Medical school decision to be appealed

Dr. Curvin Ferreira

Global Education Provider Limited is refusing to give up on its dreams of setting up a medical school on the island.

The attorneys representing the company – Dwight Horsford and Kondwani Williams – say they intend appealing a decision by Justice Brian Cottle, who denied their application for judicial review of a Cabinet decision on the matter.

The company, owned by gynecologist and former Medical Director Dr. Curvin Ferreira, had applied for permission from Cabinet to establish the proposed medical school.

That application didn’t get Cabinet approval, with Education Minister Peter St Jean citing as one of the reasons, the fact that there are already two medical schools operating in Dominica.

The decision was communicated to the company in a letter dated August 10  2010.

Global Education Provider in December of the same year sought the intervention of the courts, and on December 13 (2010) High Court Judge Bernie Stephenson Brooks upheld an application by the company’s lawyers for judicial review on the decision of Cabinet.

“It is hereby ordered that that applicant Global Education Providers be and is hereby granted leave by this Honorable Court to make an application for an administrative order for Judicial Review….” The judge ruled.

However when the matter went before Justice Brian Cottle, Global Education Provider’s request was denied.

Justice Cottle in hearing the matter, referred to the minister’s explanation that the purpose and spirit of the Education Act require him to attempt to maintain as high as possible a standard of education in the institution he allows to operate.

“He says the existing two medical schools completely exhaust the limited capacity of the available hospitals, two in number and medical and health centers to accommodate the daily rotation of students from these schools,” the judge said.

Noting that that position was not challenged by the applicant, the judge stated that it was clear that “there must be some limit to the capacity of the local providers of health care services to provide teaching facilities to medical students”.

“The Minister must be satisfied that the applicant would have at its disposal adequate material and human resources to dispense the educational services for which the applicant seeks a permit,” Justice Cottle said.

Pointing out that the decision to refuse a license is one which could be reasonably arrived at by the minister, the judge said he was dismissing the applicant’s claim.

He said he took into account section 96 of the Education Act in arriving at his decision, adding “it is not for this court to seek to substitute its own judgement for that of the minister”.

The matter was heard on March 18, 2011 and the decision was delivered on May 14, 2012.

The Judge apologized for the delay stating, “at the conclusion of this hearing, the parties were ordered to file submissions in writing…the respondents did not file their submissions by the required date instead they applied for an extension of time to do so. They have still not filed the submissions. The file languished awaiting these submissions. Finally the applicant’s counsel wrote to inquire. It was only at this stage the file was returned to me for determination.”

Not happy with the Cottle ruling, Global Education Provider says it intends appealing that decision.

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  1. North America
    June 4, 2012

    Do you think that the Doctor would wake up one morning and just decide to establish a medical school Too Shaud Too Flam without doing his groundwork? Not this Doctor.
    I know him very well and he is the man well cut to have such a business.
    Give him a break please and we all will see for ourselves.
    GIVE HIM A DAMN BREAK. Let the man do his thing.

  2. Tri-State Beauty
    May 31, 2012

    The facility was coming with a state of the art hospital so stop right there with those weak arguments. A medical facility that would serve the citizens. If the Chinese decide to open a stir fry & egg foo young restaurant with a 2 bench medical half crass so called school you all would say leave them alone. Envy is what is killing many of you. Set aside your politics and ignorance for once and see things for what they are

  3. confused
    May 27, 2012

    don’t ask my where again they want to bring another medical school…dr. ferreria jolly well knows another medical school would include the need for more rotations at the hospital…now ask him with the limited number of specialist doctors we have on island who is going to supervise those rotations…who is going to teach those students the necessary skills etc. as if we dont have enough of a problem with most of our specialists near or past the age of retirement! note in point…we only have one local general surgeon! so ya it may be a good idea but right not it is not feasible…and the man knows that…please don’t go implementing things that will go frustrating an already fragile system…let’s build on what we have first and then look into another medical school!

  4. Joshua D.T. Drigo
    May 27, 2012

    The Doctor in well within his rights to appeal the Decision. That is always part of any process involving projects of such magnitude. But I have a word of advice for the Doctor. Keep these “Political Beast” completely out of your business. Doc, remember when they gave you HELLS?. They are in financial Distress and they are only eyeballing your pocket. Keep them as far away from you. They are trying to make you an arch enemy of this government. Recall this – “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Do not yield to that temptation. That is great advice.

  5. Sensey
    May 27, 2012

    If Rotation is the problem, then why not send them at different health centers throughout the country.

  6. LOL
    May 27, 2012

    Laughing at our Country. My sister once said she don’t know why she was born in such a country. I never understood why she would say that or think of such. BUt when we learn of leaders and a population that is short sighted, and see her point.

    May 27, 2012

    The Education Act confers a wide array of powers on the Minister of Education It gives him authority over the administration of the Education Sector. The law gives the Minister power to put policies in place for establishing a system that is characterized by excellence. Therefore, whatever the underlying rationale of the Minister of Education, he is empowered with the legal authority to decide that the purpose and spirit of the Education Act require him to attempt to maintain as high as possible a standard of education in any institutions that he allows to operate in the country and therefore, as he sees it, the existing two medical schools already exhaust the limited capacity of the available hospitals, etc.
    Granted that the Minister possesses such broad discretionary authority, no authority is absolute and must be exercise by the responsible officials, judiciously, fairly, in good faith and without the consideration of extraneous factors. In that regard, unless the Applicant can evince sufficient and relevant evidence to show that the decision was vitiated by bias, unfairness etc, the court will deny the Application. In order words, this is not a request for an appeal of the decision but more a determination of how the decision was taken according to prescribed procedures.
    By its very nature, Judicial review (JR) concerns itself with the manner in which a decision was arrived at rather than the decision itself. Therefore, when the application for JR is made, the judge does not rule based on what he believes should have been the correct decision. He cannot substitute his decision for that of the original decision-maker. A determination is usually made on the manner in which the decision was arrived. If the Court is satisfied that the decision was arrived at in a lawful manner, and in accordance with the law, then the application for JR would fail and the decision of the Minister must be upheld.

    In order for Judge Cottle to have allowed the application for JR, Global Education Provider would have had to show that
    (a) the Minister /Cabinet made a fundamental an error in law;
    (b) the Minister /Cabinet made an error of fact that would have significantly impacted the final decision or the facts considered by the Minister were fundamentally wrong or significant facts were ignored;
    (c) the Minister /Cabinet violated a principle of natural justice or failed to observe procedural fairness;
    (d) the Minister /Cabinet either did not have the authority or he acted outside his authority or exercised authority beyond that conferred upon him by law.

