Kathleen Cuffy matter a mistake – attorney

Kathleen Cuffy. Photo: Facebook public profile

A Dominican-born attorney in Florida says he is working with law enforcement authorities there to show that a matter involving tourism official Kathleen Cuffy was all a mistake.

The head of product development at Discover Dominica Authority (DDA) was detained on Friday (July 13) in Broward County for alleged petty theft.

According to attorney Jahra McLawrence, the matter was a misunderstanding and Cuffy has not been formally charged.

“She was detained, booked and processed but she has not been charged,” he told Dominica News Online on Wednesday. “I am currently in discussion with law enforcement officials to show this was a mistake and a misunderstanding.”

There have been reports floating on the internet that the matter has been dropped, but McLawrence said the case remains unresolved at the moment.

He said Cuffy was released after she was processed and is not on remand.

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  1. Be honest
    August 30, 2012

    There is an update in the case. DNO try to contact this woman’s attorney. The non -jury trial is set for a few days.. Check Broward county clerk website to verify.
    Don’t let this story die it has not ended yet.

  2. Dominicanpearl2
    August 8, 2012

    Thanks Nieve. I’m in Broward, will check the website. Hope it works out for her and she gets to go home to her job.

  3. A
    August 8, 2012


  4. Dominicanpearl2
    August 2, 2012

    What’s going on with the case? Any updates?

    • Nieve
      August 7, 2012

      Well according to broward county clerk of courts website, there is a hearing scheduled for the 30th of aug 2012. What they refer to as calendar call. Hopefully it all works out for the family.

  5. Listen
    July 24, 2012

    Any update on the story DNO? Good or not fill us in plz. Keep us informed.

  6. friend
    July 23, 2012


    never rejoice on others downfall, you never know what will come to your doorstep, especially when you have children

  7. oops
    July 22, 2012

    What did kathleen Cuffy do wrong in Florida to cause her to be booked? wow, so much happening these days… OOPS just interested in knowing… did the surveillance camera mistake her for somebody else… mistaken identity or what??? :?:

  8. simply blessed
    July 21, 2012
  9. E. L. L. Douglas
    July 21, 2012

    So sorry to hear this. I know the young lady. I’ve been living here for 12 years, shop all the time; I’ve seen this happen a lot. Bad things happen to good people and good people do bad things. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Let’s all repent and pray for each other. Whatever, the reason or circumstance, it’s bad for all of us Dominicans. I will not talk bad about my people. Let’s let the justice system take its course.

    • Listen
      July 24, 2012

      How well can u really know someone? Really think about that. pple whether u do right or wrong will pay….do the right thing no matter what.

    July 20, 2012



  11. juc
    July 20, 2012

    No one is playing in my head. She had to do something to be booked and processed.

    tell me otherwise.

    Go check on Broward County arrest for petty theft and tell me what you see.

    What is her photo doing among those arrested and charged for PETTY THEFT? TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Listen
      July 24, 2012

      I agree. The police have to be really poorly trained to go through all of this time…detain, booked, processed etc and not to mention the expense involved all for a huge mistake!? If that is the case then I will lose a lot of respect for the deputies and the Sheriff’s office of Broward County. Why are they taking so long to clear up this misunderstanding and Kathleen Cuffy’s good name if there is no evidence of wrong doing on her part or probable cause to begin with? Can someone tell me?

  12. simply blessed
    July 20, 2012

    i want some clarification on that story wi. seriously. because i did some research until i end up in the Broward County Court record and there is a case: The state of Florida vs Kathleen J. Cuffy and the status reads open. and her lawyer name is Mclawrence Frantz.the charge is petty theft. so how can the state of florida make such a big mistake and if it is a mistake, what is the case doing in the court records.

    just asking. I believe and want to believe that the young lady is innocent but please dont lie to dominicans like we are stupid people. she is innocent until proven guilty it is better to say that.

    some people might not like what i say, but i am just trying to understand.

    • uhuru
      July 23, 2012

      You are sooooooo right !
      Finally someone with an open mind here !!!

  13. desk22
    July 20, 2012

    The question i want people to ask is, why would Kathleen Cuffy steal something? she is well educated, has a good job and a family that love her plus the woman has money. We are to quick to judge people. Its about time we stop that. Stop it just stop it.

    • Aye Dominique
      July 20, 2012

      Please please please you need help. Is that the kind of crap that you people are hoping will change the way in which people now sees Kathy? Well this is bull!!!

      If you can vouch that Kathy is a good person, someone with great values, well brought up, honest, Christian….etc….these would be a better defense because everything you stated above is pure rubbish…..Dominicans are far smarter than that….get a life for crying out loud!

    • Anonymous
      July 20, 2012

      You need to stop that BS talk…Sound so stupid…Fool the people that don’t know.

    • uhru
      July 20, 2012

      Don’t be stupid !… the majority of people who steal are those who have the money to pay for the items stolen.It must have been her twin sister who was seen on the security cameras stealing items. DNO keep saying that she was detained ! no she wasn’t…. she was arrested ! BIG DIFFERENCE.

    • Anonymous
      July 21, 2012

      As far as I know she is an average Dominican with a decent job so to say she cannot steal because she has so much money just says how ignorant you are.

  14. Anonymous
    July 20, 2012

    kathy we all love you and will keep praying for you one love

    • brother
      July 20, 2012

      iam afraid of domninicians, look some wicked people listen before all u speak and make comments

  15. Pondera
    July 20, 2012

    I do not wish to know the facts of the matter. I look forward to Kathleen riding this storm successfully. And I know she will. Kathleen, find some grace from God to do good to them that hate you. Regards!

    • uhuru
      July 23, 2012

      Your first sentence tells us how shallow your brain is !

  16. Sam
    July 20, 2012

    So why my last comment is not posted???
    Can u email me and tell me why???

  17. July 20, 2012

    The reality is ..you purchase an item in the US, on the way out ,if the security beeper goes off, the security guard will ask for your receipt.. Once the item is swiped and the security code decoded,END of story.. That is if your receipt proved that you paid for it..I have never heard of someone being arrested for a beeper going off and they are arrested if they have a receipt..To reach before a judge…that just seems a bit much..All I would say is let the judicial system work..innocent= exoneration..to allow so many emotions to float all over the place actually does more harm to this woman..I don’t know her so this is just being objective.

