Is this picture disgusting or beautiful?

The photo was removed by Facebook
The photo was removed by Facebook

This photograph of a father holding his son in the shower has been shared tens of thousands of times on Facebook in the last fortnight. But over the same period it’s also been taken down by the social media platform more than once before ultimately being reinstated each time. Why?

In some ways the picture appears to show a fairly everyday scene. A dad cradling his severely sick child in his arms. Except in this instance, they are in the shower and both naked. The picture was posted on social media by the photographer Heather Whitten who lives in Arizona in the US. It shows her son Fox and her husband, the boy’s father Thomas Whitten.

For many viewers the image is a touching portrait of parental care and affection. The reason that father and son were naked was because Fox had Salmonella poisoning for which he would soon after be hospitalised.

“Thomas had spent hours in the shower with him, trying to keep his fever down and letting the vomit and diarrhea rinse off of them both as it came,” Whitten wrote in her post accompanying the photo.


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  1. “You know even if I cannot find scriptures to substantiate your deduction, there is something about it which attract my attention, which I never thought of before”.–Telemaque

    Okay! First of all what you may not have observed or notice in the past, is that when we have the Word of God, He gives us the wisdom and understanding to speak those Words to the world–that work is don e through us by the Power of His Holy Spirit, through whom He connects to us.

    Now this happens just the way you did it by reasoning with my knowledge of Adam and Eve’s clothing in the Garden of Eden–I like the way you did it without knowledge of Scriptures to back up your reasoning–that is what Holy Spirit does

    But there are Scriptures to back up my understand, for example David is praising God at Psalm 104: 2, he says: “You who cover Yourself with Light as with a garment”

    • If God’s clothing is of Light–which is His very Likeness in Love, then Adam and Eve would have been dressed with that same clothing. Jesus tells us, through His disciples at Matthew 5: 14 “You are the Light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden”

      More conviction is from John 1: 4, where he tells us about Jesus: “In Him there was Life and the Life was the Light of men”

      Then we go to Ephesians 5: 8, where the apostle Paul tells us: “You were once darkness, now you are Light, walk as children of Light”

      Being once darkness, means that we entered this world, clothed in darkness, because of our parents Adam and Eve. Darkness is also regarded as death in the Bible, meaning separated from the God of Light in Love–it is spiritual death

      Adam and Eve brought us into this world in that state of death , so then Jesus said: I have come that they might have Life and that they mignt have it more abundantly–John 10: 10

  2. The thumbs rating is extremely negative for those of us who do not condone to that photo, but I believe the reason is because those thumbs downers do not clearly understand the reason we do not condone.

    We are not saying that this picture should not be taken, for whatever the reason it was taken–we are saying that it displays “pornography”, whether it is or not and IT SHOULD NOT BE POSTED on the internet.

    This news article is not just a DNO thing, I have seen that photo many times on face book and last week it made headline on MSN news board; the sight alone disturbs me not to read its content.

    Those who are saying this Love, I am saying it one more time: THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LOVE

    If my child so sick; seeing his father holding him–both naked in the shower–the last thing on my mind would be to find a camera to take pictures–much worse to put it on display in the media . The question remains: What was the motive for doing that?

  3. Face the Facts
    May 21, 2016

    @ Carl Von Stein, BSc. (microbiology, UWI
    DNO did not allow for the comments.
    I laughed at your comment. :lol: :lol: :lol: I agree with you. Children should not be subject to this view. Some parents deliberately do so saying it is modern times and good for the children. I oppose it.
    I do not think it is necessary for children to get such a view. My parents are decent and private people. Not once have I ever seen them in such a situation or shall I say position. This also goes for my brothers and sisters. This is why I disagree that parents should bathe in the nude with children and expose them to it otherwise. When they become an adult they will remember it. What would be their views?
    As an adult I maintain this stance. Some who do otherwise will call us old-fashioned. So be it.
    As a Catholic Christian, I feel God does not appreciate that parents do so in front of children. They should be ever discreet and in other ways. These days, not all are.

    • Face the Facts
      May 21, 2016

      Let the children be children. They should not know more than their little minds can absorb since they are children.

  4. Ideal
    May 21, 2016

    I don’t think it is disgusting, my only issue with this is should not be posted on social media.

  5. eat en
    May 21, 2016

    Take a good look at this photo – The child doesn’t seem to be enjoying it; Whatever it is. :twisted:

    • Mixmaster
      May 22, 2016

      have you ever enjoyed being sick?

  6. Reasoning
    May 21, 2016

    :?: The only thing i see wrong with that, is that what people do in the privacy of their homes,even if it’s a good gesture,does not to be exposed to the public especially as it pertains a child.Otherwise there’s nothing wrong with a dad or mum being naked with their children having a shower.Who else should care for their children other than parents in such a way.There’s nothing pervert about it.

    • viewsexpressed
      May 23, 2016

      The issue is NOT about the photo being take, it is about making some family issue private out in the public domain. It is disgusting and poor judgement to do so.

  7. Sara Bernstein
    May 21, 2016

    The picture is disgusting. The father could and should have worn trunks. Both being naked just pandered to the skewed tastes of numerous priests and pedo viewers and I am sure that that man knew that.

