Mayor vows to continue campaign to rid Roseau of stray dogs

Mayor of Roseau, Cecil Joseph, has said he remains resolute in his aim to rid the capital of stray dogs.

Some years aback the Mayor initiated a campaign to clear Roseau of the stray animals and to make sure owners have their dogs IDed but was met with “resistance and ridicule.”

“I was criticized by the papers … the office of the Mayor came for blows,” Joseph told DNO.  “The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) had already pumped in monies into the project to help but instead it was ridiculed. Calyponians also used the opportunity to laugh at us and even penned songs in that regard so the sponsors hearing that we did not have the support eventually pulled off.”

He said although IFAW has withdrawn sponsorship of the program it has not stopped although its an uphill battle. “The program has not stopped but the sponsor no longer endorses it. We don’t have the man power and income to sustain it,” he said.

He went on to say that on a recent trip to Gaudeloupe he tried to get sponsors for the program to continue and is calling on citizens to assist. “We need all those who can to come onboard to help us and assist us to see how we can best get rid of the stray dogs in the city,” Joseph stated.

Research done by Kelvin Alie for the Wildlife and Habitat Programme and the International Fund for Animal Welfare revealed that over 90 percent of respondents thought that Roseau had a “roaming dog problem,” and 71 percent reported roaming dogs, amongst other roaming animals, in their neighborhoods.

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  1. Anonymous
    September 11, 2012

    I am alwys amazed when Domincians who conisder themselve such christians call dogs worthless animals and to kill them. WOW! Because essentially we are wards of God’s pets so basically you consider God’s pets worthless and to kill them. Vintage.

    I agree with the mayor that something has to be done to curb the problem of stray animals who suffer needlessly and to prevent Dominicans, who are too numerous to count, from getting pets they have no idea how to care for and end up strays, breeding and adding to the problem.

    Proper HUMANE controls of stray animals are a sign of a civilized system. Wild unchecked stray populations are a sign of a savage society. Just for the record.

    • Anonymous
      September 11, 2012

      LOL DNO why you edited out my adjectives nuh??? I didnt even spell out the whole word lololol aiight! waters down my imagery but it’s your site your rules.

  2. Doctori
    September 10, 2012

    I thought the Chinese were taking care of that problem

  3. September 9, 2012

    Mr mayor knows what is tallking about. He has been to China and knows how much for a bow bow meal. He tried it once to house them it did not work but he is on his way out as mayor so he is going back on his project. You see it sell it :-D :lol:

  4. September 9, 2012

    people come too dog conscious now whether it is street dog or home dogs. children don’t have food clothing and shelter whilst some others spend so much on dogs. some people don’t have a proper house they have children and dog breeding in the same house, no wonder so many chidren have repiratory illness. some people adopt dogs instead of children (kids :-D . Follow american just now is beastiality. :?:

    • Frenchy
      September 10, 2012

      How, can you possibly compare the adoption of a dog, with the adoption of a child? Are you that lost? Really!!!!!!???????

  5. Dominican Queen
    September 9, 2012

    Silly people. Which revenue is this going to create?? Would the government really recoup the cost of building and maintaining a dog shelter? Would this shelter be able to pay the salaries of the people who will capture and care for these dogs?? What about gas, insurance and tag fees for the vehicle needed for this facility???

    Are you all retarded??

    Killlllllllllllll these dogs. I have a dog, and I love my dog, but it is still a DOG. If needs be I come before this dog and it will be fish food, if needs be.

    Dog lovers my A**!! My max budget to take care of any animal is $250 and that will include euthanizing fee. No dog getting my life savings.

    I know this one guy who spent over $1500, on his credit card (fool!!) to care for his cat. After the “successful” operation, 3 days to be exact, the cat died. Who’s left with this bill to pay??

    Let’s be real people. Take care of people. Get rid of these worthless animals.

    • Frenchy
      September 10, 2012

      If you cannot aford a dog, do not get a dog, it is just like people that have 7 children but cannot feed them. And none of these dogs asked to be strays, in the begining they were with owners they got abandoned, and their only goal is surviving, why treat them like they are nothing when they are living creatures…. Sad, mentality is Very Very Very Sad… Last but not Least, If you beleive in god, He tells you, No living creature is “Worthless” have respect for yourself and living things.