  18. Domincan in the US
    July 19, 2012

    It’s depressing to read the comments of my people. I’m actually embarrassed that our comments are exposed to the entire world. How could we who are guilty of equal or worse offenses be so insensitive and judgmental towards another? I commend those who are supportive and sympathetic. We should sympathize with those who hurt and rejoice when good things happen. None of us are exempt from falling nor are we exempt from being wrongly accused. It should not even be a matter of whether or not she is guilty. That’s for the court to decide. Our Dominican sister is hurting, her family is hurting – we should all be sympathetic. This is not just for Kathleen, rather to all regardless of status or religion. We all have issues, just and matter of time for ours to surface. While our hidden faults may not surface in us it will show up in our children. Be careful, of the judgment you cast on others today. There is a tomorrow, and tomorrow may just be your day on the stand. Let’s pray for one another. Show some love.

    • Anonymous
      July 20, 2012

      So very true..I have innocently walked out a store without paying, when I realized I went back in to pay. So please Dominican people do not rush to judgement

  19. Anonymous
    July 19, 2012

    we the dominican in guadeloupe are happy that the situation turned out to be a misunderstanding and hope that it all turnes out good for kathleen.we depending on her for the good name of lovely dominnica.force to her.

  20. Insensitive people
    July 19, 2012

    Why am I getting the feeling that people are disappointed that the young lady has not been charged and is not on remand? How can we as a people be so insensitive, heartless and cold towards our fellowman? Remember, you can end up in a similar situation easily!!!!!!!!

  21. firstlady
    July 19, 2012

    am sorry for whoever the chick is but her reputation of character is very much tanished, this is also on google making news, i hope she can bounce back to a normal life.

  22. Anonymous
    July 19, 2012

    she made a mistake what about that so whatwh


  23. KAYA
    July 19, 2012

    Come on Dominicans some of these comments are just ridiculos. I for one personally know ms cuffy and thinks she is a wonderful person. This news comes as a real shock to me. But am gonna tell you one thing am not putting my head on a block for no one. So let the police/detecives do their job and the truth shall prevail. God Bless all involved.

  24. hmm
    July 19, 2012

    well glad to hear it was a mistake for her reputation sake. but the article still is empty to me. what was the mistake?

  25. Aye Dominique
    July 19, 2012

    I’ve read with interest comments outpouring for the last few days, and I must say Kathy cheerleaders all sounds alike and to say the least they are doing more harm than good with their idiotic comments.

    I really had no intentions of writing but it just kind of disturbed me to some extent to read the way that we still look at persons who are less fortunate around us. To just educate the cheerleaders abit, poverty does not lead one to steal it is lack of values and principles and wanting much more than we can afford. Frauds and embezzlements are not committed by the poor man on the street, and there are far more of these types of crime in any society than burglaries.

    So please stop your naively, it’s just so pathetic that you people come here trying to salvage a woman involved in an incident that none of you have a clue about and in so doing brings down the less fortunate around you.

    Read your bibles you will learn how difficult it is for a rich man to be saved which brings us back to the point that having a job does not make you a good person. I really need to get you cheerleaders to understand that. Having a particular position does not define your character as a person. Clothes and shoes and a car or house do not define anyone’s character. You people are sick and I hope this is not representative of the way the Dominican population thinks.

    I have a better advice for those of you who really want to help her, get together, make yourself placards and go protest outside the court house in Broward county, this might help her better because no amount of writing on here a hundred million times is not going to have one ounce of effect on the outcome of her situation.

    Again I do hope for a positive outcome for her but for God sake stop looking down on persons around you because money, salary or position can’t buy integrity, it cannot be bought! Being unemployed or poor does not make you dishonest, stop it!

    • Anonymous
      July 19, 2012

      Well said1 vERY WELL SAID – This is the type f contribution this situation needs

    • Mimi
      July 19, 2012

      what do you mean by cheerleaders? Because we supporting our fellow Dominicans then? Lets say it is true, we will still not leave her to dry. We have to stand by and support our own in foreign land. People getting off for murder, and we should crucify our friend for something this silly. Gimme a break! you guys just like to see people fall. Never mind that.. a JUST man falls 7 times and still he rises.

  26. concern 2
    July 19, 2012

    Hold strong we are 100% behind your innocence………we love you and praying that everything turns right for you…..

  27. Patience My Friends
    July 19, 2012

    My fellow Dominicans,

    Give the US justice system time to work. NO need to fight and argue especially since none of us here has access to the facts and evidence about this incident. If it gets to court the information will be made public. We will find out what happened then. I expect her family and friends to support her as they should, through thick and thin. They are not wrong for doing that.Remember no one is prefect… No matter the status or lack thereof. Word to the wise: Innocent until proven otherwise.

    I say focus on facts not personalities…so let’s all wait… and always hope for the best for your fellow countryman/woman. :)

    • Listen
      July 24, 2012

      You are so right!!! true true.

  28. July 19, 2012

    I would say to her family and friends I expect your to believe in her and support her. Do not throw her under the bus. Family supports each other through thick and thin. However,on the legal side of things none of our opinions and views can change the evidence or lack thereof. We cannot change the facts. So let us wait for the US justice system to work. One great thing about the system is that it doesn’t matter who the alleged offending party may be, whether president, attorney general, celebrity, or unemployed poor, the court seeks to flesh out all the facts and hopefully arrive at a just outcome. No system is perfect but lets wait and see what transpires.
    We should not make up stuff about the woman or revel in her predicament. At the end of the the we are all flawed people. Take heed all.

  29. Anonymous
    July 19, 2012


    This news is all over the internet.

  30. Perplexed
    July 19, 2012

    DNO, what happened to Dear Bella this week nah?

    ADMIN: Coming next week.

    • Perplexed
      July 19, 2012


  31. african queen
    July 19, 2012

    I always knew there was another side!!!!love you kath stay strong

    • Anonymous
      July 19, 2012

      Did you hear the other side? Do tell ’cause I’m still waiting. All I read was an attorney doing his job. I’m just saying….

    • ann
      July 19, 2012

      always know what? That stupid piece of empty information DNO posts, did you derive anthing from it? stupes!!!!

  32. Sam
    July 19, 2012

    Tuesday’s headline on all media houses and news paper in Antigua, and also on Caribbean online news sites was “HISTORIC CONVICTION”. This was about a Dominican woman who was sentence after being caught in Antigua airport with US$60,000 in her undergarment. She was on her way to DA from St. Marteen. I am stunned that this news has not reached DNO…but Kathy’s personal misfortune made it..…I wonder if there is a connection !!!??

  33. Original Eagle-Eye
    July 19, 2012

    Wow human nature is a hell of a thing.From reading some of the responses I can see a lot of people are actually disappointed and in disbelief that this could truly be crime of injustice. Seem like many Dominicans were/are hopping that somehow they have the glue to stick this woman’s feet to the board for theft. Her lawyer is suddenly a liar or just doing his lawyer work, she was arrested so there’s no way it could be all one big mistake or ELSE THERE WOULD BE NO ARREST. I’m amazed.

