Minister concerned about overcrowding, uneven sidewalks and old buildings

Minister Charles Savarin

Minister responsible for National Security and Immigration Charles Savarin has said that government is concerned and working towards addressing infrastructural problems in the city.

Overseas based-Dominicans raised concerns over crowding, poor drainage and limited space for pedestrians to roam in the city at a Dominica Diaspora Entrepreneurship Forum at the Public Service Union recently.

Savarin said that the government has embarked on several initiatives to address these issues.

“We are all concerned about some of the development that are taking place in Roseau and the way in which it is taking place and the Planning Department does have a challenge on its hands to ensure that the planning rules and regulations are observed,” he said.

“Basically the plan of the government is encapsuled in what is referred to as the Roseau Road Reinstatement Project. The first stage of that is ongoing. You will have the bridge which links Bath Road to Rose Street and you would have seen the new exit as it were and entrance into Roseau coming down to Federation Drive coming across into Bath Road,” he stated.

He mentioned the issue of sidewalk space being invaded by vendors and vehicles.

“The sidewalk development is part of the Roseau Road Reinstatement Project because we recognise the sidewalks are uneven. The sidewalks themselves are in some cases taken up by motor vehicles and other cases taken up by vendors and the intention is to build a vendors arcade so that we can remove a lot of the vendors from the sidewalks and off the streets in some cases and put them in a designated area where they will have services and will be able to offer better services to persons -visitors and residents…” he stated.

The minister spoke of a problem involving buildings which are constructed against proper standards in Roseau. Many of these buildings are erected too close together, Savarin said. Every building should be situated at least four feet from each other and the road, he added.

“It becomes a challenge of the Planning Department to do this, but this is something that is under constant review and the planning department sometimes find themselves in great difficulties with owners of property on one hand, and the authorities on the other, and there is also the very persistent problem of squatting which creates its own challenges.

“These are all things that we are conscious of and we are working towards remedying as pedestrians are as important a part of the city as persons who travel on motor vehicles or otherwise and there must be room in the city for pedestrians,” he stated.

He said this also poses a problem for the handicapped and elderly.

“We want to create a city which is pedestrian friendly, visitor friendly and resident friendly,” he added, stating that sidewalk development is part of the Roseau Reinstatement Project.

Savarin also mentioned a dilemma posed by old buildings in the city, particularly in the French quarter. He believes that though the buildings are obsolete they need to be preserved for historic purposes. He urged home owners to redevelop these structures within the same classical lines.

“The intention is to encourage the preservation of that part of town,” he said.

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  1. Big love
    November 9, 2010

    Good thing mr Charles ,long awaiting

  2. Come on Charlo
    November 8, 2010

    It seems like Charlo has alot of ideas for Roseau. Just last year at the Roseau Town Hall Fiasco, he and his colleague Timothy told us how many state of the Art infrastructural plans there was for Roseau. Now he is just talking again, I guess he forgot what he said to us…Liars have no memory they say, so I don’t expect Charlo to remember any state of the Art plans he had for Roseau. I guess he is too busy defending Skerrit and his suspicious behavior. Well Charlo….stop thinking and put your thoughts into action. We the people of Roseau await your state of the Art plans.

    Good luck in all your endevours sir.

  3. Lizavier4Jesus
    November 8, 2010

    @A George:

    Great! You have spoken on my behalf. I couldn’t have said it better.

  4. Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
    November 7, 2010


    This makeover is definitely something to look forward to. It should commence as soon as possible. Once I visited Dominica. I was walking along Virgin Lane. An elderly couple who came from the tourist boat stopped me and asked me for direction to the Botanical Gardens. I told them that I was on my way to the Convent High School and that I will take them to the entrance of the Gardens gates. As we were walking a man who was driving a van – bus came along and told them that he could take them to wherever they were going. The elderly couple refused the offer. He kept on bothering them. I had to inform him that they are not going very far. He drove off. I told them that I am visiting my homeland and advised them to be cautious and not to accept a drive from anyone who is not in the appropriate area where the licensed buses or taxis are registered. I wonder if I was not with them what would have been the outcome of their encounter with this driver.
    It could be a nuisance that visitors, especially tourists have to put up with beggars, etc. Also bad enough the type of roads in Roseau which need maintenance. It could prevent them from visiting Dominica. It is really more than time for the government to do something about it if they wish to attract visitors and more of them. Dominican nationals should also not have to put up with it. I do hope that something will be done and it will not be mere words from government officials. It is time for them to take action.

