Pastor wants more ‘passionate people’ in Dominica

Carlisle said the country has strayed in terms of family values
Carlisle said the country has strayed in terms of family values

First Vice President of Caribbean Male Action Network (CARIMAN), Pastor Phillip Carlisle, says more passionate people are needed for the development of the family in Dominica.

“We are in a stage in Dominica where we need a lot of passionate people,” he said. “Persons who care for development of our nation and persons who are concerned about the development of families.”

Carlisle stated further that persons have strayed in terms of the country’s original culture where the family was held in high regards.

“We paid a lot of attention to things that would have alleviated or uplifted the family and maybe that is one of the reasons our country needs to have some introspection done in terms of how the country is ran, where the effectiveness of the family becomes optimum for national success,” he said.

He said the country will not move forward unless it takes time to reflect.

“We are not going to where we are supposed to unless we go back and look at which are the key or main components that cause a country to succeed,” he said. “For a country to succeed there has to be national unity. There has to be unity from the standpoint”.

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  1. April 2, 2015

    The only race that thinks religion is not the problem who taught us about the bible the only race on earth that prays to a God that does not look like them is black people nothing does not matter to us before we were brought here were we christians how could you pray to some one who raped your ancesters and beat and worked you for over300 yrs for free how could you pray to jesus to help you, thats so sad .

  2. April 2, 2015

    How many black statues do we have in the christian churches do you think chinese would pray to a black jesus or change his name to George, if our children see a white jesus as their saviour , you do not think that is a problem for black people . Every body in the bible does not look like them you do not think thats a problem.

  3. April 2, 2015

    The only race that thinks religion is not the problem who taught us about the bible the only race on earth that prays to a God that does not look like them is black people nothing does not matter to us

  4. out of south city
    April 2, 2015

    Rev. Donald Hill,
    You know very well that religion (control system) was used to control the minds of our ancestors on the continent of Africa because when your forefathers went to Africa they went with the bible and the gun. Today, Africans continue to be brainwashed and deceived by the same mechanism because they don’t know who they are and they don’t know their own history. You know that civilisation (an art of being civil) began in Africa and that’s where your people had to go to learn about civilisation. Half of man’s recorded history had passed before anyone in Europe could read or write.There is nothing civil about agression or oppression. These are the tools that were used by your ancestors against our forefathers. Spirituality also began in Africa but it was corrupted and distorted by your ancestors.
    Your ancestors have waged war on the African continent, controlling the resources and having the people looking up to the skies for freedom. They are oppressed in their own…

    • out of south city
      April 2, 2015

      They are oppressed in their own land by your forefathers. If Africans knew who they were they would not be serving a white jesus who they believe will one day come from the sky to take them to heaven. These are the lies that have been propagated to our people and they have believed it for so long that they don’t even want to hear the truth about who they were and are as a race.
      We have been made to think that we are inferior to other races, that we are cursed, and that Africa is the dark continent. These are all lies to keep captives in our minds, docile and fearful of hell. Dr. Ben Yochanan said, “When your god and your saviour look like your master and enslavers, you become the principal agent in your destruction.”
      History is written and cannot be erased. We, as a race, must search for the truth and the truth cannot be found in any religious book called the bible because it is filled with myth, allegory and metaphor written by Europeans to continue to control.

  5. Francisco Telemaque
    April 1, 2015

    “Have respect for the views of others. Present your views in an amicable manner. “(Facts).

    Facts, you suggest I present my views, however, when you read my views you cannot handle them. I am not a fool okay; and I suggest you do not entertain the idea that I am stupid! The man used the wrong term, I discovered it, and I made my comments as I deem fit!

    The English language is the most difficult linguist to be mastered, just because we speak in terms that others understand or assume to understand, does not make any crap someone spoke correct. For instance, that pile of garbage you wrote about passionate about church, and the devil knows what else is ridiculous, you can accept Isaac crap if you wish; but you cannot change the definition of the word passionate period!

    If you are passionate about God, that means you are angry with God, or perhaps your god!

  6. The Facts
    April 1, 2015

    Thanks Pastor! God gave us talents. This is one of your talents. Keep on propagating those godly passionate ways.
    Dominica and nationals (some more so than others) are in dire need of it, projecting it and propagating it. God bless you!