      • Kicks
        September 10, 2012

        Yep, because once puppies grow into dogs and lose their “cute” the owners don’t want them anymore…so is ‘MASH, GO OUTSIDE”… :lol: :lol: :lol:

  6. Bouche Kabwit
    September 8, 2012

    Genuine dominicans the Mayor wanted to say, must set up a programme to sponsor the removal of the stray dogs in the House more so those who found themselves in the invaded labour Party.

  7. Bouche Kabwit
    September 8, 2012

    The greater than 71% are in parliment.

  8. dwaynd
    September 8, 2012

    Most of you need to get off the street instead. most of you parambulate roseau like its an idle town just begging for top up,
    and you’ve increased of $1 to $10, gossiping,politicking, and since your structure is bigger than that of a dog you causing more congestion in town. not the city council but the government should get rid of you and put you back to work. leave the dogs alone they are your neighbor’s keepers and they are your best friend. they are never in court fighting for land or in the cemetaries casting evil upon one another. mr. mayor leave man’s best friend alone.

  9. frankly speaking
    September 7, 2012

    Dominicans are very inhumane to animals. I visited a couple summers ago with my children and they were shocked to see the way dogs are treated there. A shelter and humane treatment of the animals may help. The mass sterilization is also a good idea. Animals can’t help it when their instinct kick in when its time to breed. I wish I could adopt and relocate all of them to a place where they could have a chance at a better life. Dogs are such loving, loyal and wonderful companions. Dominica is a dogs hell on this earth. It just shows how heartless, wicked and inhumane most of them are…cruelty to animals usually manifest into cruelty to humans.

    • Dominican in antigua
      September 8, 2012

      Your so right i keep saying to people all the time. If people starts teaching there family and children at schools how to love all animals i know we are going to have more loving people and children and are loving dominice.we i live people drive and kill animals all the time and i gets mad when i see this thing going on. I keep saying thats why we having so maney young people taking people life’s. Hope one day we all can do something in dominica about it. but i must say we cant keep having the Dogs on the streets in roseau its just not are good thing. we need to see the city looking good .

    • Anonymous
      September 26, 2012

      I hit dislike by accident: totally agree w you!

  10. Malatete
    September 7, 2012

    On 10 Nov. 2005 at the Botanical Gardens, IFAW and Roseau City Council launched a sterilisation programme to mitigate the stray- & roaming dog problem in Dominica. This high-profile event was attended by amongst others, Mr. Roosevelt Skerrit, Dr. Colin McIntyre and Inspector David Andrews. The ambitious aim was to have 300 dogs sterilised within the following week.
    What became of this lofty ideal? Nearly seven years further on we do not appear to have been very diligent in implementing- and maintaining this initiative.,

    • Vet
      September 8, 2012

      Those mentioned should be the first to be sterilized.I would help could do 30 in 7;5 hrs a work day.As a vet I would sterilize vets too lol

      • To Vet
        September 8, 2012

        Vet are you referring to veterans like soldiers coming from Iraq,Afghanistan etc or vets likein animal doctors? I smell a rat .

  11. tiny
    September 7, 2012

    these dogs are not endangered species..they cant generate income through tourism or by any other means…i say killllllllllllllllll themmmmmmmmmmmm

    and dog owners leash your dogs…..or else they’ll be killed

    • tiny
      September 7, 2012

      and i’m a dog lover

      • Frenchy
        September 10, 2012

        How can you possibly have the guts to say your a dog lover, after you just told us you want to kill 300 dogs? If you think they should die, come help the mayor, take a knife and kill all of them go ahead, lemme see it

    • Frenchy
      September 10, 2012

      This is the mentality you have? All you care about is money? No love? Something went wrong in your life. Kill them? Smh….

