Bus park complaints

Buses park in front of a business place

A traffic police initiative to ease congestion in the Lagon area of Independence Street in the capital city, Roseau, has led to complaints of overcrowding in the riverside bus parking area.

Lawyers Duncan Stowe and Glen Durceay say they intend writing to Police Commissioner Cyril Carrette about the matter, because they now can’t find parking spaces for themselves and their clients.

The two complain that at least two businesses in the area are also suffering the same problem.

The Riverside bus parking area which was already accommodating a number of buses, has from June 1 also been the parking spot for the buses moved by the police from Lagon.

“I think the situation is very disorganized and chaotic,” Stowe told DNO.

He said he was unhappy that the move had been made with no consultation with people who own property on the riverfront.

Duncan Stowe

“Where do people walk,” he queried, explaining that during rush hour periods the area was so packed that even pedestrians had difficulty crossing the street.

His colleague Glen Ducreacy, whose office is also located in the bus parking area, says he too has been inconvenienced “because now I cannot park right outside of my chambers”.

“I am not saying that we probably cannot live with it (the situation) for a temporary period but we trust that the authorities will reconsider,” the attorney told DNO, stressing that at least two other business places were also being inconvenienced by what was now overcrowding in the area.

He is calling for consultation with the police, bus drivers, passengers and other stake holders to attempt to find a workable and amicable solution to the problem.

Some bus drivers that Dominica News Online spoke to say as far as they are concerned the situation is working, and those complaining shouldn’t because more passengers disembarking in the area could mean more business for them.

Glen Ducreay

“It’s working all right, but in a case like that some people will always suffer,” one driver explained.

He admitted that “some bus drivers like it, some don’t like it”.

Another who supported the move of additional buses to the area, also felt “it was working, and as time goes by it will be perfected”.

He felt that the area was not too congested.

A third driver told DNO that “with the buses coming on this bus stop and putting everybody on this bus stop, that could cause the people them to come there and shop as well”.

He said that was an advantage for the business places, including the lawyers’ offices.

“It’s better for the business, they should be happy – Pizza Palace making more money now,” he alleged.

However attorney Ducreacy says the “overcrowding” cannot be ignored.

“What has happened in this area is a question of capacity, and I think now that there are too many buses for a limited area,” he said.

Buses dropping off and picking up passengers there include those from Mahaut, Massacre and Canefield.

Assistant Superintendent of Police Patrickson Albert of the Traffic Department says the concerns being expressed are being taken on board.

“It is a new initiative and we have to look at it.  We know that we will experience problems, so maybe I need to go and look at it and see how we can get this thing resolved,” he told DNO.

He suggested that it may be necessary to identify another area or areas that can be developed into alternative bus stops or parking spaces for buses.

His advice to lawyers Stowe and Ducreacy, “tell them be patient a little and we will look at it for them and see how we can assist”.

Buses lined up at the new park

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  1. fed up
    June 5, 2012

    That change is complete nonsense. it is just plait ridiculous. Now it is congested.

  2. Ted Lewis
    June 5, 2012

    @ Da to the Bone

    you ask a question in your comment below that i have realized to be a frequently ask question on this message board . Your question stated “why is the Prime Minister of the country personally responsible for every little detail of life on the island?”
    can i ask you whether is it u understand why we have and need a government?

    Heres’s my 2cents. All economies of the world suffer from two things : Scarcity ( resources are limited ) and choice ( unlimited wants of YOU and I). Both creating a problem of allocating the limited resources to keep you and i happy.
    This problem creates 3 question – what , how and for whom to produce.
    Economic system ( free market, planned and mixed economic system) came about to answer these three question.
    In countries such as Dominica we operate under a mixed economic system where certain choices ( production of goods and services) are allowed to be resolve by the free play of market forces ( supply and demand) and other choices are resolved by the role of government. this role of government includes
    1)The government has to provide the rules and laws within which both private individuals and business could conduct their affairs
    2)the government needs to provide public goods (goods with zero opportunity cost to those who consume)such as policing
    3) Provision of merit goods ( goods which confers greater benefit on society as a whole such as education & health)
    4) control of the economy – this is one of the most important function ( economic management) government now performs. In other words the government attempts to control the economy in order to achieve certain economic objectives such as high and stable employment, stable prices (low inflation) ,economic growth, acceptable distribution of income and wealth and a sustainable balance of payment position with the rest of the world.