  7. The Facts
    April 1, 2015

    Passionate about God.
    Passionate about the teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the writings of St. Paul as inspired by the Holy Spirit.
    Passionate about our Church, Its beliefs and teaching.
    Passionate about teaching the Word of God.
    Passionate about following the truth.
    Passionate about informing others of God – Our Lord Jesus Christ and His teachings.
    Passionate about what we believe which has assisted us to be passionate about the above.
    Passionate about our husband, wife, children, other relatives and friends.
    Passionate about our work and fulfilling it accordingly.
    Passionate about our patriotism, assisting our country, enhancing it and encouraging others to do likewise.
    Passionate positively which will help us to be loving, generous, gracious in words and actions and all other godly virtues which will make us happy and peaceful people.
    Wow! Consider the passionate ways we could live and act accordingly.
    It appears there is no end to passionate, loving ways…

    • Francis Chicago
      April 1, 2015

      Well said the amazing facts.

    • April 2, 2015

      Except that all of is motivated by your human senses –such as which can be here today and gone tomorrow. Today you are passionate about God; tomorrow something bad happens to you, your passionate attitude towards Him goes with that bad situation.

      You for an example is passionate about being rude to people , all of us here, has had a bad piece of your mouth–I am sure that you glory in doing this–that is an example of how passionate is a bad word, when it comes to our attitude and conducts in society.

      And so all of these “passionate”, which you have mentioned here, is all about works; but how much Love is in those works–when your senses of feel, taste, hear, smell, and see has motivated them all?

      But the things which we do has to be motivated by faith, for the glory of God, and Him alone, not to create impressions and to take the merits and praise for ourselves.

  8. anonymous2
    April 1, 2015

    How about more compassionate and honest people in DA.

    • April 1, 2015

      @anonymous2 April 1, 2015

      Right on, my friend! That is the word which the pastor should use if he did not want to use Love It came to my mind after I posted my comments–you mentioning it is not a coincident.

      Compassionate reveals the attitude and conduct of Love in all its ways, while passionate always demonstrate the desire of the flesh, including good actions–except that Apostle Paul tells us that we can do a lot of good things which is not motivated by Love–through the command of Holy Spirit 1st. Corinthians 13

      • Francisco Telemaque
        April 2, 2015

        Elizabeth, I still have a problem with the word compassionate, because that simply means having, or showing sympathy to someone because of unusual distressing circumstances affecting the individual.

        Now, if I found a child, or an adult in a distressing situation, my humanity, and feelings of love for another human would most probably cause me to pity the person; hence, my sympathy, or empathy may cause me to help them out of their distress.

        That is different from raising a family!

      • April 2, 2015

        Francisco Telemaque April 2, 2015 “I still have a problem with the word compassionate”

        Well why should you? If you love your family and those around you.

        A synonym for compassionate is “kindness” and kindness is a conduct of Love–in fact Kindness is one of the Fruit or Nature of Holy Spirit. Galatians 5: 22-23

        Other synonym for compassionate is “caring”, “concern” and “considerate”–all of these conducts or attitude would stem out from a person who is putting Love on display–how can those attitude and conducts not come from a person who is a family and friend person?”

        However a person who is “passionate” could be maintaining a “fiery” and/or “fervent” mindset–those two are the main synonym for passionate. Fervent” can be “fanatical” while “fiery” can be “quick tempered”; but there is more about those two synonyms.

        And so the difference between “compassionate” and “passionate” is very wide–there is no question about this.

  9. Francisco Telemaque
    April 1, 2015

    That is why in 2 Timothy 215, the Bible teaches “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

    I need to correct the chapter and verse: It is actually in 2 Timothy 2:15, and not 2 Timothy 215, that is an error.

