Martial arts instructor shocked after business place was vandalized

The door was damaged in the incident

Well known martial arts instructor, Shannah Robin, is expressing shock and dismay after his martial arts academy was vandalized by unknown perpetrators early Thursday morning. 

“I am lost for words,” he said in describing the incident, which has left him with a $4,200 price tag.

According to Robin, the incident took place around 12:41 on Thursday morning when a brick was hurled through the door of the academy which is located on 4 Federation Drive in Goodwill.

“It was a malicious act, it was a wicked act, it was an act that was intentional and I just don’t understand the level of wickedness that is going on in our country,” he told DNO. “Why would somebody want to send a brick into my door when I don’t have problems with anybody?”

He stated he is publicizing the incident because no one knows who is next.

“If they can do that to me, who is next?” he asked.

He said a report has been made to the police and he is appealing to anyone with information to come forward.

Shannah Robin is a well known martial arts instructor

Robin said there is a camera on the compound but it only showed the brick coming in through the door.

He stated that in all his years of business, he has never had such an experience.

“In all my 20 years, I’ve never had such an experience. I never had issues with anybody, so I don’t know why all of a sudden people want to see me as a target,” he noted.

Robin said he is now forced to defend himself, his family, property and business by any means necessary.

“This nonsense going on in Dominica needs to stop,” he remarked.

The brick inside the building

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  1. May 13, 2017

    Why people so wicked man…..

  2. mary waner
    May 12, 2017

    jealousy,there is a God above,dont worry.

  3. Let The Truth Be Known - Original
    May 11, 2017

    I can imagine his shock when he observed what was done to his property. Why would someone do that? Would it be an idle person and at that time of the morning? Whoever did this should have been sleeping at such a time. But then Satan never sleeps. He roams around influencing people to commit harm.
    The person could not be seen because he/she stayed at a distance and flung the brick through the door. It may very well be a sane person who had a wicked tendency to inflict harm.
    The person could have chosen the building at random or has a grudge against the owner or his students. Let us hope it wasn’t a jealous business person or a disgruntled martial arts student who did that.
    God knows the person who did it and why. If that person thinks no one knows, no one saw him/her, God knows and He saw you.
    If it is a sane person, a punishment is awaiting you in time and sooner than you expect.

  4. Spike
    May 11, 2017

    Reverend Hill, sometimes there is no cosmic meaning. As you note, this thrown brick might be nothing more than a drunken whim. However, your desire for legal retribution works against your desire that the perpetrator step forward and confess. Sadly, some people cause more harm than they are willing or able to pay to repair.

    • Of course the perpetrator would be more likely to step forward and confess if he (she) knew there would be no punishment. But this is not the way the system works. There would be no justice and even more people would be committing such crimes.

      This a troubled individual. I hope he (she) will be arrested to serve justice. But also to receive the help he (she) needs.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. (Former Licensed Private Investigator. Now an Evangelist.)

  5. May 11, 2017

    Sir, sorry about your lost, My house was broken into while I was away, and every thing was taken , Dominica, is sinking low , I hope this don’t break your spirit, you need to stay strong, with crack, and other drugs coming on the Island this is just the beginning , Dominica is becoming a scary place.

  6. grammar queen
    May 11, 2017

    LOSS for words DNO….LOSS!!!!

    • Just saying
      May 12, 2017

      They said “I am lost for words”. It’s correct. The alternative would have been “I am at a loss for words”

    May 11, 2017

    We condemn this nonsense . Lock them up. They know just why they did their evil. You will find out who. Jah Blessings . Keep your calm ‘ Chief Robinhood ‘ and even up up your focus . You shall not be moved.

  8. Way Mama
    May 11, 2017

    I will always believe that its paro doing those things. The same set of fellas who did it in Roseau after the UWP had their meeting. Something needs to be done about them. it is done to anyone as long they are not detected.

  9. ikNoWs
    May 11, 2017

    you don’t have problems with anyone but labour seems to have a problems with you. maybe you are to openly critical about representing you country abroad and the lateness of your stipens.. or maybe you openly criticize labour.

  10. scampy
    May 11, 2017

    Martial arts is a satanic practice and should be discontinued. The brick throwing was not a good way to make the aforementioned point, but nonetheless, martial arts has no place in Dominica.

    Thank you.

    • May 13, 2017

      Are you trying out for the Olympic foolishness team or something? You sound like a potential gold medalist!

    • Scampy:

      I know ministers of the gospel who have qualified themselves in the martial arts. Obviously they do not think they are a satanic practice.