    In the absence of the above, I do not see a victory for Global Education Provider- based on the facts available to me at this juncture. My question is what facts and or evidence have changed since the matter came to the attention of Judge Brooks, who allowed the Application and Justice Cottle, who ruled differently. This seems to be a sad pattern in our justice system of late.

    Having considered the legal aspect of the matter, I now turn to the business and political dimensions of the decision. In a free capitalistic market, it should be the investors to determine whether he wishes to invest his own funds in a particular business venture. This should be a business/ investment decision based on business imperatives- not a political or legal problem.

    Unfortunately, we always seem to be suffering from myopic vision when it comes to national development .This was true when the Patrick John Labour Party built the deep water harbor, which was criticized by the Freedom Party, or the move for political independence, which was criticized by Ms. Charles of the Freedom Party. This was true when UWP advanced the need for and international airport and Labour said no.- we cannot afford it, and the same arguments were advanced when Ross University was being conceptualized by Rosie and Mike. It is time to start broadening our national collective vision for socio-economic development if we are to be counted in this new global era.

  8. Nahtty
    May 27, 2012

    Repisted to correct typos
    Wow! This clearly is a case of entrepeneurial strangulation. Mr. Minister seriously? Isn’t it this government who recently identified its plans to enhance the Marigot and other hospitals on island? So are we looking at enhancing infrastructure or services? If it is enhancement of services then why can’t the government see that in the long run it would benefit us if we are able to have our locally trained doctors (who will form the majority of the student population at the proposed medical school) be employed at these upgraded hospitals. Wouldn’t we be reducing the financial burden on the public purse by having our students trained locally instead of going overseas where we spend so much on tuition and or stipends?

    We speak of the strain this will pose on the hospitals. What happened to rescheduling or re-organizing. The hospital administrator or responsible indivudual needs to be creative enough to redesign this aspect through input from various medical staff at the medical schools to allow this to happen (that’s why it’s called rotations among schools.) In Dominica we are quick to put up road blocks by identifying problems particularly to stiffle the progress of our fellowmen especially if they are not part of our circle of friends.

    Those of us who suggest that the doctor open up a hospital etc. I state this is a whole lot of nonesense. If we are honest we know all too well that even if the doctor had made such an application these supposed leaders would have given some hogwash reason(s) as grounds for denial. I will state boldly that if this application were being made by a foreign entity (e.g. our Asian cousins etc.) or the government’s croonies this would not have reached the courts as it would have instantly gotten the seal of approval. It is simply amazing the things we settle for as Dominicans. We used to be known for our forte but that we have lost.

    All of us who suggest that the doctor do x, y, and z as an alternative, please lead the way with your know how and resources. On the basis of your success the doc. and others like myself could follow your lead which would likely bring the doctor success. By the way it would have been good to hear the Minister of health stance on this issue. But then again does it really make a difference as currently everyone sings the same tune; a clear indication of myopia. We are failing to catch the vision. I think as spider once sang we should be “singing sankey” for Dominica reflecting deeply on our new found fad “I am Dominica. Are you?” I end by stating there needs to be more extensive dialogue between the doc and the government. As it is now the halt on the application has the brand of politics all over it. Alas, Dominica Alas.

  9. MTV
    May 26, 2012

    We as Dominicans need to face the facts. The Minister’s point is very very valid. Tough I agree that the students may not come from our local Dominican community, the fact remains that these students will need a certain amount of clinical exposure and that’s the Minister’s concern. We are not able to provide the required exposure and much needed practice. The wards are usually over crowded with students. The congestion it creates is not even conducive for learning far less for healing. To add more students will only worsen the situation. To get a true picture visit one of the medical wards on a Monday morning.

  10. heart broken
    May 26, 2012

    NO COM

  11. Mabouché
    May 26, 2012

    I think if Dr. Ferreira creates a teaching hospital,rather than just another medical school, then this would eliminate the current problem of med students to patient ratio.

    A teaching hospital would be a great investment to the island. The locals would have access to a top notch hospital while the medical students would have access to patients during clinical rotations. Its a win-win situation; new medical school & new hospital in one.

    • delicespassie in US
      May 28, 2012

      I agree to that 100%. teaching hospital first then think another medical school.

  12. speaking logic
    May 26, 2012

    This man is a local , Dominican Doctor, who has great dreams for his country…Ross can pull out anytime…give the Doc a break and let him do his do….what’s wrong with this g/ment?..we like to keep back our people too much…Fight on Doc..just put God first….

  13. (.) (.)
    May 26, 2012

    Dr. Ferriera should build a private hospital with a medical school, employ a few experienced doctors who would be able to train student doctors and nurses.

  14. Pedro
    May 26, 2012

    Doc, they cannot get any personal kick-back from your project so they are not interested. Medical schools are the main source of tourism on the Island, so I do not undferstand any other reason for stopping the project.

  15. Out of the Box
    May 26, 2012

    A girl friend of mine recently graduated as a doctor from the University of the West Indies, Mona in Jamaica where there is a population close to three million locals.

    Interestingly there is only one medical school which has its own university hospital in Mona. Call it a twist of irony but due to the high level of violence in Jamaica, the University Hospital receives a lot of injured patients almost daily and our UWI doctors gets a lot of experience stitching up victims and participating in their surgeries where necessary. Thus a UWI doctor as well as any Dominican or any other nationality for that matter that would attend the University of the West Indies in Jamaica will receive a rich internship experience. Violence does not pay for the victims but ironically it gives the medical students in Jamaica the experience they need.

    While we would all want to see a local doctor make his contribution towards our economy in a significant way we must temper our emotions and face the reality – the facts, the economics, the existing legal contractual obligations our Ministry of Health has with existing medical schools, the risks faced to our economy if these existing medical schools were to pull out of Dominica – loss of jobs for many persons from Portsmouth, the landlords that would be burdened with outstanding payments for apartments that cannot get rent, and all the other support services that serve the two medical schools.
    Not trying to shoot down our own but it would be nice if our local investor can share the level of investment that is proposed, the continuity plan in place, the exit strategy in mind, the target market and the recognition from the accredited medical institutions that have agreed in principle to accept graduates from the proposed medical school. And this is just the beginning.

  16. Aye Dominique
    May 25, 2012

    It’s a real shame what is going on in Dominica right now, politics has eaten away our finances, and its now chewing on our health.

    First of all a decision like that should not be made by Peter st. Jean, does Peter St. Jean know anything about rotation at the hospital. One cannot just sit and come up with a decision like that, research and statistics must be presented, this is a born bread Dominican trying to make an investment in his country. He deserves to be treated better than that.

    And to all those who keep calling on him to do a hospital, for your information he did try but again government and their agents are so short sighted that they can’t see pass the political colors.