  10. The Facts
    March 31, 2015

    From one generation to another, many of whom have predeceased us, a great harm has been done and also to society. Some who are still living are beyond learning. The Proverb: “Leopards do not change their color overnight.”
    The youths need to be taught accordingly, in the home, in church and in schools. Elders must do their part to educate them and imbed it in them, that when they grow to adulthood, they may remember and practice it. What a wonderful, happy and harmonious people in Dominica there would be as they, in turn, teach their children accordingly.
    We must leave Dominica (the world) a better place than we met it. Alas, it is so sad that we see what the world has become, worst than before. Therefore, in each community, country, those who are capable of changing this world and what it has become, should do so. Cooperation among nationals, the willing ones are absolutely necessary. God, who nothing is hidden from, will assist them accordingly.

  11. Shaka zulu
    March 31, 2015

    Pastor, now that you have highlighted a problem, what is the church doing to solve and help change the situation. If society is failing spiritually and morally then the religious out there is not doing a good job.

    May I suggest changing the wine to passion fruit juice. Alcohol leads to bad things. Just a suggestion!! Tsk tsk tsk :wink:

  12. March 31, 2015

    DNO is read in Canada and around the world bringing us this brief message from Pastor Carlisle about the family. The principles he has shared are as needed in Canada as in Dominica.

    ”As goes the family so goes the nation” is not understood as it should be. It is possible to discern a certain deterioration setting into the institution of the family and this is effecting the wellbeing of the nation.

    What we are seeing are things that contribute to the disintegration of the family.

    (1) A loss of appreciation for the institution of Biblical marriage which is the foundation of the family.

    (2) More homes being governed by an single parent.

    (3) Boys being raised without the influence of a father in the home.

    (4) Children not seeing a moral example in their parents.

    (5) Families having no religious instruction or regular church attendance.

    Yes, we need more passionate people committed to change.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International…

  13. The Evangelist
    March 31, 2015

    Pastor your message is almost too late and irrelevant. Like the saying goes, “Better late than never” but I am left to wonder why were you and other pastors muted 15 years ago when the foundation of the nation was severely attacked? Let’s do some introspection pastor. When did you first notice this decline? 1978-79? 1980-95? 1995-2000? 2000-2004 after the death of Piero? No! Back then the church still had a voice and the families were still strong and would speak out against evil. It is safe to say that the decline started in 2004, when some of our more affluent pastors, priests, bishops and evangelist began to publicly take political sides instead of spiritual conviction, which in my mind affected the family, the church, community and country. You all saw the wrongs but said nothing because you all were more concerned about protecting a party and individual than the nation. As a result, the devil came in, used our pastors, priests, evangelists, bishops and the church to do his…

    • April 1, 2015


      The change came gradually and by the time it became noticeable it had made significant gains.

      In a democracy the people choose their leaders and get the government they deserve. Christians are not the only ones who vote. There is a limit to what church leaders can do to effect social change. They can encourage people to vote for candidates who stand for righteousness but beyond that they cannot actually tell people who to vote for.

      If you are implying that all the church leaders in Dominica compromised with evil and refused to expose wrong doing in the government you are wrong. Your country has many faithful servants of God. My ministry – LIVING HOPE MINISTRIES – is an evangelistic outreach based in Canada. We are known world wide for our uncompromised Biblical stand for family and social values.

      Both Dominica and Canada need a heaven sent Holy Ghost revival to shake up the churches and transform the nations!

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International…

      • The Evangelist
        April 1, 2015

        @ REV. Donald Hill, I did not say All pastors as you stated; I said some of our most affluent ones. I agree we all have a choice to choose a government of our choice but however, as a church it is wrong to see them doing what is wrong without saying a thing. My brother, if you are saying there is a limit to what church leaders can do to effect change, then I must conclude that we are hopeless and helpless. I believe our influence is very powerful since more than 30% of us attend an evangelical church. That’s what Skerrit realized when he decided to buy our votes. he knew very well that if he gave them favors there is no way they would touch his wrong doings. So he gave some cash, some duty free, some air condition units, some new roof, some he made spiritual advisor, some he buried etc. Now when a politician does all the above for you and your congregation can you creticise his evils, even if they are blatant? That’s what happened to the local church. Gifts blind the bible teaches

  14. March 31, 2015

    Pastor Religion is the problem , the slave master teach you to beg and pray to a white jesus , thats why as Black people we are going no where soon. Carl Marx said religion is the drug of the mind. Religion works for the pastors who pray on poor stupid people.