  12. tiny
    September 7, 2012

    PETA kills 90% of the animals in their care………Dominica should kill 100%

  13. tiny
    September 7, 2012

    what nonsense i hearing there about animal shelter nuh…human being need shelter…just kill those dogs…………employment can also be created by building rehabilitation centers around the island…………..boys and girls clubs you name it…………..

    kill the animals ..they are animals………

    • blah
      September 7, 2012

      so ignorant

    • Anonymous
      September 7, 2012

      I swear Tiny, your online moniker is an accurate description of the size of your brain.

  14. Anoushah Alie
    September 7, 2012

    The botanical gardens and bathe estate have so many stray dogs, I would keep my umbrella in my hands in case one of them try to attack me. Once, two raging dogs came towards my son’s stroller, and if another guy didn’t hear me scream, we would have been meat to those two dogs. The government needs to get a hold of stray dogs, and open up a designated area to train, and feed them. Who knows, the drug squad won’t need guns to bring down the bad guys, but, rather, the dogs can be watchdogs. Having stray dogs walking around is bad for tourism; I met a tourist once, who told me he would never visit nor recommend anyone to visit St. Vincent, because of the abundance of stray dogs.

  15. YAP
    September 7, 2012

    What about creating an animal shelter where the dogs are taken care of and adopted/sold. This would generate income for the unemployed and revenue for the country, however small.
    There must be some abandoned lot with a building that could be quickly renovated or built and some animal lover(s) who would love to do the job. Think about it and stop messing around with the jokes my people.

    • YAP
      September 7, 2012

      In addition, if the owner locates the dog at the shelter. HE/SHE will need to pay a fine for retrieval from the shelter. Secondly, employ a few animal wardens to capture the stray dogs; could be on a part time basis.

    • September 7, 2012

      Who in dominica going to buy a dog they pick up on the streets in roseau. probably you will get em all n care for em like the wonderful caring human being you are….. GET RID OF THEM DOGS, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. MAKE EM FISH FOOD!!!!!!!!

  16. huge
    September 7, 2012

    a shelter is not needed in Dominica. Education is the key here. Shelters only allow irresponsible pet owners to give their problems to someone else. Spay and Neuter programms and adult dog adoptions is the key to ending this problem..Have pet owners promise to have their pets spayed or neutered. Its usually the animals who could not be adopted out by their parents’ owner that become stray…….remember a beaten dog at the gate fortells the country’s state….please treat the animals humanely

    • whisperer
      September 7, 2012

      Well said Huge…Humane children make Humane adults. Many people are quick to say put them to sleep but do not realize majority of these animals actually have owners. Many people want puppies and kittens but do not realize that as they grow the responsibilities grow with them. It’s time to be educated and have your pets spayed and neutered!!!Shelters will only create an avenue for dumping of animals. Everyone screaming shelters but is everyone aware of the money needed to run a shelter? i’m all for education!!!!

    • To Vet
      September 8, 2012

      There are many ministers and supporters of the infidels who should be spayed and neutered sterilized, castrated.

  17. Possie
    September 7, 2012

    Who let the dogs out

  18. MUDD
    September 7, 2012

    A dog pound will be nice and it will provide jobs as well

  19. Reader
    September 7, 2012

    Some people just should not have dogs. They getting dogs that they can’t feed or take care of them and leave them to roam the streets and become a nuisance to others. I have a dog that I love so very very much and can’t imagine her being on the streets with people throwing stones at her, kicking her or giving her dried up bones. Mr. Mayor, I say the time has come to hold people responsible for their strays. I hope the city gets money for an animal shelter to round up the stray dogs and put them their. Then, if their owner show up to claim them, charge them!!!

  20. pet lover
    September 7, 2012

    Build a shelter for strays, get funding and tech advice from PETA,Animal Humane Society etc, fatten up the dogs and put them on sale. There are strays that seem to be good breeds but somehow fell in between the cracks. But please dont bobol the charity dog food that comes in.

  21. Anonymous
    September 7, 2012

    That’s easy. Just get some more Chinees.

    • Fed Up
      September 7, 2012

      Learn to spell IDIOT – it’s Chinese. And just to educate you some more, human consumption of dog meat has been recorded in many parts of the world, including ancient China, ancient Mexico, and ancient Rome. Dog meat is also consumed in a variety of countries such as Switzerland, China, Vietnam, and Korea.

