No definite solution on Salisbury yet; planned meeting described as positive

PM Skerrit leaving the meeting (left), George addressing the media
PM Skerrit leaving the meeting (left), George addressing the media

While no definite solutions have been reached, a meeting to chart a way forward following disturbances in the community of Salisbury, has been described as positive.

Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, said it was ‘cordial’ while PRO of the United Workers Party (UWP), Nicholas George, described it as a ‘good start.’

The highly anticipated meeting was organized by the Bishop of the Diocese of Roseau, His Lordship Gabriel Malzaire, and after two postponements, it brought together on Friday, the government, the opposition and church representatives to chart a way forward.

The meeting lasted for over two hours. Among those present were the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, Lennox Linton and President of the Dominica Christian Council (DCC) Revered Dr. Novelle Josiah. MP for Salisbury, Hector John, was not in attendance since he is out of state.

“In terms of definite resolutions, these have not been completed as yet,” George said after the meeting. “But there is a commitment to continue the process. I believe that the meeting was a very good start.”

He stated that a number of issues were addressed.

“The issues of the farmers concerns to repair their roads, they were addressed. The protest on the 11th of May, that was addressed and ventilated. The police action in that, as well the subsequent arrests and the events on June 11th, all that were addressed,” he said.

For his part, Skerrit said the meeting was “positive” and “very cordial.”

“Our hope is that those discussions can continue and they will continue so that we can move forward with the business of the community and Salisbury can settle down to doing what they are accustomed of doing,” he said. “But a good discussion, I must say. A formal statement will be issued some time later.”

Josiah had similar sentiments.

“It was a hopeful meeting. It was a meeting in which we were able to look at the various issues in a very amicable way. That’s what we have been able to do,” he said.

Although he is questioning the previous postponement, George said he is happy that national leaders can meet to discuss issues.

“So we are extremely happy that the national leadership of this country could meet and discuss the situation at that level,” he said. “I am very pleased and proud to be a Dominican to witness that we can meet at that level.”

On May 11 and June 11, Salisbury was engulfed in disturbances as the police and residents faced off. The first action was in protest of poor farm road conditions in the area. It was eventually broken up by the police. The second protest took place after the police swooped into the community and arrested six residents on allegations that they were part of the first protest.

Both actions have been described as “riotous” by the police.

Six people are presently facing charges in relation to the first protest.

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  1. grell
    June 29, 2015

    Skerrit kkep up your smirk,it wont last forever,your demise is near my friend.

  2. Ayn Rand
    June 28, 2015

    Welcome back peeping Tom, u can tell skerrit to start by giving back all de money he thief from our passport sales.
    Give back the villas and mansion, and the custom made suits our country too poor for that!

  3. Danziger
    June 28, 2015

    Bondieu pinie pa ka rester loin toute mourn ka voir ki mourn ki vrai MENTERRE LA, si ce Skerro ou si ci say MP of Salisbury, pasque e courie America, et e ABANDONNEE on meeting e tay ni qui tres important. Who is the real joker?

  4. uk Dominican
    June 28, 2015

    Hector john did the right thing to give support to the Dominican at the UN

  5. Real Dominican
    June 28, 2015

    People of Salisbury where was your MP Hector John? He knew that the PM, THE Bishop and Christian Council were to meet in Salisbury to discuess the disturbances in the community of Salisbury.NO, he was in New York engauged in another protset. But he did not block the main roads,did not stoned the NYPD. All of them would have been jailed and some of them be deported the same day.

    • %
      June 28, 2015

      When Skerrit uses our tax money to go abroad, these are the questions you need to ask. Spaggs is not out there on my tax money. So according to Skerrit GO TO HELL, GO TO HELL, GO TO HELL. People like you are too darn hypocrite.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      June 28, 2015

      The fact that he called the meeting means he is a damn politician, I have no use for Malzaire! Rather than he preach the word of God to his congregation, has sold his soul for money to Skerrit, in return he promised, Skerrit that “you will be compensated.”

      So; right now he is working for Skerrit in a psychological way playing on the mind of the people of Salisbury. The only solution to the problem is for Skerrit to give the people what the deserve. If the people representing the people of Salisbury want to fall into Malzaire crap; the problem will never be resolved!