    Then in the part of the world you and i resides we always refer to the government by making use of the name of the political leader that’s in charge. After all if the government fails to deliver it means the leader fails also and that’s why we mention skerrit name for everything.

    If private sector is not investing then the government has to create an environment to induce them to so as to attain the objective of high employment.
    If lack of parking ( i consider a merit good) in Roseau is creating a negative social impact -the government has to do something about it and it don’t mean the government has to spend there are PPP, BOOT and BOT operation that they could undertake or have investment authority design the project and sell it to private individual.

    we know the government can’t do everything but they can at least get up on their asses identify sustainable projects, design those projects, cost them and have their foreign offices advertise the projects or try get local people to pull resources together to finance these projects.
    How many project this government have in their medium term strategy plan. by the do they have such plan .

    sometime i wonder how u’all is able to have these guys do nothing and getting pay while using these excuses that we cannot afford or things bad , global economy down etc. The hard times gives us an opportunity to be creative , innovative, think harder and come up with fresh ideas,and work harder.
    If them men crying thinks bad they cannot work then reduce the amount of MPs and save the treasury some money.

    We need to stop making excuse for them minister . we have a market for banana ,cannot meet our quota but we crying things bad. Hmm.

    • June 5, 2012

      Who have the time to read all that……

  3. daddy
    June 5, 2012

    i think we need to remove beauty and slab the river and make it a bus station simple and leave the road free.

    • Gwand Anse
      June 5, 2012

      And where will the water go when the river comes down in flood and rises five times its normal level?

  4. EMILE Zpatos
    June 5, 2012

    Maybe those lawyers should invest in parking garages instead of complaining .Or they and some
    others can build an office building somewhere else and make office space available for other layers ,the same way the doctors did near the aid bank
    Maybe Glen SHOULD STOP CRYING like the U W P babies and do something

  5. BZ,
    June 5, 2012

    Thats a serious matter ,the government needs to look into this.We are to lazy to walk roseau need a bus terminal!!The only bus that should be driven inside town is senour citizen.

  6. June 5, 2012

    We need a bus terminal in the city just like Portsmouth Bus terminal.

  7. law and Order
    June 5, 2012

    It is a very excellent idea,peopleneed to walk more. It it not the gvernment job to provide parking for businesses, it is up to businesses to provide parking for their customers. So the governmentislooking after the safety of the general public.

  8. Anthony P. Ismael
    June 5, 2012

    This is an easy problem to solve. Here are my solutions:
    1. Build a new bus terminal across the river within the vicinity of the East River Bridge.
    2.Allow each village or parish to have its own location.
    3. This area will serve as both a drop off and pick up area for passengers. Congestion will be significantly reduced in the Lagon area with the creation of this new bus terminal.

    • G
      June 5, 2012

      it seems like eventually people will hav to walk a mile into town they keep pushing the bus stop out of town

  9. Bus driver
    June 4, 2012

    You all are missing the point. What is the main reason for shifting from the bus Stop in Lagoon to the unplanned, crowded, disorganised Bus Stand on River Bank?

    Remember clearly that bus drivers were moved from dropping passengers off, close to Diva in Cork St.? It was not a Bus Stand.
    Now again, the new building (owner…….)going up in Kennedy Ave. So ease up the traffic close to the area and chuck and block river bank with a madness operation, called a Bus stand. Fail to Plan, so plan to fail. That’s chaos. Just think of it.

    The Bus drivers, and commuters alike need space, otherwise is a slum-like atmosphere, that is being created.

    Who needs to consult with bus drivers or businesses around? Who respects who these days? Other people’s (stakeholders) ideas or advice are not important and so not needed in the style of governance we are witnessing in Dominica.

    Some Bus drivers do not even care if they are not consulted. They do not realize the power they have to force the authorities to consult with them or hear their views. They are not hurting. To fear is rampant and so, in that case, bus drivers will accept anything.

  10. Right
    June 4, 2012

    if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! LOL

  11. June 4, 2012

    where is the laplaine and grandfond busstop now situated?