    I wasn’t there, and like most bloggers I don’t know what happen, and pray for the best outcome for her.However I will state this FACT again that people get arrested, booked, charged, even imprisoned for many many years all the while being INNOCENT for even greater crimes in the USA!

  34. lawd
    July 19, 2012

    kaths u hear i tell u… now is the time to DROWN in money!!!!!!! sue they i say

    • Anonymous
      July 19, 2012

      Sue them for what? Sacre!

  35. me
    July 19, 2012

    why is eveyone talking like it was diffinitely a mistake. The lawyer is still trying to get things resolved. In any case the lawyer is just doing what he/she is being paid for and that is to try to clear the name of his client, that does not mean she is off the hook. I am not saying she did anything because i do not know for sure since i am in dominica and she and the matter is up in the states. Let us wait to hear what the outcome will be, lets stay neutral for the time being but i find too many people are commenting like she difinitely did not do anything …. please stop it and wait for the final verdict.

    • MUDD
      July 19, 2012

      Did you count the amount of SKELETONS in your closet before posting your comment?

      • me
        July 19, 2012

        if you read my comment you would see i did not say anything to degrade the young lady, i am just speaking reality, what most of you do not want to accept and people should not jump to conclusion, so please learn when to use the phrase “skeleton in your closet”. cause i never siad she did or did not do the crime, read first before you post.

    • nana
      July 19, 2012

      I agree with some of the comments, the lawyers are doing what they are paid to do and say, petty thieft is big crime, you can go to jail for that. so many cameras , it is not funny, why touch what does not belonging to you , stilling is a sin

      • smart one
        July 19, 2012

        You are so stupid and ignorant .He who is without
        sin let him cast the first stone. The word is stealing dumb dumb.

    • Mimi
      July 19, 2012

      Is like you prefer to hear a bad news eh. IS a MISTAKE.. de girl can clear her name and we good with that.

    • CCOO
      July 19, 2012

      dont worry, they already know that it was a mistake, thats why she is not on reminded and has not been change, but the lawyer have to let them pay for malpractice and thats where the delay in comes in. They dirty my girl name and i hope somebody pay for that

      • Michie
        July 23, 2012

        (a)The word is “remand”.
        (b)Please look up the definition of “malpractice”.

  36. Sandy
    July 19, 2012

    Kaths, once that storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”

    You know who you are. Keep smiling and everything will come to pass.

  37. i'mWondering
    July 19, 2012

    Wow… Kathy sure has a lot of fans.
    I for one am happy to see Dominicans rallying behind her. I hope that their belief and faith is well deserved.

    I see that the attorney has said that the matter is a unresolved. He has not stated that his client is INNOCENT of the charges.

    He maintains that she has been “detained, booked and processed but she has not been charged”.

    What he has not said is that she did not take the item in question or provided an explanation as to why she was detained and booked. He says that the matter was a ” mistake and a misunderstanding .”

    the question remains – on who’s part was it a mistake misunderstanding?

    Many seems to be blaming DNO for publishing the story and now they are happy and seemingly justified in their beliefs that she’s innocent.

    YET…the matter is not unresolved. She has not been declared innocent. The mistake and misunderstanding has not been cleared. So until then…. is there really cause to celebrate???

    Nothing has been resolved – she just has not been charged …but she could still be charged pending investigations, or release without event…

    until then – God is good!

  38. Dominican to de bone
    July 19, 2012

    The damage is already whether she is innocent or guilty people will always have her in the back of their minds.

  39. watching
    July 19, 2012

    I have been reading these comments and there is so much ignorance emitting from them. I would hope that ms. cuffy did not commit this offense but to act like it is hard to believe that she would do something like this…..I’m amazed how naive people can be. Yes I know her personally and God knows that I would want nothing more for her to come out on top, but we all have weaknesses and maybe she just made a poor choice that day. Let us see how this plays out…smh

  40. Pundit
    July 19, 2012

    Why was my previous comment not posted?? What is wrong in saying that the person or persons who leaked the story did it with the most malicous intent?? Is it wrong of me to say that you should have been a bit more discreet with this story before publishing it.??? Lets see if you post this comment.

  41. Tri-State Beauty
    July 19, 2012

    I will say it again Kathy hold your head up!!!!In the morning the sun will rise, and even it rains the rainbow comes out to remind us of the beauty of the day ahead. You will weather this storm and come out even stronger. Dominicans let this be a lesson for you all in quick judgement and crying people down

  42. Morality
    July 19, 2012

    It’s sad and i wish she’s innocent.Hope she will be compensated for wrongful arrest,if this is the case.But as for doing a good job at the DDA,i don’t think so.Less cruise ships and visitors are coming to the island more and more,this is proof the DDA is not good at selling Dominica.There’s hardly any government’s institution functionig properly and effectively.People are just holding jobs and positions for a salary.

    • Papamete
      July 19, 2012

      Please folks, stop talking about compensation for wrongful arrest. Unless you can prove the police had evidence it was not you and arrested you anyway, you get nothing. Simply being found not guilty is not enough.

    • tonnere
      July 19, 2012

      sa kway tonnere!!! where that coming in nah? would you do a better job if you held her position? and do you know her job description well enough to know how much power she has in making cruise ships come to Dominica? stupesssss!!!

  43. Anonymous
    July 18, 2012

    OMG now I see why they call us “dumb”-inicans and we backward i can’t believe people are bashing DNO for simply doing what they are about, bringing news to the public. Wow is all I can say we Dominicans are a bias set of people bias. If it were i a poor malayway there would shout guilty, and if proven innocent they would find some other reason to justify so bcus DNO brought the news and people comment DNO bashing ppl and we Dominicans wicked? LOL we too funny.

  44. langsal
    July 18, 2012

    its amazing to see all the thumbs down for the people who showed the young lady love and hope… boy it seems like dominicans will bring down any other dominicans, and they dont have to know you.
    wish i was born elsewhere

  45. langsal
    July 18, 2012

    to all those negative goats and cyber haters.. TAKE THAT.
    always knew she is a decent lady

  46. bail out
    July 18, 2012

    Dorival John you seem like an idot to me .how is that new . it that’s D N O’s job they are useless.

  47. Pundit
    July 18, 2012

    I think the person who disclosed this information to the DNO, did so with the most malicious intent. And was out to distroy the reputation of Ms.Cuffy. This could have just been a quiet matter and the young lady would have moved on with her life without all this hoopla. DNO, could have been a little more discreet in its reporting on this matter.

    Remember the hole we dig for our neighbour, shall fall in it.