      Malzaire was not elected by the people of any constituency in the country, so what the hell this man is calling meeting about. Everybody in Salisbury are not Roman Catholic; so you see here lies the problem, between Church and state. Malzaire is interfering in the matters of the State!

      • Made In Dominica
        June 29, 2015

        The stupid man at it again.. Anytime he hear the name Skerrit his hormones gets elevated. Stupid man.

    • fantastic4
      June 29, 2015

      Real Dominican do you realize this was the third attempt at a meeting by the Bishop. So why didn’t you asked the same of Skerrit for the two previous meetings when everyone else showed up except for him. Why didn’t you asked where was the PM and the Minister when on the 11th of May the people of Salisbury were simple asking to meet with them. Where were they? Real Dominican can you asked the same of them publicly?
      The Salisbury people only took action when they were attacked by the police on May 11th – they stood from 530am till about 3pm begging for a representative from Government to meet with them. Real Dominican where were they? From MAY 11 to June 11th a thirty day period which provided the PM an opportunity to meet with the people as he had promised whether they wanted or not. He never showed up. where was the PM Real Dominican, ? where was he? At lest we all knew where Spraggs was; can we say the same for the PM?. You never know where he is most of the times!!hahaha

    • Large
      June 29, 2015

      He was there twice and the PM was not there what is your point. stuppes.

    • Trek
      June 29, 2015

      Just a typical laborite- blind,stupid,ignorant and ridiculous.

  6. Labour Katwavay!
    June 28, 2015

    Salsbury people need to come together an help themselves!!!!!
    So many community have issues yet they dont go about blocking roads and preventing others from attending school or work!!!!>…think before you act…..

    • %
      June 28, 2015

      You lie! None of the communities have been begging for roads to their farm for 15 years. WICKED GOVERNMENT!

    • fantastic4
      June 29, 2015

      Least you forget Layou, Paix Boche; Soufierre; just to name a few block roads – so stop having fowl memory. Bias all u bias and against Salisbury people

    • Time alone
      June 29, 2015

      When will you people stop talking rubbish. Salisbury people have been helping themselves for 15 years. they have not benefited from the red clinic. If I were the PM I would gladly give the people of Salisbury their roads because that is all they are asking for.they prevented people from attending school and work, but the Government has prevented them from going to work on their farms for 15 long years. Which one is worst. Wicked people.

  7. Fear no more
    June 27, 2015

    Skerritt and his DLP Gov’t carved out 15 acres from our Cabrits National Park, gave all that Land to the foreign Co., Range Development. As if not enough, hundreds of our Passports, yes hundreds, were given to that foreigner to sell to make millions.

    Skerritt fooling Dominicans about Citizen By Investment programme. But that “investor” comes empty-handed. He gets Land and passports. If hotel build, it will not be for Dominicans, although our land was taken, as well as our passports delivered to that Range Dev. guy.

    Remember same passport selling? Remember Dominicans fooled big Time by Grace and Co. re. building 5-Star Layou River Hotel. Classic case once again with different players.

    Land at PWC Chinese own in deal with Skerritt and his DLP Gov’t. He even sign $300 million loan in China, part for Chinese hotel building.

    But the people of Salisbury, hard working Dominicans, born and bred, have to beg for repairs to their farm roads. Tear gassed for…

  8. r charles
    June 27, 2015

    joe you are becomin ,g the laughing stock .

  9. Moin meme
    June 27, 2015

    Look at what LABOURITES are doing to our country boy!

  10. June 27, 2015

    I would like to remind our readers that the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE for D/ca, was signed in Salisbury many moons ago; so is there any problem in offering the people of Salisbury special treatment like the DLP stooges were given and continue to get. They lost their seats in the last general elections and were given special jobs by Skerrit. Give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar and to God whats God’s. Skerrit D/ca does not belong only to you and the DLP.

  11. UserName
    June 27, 2015

    No definite solution!!!! 1st approach is to repeal the court charges laid down against the SALISBURY SIX. Then let common sense prevail. That is a solution.

  12. Ma Moses
    June 27, 2015

    You can not force everyone to like you and we don’t all have to go to the same church but we are one little country. Let common sense prevail and work together for the common good. That is the mandate any leader must follow above anything else.

  13. timtim
    June 27, 2015

    Le ban mordarah! But allyuh will answer…yessireeee!