      • Anonymous
        September 7, 2012

        Well, I lived over 20 years in Switzerland and I can guarantee you that no one eats dog meat there. If people do, then it is “underground” and just as likely to happen as in Dominica…Just saying

      • Brathwait
        September 7, 2012

        what are you so heated about anyway, if Chinese eat dogs then that’s up to them. Do you eat dogs?

      • Anonymous
        September 7, 2012

        This one strike a nerve ahh!!??

      • A stray lawyer
        September 8, 2012

        So, we should offer dog eating citizenship to Mexicans, Swiss vietcongs and koreans and Mr.Mayors dog problems would end? better suggest it to the mayor as a solution to an annoyance in Roseau.
        Now what do we do to curb the reckless actions of our male( mostly) ministers whose actions are far dangerous than cecil’s concerns of dogs?

  22. Anonymous
    September 7, 2012

    Hello ….. the Mayor deserves to be laughed at. It was a few years ago that he spoke of the campaign and then not long after claimed it was a success. Now we see what success really means.

    The stray dog thing is more out of hand than before. Comrade Joseph while you are at it, please do something about the drains in Roseau that are constantly smelling.

    Thank You

  23. Malgraysa
    September 7, 2012

    Question is “what did the mayor’s office do with the funds & assistance provided by IFAW”? Maybe I blind but I’ve not seen any action by that office regarding stray dogs. Maybe that’s why the overseas people stopped the money. They fed up?

  24. cautious
    September 7, 2012

    doe worry just tell the chinese they can eat them and u will see how fast they will disappear… :lol:

  25. Information is Key
    September 7, 2012

    Just an eye opener- we do have a humane society. Their number is listed and their office is right in Roseau in the alley/street next to Nassief which leads to the Court house.

    I would love the opinion of the Humane Society on this.

  26. tiny
    September 7, 2012

    spanking is an ineffective tool and that there is substantial evidence linking it to mental health issues including depression and substance abuse as well as to increased aggressive behavior.

    you all want to get rid of parro

  27. September 7, 2012

    I am wondering how is Mr. Joseph planning to get rid of the stray dogs, I hate to believe that he would capture them and kill them off–good grief!

    I am a dog lover, in that when I lived in Dominica our family dog was attached to me as if he was a real person, as myself.

    It is many, many years now, I don’t live in Dominica right now and that dog is dead. His name was Lickie!

    What I am saying is that it would be so painful, for me, if I were to live in Roseau, and I would have to keep a dog like our family dog of years ago chained to a leash–our pets are made to “live free” they still have a lot of that in the family home, where they belong in place like Canada–I know that for sure.

    Perhaps the reason dogs go astray in Roseau, or any place in Dominica so to speak, is because they are not loved by their owners, they are hungry and searching for food elsewhere, at the same time they breed and multiply. As their children end up without an owner from generation to generation. The lesser they are unclaimed the more hungry and untrained they become.

    In countries like Canada, people buy their dogs or any pet from the pets’ shops, where the dogs are trained to use the toilet like every other adult in that family home.

    What we need to do is to educate our people in the manner of treating their pets–especially dogs. Those animals want affection and caring as much as we human beings do.

    I hope that Mr Joseph and his crew are planning to put himself/themselves in the place of a dog, who is without a master or an owner before they execute the “get rid of stray dogs” intention of their minds.

    If I were in your place Mr. Joseph, I would be more concerned about the “bleeding eyesaw” that the vendors, sitting so clumsily on her sidewalks, give to the face of Roseau–unless you have looked about that from after 2008, when I was there.

    And by the way I don’t remember seeing any stray dogs either. Must be that they are asleep during the day, or their presence do not bother me. Nonetheless, please do not be brutal to those animals, through your plan to get rid of them, your actions against them will come back and hunt you–that is for sure!

