Libyan rebels round up blacks, put them in prison camps

NATO-backed Libyan rebels are rounding up thousands of innocent black migrants and taking them to prison camps as part of mass reprisals that include reports of indiscriminate killings, mistreatment and torture, as the “humanitarian” veneer of the west’s military intervention quickly crumbles.

Migrant blacks and sub-Saharan Africans comprise one third of the entire Libyan population, and a minority were hired by Gaddafi as mercenary fighters, but rebels are treating them all as enemy combatants, with reports of abuse, murders and mass arrests increasing in volume.


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  1. Rastafari
    October 30, 2011

    Remember this, not everyone that post here is Dominican…food for thought…the CIA is constantly monitoring these stories and don’t think for one minute that this is a “Dominica” website, anyone can post here, people. Most of you who post here were cheering on the West and their thuggish brethren when they were bullying Libya. So this is what is has come to and now you all seeing the Western propaganda at its best, or worst – your pick. Freaking wake up and smell the cocoa tea. NEO colonialism is here and this time they are not taking us away from Africa and leave some behind, they are attempting to TAKE THE ENTIRE CONTINENT! And we will be left with nothing but a few little islands, which can be destroyed at a moments notice. We have a Continent and prefer to settle for an island? SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on us (Africans that were stolen and taken abroad to be slaves). Don’t forget, Slaves were not taken out of Africa, Africans were taken out of Africa and turns into slaves. :twisted:

  2. Waitukubuli
    October 30, 2011

    Grandbay u are being sold out by your favourite party to the same people whom u rise up against in the 70s who controled the land,now they control the government and the business sector.There’s another group of people whom your party has sold out to,the Chinese and they do not mingle with black people.Black people are the most hated race by these two groups of people.

    • doggy da massive
      October 31, 2011

      :twisted: the french,english,american,un government are involved in this crisis.the same way the syria gorvernmentare killing all the protester’s and nothing is being said.when this zionist,bighead,freemason’s who in debt crisis who own’s the banks etc…they are trying to kill all these leaders with oil n money.

  3. Big- Bannan
    October 30, 2011

    All that row-row and speculation over one picture that has clearly been photoshoped? Our ignorance is still skyrocketing in Dominica.

    • powil pa
      October 30, 2011

      silly…. if check other print agencies you will realize that this has been something that has been ongoing for the last few months… its not about the picture…

    • Sout Man
      October 30, 2011

      Talking about ignorance? It is obvious that you did not read the full story nor did you view the gruesome videos. This is not speculation. It’s the reality on the ground. Was it speculation and ignorance in Darfur and Rwanda too?

  4. A Voice
    October 29, 2011

    After reading the comments on this posting, I am realy dis-heartened by the dismissive tone of some of my fellow Dominicans.

    These are our black people being massacred and some of you guys actually condoning that?

    This is a real sad commentary on Dominicans…

  5. cod capi
    October 29, 2011

    these so called holy men from Iraq, Iran Syria, lybia and so on are always dangerous people thats why Saddam GHADAFI have to lead with an iron fist these people will do any thing to bring their point across

  6. cod capi
    October 29, 2011

    i knew that was coming the so called freedom fighters theres a lot more coming

  7. TRUTH
    October 29, 2011

    Gadhafi was pro black that’s why they’re attacking black people in Libyan Africa after his death. He was the only leader that supported Nelson Mandela in South African during Apartheid. He also supported the African struggle in Zimbabwe and Angola FYI there were a number of PAST Dominican political leaders that had ties with him.

  8. One Love
    October 29, 2011

    8-O All you worrying about Libya eh? . . . . . just wait ; not too long from now WIN LOSE or DRAW all you will see what passing in all you tail LIBYA will be like a JOKE … NO CONSTITUTION ; NO LAW …..when China AND Venezuela let go in DA .>>> WE DEDD DEDD DEDD

  9. Eagle Eyed
    October 29, 2011

    It just goes to show that the real devils in the world today are the likes of Obama, Sarkozy, Cameron, George Bush, Tony Blair and the Zionists in Israel. These so called world leaders who would not beat an eye-lid to release their weapons of mass destruction on defenceless nations, mass murder their people and plunder their resources are the ones who hold power in the world right now. The Iranians, Russians and Chinese should be well advised to stock-pile their own weapons to counter the threat posed by these evil guys. They manipulate the media to demonise nations whose resources they wish to plunder and use the United Nations as a tool to legitimise their evil intentions and even convince people in poor nations like ours to support their actions.
    If ever a lesson should be learned, Libya is a good example. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  10. sweets
    October 29, 2011

    did anyone actually click the link provided to this full was written on September 1st, almost 2 months ago and before ghaddafi was killed….kmt

  11. carib child
    October 29, 2011

    Boy, Cecil was right.