    • March 31, 2015

      Jack, the people without religion are not doing so well. In difficult times they turn to people of faith for help.

      Karl Marx did a lot of writing. It was said he didn’t earn enough from his writings to pay for the cigars the smoked while he wrote. His life was very sad. His family was a disaster. His brain-child (communism) turned out to be a miserable failure. When it collapsed and the iron curtain in the USSR fell the head of the Communist Party, the head of the Secret Police, and the head of the KGB in Russia all committed suicide the same day.

      Jack, I don’t know what color the skin of our Lord Jesus was. We do know He was a Jew. There are black Jews! Christians have no problem with this. We also know many Black People love and serve Him! Some of our largest, strongest, and fastest growing churches in all the world are in Africa under the leadership of capable influential Black pastors.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

      • April 2, 2015


        In the third paragraph of my reply to Erickson Fabien.

        What Karl Marx actually said was “Religion is the OPINION of the people.”

        This should have been What Karl Marx actually said was “Religion is the Opium of the people.”

        Sorry! :oops:

        Sincerely, Rev. Don Hill

    • Erickson Fabien
      March 31, 2015

      Five questions for you, Jack:
      1. Did you mean that “Christianity” is the problem (as opposed to “religion”)? You didn’t say anything about other religions, such as Buddhism, Rastafarianism or Islam.
      2. Who taught the slave master to pray a white Jesus? Any idea?
      3. Are you implying that black people would be better off if they prayed to a black Jesus? or if they didn’t pray at all?
      4. Did Carl (correct spelling is Karl) actually say that?
      5. How does being religious undermine family values and destroy family life? Please explain.

      • April 2, 2015

        Most of the slave masters were godless men. This is not to say none had any church connection but they were not ”born again” men who knew the Lord.

        I have met thousands of evangelical black people who are dedicated Christians. These people are happy and successful.

        What Karl Marx actually said was “Religion is the opinion of the people.” It was so sad. Before he died his life showed he needed a good dose of it!

        I have not found Christianity undermines the family. My wife and I have been happily married for over 50 years. Our son lived at home until he was married. He and his wife have two children. They are a well adjusted family. We talk to them every week.

        After interacting with hundreds of black Christian families in my ministry in Brooklyn, N.Y., and the Caribbean I can assure you that Christianity did not undermine their families. They were as stable and well adjusted as any families I have ever met.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International…

    • out of south city
      March 31, 2015

      You can say it again Jack. The more religion there is the worse the nations become because we are still serving the masters who started these religions that were forced upon our forefathers/foremothers. Slavery has not been abolished but it has been transformed through religion.
      Truly the pastors, evangelists, bishops, priests are preying on the masses. It is time to emancipate ourselves from mental and spiritual slavery. Give the white man back his god and his jesus and find yourselves in your forefathers’ spirituality. We keep looking up to the sky for the return of a white man who will and cannot save us from anything. We need to look within for our own deliverance. How can the white man who enslaved our forefather free us? We have been living a lie for so long that we believe it is the truth. Unless Africa rises again we are bound to perish.


      • Massacre
        April 1, 2015

        It has never been written in any book the Jesus is white! So I dont see your point.
        You should try to understand the gift of “free-will.”
        Just because some people are bad , it does mean all are bad.

      • April 1, 2015

        The Bible does not say Jesus was white.

        The Bible does not say Jesus was black.

        I personally heard Dr. Billy Graham say ”Jesus was not a white man.” Then he gave his reason for saying that based on the color of people’s skin at that time in history in that part of the world.

        There is a rule called ”the silence of the scriptures”. The very fact that the Word of God is silent on this matter shows it is of no significance.

        If I was one of those idiots who believe in white superiority I might be offended if you told me Jesus was black and find it necessary to argue that he was white. But frankly I don’t know and to me it makes no difference. All I know is that when His precious Blood was shed it washed over me.

        I never once thought of the Savior’s color until a black Christian lady in Brooklyn, N.Y. told me
        ”Jesus was black you know.” I wondered why she found it necessary to tell me.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

      • April 1, 2015

        Strange you should say such things.