  14. timtim
    June 27, 2015

    Me ban mordarah! But allyuh will answer…yessireeee!

  15. mine
    June 26, 2015

    Mr. George you were a former police office you should know better that what Salisbury people did was wrong. This is very serious you all should stop this crap JESUS IS CRYING DONT LET HIS TRY FALL ON YOU ALL. That’s the message I got Monday night.

  16. alas
    June 26, 2015

    De first and most significant discussion about this issue started in the auspicious Parliament where de Speaker of de house and the self same PM ridiculed de member for Salisbury and his colleagues. De brunt of that disrespect and wanton disregard extended itself to the hard working farmers of Salisbury.
    De Bishop and de Christian Council doh have say in dat. De discussion should be in parliament.
    This is a people issue.
    De Bishop can try to cushion Skerrit fall..i don’t care neither does our constitution.
    Nothing of substance to comment on…except to say that of a ‘cordial’ engagement.
    That’s all de bishop engagement can produce.
    Skerrit is still belching lies about ongoing road works.
    De tenders have not been completed!
    De st. Lucia consultant id still working on that.
    No funds have yet been allocated.
    i waiting for de budget!
    I want to see/hear de line item budget figure for feeder roads!
    U CAN’T FOOL ME!!!

  17. cbpossie
    June 26, 2015

    Tell that bishop go and do what he suppose to do stop playing poly tricks so now the bishop running dominica to

  18. too late
    June 26, 2015

    Finally the most high, admirable, distinct, formidable ,powerful christ like great communicator and dear leader Honorable Dr. Roosvelt Skerrit of the mighty labour party has emerged from behind the skirts of kamala the old speaker and shermain and has attended a meeting.

  19. internation struggle
    June 26, 2015

    Salisbury people right now a being made criminals by. pm skerrit ,and his private police
    the Palestine people has long been going through this oppression to name another people that is being oppressed we saw in Salisbury the earth mover. we see on tv the tanks that is use to bulldoze the Palestine.

  20. Doc. Love
    June 26, 2015

    Skeritt does not want a solution to the Salisbury matter . If he wanted a solution, having heard all parties, he would call for a commission of enquire. Right now, he is enjoying the mental suffering of the people of Salisbury , in terms of they not knowing his next move. Their is tension, their is concern, their is fear as to whether the people of Salisbury are going to be faced with another June 11th. Don’t be surprised the next meeting will be held in another six months. While he is holding the people of Salisbury and Dominica under heavy manners, all the bad governance, scandal, re Francine $10,000 gift, corruption and money laundering, example the $1.5 million, are escaping under the radar, as Dominican’s concern are the stability of the country.

  21. Feeder roads block
    June 26, 2015

    Since when millionaires or billionaires care about the ordinary man or woman? History is replete with examples of leaders, politicians who feel they cannot, should not be touched, criticised. They influence, manipulate institutions, seeking to control everything in their path, media, Police, judicial system, IPO, Electoral Commission.

    They impoverish the people. Make begging an institution, so as to control both mind and actions. Citizens must be forever loyal to them. Even in their corrupt practices, they find support from those mentally enslaved, greedy, selfish, unpatriotic people.

    What did the meeting accomplish? The people of Salisbury has not received any assurance that police actions against them have stopped. more arrests could still be carried on. The six persons remain before the courts, charged. But corruption OK? No time frame for feeder road works. No completion date?

    No talk on use of expired Tear gas? No answer from Police…

    • Just sayinging
      June 27, 2015

      The only thing the so called authorities understand is when their backs are against the wal.
      Remember Sadam in his hole:” Don’t shoot me please”- He was subsequently hung.
      Remember Ghadaffi? All his big talk big mouth during Reagan yrs in the end he tooo said ” Please, Please don’t shot me.”
      Bloody cowards Die like a man. They don’t have the Cojones ours is no diferent when his time comes you’ll hear what he wil say. LMAO .How long ? Not long.
      The opposition too is a joke full of Wind.
      left to me I’d jail all those suckers together like Guantanamo Prision. on Bird island if Venezuela gives us our island lol

      • Just sayinging
        June 27, 2015

        “Don’t shoot me please “,the sucker was heard saying we saw the photos on CNN etc.
        He was helpless when the rebels took him out.
        They did not want to hear his plea.
        The President should get some of his medicine from 77-79.
        Looking forward to the table spinning.