  12. 1979
    June 4, 2012

    Dominican authorities are a laughable bunch. the mason start laying blocks before the foundation build, then the carpenter start to put roofing before any beams and ties were put in, then!! the painter start to paint and the mason saying HEY HEY i doe plaster and rub the walls yet. I though when a home is being constructed all the parties involved had to have ONE APPROVED PLAN….well lets build the roof on the ground and then try to build up the house under it….. lolol well well what’s new in our little island state?? these days it seems we don’t even need an egg to have a chicken…..

  13. For Real
    June 4, 2012

    This is a very good initiative! Yeppie!!! Little Roseau has more than 10 bus-stops! Grandbay, Point Mitchel, Laplaine, Portsmouth, Castle-Bruce,Massacre, Delices, Bagatelle, Trafalgar, Soufriere, Grand Fond …. C’mon Little Roseau is toooo congested with all of these Bus Stop/Stands! Each Village mentioned has more than ten (10) Buses, Imagine the chaos trying to drive through Roseau. This move is too late in implementing, should have been done a looong time ago. What must be done now is to relocate all buses south bound; to High Street. Grand Bay alone has more than 20 buses occupying Hanover Street.
    I agree that the situation on River Street needs to be better organized and the area made larger; another 15 feet can be acquired along the river bank but we shall grow accustom to order!

  14. ex police
    June 4, 2012

    the parking now at the bus stop is what should be happening long ago, it was time and high time this system was implemented, them bus drivers that dont like it is them gready ones who like to cut infront others and pick up passengers. now they have to wait their turn and they vex. the only problem is that the traffic dept should put proper marking to know which buses parking where, and also more traffic police needed, because them bus drivers have a habit of stopping anywhere to pick up passengers.

  15. Anonymous
    June 4, 2012

    So is it only buses from Mahaut, Canefield, Masacre and Goodwill that cannot stop at Lagoon? What about all the other busses from Jimmit to Capuchin to Carib Territorry to Laplaine that normally drop off their passengers at Lagoon. Can they still drop of their passengers at Lagoon or do they have to go to their respective bus stops?

    Imagine you coming from the hospital and you are sick, you have to walk from the bridge to lets say Jollys or Charles Pharmacy etc? Or the elderly folks from the west coast coming into town to go to teh bank?

    It seems like evertime a ‘big name’ building in town, they shut down the bus stop….hmmm precedence is a hell of a thing.

  16. watt la
    June 4, 2012

    Parking has become premium in Roseau and an Infrastructure should be built on the river banks for parking. The lawyers, doctors and merchants park their cars on the sides of the street, the whole day virtually every day. People of these professions should have their offices and businesses on private parking lots to facilitate their workers and clients. The transportation industry is also legitimate and the drivers livelihoods depend on parking on the sides of the streets.Some of these people in academic position really know how to twist story around.”Only in Dominica!”

  17. Truly Blessed
    June 4, 2012

    the bus stop is not big enough for all buses to park. that is nonsense. u have to remember that school children have to come on the bus stop. u have buses going in all directions. just a complete mess. what change??????. There should be at least two drop out points. Lagoon bus stop should remain as a drop out point. drop and move. and then they will go by the bridge to pick up.

    The bus stop in Cork Street was taken off for one reason and skerrit know y.

  18. Concerned
    June 4, 2012

    This bus stop issue was not properly planned nor executed! Change is inevitable and transition is never smooth. However, the relevant authorities needed to put so many things in place to avoid what is happening now. While many other countries have bus terminals and passengers need to walk a considerable distance to get to destinations, there is always the option of shuttle servicesand there is much more order at those bus terminals. Some of the bus drivers in the Mahaut/ Massacre area are very aggressive and lack much professionalism so the area resembles a fish market. If they were much more disciplined then choosing which bus you choose to travel on would not be so restricted. It is very inconveniencing for us passengers to have to wait so long for a decent, respectable and courteous driver as they are very few in number. Besides executing the “turn system” we should work on customer service for our bus drivers.