    • September 7, 2012

      Sorry the word is not “eyesaw”–it should read “eyesore”

      • commentator
        September 7, 2012

        same diferen :-D

  28. anonymous2
    September 7, 2012

    People are the problem not the dogs. People are always the problem. In general most people in DA don’t care about animals and do not assume responsibility for them. If they don’t want them anymore, they turn them loose in the Botanical Gardens or on the streets or drop them some place foreign for them to fend for themselves. Then there is the breeding problem. Some people like little puppies but when they grow up, they don’t want them anymore or they can’t afford them.
    Unfortunately, DA doesn’t have a program to spay and neuter dogs cheaply or an animal shelter for the animals. That also goes for the cats. The Humane society mainly deals with puppies or small young dogs that it tries to find homes for. Some of these end up as street dogs. Many of the dogs are street dogs and their puppies are wild. However, I don’t hear of many people getting attacked by these dogs who seem to tolerate humans here but don’t have any affection for them, like a normal dog would.
    If you rent, very few landlords will let you have a dog. This is not an animal friendly island. But that is a reflection on the people here.

  29. counselor
    September 6, 2012

    I applaud the mayor on this initiative. I cannot believe our small mindedness most of the time. What is so attractive about having dogs strolling through a city? First of all, it looks uncivilized, and secondly, it’s unsafe. This could never happen in any first world country. Nevertheless, in order to ensure that this problem goes away the mayor needs to do two things. First, he needs to convince the government that it is imperative and necessary to build an animal shelter. Once this is in place, he can then capture these animals and house them at the shelter for a period of time. During that period of time,people who are interested in adopting these animals will have an opportunity to find them at the shelter. In order to prevent overcrowding at the shelter, dogs which are not adopted over a period of time will be euthanize.secondly, because the shelter is not yet in place, the mayor should apprehend all those stray animals and euthanize them. On a different note, why do our people always think backwards instead of thinking forward.What does cleaning the streets or drains have to do with this issue at hand? Why is it always so difficult to work in collaboration with each other to solve problems that are affecting us on a whole? People need to wake up in this country and begin to realize that no citizen is above the law and when ever they break the law there will be consequences to pay. All dog owners need to keep their dogs in a safe environment and those who let their dogs go a stray should pay a heavy fine,and if they refuse to pay they should be send to jail. Is time for these people to wake up and smell the roses. We are a pathetic group of people.

    • Pedro
      September 7, 2012

      We know what needs to be done. Not rocket science at all. However do not expect any assistance from Government. It is nota priority. Secondly we have an education problem in the sense that not enough Dominicans treat pets as they should be treated. Thirdly, the public as a whole could not care less about stray dogs unless one is actually cornered by a vicious stray dog or dog pack. In general most people have zero sympathy for stray dogs, let alone to consider picking up one at a pound. This my friends is the reality of things in Dominica. Unless the mentally changes, this sad reality will not

  30. Justice and Truth
    September 6, 2012

    A country needs certain Laws as also one for stray dogs which should be enforced. It is not something to laugh at and to criticize. The Mayor should enact a Law for stray dogs. It should be mandatory that dog owners be required to give their dogs tags so that they can be identified when they are found straying and returned to their owners.
    Stray dogs are a nuisance and not a beautiful sight wherever they roam. Some of them may be unhealthy and hungry. What if they are bad dogs and bite nationals and also visitors?
    Dog owners should take better care of their dogs. Am I to assume that those dogs are uncared for and unwanted?
    Be respectful to the Mayor. It is his concern as one in this authority to get those stray dogs out of those areas.
    Those who object to what the Mayor stated and those animal lovers who do not want them to be put to sleep should assist in building a shelter for them but this would be costly.
    If there is no solution to this problem, the only alternative will be to put them to sleep. You can’t have stray dogs running around, breeding and eating from the garbage. They must eat. Therefore how will they be fed? Something must be done about them.

    • September 7, 2012

      As a Dominican, I know the habit of dogs, in that for the 21 years that I lived there, our family and neighbours always owned dogs.

      This did not change either, when I visited in 2008, instead our family dog was even being treated like the rest of us–so to speak. A dog which is treated will is a very loving pet!

      So I am sure that dogs who wander about the streets of Roseau, for example, are those without owners, or they who ran away from their owners because they were badly treated–just like some children do, against their parents for all sorts of reasons.