    Any investment in the medical area should be given double and triple boost and if someone is taking the initiative to invest, government should at least try to meet them half way because these are dire services. This ain’t no casino people that government recently got so actively involved in promoting, we are talking about people’s life.

    Ferreira is an asset to women in Dominica, like him or hate him this is the truth, and someone like that should be encouraged to stick around and to do more to assist women. Ferreira years of experience and medical expertise is indispensable.

    Government should find ways to bring people like Dr Paul and Ferreira on board, dog them if they have to, track them down on a Sunday afternoon to pick their brains a little in an effort to advance health care in Dominica.

    This to me is working for the common good across political divide, because one life is just too many to loose senselessly.

    Ferreira has a little something downstairs his office where minor out patient procedures are done, and he also has some good pieces of equipment downstairs, but I think he wanted to do much more but again the environment is not encouraging.

    Women health is very complicated, and is getting more so by the hour. We need proper care and we need it now. We need to speak up or else we will continue to be disregarded by these characters you all having posing as minister of this and that.

  17. Country Man
    May 25, 2012

    So a minister of Gov’t can determine when a born national can make an investment in his country and dictate what he should or should not invest in – I am confused. I really thought that the gov’t was set up to serve the people.

  18. May 25, 2012


  19. Owl
    May 25, 2012

    “Peter St Jean citing as one of the reasons, the fact that there are already two medical schools operating in Dominica.”
    I would like to tell Peter Saint Jean that neither one or the other of these two medical schools is owned by a Dominican. Thus, since these owners are always looking for the highest bidders then any day they can close shop on us and move to greener pastures. So the government should support local and give the Doc. the green light to open his medical school.

  20. Ihatemedard
    May 25, 2012

    That wicked oppressive regime always oppressing
    Dominicans, that court judge always supporting Govt,

  21. May 25, 2012

    I think he should invest in a hospital in his specilize profession because we need clinics especially fertility clinics and one which deals only with gynaecolgy, fetility and infertility, stop depending on the governtment. He has been in this profession for quiet a long time. Be the one to open the second private hospital, so he can lecture his medical students. 8-O

  22. Anonymous
    May 25, 2012

    Sad thing is… everybody just talking about money!!!

    A medical school is suppose to prepare students through academic AND CLINICAL experience. If there is limited clinical teaching, its the students who are going are to suffer and become “textbook” doctors.

    • LOL
      May 27, 2012

      What about the Marigot Facility what we heard the Govt is break ground soon?

      Simple short sighted leaders… Where are the rotation data? so is there a limit as to how many students ross admits per semester? and was that a decision by ministry of education or Ross?

      NON SENSE! more students in dominica means more $$$ pumped into our local economy already all our students take our monies to other countries to study. Lets get some back to dominica.

      Exhaust hospital facility? We need better and more facilities.. Everytime a Dcan is ill, we have to send then to another country..

      And we have leaders who see the glass half empty instead of half full….

      BOOOO mr. of education..

  23. May 25, 2012

    The average number of beds on each wards is 20 to 27. The both medical school existing already cauuses a chaos on the wards with the number of student doctors to patients. i would allow the doctor to invest in a hospital, so that he can provide his own equipments, train his staff and provide beds for his patients, then invest in Medical school. Let us drive at the point, how many of his patient that is occupying the hospital and how many other patients that have to return home because of insufficient beds, therefore I am advicing him stop playing naive and build his own hospital. Bye? Bye? bye? :mrgreen:

    • I love
      May 26, 2012

      He WANTS to build the hospital. He is seeking the required permission from Government. The worse that can happen is that there are too few patients for the hospitals, something I doubt. The Doctor is noted for his intelligence and standards. There is NOTHING that should prevent him from holding up the standards of the existing schools on DA. Come on, man. Give a local guy a chance!!!

  24. Francisco Telemaque
    May 25, 2012

    The population of Dominica is far less than seventy thousand people. How many Dominica students graduate Junior collage each year, and I wonder how many are graduating premed?

    How many of them would prefer to study medicine in Dominica instead of wanting to travel abroad to study?

    One need to realize that when Ross decided to organized and develop his Medical School in Dominica, there was a reason behind it, and I doubt part of his plan was to depend on Dominicans as a source of his student body, thus he recruited students mainly from the United States, and I can tell you that many of the recruits could not get accepted into an accredited medical School in the United States.

    Long after I believe he accepted one or two Dominicans over a period of time to attend classes in his institution.

    The fact that there are two foreign medical school operating on the island, which students are all imported; to me it is ridiculous that some local so called doctor, and company who simply believer that the pasture is green enough for all to graze also should be granted a license to play medical school, some may have a medical degree, however, that may not qualify them to teach , or operate a medical school.

    And the person talking here and now know what I am talking about!

    If these people believe that they are so capable, having the skills, and ability to teach modern medicine, I would like to ask them how come we have yet to prove their skills and ability in the hospitals in Dominica?

    If they are so skilled to teach, how come so many people have died in the Princes Margaret Hospital, which one may say all due to malpractice, and the incompetence of some Dominica doctors.

    Here are the names of relatives and friends of mine who perished due to malpractice, though some survived:

    In 1962/63, my nephew McDonald Destouche fell from a moving truck, he sustained some injuries to his shoulder ( resulting in damage rotator cuff), that is something which could be surgically repaired and treated with physical therapy, because of the lack of medical technology, and skills, and stupidity of the quacks who played doctor on my nephew, he remained in the Princess Margaret Hospital whiles his entire arm withered away!

    He is still alive living in the village of Wesley, if you travel through the village and want to prove if this is a made up story simply ask for the man called ” Bob-boy” he will be more than happy to relate his story.

    The late Wordsworth Telemaque, seven feet tall, he was Inspector of police in the DPF, he was admitted to the hospital where he needed a blood transfusion, when the doctors and who else was through with him they gave him the wrong blood type, which screwed him up for the rest of his life.

    If a person blood type is ” O ” and you fill their veins with type A, you have actually killed the person, because the person can never go through another transfusion again; you can only make that mistake once;
    sorry I cannot detail it here from a medical point of view, it would be too long.

    Here is another: Mary Jane Harry, daughter of my aunt Elise Telemaque-Harry, kidney problems, she came down with a defective kidney, so that means one of her kidney’s functioned, instead of the Dominica doctors removing the bad one and allow the lady to survive on the uninfected kidney, they left the bad kidney in her thus helping to destroy the healthy kidney.

    Can we find any justification for this quackery?

    Toulon, his name may not ring a bell, but if I say he is the man from who’s brain the idea of the Creole festal came some may remember him. He is also from the Telemaque Klan, he and Mary Jane Harry are cousins, since his grandmother a Telemaque is Mary’s mother sister.