        Nowhere is Christianity spreading faster today than in Africa! Some of the largest, most influential, and fastest growing Christian churches in the world are in Africa. The good news of Jesus Christ is meeting the needs of the black people and giving them a better life. Otherwise they would not be so foolish as to embrace it! After all, according to you they already had a good life before Christianity came.

        People (black and white) are also drawn to Christ because of the evidence that supports His claims. We invite you to visit our website to investigate it for yourself at this Easter Season.

        Click onto SERMONS. Listen to my sermon entitled MANY INFALLIBLE PROOFS. I will share with you proofs that Christ rose again including the testimony of lawyers who have said the evidence for His resurrection would stand up today in a modern court of law.

        Accept the challenge.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill,…

      • The Facts
        April 1, 2015

        I saw Our Lord Jesus Christ in a dream. He is white. That night I had gone to Church and attended Holy Mass. After Holy Mass there was Benediction. Then a group of us attended Holy Bible studies in the Church Hall.
        When I returned I prayed the Holy Rosary and read a few passages of the Holy Bible. While sleeping, I had the dream that I saw Our Lord Jesus Christ, looking at me. He was a few feet away, near a bedroom wardrobe. This was no fiction. I thought he could have been protecting me from the evil one while I was sleeping or that he was pleased with me. No exaltation for me here. I give it all to Jesus.
        Who cares whether he is black, white or yellow? The fact is, “Attend to what He said that you might obtain eternal salvation.”
        Some of you dwell too much on color of skin. This gets you nowhere which is why you are so negative about the positive that others state.
        St. Paul said for now, we are walking by faith, not by sight. One day, you will find out.

      • April 1, 2015

        Reverend Hill April 1, 2015 “The very fact that the Word of God is silent on this matter shows it is of no significance”

        I agree with this idea above, because I understand that God Almighty is the Eternal Spirit, the Christ of Love and Holiness who made Himself a Temple–which is the physical body of the Man Jesus, whom He called Father–just as Holy Spirit indwells us, when we are born again.

        However the apostle John who wrote about Jesus, pointing out that He is the Christ, Himself, he told us, at the very first chapter of his Gospel that “He. (Jesus the Man), came to His own and His own did not receive Him” John 1: 11

        The Samaritan woman at the well saw Jesus for He was, she knew that He was not one her people–the Gentiles. John 4

        Then Jesus said to His disciples: “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd” John 10: 16. ——Read more below

      • April 1, 2015

        I always thinks for myself, thanks to God –especially that He gives me confirmation that my thought is the truth

        So what is my point? John 1: 11 tells that Jesus had a people in this world–those people at His time were ancient Israel, who were Jews; He had a human mother– think about that!.

        The lady at the well was a Gentile; separated from the Israelites, she knew that the Man who spoke with her was a Jew–think about that!

        John 10: 16 is clear that Jesus did not think of Himself as “Jew” or “Gentile”–He simply wanted people to live together in Love. Today those who has accept Jesus’ claims, and the gift of Life, which He has offered to us, we are the Spiritual Jews–the chosen people of God. We, being called Christians, should be in a relationship with Him, by faith.

        God is Spirit; His physical Person is Jesus, the Christ –He was identified as a Jew when He walked this Earth–for me, Jesus is my Lord, my Savior, my Shepherd, He is all I need.

      • April 6, 2015

        This is a strange comment.

        I know many black Christians. They are well adjusted. Christianity has helped – not hurt – their families.

        My wife and I spend several summers in Brooklyn, N.Y. ministering in black and Spanish churches. We had the privilege of interacting with hundreds of black families. There are exceptions to everything. But by and large they were wholesome and well adjusted. But it was the black families without Christ – with no Christian input in their lives – who had the most problems. The young black people we encountered who were in the gangs and on drugs
        did not come from the Christian homes.

        Here in Canada I know Christian black people who have come from Africa. They give thanks and praise to God for the time the Christian missionaries came to their continent and the good news of Jesus Christ reached their shores. They are glad they were raised by Christian parents, and want their own children to know Christ.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist

    • Francisco Telemaque
      March 31, 2015

      You know even what Isaac conveyed is nothing more than disgusting garbage, you and the guy who’s posting is before yours are compounding the issue with your unfounded comments. You see religion and Christianity are totally to different situation, different things

      The problem with the so, called Churches is that they do not preach “thus said Lord” the word of God is not preached or thought, rather we hear people in their so called church spewing their philosophical crap. The message under every circumstance must be about God, based on his, and his word only. If it is of God it shall stand, if it is not of God it will destroy itself: that is written in the word of God.