      It depends who the instructor is and what the particular academy is all about. I expect there are exceptions. But generally speaking the discipline, training, and practice is a good influence for those who take it with the right motivation.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

    May 11, 2017

    Jarloosie for sure… crabs in a barrel!
    some people are just stupid and wicked! They target good people they feel for whatever reason are better than them or a reason they make up in their head and for no reason try to bring the chaos in their mind into the person’s life!!

    Hope his insurance can cover his repairs and that will strengthen his will to continue his good work!

  12. Anonymous
    May 11, 2017

    what if this could have been done by a mentally ill person. We have countless numbers roaming the streets, hungry bored frustrated and just not in their right minds. When is the government going to create a facility to house these people so that dominica can be civilized. they need help and care. most likely when some official or someone well known gets attacked by one, they will still be put in stockfarm prison, not where they belong

    • Mentally ill people are roaming the streets, not only in Dominica. Some of them carry a weapon. Worst still they have access to alcohol. Now government opportunists want to legalize marijuana. This is as scary as it gets.

      Some of these people are homeless. Many people would like the government to provide residences where they can be housed and receive counseling and proper treatment. Personally I would like to see our churches doing more to reach out into the streets in the core of our big cites with practical help. In some Canadian and U.S. cities churches have opened faith based centers to provide beds and treatment facilities for the worst cases. They have a high success rate. PACIFIC GARDEN MISSION in Chicago is maybe the best example in the world of this. It is living proof the gospel works and the message Jesus gave is still changing lives today. I have visited PGM and met their top workers. I can tell you it is real.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

      • Scampy
        May 12, 2017

        Dr. Hill – you have made a very good case for legalising cannabis which is a soporific :) No one in a cannabis induced stupor has ever attacked anyone. Cannabis stupor renders one immune from concerns about CBI bobol outrages and the rantings of the Honourable Lennox Linton, in particular.

        An observation. Isn”t the Lennox Linton/ Roosevelt Skerritt thing similar to to the Donald/ Hillary saga? Are we looking at the hegelian dialectic at its best especially when Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump are best friends??? The world’s a stage and we are Satan’s sheep… maaaa :)

      • May 13, 2017

        This has nothing to do with marijuana, and it’s unseemly for you to exploit Sensei Robin’s misfortune to push your irrelevant agenda.

    • dee
      May 12, 2017

      Mr Robin ,
      I do sympathize with your loss but yes,lets not jump the gun,this may well have been the work of an unfortunate and unstable person .
      I parked a rental vehicle outside a restaurant on one of my visits to Da. I was about to start my meal with my friend,when i heard this loud bang ,Knowing i had a rental vehicle, i peeped out the window, and saw this guy walking away, i was curious and went out,an elderly lady who was walking by told me,” Mister mad wee,he jus kick de transport”,I caught up with him and asked ”yo,excuse me ,why did you do that?”, he turned around and said ,”well tell that woman dow watch me” .I looked into his eyes , and yes i recognized him , I called him by the name i knew him at Grammar school ”,SooWee”,, a very intelligent class mate , from a wealthy family ,and wondered how it had got to this , to my surprise, he then called me by the name he knew me at school,45years ago, asking”GI ME SOMEFING NAH”. I asked him to wait ,…

      • dee
        May 12, 2017

        (contd )
        I went inside, and fearing he may not actually wait, if i ordered him a meal , I took my plate and handed it to him outside , i then explained to the owner that he was my classmate at DGS and i also wanted a drink for him ,by the time she handed me the drink and i took it outside , the plate was empty , with a tear rolling down my eye i went back inside , took my friends meal and gave that to him also , after emptying the plate , he simply said ”TANKX” and walked away with the restaurants glass .I told the owner dont worry ill pay for the glass ,
        I also lost some of my deposit on returning the rental , but to me it was well worth it ,
        So Robin, please dont just assume that rock was thrown in malice .Investigate .

      • dee
        May 12, 2017

        I went inside and fearing he may not wait , i picked up my plate and took it to him outside , i then went up to the owner and explained to him that i knew the guy as my class mate at DGS and i would also like a glass of juice for him , by the time i brought him the drink the plate was empty so i went back inside and took my friends meal and handed that to him also , when he was through he simple said ”TANKX Man” and walked away with the peoples glass . I had to tell the owner dont worry put it on my bill . I also lost a % of my deposit for the damaged rentals door where he had kicked it , but you know what , It was worth it .
        So Robin please don’t just assume the act was malicious. Investigate.

      • Dee, you did the Christian thing. This evangelist from Canada salutes you.