  12. hmmm
    October 29, 2011

    This is SUCH an OLD story!

  13. St Joe heart
    October 29, 2011

    well well well. i never supported the Rebels and never will. Q95 support for the rebels now have something to chat bout. human rights have something to talk bout, the west have something to talk bout, the french have something to talk bout, NATO. my inocent black brothers are dying at the hands of a group of backed NATO, british and US Terrorist. There is more to come

  14. djx
    October 29, 2011

    thanks to black obama /sakosy and nato is nt this what they wanted? rebels will remain rebels there is much more to come lets wait and see what obama and his stogies nato and sakosy will do

  15. my 2 cents
    October 29, 2011

    Obama’s massacre in Libya with Nato support, and we even both to comment. OMG

  16. Good Lord
    October 29, 2011

    Lots of Libyans are black. Not just migrants. ‘Some’ migrants were mercenaries …. mots were not.

    It sickens me to see these people (the rebels) ‘liberating’ their country like this.

    The Chinese had deals with Gadafi and Sirte was the biggest producer of oil … that was why there was so much NATO bombing there. The rebels are counting the millions of US dollars to be grabbed for selling their country’s assets.

    The pro Gadafi fighters in Sirte should have had medals given to them for bravery. I know to the rebels they were on the wrong side … but months they held out against a one sided barrage of NATO bombings. A wise and forward looking leadership would offer these things and look to end suffering.

    Sad very sad.

  17. JB
    October 29, 2011

    Written on September 02 2011.

  18. llit
    October 28, 2011

    This is just too sad..that’s heart renching..Most people thought after getting rid of Gadafi, lybia would be a better place.. it gets worse..
    i feel so sorry for the blacks..inocent blacks are being seems like Peter is paying for Paul..this pic really breaks my heart!! that’s just torture..This world is so unfair!!! Oh God have mercy upon our souls!!

    • Anti-hate
      October 29, 2011

      “Most people thought after getting rid of Gadafi, lybia would be a better place.”


      Speak for yourself!! Informed persons have been saying that this is about a NATO regime change to install a puppet from Day 1.

  19. powil pa
    October 28, 2011

    shame on Obama… destroying Africa’s most wealthy and peaceful nation… with the highest standard of living. they all knew the rebels were racists terrorist and but for the sake of oil… and to avoid Libya trading its oil for gold and not the US currency they killed him… Obama was shaking his hand up to recently and Bush was advocating to bring him back into the UN… but as soon as he decide to no longer trade with the US dollar… he became the worst person on earth

    • ineedfree
      October 29, 2011

      that is also basically why they invaded Irag

  20. observant
    October 28, 2011

    I knew it would be worse. The powers let Hitler get away with so much. Let me so how far this one will go. By the way what is Obama’s race?

    • ineedfree
      October 29, 2011

      one ounce of black makes you black…unless you become a traitor to righteousness nad justice regardless to your race

  21. Dom
    October 28, 2011

    Hey, the world got 7 Billion people, watch who you align yourself with cause when tables turn things can get ugly.. Them people suffer 4 decades you want them to be relax… Do what yall need to do

    • C/bean Genius
      October 29, 2011

      Shut up a—hole

  22. joe
    October 28, 2011

    let me sound antichrist if thats how it sounds .but i sometimes why does the supreem alow the devil to have so much control

    • C/bean Genius
      October 29, 2011

      Because there is no heaven or hell, god or devil. Its just a manifestation of human sides. Both good and evil..

    • NatureBoy
      October 30, 2011

      Joe, you don’t sound antichrist. This is a reasonable question, because the Supreme, God Almighy, DOES allow the Devil to exercise control – 1John 5:19 – but the good news is – only for a limited time.

      This is in order to settle universal issues raised by the Devil in the garden of Eden when he got Adam and Eve to rebel against God.Issues of whether man’s rulership under Satan’s control is better than God’s rulership.

      Jehovah God is allowing time for Satan to try to prove his claims, supported by the majority of humans, and the result is all the bad news we see and hear today – as described at Ecclesiastes 8:9 – “ has dominated man to his injury.”.