    • Peter Potter
      June 27, 2015

      Let me put it in other words, a total waste of time. But then again I did not expect any different from Skerrit.

  22. June 26, 2015

    Fiks our roads or face the consequences :-D

    • ME
      June 28, 2015

      The consequences of mental anguish?

  23. look-jokes
    June 26, 2015

    Wouldn’t the best solution be the most obvious one? The grievances of the people of Salisbury were quite clear …fix the feeder roads, nothing to discuss… Mentainance of the island’s infrastructure is the government’s responsibility regardless of constituencies. Put the politics aside and build the country

    • malaywe crying
      June 26, 2015

      and to take it a step further, discontinue the court action against those people. The government caused it (by its action to send the police after the people) the government should end it. So it should be

      • Moin meme
        June 27, 2015

        i was thinking the same thing

    • June 26, 2015

      He went down there not to solve the problem but to make a show of it just look at how he handled the Press conference he laughed at the people of Salisbury and all the other Dominicans .

    • The Real Facts
      June 26, 2015

      After their first protest, were the feeder roads not repaired or were in the process of being repaired?
      Wrong is wrong. The second protest occurred when the police came to arrest the few people and they pelted stones at the police. A few of them were masked.
      You call these two legal protests and condone them? At both protests they refused to move away when the police requested them to do so. They also obstructed the police.. This is civil disobedience and warrant their arrest. It is beyond my comprehension why some of you continue to applaud and encourage civil disobedience.
      As I have previously stated, they could have conducted themselves in an orderly manner instead of blaming the police. I do think they were bold and continue to be bold. They know who is on their side which is why they and the other supporters will not relent. One day people will get just what they deserve, according to their actions..

      • %
        June 27, 2015

        @The Real Facts…The greatest disobedience is when some leaders criminally steal from the poor. Hypocrites and morally devoid accomplices of evil give total support to these acts. The people of Salisbury must NEVER ALLOW any gang of corrupt leaders, or any morally devoid individual like The Real Facts to trample on their rights!!!

      • Truth
        June 27, 2015

        It is beyond my comprehension why some of you continue to applaud and encourage this government in its corruption, selling Dominica passport to enrich themselves, cursing Dominicans, destroys public works so that they can give the jobs to their cronies, blocking the integrity commission from investigating the 8 millions dollars villas, fail to bring justice to the fire bombing of two elderly people while they are in their bed and so much more. Its beyond any right thinking person, but its amazing you are so trouble about other persons supporting the Salisbury people.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        June 28, 2015

        “After their first protest, were the feeder roads not repaired or were in the process of being repaired?”

        Facts, you are so bewildered, that if you look up into the sky’s, and saw an object falling on you; you would not thing that your life is in danger, and you should run for cover.

        That question in the quote is a very stupid, and ignorant question. We all say photographs on DNO where Skerrit sent an earth mover to displace some dirt, no asphalt was spread, the rising of the dirt was not even compressed: What do you anticipate to happen by the time the first shower of rain fell!

        Dominica is a place where it rain everyday!

        Are you stupid or something?

    • Peeping Tom
      June 26, 2015

      The grievances of the marauders had little to do with roads because even before they blocked and burt and harassed they had already known that the road was going to be repaired. Fixing roads had little to do with that reckless display of hooliganism. That was an attempt at fomenting a repeat of May 29, something that many who speak via Q95 have repeatedly advocated.

      • Trek
        June 29, 2015

        Wow it means that somebody knew that one week after the protest that the rpad was going to be fixed. So why didn’t the high horse riders come tell the people that the road was going to be repaired the following week. Is it because they just wanted to use the expired tear gas? Is it because they wanted to display their resentment cor Salisbury people. Is it because Salisbury people have not succumb to the deliberate impoverishment by you and your criminal friends?
        The more you run your mouth with lies is the more you stink of it.

    • whoops
      June 26, 2015

      Go Barriers blocked the roads again, set the fire, pile your rocks and stones, get your chain saws, old tires and garbage cans ready, because the UWPites will get a meeting with Skerro. Thanks to the rioters of Salisbury the NOVICE finally had a face to face encounter with Skerro. My P.M. I applaud you. A true leader you are. Kudos. Boy Mr. Novice work hard for that meeting, remember he use to demonstrate because the wind blew in the opposite direction. Apparently badness pays.