    • Lagoon rules
      June 4, 2012

      I agree with you that this new rule was not properly executed. Roseau is not usually overcrowded except at 8:00 a.m, 12:00-1:00 p.m, and 4:00 p.m. This is expected since its the time we use public transportation the most. In my opinion the Lagoon bus stop was working just fine since it was basically a drop off point.The main problem are the various persons who work in town and park their vehicles in one spot for the entire day. The sun so hot! after u make your groceries at Whitchurch you have to walk right at the back of God’s back for a bus with your 10 heavy IGA plastic bags!

  19. June 4, 2012

    FREENESS CA BA MALTET! I think if parking meters are installed and people have to pay to park we will automatic reduce the congestion in crowded areas it is free therefor everybody feels entitled but charge a fee for parking and we will witness a big difference it is a win win situation the funds collected can be set aside to build a suitable public park between the bridges over the river. Tell me if there is rocket science in that. I am not qualified in that field.

    • Right
      June 4, 2012

      Exactly! What are our policy makers waiting for to implement parking meter system in the city?

      Then everyone will shut up and pay! or make noise and park else where.. lol

      June 4, 2012

      Agreed with you. De Hon. Skerrit can take the $27M, buy some parking meters from the US or China. Then take the rest of the change, fix the drains and side walks in the City. Start charging for parking. In less than no time the $27M will be back in the treasury or somewhere else?

  20. Ted Lewis
    June 4, 2012


    Maybe the 27million being spent on the state house should have been used to build parking over the river. Making use of the airspace to provide additional paid parking and store rentals with the revenues earned going towards servicing the loan.

    Mr.PM Please sell this idea to your Chinese friends.

    • 4EvaTru
      June 4, 2012

      There are many more 27 millions to go around, why you all still on that old 27 millions

    • Right
      June 4, 2012

      This could be a private sector idea! Not Govt do do everything people….

    • Anonymous
      June 5, 2012

      In my entire life, I have never seen a more versatile 27 million than that! For valleh uses it could have been turned instead. Well, since the State House, the Convention Centre and the Building to house the various Commission offices are almose complete, another set of 27 millions will have to be sought to do all those other things.

      • EMILE Zpatos
        June 5, 2012

        And the STATE COLEGE.
        I wonder why the most important aspect of this venture is always minimised.
        We keep saying that Roseau needs enhancing but when something is done to enhance it the nay sayers come out in full force against it and try to confuse people.
        If I had the financial means I would do two things .Build an office complex .And build two transport terminals one north and one south of Roseau.
        The lawyers could organise a company and invest in the office complex with proper parking space.

    • Anonymous
      June 5, 2012

      We are now paying the price for leadership without vision. Where there is no Vision the people shall perish

  21. Tarik Abdul Rahad
    June 4, 2012

    When Roseau was being designed, I don’t believe the architect ever thought that the city would someday be developed. Skerrit can do nothing about that mess.

    • DA to da Bone
      June 4, 2012

      I beg to differ VERY STRONGLY that nothing can be done. First of all, Roseau was never really “designed”, and even if it had been, let us be honest, absolutely NO ONE could have anticipated the number of vehicles that have entered Dominica in the last 10 years, most of which are parked in Roseau. Nor could we have anticipated the attitude that our cars HAVE to be parked right outside the door, no matter where we are. Otherwise, why is the Prime Minister of the country personally responsible for every little detail of life on the island? We should decide what do we really want. Out of one nostril we accuse him of wanting to be a dictator, then out of the other nostril we demand that he be a dictator in that he is made personally responsible for every little mundane matter. Come on, Dominicans, why don’t we instead of just criticizing senselessly, to instead use this blog to make useful, strategic suggestions for improvements? For instance, the person who suggested that we put the Chinese to the task is making a very practical suggestion. Peace!

    • Reason
      June 4, 2012

      You are right. When Roseau was laid out the motor car was not yet invented.

      It was designed for pedestrians and horses….Now we have to work out how to fit thousands of motor vehicles in that space.

    • EMILE Zpatos
      June 5, 2012

      The P M should remove the buildings and build a proper transit point.
      Glen should find an other complain to make political milage

  22. June 4, 2012

    That bus stop issue makes no sense. most person coming on a bus into town in the morning stops off in lagoon, the heart of the city, then the bus goes to the bus stop to wait for passengers then move on. buses were not allowed to stay in Lagoon. it is just a drop off point. this morning buses coming down the new road from goodwill could not go down hillsborough street. that is ridiculous. Hillsborough street is where Harlsborough medical centre is located. you mean a bus driver cannot drop off a sick person to see the doctor?