  48. -----------
    July 18, 2012

    hmm dno who pay u to post that.. hmm something not right.. why it is a mistake and they is nothing saying what was the misunderstanding..i know if they cant find anything on u they can never arrest u to take out mug shot.. so it have to be she did something…
    even when we go astaphans and the alarm goes off, astaphans security come and they search u.. if is an item the casher did not scan properly they let u go.. no police was called..the police is called only if u caught stealing.. i dont know why we dominicans so foolish.. we want to be blaming dno. they have nothing to do with this..thats what journalism is about unbiased news..they dont care her status…plus because of her status that make it breaking news…duhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!


  49. B-dawg
    July 18, 2012

    Some years ago, I was going to school and forgot my books in the bus,I was told to pick them up in an office nearby. As the man was delaying, I raised my voice saying that, “I am late for school”. He told me seriously and angrily that he was going to call the police. I was so surprised, believe me!!I left the place very quickly because I was more than worried about being late for class. I had forgotten about the incident but remembered as this thing about this dear lady came up. Anyway, whatever the matter, be it true or false I am on her side, and more she is a Dominican.

  50. Anonymous
    July 18, 2012

    That attorney better come with a defence that sounds a little more credible than that.

  51. Mimi
    July 18, 2012

    The sad thing about this case is that, this matter could have gone quietly without the public knowing about the ordeal which tarnish the girl name. So it had to be someone within her immediate very close circle who let it out, so Kathy has to watch her so-called friends. This was not on any news media in South Florida, so how did people know to go to jailhouse to look for her name.

    Kathy, watch out for the witch you are around. They got their wish to spoil your name, but hold your head up high and come back to Dominica in style. They can’t touch you. Jealous and envy is what caused this.

    • Rachel
      July 19, 2012

      Are you for real? Why don’t you google her name and tell me what comes up. Unless her family and friends name or last name is “google”. Dummy!

  52. Suez
    July 18, 2012

    We knew you were innocent Hun. We love you and will keep praying for you. You are a strong woman you will get through this.

  53. Aunty B
    July 18, 2012

    Kathy, i always knew there was another side to this story but was very slow in coming. Anyway keep on shinning and HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH .Make God your REFUGE and your SCANTUARY at this time and REMEMBER THIS TRIAL SHALL PASS ! ! !

    • Bing
      July 18, 2012

      What is the thumbs down for?

  54. Anonymous
    July 18, 2012

    Kathleen I’ve always believed you were innocent. Hold your head high Hun. We love you and we will keep praying for u. You are a strong woman and you will overcome.

  55. RObin
    July 18, 2012

    Yeah this is what you get with Dominicans….. I keep them at a far distance. DNO is just close enough to them for me. I don’t mingle, talk, attend any of their functions and I surely don’t cry with them. When I had to determine where I’d live I chose a state where I know non of them are and yes there’s such a place in the USA.

    • Reader
      July 18, 2012

      cry me a river

    • spicy
      July 18, 2012

      Robin you too forward. just wait you will wish for a dominican one day to bail you out. dont forget one you u on the mountain top there is a valley below.

    • smdh
      July 18, 2012

      then u must be in Maine. lol.

    • observant
      July 18, 2012

      Are you the same Robin you and your sister was stealing the person thing to furnish your apartment?

    • celeste
      July 18, 2012

      you full of …. robin, you have low self esteem, go get a life

    • (.) (.)
      July 19, 2012

      And, who cares? I bet no one misses you…so stay where you are. At the end of the day you are still a foreigner and a DOMINICAN . Don’t be too uptight my friend. That USA can kick you out so fast…. you just don’t know. Just pray that things go well for you and your family and praise God you have a place to turn to when things turn out bad.

    • dreadlocks
      July 19, 2012

      robin u too co-par-waison is people like u wen fings go bad u run an hide an wen fings sweetu say yes i know we could make it am a true dominican where i go good or bad am proud to say dat

    • Pundit
      July 19, 2012

      I agree with you. the majority of Dcans, are wicked and will do anything to take down another.fami of sharks.

      • AI
        July 19, 2012

        well said

    • Milly
      July 19, 2012

      if if there is such a state where there are no dominicans….and you found it….then u just ruined it for others cause YOY ARE A DOMINICAN..dummy!!

    • Anonymous
      July 19, 2012

      I hope you don’t get crime in the USA!!! No need to comment further, because you now see how idiotic your statement is.

    • Ali
      July 19, 2012

      @Robin,,,, u have issues…. u don’t want to deal with Dominicans because? Well deal with americans so that they can have you for breakfast and dump u out somewhere…. We are all in the human race… u find some people who are good and some not so good… this has nothing to do with Dominicans… and believe or not Dominicans are some of the nicest people on the face of this earth….

    • virgo
      July 19, 2012

      It seems like you Robin knows every thing name one State, that don’t have a Dominican living pure crap, Dum Dum did you survey all fifty States?.

    • Michie
      July 19, 2012

      There’s good and bad in all races, ethnicities, nationalities, etc. so you can’t hide. A lot of Dominicans love to gossip. That is a fact. However, I don’t keep these people in my inner circle and I choose my friends wisely so I’m not involved in the rowrow. I love my people, culture and country. My kids were born and raised in the US and they consider themselves Dominicans. Get a grip missy.

  56. !!!!
    July 18, 2012


  57. July 18, 2012

    OH boy we like ro,ro.win loose or draw the damage is already done. He/her who is without sin cast the first stone. My friend in Germany who i introduced to D.N.O. asked me recently who can our population is approx…seventy thousand people and whenever he read the news on D.N.O. is the same,”JA`s posting comments some of which does not reflect that we have smart people living in Dominica. I defended that with all my heart and scolded my friend for making such a statement,while at the same time deep down I know he was right,but i could not allow him to get away with it. Even as he prepares together with approx..150 of his friends to visit Dominica for the W.C.M.F. We need their money. But lets do better than that my fellow Dominicans.

    • (.) (.)
      July 19, 2012

      Oh please, life is too short….let our people enjoy themselves. Dominicans cannot be who they are not. I grew up with people saying the craziest of things including you….so tell your German friend he will have to accept us for who we are or else. I just don’t understand why some of us allow others to tell us how to live whereas other cultures can do whatever nonsence they feel like and no one says a word.

    • Blessed
      July 19, 2012

      Hey Hope, sorry you feel that way but u see,.. it’s anonymous. Toot chien toot shat can write things so some educated mixed with UNeducated, idiots anyone. And I’m sure Canada has its share of all those. So don’t take it too hard, go ahead bring your friends, they will see that Dominica is very welcoming and smart. Regards.