      Satan’s time for control is almost up – Rev. 12:12. We are in the last days of this wicked system, as all the increasing lawlessness shows – 2Tim.3:1-5.

      Soon God will destroy Satan and all who prove to be on Satan’s side of the issue. But those who do God’s will, thus proving that they want God as their ruler, will live forever in paradise on earth.
      You can be part of that. John 17:3

  23. only
    October 28, 2011

    This is what has been going over there since the UN NATO troops arrived to drive out Gaddafi. They have targeted the black Libyans and killed as many as possible.
    So those of you that thought that living under Gaddafi was bad really need to get the correct information and rethink the whole thing. Things will never be as good as they were for the people of Libya while Gaddafi was at its head and we all know that Gaddafi wasn’t perfect.

  24. justice to be served
    October 28, 2011

    Here we go, here we go, here we go,well let me see what NATO, have to say, and Shirley Allan, and EDDO. and the rest of the people who are brainwashed by the WEST.

  25. tiny
    October 28, 2011

    AP you are right…these countries need to be ruled by a dictator or else there would be chaos on a daily basis…..

    but i refuse to believe that some rich powerful nation isn’t after this….the powerful nations have orchestrated this thing to their benefit….i refuse to believe that one day most of east Africa has decided they’ve had enough……

    the events currently taking place make it appear as if they did this on their own but that is exactly what the powerful nations want the world to believe…yes they are that sly….they are going to benefit from all this uprising someway or the other….it’s what they do

    the devil is at work….

    • tiny
      October 29, 2011

      ok don’t know why i said east africa…oops

    • Reader
      October 29, 2011

      On who’s side?

  26. Anti-hate
    October 28, 2011

    DNO i’m happy y’all are carrying these stories now but they’ve been out there since early in the war..

    i’ve been posting about this repeatedly for months. The rebels fighters were no innocent ‘unarmed civilians.’ They were the violent, racist, religious fanatic element of Libyan society. Gadhafi kept them in line (albeit with an iron fist)

    NATO has unleashed them on the pro-Gadhafi civilian population and on the African immigrants in Libya.

    When will some people open their eyes to the truth??

  27. Conscious
    October 28, 2011

    The Libyan rebels are beginning to look like those they have overthrown whom they accsue of atrocites.

  28. forreal
    October 28, 2011

    after all these arab people has done to black people for a long time,started the first slave trading with the white monsters,they are now bringing it to light,how they really see black people,and we have some clowns on facebook in support of gaddafi,oh how gaddafi intentions was to unite africa,at what course,what was their real intentions,what did they stand to benefit,man the arab world and the whites has and still have an ongoing conspiracy to exploit black people,gaddafi used his oil money to try and control black africa,to keep them in the dark,while they and white people economically continue to drain africa,but nato which is the white race technical arm figured out gaddafis plan,so dog eat dog,but i still blame black africa,africa should have united under selasie,africa would have been another superpower with one central government, with addis abba as the central governing body,not some jolt like gaddafi self proclaiming to be king of kings of africa,this man had the nerve,now he has put our people in harms way with their sadistic ambitions.

  29. taisha
    October 28, 2011

    Welcome to the West, that is what the west is all about divide and RULE, let the show bwgin!

    • Cerberus.
      October 28, 2011

      Taisha, check your geography. Libya is in Africa, not “the West”. Now that the Libyans (read Africans) are turning on our black brothers they all of sudden are no longer part of Africa? Wasn’t Gaddafi, also an African, not the biggest supporter of the African Union?
      Too convenient to always blame someone else.

      • my 2 cents
        October 29, 2011

        i agree. does that also mean now that the libyans are white and perpetrating this atrocity on the black man. Good Grief. When will we ever learn to take everything in this modern era with a large grain of salt. Preferably sea.

      • forreal
        October 30, 2011

        arabs are arabs,muslims are muslims christians are chritians,africans are africans,this people are established pains in the ass,to keep black africa on the down low,political penetration,psychological technical economical warfare,the black race is the biggest threat to all other races on the face of the earth,don’t you all see that the development of all the world powers was built of the backs blacks and is still going on,they do not want to see africa rise,why because africa is the cradle of mankind,she has all the resources and physical intelligence of a people to be extreme superpower.

  30. Patriot
    October 28, 2011

    Because Dominicans allow foreigners to take over their country you think Libyans will tolerate foreigners coming to Libya to help control Libyans. Some people take pride in their country and defend it from foreigners. These Africans helped Gaddafi to oppress the people of Libya – they tortured and killed Libyans! Venezuela and China can control Dominica because you all hungry for handouts but Libya does not need outsiders it is one of the wealthiest African countries.