  8. May 21, 2016

    The explanation justifies the activity. A vomitting feverish child is comforted by his fathers proximity, witnessed and certainly not kept secret. The same way as a witnessed accident explains a broken limb. Were there no consistant explanation or if it were a secret activity, then suspicions of child abuse would be raised.

    However recently I have come to the conclusion I would Never have wanted my daughter to feel comfortable with her father naked. Not because I suspect his motives at all, but because I would not want her to feel it is normal for a man to take his clothes off in front of her. I know now that sexual abuse often starts off appearing as a innocent game. I also know now that some men enjoy looking at naked children for sexual gratification. and many progress to touching and even penetrating children as young as two years old. Children need to know this is NOT NORMAL and to TELL especially if it is a “secret”.

  9. Face the Facts
    May 20, 2016

    I do not view it as a disgusting picture per se nor a beautiful one. My opinion is, it is only a picture.
    There may not be anything wrong with it since it is that of father and son. It looks decent enough and only shows certain parts of their body. However, it leaves much to the imagination. :)
    As in everything, some will agree and disagree. It is not a picture I would rave about or purchase.
    These days people take all sorts of pictures and place them on the Internet. They tell it all as, what they had for breakfast, lunch, dinner, where they went, what they did and of other plans, etc. I, personally would say, “Who cares and to know all that?”
    Some will state these people love to brag. I have experienced such people are not shy about anything nor quizzing others about matters which do not concern them.
    It reminds me, in the workforce especially in Canada (those who reside in the US and Europe would have similar experience), staff could brag.

  10. Face the Facts
    May 20, 2016

    You do not ask them their personal affairs but they will divulge theirs to you/others.
    A male co-worker once told me, “I know you West Indians. You all are secretive.” I would simply laugh. :lol: I never divulge my personal matters at work.” People are curious especially if you say nothing. They want to know what your personal life is like. I will not pacify them. Oh, I am asked many times.
    You know the saying, “Ask me no questions. I will tell you no lie.”
    Today with the Internet, everything is spewed there. Such people have no secrets which is why, copying others, the woman took the picture and placed it there. Some love to do that and to look at them and to read them. They do not care who sees or reads them.
    It really is of no interest to me except that DNO posted it which gave us the opportunity to comment about it, “so that the hearts of many may be revealed.” Indeed! It is not unusual, they were indeed revealed. :lol:
    No problem, DNO. :lol: .

  11. Envar
    May 20, 2016

    They say that a picture tells a thousand words. this particular pic is very disgusting at first because of our carnal nature and that their is no story-line. The child look like a girl and we could only assume that the dad is naked, but after reading the story the beauty of the picture is a totally awesome one. I think it should be shared the world over.

    • viewsexpressed
      May 23, 2016

      NO it should not. YOu are contradicting yourself. Make up your mind what you see and the implications for this photo out in the public. It is wrong

  12. Deep Love
    May 20, 2016

    This world is just peverted…so when we see this picture and think unwholesome thoughts…then I am not surprised.

    But we must not let this crazy world dictate how we should live. I bathe naked with my child all the time (we are of the same those in the picture) and I would hold her to me if she was sick just as this. There would be nothing sexual about this.

    People stop thinking impure thoughts…know that people that sexually abuse their children as sick to the core.

    Don’t compare a loving father to a sicko. Man, I commend you on looking after your child…wish we had more like you in this world.

  13. A Doubting Thomas In Solidarity
    May 20, 2016

    Many of us grew up in a one bedroom home where at nights we would take the extra mattress off the one bed and put it on the floor for the children to sleep. When did the world get so complicated that a father cannot hold his baby in his arms without clothes on? What if the child was sick and had to go in the bathroom to open the shower and have some steam to clear the child’s airwaves? Should the father dress first? If you came out of the shower and your child was choking would you run and put some clothes on before you try and remove the obstruction?

    Natural births have seen mother and father in a pool of water as the mother gives birth. In some parts of the world women work and breastfeed their children with their body expose the most natural thing on earth have some offended. When did we get so uptight. I don’t understand what society we are bringing up our children in when a father cannot hold his infant and has no clothes on. Our minds need cleansing.

  14. Gregs
    May 20, 2016

    Some of these comments are so funny, imagine these people wanting to share a pic showing love without boundaries but some people take to mean something sexual. I just finished bathing with my two yr old and we were both naked, does that make me a perv? Really and truly society has reached a point where the only thing they see in any situation is the negative. Props to a caring father. There pervs out there and we should really try to get rid of them but it’s really something when everything gets bunched up in the same basket.

    • viewsexpressed
      May 20, 2016

      Greg……good father you are and role model,congratulations….would you take a shot of it, as private as it is and some level of privacy, put public on Face Book, DNO etc.?
      If you do what would it portray and would it say? What is the point?
      Do you have to prove your good quality parenting in that kind of public forum. ?
      Why should I, we be subjected to this?

      What about his mother, or your wife, if married, would you go in shower in nude with her and take off picture and make it public on FB.? Why would I want to see it, what would be the point.
      Family affair is a very private domain and must be respected.