    What caused his death at the Princes Margaret Hospital just when it appeared he would overcome his illness?

    Again, less than a year ago, the mother of Kathleen Telemaque was sent home from the hospital without a blood transfusion, with actually a small amount of blood in her body allowing oxygen to attach on some hemoglobin to keep her breathing, when she got home and some stench was raised, they called her back to the hospital where she died.

    Incidentally she and Wordsworth Telemaque produced Kathleen Telemaque, and by the way the doctor who discharged Kathleen’s mother from the hospital knowing she needed the blood transfusion, is herself no longer existing, she departed this life days after Kathy mother died.

    Vincent Wallace, out of Wesley also, cause of death an oversized heart.

    I revolve around people everyday who live normally with oversized heart in their body, but whereas people die from such conditions in our country, people live quite normally here with the same condition.

    The last bit of frightening information I got from another relative of mine is that he has some heart symptoms, I will not disclosed them, however he has visited with some so called cardiologist on more than one occasion, the last time he visited this so called doctor, all the doctor was prepared to tell him is that his heart is the same size as it was the last time he visited with him.

    According to the symptoms my relative is having it could be anything from Artial Fibrillation, to Atrial Flutter, to PVC easily identified heart problems, If my cousin does not return here for treatment, who knows how soon he will die from a stroke or heart attack from his condition.

    Heal the people of the country if you can, and let us prove your medical then, and only then we will know if you are capable of teaching medicine, we do not shot-gun these days as in the fourteenth century, we teach health science in this century, and not pseudo science.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Shame shame shame
      May 27, 2012

      You are simply an idiot!!!!!!!!!!

  25. giving
    May 25, 2012

    i agree that the hospitals might already be saturated with students of the two medical schools but i am sure that can be worked out. I also think it is a very good idea that a man of the soil is trying to undertake such an investment in addition he has been in that very field for so long and he is trusted by many let us all support him.

  26. Donna ex Diva spa
    May 25, 2012

    i dont see the problem, he is a fabulous doc, he was mine, and i think the idea of encouraging people within Dominica to go to med school, as well as attract outside intrest is wonderful for Dominicas local community, as student will have to rent some where to live they will do there shopping and of course they will have people visit, which adds more to the tourist trade.
    come on Dominican Goverment stop and think how benifical this could be, and see the fact that he is also a good man who wants to share all his knowledge of medicine.

  27. Well informed
    May 25, 2012

    The minister should be honest and give the real reason for not accepting Global Education Provider Limited application. The main reason is Dr. Curvin Ferreira who is known not to be a supporter of the DLP is involve.

    Every new school year the same Minister of Education is allowing Ross Medical School of Medicine to increase its student’s population and this is not putting a strain on the hospital. I am a labourite and i think this political rubbish must stop. Let St. Joe get the medical school this will sure help to improve the economy of St. Joseph which is in such a deplorable state as a result of the downturn in the Agricultural economy.

    St. Joseph people stand up and let your voices heard. Let Kelver Darroux knopw that you all want your medical school too. This is economic suicide for St. Joseph so please stand up

  28. Pemble
    May 25, 2012

    So it get to a point where Once your a local you should own nothing ? But Chinese can come Americans can come and The Natives has no privilege? Wow What next ?

    • (.) (.)
      May 26, 2012

      I totally agree. I just don’t understand why it’s so difficult for a local to do business in the country and foreigners have it so easy. If he opens up a medical school, there will be more locals staying in the country to study medicine instead of travelling to cuba, venezuela, moroco and other countries.

    May 25, 2012

    IS he asking this govt a favor?. This country is really nothing less but a colony of fools. In 2012, half the country still believes in spooks and the other half believe in Roosevelt. We are going no where fast. Now back to the matter. The same argument the minister puts forward, the same could be applied when the chinese open additional stores in already saturated markets, selling nothing new but the very same products the store besides them sell. What is worse- there are no new clients, no additional jobs, yet the govt is silent or may be even giving the chinese incentives against the local- I SPECULATES HERE BECUASE NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IN THE MOU.
    We really have to get serious as a people and think for ourselves. I cannot for the life of me understand how the public throws it support behind a govt which continues to deny them progress. This is sickening to say the least

    • Hussy!
      May 25, 2012

      Ok, what about Chinese doctors at PMH and local doctors unemployed.

    • Mary
      May 25, 2012

      Whenever i think of the government and its supporters, the children’s book The Emperor’s New Clothes comes to mind

    • anonymous2
      May 26, 2012

      Many people are brain washed and don’t know how to think independently. If you can’t read and write….and have no desire to learn….are you really in a position to make an intelligent choice?

  30. Zor Mechastee
    May 25, 2012

    Medical schools on DOMINICA is not necessarily for Dominicans. How many dominicans are at the two medical schools on island? DNO maybe that is something you can investigate!!! I am sure its less than 10%. So CABINET, you all making a great mistake. YOU CANNOT SEE FURTHER THAN YOUR TOES. LET DE MAN MAKE HIS INVESTMENT. IF IT WERE A CONSORTIUM FROM THE USA OR CANADA OR ENGLAND OR CHINA OR INDIA, You would give permission. LET D MAN INVEST HIS MONEY AS HE SEES FIT.

  31. Grandbay
    May 25, 2012

    “He says the existing two medical schools completely exhaust the limited capacity of the available hospitals, two in number and medical and health centers to accommodate the daily rotation of students from these schools,” the judge said.
    Eh Zort Ca dir mwen cot CCJ- That is the judge’s rationale. What law school the judge went to. We have limited capacity at the hospital? This is an opportunity to elevate our hospitals and possibly having people from other countries flying into Dominica for medical treatment. Don’t we have limited capacity when we sell our passports to Chinese like roast plantains allow them to come in a destroy our local merchants? Where is the limited capacity when the government allow non speaking Chinese doctors to operate at our hospital. Where is the limited capacity excuse when the government allow Chinese laborers, and trades men to come in and take work from the poor and unemployed laborer and trades men of Dominica. Was there limited capacity on the Petro carib deal? Didn’t we have limited purchasing capacity on $ 10 garbage bins when the ministry of finance paid 1000 % more so that money could pass under the table.
    Next Level upside down inside out , back to front equates to poverty, crime corruption and anarchy and dictatorship

  32. is so we come
    May 25, 2012

    Too many medical schools was the excuse for the refusal to accept the plans/proposals of the Dominican entrepreneur.