    • forreal
      October 28, 2011

      the country might be an african country, but these people are invaders from the north who came the across dessert to take black people as slaves.

      • Malatete
        October 28, 2011

        That is very interesting. The first time I heard these Libyan Africans came from the north. Where exactly did they come from? Give us the history please.

    • tom tom
      October 28, 2011

      U stupid

  31. Malatete
    October 28, 2011

    Absolutely terrible. So much for African Union!! I now wonder if it was ever for real.
    We did our bit too by siding with Morocco, the only African country that was never a member of the African Union, for a measly hotel in Portsmouth and a few scholarships.

  32. We the People
    October 28, 2011

    Where is NATO to bomb their rass to protect the black people?

  33. AP
    October 28, 2011

    Typically in these countries, folks like Khadafi, Mubarak, Saddam and the other “dictators” are what it takes to keep much more dangerous elements from these societies from surfacing. It’s typically the lesser of two evils. So when westerners, in our naivety, decide to get rid of them or assist so-called friendly rebels in toppling them… we are sometimes letting the genie out the bottle.
    Democracy is not an ideal most of these middle-eastern societies crave. So, for us to rid them of the stabilizing madmen hoping to replace them with more repressive madmen disguised as “freedom fighters” is a recipe for disaster. These societies still operate based on tribal regions and one is always pitted against the other. Neither is satisfed having the other at the table – it’s all or nothing. Not to mention, when the repressed is no more repressed and become the darling “freedom fighters” we think they are, then we really discover why they we repressed in the first place (not always, but many times) – and to our demise, they are not what we expect. Hence, the rebels, starting to revenge the blood these black foreigners took – under Khadafi’s hand. It’s really unfortunate… I’m glad in a way Obama didn’t lead this whole thing in Libya, but he’s got a mess on his hands – if they keep on this tortuous rampage…

  34. October 28, 2011

    Admin wondering what was the reason for not posting my comment

    All i said was this is heart breaking, and that we Blacks shall overcome, also i said the thing in the man’s hand looks like a machete

  35. tiny
    October 28, 2011

    wawsy waswsa…. well that is the religion of peace for you…to all the black Muslims… guys should think twice about calling Jesus the white man’s God. didn’t know that this was part of sharia law…..the terror has just begun

    • my 2 cents
      October 29, 2011

      shut up.

  36. October 28, 2011

    The same is happening to the blacks is Sudan by the hands of the light skin Sudanese/Arabs, this is outrageous,

  37. Anonymous
    October 28, 2011

    they should kill all blacks, , die. in fact all should die world wide. they have contributed nothing to the good of humanity — not in the sciences or the arts, they have invented nothing.

    • ineedfree
      October 28, 2011

      I pray that admin takes note of this threat to us in
      Waitikubuli. I wonder why this input wasnot deleted. This statement is a serious one for follow up with all the freedom fighters.

      Say, where are you from???? the pit of hell??? I pray for your return…you dont belong among civilised people.

      Do you know that
      Africans were the first inventors in the world.

      Check Chik Anta Diop and so many other African historians and tell us if you would hold that same racist opinion against the first people and inventors on earth.

      • tiny
        October 28, 2011

        i think anonymous should voice his opinion…no matter how silly it is…choose to respond it you want….

    • Hit the floor
      October 28, 2011

      Annonymous: Extend your learning. Go to Stop being an idiot.

    • October 28, 2011

      you need to know ur history .who invented telephone and the list goes on .prejudice pig

    • Ajahbless
      October 28, 2011

      You think that by identifying yourself as anonymous you will be safe? You’re a coward, but you’ll get yours! Trust me on that!

    • hot pepper
      October 28, 2011

      Are you chinese or venezuelan?
      but you do not have to be so arrogant about it

      • Good Lord
        October 29, 2011

        It’s just a wind up. Admin delete it. Just some rogue who came across this site. Nobody here believes this rubbish … it’s probably an American or some idiot.

        Ignore is best.

    • Homeboy
      October 29, 2011

      Jack rabbit the peanut butter you eating! Stop light….. But you know what go do your research you misguided excuse for a human being…

    • my 2 cents
      October 29, 2011

      what a laugh.