  15. Zandoli
    May 20, 2016

    Here is the funny thing, all these people who are making an issue of this photo have major skeletons in their closets, while pretending to be holier than thou.

    They inly preach their morality until they get exposed.

    • Zandoli:

      The statement you have made in this comment is simply not true.

      In fact if you could investigate each of the people who had an issue with the photo you would not find “all” of them had major skeletons in their closets. Most would not. Any who did would be rare exceptions.

      Those of us who speak and write in the field of family values and child welfare should be able to express a concern without having our integrity challenged. Those who disagree with us should be able to do so without making statement that is either a lie, a distortion, or an exaggeration in regard to our character.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Face the Facts
      May 21, 2016

      You must comprehend every one is an individual, possessing his/her characteristic and personality traits. We are different, some as in daylight from darkness and vice versa. God knows better.
      They are only stating their opinion according to how they perceive the picture. There is nothing wrong with that. I will not penalize them for that, criticize them and make derogatory statements about them. First of all, you do not know them. Would you appreciate it if you were informed you have a small, low mind and are negative?
      I think this discussion is a healthy one, pro and con.
      We should have healthy discussions on issues which DNO posts for our reading pleasure, information and comments :lol: and not use this forum to insult others, if they especially provide their opinion based on the topics.
      We should not get personal and attack them unless they have done so to us. There is a tendency to respond accordingly. Let us be broadminded and matured.

  16. viewsexpressed
    May 20, 2016

    Father and son exposed in the nude….? An embrace is a personal matter and must be seen to be done decently…..and under no circumstances a child should be hugged and exposed on social media to nudity in that manner……? We have been distracted and therefore lost the message of the child’s illness with this pornography. there is no justification for this.
    Why then is the father hiding his face, what is he guilty of, if that’s what a hidden face is all about?

    • @viewsexpressed May 20, 2016

      This is the first time I agree with your comment , but this also the first time that your thumbs rating is in the negative –seem as if the only thing we do not have in common is our view of politics eh! Good Lord !

      • viewsexpressed
        May 23, 2016

        Thank You Grace………I am passionate of politicians using the decency of politics and abuse poor and vulnerable families. I have been in there, a victim of offering big pay package to be part of a team. It happens everyday and at a scale if a member of your family are targeted you will raise an eyebrow. There must be decency in raising a family and decency in politics. Both are key to the stability of a country. It is only corrupt politicians and parents who affect both these institutions, the family and the governance of a country and are defended and protected by intelligent people who know best not mater how much the abuse in clear in their faces.
        I appreciate your comments. Thanks God Bless

  17. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    May 20, 2016

    Let us review our African ancestry, even in the years BC, there were people walking naked in Africa, and even AD there are still tribes walking naked or partially naked.

    In the Amazon Jungle in South America, there are Indian tribes walking and living naked, Nevertheless, we do not see among the tribes in Africa men sitting with their children in the lap on their penis. We do not find that in the jungles of the Amazon either!

    That is porn, that is child abuse, and prevision, I do not care how many thumbs down whoever wants to give to me, you enjoy that because you entertain the same filth in your perverted mind.

    That picture is very disturbing to me! Somebody talk about only in the Western world and some crap about nudity, that person had better shut his/her mouth, because to this day there are nudist here in America, more than I found anywhere in Europe there are place here about 70 miles from Los Angeles where groups of naked people live together. They do not have…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 20, 2016

      They do not have children sitting on their penis, and vagina!

      In the Amazon, and in Africa, the woman carries their children on their backs in a pouch: It is sexual pornography we are viewing, it is by no means innocent!

    • MR Dominica
      May 20, 2016

      son I fully agree with you I recently returned from DA where this woman has her daughter about three years old walking naked and I think it is a disgrace and thought if this was in the U S A she would be charged with abuse and if this picture is from arizona that man has all reasn to hide his face. By the way the reason i address you that way i share name with someone near to you who has passed on

    • viewsexpressed
      May 20, 2016

      Well said Francisco….I concur,. Well put.

    • Face the Facts
      May 20, 2016

      Why bring this up? Stick to the issue.
      What people as you fail to comprehend is, we are residing in the twenty-first century, in the year 2016, modern-day era. Today is a vast difference from those days, BC, AD, Africa which also some of us never lived and personally experienced, their type of attire. In this respect, they do not have a bearing on us and do not relate to us whatsoever. Therefore, pertaining to the article, your comment is redundant.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        May 22, 2016

        Yes, so because we are in the twenty-first century we must condone child pornography, child molestation; rape and all sorts of child abuse.

        The picture is displaying child abuse, rape, molestation, and porn that you Fax, or Sex machine like, that is why you cannot condemned it. Don’t you think you are to old to go and perform in porn movie?


        You are an old pornographic queen.

        Are you implying: you that great roman catholic faith woman normal people should appreciate that? In fact I am not supprised since you fail to even condemned the homosexual kings in Rome who runs your gutter religion.

        If you cannot see the wrong, and evil in that photograph something is wrong with you psychiatrically! Next time you think of telling me God will punish me for cursing Skerrit, think about your punishment for condoning this!

  18. Lang Mama
    May 20, 2016

    It could be considered good art work for Dominican society if it was government ministers or opposition Parl Reps. Other than that it is spooky.