  5. Big-Bannan
    November 7, 2010

    @RED: Your outlook seems very positive and i like that. Remember its not Eddo for Marigot but Eddo for all Dominicans.. at least that is what it is supposed to be. Again you seems very positivly optimistic about Dominca’s future and i love that.

  6. Devoted Dominican.
    November 7, 2010

    Charles, if you are so concerned about the dangers that the broken down sidewalks and narrow streets poses on pedestrians. why don’t you do something about it instead of just talking about it with that big deceiving green on your face. Those sidewalks poses a real danger to not only Dominicans but also to visitors who visits Dominica. I am surprised that a cruse ship passenger has not broken their legs then sue the country for damages. Is this what you are waiting for to happen before you can repair those dangerous street that we have in Roseau? for i say to you and your Govt that if that were to happen your tourist industry would cease to exist.

  7. Cassandra
    November 7, 2010

    @Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity: Very touching of comrade Savarin to take up the cudgel on behalf of his Worship the mayor while he is busy visiting word cities for inspiration. Did we not see him last month on a fact-finding mission at the Azul Club in Bridgport? No doubt these efforts, on behalf of the nation will soon result in vast improvements in his beloved city of Roseau so that we can proudly show it of to visitors instead of being embarrased and best avoided. Imagine, no more vendors cluttering the sidewalks, visitors no longer besieged by hordes of beggars and drug addicts in various stages of dress- and undress, noise blasters passing for music eliminated, the gutters sweet smelling. No more vehicles parked willy-nilly.No more negotiation of obstacle courses that pretend to be pavements. Uncleared lots and wrecked buildings transformed into sights of beauty, the ghastly structures along the river, passing for restaurants, metamorphosed into a pleasant promenade fit for strolling. Go for it Cecil!You will be so busyy you won’t even have to moonlight as a disk jockey anymore.

  8. missout
    November 6, 2010

    Respect the man Saverin. When all of them barking you make sure you in power. I think Savarin is one of the smartest politician out there. He is always on the winning train. Wespatay Savarin

  9. RED
    November 6, 2010


    You said:

    “Dominica has received an overwhelming amount of comments from visitors who frame Dominica as a poorer Island that it is. Fix dat Too Charles”

    But what is Eddo doing for Marigot?

    All the places that you mentioned are being taken care of, and visitors can say what ever they want. Bye the way, some visitors are rude and out of odder. Massacre, Mahaut, and Canefield are slowly, but surely, becoming beautiful pearls!

  10. countryman
    November 6, 2010

    I stand to be corrected – not one of our ministers are actually trained for the ministry that they hold. We have a set of square pegs in round holes and expect to get results. For example we have a medical Dr. from petite savanne as the environmental minister and a finance man as the minister of health. It is really laughable when you check it out.

    November 6, 2010

    I applaud all those who agree that Roseau is an eyesore. I have lost count of how many times I have tripped on the so called pavements (sidewalks).

    You don’t have to have travelled to see that a vast majority of the island needs a major revamp
    and clean-up.

    To the ones that feel that Dominicans who have travelled are attacking their country, please use
    your common sense and start seeing that it is because of their experiences of foreign shores
    that they are qualified to make such comments. Blind stupidity (or any type of stupidity) is not a
    nice trait.

    We are proud of our Dominica, but would like to be even prouder.

