Man caught attempting to burglarize Bull’s Eye Pharmacy

Cuffy held on to the man until police arrived
Cuffy held on to the man until police arrived

One man is currently in police custody after he was caught red-handed attempting to burglarize Bull’s Eye Pharmacy, located on Federation Drive, Goodwill on Tuesday morning.

Proprietor of the establishment, Val Cuffy told Dominica News Online (DNO) that he was alerted by neighbours early on Tuesday morning that a male individual was attempting to enter his property.

Upon arrival on the scene, Cuffy said he noticed the man with a hammer in his possession.

“He apparently was trying to get through the main gate leading up to the lower apartment,” Cuffy explained. “He couldn’t have gotten there. He had a hammer then he tried to go through by the ATM. I got him out of there and I held him up until the police came… I don’t know what his plan was.”

Cuffy mentioned that there has been a number of burglaries in the area recently.

“When I caught this one and they (neighbours) came around they said that they have been having some problems,” he stated.

When the man was questioned, Cuffy indicated that the man explained to him that he was employed on a project at the Newtown Primary School and the project was discontinued and could not find a job.

“So clearly that’s the problem we face when we have those kind of people involved in projects and they say now they have no work, they are looking for ways to make money,” Cuffy remarked. “Getting from that I understand that a lot of builders hire a lot of ex-convicts, they actually get to know how to move around people’s houses when they are done working for them.”

Meantime he encouraged the public to be each other’s keeper.

However, he advised that people should not take it upon themselves and apprehend suspects.

“Call the police and try to get these guys off the streets. They are becoming a menace to businesses,” he noted. “People are working very hard, then others come to your home and take stuff, this is really not fair.”

The man was arrested by the police
The man was arrested by the police

bulls eyes pharmacy attempted burglary1

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  1. Music Producer
    February 17, 2016

    Allu people sorte man, allu didn’t read the guy said he was working and got laid off?

    Quote: “When the man was questioned, Cuffy indicated that the man explained to him that he was employed on a project at the Newtown Primary School and the project was discontinued and could not find a job”

    He is not lazy, he was down on his luck. Allu need to read the entire story papa! That parrot on the flag must go, allu talk too much

  2. Truth iTell
    February 17, 2016

    When the poor man steals he is a thief. When the rich man steals it was a mistake.

  3. Truth iTell
    February 17, 2016

    The system will make you poor, and prison you when you try to survive.

  4. Yuyu
    February 17, 2016

    Val this is the first time that I am seeing you since your weight lost. You looked great congratulations. If you had all the weight you would not be able to catch the thief.

    • Seven Oceans
      February 17, 2016

      Funny :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Face the Facts
      February 17, 2016

      Did he have to run to him or did he run after him? It looks like both are stationary.

  5. Money Matters
    February 17, 2016

    Val did you have a hammer to crush his fingers? I would teach him a lesson which would cause him to hate the sound of the word stealing.

  6. Hello
    February 17, 2016

    This guy lives in Pottersville and he stole from the people who were affected by Tropical Storm Erika. The police were informed and did nothing.

      February 17, 2016

      You right. He goes by the name black majic. DNO fraid to post my comment.

    • Truth iTell
      February 17, 2016

      Everybody steals during hurricane. That’s how fond cole became what it is today – Was a result of hurricane David, when all businesses were robbed. All you forget???? :twisted:

  7. susanne
    February 17, 2016


    The country is too difficult to survive, whilst some are making millions others do not even make a penny, some people are working, and are always “brokes”, they should stop that nonsense about paying people monthly, because time one gets their salary, the money is done, so even working people get brokes, people should be paid forthnightly, I am not in favour of people stealing, but the country is very, very tough to live in.

    • thoughtful
      February 17, 2016

      I agree, let us go to Syria. I buying your ticket for you

    • Face the Facts
      February 18, 2016

      Everyone knows why they (some) are poor and why they (others) are rich. You cannot always blame the rich and not place the blame on, as you state, cannot even make a penny while some make a lot of money.
      You must consider why some are poor. Much of that has to do with when some had the opportunity to attend school, they did not; others did not apply themselves. There are more reasons.
      What should be done is to educate those people. Hopefully they are not beyond educating.
      If they are in need of, they should be helped.
      Even though some are poor, it gives them no reason to steal from others.

  8. February 17, 2016

    dominican men an apology.her is another classical example politics again.the government with the help of the chinese built the newtown primary school for like 6. something million dollars and paying a local tradesman$46 a day in 2015. the parliamentry representative for that area at the time had his office a stone’s throw away from the project site and that school went on from start to finnish with local tradesmen working for that price. the question remains did’nt he know? did”nt our government know? there’s nobody talking on our behalf but there are always people like you bashing us,even the police gives the hatians a better deal than us. i remember i worked with that guy named eddie in loubiere when he did not pay me after 21 days i went to the police to help me get my money the police told me they can’t do anything for me i either have to take the man to court or go to the labour division.those same police went right to the top of morn daniel for a hatian who had a…

    • Weh!
      February 17, 2016

      Do you have a problem with punctuation? What do you have against commas and periods?