  19. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    May 20, 2016

    In the United States, that photograph would be considered child pornography! The man in the picture would be sorted out and arrested. That is not a normal picture, something is perverted about it.

    I have children, I took care of them, bathing feeding cleaning their feces and all, I’ve my children in my arms, however, I would never think of stripping myself naked holding my naked child in my laps.

    The is a motive for that, and I suspect it is perverted. I would it is simply an artist painting, but even at that it looks filthy, that spells sexual molestation of a child!

    • Peace
      May 20, 2016

      Arrest a father for showering with his child??? Would you arrest a mother for bathing with her child too?
      I suggest that if you find something sexual in this photo, or something wrong with the idea of bathing with your children – whether they are sick or not- then the problem is with you.

      Every single CARING parent I know would NOT think twice about being naked in front of their own young child. There is nothing to be ashamed of, and nothing to be feared from it.

      • viewsexpressed
        May 20, 2016

        NO Peace, for making it public…….too public. Are you not able to understand this? If not, then I am concerned.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        May 20, 2016

        All of you who appreciate that filth, are as sick as the adult in the picture: Guy I studied human anatomy, and I also have studied abnormal psychology, and other lower levels, of psychology, and I am here to that is not normal!

        This guy is getting sexually arouse from his actions, that is how incest comes about most of the time, Dominicans are such sick people, that is why Dominica, is so poor and backwards because of the way the majority live, and think with your filthy corrupted mind.

        God will never bless because of your sinful evil thoughts and evil actions!

        That is child sexual abuse, that’s not love of a child; that conduct is for sexual gratification; maybe some of you in Dominica doing the same thing to your children, that is why we now read about people in high places behaving inappropriately with children!

      • viewsexpressed
        May 23, 2016

        Peace, read what you wrote: and the issue before us tell me if you have really address it.

        “Every single CARING parent I know would NOT think twice about being naked in front of their own young child. There is nothing to be ashamed of, and nothing to be feared from it.”

        Sure a parent can lavish in their bathroom, shower with their children, albeit at some point these innocent children will want, demand their privacy.
        The message and issue that you miss is that a very personal, private matter is made public on social media and I that is what I and other condone. I
        I hope you and others now understand and comprehend this putting into perspective.

    • Francisco:

      I suspect you are right when you say “In the United States, that photograph would be considered child pornography” but of course it would depend what State it was.

      There is enough in the picture to raise serious questions. It is totally inappropriate. It is not difficult to discern the type of people who approve of the picture. All you have to do is read the things that were said about me for expressing my discomfort with it.

      It It is in sync with what is happening nation wide; a glimpse of the sickness that is the national epidemic.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        May 21, 2016

        Mr. Hill, in every State that would be considered child pornography!

        Lest than three years ago, a child was taken from the parent for something similar, the child was not sitting in the lap of a man; in the photograph the person lifted the child over his head naked, while looking up at the child!

    • Okay, okay, okay! Telemaque a few of us have gotten your point–I agree with you and viewsexpress above–this photo should not be made public..

      Pertaining to God, and His ways of Love, this photo has nothing to do with Him and most certainly not Love, which is His very Self in Spiritual and Truth.–a person of Love will see Love when it is on display, that not a display of Love.

      As far as nakedness is concerned–it is the state and shame and darkness to God. In the Bible nakedness is also regarded as being barren–Genesis 1: 2 says: “The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep–all of those terms describes barrenness.

      Those who believe that Adam and Eve were living in the Garden of Eden in the state of nakedness–that is an error! Adam and Eve were dressed in the Light of God, that is why they discovered nakedness in them after their interaction with Satan–he disrobed Eve off her clothing of Light; Adam followed.

      • God made sure that they were physically clothed before He sent them out of the Garden of Eden, if they were already unclothed when they walked in His presence why send them out with clothes when they defiled their body?

        We enter this world without physical clothing, but in the civilized world, we are wrapped in cloth before we are handed to our mother.

        So then, this photo has nothing to do with Love. According to viewsexpress, why is the father’s face hidden?

        It may be a carnal display of human affection or something more shameful–whatever it is, it is a bit too vulgar to be shown to the public –Love does not parade Self in such fassion 1st. Corinthians 13: 4

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        May 21, 2016

        You know even if I cannot find scriptures to substantiate your deduction, there is something about it which attract my attention, which I never thought of before.

        Considering that the animals of the field are protected from the elements, such as snow freezing rain solely by the wool, and hair of their skin: I doubt God would allow his creation to be exposed to the elements without some protection, although in Adam and Eve day it did not rain nor snow.

        However considering that they only found out they were naked after eve obeyed Satan is an indication their body was protect by something which cause then not to see their nakedness. When they discovered they were naked, they when and hide themselves when God came to visit with them, their knowledge open, and they felt ashamed, hence, the covered their nakedness from God.

        What does the Bible say about a child who look on the nakedness of his father? Elizabeth, take it from Dominicans cursed; ours is a cursed nation!

    • The desire to appear nude or look at nudity is in itself a mental or psychological condition.

      Those who have this condition do not usually think of themselves as “sick”. Unfortunately their condition often progresses into a more serious sexual illness.

