Letang says trade union movement under attack

Thomas Letang

General Secretary of the Dominica Public Service Union (DPSU), Thomas Letang has said the trade union movement in Dominica is under attack after Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, described some trade unionists as opposition party operatives.

Speaking at a Dominica Labour Party rally in Portsmouth on Sunday, Skerrit said the opposition has its allies in trade unions who want to shut down the country.

“To call out the workers on strike. To once again, portray Dominica as sliding down the governance scale. As being unstable. As being ungovernable,” he stated. “These failed political wannabes now want their Trade Union operatives to take on the government and bring about the type of ‘commess’ and confusion that failed to materialize with their anti-CBI campaign. But we are fortunate in Dominica to know whom we are dealing with. They may carry titles in the Trade Union, but they are still opposition party operatives.”

Skerrit said trade unions must “leave partisan politics at the door,” and the government of Dominica “demand professional conduct from you at all times.”

“When you come to speak to the government under legitimate business, leave your partisan politics at the door. Stop playing politics with the lives and livelihoods of Dominican workers,” he said.

Skerrit noted that his remarks were not directed towards “serious, focused and professional trade unionists” but rather to those unionists who have “political operatives” that have “positioned themselves in the trade union movement.”

“I know who they are, they know who they are, and very importantly, you the people of Dominica know who these political operatives are in the trade unions,” Skerrit remarked.

In response, Letang told Dominica News Online (DNO) that these statements are an “attack” on the trade union movement in efforts to voice opinions on issues that need to be addressed, and these attacks are nothing but “normal.”

“I must say that it is normal for trade unionists especially those of us representing public sector employees; to be attacked by the government,” he said.

He provided a number of reasons why the union is being attacked by the government, of which “speaking to the issues affecting our constituency” was one stressed heavily.

“Why are we attacked? Here are the reasons; we are attacked just because we speak to the issues affecting our constituent, we speak to issues affecting public officers. We speak out against injustice, against unfairness and exploitation, and for those reasons we are attacked. We speak out loud for better wages and improvement in working conditions, we are attacked,” he said.

Letang added that the DPSU has no affiliation with the opposition parties and a few statements between the two might be similar.

“What you find sometimes is that we say certain things that the opposition might be saying, but it doesn’t mean that there is any collaboration between the union and opposition party. For those reasons we are attacked just because we speak out on behalf of those we represent,” he said.

Letang added that it seems as if one must remain quiet and “endorse everything or keep silent under things that are not right” in order to be in the “good books” of the government.

“So as a trade unionist you want to be in government’s good book, all you have to do is to endorse everything that they do even if it affects the membership or you keep silent, and you will be in the good books,” Letang stated.

He said that the government should “appreciate the job that we do,” and sends a strong message to the public that the union will not be deterred.

“We want to send a strong message that those attacks will not deter us. What we are doing when we speak, we are speaking in the interest of not a particular group of Dominicans, but for all Dominicans, and for all those who are working for the working class, we are speaking for generations to come,” he remarked.

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  1. NUWPl
    May 10, 2017

    Stupsssssssssssa. But honestly who studying dT man nah? You think PM really taking u and ur nonsense on nah? All PM asking u to do is leave ur dirty politics when u coming to talk people bread and butter to the govt. simple as that. You didn’t see the number of public officers who was in Portsmouth? So we calling for a change because u are an embarrassment to us in our union. Good thing my $20.00 stop go to pay u. An I will never pay another till u get ur **s out of public officers thing with ur politics. Because u are dragging out union into ur nasty politics. So u have it under threat. Not the govt. govt has done meant for us which u agreed to in 2014. Bcus u said “after. Careful consideration public officer is satisfied with all the govt has done and it is not always about salary but other none salary matters se we accept”. Those were ur words. But we as public officers is happy we getting our salary before time. So I and ur politics can follow Thompson to Sudan and leave us…

    May 9, 2017

    My very good friend, Thomas, it hurts my heart to say this but don’t you realize that workers in this country have LONG AGO made a choice between their interests and that of political parties? Bro, while there is still time, while you still relatively young, stop fighting for people who do not love themselves!! Please, leave Dominicans in the misery in which they find themselves. I made that decision 20 years ago. And with this most recent increase in Departure tax, it’s bye bye for the land of my birth for EVER.

  3. free
    May 9, 2017

    Mr.Letang stand your ground…keep talking for higher wages etc…a lot of them critizing want more money too…

  4. d
    May 9, 2017

    No collaboration my big toe! You’re a sad excuse for a professional!

  5. May 9, 2017

    No collaboration my big toe! You’re a sad excuse for a professional!

  6. May 9, 2017

    Linton take off the blue cap on your head(we see it fit you perfectly) so you can think clearly! You are to work for the people, not party. We getting fed up of you now!

  7. May 9, 2017

    You boys too soft, too much talking and no action.

  8. kim
    May 9, 2017

    I agree with the PM that politics should be kept out of the trade unions, but Mr PM you also have to remember the role of the trade union.
    I listened to you and I looked at the rally in Portsmouth, looked at the people who wave their hats shouted for you and almost bowed to you like a king; these are some of the same public officers you refuse to give a raise because the economy cannot sustain, these are the same people who cry about the monthly bills, and live from hand to mouth and, these are the same people who climb the steps of financial centre every Wednesday like beggars. Teach a man to fish and he shall feed himself always.
    Mr Letang while it is your job to fight and champion remember you are not the union a union is only a strong as its members. So if your members decide to stand and fight no amount of platform talking will stop them

  9. MediaEyez
    May 9, 2017

    No Letang, Unions aren’t under attack. YOU ARE! For your unprofessional and clearly partizan position on Union matters. It’s high time you remove the Blue glasses you wear while handling matters concerning us civil servants or simply step aside and allow someone with the professionalism as Celia Nicholas to handle our business for us.