    • Anonymous
      July 19, 2012

      Tell him read Dailymail UK, NYdailynews, Trinidad Express, Starbroek news etc and he will see a trend ………….same people post over and over so that does not only happen on DNO…smh

      • Anonymous
        July 19, 2012

        thank you..I was goin to suggest the same thing to Hope. I sometimes read stories on yahoo and then scroll quickly to the comment page cuz I just know what is coming. Stop trying to diss Dominicans. You will find posters of all types in every forum.(rollingmyeyes).

    • Ali
      July 19, 2012

      @ Hope…. I guess your friends do not read other postings… I read qiet a few storied and I always read the postings and the things people say are just beyound this world…. ITs people from all walks of life posting on these sites…. It has nothing to do with being smart or uneducated. And if you know how DOminicans act and think then you would not even agree… we are happy silly people and the things we say and do may not be politically correct but it brings a smile sometimes a big lol to others…. ( Dominicans are one of a kind)…

  58. upset
    July 18, 2012

    After dominican finish the woman name smh too quick to judge people the woman is innocent it was the cashiers mistake not hers. And the person who sent the first set of information to DNO meant harm badminded set of people!!

  59. Clarity
    July 18, 2012

    This lady seemed to have been doing a great job at DDA. Watching her on GIS, I got the impression that she loved her job and her island.

    This entire story has terribly impugned her character since the details are sketchy, her mugshot is spinning through the internet and the case is pending. For her sake, I hope this is a serious mistake on the part of the authorities who arrested her and that the appropriate nationwide apologies and payment of reasonable damages will be easily forthcoming from them.

    On a related note: If she was wrongly arrested, could this be payback for the embarrassment caused to the two gay men in Dominica earlier this year? If so, all Dominicans need to be very careful what they do and where they go while in the USA.

    • GgggggGunit
      July 18, 2012

      NONSENSE…who the hell in BSO know anything about DA and that ms cuffy is d/can…. Likely this is no misunderstanding however not worth their while to pursue charging her formally…She’d not have been arrested without cause…so what was the cause…You can rest assured…NO DAMAGES WILL BE FORTHCOMING…she was treated like every other accused perpetrator.

    • (.) (.)
      July 19, 2012

      I don’t think by them wrongfully arresting her had nothing to do with the gays. If that was the case then, alot more Dominicans would have been arrested

  60. I and I
    July 18, 2012

    But up till now we don’t know what happened!What was the mistake that needs to be cleared?

    • July 19, 2012

      We want to know

  61. me
    July 18, 2012

    Yeap – doh matter what is said, what is done, what is thought, what is wished for – life goes on – no one controls your destiny but Jah!! I just love that quote “life goes on”…….hahahaha!! taken from ur facebook page sweetheart!

    keep ur head up!

  62. Reader
    July 18, 2012

    Not only the Kathy Story but other stories as well, DNO have a responsible to it’s readers. if you are a gossip site I understand but please get professionals to do the writing and at least some investigating.Very unprofessional and inappropriate stories sometimes.

    • unbiased
      July 18, 2012

      I agree with u. Sometimes I does just shake my head @ them. I swear sometimes its mediatakeout.com I’m reading. Kmt

    • Rocks
      July 19, 2012

      Bull Crap. DNO has not reported anything that has not happened. DNO did not accuse her of anything but instead was just reporting what happened. Your problem is the fact that DNO reported the story and you believe that they shouldn’t but this young lady is a public figure and it comes with the territory. I wish her the best and hope for a favorable resolution in her favor.

  63. teh
    July 18, 2012

    So why Broward county Jail not saying is a mistake? Her Lawyer is obviously doing his job, that is protecting her and off course to clear Dominicans ear!!!

    What is the misunderstanding? They fail to explain

    • July 19, 2012

      exactly! We wnant to know what was the misunderstanding.

  64. tie toe
    July 18, 2012

    i still didnt see the part where it says that she is innocent(come on people she is human ,none is perfect .allyou making like the lady cannot make mistake .even its not intentional ,the lady is black and she is famous ,so any little thing she does with appear big

    • smh
      July 19, 2012

      Black yes
      Famous no

  65. ann
    July 18, 2012

    But DNO still doen not say what took place!!!

    They just put that there to clear the air for those stupid Dominicans to shut up!!!

  66. Pusina
    July 18, 2012

    Whosss that DNO papa..I need to train you all on proper reporting skills.. Ms. Pusina is a trained master reporter.. Next time DNO think before you all process reports hence the ramifications of posting people picture on here without the proper clearance.. Nuff said

    Admin i waiting for you.. Lets see if you post my comment in its true form.

  67. Anonymous
    July 18, 2012

    in DNO say they will delete all remarks of comments made of people arrested and charged as though they were guilty or something to that effectand they doing it. stupes.

  68. Free Woman
    July 18, 2012

    she is going to walk out as a free woman, just wait and see. She did not do it Dominicans, America must watch what they doing because is little people and down island people they think they dealing with. I would sue them if i was Kathleen make an example out of them in that America.

  69. Viewpoint
    July 18, 2012

    Thank God!! I knew for day one that Kathy would not be involved in something like this. Girl, keep your head up and stay focused, these things happen in life to test our faith and character…I know that you are made of strong stuff!

    Hats of to DNO for putting the story straight!

  70. Papamete
    July 18, 2012

    What a difference in the pics. A little makeup sure goes a long way. Phew!

    • Anonymous
      July 18, 2012

      Lol, that’s funny, but this only served to show how the media plays a role in shaping the public’s view when stories are reported. An unflattering mug shot when she was the alleged perpetrator and a decent picture now it is alleged she’s innocent. And not just DNO, you see it all the time the world over.

  71. wow
    July 18, 2012

    I’ve observed the commentary on this story for the past few days and I must say we need to get past this tendency to assess everything based on emotion.

    First of all, I hope and pray that if I were ever to make a mistake or get in trouble that I would receive the treatment that Miss Cuffy has received from the Dominican public. The majority of the comments were positive and spoke highly of her. If the charges are dropped, she will walk away from this practically unscathed as far as public backlash is concerned.

    Yet, there are some who keep ranting on here and on FB about people judging her and the like. REALLY IT’S ALL IN YOUR HEAD.

    This situation also showed me again how hypocritical we are as a people. Ironically, one of the reasons why this was a newsworthy story is BECAUSE Kathleen Cuffy is a high ranking DDA official. Yet DNO came under attack for running a legitimate story based on FACT. The fact that Miss Cuffy was detained, processed and a mug shot taken-a mug shot that could be easily accessed over the internet.


    I perused the comments under the story of the Loubiere lady arrested for possession of marijuana. Not one commentator protested that her picture had been posted by DNO. But Kathleen Cuffy should have been given a free pass because????