      These are the people who gravitate towards nudist camps or resorts. There are always ample people willing to take advantage of their condition and cater to their lust by setting up businesses to make money.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill, Evangelist.

      • Duncekyat
        May 21, 2016

        “The desire to appear nude or look at nudity is in itself a mental or psychological condition”

        Dude, you’ve got a psychological condition. It’s called Dumbasspsychosis. Those who have this condition do not usually think of themselves as “sick”. Unfortunately their condition often progresses into a more serious psychotic illness.

        Not-a-Rev. S. M. F. Head, Non-Evangelist.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        May 21, 2016

        “Duncekyat:” You are an idiot!

        Mr. Hill is correct, the words he wrote are thought slightly different in psychology. People like you are so sick, that you cannot recognized your sickness.

        There are people who involve themselves in pornographic acts for money, they believe they are movie stars; however, many of them has committed suicide after a few filthy acts.

        Pornography has caused many perverts to murder women during sexual encounters, and no one can deny that. It is an illness which goes from one extreme to another, every day in the United States, someone is arrested for involvement in child porn as that in the picture, the perverts sells the pictures internationally!

        Its a sickness worst than most common disease, it is worst than cancer! The views of the many sick comments I read assures me that Dominica is a cursed country. You people are not normal, the devil has his hands around your necks, while he has his pitchfork spurring you all in your rectum!

      • May 22, 2016

        I do not agree with what you say ,different civilization looks at nudity as something which is normal.I like nudity in my own home because i do not welcome any one at any time.i do not dress sexy either ;like putting tummy or wear sleeveless tops nor do i wear mini skirts.if your belief and up bringing always showed you people that are fully dressed ,it is quite normal that seeing someone naked shocks a bit…Reverend isn’t that funny for a Reverend that you know so much about nudity?

  20. eat en
    May 20, 2016

    I wonder where his “thing” is. Nothing surprises me anymore. We are exiting this planet soon. :twisted:

  21. LifeandDeath
    May 20, 2016

    This is a very interesting picture of an everyday taboo in western society. Research has shown that in Europe Nakedness is not always viewed as sexual, but in the Americas and other societies many equate one and the same.

    Personally I don’t think this picture is disturbing. Nakedness and Sex are not always will take time for our society to grasp that..

    As parents many of us bathe naked with our children without any mal-intention. However not everything is for social media, especially if its pointless..

    In the context of showing the bond between father and son, this picture is profound..especially with the reasoning the Wife gave..

    • Peace
      May 20, 2016

      Well said.
      There was a similar photo on Facebook that went viral, (see full story) but it showed the mother in the shower with her child.
      Yet, no one had an issue with that – so obviously those that are objecting are concerned about the fact it is a man.
      As you say, It is sad when people see sexual connotations in this kind of image.

    • viewsexpressed
      May 20, 2016

      are you serious…….?this is disturbing…..

    • viewsexpressed
      May 23, 2016

      Yes….but NOT made public. I want a photo of Life and warmth, with his/her wife/husband on open social media in the shower real naked and expose that I enjoy the beauty of your posture, position, protection, sensual nature. All of this is art because beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Right !!!!!!!???????
      Go fpor it.

  22. The number of comments that approve this photo is a matter of concern.

    This says something about the problem that is spreading like an epidemic if you know what I mean. It is a bad time in history for DNO to pick up a picture like this and relay it to Dominican readers.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Peace
      May 20, 2016

      I don’t know what you mean.
      What problem is spreading like an epidemic? Caring fathers? Sick children? People seeing paedophiles in innocent family photos?

      • viewsexpressed
        May 20, 2016

        Then take photos of your family and children in the nude frequently and put on a regular basis on FB…….let us see what happens.
        Make your private affair public….

      • Peace

        Most readers knew I was referring to the problem of sexual child abuse.

        In Dominica some of your own government ministers and leaders of NGO that work with
        children and youth have called it an epidemic.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 21, 2016

      Some of them Dominicans have suffered so much physical, sexual and mental abuse, in their life; they think that picture is normal.

      As for the mother, who took the picture, she may be sexually gratified by it, I hope, that picture is not taken in America, because they can be assured they will be found, and that child taken from them. I once associated with a woman who had a son about three years old, she would be in the bathroom with him naked. I told her its not a good thing to walk naked in front of him. She told me she did think anything was wrong with that.

      This is a woman who has a PhD in criminal justice, a probation officer, who deal with released criminals on probation. One day we went into a crowded business place, the little boy began to sing ” my mama have a weewee under her dress: Stop that she said referring to the child child; mama does not have a weewee, only you have a weewee in reference to his penis! The damage for a lack of respect was already done!

      • Carl Von Stein, BSc. (microbiology, UWI)
        May 21, 2016

        When I was 7, I witnessed my mother undressing. This was a shocking experience for me as I was convinced that she was ill as I could not see any ‘wee wee’.

        I told my dad about this and asked him to call the doctor to have my mom checked as I was concerned that she would be ill soon by not being able to pee. My dad agreed to call the doctor and my mother never undressed in front of me again.

        The moral of this story is, not a good idea to undress in front of your kids – a bad idea in any culture.