  10. Civil Servant
    May 9, 2017

    Mr. Letang is right. The DPSU has no affiliation with any political party. On the surface of it, I will accept. One cannot find a formal arrangement between the DPSU and any political party. That is true. However, Mr. Letang cannot convince anyone, not even himself and his president because in recent times the Union has been saying and repeating exactly the same things (same language, same intensity, same urgency, same frequency, same radio station) that the opposition has been saying on issues of governance. When you look at the executive of the DPSU, you see certain officials who associate with the opposition parties. In fact some of them have been spoken about as candidates for the opposition. Even Mr. Letang’s name has surfaced as being among those being considered for consideration as a candidate for the opposition in his area. Hence the concern Mr. Letang. So if attention is paid to him and the DPSU then he should not threat. Tone down Letang and go negotiate in good spirirt.

    • Papa Dom
      May 9, 2017

      Boy look stupidity. If the rhetoric is the same as the opposition’s that is because the failures and maladministration is real. The names have been suggested as candidates by whom? While we should not live in the past we should never forget it. There has never been a time when a union or leader of a union was more involved in politics and destabilising a government like Charles saverin. So deal with the issues facing the country and stop using letang as a scapegoat.

  11. May 9, 2017

    Who the CAP FIT, let them wear it!!!!,…………

  12. snowell
    May 9, 2017

    I believe that some of then are under cover UWP. get real idiots we re in Dominica .

  13. selly
    May 8, 2017

    A desperate man will attack everyone. But he has to go!!!

  14. Ibo France
    May 8, 2017

    A divided nation cannot fulfill its full potential. All good leaders unite their people not divide. In order to maintain power many unscrupulous leaders try to create disunity in the country just as the Plantation owners did to the slaves. Mr. Skerrit , in order to deny hard working public servants a well deserved pay increase is trying his utmost best to smear, denigrate, ostracize, delegitimize Mr. Letang, the rightful and legitimate leader of the DPSU. Mr. Skerrit should be scathingly criticized for his unsubstantiated brutal attacks on the character of this humble but brave union warrior. Only an immoral and unconscionable leader like Mr. Skerrit would use the power of the Prime Minister’s office to defame and distort the noble intentions of a humble servant of the down trodden.

  15. %
    May 8, 2017

    Letang you should not be surprised at Skerrits rhetoric….I have also heard it from some of his apologists. Guess he is so caught up in his own web, that he does not know your role as a UNION LEADER…You do not represent Skerrit, you represent the workers under your umbrella He mentioned “To portray Dominica as sliding down the governance scale”?? This man is so shameless and hypocritical…This is what happened when Corallo, Monfared, Lapseng, Madueke, was given/sold our Diplomatic passports. Skerrit himself has done what he is accusing others of. He has put the country into crisis. That’s why his crisis Management Firm, has him like Santa Claus giving money to LABOURITSES as if money is going out of style…So Letang do what you are doing…FINE JOB INDEED!.

    • Is So
      May 9, 2017

      Gason, % why do you keep embarrassing youself. We the people don’t give a hoot about, Monfared, nor Lapseng etc. DO YOU realize that the horse you are beating is DEAD? Can you become a functional member of society! Listen carefully set up new strategy with other people interest first then you work will be believable. Right now as you open your mouth, your message is DOA, dead on arrival. % YOUR old lyrics is ta s t l e s s.

  16. Man bite dogs
    May 8, 2017

    Letang, you know dam well you are sideing with Workers party so don’t give us that crap, come to think of it are you and Linton twin brothers? Two of you look alike and think alike :: :twisted:

  17. How Much?
    May 8, 2017

    Boy I not going to defend anyone again because over the years I have come to realize that people will do anything for money and forget about integrity. I was a strong supporter of TIMTIM and never thought he would go to bed with Skerrit. But see what he did? Kairie was my number one station; but see how they turned against us and become RED when Skero showed them his wallet. I criticized the pastor so much for beating the dasheen man. But see what he did and said when he got his house? I criticized the calypso Association so much when they did not give Q95 a good seat to carry the broadcast. But see how Q95 turn red? I like what Mr. Letang stands for but alas the way Skerrit buying out people these days I not going to stand with anyone again. When Skerrit ready all he asks is, how much, and blue turning red and unionist turning red.

  18. lightbulb
    May 8, 2017

    who the cap fit let them weeeeaaarrr it.

  19. Tj
    May 8, 2017

    The P.M. Is being unrealistic, unions have always supported political parties that helped their members.

    May 8, 2017

    Garcon WE know you! uwp brad is printed on your forehead.

  21. No Way!
    May 8, 2017

    Latang needs to stop fooling himself because no one believes him.

  22. Shaka Zulu
    May 8, 2017

    Letang skerrit is a lil insecure pussycat. My advice to you is that the best defense is a strong offense. Use gov statistics to drive home point. The DPSU should now get louder and have data and stats to back it up. Skerrit is a desperate man I think will do one of two things if he ever loose the status he has. One he will lost his sanity and the next you readers can figure out. This guy has passed the mental state where being in government is no longer an honour to serve but to be served and o think reached to the point where he thinks every square inch of the country is his. Dominica created a double talking monster.

  23. concern citizen
    May 8, 2017

    SKERRIT common man U are a big man all the names that U are calling people they are yours, U are speaking about your self U know it, but yet U there abusing the DONKEYS / MULES please have a little mercy on them U can see they are helpless, stop taking advantage on the helpless!

  24. Frank Talker
    May 8, 2017

    It’s ok for you, Skerrit, to play politics with the lives and vision of the Dominican people, but it is a sin for anyone who opposes you to do so, right? What a fool!!

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