    People are arrested and charged everyday for crimes they did not commit. It is reported that they were arrested and charged. When they are found not guilty, it is reported that they have been found not guilty. That is the nature of the game.

    It is unreasonable and IGNORANT to say the least to expect that Kathleen Cuffy should have been exempt.

    • -----------
      July 18, 2012

      so true.. dominicans to bias.. and maybe because they know her personnally to they made all these stupid comments about dno.. but if dno did not post it we would still get to know.. it is on the internet…dno keep doing what u doing..if it was a nobody someone who is not high in society u would her them they would be singing another song..stupes..

    • met veye
      July 19, 2012

      most sensible comment on here!!!! Amen!!!

    • magway sa!
      July 19, 2012

      well said…Dominicans need to grow up!! Seriously our culture needs to mature generally but particularly in the emotional aspect

  72. Lord
    July 18, 2012

    Well we all will hear when her case call, so peace for now until she comes back home a free woman.

  73. Santa from northpole
    July 18, 2012

    Listen up Dno doing there job like any orther news broadcast news is news OKKKKKKKK :twisted:

  74. Anonymous
    July 18, 2012

    In America, when someone is booked and process, that means they had to be charge her with something;usually a crime, most of the time it will be a felony, which may eventually be reduced to either a high misdemeanor, or may be reduced to a simple misdemeanor, and that is outside of murder.

    The police would not have set her free after that unless the district attorney disposed of the matter after valuating it to see if the police has probably cause to proceed with a case.

    If the story I heard is that she walked out of a store, or places of business, and set off an alarm, which aroused the attention of security, who ultimately called the police, and she was arrested, I doubt there could be a mistake!

    Anybody who shop and pay for their groceries, or clothe, anything has to be presented with a receipt from the cash register.

    As long as you have a receipt, with the itemize items there on, I do not care how much a buzzer buzzed, and how many security officer accosted you, as long as the products you purchase are on a receipt the person cannot be arrested, not in America anyway!

    If she was taken into custody, that means something may have been found on her for her.

    If she was falsely arrested, that’s big trouble, that could be a law suit in California that would earn her many millions of dollars in punitive damages.

    If that happened to someone like me, I would not even settle out of court if I am innocent, I would let it go to court, and as long as the judge awards me one single dollar in damages, I would suit for punitive damage, which could result in more than a hundred million dollars.

    This Dominica Attorney is not accurate in what he is saying, if she presented her purchase receipt, everything she left with should be on it, if even something was placed among the merchandize she bought in error, it would be quite easy to be determined.

    All they have to do is request the video recording of the day be examined, I am sure she will be seen from the time she entered the establishment, to the time she arrived at the cash register, if in that recording she was not seen doing anything suspicious, that recording would become evidence in court which will exonerate her.

    If she was arrested you can be sure they have something on her, I stake my life on that!

    She had better get a darn good attorney, better than the one she has now, because according to what he said if he represents her in court, she will not be seeing Dominica anytime soon.

    Police in America does not handcuff, and arrest people put them into a patrol car, and take them to the lock-up without probable cause, it is illegal for law enforcement to do that, when they do they make the one they falsely arrest very wealthy.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Anonymous
      July 18, 2012

      Amen, tell them

    • (.) (.)
      July 19, 2012

      You are so right. If and once she has her receipts of things purchased, proper video clips and a good lawyer… she should take that matter to court and settle for big. As far as I know , the cops don’t just arrest you without proper evidence. They must be stupid and looking for a lawsuit if they did such

    • MOT
      July 19, 2012

      “Police in America does not handcuff, and arrest people put them into a patrol car, and take them to the lock-up without probable cause”…….you ARE joking, righttt???? 8-O 8-O 8-O

      • Francisco Telemaque
        July 20, 2012

        You know I clown about as often as I can, I make an idiot out of myself when I wish to however, this is one time I am not clowning, in spite of the left out words in my sentences in my original post.

        I am not one to joke about matters like that.

        I was involved into something like that, I went into a FEDCO, now defunct in Los Angeles, I bought a vacuum cleaner, I paid for it with my personal cheque, walking out the door, an African Security Guard (you know what we call watchman in Dominica when I was growing) called out at me: hey let me see your receipt, I kept walking, he again yelled hey, let me see you receipt.

        I returning him my complements by asking him ” have you lost something? ”

        This man waited until I got outside of the store, jumped in front of me, and started wrestling with me trying to take away my vacuum cleaner, in the fiasco the vacuum fell to the ground three times, while it was on the pavement, he never touched it, nonetheless, each time I picked it up this idiot would hold on to it trying hard to take it out of my hand.

        I calmly took my cleaner walked back into the store,and request the manager call the police, he ask me ” are you sure you want me to call the police. Yes I said because your guard attacked me, and accuse me of stealing your vacuum cleaner, which I paid for, he also suggest I simply show my receipt, angry leave.

        I began speaking loudly, in anger, to ensure he called the police, which eventually came. They were informed of the problem, as soon as they arrived on the scene, the police ask me ” do you have a receipt for the merchandize, I horridly and calmly put my hand into my pocket whipped out my receipt and put it into his hand, he took one look at it and told, ” this is a civil matter, go and find yourself an attorney.

        I will not be too long with this, but as a result I was able to purchase a very expensive sport car in 2001.

        The reason I settled that one out of court, is because the Lawyer error when he was putting the case together, in my complaint, he stated they accosted me in the store; in the deposition I maintained I was accosted outside of the store which is true, however in America, in any court matter one’s credibility can either make or brake a case.

        I did not want to settle out of court, however the day when we went to court, the proceeding got on the way, the judge abruptly asks my attorney and I to come into his chambers, where he suggested that I settle out of court because whereas I signed the documents, which states I was detained inside of the store, and verbally I am now saying it was outside, he suggest the jury may not bring in a verdict in my favor, and he believe it is in my personal interest to settle out of court.

        I took his advise, and settled for a sum which I cannot disclosed due to confidentiality agreements I signed.

        And believe you me, I do not have a police record, never been to jail even though the police has pulled me over many times, and I assure you each time I was pulled over by the police, I was in the wrong, doing something wrong like exceeding the speed limits.

        The only time I am sure I was stopped maliciously, and questioned surrounded by police it was in Canada, and again it was all due to the type of sports car I was driving, they probably thought a black man could not afford, or should be able to afford that,and that took place on Ferris Road in Toronto in front of my cousin house.

        In America, it is almost next to impossible to get arrested falsely.