        I just hope somebody will reach out to that troubled man and share the message of salvation with him. He needs to be ministered to. His troubled mind can be healed. The same is true of all others like him, and sadly there are many.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill

  13. Shameless
    May 11, 2017

    I am indeed saddened by this news. Keep your head and spirits up bro, for success never comes without haters.

    Why Dcans why? We have become a heartless and angry country and its not getting better. What has this harmless individual done to anyone to deserve that? Wake up Kubulians wake up for if we keep destroying our very own for no other reason than mere jealousy then our country will remain in the doldrums. To the community I say help this gentleman by identifying the perpetrators to police so justice can find its way.

    Assertive like the rod of Moses! :twisted: :twisted:

  14. Scotch
    May 11, 2017

    One of the things I’ve observed all my life with Dominicans is that some never like to see their fellowman prosper. If he was engaging in something illegal then that would give them fuel to denigrate him. Many Dominicans seem to find more pleasure in seeking to destroy other people than offering them support. Evil mentality.

  15. As I see it
    May 11, 2017

    I noticed now a days the minute someone doing well and remains positive it offends the negative people. Da has a lot of negative people all they see is doom and gloom on the country and when a person remains positive the try their best to bring them down. remain positive Sensei this too shall pass.

  16. Sylvester Cadette
    May 11, 2017

    it is just so sad that individuals would resort to such senseless acts. Shihan Robin keep attaining the pinnacle of success. Many will see the role model in you and aspire to greatness too. Let this continually guide you. I applaud all your successes and wish you even more.

    To those who resort to this behavior and other unkind deeds in whatever form and whatever level, you still have time to turn from your wicked ways but if you don’t then I pray they are caught and brought to the full force of the law.


    • Sylvester Cadette
      May 11, 2017

      I noticed an error in my choice of word “continually” in the penultimate sentence of the first paragraph. This should read “continuously” and NOT “continually. :) :) .

      I should have previewed more carefully before posting. Hurry man eat raw meat :lol: :lol:

      More importantly though, I pray that Shihan Shannah Robin be given all the support in addressing this matter. He is a true role model to many young Dominican men & women.

  17. R. Linton
    May 11, 2017

    What the heck is wrong with we Dominicans?

  18. freedom fighter
    May 11, 2017

    Jarloosie say mete sousey, what you grudging me for? Or was dat political?

  19. Music Producer
    May 11, 2017

    Really, Dominicans? Allu stoop that low? This is probable the only torchlight left in the country, allu find it must be destroyed?

  20. LifeandDeath
    May 11, 2017

    Shana keep your head up, remain strong mentally and stay focused. We don’t want to speculate too much but rest assured that as you climb higher you will be faced with higher levels of struggles and challenges bro..Prepare Mentally mostly and take measures to protect your family and yourself and also to safeguard your property.
    This is sad for the community, and is coming from someone who most probably is not invested emotionally or otherwise in the development of himself/herself and or his/her community.. SHAME on the perpetrator.. :( :(

    • So true.

      Those who are invested in the well being of their communities are not doing this type of thing.

      The martial arts is more than physical exercise and self defence. It is a discipline of the mind and soul. When it is properly taught it builds character. This is why I am so offended by the attack on this academy.
      It is an assault on the community.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

  21. I am saddened to learn of the vicious attack on UNIVERSAL MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY.

    I am aware of Mr. Robin*s work via DNO, and know he is an outstanding karate instructor. His academy is a bright spot in Dominica. This assault was for no apparent reason. It leaves citizens frightened and angry.

    My guess is that it was not personal. Likely alcohol or another ( :?:) substance was involved. It is unlikely there was a reliable witness but if there was may God give him (her) the courage to come forward immediately. We hope the police will be all over this dastardly crime.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill

  22. ME
    May 11, 2017

    When will that mentality leave us Father? a Crab is finally leaving the barrel and sadly another is still trying to pull him down, that was malicious.

  23. jihan
    May 11, 2017


    • Rasta for a while
      May 11, 2017

      Your parents said the same about you!

    • Scampy
      May 13, 2017

      There is an apparently substantiated rumour that upon landing in Dominica, Christopher Columbus cursed the island. I guess we are seeing the playing out of this. Brace yourself Dominicans, the worst is yet to come sadly.

  24. Anansi
    May 11, 2017

    Sensei Robin, as a fellow martial arts practitioner, (七転び八起き) Nana korobi ya oki.

  25. May 11, 2017

    Jealousy will cause people to do evil things!

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