      Why are you compounding it with politics? The guy who talk about Pirero and his assume influence on any family is rubbish; the same as you talk about people praying to a white god! White people were not totally responsible for slavery, our Black ancestors sold our forefathers into slavery, hence they are…

      • Francisco Telemaque
        March 31, 2015

        Hence they are responsible also. Families should study the word of God, and not depend on some man who may read the Bible and may not even understand what he read, and go on a pulpit with his interpretation of the word, and by the time he stop rambling the congregation leave more confused than they were when they walked in.

        That is why in 2 Timothy 215, the Bible teaches “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” you see when we read and understand the word of God, as he puts it into our heart (our sprit), when we hear garbage spoken by some so called pasture we know it, hence we can live according to God words.

        If more people study the Bible in the book of Proverbs they would learn how to train their children, thus when they are grown they would not deviate from that teaching, hence, family would be different to what we see today.

      • The Facts
        April 1, 2015

        Have respect for the views of others. Present your views in an amicable manner. You are one ungodly, miserable man who always dispute and criticize what others state. You are no more intelligent than they are. Learn from others in order to mellow your mannerisms especially on this Website. You will be happier for it. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

      • Francis Chicago
        April 2, 2015

        Blasphemy is represented as a horrible sin.

    • The Facts
      March 31, 2015

      Non-religious people place it on religious ones. It is the other way around. The problem is non-religious people. If you are non-religious, you do not recognize God. Ignore God and He will turn his back on you until (if) you decide to return to him.
      Make good note of this. As it is stated, “God does not talk to his enemies.”
      People like Carl Max make the world a worst place to live. Listening to him, taking note of what he stated and using it against religion and religious people are bad enough for people as you Ask yourself, where is Carl Max today. If only you knew you would lament for the rest of your life.
      It is too bad you dwell on black people. I have previously stated, God does not care two hoots who is black, white, yellow, i.e., also the color of our skin. He created us all. What he cares about is how we treat others. This is the test for us, how we get along with others while on this journey to eternity, Heaven or Hell as each one deserves.

      • The Facts
        March 31, 2015

        Keep in mind, life is a two-way street. All must cooperate and live in love, harmony and peace with others. God expects nothing less from us in order to appease him.
        Our Lord taught us: “Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” It is in the Bible! And more. . . .

    • out of south city
      April 2, 2015

      I second the motion, jack. Our people have been brainwashed and they do not want to change their ideology.
      Religion is truly our problem ever since our forefathers were captured and brought into slavery. Religion was imposed on them and they forgot their spirituality, which the Europeans described as evil. That lie was passed unto us and today we are ashamed of true spirituality. Spirituality originated in Africa and it was not about Jesus, Mary and Joseph but Heru, Aset and Asar. Our ancestors left us their writings on the walls in the Pyramids in Egypt. They studied the universe and were great people. We have been made to despise, hate and be ashamed of our race. We have been divided by our oppressors and they have given us their religions that further divide us as a people. We hate the colour of our skin, our broad noses and thick lips. Some of us wish we were like our oppressors and go as far as bleaching our skin. We need to wake up as a race and re-evaluate what we believe.

  15. wild, wild voice
    March 31, 2015

    “We paid a lot of attention to things that would have alleviated or uplifted the family and maybe that is one of the reasons our country needs to have some introspection done in terms of how the country is ran.” I do not know the pastor but I like the conversation he started, though I wish he had used the word ‘church’ instead of country, since the strength of the church is the family, and the bedrock of any nation is the church. So the introspection should really start with the church. For example, what does the church have in their programs that is geared towards building and strengthening the family? It is sad to say but I think the church is unconsciously doing more to hurt the family than to build it. We need to realize that our culture has changed and therefore we need to adjust. Back then men were the bread winner while women were seen as the homemaker. Such is not the case today as more wives are employed today than men. As a result, time together has been affected.