    How many local Dominican businesses were establihed all over Roseau? There were not too many, when the Chinese were allowed to set up to aggressively compete, with their little boutiques and stores (clothing items, restaurants and cheaper goods from China? All those non-Dominicans who bought our Diploma passports, bought our diplomatic immunity, big sums of money involved, appointments of non-Dominican Ambassadors with problems with the law, are not too many.

    Slot Casino Gambling will bring in jobs not a Medical School. More young people would be employed with the setting up of Slot Casino Gambling. Is that the thinking?

    Govt. allowed the persons behind All Saints Medical School to set up in the Old Boys’ School, but refused an earlier proposal by the Roseau MP for establishing a business incubator there for young entrepreneurs to start off in their business ventures.

    Dominicans and in particular the villagers of Grandbay were told All Saints would be set up there and much jobs would come to the village. The GrandBay community was fooled. Up to now NO All Saints Medical School in GrandBay. Pawol en bouche selman, “Let’s come together to build Dominica.”

  33. CIA on the watch
    May 25, 2012

    DNO Administration, Let us be serious, is that the kind of attitude we have towards our locals who want to invest in their country? I thought our theme song in DA is Jobs jobs jobs, and not jobs for the boys. This to me is a wake up call to potential investors looking from the outside, it is also a wake up call to the Dominican masses that this Government has a vested interest in wanting them to beggers to them eternal by their corrupt red clinic. DOMINICANS ITS TIME TO RISE UP, ASK CHARLES SAVERIN FOR SOME ADVISE AND HOW HE DID IT IN THE SEVENTIES

  34. Bless
    May 25, 2012

    Boy them man in government pressing locals big time. Why they not telling the Chinese that we have enough small stores in Dominica no need for Chinese small shops. The long and short thing about them guys is if there is nothing in it for them personally they will press you like hell. What are they trying to say to young people, don’t dream? Boss times I feel this place is a dream killer.

  35. gratel
    May 25, 2012

    please note that all saints is not license to operate a full medical school compare ross structure and all saint all saints do have a full laboratory for anatomy to take place the minister dont pick truth it everyone forget that all saints should be expanded by now why are they not the getting the ok from govt dno do some investigation

  36. simply blessed
    May 25, 2012

    Instead of the state house, they should build a state of the art hospital. so it is not our fault, if we cant take more students on rotation at the hospital. everytime a dominican try to do soemthing positive, it is a hold back. let a foreigner come and ask to build something and the government jump. Charity starts at home.

  37. too hard too long
    May 25, 2012

    The argument put forward by the minister that the existing two schools are already limited in their ability to provide adequate rotation for the students, may be accurate. Maybe we really don’t have enough patients for the students doctors to get experience working with them. We really should examine that argument before we start to talk politics.

    Do we really want to have a medical school that produces inexperienced doctors? I myself, don’t want a brand new book doctor diagnosing me. I want to know the doctor had the 2 to 4 years TRAINING before.

    So let us discuss whether or not we can really accomodate another school. Maybe they really planning to send their students to another country for their internship…, maybe the students only getting their book learning here. Who can answer this query for us?

      May 25, 2012

      You complete miss the point here- so the other schools- are they not putting out brand new book doctors to use yur words?. You argument is extremely weak, misleading, and unthaugthful

    • (.) (.)
      May 26, 2012

      Shouldn’t the medical schools have their own hospitals? Tell them build their hospitals and have experienced doctors train student doctors there.

  38. linky
    May 25, 2012

    some times i wonder what is dominicans problem
    they would do or say anything to make this gorvenment look good,whether they do wrong or right.

  39. Listening
    May 25, 2012

    The market(spending)audience for this medical school is the world so I am baffled by the minister comment ” Two Medical School is Enough”.
    Also The doctor is not using gov’t or the people”s money, he is making is own investment which would create employment, increase revenues in the country and allow the gov’t to collect taxes to support the building of this country.
    Due the lack of vision and political genocide the GOVT will keep impoverishing us as they constantly stifle and dismantle the independent creators of revenues and jobs on the island.

    • May 26, 2012


    • anonymous2
      May 26, 2012

      Maybe the good Dr. is not a Laborite.

    May 25, 2012

    I like the idea of another Medical School(s) but we have to be very careful. We need to show structure and not saturation.

    I would recommend the Doctor to start looking at Bio Medics instead of another school.

    Bio Medics (where the real money is) and a school of pharmatocology.

    Please do not dilute the Medical Schools like how St Kitts did or is doing.

    Doctor I know you mean well, but please take a look at my suggestions

    • Portsmouth
      May 25, 2012

      Dude you are a sick individual and need help. How can someone with intelligence be so bias. People like you is the reason why we are so backward and that places like St Kitts have left us behind. How can a country progress when the people have more loyalty to a party or politician than the country itself. You make me want to vomit.
      When a local joint venture approached the government to undertake the Geothermal project you and other apologist claim that the local joint venture is incapable; you and other apologist also claim that public work department is either to lazy or incapable to justify giving the jobs to a Frenchman and or Chinese. Today you want to tell Ferrara what direction or approach he should take. If you know so much and obviously connected to the lame administration why don’t you follow through on your suggestions – don’t you think that your fellow laborite would immediately give you the green light.

      • too hard too long
        May 25, 2012

        Why are you ranting and raving? The person has very valid points.

      • Correction
        May 25, 2012

        You are the only one being POLITICAL with your rant and rave..

        The suggestion is a good one (Bio Medic) where in it did you see political connotations?

        That Politics will burst a vein and kill you take a deep breath and relax boss!!!

        May 25, 2012

        Portsmouth I am going to tear your points apart and make you really vomit on yourself.

        1.How can someone with intelligence be so bias…biased is based on where you stand at any given point. There are many intelligent people in Dominca who are seeing what is right and will oppose for any reason…I have not opposed the medical school idea

        2. When a local joint venture approached the government to undertake the Geothermal project you and other apologist claim that the local joint venture is incapable…..I assue you are from Portmouth….Really really, do you really believe the gentlemen in questions has the technological knowledge, academic resources, and financial resources to undertake such a project…Did they really have the equipment???

        3. Chinese…I am not going against these dudes…they are rebuilding America, who am I to say anything about a little road they are building in Dominica…Zor pa feb…a few nonsensical shops selling trinklets…that you beating up yourself for …really…come again man…go travel and see Chinese all over…don’t go to far, hust go SM

        4. Today you want to tell Ferrara what direction or approach he should take….so don’t ask question, just let anybody and evrybody do what they want…no questions asked

        Please RE-READ my post and see how quickly you vomit on yourself…

        I like the idea of another Medical School(s) but we have to be very careful. We need to show structure and not saturation….Structure –a process in place that will allow me or you to open a medical school if we desire…becuase if we don’t follow process we will have saturation like St Kitts and the term Offshore has become a bad name for St Kittts

        I would recommend the Doctor to start looking at Bio Medics instead of another school….Bio Medics is huge dude. Do a google

        Bio Medics (where the real money is) and a school of pharmatocology.