    We should be ashamed that some of the best/cleaniest looking buildings in our capital are KFC, Subway, Courts,Pizza Hut, Whitchurch, Save a Lot, Astaphans, Windsor stadium and the hotels. And could someone please explain to me why there is a shack right next door the the stadium, and why is someone allowed to hang out washing on the stadium gates or the fencing at Newton Savannah?

    All the government buildings require a coat of paint.

    Progress is a wonderful thing, and one that the majority benefits from.

  12. Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
    November 6, 2010


    You are so correct. This is an excellent insight. Dominica could be beautiful not only with lush greeneries and eye-catching sceneries but that it needs to be built up to an attractive level. The mayors who are responsible for their respective areas/towns should lobby the government to do something about it. Of course, money is required to build it up. I realize that there are more important priorities and patience is necessary. Probably someday, this will take effect and soon enough. Let us pray for Dominica and this accomplishment. As others, I love my country Dominica.
    God bless you!

  13. yes i
    November 6, 2010

    @concern: alas i agree with ur thoughts. Sometimes i wonder if those ministers ever travel… I wonder again if Skerrit team has any Economist or Civil Engeneer????

  14. concern
    November 6, 2010

    I am asking myself if our government do not travel,and see the development in other countries, really Roseau needs a big face lift. Also the second town portsmouth, those old huge ships that are there for ages need to be burn, and bury the ash, portsmouth is not pleasant to behold.

    Thirdly I believe Marigot need some upliftment, seeing that it is the first site people are seeing after landing at the melville hall airport.infact I believe that the waste lands on the side of the roads from Marigot to Roseau should have some beautiful houses and fences or hedges planted to enhance the islands.
    Not galvanize fence, i do not know where dominican get this habit in putting these things for fences they look so ugly especially when they are rusted. please do better than that,

    I love my island but sometimes the things I see makes me mad. I wish I had money, and also I wish I was in power to enhance Dominica.

  15. yes i
    November 6, 2010

    @Eyes on Dominica: Portsmouth is just abandoned u mean, for a 2nd capital what a shame! there is nothing at portsmouth, tourists keep asking where is those bank, well there is one actually ( my answer) , where is the café ( well there is none, but u can go to picard), where is the mall ( mall is saying in my head there is none im sorry)… well dvtp possie as well that will give roseau city a good breath out… my opinion.

  16. Eyes on Dominica
    November 6, 2010

    All the ideas raised are important whether for or against. I am concerned however that the Government is giving too much attention to Roseau and not elsewhere. Not that Roseau doesn’t need the attention because certainly Roseau does need a makeover but so does Portsmouth, Marigot and elsewhere. While the Government tells people outside Roseau to do coudment/selfhelp…everything in Roseau is done with paid labor. I do hope Portsmouth, Marigot and elsewhere get their fare share too…

  17. GEE
    November 6, 2010

    You grinning like a fool,and all you building villas on Dominican back….That will end some day soon..

  18. Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
    November 6, 2010

    @i not vex:

    You better not be vexed. I am not vexed either. It is not necessary to be negative, rude and inconsiderate with your responses. I cannot believe that you would make such ridiculous statements. Do you have any common sense? Do you not want to see your Roseau capital beautified? It is in a bad shape. Open your eyes.
    Give this a good thought. Those who visit Dominica as also the tourists have noticed the deplorable condition of the streets and sidewalks as also overcrowding. When was the last time these were repaired? It is not a matter which the government should ignore. As the years progress they get worst. You know, wear and tear as the saying goes.
    I do think it is high time that the streets and the sidewalks in Roseau are repaired. They are not a beautiful sight as well as not safe ones for pedestrians.
    It is also very difficult to walk on the sidewalks and to be jumping over culverts – open drainage. This is dangerous. If pedestrians get injured they have the right to sue the government. Just wait if a tourist was injured. They would not hesitate to sue the Dominica government.
    It is in the government’s interest to repair them as soon as possible; something which should have been done years ago. Anyway, better late than never.
    Another matter is the congestion of vehicles. It is difficult to cross especially the main streets. Drivers do not usually give pedestrians the right of way as if pedestrians do not have a right of way to cross the streets.
    For the amount of vehicles and ever-increasing ones, street lights should be installed at certain intersections. If not, the police should be present at all times to direct traffic in those busy areas so that pedestrians could cross the streets in safety and quickly. Imagine having to wait for some minutes to cross the street. Crossing those streets could be scary in that pedestrians fear being knocked down by vehicles.
    If you love your country, you, too will do your best to ensure that these areas are repaired as soon as possible. They are also for your comfort and safety. Less talk, criticism and sarcasm and more action.
    Ever considered volunteering to assist your country/town and government? Try it, you will like it. :)

