was that you were writing. Please try to explain, lol.

  62. Peeping Tom
    July 2, 2012

    This is what happens when the citizenry do not believe that authorities will adequately protect them from persons like “Leather Kid.”

    There are laws protecting Leather Kid and that vehicle owner. Yet, we seem incapable or unwilling to implement them. I fear, there will be many more such incidents as the Leather Kids become more desperate and brazen unless the authorities enforce our laws and build public confidence.

    I empathize with the vehicle owner, but I expect, of course, that he will be charged for assaulting Leather Kid. Otherwise, the authorities would simply be proving my argument that there is lethargy, sometimes paralysis, in enforcing our laws.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 2, 2012

      @ Peeping Tom

      No excuses for a thief. He is a non-law-abiding national. As he grows older he may become a worst menace to society.
      If the DA Law protects Leather Kid, a thief, who trespassed from his bounds, may he not be rewarded a cent. What should be done for him is to rehabilitate him. Send him to school to learn how to obtain a legal job, whatever it may be according to his education and capabilities.

    • Anonymous
      July 2, 2012

      so he should be charged with assaulting Leather Kid eh??? What about Leather Kid also being charged for unlawfully entering the man’s vehicle??? That’s some justice for you BIASED Dominicans who comment here. My, my, my!!!!!

      • Peeping Tom
        July 3, 2012

        Anonymous, ever heard the saying “your right will pass for your wrong?” It happens, as in this case, whereby you overstep your boundaries for self-defence.

  63. pmh staff
    July 2, 2012

    dno u need to come do a story of the staff at records department plz we need some help before we all die of heat stroke

  64. lalaland
    July 2, 2012

    lol d motorist looking like a padna from possi

    • Truth
      July 3, 2012

      You well late.

  65. wing
    July 2, 2012

    very well :-D

  66. the eye
    July 2, 2012

    Is that George….well done George…show leather kid who is the boss!!

  67. kevin
    July 2, 2012

    but what going on na………dno doe have no news man

    • Unknown
      July 2, 2012

      Real thing.. DNO just hav nuffin to report on…

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