    • Sexual child abuse is a mental disease. It is spreading in Dominica. Yes, it is now an epidemic in your country.

      There is a spirit force behind the spread of sexual child abuse. It is Satan who uses demons (evil spirits) to
      influence the minds of human beings and stimulate their sinful desires.

      Some of you will mock my reference to the devil. But you have no better explanation. Nor are you doing anything to counter this evil. I smile at the things you have said at times to cut me down as if I was an uneducated fool. Actually, I have a degree in psychology hanging on my office wall. I don’t use it in my work (writing and advertising) because my denomination is not a big fan of psychology, and it would be no asset. I do use the knowledge in my work.

      Child pornography (called kiddie porn) in any form is dangerous to the extreme because it fuels this evil desire in men who are so inclined. We are working to stop this influence at its source.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

  23. Dominican
    May 20, 2016

    ONE SENTENCE: A disgusting lack of boundaries!

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 21, 2016

      You see the amount of thumbs down you get?

      If you said that the most loving father and son/daughter you ever saw they would love, because you would be as immoral and dirty like them.

      It happened here in the United States a son lived with his father, fell asleep in broad daylight, only to be awaken to find doing him what the term in Dominica buggering him. He got up took a gun and shot the bugger-man dead!

      If it was a simple matter of a child taking a shower with a parent, they would be standing under the falling water. That which we are exposed to is something calculated, something habitual, someone is being gratified by that sexual act, that is child pornography!

      I am sure that is happening in Dominica, that is why those dirty people who suffered that is giving you and every one who is against it thumbs down!

  24. Shaka Zulu
    May 20, 2016

    In this current atmosphere of countless news of child sexual abuse i can see how at first glance this pic can seem picturbing. That is what happens when sin has taken over. However when there is a father and child bond especially in the circumstances stated in the story the last thing that should be on any nurturing dad’s mind is the perverted thought in some of you all are thinking. As a father if you cannot seperate nuturing your kids from sexual desires you are sick. What if kid was suffering from hypothermia and the only thing available is body warmth of mom or dad. We are a messed up society. Nothing wrong if the thoughts actions and intentions are as stated.

    • viewsexpressed
      May 20, 2016

      The father should have dressed himself and deal with the child`s illness appropriately, so we are talking of over exposure and nudity, rather than the illness of the child.
      There is no comment that I have read which focusses on the illness the child faces.
      This is an unnecessary exposed picture and the message is lost therefore the support and comfort to the family is disjointed and confusing to the eye.

      • Shaka Zulu
        May 20, 2016

        It all depends on ones perception of nudity. No one was born with clothes and as hair dropped through the evolutionary process clothes are mainly to protect from external conditions. In some tribes and cultures today clothes are bare. As someone else mentioned western culture is perverted. The only issue here is the public display of a private moment. Thats inviting the world to your life. Picture should not be online. But then again if society was not so sick it would be a none issue based on the context. Wonder what people would say if a pic is shown of man kissing his lil daughter or son on the lips. Our society is sick.

    • Face the Facts
      May 20, 2016

      Did you mean “perturbing?”

  25. When I read the mother’s explanation for father and son together naked in the shower I realized this was (probably) a loving father caring for his son in a difficult medical situation. A private family time of caring for a sick child should have gone no further.

    I do not think the mother should have taken a picture. This is not something that should have ever been posted for public viewing. The moment it was made public it was no longer a private family matter, and the sanctity of the family was violated.

    There is no place for nudity of any kind on the internet. There are sick minds out there that feed on this type of thing, especially pictures of children, and this picture would be right in their ball park.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist. (Pastoral Counselor Certificate)

    • viewsexpressed
      May 20, 2016

      Well Said Pastor…I concur wholeheartedly…….

    • HELP DEM
      May 20, 2016

      All you Reverend too perverted that is why church so corrupt..everytime all you see naked all you mind on sex…I can count more than a 100 reasons why some-one can be nake that doesn’t include sex.
      However; you saying the mother shouldn’t have taken it. why shouldn’t she? When he grows old it would be a great pic with regards to the situation.

      Reverend ..I saw that pic and my mind never came on anything sexual before I read the summary and thats me being perfectly honest. If you see a naked child and your mind on any thing other than a NAKED CHILD..You SIR REVEREND IS A UN-GODLY MAN..and there is something terribly wrong with your desires.

      Its a beautiful picture and I am not even a father.. if your child have that kinda fever where you have to stay under the shower to keep it down..why is your mind on child molestation or desires REVEREND?

      yOU SIR IS VERY SIK..that you are what is wrong with the church..

      • viewsexpressed
        May 20, 2016


      • Face the Facts
        May 20, 2016

        You are one who love to attack and throw words – mapwee. It is not a nice thing to do.

    • Dante Jones
      May 20, 2016

      “There is no place for nudity of any kind on the internet” – lmao that’s factually nonsense – a good over 50% of the internet is porn. Stock images for artists (sculptors, painters, figure drawing artists etc) are all nude. which is mostly SFW is filled with nude photos because that is also considered art.

      But THIS is NOT porn. Only a truly sick mind would find some sense of perversion in that picture.