    • wild, wild voice
      March 31, 2015

      In the 70’s when my dad came from work mom was home to cook, and when he comes home, at list 4 times a week, we would have meal together as a family. In todays world, more women are employed and when they get home at 5 or 6pm, they have no time to cook and the family never gets a chance to eat together except for those that are rich and are able to eat out together. On Saturdays, people hardly cook and Sundays, especially in the evangelical church, we have Sunday School at 9:30, worship service at 10:30-1Pm, which means no time for the family to enjoy a meal together. Why can we not adjust? Another thing that has greatly affected the church and the country by extension is our partisan politics. Back then politicians respected us knowing very well we would condemn all manner of evil. Such is not the case today. Not only are we accepting evil as a church, but we are deeply involved in wrong doing. So no one respects us as the church is divided, family divided and the country is divided

    • April 1, 2015

      @wild, wild voice March 31, 2015

      The Church, herself was meant to be a Family –God’s Family in Jesus Christ –but most people do not consider that fact and to be steadfast in maintaining the attitude and conduct of Love, in the Church and outside of it–that is what Jesus wants us to do.

      And if the Love was in the congregation, definitely it would go home to the immediate family, hence we would have growth both spiritually and physically –the Mind of will do the works of Love.

      That what Prophet Isaiah said pertaining to his people “ancient Israel” “All we like sheep have gone astray;
      We have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53: 6

      If we won’t try to live in harmony, then whatever we try to build will fail, for God has given each of us a certain gift to build the structure of Life all in all. We need each other

      • The Facts
        April 1, 2015

        I heard on a US Catholic program, “People dishonor God as they dishonor everything as also their marriage.”
        If they honored God and genuinely so, they would act in godliness toward everyone, be it in their comments.
        Their homes would be a haven of love, happiness and peace. They would nurture their children accordingly.
        Their indifference is the result of lack of love, division and disunity.
        Some people are not willing to learn and change. If not, as they stubbornly refuse, there will be no hope for them as they live and when they die.
        No matter what objections and rejections, we must continue propagating and stating the truth, knowing that God is listening and taking note.
        Fear no one.

      • Francis Chicago
        April 2, 2015

        The great Lizavier4Jesus .You need to call tex email write fax this man call Francisco Telemaque about love peace harmony.

  16. mine
    March 31, 2015

    I hope your fellow Pastors get this message, How can we be passionate when the pastors don’t practice what they preach.

    • April 1, 2015

      I suspect most pastors do practice what they preach.

      Many of us would not have chosen to be a pastor or an evangelist. The Bible says ”And no man takes this honor onto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron.” (Hebrews 5:4). I remember the day and where I was standing when I realized the call of God was upon my life. I was a teenager and the world was just beginning to look oh, so bright.

      Mine, I would be afraid to speak as you have spoken. Yes, there are some in the ministry who do not belong. People do make honest mistakes when it comes to their career. But a true pastor is a person called by God. God has raised up that individual to be a shepherd serving under Christ who is the ”good shepherd” and the ”great shepherd” to care for His sheep. He is not perfect and he will at times fail. But God will allow no man to do him wrong. In fact he stands in the place of Christ as an ambassador. He is heaven’s envoy.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill…

      • mine
        April 1, 2015

        Sorry Sir, Why are you so defensive? Who the cap fits let them wear it. Many of them don’t practice what they preach.

    • The Facts
      April 1, 2015

      How can you make such a comment? Who are you actually judging? Judge no one but yourself.

  17. Francisco Telemaque
    March 31, 2015

    I think you chose the wrong word in this context; because when we speak of “passion” we are implying the suffering of Christ between the night of the Last Supper, and his death, or the state or capacity of being acted on by external agents or forces. Or ” simply emotion.”

    Passionate implies: easily aroused to anger, or filled with anger, or capable of, or affected by, or expressing intense feelings okay! So where as you are calling for passionate people in the country, to me it appears you are demanding that people should become angry!

    I do not think a bunch of ignorant angry people can serve any useful purpose in rising a family. I think that family’s should learn to love each other: Love in this case means tolerance, and caring about each family member, in so doing they will have no difficulties loving and respecting the stranger in the streets. These days money and material takes precedence over family love!