  19. Anonymous
    November 6, 2010

    Thank you Mr. Savarin.. That’s a start. I really hope to see the results before I die. Shame on those who cannot identify the problem. You will never be able to solve a problem if you cannot identify it. for those against it, you should probably take yourself on a trip around the world and then you will know where we are in time. Good project. I wish you all the success Mr. Minister.

  20. Anonymous
    November 6, 2010

    @i not vex: A typical Domincan brain! I guess you are better off walking in the drain and on one foot sidewalks, than wanting Roseau filxed. if you want to stay backward, build your backward home – a 4 ft by 4 ft slave shack. but no, D/cans are building big mansions now. So maybe you do want to move forward. Our country WILL move foward whether you like it or not. And we will be proud and all enjoy it. Shameful response.

  21. MARIGOT 69
    November 6, 2010

    @i not vex: why now you should have said that last election when they put Dominica in a hole.

  22. Big-Bannan
    November 5, 2010

    Charles while you’re at it: Every living thing against the sea from Mama’s in massacre to the Belfast Soap Factory in Mahaut should be removed. Please find those people housing where they can find proper sewage and running water. This is 2010. That part of Dominica has received an overwhelming amount of comments from visitors who frame Dominica as a poorer Island that it is. Fix dat Too Charles.

  23. hmmmm
    November 5, 2010

    if is one thing i would s\upport even if a corupt government were to do it is to take over and just destroy all the old shacks it av in roseau… the place need a made over…. dat is why sometimes i does with for huricane u no….all u can remember is afer huricane david we staarted seein concret buildings in the city. we need something to wipe out all the shacks and dem.

  24. Big-Brother
    November 5, 2010

    @A George:

    It is eazy to say all that, when U seatting up there in England eah!

  25. CHARLO
    November 5, 2010

    SAVAREIN for a big man stop the grinning and ask Skerrit for me if he has villas up north..It’s only you and me that will know the answer….

  26. BLAST
    November 5, 2010

    MARIGOT 69….I AGREE WITH YOY 10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000%…LAZY THEY LAZY.!!!!!

  27. Peace Out
    November 5, 2010

    Wow nice thinking Charlo, now if only you could suggest that instead of spending 27 million to build a palace for the president (that he doesn’t need to function anyways as he has no function), and use this money for uplifting the city’s image instead. That could go a long way in giving Roseau that major facelift which it really needs.

  28. mike's right
    November 5, 2010

    Mark your words Charles Savarin. He said a year ago that Roseau will become a premiere city in the caribbean. Still sooo many complaints about the appearance of Roseau. Charlo it is time to put words into action to prevent other cruise ships from pullig out.

  29. makeover
    November 5, 2010

    Roseau need a major makeover…First of all there are too many old shacks with rusty galvanize in the city..these people living in these houses need to be relocated..the government needs to build a housing scheme for these people.Another major problem is parking. there are more vehicles now in the city and if we dont dont do something now we will encounter serious problems such as congestion.there should be a designated area for parking..sidewalks is another problem..U can’t even push a stroller in town..the sidewalks are uneven.. the drainage sytem is poor..Alot of work need to be done in the city..first impression is a lasting impression..watever visitors see when they visit dats what they r going to talk about..Just like when we Dominicans travel abroad and speak about the the appearance of citiies in different developed the country is etc… Anyway I am just voicing my concern..It’s not crticizing..At the end of the day we are all Dominicans and i know deep down in our hearts as Dominicans we wish that our city was constructed better than that and more attractive..
    One of the areas i find very unattractive in Roseau is the street leading to the financial center..(Gov’nt building) The houses in the area are old..the sidewalks are broken, unkept..Any area leading to a government building should be well kept and attractive..