        Note: if you are leaving a store in the United States, and a security guard request that you show your receipt, you are not obligated to it to them, if you do you are simple subjecting yourself to “search and seizure, however if on entering the store there is a penal code displayed stating you must show you receipt, thus allowing a search of you merchandize, if you refused you can be detained.

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • mouth of the south
      July 19, 2012

      hahahahahaha that Duddly dudz dere…. all i have to say is lol…. because blacks get arrested everyday for things they didn’t do… what u say makes alot of sense as far as the scenario she was in… but don’t generalize the whole thing… to show that when police arrest u… it means you are ‘guilty’ or they have probable cause… man if a woman simply say u pushed her n cause a bruise… and there’s no video to defend u… once she had a bruise on her arm… even if not caused by you… you’ll be arrested and booked for something u didn’t do…

      Dodz i have my own personal experience that i won’t share on this platform… but i’ve been there… charged with a felony for a crime i never did… had to spend 5 months defending myself… in and out of court room…. for these 5 months i never saw the one who accused me…. she never showed up to court… never not once… all i had was a paper showing i keep away from such n such a person… up to now i can’t tell you who this person is.. or what she looks like…. so when u coming on d.n.o to rah rah rah… i hope and pray u never end up in such a situation… my police record is clean… never had a situation in d/ca… that’s a fact… but in the u.s.a… these authorities trying to paint me as a criminal… smh…

    • truth
      July 19, 2012

      FACT, let me see what the bias Dominicans can answer to that!!!!

    • TutTut
      July 20, 2012

      Starts with..”Anonymous”… ends as …”Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque”…

      FETE you always know, meantime why try to disguise see how you tie your own self as usual. Some smart people so foolish

      • Francisco Telemaque
        July 20, 2012

        Me Francisco disguise, no way oui!

        What happen is that I forgot to write in my name and E-mail address, when that happens the site accepts your comments as an anonymous contributor

        Me doh have nofing to hide eh, good or bad, me take responsibility fore me comments oui!.

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  75. Anonymous
    July 18, 2012

    Was it really about blaming the woman? I think it was a news item like any other news item that have been posted in the past. There have been news item involving parrows and other persons and DNO was not blamed for posting it so what’s the problem with this story being posted. I do not think DNO meant any harm to the lady, it simply was a story of interest and one that would increase traffic on the site so the story was posted. More over, it can be accessed on the Broward County Crime website by anyone, so DNO really should not be the one to be blamed.

    I think Dominicans are just being themselves when a hot story is out. I am certain, if it was someone else, the lady herself would have read it and maybe even commented on it so let’s stop blaming anyone. I hope for the woman’s character and reputation, the alligation will be cleared and no matter what, she should not let this get her down, she should keep her head high and just move on. Intentional or not, mistakes do happen, be it on her side or that of the authorities.

    • anonymous
      July 18, 2012

      Point taken. However, in your attempt to take the heat off of DNO, do not patronize us the reading public. You really think that we would be accessing Broward county website or any county for that matter looking for who committed an offense in the US? Someone was being mischievous so let us just leave it at that. We really need some more responsible journalism rather than looking for more traffic on our site. guess what? I expect that it will take two days for this to be moderated. is more traffic we want.

      • MagwayDomnichen
        July 18, 2012

        the persons to blame is not DNO…the story was out hours before DNO posted it…a car dealer and others posted it and now pretending to be suportive..they were spreading ‘RUMORS’ their day will come…it didnt need to go down so…Another D/can was arrested and booked just months ago in Florida…NO ONE hear about it…I not going and put the girl business out there..But because I was looking online regarding this incident I happenened surprisingly to see the other girl mugshot and her family are big business owners in DA…so…doh blame DNO..that girl family kept the info within their circle of trust…Ms Cuffy unfortunately has some untrustworthy persons in her circle and is they that sell her out otherwise NO ONE would ever have gotten wind of this!!! I HOPE U POST this DNO…censorship isnt cool DNO…allu not censoring yourself dont sensor the comments

      • (.) (.)
        July 19, 2012

        I am wondering….How was she able to get to store in Broward county, some misharp happened and she was arrested ? Offcourse , alot of other people were at the store who saw the commotion (if there was any). Now, if she had a companion who would not want her name and face to be shown on DNO, that person would do his/her best to protect her even if her name and face is on Broward County,s website. Nobody has the time to go search Broward county’s website (for what?) unless if someone was with her and knows of her and was so quick to spread the news that she was arrested. I know of folks who were arrested and spent days or even weeks in jail and still no one knew of their arrest because somebody did not spill out the beans

      • KAYA
        July 19, 2012

        anonymous stop talking nonsense. chupessssss

      • Brathwait
        July 19, 2012

        News is news. if this had happened to me I would have wished that it was never published on any website, however, this is the nature of things and we must accept it as what it is, not because it’s Kathleen that we must look at it differently and when it’s someone else of little or no fame we could n’t care less. let’s try to be fair always.

    • met veye
      July 19, 2012

      well said!!!

    • hmmmm
      July 19, 2012

      allu Dominicans too like BEFF!!!!!!! if it was your family you would not have that comment to post on DNO.. go find work to do

  76. Smh
    July 18, 2012

    is so allu does spoil people name …

  77. Wow
    July 18, 2012

    People coming on DNO as if the girl is off the hook. the lawyer is speaking to the authorities to try to work it out.

    the lawyer can’t come on the news saying his client is guilty he must say it is a misunderstanding.

    just wait for what the people in Florida have to say before you all come on DNO telling people off.

    really hope it is a misunderstanding but she is not off yet.

  78. scotland yard
    July 18, 2012

    Case Summary
    Broward County Case Number: 12014410MM10A State Reporting Number: 062012MM014410A88810
    Court Type: Misdemeanor Case Type: Misdemeanor
    Filing Date: 07/14/2012 Case Status: Unfiled
    Court Location: Central Courthouse Judge ID / Name: Solomon – MD, Mindy F
    Magistrate ID / Name: N/A BCCN: 0811916

    Style: State of Florida Vs Cuffy, Kathleen J

    Party Detail
    Party Type Party Name Sex Race D.O.B. Attorneys / BarID
    Denotes Lead Attorney
    Defendant Cuffy, Kathleen J Female Black 08/24/1970 McLawrence, Frantz J
    BarID: 624527
    State State of Florida

    Future Scheduled Hearings
    There is no key date information available for this case.

    Charge Detail
    Select Charge Charge Citation/NTA Number Status Offense Date Statute Description Filed On Filed By
    1 OPEN 07/13/2012 812.014(3)(a) Petit Theft Coral Springs PD

    • clean
      July 19, 2012

      you seem to have good links and info I am awaiting the details of this one.

      Don’t forget to post the result. Let us know what really happened. Full details is expected.