    • At iy
      June 5, 2012

      But the bus drivers have no manners…pulling up and out as if they own the road. Causing confusion on the street. Now when u enter town and drive Independence Street no more congestion. That was a good move. Change has to come and that we must accept…there is never an ideal solution to anything, so let’s work at perfecting what we got.

  23. Fairplay
    June 4, 2012

    This new plan is not good,it should have been left as it was or reverted to what was before.The bus drivers should protest!!! :?:

    • I & I
      June 4, 2012

      But they LIKE It,so protest against something you like?Mi sot

  24. calibishie
    June 4, 2012

    There seems to be more vehicles than people.Roseau needs to be demolished and reconstructed to keep up with the modern age.

  25. anonymous
    June 4, 2012

    The most organized bus system that I have seen in recent times is that of Grenda. Can the traffic department and planning look into patterning on that system? I do not have any suggestions on a spot in Roseau for the bus terminal, but it is certainly something to look at. If someone from these departments is reading this,I really think this would help with the situation we are facing.

  26. Anonymous
    June 4, 2012

    that new bus stop thing is pure nonsense…… wen i goin home from school i have 2 be lookin 4 bus…… skerrit doe know wat he doin boi *smh* i thought d prime minister was beta dan dat..

    • EMILE Zpatos
      June 5, 2012

      Well you do not have to look any futher the buses will be right there .Roseau has not got any bigger so the distance from bus to school should be the same

  27. ?????????????
    June 4, 2012

    ASP Albert and the other persons please also note that there is a rental business there as well – Easy Rental. So please take that into account as well because the Rental has to have the vehicles somewhere so they can do business as well. You said to be patient but remember that those businesses were there (including the Attorney’s offices)before this decison was taken and should have been looked at before. But I guess, we can learn and modify.

  28. change
    June 4, 2012

    dominicans not for change..it can work…just needs to be more organized

  29. LOLZ
    June 4, 2012

    I simply have to laugh and wonder. We forever taking one step forward and 3 steps backward. There was no talks held with the people. There is absolute chaos on the bus stop. Police didn’t even have the common courtesy to inform people of the changes. No planning involved whatsoever.

    Why couldn’t the Govt invest in building a proper bus stand, and implementing a bus system like Antigua or Trinidad where revenue can be collected to ensure proper roads to Soufriere and other villages? Is what we have now truly what we want as “the next level” ?

  30. SS
    June 4, 2012

    im in that bus stop everyday. Humans are always against change and progress however I certainly see the sense in the change. There will be problem which will arise but in time the situation will be addressed. Furthermore it was announced that the area will be made as the drop pff point for bus drivers commencing June 1st, if the business proprietors saw this as endangering their comfortable parking space on a daily basis then they should applied as is the process to have their personal parking space reserved.

  31. Sushi
    June 4, 2012

    First of all, DNO, upon reading your caption, I thought I was going to get some REAL feedback on this new development. Seriously I find the piece lacking depth, and except for the afterthought of including the input of a bus driver, this probably should have been captioned as the complaint of the two affected lawyers. I expect this to sound controversial, but I always wonder why it is necessary that the street outside one’s home or business place should automatically become the property of the owner or occupant. This is because we are still “developing” our country as though we still lived a century ago when the “streets” were simple carriageways for pedestrians and the occasional horse-cart, which was eventually “parked” on the owner’s property anyway. In my humble view, anyone seeking permission to set up a building for residence or business should provide parking space within his own property. Public parking should be provided at parking lots whether privately owned or provided by government using the vehicle license fees that we all have to pay – even if it means that this has to be proportionately increased. That way, the streets will remain free for the flow of traffic and PROPER sidewalks can be constructed so that the public can enjoy comfortable access to shops and other business places, including those of the disgruntled lawyers in the article, with whose complaints I do not agree at all in light of what was just said. None of us will deny that the entire city is simply one huge parking lot, with every property owner claiming rights to the street fronting the property. Pedestrians have to play hopscotch to find somewhere to walk in the city, because even the tiny “sidewalks” are occupied by either vehicles, the front steps to people’s houses, pot-holes, sharp drops and gutters or some other obstruction. Sometimes I wonder about what our visitors say, having tried to navigate through our precarious streets without the benefit of sidewalks. I will not speculate on the quantity of loss of business especially to small business owners because vehicles block their entrance or the sidewalk is so obstructed that one has to be a gymnast to get to their entrance door. How we get to know that certain locations are business places remain a mystery to me. I moreso wonder how our sick and disabled are able to get around within the city. I commend the police for actually DOING SOMETHING about trying to address the bus parking issue, but of course the wider problems identified persist. Let us please give some constructive thought to these things, as I prepare to get shot to pieces for these remarks.