    For some of u who think that Roseau is not a problem , either u all have never travelled to other places or u all are not thinking about the future of Dominica..
    The government really needs to do something about upgrading the city and we as citizens should play our part by keeping it clean

  30. The Dominican
    November 5, 2010

    It is not going to be easy to do anything impressive with Roseau as it stands. So I think the town should grow outwards and the present infrastructure be kept as Historic Roseau. I do agree the commercial harbor should be relocated but not too far from the capital like our famed airstrip is. Btw, where really is the French Quarter?

  31. Anonymous
    November 5, 2010


    THEY SHOULD PAY TAXES LIKE US TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  32. Don't Worry
    November 5, 2010

    Well that will be a huge problem to over come because of the infrastructure of Roseau.

  33. i not vex
    November 5, 2010

    Our little country is alright, you people left home and go and build somebody else country and and want to come back and tell people what it should be, why did you all not stay and do it?
    All spend you all money in night clubs and parties where you all was, and you all want to come back home and tell the leaders what to do, shame on you all.
    That’s my take what is yours?

  34. Anonymous
    November 5, 2010

    I’ve been asking myself for years what the planning division has been doing all along. Are you saying no one noticed that people were’nt following standards right under your nose in the middle of Roseau?

    It’s such a pain trying to walk through town. Roseau is a mess, plain and simple. The city needs to be redone from scratch. It was not planned with the future in mind and now it needs much, much more than a few sidewalks. The extra bridges are just a temporary fix. What will happen in the next 10-20 years when we have even more cars and more people?

  35. ok
    November 5, 2010

    i think that some of these old buildings should be removed and the land turned into parking lots or even better parking facilities(buildings) should be built in order to reduce traffic congestion.

  36. Piper
    November 5, 2010

    Where is the French Quarter in Roseau?

  37. A George
    November 5, 2010

    Start with a bulldozer and raze everything that is an eyesore…

    OK, seriously, Roseau is the capital, the heart, and if Dominica doesn’t want a heart attack, then keep the arteries unclogged. The vendors, trash, uneven sidewalks are like cholesterol clogging these arteries of development.

    To me, every city, town, village in Dominica, need complehensive planning codes to address all these issues. Once that has been put in place, then you can look at enforcement. Some buildings will have to be torn down; vendors should NOT be allowed to operate on sidewalks; vehicles should not be allowed to park on sidewalks or in non-designated areas; sidewalks with handicap accessibility in mind should be built; tickets should be given for violators.

    Incentives should be given for property owners to paint/renovate their buildings… The government should take the lead by painting/renovating all their buildings. The ministry and police headquarters have never seen paint it seems… or pressure wash them. Personal residences should not be allowed in a business district, unless it is a hotel/condo complex.

    Some solutions in the meantime (while waiting for municipal codes)… give incentives for the private industry to build operate a public car parking garage. It can be build/spanned over the Roseau river, with enough clearance underneath for flooding – the top floors can house a restaurant, offices, even condos/rentals. A shopping mall should be built – again with incentives for private industry (eg. city/gov’t provides land and private co. builds and operates) the mall. There, vendors can professionally display their wares – a plus for a cruise district. In the near future, the government should look to building a cruise complex w/ a duty free mall (and even a kids play ground area) at fond cole and relocate commercial harbor/container port further north (or south) – depending on where has the space and cheaper costs.. It’s a bit unsightly for passengers to disembark into a commercial container port area (Fond Cole)… very unwelcoming.