    • Roseau
      March 31, 2015

      Francisco so you think is you a lone that know the English language? The Pastor said what he felt and wanted to say .

      • Francisco Telemaque
        March 31, 2015

        No comments, if you are contented, and satisfied with his chosen word, I say more power to you, nevertheless, I reiterate he used it wrong in the context he used it.

        To each his own; matter closed!

    • April 1, 2015

      Francisco Telemaque March 31, 2015 “Passionate implies: easily aroused to anger, or filled with anger, or capable of, or affected by, or expressing intense feelings”

      Telemaque for the first time in a long time you have said something which I agree with, I was going to write about but same term, but I was too lazy at the time, that is not a good excuse either.

      “Passionate” is definitely the wrong term for this discuss, because it takes many forms, both fervently and fiery, which are other terms for it–most of them are bad. For example can have a passion to kill, meaning they will passionately do the killing–a Pastor should know this.

      That is the way the people are being misguided as from the beginning–the term, idea, or action comes out from a person or a few people and we all embrace as the perfect truth–the bling asking the death do you see what I hear–good Lord!

      • April 1, 2015

        But while I am at it, I was wondering why did that Pastor not use the term “Love” or does he not know what Love is about? For Love is the base of every message in the Bible, since it is a message of Life in Love–For God is Love!

        Jesus said to His disciples “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another John 13: 34-35

        Unfortunately the pastors, preachers, and priest do not preach those messages–in fact the majority of people have a misconception of Love–I would not be surprised if that was the reason that pastor used “passionate” in this message. However those who killed Jesus did so quite passionately–let us not forget that.

      • winston warrington
        April 1, 2015

        Passion also conveys intensity of emotion. Could the pastor intend that intensity of love and devotion is lacking? There is a passion that drives conviction and belief such as is found in converts, zealots of faith, neophytes and others bold enough to defend what is perceived as truth. This might be the Pastor’s slant.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        April 1, 2015

        Dear writer of books, (and that’s not sarcastic): I must return the same complement to you, glad you saw it, and effectively nailed it with some truth. You see the problem is that some people are quick to accept the words, which proceeds out of the mouth of those who claim to be preachers of God words.

        That quick acceptance, and not thinking and able to analyze things for themselves has caused lots of problems in the life’s of many people, and especially Dominicans. Just because some preacher said something does not mean he is correct. We are all sinners, and imperfect, and no one man/woman has more authority on the word of God than any other person alive.

        It is so silly for someone to dodge the issue and ask me “if I believe I am the only one who can speak the English language, that is a stupid question, that person rather accept the nonsense, rather than agreeing the word is out of context!

    • The Facts
      April 1, 2015

      You cannot deceive us, most of all God.
      You must be referring to yourself. The change begins with you.

    • The Facts
      April 2, 2015

      I have heard some people say, “I am passionate about this or that.” It means I have a desire for this or that, be it food, drink or a desire to do something. Which is also what passionate means. It is a word commonly used in this era.
      You should know English words have different meanings and are used accordingly. For instance note:

      Passionate also means showing intense emotion – expressing intense feeling; a passionate speech on human rights.
      Enthusiastic – having a keen enthusiasm or intense desire for something – a passionate golfer, etc.
      Having strong emotions – tending to have strong feelings, especially of love, desire, or enthusiasm.
      As you can see the word “passionate” means more than you assume. It is correctly used instead of the word “love” for this and for that. Passionate sounds stronger depicting an eagerness.
      Some people could also be passionate about their hobby as also a traveler will be passionate about flying and visiting various countries.

  18. Titiwi
    March 31, 2015

    Please pastor, spill it out, what are the developments that have curtailed our development as family. Stop speaking in riddles and call a spade a spade. I’m no sheep so no need for a pastor, especially those who do not speak out clearly to give firm direction to their flock instead of running them around in circles. Thank you in advance.

    • The Facts
      April 1, 2015

      Do you need any further explanation? Then, refer to Holy Scripture, especially the New Testament. There, you will find all the answers.that you are seeking. If you still do not comprehend, pray to God for enlightenment.

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