        Please do not dilute the Medical Schools like how St Kitts did or is doing

      • Portsmouth
        May 25, 2012

        WIKILEAKS after your first sentence i thought about engaging you in discussion but the more i read through your response is the more i realize you that you totally naive, ignorant and not well read.essentially it is not worth it. I wonder whether you think before you write.

      • CHARMER
        May 25, 2012

        Shame on you for your stupidity

    • Strong Leak
      May 25, 2012

      Those tired and ignorant Laborites find ways to mollify the conduct and performance of this miserable administration by making reference to other countries when it is convenient to do so. If you feel that we should learn from the mistakes of other why don’t we adopt the good that other do as well- for example St Kitts built an international airport even when they are right next to Antigua’ international airport; St Kitts have Voter ID too; St Kitts have a controlled economic citizenship program; St Kitts clarify election problems within the constitutional time frame; St Kitts allow Chinese investment but not Chinese destruction of local businesses and local employment; St Kitts kept their eye on the Americans for support while seeking other avenues- St Kitts have created opportunities for the St Kitts people . What about that WIKILEAK- you want to talk about Saturation and what is and shouldn’t be in dominica. Talk about the 27 million dollar Saturation – wasting 27 million dollars of tax payer money on a presidential palace that create jobs for Chinese is definitely something that Denzel Douglas would not do.

    • May 26, 2012


  41. Wah d mor
    May 25, 2012

    This is just not right….SOMETHING WRONG THERE. Aren’t they supposed to have brains…WE HAVE TWO medical universities…… about another field….people have to be going overseas to get other options……how about a business university or whatever else…..all dominicans cannot afford to go overseas….BUILD US SOMETHING TO KEEP US WELL EDUCATED EVEN IF FINANCIAL MATTERS KEEP US HERE and for those who can afford to fly out will love to stay in dominica with their family…..JEEZE get some brains!!!

    • Lily
      May 25, 2012

      I understand and agree with your point but after all the man has been a doctor for over 26years so obviously he’s going to invest in what he knows and that is medicine. Its up the the business inclined persons to take example and make an investment in what they know.

  42. Trouble Intended
    May 25, 2012

    Are these guys asking government to build a medical school or are they going to do it themselves? If they are asking for government’s or tax payers money, then I understand the government saying no; but if they are trying to do it themselves, I don’t understand why the government is saying no. Wouldn’t that be a business that will pay taxes to the government? wouldn’t that be more money/development/jobs for Dominica and Dominicans? I guess I need more facts because I cannot see the reasoning for the denial just yet.

    • (.) (.)
      May 26, 2012

      I more believe he is asking for approval from the government to build a medical school on the island

  43. robin
    May 25, 2012

    It have doctors in DA nuh? A set of nurses alone that in PMH pretending to be doctors..lols you guys are funny! :lol:

  44. retard
    May 25, 2012

    nonsense……. how many students does ross have per year and how many does allsaints have per year.. so you are saying it is only the dominican market that have the demand for doctors….

    We need another medical school owned and operated by a man of the soil….

    put it on castle bruce stretch….

    • No Affiliations
      May 25, 2012

      Amen to that-“We need another medical school owned and operated by a man of the soil….

      put it on castle bruce stretch…..”

  45. african queen
    May 25, 2012

    Go my dr. do all what u can do they can’t KEEP U DOWN THE MORE THE BETTER.

  46. Wake up Dominica
    May 25, 2012

    Think outside the box. They want the school but the island’s hospitals cannot support more students on rotation. So start a negotiation. There are not just 2 answers – yes or no – there is “the island cannot support another hospital without also increacing hospital beds and facilities, are you willing to help?”. This is an opportunity on so many levels. And who is to say 2 schools is too many, was 2 roads too many or 2 hotels? These schools simply bring hundreds of thousands of US dollars into the local community. Who wouldn’t want that?

    • Mya
      May 25, 2012

      Give me a break. Two medical schools in Dominica is too many. how many students at All Saints? Is it accredited??

      • (.) (.)
        May 26, 2012

        All Saints? :lol: Hope that’s not a fake medical school.

    • Well informed
      May 25, 2012

      Explain how Ross is allowed to increase its student population every year. This makes no sense. Your argument is just stuck in crass politics

  47. ron
    May 25, 2012

    Why not a private hospitial.In dominica build a rum shop, next week there’s one nex to you.40 years on look at Halsbrough med centre,wait until another private hosp. comes.

  48. Anonymous
    May 25, 2012

    Some of us just run our mouths eventhough we do not have a clue about how these things work. Have you all seen how confusing and overwhelming it is when you have a group of lets say 10 medical students on practice in one ward at the hospital, or even at a health center. There is absolutely no room for them. Imagine adding to that 5 patient beds in the ailse (overcrowding)The health facilities do not have the capacity to accomodate so many students.

    Imagine we have 3 schools doing rotations about 5 days a week….really now.

    The long and short of it is that establishing a medical school is not just about having a school nad offering lessons, the practical (hospital and health clinics rotations) is a critical part of it. If that cannot be provided then the students are being shortchagned.

    • Trouble Intended
      May 25, 2012

      I disagree with you here. Maybe we should open our eyes and our minds a little more. If we have congesion at the PMH and the other hospitals, how about a medical school and a hospital in one? We are developing and should probably take a closer look at what happens at the world’s top medical schools and hospitals. Johns Hopkins for example; top medical school and # 1 hospital in the world. Most of the top medical schools have hospitals attached. Why not go for both?

      • Anonymous
        May 25, 2012

        Well then here’s a business opportunity; instead of another medical school, why not a private hospital?

      • Correction
        May 25, 2012

        Ask the Doc is ge that applying for license, so you just missed the point….

  49. Anonymous
    May 25, 2012

    Sen joe Pal Rep stand up for your village. they put it on poverty list now de Doc turn down. you know is employment for your people. All of St. joe plp should demonstrate against this discision. Kelver talk now or Sen Joe will put you out next time.

  50. as I see it #1
    May 25, 2012

    It is the investors problem to see if we have too many of what he wants to bring in. If he / she is comfortable that his business can do well inspite of the competition, then we should let them insvest because at the end of the day it will be our people that will be employed as is the case of Ross University. By the way, even when we did not have any medical school on the island, our stupid politics almost cost us Ross had it not been for the bravery of Rosie and Mike Douglas.