    There are lots of other ideas… I know they all take money, but you cannot expect to attract all these visitors and expect them to go crazy over this dirty, unwelcoming city – without spending some money. It must improve. and the Mayor of Roseau needs to take the lead in making sure his city is truly the cleanest and best looking in the entire Caribbean. Let’s do it Dominica!

  38. Miss Marigot
    November 5, 2010

    i will say the street of Dominica are very dangersous there is really no side walks and drivers don’t have any regards about knowing that predestrians should have the right of way. They also need speed limits because it seem like everyone is just doing there own think. I am afraid everytime i visit because Of the speed of the bus and drivers not yelding to pedrestians.

    November 5, 2010

    It is nice to see that the minister has taken some time from his radio program to address issues affecting the state. Now, I am reading a few statements by the minister concerning the sidewalks and building in Roseau. Mr. Savarin, these buildings were constructed a very long time ago and have become part of our historic background. The fact that they are close together is something we have lived with for deades and we will continue to live with. The sidewalks is another issue.

    Government now has $27 million dollars to waste. This money should be put into constructing a high rise parking structure on River Bank or over the river. This would give Dominican motorists parking space and avoid motor vehicles from parking in the city. The sidewalks can then be re-done with proper drainage and rails. You need to give people options. For too many years we hear the same crock about ‘we have plans’. Put plans into actions.

    Moving steet vendors cannot be rocket science. These vendors have collapsible stalls. It is easy to move them. The hard part is where do you re-locate them to? I would also like to suggest that Government intervenes to re-possess abandoned properties in the city. The people who own these broken down buildings, need to do something about them within a certain period of time, or the government reserves the right to take possession of the said property and develop it accordingly.

    Let the Re-instatement begin!! Start working and much less talking.

  40. 365 RIVERS
    November 5, 2010



  41. eagles125
    November 5, 2010

    @MARIGOT 69: The same thing can be said about the UWP government. What did they do?

  42. Anonymous
    November 5, 2010

    @MARIGOT 69: i agree with u, these people r all de same. they seems to satisfy n feel good with nothing, but when they travel overseas they r happy 2 return n say how develop those places are. why r these people being paid 2 seat in big offices in roseau every day n bring in no change?

  43. young man
    November 5, 2010

    You need to begin with the traffic problem in Roseau, get the buses out of the city. You cant expect 20 – 50 buses to stop on the Lagoon and Cork Street bus stop; in 2010 are you serious? We need a bus terminal on the outskirts of the city where ALL buses stop, then there should be a fleet of gov’t owned coasters which carry persons to town on a 15mins departure basis for the cost of only $1.00 per passenger. I mean i’m 20 yrs old and i can see a problem and come up with a solution, are the ministers of this government blind to the simplest of problems in our country..Geeezzz!

  44. Anthony P. Ismael
    November 5, 2010

    We do need a two-way bridge leading to the airport. I was home in August and if you do not know that road, your death is awaiting. Imagine driving at night with rain and fog plus zero illumination from imaginary street lights. It’s not just a trip, it’s an adventure. You would think that by now they would have constructed a two-way bridge.

    The government could actually contruct a two-way bridge, but if they did, it would be too logical. As a result, it probably will not be done in my life time.

  45. CaribbeanMAn
    November 5, 2010


    Is the first and last bridge that dominicans and visitos see when entering and leaving Domincia included in the Pocasse (may be incorrect spelling) to Pagua Bay road construction. May be your airport reconstruction engineer missed it but the importance is invaluable.

    While we recognise the importance of addressing the image of our major cities its important to put the priorities straight. A two way bridge from the major airport is a security issue. Imagine a couple fire trucks, ambulances, etc., trying to get through in immergency situations. The rescue effort may be to save poeple including your kids, the PM or other locals in the area…whats important is to show that your thought process is covering the entire island.

    This question have popped up in other conversations. Can we help to keep it alive PLEASE????

  46. City Girl
    November 5, 2010

    Roseau is really a big problem to deal with, but something must be done to help all of us in the City.

    Thanks Minister in advance

  47. MARIGOT 69
    November 5, 2010


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