    • Envar
      May 20, 2016

      Rev,, you are a very sick and disturbed man. DNO is part of the social media group of networks and is just seeking the public’s opinion hence the story-line. you sound like the illiterate Dominicans who have not read the story and just jump to conclusion. Jesus was everywhere with 12 men and no mention of perversion was made it is start start of this patriarchal link of caring. and we can olny assume the father is naked he could have a boxers on but the photographer says he is naked so i believe.

  26. Massacre
    May 20, 2016

    This is disturbing , and that\’s the reason why so many people are talking about it today. The world is sliding into a very slippery slope with all these probing of our minds just to get a reaction so they could know how far to go with their Stuff.

  27. May 20, 2016

    When seen and understood in context, this image is incredibly moving and by extension, beautiful.

    As a painter and sculptor I have spent a lifetime depicting the beauty of the human form in all its moods and changes. Over a hundred years ago the American artist Robert Henri wrote:

    “It is not only among artists but among all people that a greater appreciation and respect for the human body should develop. When we respect the nude we will no longer have any shame about it.”

    In recent years, the pornographic image has negated the innocent beauty of the nude human form and the lovely has become lewd.

    The task of restoring reverence towards the human body is a job for us all. To this end, the words of advice that I give to art students attending my life-classes are worth remembering:

    “Take the shoes from off thy feet, for the ground you are about to step upon is Holy Ground.”

    • viewsexpressed
      May 20, 2016

      My friend I hear you, and the artiste that you are, I ponder on the thoughts expressed. I guess we can paint any young child, a naked girl, same age for example and position her face towards her father or a male and let us wonder if this is artistry at its best, indecency at its worse, exposure at its abuse.
      Visual photos meet the eyes with awe but not necessarily morality and protection, it only exposes the child and when grown she will be festered with questions with people asking her question of “What do you think of this photo taken of you many years ago sitting on top your fathers – what’s it in the nude in the shower where “waters are flowing?” Or do we sell at an auction and at what price?
      Can you imagine this child, moreso a female, asking her father or mother at age 20 years, what was this all about, they respond art, her response exposure, abuse of my childhood.

    • Face the Facts
      May 20, 2016

      Not even in those days in church or a synagogue there were people worshiping our God in nudity. They were all dressed. Even the women had to wear a hat as St. Paul instructed.
      Therefore, your last statement pertaining to Holy Scripture, is irrelevant and out of place here. Shoes were mentioned and not the entire naked body. There is the difference.

  28. Zandoli
    May 20, 2016

    A father is having a shower with his infant daughter and that is supposed to be an issue?

    All I saw in that photo was a father showing his daughter tender loving care. What else is there to be seen or interpreted?

    • mi
      May 20, 2016

      his son

    • viewsexpressed
      May 20, 2016

      open your eyes , look at the bigger picture. Many men, fathers have ended up in court for indecent assault on minors. They were perverts and abusive. Go to the courts and follow cases and you will be opened to the scenes of child abuse and pornography.
      That picture should not have been taken that way, let alone on social media.

      • Exactly!

        What we are see in the courts is the extension of what is happening in society. It is a symptom of a disease called sin, and a picture of the condition of the world in these last and closing days
        of time.

        Christians have a responsibility to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with a lost world, and tell all that men and women can only be saved and made ready for Christ’s return by repenting of their sins, and believing in HIM. They must trust His sufferings, shed blood, and death on the cross to put their sins away, and believe that He rose again on the third day.

        Only our Lord Jesus Christ can change hearts and transform lives! Because He lives today He can
        heal the inner person and set free all those who are in bondage to Satan and sin.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  29. mi
    May 20, 2016

    DNO facebook restored the picture and apologised for taking it down. which i find was pretty cool of FB to do that.

  30. mi
    May 20, 2016

    Beautiful…. From what i read, the child was sick and was passing fluid both up and down so to comfort him his dad just in the shower. Oh how beautiful and comforting that is for a child. I’m a single mother and praise and salute the men who put children first before anything else. Play your role #fathersonpower#. I salute you dad….

  31. MOTHER
    May 20, 2016

    People, please take your mind out of the gutter. The article explained the boy being sick. Love your children. Some parents have use their mouth to suck out mucus (snot) from their babies nose. That’s Love.

    • viewsexpressed
      May 20, 2016

      ……and this has been done many. If you have done this, would you take a photo of it and place it on Face Book and DNO….if yes, what’s the point?

  32. Dominican Passports 4 sale
    May 20, 2016

    This picture disturbs me because I can’t tell whether that man is wearing underwear or not… Totally inappropriate, NEXT!

    • justSayinng
      May 20, 2016

      I can see only One reason why a Man should not have his Penis exposed, not just to children, but to anyone with whom he is not about to mate: An embarrassing Erection.
      It would be Perfectly Ok, in my opinion, if the man is naked, as long as there is no chance of an erection happening.
      Nakedness does not Equate to SEX! Why hide that specific part of the human anatomy!?
      would Permanent Erectile Dysfunction still make the picture disturbing to you?

    • Winston warrington
      May 20, 2016

      The statues of Venus de Milo and David probably drive you nuts!!!