      And so, those dogs would live as homeless dogs from “birth”–their mother having been the runaway dog, or maybe she was a homeless dog herself. According to someone above, who said, “they are wild dogs”–but against their choice, of course.

      It is clear that dogs were made to be pets, not roam around in the wild–just look at their many pictures with babies, older children, and even adultsm who can deny the affection they have and need for us and from us. That is why they roam amidst the areas where people are gathered–they are searching for food and attention as pets, which ought to be.

      I know that a dog knows its home and its people. When treated like a loving pet, no matter how far away it goes for the day, that dog will return home at least by afternoon time. So why take away the “freedom” of dogs like those who would like to roam about on their own, from time to time?

      Yes, something must be done about those stray dogs, who are homeless against their own will, but does it that mean that “killing them off” is the best solution?

      When would this killing off process–if it were to be implemented– ever come to an end; since there will always be owners of dogs, who treat them badly and they will continue to run away, and to breed wildly, and to remain untrained and homeless?

      Justice and Truth, why can’t you write your opinion without pointing your finger at other people’s comments with some kind of rebuke–as if to say you know better? We all have the right to our opinion as well, and those opinion counts!

      For example what is your point here, as quoted: “Those who object to what the Mayor stated and those animal lovers who do not want them to be put to sleep should assist in building a shelter for them” I do not love all animals, I hate snakes, but I love dogs and cats, among the others–such as horses.

      You have simply stated that you do not love animals, such as dogs, so others should simply join with you and to agree with the Mayor, if he should says “kill them off” –well how heartless and good grief!

      • Justice and Truth
        September 11, 2012

        @ Liza

        You are the one judging me. You are beyond comprehending of what I state. Whatever I write I know what I am stating. I give it thought. In other words, I put on my thinking cap with the help of God.
        I am not in a competition with you. You are not my parents, teacher, instructor, etc. I am asking you to cease picking on me. These days you have got into the habit of doing so. You do not know any more than I do and you are not any more intelligent than I am. :twisted: :mrgreen: You write what you write and I write what I write. No one sees things in the same way and no one thinks in the same way. This is why the dialogue should be an amicable one and not a dog-eat-dog one. Be kind and gracious. It is a godly, Christian act.
        If you are such a bleeding heart, why do you not return to Dominica and open a shelter for those stray dogs?
        When I resided in DA a friend gave me a pup and I took care of it as a baby until it grew older. It was well-fed. It ran around in the yard, would climb up the stairs of our house to the front porch and would even go out on the street but it always returned. It was never hungry. I tried bathing it but being older it did not seem to like water. It’s color was mostly black and so I called it Blackie. Therefore, you do not know any more about dogs than I do.
        If something is not done about those stray dogs, I visualize that they will proliferate and soon enough, there will be more dogs than people on the roads/streets. When tourists and Dominicans visit, they may not be able to walk on them comfortably without running into dogs and without dogs not running into them. The entire place will be filled with dogs.
        The Mayor has a reason to be concerned. When we comment, I am certain whatever is written and makes sense he may adopt the views and put them into action. Once again, be loving and kind. Do not show your true colours. :twisted: :mrgreen:

      • September 12, 2012

        @Justice and Truth:

        I hope you noticed that your opinion, about the stray dogs, has two thumbs down–that must be because you spent your time picking on our comments, that is not conribution–talking about being smart.

        Mine has three thumbs up, to show that I conributed something–not to mention those people who do not do that rating. So go ahead and pick on comments like me, without mentioning our names, whenever I notice that have done that, and it pertains to me, I will point it out to you.

        My reason for coming at you now, is because I notice you are getting worst as we have allowed you to get away with it in the past, for too long.

        Now. from now on, try ot focus on the subject of the news article and leave our comments alone–we do not need your negative opinion–I for one do not need your so-called Christian doctrine.

  31. Womyal
    September 6, 2012

    Just issue one more license for a Chinese Restaurant. Stray dogs will start disappearing.

  32. lool
    September 6, 2012

    all you want people from oversees to help all you get rid of stray dogs??????