  51. @WELL
    May 25, 2012

    I truely believe that some of these government ministers are strategically placed to undermine the countries progress. And they have this man as Education Minister? One set talking about developing local entrepreneurship; the other set doing their best to stall it. Local businessmen and women heads are spinning with all this rejection from the same system that is supposedly here to encourage productivity and development of local talent. As with everything else this supposed Democratic Country Government of ours is just full of roadblocks for the locals

  52. Fed Up
    May 25, 2012

    Why not a law school? The island needs lawyers as well.

  53. Anonymous
    May 25, 2012

    so we come judge using political tie to deny de DOC

  54. as I see it #1
    May 25, 2012

    For those of you who think we have two medical schools in Dominica and do not need more, please stop being ignorant and political. All we do in this country is play stupid politics at the progress of development.
    The last time I check, St. Kitts which is much smaller than Dominica has no fewer than five Medical Schools. We don’ have too many grocery shops, too many goverment owned schools, too many cChinese stores so why too many medical schools? The only thing we have too many of on the island is, fools and ignorant people that fight progress to the end!

      May 25, 2012

      St Kitts boasts a collection of medical schools, the bulk of which are either very new (have not had graduating classes) or which are typically considered “second tier” or worse. On St Kitts the school of St Theresa’s appears to be closing; there were fewer than a dozen students as of Summer term 2008. The “internet” university does not appear to have ever placed a student in American clinicals, and doesn’t seem to have any graduates practicing in the United States. Windsor is a functioning second tier medical school with some clinical rotations in the states and a few graduates. It is often considered a bargain (it’s one of the cheapest schools in the Caribbean for both tuition and room and board) and has a reputation as being one of the easiest school to graduate from. It’s a good for mediocre students who have connections in the states to do their clinical training. IMHS is a very new school started by the folks who started Ross (the established school in Dominica). It is very new, doesn’t have clinicals, doesn’t have all faculty hired (as of Summer term 2008) and has no accreditations at this point. It does have a very nice facility and an experienced ownership, but it’s anybody’s guess whether or not it will pan out. Typically, the first five years of new offshore medical school tend to be a little dicey. There are actually other schools (at least one “phantom” whose purpose and operation is a mystery and one or two other schools that have been approved by never acted upon), but probably these shouldn’t be taken seriously.

      • as I see it #1
        May 25, 2012

        So what is your point? Are you saying that the failures of these schools in St kitts are the reasons why we should not have a third school in Dominica? Who is going to pay the bill is it we the people of Dominica or the investor? Who will lose if it fails or benefits it it succeeds; will it be the government or the investore? This is just pure rubbish politics that offers nothing in return. Keep fighting progress and development and 5-10 years down the road you will see if a manicoo will want to stay in Dominica.
        You guys fought against an International airport which all other small caribbean islands have, only to find out that liat is an iffy thing and come mi 2013 American Eagles will be gone and because of us not having a proper airport, no international airline will be able to replace AA. I guess you guys are doing a good job fighting progress to the point where sooner rather than latter we will be left with nothing, while smaller islands will have everything.

        May 25, 2012

        As I see it, all I did was too present to you the failing St Kitts model you touted. In the very same research they speak highly of Ross University Dominica.

        We can’t based our economic and growth plan on what other countries are doing. We need out our plan and structure.

        So flooding the market with All-Saints type University is not the model we want.

        If we have failing off-shore schools here which are not even accredited, it will drag down Ross with it..


        I don;t think the reason the minister gave is all…read between the line sometime okay

      • Truth and Justice
        May 25, 2012

        What WIKILEAK is saying is exactly what was said about Ross University when it started out. The fact is, today more people know of Dominica because of Ross university. Ross started of with 12 students ladies and gentlemen. The only reason they are fighting Ferrara is because they cannot take credit for the new school. The same WIKILEAK who is running his mouth studied in Cuba. Are the schools in Cuba accredited in the US, Canada or Western Europe? If the offshore medical school want to come to Dominica why should we worry about accreditation or clinical acceptance in the US. This is a business let the business people of the institution worry about that. The government responsibility is to create employment and opportunities for the people.

        To WIKILEAKS it was OK for our government to give Corrello the diplomatic passport even if the Italian government did not approve – why according to WIKILEAK it was an opportunity for the country to make some money ( We know who the country is ). To WIKILEAKS it was OK to build the 27 million mansion because tourist MIGHT pass by to see the mansion; To WIKILEAKS it is OK for the government to take loans from the Chinese and not dictate that Dominicans get the job. I am trying to figure out why I should care accreditation – when the DLP advisors and lawyers making deals with Ross University to destroy the housing investors in Portsmouthare they thinking about the accreditation? (lol)

      • POLICE
        May 25, 2012

        “We can’t based our economic and growth plan on what other countries are doing. We need out our plan and structure.

        So flooding the market with All-Saints type University is not the model we want.”

        PROF WIKILEAK you ought to be exhausted – you make such a fool of yourself. Do you go back and read the things you write. “ We need our own plan and structure” – what are you saying stupid is that it is now 13 years and the DLP is yet to formulate an economic plan and structure. The only model that the DLP administration has adopted is a begging model. Which market are we flooding with “ All Saint type university” – bloke let the businessmen decide where to invest their money and if they want to invest in Dominica let them do. This government allowed a Casino in Dominica when we don’t have stay over tourism – as far as I’m concerned the casino is built to take money from the poor people of Dominica. The government allow all kinds of offshore banks – are we flooding the market with offshore banks operating in the financial center ?Are we flooding our markets by allowing Labor Party patronizers to import agricultural products that we grow in Dominica? Prof WIKILEAKS YOU NEED TO ZIP SHUT THE HECK UP COLLECT YOUR MONEY FROM SUPREMO AND LEAVE US IN OUR MISERY YOU ******(******(** HOLE

        May 25, 2012

        I never said I was aginst another Medical School opening in Dominica or a matter of fact 10. We have no idea why was the license was not given…You all as usaul just running y’all mouth and when the truth is made you giys are no where to seen..

        If we leave the politics out this we can maybe uncover much more.

        I remember an airline running up and down all over the Caribbean and then one little mishap and what happened.

      • justice
        May 26, 2012

        Can anyone tell me what is an offshore medical school? Is it once the school is not in America?

      • DeVry Hack
        May 26, 2012

        Prof. Wikileaks,

        You are a DeVry employee, no doubt. It is UMHS and not IMHS. UMHS has a spectacular $50 million dollar campus. UMHS’s second graduating class is set to graduate this June. The first class matched all of it’s students to great residency programs and the second class did just as well. UMHS has the feel of “old Ross” before DeVry took over and made it a shell of what it was. Sad to see that the Ross family name be brought down by a corporation that cares more about exploiting the dreams of its students. It is also tragic that DeVry is not doing anything about tumultuous relationships between the students, faculty and administration. Ross is certainly on downward trajectory while UMHS will be one of the tops schools within a few years. As for Windsor, you are correct, they are a joke. So, might as well bring in another school to get it right. Ross is imploding and like Nero, DeVry will play their fiddle while they milk every last financial aid dollar from every last student.