    • C/bean Genius
      October 29, 2011


      Are you f***ing kidding me. You sound like a total a** wipe. I try to be civilized on dno but thats the most disgusting racist and totally untrue thing i have ever read. Do you ever study history or you just talking the sh*t that you eat everyday. People of color knowledge, wealth and history have been stolen from them. Name me one thing that your God ‘the white man’ contributed to the development of the earth that they didnt still from other races. Stop reading euro-centric, fabricated history.

      Dno i give you permission to delete my first two sentences if it cant be posted. But i had to say it like that. Cant believe the garbage that came from someones mouth..

  38. October 28, 2011

    This is heart breaking and sad, what’s that in the man’s man looks like some machete

    As the Great Martin Luther King said we shall overcome, yes we black shall overcome some day

    What about the WHITE REBELS

    • ....................
      October 28, 2011

      You all Dominicans are too hypocrite.Why there was not an outrage of the thousands of deatn in Sudan. All of them were blacks..Hypocrite Dominicans (some of you).

    October 28, 2011

    Before I comment I would like to see Ted Lewis and MOTS and this 1979 guy comment first. I will go further and hear Edison comment also.

    BTW, Sprags don’t count.

    • mouth of the south
      October 28, 2011

      mr wiki have u ever seen me comment on ghadaffi’s situation… or anything surrounding it… i think ur action is politically minded and motivated… u think cause skerrit is/was pro-ghadaffi then naturally i’d be anti-gadaffi… honestly the gadaffi situation is something i’ve been watching on the sidelines in folded arms…. what can i do??? but watch… so bob marley but like u said… is stand aside and look we can do…

    • 1979 LIVES!!
      October 31, 2011

      Yes boss look me…….if your black rear end leave where you was to go and help the dictator to oppress people in their own country, then you deserve to get butchered….I self dont like black people too much, just look at how you blindly following your deceitful ringleader at the cost of other black people like you, so what does being black have to do with anything???? let the unrest start now and i’m sure we will start to kill each other…..what i feeling sorry for black people for, I am not feeling sorry for them because they were not feeling sorry for the people they were oppressing….and I wont feel sorry for you either wikileaks when you get what you have to get

  40. A Liberated Libyan
    October 28, 2011

    Were they black mercenaries from neighboring African countries who Gaddaf was paying handsomely to fight for him?? Why didn’t attention brought to the plight of Blacks in Libya while Gaddafi was in power? Why?

    • Wait A Minute
      October 28, 2011

      Hey dude, your brains really need some serious liberating because you’re really stupid eh!!!

      • T
        October 28, 2011

        And you are even more stupid. Your wicked hypocrite.. All of a sudden all you love blacks.

    • Anonymous
      October 28, 2011

      they are not just mercenaries. remember libya is part of africa so there are dark skinned libyans. as in the sudan the arabic leader want to lighten their populations and see this as a channce

      • Cerberus
        October 29, 2011

        There are (..were|!)also a lot of migrant workers from subsharan countries such as Niger, Chad, Mali etc., even from Nigeria. Also, quite a number used Libya as a channel to try and get into the EU, mostly through Italy because of its close proximity to Libya.

  41. tom tom
    October 28, 2011

    UWP & EDDO..thats your Boys.

    • joe
      October 28, 2011

      ok jackass

    • Reader
      October 29, 2011

      Thought they were the other side’s boys.Ask the former ambassador his take on the pass events,death of Gadaffi etc.The case of the mising brief case with dry cash from the 2000 Lybian trip.

  42. tom tom
    October 28, 2011

    Lets hear them now.The freedom fighters.EU …USA…Obama if you were there they would kill you to ( you black ).

    • eee
      October 28, 2011

      Go and fight for the blacks, and stop your hypocracy.

    • October 28, 2011

      I would really like to see America step in and help this country justlike how they took a step in Iraq and every other place that produces oil .America please put a helping hand rescue these black innocent people:cry: :cry: :cry:

    • littleboy
      October 28, 2011

      tom tom, What are you talking about? Is it now black and Arab thing? If so, why turn a blind eye to what is happening in Dominica, where an Arab man is running the show, calls you as black people “Cockroaches” because of how black he thinks we are, and you want ignore that and go all the way to Lybia to see how Arabs are mistreating blacks during a war? Isn’t this double standardness?

  43. Anonymous
    October 28, 2011

    does two wrongs make it right?

    October 28, 2011

    Another Charles Taylor of Liberia, the “REBELS” of LYBIA.

  45. Wait A Minute
    October 28, 2011

    Here we go. The true story begins to unfold.

    Stay tuned. more to come……………..

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