    If we cannot MANN stray dogs in the country , what can we MANN? DA realy out of it! 8-O


  33. Goodwill too
    September 6, 2012

    While you are it Mr Mayor, please get rid of the stray dogs on Grants Lane, Goodwill too. They are becoming a nuisance.

  34. Mannie Fresh
    September 6, 2012

    and the parros too

  35. "O" STRESS!
    September 6, 2012

    I am surprised at the mayor`s comments and wants to remind him that a leader leads from the front,also I suggest that he contact the Chines to effectively take care of our stray Dog problems in more ways than one. I stroll down China Town and did not see one stray Dog. I will leave it at that and allow NEW Yorkers to tell him the only place one can see Dogs or parts of Dogs in China Town.

    • Justice and Truth
      September 6, 2012

      @ “O” STRESS

      You are being sarcastic. This is not nice. It is not an appropriate response for this article. :twisted:

    • winston warrington
      September 7, 2012

      This comment is derogatory and should have been treated as any other slur on law abiding citizens.

    • Fed Up
      September 7, 2012

      So racist and unnecessary. We eat frogs as a national dish, remember? Pot meet kettle!

  36. hmmm
    September 6, 2012

    What he doing about the paros?

  37. Snoop Dogg
    September 6, 2012

    Mr Mayor, with all due respects its time to step aside. Despite your best efforts combined with financial and technical assistance from the International Fund for Animal Welfare(IFAW),your Stray Dog Program has been an doggone failure. There appears to be more stray dogs roaming the streets of Roseau than before. Recently while having lunch at the Botanic Gardens I observed packs of stray dogs roaming the lawns while trying to catch morsels of food from persons who were having lunch at the Gardens. Just yesterday while on my morning walk I was stopped in my tracks by an unleashed Pit Bull. What about the Dog Pound which you promised?

    • Justice and Truth
      September 6, 2012

      @ Snoop Dogg

      People should not feed them and not in the streets or the Botanic Gardens. They will keep coming for more food. This is why they are roaming the town.

  38. Jacky Chan.
    September 6, 2012

    Cecil as a animal lover I am sking that we do not harm the stray dogs. Please don’t. I would strongly suggest that we start putting or enforcing regulations that would prevent people ( Restaurant owners, Home owners, pedestrians, commutors, residents)from creating conditions that attract the stray dogs. It means therefore that the roadside garbage (unbagged /uncontained) in front of the restaurants, food places must be stopped; people should be ticketed for littering- i am talking about the KFC boxes with chicken bones etc ; people dumping their food remains wherever; dirty drains; food vendors at the market place should be monitored and punished for improper garbage management.
    Essentially less talk and more action. Impliment fines so that the fines paid could go towards cleaning up.I am no genius but it seems like a win win proposal – the cruiseship companies will have better score cards for Dominica. Oh yeh we know about the score cards.
    With regards to what we do with the stray dogs ; please find a shelter for these dogs and offer adoption.

    • Anonymous
      September 7, 2012

      ou pa ka tan it panie l’argent?

  39. ideal
    September 6, 2012

    i think the mayor is correct, pls rid the city of all strays and charge the owners, they mess up the city and this is very unsightly. In the USA &Canada dog owners are held responsible for their dogs, they must be kept on a leash at all time. I am sure people have gotten bitten by these strays
    Mayor please continue to keep Roseau clean, its our capital and most visitors go there

    • Justice and Truth
      September 6, 2012

      @ ideal

      If they do not have owners’ tags they will be impounded and sent to an animal shelter. If the owners are found, they will charged for allowing their dogs to stray. In the U.S. and Canada dog owners take their obligation seriously due to the Laws. Owners cannot allow their dogs to poop on the street. If their dogs are caught, they will be charged. They must have a leash and be with the owners. The Laws are stringent in those countries for the exact problem Dominica is experiencing. The Mayor should implement such laws.

    • Patriot
      September 7, 2012

      Hey Dominica has a capital nah
      Roseau Looks like Country side wi
      It has some places in country that look prettier than Roseau
      If you say Dominica has a capital I myself do not see it ok
      Roseau too smelling ,.,. Mr mayor you need to do better than that

  40. Books,shoes,earrings
    September 6, 2012

    Leave Snoop alone.