  79. Kubuli Kountry
    July 18, 2012

    Hmm. Funny how DNO could get a “nice” photo of her now. That mug-shot photo was just not cool. The least DNO could have done was to show a “nice” picture along-side the mug-shot. Miss Cuffy I did remember you in my prayers. I may never approach you on the road in D.A. but I have always admired you from a distance. God’s guidance and peace upon you.

    • Brathwait
      July 19, 2012

      I did not know that it was DNO responsibility to make her look nice. allu killing me here. lol lol, ridiculous.

  80. site
    July 18, 2012

    and its a girl ive always had a decent crush on..

    lets see how things pan out..from what i know the Feds very seldom screw up with matters of this..

    wishing her the very best..

    • Agriculture
      July 18, 2012

      What Feds you are talking about?????? Pow pow arrested her!

    • mouth of the south
      July 19, 2012

      hahaha u think feds wasting resources on teeweewee things nuh lol….

  81. Reality
    July 18, 2012

    i wish/hope for her sake it is a mistake however my question is why was she arrested.

    The attorney says it is a mistake but we have to wait to hear from the police/authorities in Florida to know if it really is a mistake.

    This lady is not off yet she was booked and is on bail. lets wait and see what will happen.

    Please don’t blame DNO they are only doing their job

    • Anonymous
      July 18, 2012

      Exactly! The lawyer may just be defending his client

    • teh
      July 18, 2012

      Off course it was a mistake!!! We all make mistakes in life and we end up places we don’t want to be.

      Remember her Lawyer must defend her

  82. simply blessed
    July 18, 2012

    DNO – just like to brng down people’s character. most of its reporters cannot read and write. u should see some words and sentences that are being used when they giving a story.

    DNO could get a better picture of the girl but they run and get a mugshot.

    i know that comment might not be posted but i know for sure management and staff read it.

    stop bringing down people DNO and send your staff for an english and grammar course or get qualify reporters.

    • Dorival John
      July 18, 2012

      Well I hope DNO doesn’t emply you eh because from what you wrote your English nor Grammar is nothing to write home about. LMFAO

      Shouldn’t it be ‘qualified’ reporters? You said ‘qualify.’ hahahahahahahahaha

      But on a serious note, DNO is not that bad. Mistakes happen. Big well established newspapers have sections for correcting mistakes and errors.

      I still don’t understand how DNO bringing down people by doing their job. It is their job to inform and they are doing exactly just that.


      • Anonymous
        July 18, 2012

        I was thinking the same thing.

      • kakarat
        July 18, 2012

        While I appreciate you bringing her grammatical mistake to her attention, I think that the spirit in which it was done leaves some to be desired. Next time do it with humility.
        Of course, all news media reporting/reporters have/make mistakes, I have never seen DNO apologize (like other news media do)for any mistake other than for those they feel can bring litigation against them.
        Their goal should be to make as few mistakes as possible.

      • Anonymous
        July 18, 2012

        Dorival john, dont make me start on you because DNO will go and make a whole new story. I doh go school, my mother did not have money like your mother to send me school. so take your sarcastic remarks and u know where to put it. doh make me start with you. it is good so see u gay “he he he he” stay that way forever.

    • Free Press
      July 18, 2012

      But wait! At-least your comment should exemplify the proper use of punctuation and capitals to DNO staff. :lol:

      They are simple reporting the news.
      We are the ones commenting.

      Continue to keep it fair and balance DNO.

    • fff
      July 18, 2012

      So they posted about skerrit… they Posting about Shooting They posting about Parros… I thought News was News… How is that bringing down her Character? IT’S NEWS OMG allu Dominicans to Darn Impossible Making No Sense….JAH allu people JUST UGH

    • smdh
      July 18, 2012

      YOU cannot read and write either. Just look at how u spelt U [sic]. LOL. I believe that your vocabulary needs expanding as well because the person charged is not a girl but rather a WOMAN. Again, the correct participle to use is QUALIFIED and NOT qualify. Talking about people are too quick to judge. You should be the last to judge. DNO covered the story like any other media house would have. Would you have preferred to hear it on BBC Caribbean or the national radio station/website for any other island? Truth of the matter is, at this point, none of us is in a position to declare the lady as guilty or innocent until she has her day in court and all evidence and testimonies are heard.

  83. hmmmm
    July 18, 2012

    in allu …. allu too like to bad talk ppl…. in allu …. when you hear about ppl is one thing. when you know somebody its somethin totally different. take that in allu

  84. bias dcans
    July 18, 2012

    Well Mr. Attorney i think you should explain in full….Ms. Cuffy was arrested and booked because there was reason to believe a crime was commited …now the store owner has a certain amount of days to press charges.indictment..if not the matter will be dropped….
    Just explaining the laws could not care less about if ms cuffy stole or not….we all did at some point in time

  85. what!
    July 18, 2012

    De case doh call yet, they charge you in court, lets see then, and the charges are read in open court, so wait

  86. Edward Dixon
    July 18, 2012

    we are so quick to judge others, but i say, judge people based on what u KNOW about them and not what other persons SAY about them.

    • Be Nice
      July 18, 2012

      The good Lord said Judge not that ye not be judged. This is still valid for us today in this modern world.

  87. Upset
    July 18, 2012

    what was kathleen retain for at the county jail? can someone please tell me! what was the petty thief?

    • bigmack
      July 18, 2012

      beff u like

  88. Mapwi
    July 18, 2012

    I hope now all u will shut up!!! all u dose wicked d/cans…..

  89. hmm
    July 18, 2012

    Thank you Jesus…I prayed

  90. Watching
    July 18, 2012

    Praise Yahweh!

    • Watching
      July 18, 2012

      DNO…The damage is already done, but why didn’t you post this pic with the story re the allegations?

    • V2020
      July 18, 2012

      Halleluyah! Praise Yahweh. He answer our prayers once again.

    • July 18, 2012

      Kathy we love you and we know for sure is a misunderstanding. See you soon baby girl. Hooray for you.

  91. Bull Crap
    July 18, 2012

    All i can say is WAW

    and so many people was on line and even DNO self bringing down the woman.

    Hope u all proud of your selves no.

    • fff
      July 18, 2012

      Sttps…. It’s News… when they have thing about OBAMA and Bill CLinton and Whatever all you doesn’t say nothing…

  92. July 18, 2012

    Keep your head up!! Your Doing a wonderful job for our people!! I love you

  93. Anonymous
    July 18, 2012


    • me
      July 18, 2012

      u sound soooooo bitter for some reason!!!!!!!

    • Court transcripter
      July 20, 2012

      All you have to do is Google her name Broward county in Florida’s public record

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