    • Wah d mor
      May 25, 2012

      Why to many medical schools? WELL…lets see………IS ONLY MEDICAL UNIVERSITIES WE HAVE….what about investment in another field? only after….more medical schools can be added.

      ARE YOU A DOCTOR? ALL YOUR CHILDREN AND FAMILY WANT TO BE DOCTOR…….the average person might say yes….whether for interest or for the pay check….but frankly…can we all afford it? is it really useful on this LITTLE island…..what about the business men, etc……WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER FIELDS OF STUDY… are sooooooo ughhhhh

    • still
      May 25, 2012

      I agree with you ‘as i se it’. Let them them come. Latter down we will deal with the problem of over saturation when Ross can no longer have proper rotations and decide that it is not worth the risk of loosing their accreditation to remain here. At what point do we as Dominicans say enough is enough. We seem to believe that if we have one we always need another or ten more and fail to do proper market research. Prime example cruise season; take a walk on the bayfront on any morning when there is a ship arriving and see the number of buses lined up there waiting for passengers that they may never recieve. when these bus owners cannot make their daily income in order to pay their bank loans and feed their family they try to sell tours at less than fair market value therefore reducing total income for the country, and by their sometimes hawkish actions destroying the entire tourism industry. therefore more is not always better. Aren’t there other options? why three medical schools? do you consistently want doctors in training at your bedside running diagnostics on you everyday? instead of jumping on the medical school bandwagon i think these group of investors should consider some other more productive options

    • (.) (.)
      May 26, 2012


  55. Anonymous
    May 25, 2012

    oh plz stjean..more med schools or any schools means more foreigners comes here and more money coming in…wham to u stjean..we need that…who who think supports the why do u think cuba is doing so well? the foreign students contribute big time towards foreign income over there

  56. tom
    May 25, 2012

    Will locals be able to enroll in this medical school? if so, i say yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    May 25, 2012

    Saint Jean needs a cleansing of the Holy Ghost.
    Give the Doc a Chance.

  58. LCM
    May 25, 2012

    Who cares how many medical school in Dominica. As long as it is not a burden or responsibility to the “People”. Please note i said People not the Government. I see it as a job and income generator. If it was a non dominican it would have been approved long time.

    • Anonymous
      May 25, 2012

      True say let the man do his thing his money win lose or draw is still his money he have the right to choose how many student he willing to teach that is what we call a private school he have his own hospital he done have to send them pmh to do any thing

      Wake up Dominican help your brother support him

  59. Mr Simple
    May 25, 2012

    The government seems vindictive by first not allowing the initial request by the Doctor. There seem to be so many benefits from such a venture which is not going to cost the government a dime and will be a boost to the economy. Job creation it the wider economy….. houses, vehicles, attendants, cleaners, tourism, and many sectors can benefit. The doctor will be responsible for marketing his business. The doctor is no fool. I am sure he will seek to get qualified personnel to take his school to a high level. WE LIKE TO PRESS OUR PEOPLE TOO MUCH AND THE PUBLIC INDIRECTLY SUPPORTING THAT.

    • DPM
      May 25, 2012

      The “PRESSING OF OUR OWN PEOPLE” is something I have never been able to understand about my Dominican people. It happens in all facets from family members pressing each other, to neighbours pressing their neighbours (while smiling in your face and greeting you on a daily basis), all the way up to the government pressing the locals who are trying to advance. We never want to see our own excel but we are always quick to lift up and support foreigners. I hope the Chinese don’t decide to open their own medical school in the future; cause we will see how fast it will be approved.

      • Robin
        May 25, 2012

        well said

  60. Tiger
    May 25, 2012

    We do not need another third rate medical school on the island.

  61. aye
    May 25, 2012

    U don’t see Trinidad complaining about the amount of colleges they have… neither is the U.S Saying that they have more than enough Universities…more foreigners will come to the island and study the more they come….the more they tell people about the island… all that put the island on the market

  62. Anonymous
    May 25, 2012

    BAMP Bulletin March/April 2012 Issue
    Page 3:
    “Another Medical School: A Real or Imagined Need?”

  63. aye
    May 25, 2012

    There is No darn excuse… even if we have two? all that is business…. Dominica will be known for the isle of medicine schools… and it would give more Dominican opportunities and they can even choose…which is Good what that fitting their pockets

  64. May 25, 2012

    Doh squeeze the Doc……Dominica,quit impeding progress.The more the merrier.

  65. Mr Sout City
    May 25, 2012

    So we turning down investments now? So what if there are two medicals cools operating on the islands?

  66. SMOKEY
    May 25, 2012

    me i dont think that we need another medical school on dominica as there is already two of them operating on the island that is more that enough so i dont thing that should even been back to court why he dont try to build a private hospital insted

    • pinkpowderpuff
      May 25, 2012

      Totally agree.

    • Zotolan
      May 25, 2012

      That’s always Dominica! We throw away opportunities and lament on the fact that all our neighbours are far ahead of us. Oh how clumsy we seem to think. I am sure if it was a government supporter, they would have no problem in giving all sorts of incentives.

      No wonder we will always be the Cyndarellar of the Caribbean.

    • Anonymous
      May 25, 2012

      St. Kitts have Five and they wish they had more and we refusing Off shore schools……that’s backward thinking or just plain political victimization.

      • Anonymous
        May 25, 2012

        Name the five medicals schools in St Kitts please.

      • Touls
        May 25, 2012

        No 5 medical schools in St. Kitts. All Dominicans like to do is to come on DNO with NO facts..Jeeez man

    • May 25, 2012

      yes we need an medical school where our da ppl will have first choice.ross and all saint first choice are foriegners.i’m a labour rite but is high time dat government remove political issues and do wat is best 4 our ppl nt wat plz skerrit.

      • Dannah
        May 25, 2012

        So you really want to go to All Saints? hahaha

    • Mr Gouty
      May 25, 2012

      no more medical school what we need is a rehab for our paros

      • simply blessed
        May 25, 2012

        put the rehab centre for the paros in the state house.

    • peace
      May 25, 2012

      Dominica is backward because of people like you

        May 25, 2012

        dannah do u have any issue with all saints university? am a proud dominican student at the all saints currently doing my rotations in pmh.i must confess that i am doing absolutely good in my rotations

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