      June 4, 2012

      Well said! There is nothing more to add. End of story.

    • ?????????????
      June 4, 2012

      The most critical part is that there is a rental business on River Bank – Easy Rental. This is something that the police have to take into account as well.

    • June 4, 2012

      Yess it is a very difficult situation and I do believe that the Police Dept, Traffice Dept, Business men along the river bank which include the Lawyers, Pedestrians and Bus drivers all need to get together and discuss the issue sometimes changes are good but that includes every one being on the same page.

    • forreal
      June 4, 2012

      i am not going to try to shoot you for your remarks,but i am agreeing to disagree with you on rights to parking by a business owner or a home owner,first of all as you can point out there is an infrastructure problem,in the sense of everyone owning a parking garage,seeing how roseau is set up,every owner being of business or home need that priority,for example,you need access to load and unload goods,and more importantly should they have an emergency situation in terms of an ambulance,these are the types of situations these business and home owners will have to face.

      • DA to da Bone
        June 4, 2012

        I don’t see you as disagreeing at all with Sushi’s point. In his arrangement, the streets would be entirely clear, making it ideal for the needs that you mention, like emergency pick-up/drop-offs and business pick-up/drop-offs. Just imagine you having to drop off a very sick patient at Harlsboro Medical and the entire Hillsborough Street is taken up with vehicles parked BOTH SIDES of the street. What if the entire Hillsborough St. were to be completely clear? Not only Harlsboro entrance would be clear for drop-off/pick-up, but you would now be able to walk freely along a wider sidewalk, and avoid all these house steps that you have to jump as it is now. Also, only then you would be able to see the many shops on that street! Traffic would flow freely and vehicles would only be able to pick up or drop off.

      • Anonymous
        June 5, 2012

        Until loading and unloading can be done AFTER HOURS, ie after 5pm when Roseau becomes a ghost town anyway, Roseau is a mere village. Noone loads and unloads in the city during business hours anywhere in the world unless there is a BACK SERVICE ENTRANCE. And as for those car rental companies occupying so much space and even BLOCKING side streets, chase them out of Roseau with parking meters.

  32. Maxwell
    June 4, 2012

    I think it can work, but it needs to be a bit more uniformed. Currently it looks a bit messy.

  33. collage student
    June 4, 2012

    that busstop is crap…pure nonscence

    • DA to da Bone
      June 4, 2012

      So put your mind to work, Youth-man! You are the future of our country – make some suggestions! It is extremely easy to criticize … not as easy to find the right solution. I learned very early in life that anything that comes easy is not really worth much. Think about that as you grow up.

    June 4, 2012

    Poor planning as usual…imagine fifty years ago
    there were 200 vehicles in DA today we have thousands and Roseau has not increased in size.

    Planners and policymakers over the years have not used their brains…spread the development away from Roseau. Let the shopping centres be set up in areas where there is adequate space for parking.

    Right now in order to solve the bus terminals problems, authorities may have to consider reclaiming lands as there seems to be no place available, and more vehicles being put on the roads, the chaos will get worse.

  35. Befilia
    June 4, 2012

    This is just pure madness, wat about the school children, they didnt consider dat at all with those heavy bags on their backs, getting off in the morning and having dat distance to get to school. Magwaysar. Even my poor child feeing it, i feeling sorry for her and the others. (Shame)Mr. Carrette and the Traffic Department.