  9. February 17, 2016

    barbara saunders you are not on point mentioning about how many haitians getting work while dominican men lazy good for nothings like you call us first of all the hatians money compared to ours is better than pounds to our dollars so they can afford to work for the money that some of our employers offer while we as locals can’t, on top of that there are employers who for whatever reason seem to respect the hatians better than us.I had a p personal experience where i did some concrete work for a dominican like myself in girudel there were two hatians working there it was a saturday the employer gave $50 for my day while he paid the hatians $1oo each i was so angry i never said a word so in truth and in fact it is really unfair to compare our williness to work with the hatians because apart from the fact that our money rate in their country is beter than pounds to our ec they are are given a better deal than us locals so miss or mrs saunders you owe me and all the other hard working

    • Face the Facts
      February 18, 2016

      Are you aware, it is a known fact, in any country that immigrants do better than nationals? Reason, they know why they migrate while those who are born in the country may not apply themselves. This is not always the case but an example which occurs.
      They will also work harder and accept the least menial job, even at a low salary just to make a few dollars. They could also be frugal and in less than no time save a good bit of money and advance financially. In some cases, educationally.

  10. tj
    February 17, 2016

    Good job Val ! Where is the police when they are needed?

  11. forreal
    February 16, 2016

    that is calypso,val could have dealt with that situation differently,what is going to happen,the man get sent to jail more burden on taxpayers at stockfarm,when you are into the business of careering for other people,as it is your job speck,which is a pharmacist,you got to balance your actions,by looking at this man and val,val is in a bull mode,give this man something eat and drink,and a serious cautioning,hey this is just my opinoun just thinking along the lines,that the life we are presently living today in the world,is the third world war already in progress,we all seem to need each other at some point along the way of life as it is today

  12. Truth iTell
    February 16, 2016

    No jobs no jobs no jobs no jobs What do we expect the results to be? Poor people have no way out but to commit such crimes out of their character.

  13. da massive
    February 16, 2016

    Is that a fire arm in bulls right hand?

    • King
      February 16, 2016

      Yah Val checking move and I go Bwiley

  14. onus
    February 16, 2016
  15. Jean Simpson
    February 16, 2016

    Val face alone (I mean his expression) would paralyze the man. Did I see Val holding a kind a metal stuff in one hand? Well done neighbours.

  16. El Chapo
    February 16, 2016

    Val skinny now so he can chase down the scamps

  17. jac
    February 16, 2016

    Derick aka black magic you were doing so well and was glad to see you working up until now!!! smh wish for you the very best. GOD is good best of luck to you bro.

  18. anonymous2
    February 16, 2016

    Skerrit needs to put these people in a work force and work camp.

    • Truth iTell
      February 16, 2016

      Or put them in one of the hotels/motels. :lol: :lol:

  19. anonymous2
    February 16, 2016

    Always these derelict males out trying to thieve everybody. An example needs to be made of them. Current justice makes no impact. They need to be put in some labor camps and put to work.

  20. duck1951
    February 16, 2016

    Good job ! Most heartening is the alertness of the neighbours to notify the owner . Hope the intruder gets the maximum punishment .

  21. are sniss
    February 16, 2016

    no one should hire ex convicts……. domininicans need to stop letting ppl get away with hurtin other ppl’s lives and all dat teefin wil stop

    • carry my cross
      February 16, 2016

      And when they are not hired, they will resort to breaking into our homes and businesses!!

    • The Real Facts
      February 16, 2016

      Once they are released, they may want a job. They should not merely be employed. Prior to being employed, they should be rigidly counseled. They should be asked certain questions about their intention of seeking legal employment, being honest serious about work and on the job performance.
      They should not simply be released in public.
      Do they not receive a certain amount of money when released? If so, granted, it may not last long.
      What counseling do prisoners receive while incarcerated? In any case prison should be a place where they are disciplined about respect for others, their property and obtaining employment. Lack of this has caused most of them to get in trouble with the Law and some repeat their old habits.
      This is what the authorities should concentrate on while they are in prison, to assist them to obtain employment once released and to become people of integrity.

    • Jahchild
      February 17, 2016

      Not everyone will r offend

  22. Fummy
    February 16, 2016

    why is bulls eye pharmacy such a target,

    • nikki
      February 16, 2016

      The drugs, and then the cash register.

    • The Real Facts
      February 16, 2016

      Does this proprietor not have an alarm system? If he had one, when the perpetrator commenced tampering with the door-lock, the alarm wound sound and also scare him off. However, I am pleased that he was caught.
      I hope he gets some counseling to assist him to cease his thievery habit.