      • Many of the pictures and statues from ancient Greece were inspired by the celebrated homosexuality of the times, and the acceptance of pedophilia in general.

        It drives nobody crazy. It grieves some, and numbs the sensitivity of others. It represents a civilization that fell and is remembered like Sodom for its immorality and vice.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill, Evangelist.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        May 20, 2016

        Warrington, you are talking about two different horses of different colors. Every human alive was born naked. We experience nudity everyday, when we take our cloths off. I shower twice per day, I take my cloth off, I sleep nude but I would not sleep nude (naked) in my bed with a child!

        I would not put a child to sit on my pines while I am in the nude, and even when the occasion arise to sit a child on a mans thigh; the child should sit between the area of the patella, (knee) and the hip, not direct on anybody penis okay!

        The David scenario you see on the street of Rome was designed for a different purpose. So there is absolutely no comparisons.

    • NUWP
      May 20, 2016

      Y u want to know that for?

      • Dominican Passports 4 sale
        May 20, 2016

        Because if he is not then his junk is wresting on that poor child behind.

    • Dante Jones
      May 20, 2016

      hahaha then thank god that you were born after clothes were invented lmao

    • Face the Facts
      May 20, 2016

      If he were wearing underwear, it would have been noticed.

      • Face the Facts
        May 20, 2016

        I meant to state, “visible” which is more appropriate; not “noticed” although, to a certain degree that word is OK. :)

  33. A fellow Parent
    May 20, 2016

    It’s beautiful of course! We must not make every man a pedophile. Let’s instead encourage the closeness of parent with child which results in more balanced individuals who aren’t afraid of their own bodies.

    • Dominican
      May 20, 2016

      Its suppose to be a private pic not for the world to see but attention seekers will do anything

    • viewsexpressed
      May 20, 2016

      NO one has accused, or made this man a paedophile, why do you go there. The picture and your response It is just inappropriate.

    • Face the Facts
      May 20, 2016

      So, what good will it be and what benefit it will serve when the child grows older and to adulthood?

    • There are “early stage” pedophiles who are experiencing the beginning of their perverted desires and don’t know yet what is wrong with them. They should see a counselor who can help them identify the
      interest that is overtaking them. They need help to avoid sights, touch, and sensations that feed this abnormality.

      Once these tendencies begin to surface if they are unchecked they will escalate until they form a character that defines the individual. Near of kin and even close friends do not know what is happening in the person’s mind until it is too late. That is why professional help should be sought. This could be psychologist, a psychiatrist, a social worker who does counseling, or a pastor trained in pastoral counseling.

      Not all pastors opt to make counseling part of their ministry, and not all pastors who attempt it are properly trained.

      Continued …

      • Continuation …

        Don’t be afraid to ask the minister of an established church if he (or she) is trained in pastoral counseling and if so would have time to see a client.

        Wherever you go your counseling session is suppose to be absolutely confidential just as if you were seeing a medical doctor or a lawyer.

        Usually a counseling session lasts approx. 40 minutes. You should be prepared to see the counselor several times depending on what he or she thinks is necessary.

        The best professional relationship is based upon a mutual understanding. It is appropriate for you to ask what the counselor charges for his (or her) services.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    May 20, 2016

    nothing is disguisting about that

    • Dominican Passports 4 sale
      May 20, 2016

      So you’re seeing nothing wrong with a grown man wresting a young boy on his private area butt naked? When you have the option to wear at least some underwear? Hmmmk, I guess you’re gonna say “Ohh is his child” So that makes it right?

  35. Jayson
    May 20, 2016

    The child is in the shower with his father. No news here.

    What I would find strange, is if they were in the shower fully clothed and the father had an umbrella.

    :lol: That would definitely be thought provoking… :lol:

    • Dominican Passports 4 sale
      May 20, 2016

      Ye but when yall find out about pedophilia cases your jaws drop. Most of these pedophiles have kids such as Jared fogle and no doubt that things such as these can evoke pedophile traits in certain individuals. They won’t be practicing on their kids I tell you that much folks.

      • Face the Facts
        May 20, 2016

        Or transgender. The statistics is increasing, as we are hearing about today. Those revert to abnormal childhood, teenage and adulthood.

      • Actually pedophile fathers do sometimes “practice” on their kids.

        Any sex between family members is called incest. Unfortunately it does happen between fathers and their children. However, these men will also assault a grandchild, or a neighbor’s child. Some are bi-sexual and will go after either a boy or a girl.

        The most difficult pedophiles to treat are those who assault their own children. Of these the hardest to treat are the homosexual or bisexual pedophiles, that is a man who will violate his son or another male family member. They will also assault grandchildren and those outside the family.

        Generally speaking these men usually cannot be cured by counselling or regular psychotherapy and are almost sure to re-offend.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Peace
      May 20, 2016


    • HELP DEM
      May 20, 2016


  36. Anonymous
    May 20, 2016

    Well the dad could have had on a boxers…….that’s why I maintain, everything is not for facebook. The dad being naked in my mind makes this photograph a private memorabilia.

  37. May 20, 2016

    There is nothing wrong with the picture,bother mothers and fathers bathe with their kids when they are very young but this photo should not be one face book,keep it private.

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