  41. nature Girl
    September 6, 2012

    WE would like to reverse the issue and accept the food hand outs per street administration i.e. from Mr Karam and like minded considerate souls that keep us in the news notwithstanding! MAYOR may your troubles be benign and not canine!

  42. De Informer
    September 6, 2012

    Mr Mayor, will that be your legacy after 3 terms in office?

  43. Anonymous
    September 6, 2012

    Need a neautering and spaying program for dogs and cats throughout the island. Neautering the male animals is easiest.

    • buolay
      September 7, 2012

      good but thats not going to solve the problem,people have to secure their pets in their compound.

  44. dirty harry
    September 6, 2012

    yeah man get dem dogs out of d place having poeple hv to be walking on dog t wen on there way to work dat is so not nice.

  45. trolol
    September 6, 2012

    Every night a dogs coming and burst the garbage in my neighborhood then when them people passing their they saying there smelling. SO, yea… You should work on that… :-|

    • anonymous2
      September 7, 2012

      They have to eat and they aren’t lazy.

  46. Reggo
    September 6, 2012

    Mr. Mayor, i know what you are going through. Some persons use their personal vendatta against you, but i can assure you, things will work out during your term.

  47. Broken Promises
    September 6, 2012

    I die nuh. Guts Cecil have

  48. En Ba La
    September 6, 2012

    Now here’s a project for Chinese.

  49. tiny
    September 6, 2012

    bullet through the head…. i can do it….very humane way of dying …… I’ve seen people drowning them and throwing bricks on their head to kill them

    • Tri-State Beauty
      September 7, 2012

      @Tiny. Something is radically wrong with you and your state of mind. I suggest you get help to tame that beast within.

    • Fed Up
      September 7, 2012

      Did you know that serial killers and other sociopaths killed animals before they moved on to humans. Why would anyone in their right mind hurt an innocent, defenseless animal? Use your tiny brain and think about that…. IDIOT!

      • tiny
        September 7, 2012

        then people should not eat animals?…..i eat animal everyday and somebody killed it….it should be done in the proper way…

      • tiny
        September 7, 2012

        a bullet in the head is painless

  50. Fed Up
    September 6, 2012

    This is good initiative. Let’s hope that the Mayor will establish a shelter for these dogs after they are captured. Let’s hope they will not be destroyed. Also, Mr. Mayor you may want to educate the people on having their animals spayed and neutered so that this sort of thing does not happen again. Last thing Mr. Mayor, ignore the IGNORANT types that were laughing at you. Dominicans don’t want to grow as a people and they don’t want the island to progress. So, just shove it down their throats and leave them with no alternatives!

  51. Free Thinker
    September 6, 2012

    Mr Mayor while you’re at it look into those smelling gutters and broken sewer pipes that ate giving Roseau the very unpleasant smell……..check out the one opposite where the old Jay’s Book store was, lower Cork street and in front of Orchard Restaurant. Roseau’s odour is embarrassing to put it mildly. Oh please check those drain covers that are broken or have shifted, pedestrian safety is important!! Thank you please!!!!

    • SAY
      September 7, 2012

      Alas, that drain infront of Orchard is extremely unsightly. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  52. LG
    September 6, 2012

    Calyponians also used the opportunity to laugh at us and even penned songs in that regard. to the singers and writers you enjoy 3 meals daily a stray just needs something to get thru another day. Mr. Joseph as visitor I observed many starving dogs in Roseau offered water to one but he turned away not used to getting nice treatment as locals just looked on w/o concern. Dca needs (may have) spay/neuter program which prevents illness and unwanted pregnancies in dogs and cats. children need to be taught about appreciating and caring for all God’s creatures. Keep up good work Mr. Joseph.

    • anonymous2
      September 7, 2012

      They treat the dogs like they treat each other here.

  53. Ono of the days
    September 6, 2012

    My mayor it would be very interesting to KNOW what became of the monies invested into the project by IFAW………please tell us what happened to the money given up front for the proposed pound

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