  23. Truth iTell
    February 16, 2016

    Now he is entitled to free medication. Don’t have to steal it no more.

  24. Truth iTell
    February 16, 2016

    “One man is currently in police custody after he was caught red-handed.” SO HE WAS CAUGHT “RED-HANDED?” My bad, I haven’t check my dick – tionary in a while. the thief could have run off! because the one holding him having got running shoes on. Me aself, wen I read about “Red handed,” my mind went on a white man shop lifting, wi!

    • February 16, 2016

      On what planet are you?

      • Truth iTell
        February 16, 2016

        De one you are struggling on.

    • watchdaog
      February 16, 2016

      Huhhhh???? What are you saying????

    • The Real Facts
      February 16, 2016

      Yes, he could have ran away. He is a thief; probably not really a bad one. He is in dire need of help including financially.
      The entire world should not really have poor people who are unable to feed themselves and their family/ children. These are desperate people who do desperate things.
      There are too many with a lot while some others have nothing.
      The poor people as he should be taught not to steal for it is a Commandment of God: “Thou Shalt Not Steal.” Those who do and are caught will be arrested, charged and imprisoned. It is time to embed this in them, prisoners and the youths, the latter while in school.
      Governments of the world have failed in this respect. How can they expect to have a crime-free society if they do not teach this as part of the curriculum?
      I reside in a society where students are taught about sex and same sex. Can you imagine that? They are not taught love, respect and discipline. One day I will address this to my MP and MPP.

      • The Real Facts
        February 16, 2016

        Canadian governments. For those who are not familiar with this:

        MP: Member of Parliament – Federal.
        MPP: Member of the Legislature – Provincial.

        We also have the Municipal (City) Government. Three levels of governments! We pay a lot of taxes as they keep increasing annually. Poor us! :lol: A way of life I suppose.

  25. Donny
    February 16, 2016

    Good job Cuffy!!

  26. Cornbeef
    February 16, 2016

    Val skinny but he have that big boy grip on that man. He ain’t going nowhere till them lazy police come…

  27. dee
    February 16, 2016

    Ok Val
    It is clearly obvious this individual needs help .
    Assist him in whatever way possible
    The Good Lord will recognize your good deed .

    • The Real Facts
      February 16, 2016

      I hope he does. The man looks docile. Of course obviously shocked at being caught and wondering what will happen to him.

  28. Real possie
    February 16, 2016

    But I don’t get you all, you bashing that one and praising de other one Val? LOL. It have one he don’t have to break in your house/business all he do is go on ROO and is 38 in three. And we say the country poor.

  29. Traci from mahaut
    February 16, 2016

    You not seeing the bulls face….hahaha that’s one angry bull

  30. Delvin Castro
    February 16, 2016

    People are working very hard, then others come to your home and take stuff, this is really not fair, u telling us, what about the high taxes we pay to de Govt for skerrit to go Malaysia & Macau, we get nothing for paying his salary.

  31. Thorbjørn Jagland
    February 16, 2016

    OMG…Straight from the horses mouth, When the man was questioned, Cuffy indicated that the man explained to him that he was employed on a project at the Newtown Primary School and the project was discontinued and could not find a job… So skerrit causing all the crime in Dominica u all hear it for yourselves, he has no JOB.

  32. Sam Donaldson
    February 16, 2016

    Am glad there was no violence.

  33. Shameless
    February 16, 2016

    Next time take a belt and give him what he come looking for. That’s how they do it in st. Lucia when they catch them volaire in action (Check youtube). Good for you Val, just maybe he will choose another place next time.

    Always Assertive!

    • Barbara Saunders
      February 16, 2016

      Good for you Val! I hope that you had some protection which you made him see, because nowadays they come on to your property intending to take your assets and also take your life if necessary. Bold-faced you call these people. They actually sit all day and watch business people and others work hard and wait for them at the end of the day when they are taking their earnings for the day home or to the bank then they pounce.

      So the project that he was on is finished and the next best thing is to steal? How come the Haitians get work to do? Ask the number of Dominicans who have nightmares trying to get a Dominican to do a piece of work for them. Lazy, good-for-nothings, always happy to blame somebody else for their plight.

      Good for the neighbours who behaved like the Dominicans we used to know! All is not lost!

      • The Real Facts
        February 16, 2016

        Some excellent points. They could be heartless and brazen.
        Discipline and education should begin in the home and also continue in the schools.
        Every country has this problem. If only when they attended school, from youth, they were also taught about honest work, to earn a good living for their future benefit and to avoid bad company which corrupts.
        Parents should have contributed to this discipline. Some did not and were incapable of teaching their children accordingly. Some children followed bad company and did not accept relevant discipline. This is where the schools come in.

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