  36. True Dat
    June 4, 2012

    I suggest if the area is too conjested they should think of building over the river for more parking space. I am familiar with the area and know for sure that the space there is limited for the number of buses in the Mahaut, Canefield and Massacre Area. There is so much traffic in the town of Roseau i suggest that the Government build big buss stops to accommodate all these buses and have a shuttle transport people to and from their locations. That i believe will ease some of the problems.

    • Anonymous
      June 4, 2012

      It works for other Caribbean countries

  37. Diamond
    June 4, 2012

    I’m just not in agreement with this idea. Lagoon is centralized and it should remain as the bus stop. For example someone coming into town has load and need to go to the Credit Union, has to carry that load all the way from the river bank into town? Common man. Think of the elderly to.

    • Anonymous
      June 4, 2012

      I agree, I don’t think they had consideration for the elderly..

    • still
      June 4, 2012

      Have you ever traveled hydrops are generally located on a one way main street into town. Try Barbados or St Lucia

      • still
        June 4, 2012

        Bus stops not hydrops sorry

  38. June 4, 2012

    Allu Dominicans complaining about everythin; if u all have to go the the other Carribean countries then u’ll see a Bus stop not bus Stopsssss… so quit Complaining…………

  39. Eh Emm
    June 4, 2012

    We are not done with the list. The buses that go there are Mahaut, Massacre, Canefield and GOODWILL!

  40. Country Man
    June 4, 2012

    Roseau central was not planned for all this traffic – it should be made a walking city. Only commercial vehicles should have accesss to the city during business hours. All other private non-commercial vehicles (esp. private compact cars) should be parked on the outskirts of the city and people can be bused to one or two locations in the city. This would encourage walking and free up the city streets significantly and make it friendlier to pedestrians. We would also need to figure out 2 proper routes to bypass City for people traveling north, south, and west of Roseau central.
    Roseau central is just to small for all the traffic and some folks want to drive and park at every stop they have to make in the city – even if they are able bodied and have nothing to carry or pick up at their various stops

    • June 4, 2012

      This is the only meaningfull comment posted yes Roseau is over crowded and the Police Dept and Traffic planning need to get together to work the matter out, The businesses along the river bank needs space so they can accommonodate their clients also there should have parking spaces available fo the lawyers office because they are business too.
      I’m a client of one of the lawyers in question and I do find it very difficult trying to cross the street when I need to go to his office therefore, I’m concern and somthing should be done to make things better not worst so the Police and Traffice Depts should try to make it more uniformed Bus drivers dont just think about yourselves consider the pedestrians who need to get to the business places and that also mean their lawyers office too.
      And drivers it’s not always about who makes money the situation needs to be corrected for all concern .

    • Just sayin'
      June 4, 2012

      “figure out 2 proper routes to bypass City for people traveling north, south, and west of Roseau central.”

      Well the West route is already there; it is called the Caribbean.

  41. patriot
    June 4, 2012


    • Anonymous
      June 4, 2012

      You people always know it all. Change is accepting that customers are unable to enter business freely? Stupes. The move is a good one but the place is just too small for this!

    • Hmmm
      June 4, 2012

      Not all change is a good thing
      Sometimes we change for the better and other times we change for the worse. It’s up to us to correct our mistakes when it’s the latter

    • on the side
      June 4, 2012

      If the changes us because of the owners close to the bus stops then that is really backward movements. 1st one then the other bus stop, and as I see it its a case of certain people not wanting buses outside of their businesses. Its who you know. Hell with the congestion between the bridges.

  42. Anonymous
    June 4, 2012

    Backwards always…why the police did not have discussions with the businesses and home owners first to inform them of the initiative and to tell them front up that it will be a work in progress so be patient with them? Back to front up side down is how things are done in DA…step into the 21st century police force.

  43. Dominican Student
    June 4, 2012

    This is just an accident waiting to happen

  44. Say It Once
    June 4, 2012

    The situation is not just restricted to the area in question but throughout the city on a whole. The problem must be looked at holistically. We continue to operate without proper planning and we refer to our response as development. We continue to waste money on projects that bring little or no benefit to the masses but to a few special interest groups and individuals. We fail to capitalize on the parking situation in Roseau by implementing parking meters. The problem must not be just about one or two businessmen complaining but must also be urgently seen as a safety issue .

  45. wanna know
    June 4, 2012


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