    • Informant
      June 27, 2015

      I do not believe roads in Salisbury roads are in that state because of who they voted. There are many Labour strong areas with bad roads. We have to admit that this government has done a lot of good when it comes to repairing and rebuilding of roads, especially the more commonly used roads like those to the airport and the West coast roast. What we would ask the government is that more focus is placed now within the constituencies and not just on the major highways.

  24. %
    June 26, 2015

    Skerrit friendly overtures ,should not obviate the need to report the nefarious atrocities against the Salisbury people to all international organisations. You cant hate me for my political preference.

    • malaywe crying
      June 26, 2015

      Skerrit crooked smile looks so devious; this man is so false, but one day, one day smile and all will meet its fate. To God be the glory

    • Peeping Tom
      June 26, 2015

      Spare yourselves 5 more years of disgrace and embarassment. Stop the campaigning and get to work. Elections are not due until sometime far away.

    June 26, 2015

    skerrit stop disrespecting the people and do like you did when anse de mai, layou, calihaut, Soufriere and caribe reserve people block de road.
    and discipline that police that start de riot by handling those people parl rep….

    • Informant
      June 27, 2015

      The police action was necessary and the police displayed extreme patience with the crown. Anywhere else, if stones were being thrown at police, they would have returned fire. Thank God, this was not done. Police must act in cases of civil unrest. It was sad that the Parliamentary representation could not have made better representation for his people.

  26. %
    June 26, 2015

    Skerritneeds to get down from his high horse, since the signs are that the horse is getting weaker and weaker.This should never have gone so far, since by nature the people of Salisbury are peaceful and friendly.I LOVE THEM! Skerrit needs to realise that Salisbury people are industrious and hard working. They hate begging! They pay their taxes too, they cannot be politically marginalised. I AM SUPERLATIVELY PROUD TO SAY THAT I GAVE UNFLINCHING SUPPORT TO THEM DURING THEIR STRUGGLE,for urgent attention by this corrupt cabal ruling our land.

  27. Shaka zulu
    June 26, 2015

    Dropping all charges would be s better start.

    • Informed
      June 26, 2015

      Charges cannot be dropped. Offence/s were committed therefore the process must continue without interference of any one being political or otherwise unless the DPP directs only after reviewing the files. discussions at political/Community level to prevent further confrontation is commendable. No precedence should be set in that regard. Thank you for space.

      • %
        June 26, 2015

        @Informed. You are hypocritically making me believe that you are not living in Dominica? Charges can be dropped because under this DLP,we are not living in a real country. Have you heard the names: Easy door ? Skerro? Ambruise?…..etc,etc,etc,etc,Where are the charges?

      • %
        June 26, 2015

        @The Real Facts.. Thanks for getting the hell out of this medium. One less sycophant to spout thrash and a cesspool of garbage, in his effort to uphold evil. GOOD RIDDANCE!!!! Hope its not you that is joe or Kid on the block!

      • Ma Moses
        June 27, 2015

        How about a judicial review then? The govt. seems very apt at this procedure to delay cases coming to court or even charges being read.

    • joe
      June 26, 2015

      I hope you know none of the persons that was present can drop charges right?? Please do not tell me you actually believe skerrit has that power??

      You really thought so well here goes our education system!!!!!! What a shame to see what an opposition radio can do to a people and adding to it we have a dunce opposition!!!!!!!!!!

      • Shaka zulu
        June 27, 2015

        Joe and informed I agree Skeritt does not have that power to drop charges. No prime minister should. I agree once charged it has to go to the court process. I will not dispute that fact. However the PM has already manipulated the system by his own words when he speaks about racketeering but decided no one should be arrested. He by his own words sent police to search Lennox Linton house. It is not far to assume he requested arrest of Salisbury six. I bet on his recommendation to President in the interest of public discord the state can decide to no longer pursue the case.

      • Shaka zulu
        June 27, 2015

        Further more I will add precedent had already been set when several communities had done the same in the recent past and not a soul was arrested. Selective application of the law is in itself a crime.

    • Peeping Tom
      June 26, 2015

      Wishful thinking, Shaka! You guys have spent so much time calling for badness and when the hammer falls on your head you call for mercy? The nerve of you vex people!!

    • Informant
      June 27, 2015

      Dropping the charges? Their actions were criminal and unnecessary. I believe in people standing for their right but there is law and order. Fine, the road was already blocked, talk as much as you want, but you cannot stone police, damage police vehicles and not expect to get arrested and charged. Let us be real people. Wrong is wrong!

  28. joe
    June 26, 2015

    Mr. George the only solution is that SALISBURY PEOPLE HAVE TO BEHAVE THEMSELVES!!!!!!!!!!

    • mandate 2 mismanage
      June 26, 2015

      Spoken like a true slave! While all other peoples are teaching their children to speak up for themselves, be bold, be a leader, you are asking yours to submit.

      The Salisbury people behaved for over 10 years and go nothing for it. After May 11, road work start suddenly, and meeting is held. If only we have a REAL leader who would have met and been honest before all of these ills transpired….

    • %
      June 26, 2015

      You thinking is hollow. Salisbury needs URGENT attention by central government. There gonna be no peace, unless there is EQUAL RIGHTS and JUSTICE YEAH HA! Peter Mcintosh, a heat taken from his album EQUAL RIGHTS!

      • joe
        June 26, 2015

        The Government have to focus attention on all of Dominica what HELL SPECIAL ATTENTION SALISBURY NEED???


      • %
        June 26, 2015

        A hit taken from his album EQUAL RIGHTS. I am just about to play it in a while, with Salisbury in mind!

      • Peeping Tom
        June 26, 2015

        Do not believe that the thousands of Dominicans who have been affected by the stupidity and animal behaviour of the few vagabonds have much patience left for them. The Police may have been patient but the next time this happens (and there will be another time), there is no telling what will be the reaction of those who want no part of that foolishness the UWPwee calls a “protest.”

    • seriously
      June 26, 2015

      Tell skerrite the Labourites in Salisbury need farm road so they could go work the soil. We do not have degree in maths English and accounts, but using the cutlas to plant the fig, dashing vegetables is there we strong . It seems some of the Labourtes vote was in vain. For the past years the laborites in bawi have been putting their x by the shoe hoping that things would get better especially with roads, but to no avail., Tell skerrite behave his self, SALISBURY COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA,,, Bawi is part of D.A

    • Oh La La
      June 26, 2015

      The Salisbury people were just expressing their disatisfaction with the way they are being treated. These are bonafide hard working farmers and farming is their life. If you take away the roads to their farms you are taking bread from their families mouths. It is a genuine reason to protest!!! The Government needs to understand that it should not take a protest to give the people attention; but if thats what it takes to get the attention – GO AHEAD – PROTEST!!! I Totally support the protest; but I dont support violence. However, if you aggravate the protestors and you dont give them a chance to protest it will become violent. The Commissioner of Police should never have gone in with guns to arrest the protesters. It could have been done more responsibly. If people break the law they must be arrested – there must be law and order. But the way it was done on June 11 was inciting the people to violence. We need to resolve conflicts in a more amicable fashion. Not with guns!!

      • June 26, 2015

        Any ideas how more peaceful the police could be when confronted with a stone throwing riotous mob. Salisbury people might be peaceful but on May 11th and June 11th they certainly were not. Blocking public roads and pelting Molotov cocktails and stones at the police is just not a peaceful protest.

      • Peeping Tom
        June 26, 2015

        Take away the roads to their farms? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

        How do you explain that the lands in that area have some of the largest and best kept plantations of vegetables, passionfruits, yams, etc? Who planted them, the agoutis and manicous? And how do you explain that those same farmers who cry on Q95 each day that they are “deprived of their livelihood for 15 years” are among some of the richest non-taxpaying Dominicans? Where did they get that money from; by sitting by the seaside and staring in the sky because the roads are so bad that they cannot access their farms?

        Keep repeating the idiocy that you hear without informing yourself!! Of course, the Great-Blue-Hope and the Heckle will never tell you the truth.

    • June 26, 2015

      Joe you have it wrong it’s Skerrit that should behave himself and stop taking the people from Salisbury for granted.. So Joe remain a slave for your daily bread and let the others fight for their own ..

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